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* Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fastertransformer/cuda/topk_kernels.cuh"
#include "cub/cub.cuh"
namespace fastertransformer
#define TOPK_FP16_STORAGE 0
template<typename T, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
void beam_topK_kernel(const T* log_probs,
int* topk_tmp_id_buf,
T* topk_tmp_val_buf,
const int vocab_size,
T diversity_rate)
typedef cub::BlockReduce<TopK<T, MAX_K>, THREADBLOCK_SIZE> BlockReduce;
__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage temp_storage;
int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
int block_id = blockIdx.x;
TopK<T, MAX_K> partial;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.p[i] = -1;
partial.u[i] = -FLT_MAX;
for(int elem_id = thread_id; elem_id < vocab_size; elem_id += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
int index = elem_id + block_id * vocab_size;
partial.insert( (T)log_probs[index], index);
TopK<T, MAX_K> total = BlockReduce(temp_storage).Reduce(partial, reduce_topk_op<T, MAX_K>);
if (thread_id == 0)
int index = block_id * MAX_K;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
topk_tmp_id_buf[index + i] = total.p[i];
topk_tmp_val_buf[index + i] = total.u[i] + diversity_rate * (T)i;
template<typename T, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
void batch_topK_kernel(int* topk_tmp_id_buf,
T* topk_tmp_val_buf,
int* id_buf)
int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
int block_id = blockIdx.x;
TopK<T, MAX_K> partial;
if (thread_id == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.p[i] = -1;
partial.u[i] = -FLT_MAX;
int index = block_id * MAX_K * MAX_K;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K * MAX_K; i++)
partial.insert( (T)topk_tmp_val_buf[index + i], topk_tmp_id_buf[index + i]);
index = block_id * MAX_K;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; i++)
id_buf[index + i] = partial.p[i];
template<typename T, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
void batch_topK_kernel(const int* __restrict topk_tmp_id_buf,
const T* __restrict topk_tmp_val_buf,
int* __restrict id_buf,
T* __restrict val_buf)
int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
int block_id = blockIdx.x;
TopK<T, MAX_K> partial;
if (thread_id == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.p[i] = -1;
partial.u[i] = -FLT_MAX;
int index = block_id * MAX_K * MAX_K;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K * MAX_K; i++)
partial.insert( (T)topk_tmp_val_buf[index + i], topk_tmp_id_buf[index + i]);
index = block_id * MAX_K;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; i++)
id_buf[index + i] = partial.p[i];
val_buf[index + i] = partial.u[i];
template<typename T, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
__global__ void batch_topk_kernel(
const int * __restrict x,
const T * __restrict y,
int * __restrict z,
T * __restrict v,
int V,
int K,
T diversity_rate)
int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
int vector_id = blockIdx.x;
// reposition x, y to data for the current vector
x += vector_id * V;
y += vector_id * V;
typedef cub::BlockReduce<TopK<T, MAX_K>, THREADBLOCK_SIZE> BlockReduce;
__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage temp_storage;
TopK<T, MAX_K> partial;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.p[i] = -1;
partial.u[i] = -FLT_MAX;
for(int elem_id = thread_id; elem_id < V; elem_id += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
int i = elem_id % K;
T elem = y[elem_id] + diversity_rate * (T) i;
int elem_idx = elem_id; //x[elem_id];
partial.insert(elem, elem_idx);
TopK<T, MAX_K> total = BlockReduce(temp_storage).Reduce(partial, reduce_topk_op<T, MAX_K>);
if (thread_id == 0)
z += vector_id * K;
v += vector_id * K;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
if (i < K)
z[i] = x[total.p[i]];
v[i] = y[total.p[i]];
