Toshio Kuratomi 46b1a999c6
Collections docs generation backport (#70515)
* Build documentation for Ansible-2.10 (formerly known as ACD).

Builds plugin docs from collections whose source is on galaxy

The new command downloads collections from galaxy, then finds the
plugins inside of them to get the documentation for those plugins.

* Update the python syntax checks
  * docs builds can now require python 3.6+.

* Move plugin formatter code out to an external tool, antsibull-docs.
  Collection owners want to be able to extract docs for their own
  websites as well.
* The jinja2 filters, tests, and other support code have moved to antsibull
* Remove document_plugins as that has now been integrated into antsibull-docs

* Cleanup and bugfix to other build script code:
  * The Commands class needed to have its metaclass set for abstractmethod
    to work correctly
  * Fix lint issues in some command plugins

* Add the docs/docsite/rst/collections to .gitignore as
  everything in that directory will be generated so we don't want any of
  it saved in the git repository
* gitignore the build dir and remove edit docs link on module pages

* Add docs/rst/collections as a directory to remove on make clean
* Split the collections docs from the main docs

* remove version and edit on github
* remove version banner for just collections
* clarify examples need collection keyword defined

* Remove references to plugin documentation locations that no longer exist.
  * Perhaps the pages in plugins/*.rst should be deprecated
    altogether and their content moved?
  * If not, perhaps we want to rephrase and link into the collection
  * Or perhaps we want to link to the plugins which are present in

* Remove PYTHONPATH from the build-ansible calls
  One of the design goals of the script was for it to
  automatically set its library path to include the checkout of ansible
  and the library of code to implement itself.  Because it automatically
  includes the checkout of ansible, we don't need to set PYTHONPATH in
  the Makefile any longer.

* Create a command to only build ansible-base plugin docs
  * When building docs for devel, only build the ansible-base docs for
    now.  This is because antsibull needs support for building a "devel
    tree" of docs.  This can be changed once that is implemented
  * When building docs for the sanity tests, only build the ansible-base
    plugin docs for now.  Those are the docs which are in this repo so
    that seems appropriate for now.

* Docs: User guide overhaul, part 5 (#70307)

(cherry picked from commit db354c0300)

* Need to return any error code from running antsibull-docs (#70763)

This way we fail early if there's a problem

(cherry picked from commit 1e3989c9f7)

