REJack 2865815c47
dependencies/devDependencies updates
- updated dependencies
  - `@fortawesome/fontawesome-free` to 5.10.2
  - `@fullcalendar/bootstrap` to 4.3.0
  - `@fullcalendar/core` to 4.3.1
  - `@fullcalendar/daygrid` to 4.3.0
  - `@fullcalendar/interaction` to 4.3.0
  - `@fullcalendar/timegrid` to 4.3.0
  - `bootstrap-slider` to 10.6.2
  - `flot` to 3.2.9
  - `overlayscrollbars` to 1.9.1
  - `raphael` to 2.3.0
  - `select2` to 4.0.10
  - `sweetalert2` to 8.16.3
- replaced dependencies
  - `jqvmap` with `jqvmap-novulnerability` (removes git requirement on `npm i`)
- added new dependencies
  - `` to 2.3.3
  - `` to 1.10.19
  - `` to 1.5.6
  - `` to 1.5.1
  - `` to 3.2.6
  - `` to 3.1.5
  - `` to 2.5.0
  - `` to 2.2.3
  - `` to 1.1.0
  - `` to 1.2.5
  - `` to 2.0.0
  - `` to 1.3.0
  - `jszip` to 3.2.2
  - `pdfmake` to 0.1.58
- updated devDependencies
  - `@babel/cli` to 7.5.5
  - `@babel/core` to 7.5.5
  - `@babel/preset-env` to 7.5.5
  - `css-loader` to 3.2.0
  - `rollup"` to .20.2
  - `terser` to 4.2.1
- removed old plugins
  - `morris`
2019-08-28 12:59:33 +02:00

221 lines
9.2 KiB

// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
// Dependencies for this module:
// ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
// ../../../../../@fullcalendar/daygrid
declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid' {
import AbstractTimeGridView from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AbstractTimeGridView';
import TimeGridView, { buildDayTable } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGridView';
import { TimeGridSeg } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
import { TimeGridSlicer, buildDayRanges } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/SimpleTimeGrid';
export { TimeGridView, AbstractTimeGridView, buildDayTable, buildDayRanges, TimeGridSlicer, TimeGridSeg };
export { default as TimeGrid } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core").PluginDef;
export default _default;
declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AbstractTimeGridView' {
import { ScrollComponent, View, ViewSpec, DateProfileGenerator, ComponentContext, Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core';
import { DayGrid } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid';
import TimeGrid from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
import AllDaySplitter from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AllDaySplitter';
export { TimeGridView as default, TimeGridView };
abstract class TimeGridView extends View {
timeGrid: TimeGrid;
dayGrid: DayGrid;
scroller: ScrollComponent;
axisWidth: any;
protected splitter: AllDaySplitter;
constructor(context: ComponentContext, viewSpec: ViewSpec, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator, parentEl: HTMLElement);
destroy(): void;
renderSkeletonHtml(): string;
getNowIndicatorUnit(): string;
unrenderNowIndicator(): void;
updateSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
updateBaseSize(isResize: any, viewHeight: any, isAuto: any): void;
computeScrollerHeight(viewHeight: any): number;
computeDateScroll(duration: Duration): {
top: any;
queryDateScroll(): {
top: number;
applyDateScroll(scroll: any): void;
renderHeadIntroHtml: () => string;
axisStyleAttr(): string;
renderTimeGridBgIntroHtml: () => string;
renderTimeGridIntroHtml: () => string;
renderDayGridBgIntroHtml: () => string;
renderDayGridIntroHtml: () => string;
declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGridView' {
import { DateProfileGenerator, DateProfile, ComponentContext, ViewSpec, DayHeader, DayTable, ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core';
import { SimpleDayGrid } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid';
import SimpleTimeGrid from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/SimpleTimeGrid';
import AbstractTimeGridView from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AbstractTimeGridView';
export { TimeGridView as default, TimeGridView };
class TimeGridView extends AbstractTimeGridView {
header: DayHeader;
simpleDayGrid: SimpleDayGrid;
simpleTimeGrid: SimpleTimeGrid;
constructor(_context: ComponentContext, viewSpec: ViewSpec, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator, parentEl: HTMLElement);
destroy(): void;
render(props: ViewProps): void;
renderNowIndicator(date: any): void;
export function buildDayTable(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): DayTable;
declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid' {
import { PositionCache, Duration, DateMarker, DateFormatter, ComponentContext, DateComponent, Seg, EventSegUiInteractionState, DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core';
export interface RenderProps {
renderBgIntroHtml: () => string;
renderIntroHtml: () => string;
export interface TimeGridSeg extends Seg {
col: number;
start: DateMarker;
