REJack f70483a806
plugins updates part 2
- added .editorconfig
- updated package.json & build/npm/Plugins.js according to the following changes
- updated dev dependencies to clear audits
- updated daterangepicker
- updated overlayScrollbars
- moved flot (0.8.2) to flot-old for plugins
- updated flot
- updated fullcalendar
- replaced icheck with icheck-bootstrap & updated demo files
- added icheck-bootstrap color overrides
- updated inputmask
- updated ion-rangeslider
- updated jquery-ui
- updated bootstrap-slider tweaks & demo files
- replaced jvectormap with jqvmap & updated demo files
- added jquery-mapael & replaced in index2 jvectormap
- updated jquery-knob
- replaced pace with pace-progress
- updated select2 & demo files
- replaced jquery.sparkline with sparklines & updated demo files and removed jquery.sparkline demo section
2019-06-14 09:33:43 +02:00

33 lines
1 KiB

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = global || self, (global.FullCalendarLocales = global.FullCalendarLocales || {}, = factory()));
}(this, function () { 'use strict';
var ru = {
code: "ru",
week: {
dow: 1,
doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
buttonText: {
prev: "Пред",
next: "След",
today: "Сегодня",
month: "Месяц",
week: "Неделя",
day: "День",
list: "Повестка дня"
weekLabel: "Нед",
allDayText: "Весь день",
eventLimitText: function (n) {
return "+ ещё " + n;
noEventsMessage: "Нет событий для отображения"
return ru;