REJack f70483a806
plugins updates part 2
- added .editorconfig
- updated package.json & build/npm/Plugins.js according to the following changes
- updated dev dependencies to clear audits
- updated daterangepicker
- updated overlayScrollbars
- moved flot (0.8.2) to flot-old for plugins
- updated flot
- updated fullcalendar
- replaced icheck with icheck-bootstrap & updated demo files
- added icheck-bootstrap color overrides
- updated inputmask
- updated ion-rangeslider
- updated jquery-ui
- updated bootstrap-slider tweaks & demo files
- replaced jvectormap with jqvmap & updated demo files
- added jquery-mapael & replaced in index2 jvectormap
- updated jquery-knob
- replaced pace with pace-progress
- updated select2 & demo files
- replaced jquery.sparkline with sparklines & updated demo files and removed jquery.sparkline demo section
2019-06-14 09:33:43 +02:00

40 lines
583 B

* General: Modals
* ----------------------
// Overlay
.modal-dialog {
.overlay {
display: block;
position: absolute;
z-index: ($zindex-modal + 2);
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
// BG Color Variations Fixes
.modal-content {
&.bg-warning {
.modal-footer {
border-color: $gray-800;
.modal-content {
&.bg-success, {
color: $white;