end: DateMarker;
export interface TimeGridCell {
date: DateMarker;
htmlAttrs?: string;
export interface TimeGridProps {
dateProfile: DateProfile;
cells: TimeGridCell[];
businessHourSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
bgEventSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
fgEventSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
dateSelectionSegs: TimeGridSeg[];
eventSelection: string;
eventDrag: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
eventResize: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
export { TimeGrid as default, TimeGrid };
class TimeGrid extends DateComponent<TimeGridProps> {
renderProps: RenderProps;
slotDuration: Duration;
snapDuration: Duration;
snapsPerSlot: any;
labelFormat: DateFormatter;
labelInterval: Duration;
colCnt: number;
colEls: HTMLElement[];
slatContainerEl: HTMLElement;
slatEls: HTMLElement[];
nowIndicatorEls: HTMLElement[];
colPositions: PositionCache;
slatPositions: PositionCache;
isSlatSizesDirty: boolean;
isColSizesDirty: boolean;
rootBgContainerEl: HTMLElement;
bottomRuleEl: HTMLElement;
contentSkeletonEl: HTMLElement;
colContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
fgContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
bgContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
mirrorContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
highlightContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
businessContainerEls: HTMLElement[];
constructor(context: ComponentContext, el: HTMLElement, renderProps: RenderProps);
processOptions(): void;
computeLabelInterval(slotDuration: any): any;
render(props: TimeGridProps): void;
destroy(): void;
updateSize(isResize: boolean): void;
_renderSlats(dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
renderSlatRowHtml(dateProfile: DateProfile): string;
_renderColumns(cells: TimeGridCell[], dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
_unrenderColumns(): void;
renderContentSkeleton(): void;
unrenderContentSkeleton(): void;
groupSegsByCol(segs: any): any[];
attachSegsByCol(segsByCol: any, containerEls: HTMLElement[]): void;
getNowIndicatorUnit(): string;
renderNowIndicator(segs: TimeGridSeg[], date: any): void;
unrenderNowIndicator(): void;
getTotalSlatHeight(): number;
computeDateTop(when: DateMarker, startOfDayDate?: DateMarker): any;
computeTimeTop(duration: Duration): any;
computeSegVerticals(segs: any): void;
assignSegVerticals(segs: any): void;
generateSegVerticalCss(seg: any): {
top: any;
bottom: number;
buildPositionCaches(): void;
buildColPositions(): void;
buildSlatPositions(): void;
positionToHit(positionLeft: any, positionTop: any): {
col: any;
dateSpan: {
range: {
start: Date;
end: Date;
allDay: boolean;
dayEl: HTMLElement;
relativeRect: {
left: any;
right: any;
top: any;
bottom: any;
_renderEventDrag(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
_unrenderEventDrag(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
_renderEventResize(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
_unrenderEventResize(state: EventSegUiInteractionState): void;
_renderDateSelection(segs: Seg[]): void;
_unrenderDateSelection(segs: Seg[]): void;
declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/SimpleTimeGrid' {
import { DateComponent, DateProfile, EventStore, EventUiHash, EventInteractionState, DateSpan, DateRange, DayTable, DateEnv, DateMarker, Slicer, Hit, ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core';
import TimeGrid, { TimeGridSeg } from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/TimeGrid';
export interface SimpleTimeGridProps {
dateProfile: DateProfile | null;
dayTable: DayTable;
businessHours: EventStore;
eventStore: EventStore;
eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
eventSelection: string;
eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
export { SimpleTimeGrid as default, SimpleTimeGrid };
class SimpleTimeGrid extends DateComponent<SimpleTimeGridProps> {
timeGrid: TimeGrid;
constructor(context: ComponentContext, timeGrid: TimeGrid);
destroy(): void;
render(props: SimpleTimeGridProps): void;
renderNowIndicator(date: DateMarker): void;
buildPositionCaches(): void;
queryHit(positionLeft: number, positionTop: number): Hit;
export function buildDayRanges(dayTable: DayTable, dateProfile: DateProfile, dateEnv: DateEnv): DateRange[];
export class TimeGridSlicer extends Slicer<TimeGridSeg, [DateRange[]]> {
sliceRange(range: DateRange, dayRanges: DateRange[]): TimeGridSeg[];
declare module '@fullcalendar/timegrid/AllDaySplitter' {
import { Splitter, EventDef, DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core';
export { AllDaySplitter as default, AllDaySplitter };
class AllDaySplitter extends Splitter {
getKeyInfo(): {
allDay: {};
timed: {};
getKeysForDateSpan(dateSpan: DateSpan): string[];
getKeysForEventDef(eventDef: EventDef): string[];