REJack 2865815c47
dependencies/devDependencies updates
- updated dependencies
  - `@fortawesome/fontawesome-free` to 5.10.2
  - `@fullcalendar/bootstrap` to 4.3.0
  - `@fullcalendar/core` to 4.3.1
  - `@fullcalendar/daygrid` to 4.3.0
  - `@fullcalendar/interaction` to 4.3.0
  - `@fullcalendar/timegrid` to 4.3.0
  - `bootstrap-slider` to 10.6.2
  - `flot` to 3.2.9
  - `overlayscrollbars` to 1.9.1
  - `raphael` to 2.3.0
  - `select2` to 4.0.10
  - `sweetalert2` to 8.16.3
- replaced dependencies
  - `jqvmap` with `jqvmap-novulnerability` (removes git requirement on `npm i`)
- added new dependencies
  - `` to 2.3.3
  - `` to 1.10.19
  - `` to 1.5.6
  - `` to 1.5.1
  - `` to 3.2.6
  - `` to 3.1.5
  - `` to 2.5.0
  - `` to 2.2.3
  - `` to 1.1.0
  - `` to 1.2.5
  - `` to 2.0.0
  - `` to 1.3.0
  - `jszip` to 3.2.2
  - `pdfmake` to 0.1.58
- updated devDependencies
  - `@babel/cli` to 7.5.5
  - `@babel/core` to 7.5.5
  - `@babel/preset-env` to 7.5.5
  - `css-loader` to 3.2.0
  - `rollup"` to .20.2
  - `terser` to 4.2.1
- removed old plugins
  - `morris`
2019-08-28 12:59:33 +02:00

6 lines
593 B

Bootstrap integration for DataTables' AutoFill
©2015 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(a){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(b){return a(b,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(b,c){b||(b=window);if(!c||!c.fn.dataTable)c=require("")(b,c).$;c.fn.dataTable.AutoFill||require("")(b,c);return a(c,b,b.document)}:a(jQuery,window,document)})(function(a){a=a.fn.dataTable;a.AutoFill.classes.btn="btn btn-primary";return a});