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2019-07-26 20:08:16 +02:00
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
class AudioSegment(object):
"""Monaural audio segment abstraction.
:param samples: Audio samples [num_samples x num_channels].
:type samples: ndarray.float32
:param sample_rate: Audio sample rate.
:type sample_rate: int
:raises TypeError: If the sample data type is not float or int.
def __init__(self, samples, sample_rate, target_sr=None, trim=False,
"""Create audio segment from samples.
Samples are convert float32 internally, with int scaled to [-1, 1].
samples = self._convert_samples_to_float32(samples)
if target_sr is not None and target_sr != sample_rate:
samples = librosa.core.resample(samples, sample_rate, target_sr)
sample_rate = target_sr
if trim:
samples, _ = librosa.effects.trim(samples, trim_db)
self._samples = samples
self._sample_rate = sample_rate
if self._samples.ndim >= 2:
self._samples = np.mean(self._samples, 1)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return whether two objects are equal."""
if type(other) is not type(self):
return False
if self._sample_rate != other._sample_rate:
return False
if self._samples.shape != other._samples.shape:
return False
if np.any(self.samples != other._samples):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Return whether two objects are unequal."""
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
"""Return human-readable representation of segment."""
return ("%s: num_samples=%d, sample_rate=%d, duration=%.2fsec, "
"rms=%.2fdB" % (type(self), self.num_samples, self.sample_rate,
self.duration, self.rms_db))
def _convert_samples_to_float32(samples):
"""Convert sample type to float32.
Audio sample type is usually integer or float-point.
Integers will be scaled to [-1, 1] in float32.
float32_samples = samples.astype('float32')
if samples.dtype in np.sctypes['int']:
bits = np.iinfo(samples.dtype).bits
float32_samples *= (1. / 2 ** (bits - 1))
elif samples.dtype in np.sctypes['float']:
raise TypeError("Unsupported sample type: %s." % samples.dtype)
return float32_samples
def from_file(cls, filename, target_sr=None, int_values=False, offset=0,
duration=0, trim=False):
Load a file supported by librosa and return as an AudioSegment.
:param filename: path of file to load
:param target_sr: the desired sample rate
:param int_values: if true, load samples as 32-bit integers
:param offset: offset in seconds when loading audio
:param duration: duration in seconds when loading audio
:return: numpy array of samples
with sf.SoundFile(filename, 'r') as f:
dtype = 'int32' if int_values else 'float32'
sample_rate = f.samplerate
if offset > 0: * sample_rate))
if duration > 0:
samples = * sample_rate), dtype=dtype)
samples =
samples = samples.transpose()
return cls(samples, sample_rate, target_sr=target_sr, trim=trim)
def samples(self):
return self._samples.copy()
def sample_rate(self):
return self._sample_rate
def num_samples(self):
return self._samples.shape[0]
def duration(self):
return self._samples.shape[0] / float(self._sample_rate)
def rms_db(self):
mean_square = np.mean(self._samples ** 2)
return 10 * np.log10(mean_square)
def gain_db(self, gain):
self._samples *= 10. ** (gain / 20.)
def pad(self, pad_size, symmetric=False):
"""Add zero padding to the sample. The pad size is given in number of samples.
If symmetric=True, `pad_size` will be added to both sides. If false, `pad_size`
zeros will be added only to the end.
self._samples = np.pad(self._samples,
(pad_size if symmetric else 0, pad_size),
def subsegment(self, start_time=None, end_time=None):
"""Cut the AudioSegment between given boundaries.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param start_time: Beginning of subsegment in seconds.
:type start_time: float
:param end_time: End of subsegment in seconds.
:type end_time: float
:raise ValueError: If start_time or end_time is incorrectly set, e.g. out
of bounds in time.
start_time = 0.0 if start_time is None else start_time
end_time = self.duration if end_time is None else end_time
if start_time < 0.0:
start_time = self.duration + start_time
if end_time < 0.0:
end_time = self.duration + end_time
if start_time < 0.0:
raise ValueError("The slice start position (%f s) is out of "
"bounds." % start_time)
if end_time < 0.0:
raise ValueError("The slice end position (%f s) is out of bounds." %
if start_time > end_time:
raise ValueError("The slice start position (%f s) is later than "
"the end position (%f s)." % (start_time, end_time))
if end_time > self.duration:
raise ValueError("The slice end position (%f s) is out of bounds "
"(> %f s)" % (end_time, self.duration))
start_sample = int(round(start_time * self._sample_rate))
end_sample = int(round(end_time * self._sample_rate))
self._samples = self._samples[start_sample:end_sample]