Co-authored-by: Alicia Cozine <>
2020-07-20 14:28:35 -07:00

216 lines
8.7 KiB

.. _playbooks_strategies:
Controlling playbook execution: strategies and more
By default, Ansible runs each task on all hosts affected by a play before starting the next task on any host, using 5 forks. If you want to change this default behavior, you can use a different strategy plugin, change the number of forks, or apply one of several keywords like ``serial``.
.. contents::
Selecting a strategy
The default behavior described above is the :ref:`linear strategy<linear_strategy>`. Ansible offers other strategies, including the :ref:`debug strategy<debug_strategy>` (see also :ref:`playbook_debugger`) and the :ref:`free strategy<free_strategy>`, which allows each host to run until the end of the play as fast as it can::
- hosts: all
strategy: free
You can select a different strategy for each play as shown above, or set your preferred strategy globally in ``ansible.cfg``, under the ``defaults`` stanza::
strategy = free
All strategies are implemented as :ref:`strategy plugins<strategy_plugins>`. Please review the documentation for each strategy plugin for details on how it works.
Setting the number of forks
If you have the processing power available and want to use more forks, you can set the number in ``ansible.cfg``::
forks = 30
or pass it on the command line: `ansible-playbook -f 30 my_playbook.yml`.
Using keywords to control execution
In addition to strategies, several :ref:`keywords<playbook_keywords>` also affect play execution. You can set a number, a percentage, or a list of numbers of hosts you want to manage at a time with ``serial``. Ansible completes the play on the specified number or percentage of hosts before starting the next batch of hosts. You can restrict the number of workers allotted to a block or task with ``throttle``. You can control how Ansible selects the next host in a group to execute against with ``order``. You can run a task on a single host with ``run_once``. These keywords are not strategies. They are directives or options applied to a play, block, or task.
.. _rolling_update_batch_size:
Setting the batch size with ``serial``
By default, Ansible runs in parallel against all the hosts in the :ref:`pattern <intro_patterns>` you set in the ``hosts:`` field of each play. If you want to manage only a few machines at a time, for example during a rolling update, you can define how many hosts Ansible should manage at a single time using the ``serial`` keyword::
- name: test play
hosts: webservers
serial: 2
gather_facts: False
- name: first task
command: hostname
- name: second task
command: hostname
In the above example, if we had 4 hosts in the group 'webservers', Ansible would execute the play completely (both tasks) on 2 of the hosts before moving on to the next 2 hosts::
PLAY [webservers] ****************************************
TASK [first task] ****************************************
changed: [web2]
changed: [web1]
TASK [second task] ***************************************
changed: [web1]
changed: [web2]
PLAY [webservers] ****************************************
TASK [first task] ****************************************
changed: [web3]
changed: [web4]
TASK [second task] ***************************************
changed: [web3]
changed: [web4]
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************
web1 : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
web2 : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
web3 : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
web4 : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
You can also specify a percentage with the ``serial`` keyword. Ansible applies the percentage to the total number of hosts in a play to determine the number of hosts per pass::
- name: test play
hosts: webservers
serial: "30%"
If the number of hosts does not divide equally into the number of passes, the final pass contains the remainder. In this example, if you had 20 hosts in the webservers group, the first batch would contain 6 hosts, the second batch would contain 6 hosts, the third batch would contain 6 hosts, and the last batch would contain 2 hosts.
You can also specify batch sizes as a list. For example::
- name: test play
hosts: webservers
- 1
- 5
- 10
In the above example, the first batch would contain a single host, the next would contain 5 hosts, and (if there are any hosts left), every following batch would contain either 10 hosts or all the remaining hosts, if fewer than 10 hosts remained.
You can list multiple batch sizes as percentages::
- name: test play
hosts: webservers
- "10%"
- "20%"
- "100%"
You can also mix and match the values::
- name: test play
hosts: webservers
- 1
- 5
- "20%"
.. note::
No matter how small the percentage, the number of hosts per pass will always be 1 or greater.
Restricting execution with ``throttle``
The ``throttle`` keyword limits the number of workers for a particular task. It can be set at the block and task level. Use ``throttle`` to restrict tasks that may be CPU-intensive or interact with a rate-limiting API::
- command: /path/to/cpu_intensive_command
throttle: 1
If you have already restricted the number of forks or the number of machines to execute against in parallel, you can reduce the number of workers with ``throttle``, but you cannot increase it. In other words, to have an effect, your ``throttle`` setting must be lower than your ``forks`` or ``serial`` setting if you are using them together.
Ordering execution based on inventory
The ``order`` keyword controls the order in which hosts are run. Possible values for order are:
(default) The order provided in the inventory
The reverse of the order provided by the inventory
Sorted alphabetically sorted by name
Sorted by name in reverse alphabetical order
Randomly ordered on each run
Other keywords that affect play execution include ``ignore_errors``, ``ignore_unreachable``, and ``any_errors_fatal``. These options are documented in :ref:`playbooks_error_handling`.
.. _run_once:
Running on a single machine with ``run_once``
If you want a task to run only on the first host in your batch of hosts, set ``run_once`` to true on that task::
# ...
# ...
- command: /opt/application/
run_once: true
# ...
Ansible executes this task on the first host in the current batch and applies all results and facts to all the hosts in the same batch. This approach is similar to applying a conditional to a task such as::
- command: /opt/application/
when: inventory_hostname == webservers[0]
However, with ``run_once``, the results are applied to all the hosts. To run the task on a specific host, instead of the first host in the batch, delegate the task::
- command: /opt/application/
run_once: true
As always with :ref:`delegation <playbooks_delegation>`, the action will be executed on the delegated host, but the information is still that of the original host in the task.
.. note::
When used together with ``serial``, tasks marked as ``run_once`` will be run on one host in *each* serial batch. If the task must run only once regardless of ``serial`` mode, use
:code:`when: inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[0]` construct.
.. note::
Any conditional (i.e `when:`) will use the variables of the 'first host' to decide if the task runs or not, no other hosts will be tested.
.. note::
If you want to avoid the default behavior of setting the fact for all hosts, set ``delegate_facts: True`` for the specific task or block.
.. seealso::
An introduction to playbooks
Running tasks on or assigning facts to specific machines
Playbook organization by roles
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