* Build documentation for Ansible-2.10 (formerly known as ACD). Builds plugin docs from collections whose source is on galaxy The new command downloads collections from galaxy, then finds the plugins inside of them to get the documentation for those plugins. * Update the python syntax checks * docs builds can now require python 3.6+. * Move plugin formatter code out to an external tool, antsibull-docs. Collection owners want to be able to extract docs for their own websites as well. * The jinja2 filters, tests, and other support code have moved to antsibull * Remove document_plugins as that has now been integrated into antsibull-docs * Cleanup and bugfix to other build script code: * The Commands class needed to have its metaclass set for abstractmethod to work correctly * Fix lint issues in some command plugins * Add the docs/docsite/rst/collections to .gitignore as everything in that directory will be generated so we don't want any of it saved in the git repository * gitignore the build dir and remove edit docs link on module pages * Add docs/rst/collections as a directory to remove on make clean * Split the collections docs from the main docs * remove version and edit on github * remove version banner for just collections * clarify examples need collection keyword defined * Remove references to plugin documentation locations that no longer exist. * Perhaps the pages in plugins/*.rst should be deprecated altogether and their content moved? * If not, perhaps we want to rephrase and link into the collection documentation? * Or perhaps we want to link to the plugins which are present in collections/ansible/builtin? * Remove PYTHONPATH from the build-ansible calls One of the design goals of the build-ansible.py script was for it to automatically set its library path to include the checkout of ansible and the library of code to implement itself. Because it automatically includes the checkout of ansible, we don't need to set PYTHONPATH in the Makefile any longer. * Create a command to only build ansible-base plugin docs * When building docs for devel, only build the ansible-base docs for now. This is because antsibull needs support for building a "devel tree" of docs. This can be changed once that is implemented * When building docs for the sanity tests, only build the ansible-base plugin docs for now. Those are the docs which are in this repo so that seems appropriate for now.
290 lines
9.7 KiB
290 lines
9.7 KiB
# WARN: gmake syntax
# Makefile for Ansible
# useful targets:
# make clean ---------------- clean up
# make webdocs -------------- produce ansible doc at docs/docsite/_build/html
# make sdist ---------------- produce a tarball
# make deb-src -------------- produce a DEB source
# make deb ------------------ produce a DEB
# make docs ----------------- rebuild the manpages (results are checked in)
# make tests ---------------- run the tests (see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/dev_guide/testing_units.html for requirements)
# variable section
NAME = ansible-base
OS = $(shell uname -s)
PREFIX ?= '/usr/local'
SDIST_DIR ?= 'dist'
# This doesn't evaluate until it's called. The -D argument is the
# directory of the target file ($@), kinda like `dirname`.
MANPAGES ?= $(patsubst %.rst.in,%,$(wildcard ./docs/man/man1/ansible*.1.rst.in))
ifneq ($(shell which rst2man 2>/dev/null),)
ASCII2MAN = rst2man $< $@
else ifneq ($(shell which rst2man.py 2>/dev/null),)
ASCII2MAN = rst2man.py $< $@
ASCII2MAN = @echo "ERROR: rst2man from docutils command is not installed but is required to build $(MANPAGES)" && exit 1
GENERATE_CLI = hacking/build-ansible.py generate-man
# fetch version from project release.py as single source-of-truth
VERSION := $(shell $(PYTHON) packaging/release/versionhelper/version_helper.py --raw || echo error)
ifeq ($(findstring error,$(VERSION)), error)
$(error "version_helper failed")
# Get the branch information from git
ifneq ($(shell which git),)
GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ci")
