--- layout: page title: Additional Styles / Custom Skin --- If you want to create additional styles like a company specific color for buttons, the background utility or something else you can simply create your own subversion of AdminLTE with the following SCSS template. In this example we create a custom button class called `.btn-custom-color` with an extra button style and a custom class called `.my-custom-style`. ```scss // Bootstrap // --------------------------------------------------- @import '~bootstrap/scss/functions'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/bootstrap-variables'; // Custom Theme Color START $custom-color: #00FF00; $theme-colors: map-merge(( 'custom-color': $custom-color, ), $theme-colors); // Custom Theme Color END // Variables and Mixins // --------------------------------------------------- @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/variables'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/mixins'; @import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/parts/core'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/parts/components'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/parts/extra-components'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/parts/pages'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/parts/plugins'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/parts/miscellaneous'; // Custom Style START .my-custom-style { background-color: $custom-color; padding: .5rem 0; } // Custom Style END ``` {: .max-height-300} You can also create a skin on top of AdminLTE with the following SCSS template. In this example we create a custom class called `.btn-custom-color` with a extra button style. ```scss // Bootstrap // --------------------------------------------------- @import '~bootstrap/scss/functions'; @import '~admin-lte/build/scss/bootstrap-variables'; @import '~bootstrap/scss/mixins'; $custom-color: #00FF00; .btn-custom-color { @include button-variant($custom-color, $custom-color); } ``` > ##### Warning! > These examples are only raw SCSS templates, you will still need a SCSS -> CSS build script to compile the SCSS to CSS! {: .quote-warning}