Requirements were incorrectly added to ansible-test in https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/61813 These requirements should have been placed into `test/units/requirements.txt` instead. Now that the relevant content has been migrated out of the repository, the requirements are no longer necessary there either. No changelog entry for this change since the original changes were not included in any release and also lacked a changelog entry.
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coverage >= 4.2, < 5.0.0, != 4.3.2 ; python_version <= '3.7' # features in 4.2+ required, avoid known bug in 4.3.2 on python 2.6, coverage 5.0+ incompatible
coverage >= 4.5.4, < 5.0.0 ; python_version > '3.7' # coverage had a bug in < 4.5.4 that would cause unit tests to hang in Python 3.8, coverage 5.0+ incompatible
cryptography < 2.2 ; python_version < '2.7' # cryptography 2.2 drops support for python 2.6
deepdiff < 4.0.0 ; python_version < '3' # deepdiff 4.0.0 and later require python 3
jinja2 < 2.11 ; python_version < '2.7' # jinja2 2.11 and later require python 2.7 or later
urllib3 < 1.24 ; python_version < '2.7' # urllib3 1.24 and later require python 2.7 or later
pywinrm >= 0.3.0 # message encryption support
sphinx < 1.6 ; python_version < '2.7' # sphinx 1.6 and later require python 2.7 or later
sphinx < 1.8 ; python_version >= '2.7' # sphinx 1.8 and later are currently incompatible with rstcheck 3.3
pygments >= 2.4.0 # Pygments 2.4.0 includes bugfixes for YAML and YAML+Jinja lexers
wheel < 0.30.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # wheel 0.30.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
yamllint != 1.8.0, < 1.14.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # yamllint 1.8.0 and 1.14.0+ require python 2.7+
pycrypto >= 2.6 # Need features found in 2.6 and greater
ncclient >= 0.5.2 # Need features added in 0.5.2 and greater
idna < 2.6, >= 2.5 # linode requires idna < 2.9, >= 2.5, requests requires idna < 2.6, but cryptography will cause the latest version to be installed instead
paramiko < 2.4.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # paramiko 2.4.0 drops support for python 2.6
pytest < 3.3.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pytest 3.3.0 drops support for python 2.6
pytest < 5.0.0 ; python_version == '2.7' # pytest 5.0.0 and later will no longer support python 2.7
pytest-forked < 1.0.2 ; python_version < '2.7' # pytest-forked 1.0.2 and later require python 2.7 or later
pytest-forked >= 1.0.2 ; python_version >= '2.7' # pytest-forked before 1.0.2 does not work with pytest 4.2.0+ (which requires python 2.7+)
ntlm-auth >= 1.3.0 # message encryption support using cryptography
requests < 2.20.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # requests 2.20.0 drops support for python 2.6
requests-ntlm >= 1.1.0 # message encryption support
requests-credssp >= 0.1.0 # message encryption support
voluptuous >= 0.11.0 # Schema recursion via Self
openshift >= 0.6.2, < 0.9.0 # merge_type support
virtualenv < 16.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # virtualenv 16.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pathspec < 0.6.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pathspec 0.6.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyopenssl < 18.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pyOpenSSL 18.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyfmg == 0.6.1 # newer versions do not pass current unit tests
pyyaml < 5.1 ; python_version < '2.7' # pyyaml 5.1 and later require python 2.7 or later
pycparser < 2.19 ; python_version < '2.7' # pycparser 2.19 and later require python 2.7 or later
mock >= 2.0.0 # needed for features backported from Python 3.6 unittest.mock (assert_called, assert_called_once...)
pytest-mock >= 1.4.0 # needed for mock_use_standalone_module pytest option
xmltodict < 0.12.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # xmltodict 0.12.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
lxml < 4.3.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # lxml 4.3.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyvmomi < 6.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pyvmomi 6.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyone == 1.1.9 # newer versions do not pass current integration tests
boto3 < 1.11 ; python_version < '2.7' # boto3 1.11 drops Python 2.6 support
botocore >= 1.10.0, < 1.14 ; python_version < '2.7' # adds support for the following AWS services: secretsmanager, fms, and acm-pca; botocore 1.14 drops Python 2.6 support
botocore >= 1.10.0 ; python_version >= '2.7' # adds support for the following AWS services: secretsmanager, fms, and acm-pca
setuptools < 45 ; python_version <= '2.7' # setuptools 45 and later require python 3.5 or later
# freeze pylint and its requirements for consistent test results
astroid == 2.2.5
isort == 4.3.15
lazy-object-proxy == 1.3.1
mccabe == 0.6.1
pylint == 2.3.1
typed-ast == 1.4.0 # 1.4.0 is required to compile on Python 3.8
wrapt == 1.11.1