struct __align__(8) MD
float m;
float d;
__device__ __forceinline__ MD reduce_md_op(MD a, MD b)
bool a_bigger = (a.m > b.m);
MD bigger_m = a_bigger ? a : b;
MD smaller_m = a_bigger ? b : a;
MD res;
res.d = bigger_m.d + smaller_m.d * __expf(smaller_m.m - bigger_m.m);
res.m = bigger_m.m;
return res;
template<typename T, int MAX_K>
struct TopKMD
MD md;
TopK<T, MAX_K> topk;
template<typename T, int MAX_K>
__device__ __forceinline__ TopKMD<T, MAX_K> reduce_topk_md_op(const TopKMD<T, MAX_K>& a, const TopKMD<T, MAX_K>& b)
TopKMD<T, MAX_K> res; = reduce_md_op(,;
res.topk = reduce_topk_op(a.topk, b.topk);
return res;
template<typename T, int ITEMS_PER_THREAD, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
__global__ void beam_online_softmax_topk_kernel(
const T * __restrict x,
const float * __restrict b,
const T * __restrict c,
const bool * __restrict finished,
int * __restrict z,
T * __restrict v,
int V,
int K,
int E)
int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
int vector_id = blockIdx.x;
const bool IS_FP16 = std::is_same<T, half>::value;
// reposition y to data for the current vector
x += vector_id * V;
typedef cub::BlockReduce<TopKMD<float, MAX_K>, THREADBLOCK_SIZE> BlockReduce;
__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage temp_storage;
TopKMD<float, MAX_K> partial;
bool finish = finished[vector_id];
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.topk.p[i] = -1;
partial.topk.u[i] = -MAX_T_VAL;
} = -MAX_T_VAL; = 0.0F;
if (finish)
for(int elem_id = thread_id; elem_id < V; elem_id += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
float elem = (elem_id == E) ? MAX_T_VAL : -MAX_T_VAL;
MD new_elem{elem, 1.0F}; = reduce_md_op(, new_elem);
partial.topk.insert(elem, elem_id);
//if (elem_id > THREADBLOCK_SIZE * MAX_K && (elem_id == E)) break;
for(int elem_id = thread_id; elem_id < V; elem_id += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
float elem = x[elem_id] + b[elem_id];
MD new_elem{elem, 1.0F}; = reduce_md_op(, new_elem);
partial.topk.insert(elem, elem_id);
TopKMD<float, MAX_K> total = BlockReduce(temp_storage).Reduce(partial, reduce_topk_md_op<float, MAX_K>);
if (thread_id == 0)
z += vector_id * K;
v += vector_id * K;
c += vector_id;
//float d_total_inverse = __fdividef(1.0F,;
float d_total_log = logf(;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
//float val = __expf(total.topk.u[i] - * d_total_inverse;
float val = total.topk.u[i] - - d_total_log;
if (i < K)
z[i] = total.topk.p[i] + vector_id * V; // faster transformer needs absolute id
v[i] = val + c[0];
template<typename T, int ITEMS_PER_THREAD, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
__launch_bounds__(THREADBLOCK_SIZE, 1)
__global__ void beam_online_softmax_topk_stage1_kernel(
const T * __restrict x,
const float * __restrict b,
const bool * __restrict finished,
float * __restrict t,
int V,
int K,
int E)
int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
int vector_id = blockIdx.x;
const int PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE = 2 * MAX_K + 2;
const bool IS_FP16 = std::is_same<T, half>::value;
// one will have multiple sections per V
const int v_local = (V + gridDim.y - 1) / gridDim.y;
const int section_start = v_local * blockIdx.y;
int section_end = section_start + v_local;
section_end = (section_end > V)? V : section_end;
// reposition x to data for the current vector
x += vector_id * V;
#if TOPK_FP16_STORAGE == 1
typedef cub::BlockReduce<TopKMD<__half, MAX_K>, THREADBLOCK_SIZE> BlockReduce;
typedef cub::BlockReduce<TopKMD<T, MAX_K>, THREADBLOCK_SIZE> BlockReduce;
__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage temp_storage;
__shared__ float buf_s[PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE]; // save intermediate result
#if TOPK_FP16_STORAGE == 1
TopKMD<__half, MAX_K> partial;
TopKMD<T, MAX_K> partial;
bool finish = finished[vector_id];
