/** * -------------------------------------------- * AdminLTE ControlSidebar.js * License MIT * -------------------------------------------- */ const ControlSidebar = (($) => { /** * Constants * ==================================================== */ const NAME = 'ControlSidebar' const DATA_KEY = 'lte.control.sidebar' const EVENT_KEY = `.${DATA_KEY}` const JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[NAME] const DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api' const Event = { CLICK_DATA_API: `click${EVENT_KEY}${DATA_API_KEY}` } const Selector = { CONTROL_SIDEBAR: '.control-sidebar', DATA_TOGGLE : '[data-widget="control-sidebar"]' } const ClassName = { CONTROL_SIDEBAR_OPEN : 'control-sidebar-open', CONTROL_SIDEBAR_SLIDE: 'control-sidebar-slide-open' } const Default = { slide: true } /** * Class Definition * ==================================================== */ class ControlSidebar { constructor(element, config) { this._element = element this._config = this._getConfig(config) } // Public show() { // Show the control sidebar if (this._config.slide) { $('body').removeClass(ClassName.CONTROL_SIDEBAR_SLIDE) } else { $('body').removeClass(ClassName.CONTROL_SIDEBAR_OPEN) } } collapse() { // Collapse the control sidebar if (this._config.slide) { $('body').addClass(ClassName.CONTROL_SIDEBAR_SLIDE) } else { $('body').addClass(ClassName.CONTROL_SIDEBAR_OPEN) } } toggle() { if ($('body').hasClass(ClassName.CONTROL_SIDEBAR_OPEN) || $('body').hasClass(ClassName.CONTROL_SIDEBAR_SLIDE)) { // Open the control sidebar this.show() } else { // Close the control sidebar this.collapse() } } // Private _getConfig(config) { return $.extend({}, Default, config) } // Static static _jQueryInterface(operation) { return this.each(function () { let data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY) if (!data) { data = new ControlSidebar(this, $(this).data()) $(this).data(DATA_KEY, data) } if (data[operation] === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`${operation} is not a function`) } data[operation]() }) } } /** * * Data Api implementation * ==================================================== */ $(document).on('click', Selector.DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) { event.preventDefault() ControlSidebar._jQueryInterface.call($(this), 'toggle') }) /** * jQuery API * ==================================================== */ $.fn[NAME] = ControlSidebar._jQueryInterface $.fn[NAME].Constructor = ControlSidebar $.fn[NAME].noConflict = function () { $.fn[NAME] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT return ControlSidebar._jQueryInterface } return ControlSidebar })(jQuery) export default ControlSidebar