
218 lines
11 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import warnings
from packaging.version import Version
from nvidia import dali
from nvidia.dali.pipeline import Pipeline
import nvidia.dali.ops as ops
import nvidia.dali.types as types
from nvidia.dali.plugin.mxnet import DALIClassificationIterator
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
import horovod.mxnet as hvd
def add_dali_args(parser):
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
group = parser.add_argument_group('DALI data backend', 'entire group applies only to dali data backend')
group.add_argument('--dali-separ-val', action='store_true',
help='each process will perform independent validation on whole val-set')
group.add_argument('--dali-threads', type=int, default=4, help="number of threads" +\
"per GPU for DALI")
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
group.add_argument('--dali-validation-threads', type=int, default=10, help="number of threads" +\
"per GPU for DALI for validation")
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
group.add_argument('--dali-prefetch-queue', type=int, default=2, help="DALI prefetch queue depth")
group.add_argument('--dali-nvjpeg-memory-padding', type=int, default=64, help="Memory padding value for nvJPEG (in MB)")
group.add_argument('--dali-fuse-decoder', type=int, default=1, help="0 or 1 whether to fuse decoder or not")
group.add_argument('--dali-nvjpeg-width-hint', type=int, default=5980, help="Width hint value for nvJPEG (in pixels)")
group.add_argument('--dali-nvjpeg-height-hint', type=int, default=6430, help="Height hint value for nvJPEG (in pixels)")
2021-09-02 16:35:20 +02:00
group.add_argument('--dali-dont-use-mmap', default=False, action='store_true', help="Use plain I/O instead of MMAP for datasets")
return parser
class HybridTrainPipe(Pipeline):
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
def __init__(self, args, batch_size, num_threads, device_id, rec_path, idx_path,
shard_id, num_shards, crop_shape, nvjpeg_padding, prefetch_queue=3,
output_layout=types.NCHW, pad_output=True, dtype='float16', dali_cpu=False,
nvjpeg_width_hint=5980, nvjpeg_height_hint=6430,
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
super(HybridTrainPipe, self).__init__(batch_size, num_threads, device_id, seed=12 + device_id, prefetch_queue_depth = prefetch_queue)
self.input = ops.MXNetReader(path=[rec_path], index_path=[idx_path],
2021-09-02 16:35:20 +02:00
random_shuffle=True, shard_id=shard_id, num_shards=num_shards,
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
if dali_cpu:
dali_device = "cpu"
2021-04-07 17:46:50 +02:00
decoder_device = "cpu"
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
dali_device = "gpu"
2021-04-07 17:46:50 +02:00
decoder_device = "mixed"
dali_kwargs_fallback = {}
if Version(dali.__version__) >= Version("1.2.0"):
dali_kwargs_fallback = {
"preallocate_width_hint": nvjpeg_width_hint,
"preallocate_height_hint": nvjpeg_height_hint,
2021-04-07 17:46:50 +02:00
if args.dali_fuse_decoder:
self.decode = ops.ImageDecoderRandomCrop(device=decoder_device, output_type=types.RGB,
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self.decode = ops.ImageDecoder(device=decoder_device, output_type=types.RGB,
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
if args.dali_fuse_decoder:
self.resize = ops.Resize(device=dali_device, resize_x=crop_shape[1], resize_y=crop_shape[0])
self.resize = ops.RandomResizedCrop(device=dali_device, size=crop_shape)
self.cmnp = ops.CropMirrorNormalize(device="gpu",
output_dtype=types.FLOAT16 if dtype == 'float16' else types.FLOAT,
output_layout=output_layout, crop=crop_shape, pad_output=pad_output,
image_type=types.RGB, mean=args.rgb_mean, std=args.rgb_std)
self.coin = ops.CoinFlip(probability=0.5)
def define_graph(self):
rng = self.coin()
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
self.jpegs, self.labels = self.input(name="Reader")
images = self.decode(self.jpegs)
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
images = self.resize(images)
output = self.cmnp(images.gpu(), mirror=rng)
return [output, self.labels]
class HybridValPipe(Pipeline):
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
def __init__(self, args, batch_size, num_threads, device_id, rec_path, idx_path,
shard_id, num_shards, crop_shape, nvjpeg_padding, prefetch_queue=3, resize_shp=None,
output_layout=types.NCHW, pad_output=True, dtype='float16', dali_cpu=False,
nvjpeg_width_hint=5980, nvjpeg_height_hint=6430):
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