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.topk.p[i] = -1;
partial.topk.u[i] = -MAX_T_VAL;
} = -MAX_T_VAL; = 0.0F;
if (finish)
#pragma unroll 1
for(int elem_id = section_start + thread_id; elem_id < section_end; elem_id += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
float elem = (elem_id == E) ? MAX_T_VAL : -MAX_T_VAL;
MD new_elem{elem, 1.0F}; = reduce_md_op(, new_elem);
partial.topk.insert(elem, elem_id);
#pragma unroll 1
for(int elem_id = section_start + thread_id; elem_id < section_end; elem_id += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
T bias = (T)(b == nullptr ? 0.0f : b[elem_id]); // gpt-2 does not use bias
T elem = x[elem_id] + bias;
MD new_elem{elem, 1.0F}; = reduce_md_op(, new_elem);
partial.topk.insert(elem, elem_id);
#if TOPK_FP16_STORAGE == 1
TopKMD<__half, MAX_K> total = BlockReduce(temp_storage).Reduce(partial, reduce_topk_md_op<__half, MAX_K>);
TopKMD<T, MAX_K> total = BlockReduce(temp_storage).Reduce(partial, reduce_topk_md_op<T, MAX_K>);
if (thread_id == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
reinterpret_cast<int *>(buf_s)[i] = total.topk.p[i] + vector_id * V; // faster transformer needs absolute id
buf_s[MAX_K + i] = total.topk.u[i];
buf_s[2 * MAX_K] =;
buf_s[2 * MAX_K + 1] =;
if (threadIdx.x < PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE)
t[blockIdx.x * PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y * PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE + threadIdx.x] = buf_s[threadIdx.x];
template<typename T, int MAX_K, int THREADBLOCK_SIZE>
__global__ void beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernel(
const float * __restrict x,
const T * __restrict c,
int * __restrict z,
T * __restrict v,
int K,
int parts_per_beam)
const int vector_id = blockIdx.x;
const int thread_id = threadIdx.x;
const int PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE = 2 * MAX_K + 2;
const bool IS_FP16 = std::is_same<T, half>::value;
extern __shared__ char buf_s_[]; // intermediate result
float * buf_s = reinterpret_cast<float *>(buf_s_);
//__shared__ float buf_s[PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE * THREADBLOCK_SIZE]; // intermediate result
typedef cub::BlockReduce<TopKMD<T, MAX_K>, THREADBLOCK_SIZE> BlockReduce;
__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage temp_storage;
x += vector_id * PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE * parts_per_beam;
TopKMD<T, MAX_K> partial;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
partial.topk.p[i] = -1;
partial.topk.u[i] = -MAX_T_VAL;
} = -MAX_T_VAL; = 0.0F;
// load and unpack into registers through smem
for (int idx = thread_id; idx < PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE * parts_per_beam; idx += THREADBLOCK_SIZE)
buf_s[idx] = x[idx];
if (threadIdx.x < parts_per_beam)
float * b_s = buf_s + thread_id * PACKED_TOP_KMD_SIZE;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
partial.topk.p[i] = reinterpret_cast<int *>(b_s)[i];
partial.topk.u[i] = b_s[MAX_K + i];
} = b_s[2 * MAX_K]; = b_s[2 * MAX_K + 1];
TopKMD<T, MAX_K> total = BlockReduce(temp_storage).Reduce(partial, reduce_topk_md_op<T, MAX_K>);
if (thread_id == 0)
z += vector_id * K;
v += vector_id * K;
c += vector_id;
float d_total_log = logf(;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_K; ++i)
float val = (float)total.topk.u[i] - - d_total_log;
if (i < K)
z[i] = total.topk.p[i];
v[i] = (float)val + (float)c[0];
template <typename T>
void topK_kernelLauncher(T* log_probs,
int* topk_tmp_id_buf,
T* topk_tmp_val_buf,
int* ids,
DecodingBeamsearchArguments args,
cudaStream_t stream)
const int batch_size = args.batch_size_;
const int beam_width = args.beam_width_;
const int vocab_size = args.vocab_size_;
const int diversity_rate = args.beam_search_diversity_rate_;
case 1 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 1, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 1, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