GIT_HASH := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%h")
GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | sed 's/[-_.\/]//g')
ifeq ($(shell echo $(OS) | egrep -c 'Darwin|FreeBSD|OpenBSD|DragonFly'),1)
DATE := $(shell date -j -r $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ct") +%Y%m%d%H%M)
CPUS ?= $(shell sysctl hw.ncpu|awk '{print $$2}')
DATE := $(shell date --utc --date="$(GIT_DATE)" +%Y%m%d%H%M)
CPUS ?= $(shell nproc)
# DEB build parameters
DEBUILD_BIN ?= debuild
DEBUILD_OPTS = --source-option="-I"
DPUT_BIN ?= dput
DEB_DATE := $(shell LC_TIME=C date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T %z")
DEB_VERSION ?= $(shell $(PYTHON) packaging/release/versionhelper/version_helper.py --debversion)
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
DEB_RELEASE ?= $(shell $(PYTHON) packaging/release/versionhelper/version_helper.py --debrelease)ppa
# Sign OFFICIAL builds using 'DEBSIGN_KEYID'
# DEBSIGN_KEYID is required when signing
ifneq ($(DEBSIGN_KEYID),)
# Do not sign unofficial builds
DEBUILD_OPTS += -uc -us
DEB_PPA ?= ppa
# Choose the desired Ubuntu release: lucid precise saucy trusty
DEB_DIST ?= unstable
# pbuilder parameters
PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR = /var/cache/pbuilder
PBUILDER_BIN ?= pbuilder
PBUILDER_OPTS ?= --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd --architecture $(PBUILDER_ARCH) --debbuildopts -b
# ansible-test parameters
ANSIBLE_TEST ?= bin/ansible-test
# ansible-test units parameters (make test / make test-py3)
PYTHON_VERSION ?= $(shell python2 -c 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:2])')
PYTHON3_VERSION ?= $(shell python3 -c 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:2])')
# ansible-test integration parameters (make integration)
IMAGE ?= centos7
.PHONY: all
all: clean python
.PHONY: tests
.PHONY: tests-py3
$(ANSIBLE_TEST) units -v --python $(PYTHON3_VERSION) $(TEST_FLAGS)
.PHONY: integration
$(ANSIBLE_TEST) integration -v --docker $(IMAGE) $(TARGET) $(TEST_FLAGS)
# Regenerate %.1.rst if %.1.rst.in has been modified more
# recently than %.1.rst.
%.1.rst: %.1.rst.in
sed "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/" $< > $@
rm $<
# Regenerate %.1 if %.1.rst or release.py has been modified more
# recently than %.1. (Implicitly runs the %.1.rst recipe)
%.1: %.1.rst lib/ansible/release.py
.PHONY: clean
@echo "Cleaning up distutils stuff"
rm -rf build
rm -rf dist
rm -rf lib/ansible*.egg-info/
@echo "Cleaning up byte compiled python stuff"
find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete
find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -delete
@echo "Cleaning up editor backup files"
find . -type f -not -path ./test/units/inventory_test_data/group_vars/noparse/all.yml~ \( -name "*~" -or -name "#*" \) -delete
find . -type f \( -name "*.swp" \) -delete
@echo "Cleaning up manpage stuff"
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.xml" -delete
find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.rst" -delete
find ./docs/man/man3 -type f -name "*.3" -delete
rm -f ./docs/man/man1/*
@echo "Cleaning up output from test runs"
rm -rf test/test_data
rm -rf shippable/
rm -rf logs/
rm -rf .cache/
rm -f test/units/.coverage*
rm -rf test/results/*/*
find test/ -type f -name '*.retry' -delete
@echo "Cleaning up symlink cache"
rm -f SYMLINK_CACHE.json
@echo "Cleaning up Debian building stuff"
rm -rf debian
rm -rf deb-build
rm -rf docs/json
rm -rf docs/js
@echo "Cleaning up docsite"
$(MAKE) -C docs/docsite clean
.PHONY: python
$(PYTHON) setup.py build
.PHONY: install
$(PYTHON) setup.py install
gzip -9 $(wildcard ./docs/man/man1/ansible*.1)
cp $(wildcard ./docs/man/man1/ansible*.1.gz) $(PREFIX)/man/man1/
.PHONY: sdist_check
$(PYTHON) -c 'import setuptools, sys; sys.exit(int(not (tuple(map(int, setuptools.__version__.split("."))) > (39, 2, 0))))'
$(PYTHON) packaging/sdist/check-link-behavior.py
.PHONY: sdist
sdist: sdist_check clean docs
_ANSIBLE_SDIST_FROM_MAKEFILE=1 $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist --dist-dir=$(SDIST_DIR)