super(HybridValPipe, self).__init__(batch_size, num_threads, device_id, seed=12 + device_id, prefetch_queue_depth=prefetch_queue)
self.input = ops.MXNetReader(path=[rec_path], index_path=[idx_path],
2021-09-02 16:35:20 +02:00
random_shuffle=False, shard_id=shard_id, num_shards=num_shards,
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
if dali_cpu:
dali_device = "cpu"
2021-04-07 17:46:50 +02:00
decoder_device = "cpu"
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
dali_device = "gpu"
2021-04-07 17:46:50 +02:00
decoder_device = "mixed"
dali_kwargs_fallback = {}
if Version(dali.__version__) >= Version("1.2.0"):
dali_kwargs_fallback = {
"preallocate_width_hint": nvjpeg_width_hint,
"preallocate_height_hint": nvjpeg_height_hint
2021-04-07 17:46:50 +02:00
self.decode = ops.ImageDecoder(device=decoder_device, output_type=types.RGB,
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
self.resize = ops.Resize(device=dali_device, resize_shorter=resize_shp) if resize_shp else None
self.cmnp = ops.CropMirrorNormalize(device="gpu",
output_dtype=types.FLOAT16 if dtype == 'float16' else types.FLOAT,
output_layout=output_layout, crop=crop_shape, pad_output=pad_output,
image_type=types.RGB, mean=args.rgb_mean, std=args.rgb_std)
def define_graph(self):
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
self.jpegs, self.labels = self.input(name="Reader")
images = self.decode(self.jpegs)
if self.resize:
images = self.resize(images)
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
output = self.cmnp(images.gpu())
return [output, self.labels]
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
def get_rec_iter(args, kv=None, dali_cpu=False):
gpus = args.gpus
num_threads = args.dali_threads
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num_validation_threads = args.dali_validation_threads
pad_output = (args.image_shape[0] == 4)
# the input_layout w.r.t. the model is the output_layout of the image pipeline
output_layout = types.NHWC if args.input_layout == 'NHWC' else types.NCHW
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
if 'horovod' in args.kv_store:
rank = hvd.rank()
nWrk = hvd.size()
rank = kv.rank if kv else 0
nWrk = kv.num_workers if kv else 1
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batch_size = args.batch_size // nWrk // len(gpus)
trainpipes = [HybridTrainPipe(args = args,
batch_size = batch_size,
num_threads = num_threads,
device_id = gpu_id,
rec_path = args.data_train,
idx_path = args.data_train_idx,
shard_id = gpus.index(gpu_id) + len(gpus)*rank,
num_shards = len(gpus)*nWrk,
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crop_shape = args.image_shape[1:],
output_layout = output_layout,
dtype = args.dtype,
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pad_output = pad_output,
dali_cpu = dali_cpu,
nvjpeg_padding = args.dali_nvjpeg_memory_padding * 1024 * 1024,
prefetch_queue = args.dali_prefetch_queue,
nvjpeg_width_hint = args.dali_nvjpeg_width_hint,
nvjpeg_height_hint = args.dali_nvjpeg_height_hint) for gpu_id in gpus]
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
if args.data_val:
valpipes = [HybridValPipe(args = args,
batch_size = batch_size,
num_threads = num_validation_threads,
device_id = gpu_id,
rec_path = args.data_val,
idx_path = args.data_val_idx,
shard_id = 0 if args.dali_separ_val
else gpus.index(gpu_id) + len(gpus)*rank,
num_shards = 1 if args.dali_separ_val else len(gpus)*nWrk,
crop_shape = args.image_shape[1:],
resize_shp = args.data_val_resize,
output_layout = output_layout,
dtype = args.dtype,
pad_output = pad_output,
dali_cpu = dali_cpu,
nvjpeg_padding = args.dali_nvjpeg_memory_padding * 1024 * 1024,
prefetch_queue = args.dali_prefetch_queue,
nvjpeg_width_hint = args.dali_nvjpeg_width_hint,
nvjpeg_height_hint = args.dali_nvjpeg_height_hint) for gpu_id in gpus] if args.data_val else None
if args.data_val:
2019-10-21 19:20:40 +02:00
worker_val_examples = valpipes[0].epoch_size("Reader")
if not args.dali_separ_val:
worker_val_examples = worker_val_examples // nWrk
if rank < valpipes[0].epoch_size("Reader") % nWrk:
worker_val_examples += 1
if args.num_examples < trainpipes[0].epoch_size("Reader"):
warnings.warn("{} training examples will be used, although full training set contains {} examples".format(args.num_examples, trainpipes[0].epoch_size("Reader")))
dali_train_iter = DALIClassificationIterator(trainpipes, args.num_examples // nWrk)
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if args.data_val:
dali_val_iter = DALIClassificationIterator(valpipes, worker_val_examples, fill_last_batch = False) if args.data_val else None
dali_val_iter = None
return dali_train_iter, dali_val_iter