case 2 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 2, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 2, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
case 3 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 3, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 3, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
case 4 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 4, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 4, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
case 6 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 6, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 6, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
case 8 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 8, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 8, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
case 32 :
beam_topK_kernel<T, 32, block_size><<<batch_size * beam_width, block_size, 0, stream>>>(log_probs,
topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, diversity_rate);
batch_topK_kernel<T, 32, block_size><<<batch_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids);
printf("[ERROR] Topk kernel does not support beamwidth = %d \n", beam_width);
template<typename T, int MAX_K>
void beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernelLauncher(
const float * temp_storage,
const T * cum_log_probs,
int * ids,
T * vals,
int batch_size,
int beam_width,
int parts_per_beam,
cudaStream_t stream)
// might rewrite beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernel no to depend on constant block size
// in oreder to reduce compilation time
int smem_stage2_size = parts_per_beam * (2 * MAX_K + 2) * sizeof(float);
if (parts_per_beam <= 32)
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernel<T, MAX_K, 32>
<<<batch_size * beam_width, 32, smem_stage2_size, stream>>>
(temp_storage, cum_log_probs, ids, vals,
beam_width, parts_per_beam);
if (parts_per_beam <= 64)
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernel<T, MAX_K, 64>
<<<batch_size * beam_width, 64, smem_stage2_size, stream>>>
(temp_storage, cum_log_probs, ids, vals,
beam_width, parts_per_beam);
if (parts_per_beam <= 128)
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernel<T, MAX_K, 128>
<<<batch_size * beam_width, 128, smem_stage2_size, stream>>>
(temp_storage, cum_log_probs, ids, vals,
beam_width, parts_per_beam);
template <typename T, int MAX_K>
void topK_softMax_kernelLauncher(const T* log_probs,
const float* bias,
const bool* finished,
T* cum_log_probs,
int* ids,
void* temp_storage,
const int temp_storage_size,
const int batch_size,
const int beam_width,
const int vocab_size,
const int end_id,
T diversity_rate,
cudaStream_t stream)
const int items_per_thread = 1;
const int block_sz = (MAX_K < 16)? (MAX_K < 8)? SMALL_TOP_K_SOFTMAX_THREADBLOCK_SIZE:128:64;
assert(temp_storage_size % 2 == 0);
assert(temp_storage_size >= 2 * batch_size * beam_width * beam_width);
int* topk_tmp_id_buf = reinterpret_cast<int *>(temp_storage);
T* topk_tmp_val_buf = reinterpret_cast<T *>(topk_tmp_id_buf + batch_size * beam_width * beam_width);
float* tmp_buffer = reinterpret_cast<float *>(topk_tmp_val_buf + batch_size * beam_width * beam_width);
int voc_parts = 4;
if (batch_size * beam_width < 256)
// Volta has 80 SMs, so we aim for three waves
voc_parts = (240 + batch_size * beam_width - 1) / (batch_size * beam_width);
voc_parts = std::min(128, voc_parts); // we implment up to 128
dim3 grid(batch_size * beam_width, voc_parts);
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage1_kernel<T, items_per_thread, MAX_K, block_sz>,
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage1_kernel<T, items_per_thread, MAX_K, block_sz>
<<<grid, block_sz,0,stream>>>
(log_probs, bias, finished, tmp_buffer,
