--- layout: page title: Cards Component --- The card component is the most widely used component through out this template. You can use it for anything from displaying charts to just blocks of text. It comes in many different styles that we will explore below. ##### Default Card Markup {: .text-bold .text-dark .mt-5}

Default Card Example

The body of the card

Default Card Example

The body of the card
``` {: .max-height-300} ##### Card Variants {: .text-bold .text-dark .mt-5} You can change the style of the box by adding any of the contextual classes.

Default Card Example

The body of the card

Primary Card Example

The body of the card

Secondary Card Example

The body of the card

Success Card Example

The body of the card

Info Card Example

The body of the card

Warning Card Example

The body of the card

Danger Card Example

The body of the card

Dark Card Example

The body of the card

Default Card Example

The body of the card

Primary Card Example

The body of the card

Secondary Card Example

The body of the card

Success Card Example

The body of the card

Info Card Example

The body of the card

Warning Card Example

The body of the card

Danger Card Example

The body of the card

Dark Card Example

The body of the card