set -o nounset set -o errexit set -o pipefail cd .. cp -r /data/joc/gnmt_tf/19.08 output_dir # hack to work with pytorch dataset sed -ie 's/ src_vocab_file = hparams.vocab_prefix + "." + hparams.src/ src_vocab_file = hparams.vocab_prefix/g' sed -ie 's/ tgt_vocab_file = hparams.vocab_prefix + "." + hparams.tgt/ tgt_vocab_file = hparams.vocab_prefix/g' ( python --data_dir=/data/pytorch/wmt16_de_en --output_dir=output_dir --mode=infer --infer_batch_size=512 2>&1 ) | tee log.log python scripts/ log.log | tee log.json python << END import json import numpy as np from pathlib import Path baseline = 5374 bleu_baseline = 25.1 log = json.loads(Path('log.json').read_text()) speed = np.mean(log['eval_tokens_per_sec']) bleu = log['bleu'][0] print('Eval speed :', speed) print('Baseline :', baseline) print('Bleu :', bleu) print('Bleu baseline :', bleu_baseline) if speed < baseline * 0.9: print("FAILED: speed ({}) doesn't match the baseline ({})".format(speed, baseline)) exit(1) if bleu < bleu_baseline - 0.2: print("FAILED: bleu ({}) doesn't match the baseline ({})".format(bleu, bleu_baseline)) exit(1) print('SUCCESS') END