1. Update the README.

This commit is contained in:
bhsueh 2020-04-03 09:07:20 +00:00
parent 63696a55ce
commit f0809df478
2 changed files with 113 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ if(BUILD_TF)
COMMAND cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/sample/tensorflow/*.py ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build/
COMMAND cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/sample/tensorflow/utils ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build/ -r
COMMAND cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/sample/tensorflow/scripts ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build/ -r
# COMMAND cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/sample/tensorflow_bert ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build/ -r
COMMAND cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/sample/tensorflow_bert ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build/ -r

View file

@ -4,34 +4,34 @@ This repository provides a script and recipe to run the highly optimized transfo
## Table Of Contents
- [Model overview](#model-overview)
* [Configuration support matrix](#configuration-support-matrix)
* [Model architecture](#model-architecture)
* [Encoder](#encoder)
* [Decoder](#decoder)
* [Decoding](#decoding)
* [Decoder and Decoding](#decoder-and-decoding)
- [Setup](#setup)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Quick Start Guide](#quick-start-guide)
* [Build the FasterTransformer](#build-the-fastertransformer)
* [Execute the encoder demos](#execute-the-encoder-demos)
* [Execute the decoding demos](#execute-the-decoding-demos)
- [Advanced](#advanced)
* [Scripts and sample codes](#scripts-and-sample-codes)
* [Command-line options](#command-line-options)
* [Inference process](#inference-process)
* [Encoder process](#encoder-process)
* [Decoder and Decoding process](#decoder-and-decoding-process)
* [Translation process](#translation-process)
- [Performance](#performance)
* [Encoder performance](#encoder-performance)
* [Decoder performance on T4](#decoder-performance-on-t4)
* [Decoding performance on T4](#decoding-performance-on-t4)
* [Decoding performance on V100](#decoding-performance-on-v100)
- [Release notes](#release-notes)
* [Changelog](#changelog)
* [Known issues](#known-issues)
- [Model overview](#model-overview)
- [Configuration support matrix](#configuration-support-matrix)
- [Model architecture](#model-architecture)
- [Encoder](#encoder)
- [Decoder](#decoder)
- [Decoding](#decoding)
- [Decoder and Decoding](#decoder-and-decoding)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Quick Start Guide](#quick-start-guide)
- [Build the FasterTransformer](#build-the-fastertransformer)
- [Execute the encoder demos](#execute-the-encoder-demos)
- [Execute the decoding demos](#execute-the-decoding-demos)
- [Advanced](#advanced)
- [Scripts and sample codes](#scripts-and-sample-codes)
- [Command-line options](#command-line-options)
- [Inference process](#inference-process)
- [Encoder process](#encoder-process)
- [Decoder and decoding process](#decoder-and-decoding-process)
- [Translation process](#translation-process)
- [Performance](#performance)
- [Encoder performance](#encoder-performance)
- [Decoder performance on T4](#decoder-performance-on-t4)
- [Decoding performance on T4](#decoding-performance-on-t4)
- [Decoding performance on V100](#decoding-performance-on-v100)
- [Release notes](#release-notes)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [Known issues](#known-issues)
## Model overview
@ -221,32 +221,102 @@ python encoder_sample.py \
--data_type fp16 \
--test_time 1
3. Run the FasterTransformer in BERT.
The following script demonstrates how to integrate the FasterTransformer into a BERT model.
The following script demonstrates how to integrate the FasterTransformer into a BERT model. This requires the repo of [BERT](https://github.com/google-research/bert).
a. Download the BERT model.
a. Prepare the BERT codes, Download the BERT pretrained model.
cd tensorflow_bert
git clone https://github.com/google-research/bert.git
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_10_18/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip
unzip uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip
b. Run the FasterTransformer on BERT.
b. Download the GLUE MRPC dataset. Note that the file `download_glue_data.py` can only executed under python3.
export BERT_BASE_DIR=./uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
./bin/encoder_gemm 8 128 12 64 0
python tensorflow_bert/profile_transformer_inference.py \
--init_checkpoint=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \
--tf_profile=false \
--output_dir=mrpc_output \
--profiling_output_file=time_elapsed \
--xla=false \
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/W4ngatang/60c2bdb54d156a41194446737ce03e2e/raw/17b8dd0d724281ed7c3b2aeeda662b92809aadd5/download_glue_data.py
python download_glue_data.py --tasks MRPC
c. Finetune the pretrained model on MRPC datasets. This takes some minutes. The accuracy would be better or worse because the MRPC dataset is very small.
export BERT_BASE_DIR=${PWD}/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
export GLUE_DIR=${PWD}/glue_data/
python bert/run_classifier.py \
--task_name=MRPC \
--do_train=true \
--do_eval=true \
--data_dir=$GLUE_DIR/MRPC \
--vocab_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/vocab.txt \
--bert_config_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \
--init_checkpoint=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \
--max_seq_length=128 \
--train_batch_size=32 \
--learning_rate=2e-5 \
--num_train_epochs=3.0 \
The results would be like:
I0403 08:52:49.721482 140547349206848 estimator.py:2039] Saving dict for global step 343: eval_accuracy = 0.87009805, eval_loss = 0.44462326, global_step = 343, loss = 0.44462326
I0403 08:52:50.128525 140547349206848 estimator.py:2099] Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 343: mrpc_output/model.ckpt-343
I0403 08:52:50.129132 140547349206848 error_handling.py:96] evaluation_loop marked as finished
I0403 08:52:50.129281 140547349206848 run_classifier.py:923] ***** Eval results *****
I0403 08:52:50.129338 140547349206848 run_classifier.py:925] eval_accuracy = 0.87009805
I0403 08:52:50.129695 140547349206848 run_classifier.py:925] eval_loss = 0.44462326
I0403 08:52:50.129786 140547349206848 run_classifier.py:925] global_step = 343
I0403 08:52:50.129833 140547349206848 run_classifier.py:925] loss = 0.44462326
d. Conver the finetuned checkpoint to FP16, check the accuracy of Fastertransformer under FP16.
python ckpt_type_convert.py --init_checkpoint=mrpc_output/model.ckpt-343 --fp16_checkpoint=mrpc_output/fp16_model.ckpt
python run_classifier_wrap.py --floatx=float16 --task_name=MRPC --do_eval=true --data_dir=$GLUE_DIR/MRPC --vocab_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/vocab.txt --bert_config_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json --init_checkpoint=mrpc_output/fp16_model.ckpt --max_seq_length=128 --eval_batch_size=8 --output_dir=mrpc_output
Because we do not generate the `gemm_config.ini` file, you can see many warning messages like:
gemm_config.in is not found
loading GEMM algorithms error, using default GEMM algorithms
gemm_config.in is not found
loading GEMM algorithms error, using default GEMM algorithms!
I0403 08:55:07.053885 140260684429120 evaluation.py:275] Finished evaluation at 2020-04-03-08:55:07
I0403 08:55:07.054126 140260684429120 estimator.py:2039] Saving dict for global step 343: eval_accuracy = 0.86764705, eval_loss = 0.45615184, global_step = 343, loss = 0.4561844
I0403 08:55:07.422543 140260684429120 estimator.py:2099] Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 343: mrpc_output/fp16_model.ckpt
I0403 08:55:07.423089 140260684429120 error_handling.py:96] evaluation_loop marked as finished
I0403 08:55:07.423257 140260684429120 run_classifier.py:923] ***** Eval results *****
I0403 08:55:07.423315 140260684429120 run_classifier.py:925] eval_accuracy = 0.86764705
I0403 08:55:07.423553 140260684429120 run_classifier.py:925] eval_loss = 0.45615184
I0403 08:55:07.423635 140260684429120 run_classifier.py:925] global_step = 343
I0403 08:55:07.423686 140260684429120 run_classifier.py:925] loss = 0.4561844
This shows that we use the FasterTransformer to run the inference successfully. In this case, using FP16 to do inference will reduce the accuracy with about 0.3%.
e. Compare the speed of BERT of TensorFlow and FasterTransformer under both FP32 and FP16.
../bin/encoder_gemm 1 32 12 64 0
python profile_transformer_inference.py --init_checkpoint=mrpc_output/model.ckpt-343 --tf_profile=false --output_dir=mrpc_output --profiling_output_file=time_elapsed --xla=false --floatx=float32
../bin/encoder_gemm 1 32 12 64 1
python profile_transformer_inference.py --init_checkpoint=mrpc_output/fp16_model.ckpt --tf_profile=false --output_dir=mrpc_output --profiling_output_file=time_elapsed --xla=false --floatx=float16
The results of FP16 under V100 would be like:
average time (seconds) elasped original tensorflow: 0.011663460731506347
average time (seconds) elasped fast transformer: 0.007064676284790039
### Execute the decoding demos
1. Generate the `decoding_gemm_config.in` file.