vocab_size, beam_width, end_id);
if (beam_width > 1)
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernelLauncher<T, MAX_K>
(tmp_buffer, cum_log_probs, topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf,
batch_size, beam_width, voc_parts, stream);
beam_online_softmax_topk_kernel<T, items_per_thread, MAX_K, block_sz>
<<<batch_size * beam_width, block_sz, 0, stream>>>
(log_probs, bias, cum_log_probs, finished, topk_tmp_id_buf,
topk_tmp_val_buf, vocab_size, beam_width, end_id);
#if 0
// wrong result with diversity_rate != 0.f
batch_topK_kernel<T, MAX_K, 32><<<batch_size, 32, 0, stream>>>
(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf, ids, cum_log_probs);
batch_topk_kernel<T, MAX_K, 32><<<batch_size, 32, 0, stream>>>
(topk_tmp_id_buf, topk_tmp_val_buf,
ids, cum_log_probs, beam_width * beam_width, beam_width, diversity_rate);
beam_online_softmax_topk_stage2_kernelLauncher<T, MAX_K>
(tmp_buffer, cum_log_probs, ids, cum_log_probs,
batch_size, beam_width, voc_parts, stream);
beam_online_softmax_topk_kernel<T, items_per_thread, MAX_K, block_sz>
<<<batch_size * beam_width, block_sz, 0, stream>>>
(log_probs, bias, cum_log_probs, finished, ids,
cum_log_probs, vocab_size, beam_width, end_id);
template <typename T>
void topK_softMax(const T* log_probs,
const float* bias,
const bool* finished,
T* cum_log_probs,
int* ids,
void* temp_storage,
DecodingBeamsearchArguments args,
cudaStream_t stream)
const int temp_storage_size = args.temp_storage_size_;
const int batch_size = args.batch_size_;
const int beam_width = args.beam_width_;
const int vocab_size = args.vocab_size_;
const int end_id = args.end_id_;
const T diversity_rate = args.beam_search_diversity_rate_;
case 1 :
topK_softMax_kernelLauncher<T, 1>
(log_probs, bias, finished, cum_log_probs, ids, temp_storage, temp_storage_size,
batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size, end_id, diversity_rate, stream);
case 2 :
topK_softMax_kernelLauncher<T, 2>
(log_probs, bias, finished, cum_log_probs, ids, temp_storage, temp_storage_size,
batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size, end_id, diversity_rate, stream);
case 3 :
topK_softMax_kernelLauncher<T, 3>
(log_probs, bias, finished, cum_log_probs, ids, temp_storage, temp_storage_size,
batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size, end_id, diversity_rate, stream);
case 4 :
topK_softMax_kernelLauncher<T, 4>
(log_probs, bias, finished, cum_log_probs, ids, temp_storage, temp_storage_size,
batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size, end_id, diversity_rate, stream);
case 8 :
topK_softMax_kernelLauncher<T, 8>
(log_probs, bias, finished, cum_log_probs, ids, temp_storage, temp_storage_size,
batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size, end_id, diversity_rate, stream);
case 16 :
topK_softMax_kernelLauncher<T, 16>
(log_probs, bias, finished, cum_log_probs, ids, temp_storage, temp_storage_size,
batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size, end_id, diversity_rate, stream);
default :
printf("[ERROR] Topk kernel does not support beamwidth = %d \n", beam_width);
template void topK_kernelLauncher<float>(float* log_probs,
int* topk_tmp_id_buf,
float* topk_tmp_val_buf,
int* ids,
DecodingBeamsearchArguments args,
cudaStream_t stream);
template void topK_kernelLauncher<half>(half* log_probs,
int* topk_tmp_id_buf,
half* topk_tmp_val_buf,
int* ids,
DecodingBeamsearchArguments args,
cudaStream_t stream);
template void topK_softMax<float>(const float* log_probs,
const float* bias,
const bool* finished,
float* cum_log_probs,
int* ids,
void * tmp_storage,
DecodingBeamsearchArguments args,
cudaStream_t stream);
template void topK_softMax<half>(const half* log_probs,
const float* bias,
const bool* finished,
half* cum_log_probs,
int* ids,
void * tmp_storage,
DecodingBeamsearchArguments args,
cudaStream_t stream);
} // end of namespace fastertransformer