# Official releases generate the changelog as the last commit before the release.
# Snapshots shouldn't result in new checkins so the changelog is generated as
# part of creating the tarball.
.PHONY: snapshot
snapshot: sdist_check clean docs changelog
_ANSIBLE_SDIST_FROM_MAKEFILE=1 $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist --dist-dir=$(SDIST_DIR)
.PHONY: sdist_upload
sdist_upload: clean docs
$(PYTHON) setup.py sdist upload 2>&1 |tee upload.log
.PHONY: changelog
PYTHONPATH=./lib antsibull-changelog release -vv --use-ansible-doc && PYTHONPATH=./lib antsibull-changelog generate -vv --use-ansible-doc
.PHONY: debian
debian: sdist
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
mkdir -p deb-build/$${DIST} ; \
tar -C deb-build/$${DIST} -xvf dist/$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ; \
cp -a packaging/debian deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ ; \
sed -ie "s|%VERSION%|$(DEB_VERSION)|g;s|%RELEASE%|$(DEB_RELEASE)|;s|%DIST%|$${DIST}|g;s|%DATE%|$(DEB_DATE)|g" deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/changelog ; \
.PHONY: deb
deb: deb-src
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
PBUILDER_OPTS="$(PBUILDER_OPTS) --distribution $${DIST} --basetgz $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$${DIST}-$(PBUILDER_ARCH)-base.tgz --buildresult $(CURDIR)/deb-build/$${DIST}" ; \
$(PBUILDER_BIN) create $${PBUILDER_OPTS} --othermirror "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $${DIST} universe" ; \
$(PBUILDER_BIN) build $${PBUILDER_OPTS} deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}.dsc ; \
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Ansible DEB artifacts:"
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
echo deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_amd64.changes ; \
@echo "#############################################"
# Build package outside of pbuilder, with locally installed dependencies.
# Install BuildRequires as noted in packaging/debian/control.
.PHONY: local_deb
local_deb: debian
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
(cd deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ && $(DEBUILD) -b) ; \
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Ansible DEB artifacts:"
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
echo deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_amd64.changes ; \
@echo "#############################################"
.PHONY: deb-src
deb-src: debian
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
(cd deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ && $(DEBUILD) -S) ; \
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Ansible DEB artifacts:"
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
echo deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_source.changes ; \
@echo "#############################################"
.PHONY: deb-upload
deb-upload: deb
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
$(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_amd64.changes ; \
.PHONY: deb-src-upload
deb-src-upload: deb-src
@for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \
$(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_source.changes ; \
.PHONY: epub
(cd docs/docsite/; CPUS=$(CPUS) $(MAKE) epub)
# for arch or gentoo, read instructions in the appropriate 'packaging' subdirectory directory
.PHONY: webdocs
(cd docs/docsite/; CPUS=$(CPUS) $(MAKE) docs)
.PHONY: linkcheckdocs
(cd docs/docsite/; CPUS=$(CPUS) $(MAKE) linkcheckdocs)
.PHONY: generate_rst
generate_rst: lib/ansible/cli/*.py
mkdir -p ./docs/man/man1/ ; \
$(GENERATE_CLI) --template-file=docs/templates/man.j2 --output-dir=docs/man/man1/ --output-format man lib/ansible/cli/*.py
docs: generate_rst
.PHONY: alldocs
alldocs: docs webdocs
@echo $(VERSION)