In the case of a free style strategy, it is possible to end up with multiple hosts trying to include from the same role, however the tasks being included may be different with the use of tasks_from. Previously if you had two hosts that were included the same role when the process_include_results function tries to determine if a included needs to be run on a specific host, it would end up merging two different tasks into which ever one was processed first. This change updates the equality check to also check if the task uuid associated with the IncludedFile is the same. The previous check only checked if the task's parent uuid was the same. This breaks down when both includes have the same parent. - hosts: all strategy: free gather_facts: false tasks: - include_role: name: random_sleep - block: - name: set a fact (1) include_role: name: set_a_fact tasks_from: fact1.yml - name: set a fact (2) include_role: name: set_a_fact tasks_from: fact2.yml - name: include didn't run fail: msg: > set_a_fact didn't run fact1: {{ fact1 | default('not defined')}} fact2: {{ fact2 | default('not defined') }}" when: (fact1 is not defined or fact2 is not defined) Closes #69521
332 lines
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# (c) 2016, Adrian Likins <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import pytest
from units.compat.mock import MagicMock
from units.mock.loader import DictDataLoader
from ansible.playbook.block import Block
from ansible.playbook.task import Task
from ansible.playbook.task_include import TaskInclude
from ansible.playbook.role_include import IncludeRole
from ansible.executor import task_result
from ansible.playbook.included_file import IncludedFile
from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError
def mock_iterator():
mock_iterator = MagicMock(name='MockIterator')
mock_iterator._play = MagicMock(name='MockPlay')
return mock_iterator
def mock_variable_manager():
# TODO: can we use a real VariableManager?
mock_variable_manager = MagicMock(name='MockVariableManager')
mock_variable_manager.get_vars.return_value = dict()
return mock_variable_manager
def test_equals_ok():
uuid = '111-111'
parent = MagicMock(name='MockParent')
parent._uuid = uuid
task = MagicMock(name='MockTask')
task._uuid = uuid
task._parent = parent
inc_a = IncludedFile('a.yml', {}, {}, task)
inc_b = IncludedFile('a.yml', {}, {}, task)
assert inc_a == inc_b
def test_equals_different_tasks():
parent = MagicMock(name='MockParent')
parent._uuid = '111-111'
task_a = MagicMock(name='MockTask')
task_a._uuid = '11-11'
task_a._parent = parent
task_b = MagicMock(name='MockTask')
task_b._uuid = '22-22'
task_b._parent = parent
inc_a = IncludedFile('a.yml', {}, {}, task_a)
inc_b = IncludedFile('a.yml', {}, {}, task_b)
assert inc_a != inc_b
def test_equals_different_parents():
parent_a = MagicMock(name='MockParent')
parent_a._uuid = '111-111'
parent_b = MagicMock(name='MockParent')
parent_b._uuid = '222-222'
task_a = MagicMock(name='MockTask')
task_a._uuid = '11-11'
task_a._parent = parent_a
task_b = MagicMock(name='MockTask')
task_b._uuid = '11-11'
task_b._parent = parent_b
inc_a = IncludedFile('a.yml', {}, {}, task_a)
inc_b = IncludedFile('a.yml', {}, {}, task_b)
assert inc_a != inc_b
def test_included_file_instantiation():
filename = 'somefile.yml'
inc_file = IncludedFile(filename=filename, args={}, vars={}, task=None)
assert isinstance(inc_file, IncludedFile)
assert inc_file._filename == filename
assert inc_file._args == {}
assert inc_file._vars == {}
assert inc_file._task is None
def test_process_include_results(mock_iterator, mock_variable_manager):
hostname = "testhost1"
hostname2 = "testhost2"
parent_task_ds = {'debug': 'msg=foo'}
parent_task = Task.load(parent_task_ds)
parent_task._play = None
task_ds = {'include': 'include_test.yml'}
loaded_task = TaskInclude.load(task_ds, task_include=parent_task)
return_data = {'include': 'include_test.yml'}
# The task in the TaskResult has to be a TaskInclude so it has a .static attr
result1 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname, task=loaded_task, return_data=return_data)
result2 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname2, task=loaded_task, return_data=return_data)
results = [result1, result2]
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({'include_test.yml': ""})
res = IncludedFile.process_include_results(results, mock_iterator, fake_loader, mock_variable_manager)
assert isinstance(res, list)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]._filename == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'include_test.yml')
assert res[0]._hosts == ['testhost1', 'testhost2']
assert res[0]._args == {}
assert res[0]._vars == {}
def test_process_include_diff_files(mock_iterator, mock_variable_manager):
hostname = "testhost1"
hostname2 = "testhost2"
parent_task_ds = {'debug': 'msg=foo'}
parent_task = Task.load(parent_task_ds)
parent_task._play = None
task_ds = {'include': 'include_test.yml'}
