25 lines
936 B
25 lines
936 B
pkgbase = jackett
pkgdesc = Use many torrent trackers with software that supports torznab/potato feeds.
pkgver = 0.20.268
pkgrel = 1
url = https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett
arch = x86_64
arch = aarch64
arch = armv7h
license = GPL
makedepends = dotnet-sdk>=6.0.0
depends = curl
depends = openssl-1.0
optdepends = flaresolverr: A proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection
options = !strip
options = staticlibs
source = jackett-0.20.268.tar.gz::https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/archive/v0.20.268.tar.gz
source = jackett.service
source = jackett.sysusers
source = jackett.tmpfiles
sha256sums = b6a784c4cfa051d6e243b445b9a67ab830c6e89da54ca9ed6c13007765dc166e
sha256sums = 9d8f9d73e5fa2b2877dde010c0d8ca6fbf47f03eb1f01b02f846026a949a0dcf
sha256sums = d005fcd009ec5404e1ec88246c31e664167f5551d6cabc35f68eb41750bfe590
sha256sums = 64022e15565a609f449090f02d53ee90ef95cffec52ae14f99e4e2132b6cffe1
pkgname = jackett