2020-05-25 21:39:33 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# _ __ _ __ __
# | |/ /__ _ _ _ __ _ ___| |_____ | \/ |_ _ __ _ ___ _ _
# | ' </ _` | '_/ _` / _ \ / / -_) | |\/| | || / _` / -_) ' \
# |_|\_\__,_|_| \__,_\___/_\_\___| |_| |_|\_,_\__, \___|_||_|
# |___/
# This script creates the database and do some checks to make
# Karaoke Mugen App working.
# From AUR package karaokemugen-git
check_postgres( ) {
sudo -u postgres -g postgres pg_ctl status -D /var/lib/postgres/data & > /dev/null
if [ $EXIT_STATUS -eq 4 ] ; then
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } Postgres is not initialized, initializing... "
sudo -H -u postgres -g postgres initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
elif [ $EXIT_STATUS -eq 3 ] ; then
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } Postgres is not running, starting... "
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
echo -e " ${ _COL_GREEN_ } Postgres seems OK. "
check_mugen( ) {
2021-04-25 17:22:09 +02:00
if [ -f "/usr/lib/karaokemugen/app.asar" ] ; then
2021-03-28 12:15:21 +02:00
echo -e " ${ _COL_GREEN_ } Karaoke Mugen is installed in /usr/lib/karaokemugen. "
2020-05-25 21:39:33 +02:00
2021-03-28 12:15:21 +02:00
echo -e " ${ _COL_BRED_ } Karaoke Mugen is not installed in /usr/lib/karaokemugen. Exiting. "
2020-05-25 21:39:33 +02:00
exit 1
setup_postgres( ) {
echo -e " ${ _BEGIN_ } Creating the karaokemugen_app database... "
# Create the DB for Mugen
# Check if the DB already exists
sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -d karaokemugen_app -c ""
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } karaokemugen_app database is existing, do you want to keep its content or reset it? "
select dbch in "Keep data" "Reset database" ; do
case $dbch in
"Keep data" ) echo -e " ${ _COL_GREEN_ } karaokemugen_app database will be used. " ; return 0; ; # TODO : maybe do some integrity checks
"Reset database" ) sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -c "DROP DATABASE karaokemugen_app;" ; sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -c "DROP ROLE IF EXISTS karaokemugen_app;" ; ;
# Creating the database
sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -c "CREATE DATABASE karaokemugen_app ENCODING 'UTF8';"
sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -c "CREATE USER karaokemugen_app WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'musubi'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE karaokemugen_app TO karaokemugen_app;"
sudo -u postgres -g postgres -H -- psql -d karaokemugen_app -c "CREATE EXTENSION unaccent;"
echo -e " ${ _COL_GREEN_ } karaokemugen_app database created! "
# use colors only if we have them
if [ [ $( which tput > /dev/null 2>& 1 && tput -T " ${ TERM } " colors || echo -n '0' ) -ge 8 ] ] ; then
_COL_YELLOW_ = '\e[0;33m'
_COL_GREEN_ = '\e[0;32m'
_COL_LIGHTGREY_ = '\e[0;37m'
_COL_BRED_ = '\e[1;31m'
_COL_BBLUE_ = '\e[1;34m'
_COL_BWHITE_ = '\e[1;37m'
_COL_DEFAULT_ = '\e[0m'
_BEGIN_ = " ${ _COL_BRED_ } -> ${ _COL_BBLUE_ } "
echo -e " ${ _BEGIN_ } Welcome to the Karaoke Mugen installer! "
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } ⚠️ You may have to enter your sudo password a couple times during this installation. "
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } This script may not work if you tweaked your PostgreSQL configuration. "
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } If you encounter any problems during installation, contact the package maintainer. "
echo -e " ${ _COL_YELLOW_ } The installation will begin in 5 seconds. "
sleep 5
echo -e " ${ _BEGIN_ } Doing some initial checks... "
echo -e " ${ _BEGIN_ } Done! Go ahead and launch Karaoke Mugen using the desktop entry "