loaded_task = TaskInclude.load(task_ds, task_include=parent_task)
loaded_task._play = None
child_task_ds = {'include': 'other_include_test.yml'}
loaded_child_task = TaskInclude.load(child_task_ds, task_include=loaded_task)
loaded_child_task._play = None
return_data = {'include': 'include_test.yml'}
# The task in the TaskResult has to be a TaskInclude so it has a .static attr
result1 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname, task=loaded_task, return_data=return_data)
return_data = {'include': 'other_include_test.yml'}
result2 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname2, task=loaded_child_task, return_data=return_data)
results = [result1, result2]
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({'include_test.yml': "",
'other_include_test.yml': ""})
res = IncludedFile.process_include_results(results, mock_iterator, fake_loader, mock_variable_manager)
assert isinstance(res, list)
assert res[0]._filename == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'include_test.yml')
assert res[1]._filename == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'other_include_test.yml')
assert res[0]._hosts == ['testhost1']
assert res[1]._hosts == ['testhost2']
assert res[0]._args == {}
assert res[1]._args == {}
assert res[0]._vars == {}
assert res[1]._vars == {}
def test_process_include_simulate_free(mock_iterator, mock_variable_manager):
hostname = "testhost1"
hostname2 = "testhost2"
parent_task_ds = {'debug': 'msg=foo'}
parent_task1 = Task.load(parent_task_ds)
parent_task2 = Task.load(parent_task_ds)
parent_task1._play = None
parent_task2._play = None
task_ds = {'include': 'include_test.yml'}
loaded_task1 = TaskInclude.load(task_ds, task_include=parent_task1)
loaded_task2 = TaskInclude.load(task_ds, task_include=parent_task2)
return_data = {'include': 'include_test.yml'}
# The task in the TaskResult has to be a TaskInclude so it has a .static attr
result1 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname, task=loaded_task1, return_data=return_data)
result2 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname2, task=loaded_task2, return_data=return_data)
results = [result1, result2]
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({'include_test.yml': ""})
res = IncludedFile.process_include_results(results, mock_iterator, fake_loader, mock_variable_manager)
assert isinstance(res, list)
assert len(res) == 2
assert res[0]._filename == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'include_test.yml')
assert res[1]._filename == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'include_test.yml')
assert res[0]._hosts == ['testhost1']
assert res[1]._hosts == ['testhost2']
assert res[0]._args == {}
assert res[1]._args == {}
assert res[0]._vars == {}
assert res[1]._vars == {}
def test_process_include_simulate_free_block_role_tasks(mock_iterator,
"""Test loading the same role returns different included files
In the case of free, we may end up with included files from roles that
have the same parent but are different tasks. Previously the comparison
for equality did not check if the tasks were the same and only checked
that the parents were the same. This lead to some tasks being run
incorrectly and some tasks being silient dropped."""
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({
'include_test.yml': "",
'/etc/ansible/roles/foo_role/tasks/task1.yml': """
- debug: msg=task1
'/etc/ansible/roles/foo_role/tasks/task2.yml': """
- debug: msg=task2
hostname = "testhost1"
hostname2 = "testhost2"
role1_ds = {
'name': 'task1 include',
'include_role': {
'name': 'foo_role',
'tasks_from': 'task1.yml'
role2_ds = {
'name': 'task2 include',
'include_role': {
'name': 'foo_role',
'tasks_from': 'task2.yml'
parent_task_ds = {
'block': [
parent_block = Block.load(parent_task_ds, loader=fake_loader)
parent_block._play = None
include_role1_ds = {
'include_args': {
'name': 'foo_role',
'tasks_from': 'task1.yml'
include_role2_ds = {
'include_args': {
'name': 'foo_role',
'tasks_from': 'task2.yml'
include_role1 = IncludeRole.load(role1_ds,
include_role2 = IncludeRole.load(role2_ds,
result1 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname,
result2 = task_result.TaskResult(host=hostname2,
results = [result1, result2]
res = IncludedFile.process_include_results(results,
assert isinstance(res, list)
# we should get two different includes
assert len(res) == 2
assert res[0]._filename == 'foo_role'
assert res[1]._filename == 'foo_role'
# with different tasks
assert res[0]._task != res[1]._task
assert res[0]._hosts == ['testhost1']
assert res[1]._hosts == ['testhost2']
assert res[0]._args == {}
assert res[1]._args == {}
assert res[0]._vars == {}
assert res[1]._vars == {}
def test_empty_raw_params():
parent_task_ds = {'debug': 'msg=foo'}
parent_task = Task.load(parent_task_ds)
parent_task._play = None
task_ds_list = [
'include': ''
'include_tasks': ''
'import_tasks': ''
for task_ds in task_ds_list:
with pytest.raises(AnsibleParserError):
TaskInclude.load(task_ds, task_include=parent_task)