# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Utilities for allreduce.""" from __future__ import print_function import collections as pycoll import re from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.all_reduce.python import all_reduce from tensorflow.python.ops import collective_ops AllReduceSpecTuple = pycoll.namedtuple('AllReduceSpecTuple', 'alg shards limit') def parse_general_int(s): """Parse integer with power-of-2 suffix eg. 32k.""" mo = re.match(r'(\d+)([KkMGT]?)$', s) if mo: i, suffix = mo.group(1, 2) v = int(i) if suffix: if suffix == 'K' or suffix == 'k': v *= 1024 elif suffix == 'M': v *= (1024 * 1024) elif suffix == 'G': v *= (1024 * 1024 * 1024) elif suffix == 'T': v *= (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) else: raise ValueError('invalid integer string %s' % s) return v else: v = int(s) return v def parse_all_reduce_spec(all_reduce_spec): """Parse all_reduce_spec. Args: all_reduce_spec: a string specifying a combination of all-reduce algorithms to apply for gradient reduction. Returns: a list of AllReduceSpecTuple. Raises: ValueError: all_reduce_spec is not well-formed. An all_reduce_spec has BNF form: int ::= positive whole number g_int ::= int[KkMGT]? alg_spec ::= alg | alg#int range_spec ::= alg_spec | alg_spec/alg_spec spec ::= range_spec | range_spec:g_int:range_spec Not all syntactically correct specifications are supported. Examples of supported all_reduce_spec strings, with semantics explained: 'collective' == apply tf.collective_reduce operator to all tensors. 'collective#2' == apply tf.collective_reduce operator to all tensors, requesting up to 2 simultaneous transfers at each node, if feasible, by subdividing tensor by an additional factor of 2. 'xring' == apply ring all-reduce to all tensors 'xring#2' == apply ring all-reduce to all tensors, using two simultaneous transfer rings, each operating on 1/2 of each tensor. 'nccl' == apply NCCL all-reduce to all tensors (only works within a single worker process where all devices are GPUs) 'nccl/xring' == apply NCCL all-reduce to all tensors within each worker to produce at least one full-reduced (locally) value, then apply ring all-reduce to one such value from each worker, then apply NCCL broadcast to propagate those globally reduced values back to every device within each worker. 'pscpu' == Shuffle reduce using worker CPUs as the gather devices: each distributed tensor is reduced by copying all instances to one of the worker CPUs, computing the reduction there, then copying back to each participating device. Tensor reductions are assigned to specific CPUs round-robin. 'psgpu#4' == Arrange all GPUs across all workers into groups of 4. Each distributed tensor is shuffle reduced against one such group of 4 GPUs, selected round-robin. That is, each tensor is split across 4 shards for the reduction. 'pscpu:2k:pscpu#2:64k:xring' == Apply single-shard pscpu to tensors of size <= 2048 elements, apply 2-shard pscpu to tensors up to size 64k elements, apply xring to larger tensors. 'pscpu/pscpu#2' == Use shuffle gather to locally reduce each tensor on the worker's CPU, then use 2-shard shuffle to reduce those locally reduced tensors across workers (on the worker CPUs), then scatter the globally reduced values locally from each worker CPU. """ range_parts = all_reduce_spec.split(':') + ['-1'] if len(range_parts) % 2: raise ValueError('all_reduce_spec not well formed: %s' % all_reduce_spec) limit = 0 spec = [] alg = None shards = 1 for i, range_part in enumerate(range_parts): if i % 2 == 1: try: limit = parse_general_int(range_part) spec.append(AllReduceSpecTuple(alg=alg, shards=shards, limit=limit)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('all_reduce_spec (%s) contains non-integer range %s' % (all_reduce_spec, range_part)) else: alg = range_part alg_parts = range_part.split('#') alg = alg_parts[0] if len(alg_parts) > 1: try: shards = int(alg_parts[1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('all_reduce_spec (%s) contains non-integer ' 'shards %s' % all_reduce_spec, alg_parts[1]) else: shards = 1 if alg not in [ 'nccl', 'nccl/xring', 'nccl/rechd', 'nccl/pscpu', 'xring', 'pscpu', 'psgpu', 'pscpu/pscpu', 'collective' ]: raise ValueError('all_reduce_spec (%s) contains invalid alg %s' % (all_reduce_spec, alg)) return spec def build_all_reduce_device_prefixes(job_name, num_tasks): """Build list of device prefix names for all_reduce. Args: job_name: 'worker', 'ps' or 'localhost'. num_tasks: number of jobs across which device names should be generated. Returns: A list of device name prefix strings. Each element spells out the full host name without adding the device. e.g. '/job:worker/task:0' """ if job_name != 'localhost': return ['/job:%s/task:%d' % (job_name, d) for d in range(0, num_tasks)] else: assert num_tasks == 1 return ['/job:%s' % job_name] def group_device_names(devices, group_size): """Group device names into groups of group_size. Args: devices: list of strings naming devices. group_size: int >= 1 Returns: list of lists of devices, where each inner list is group_size long, and each device appears at least once in an inner list. If len(devices) % group_size = 0 then each device will appear exactly once. Raises: ValueError: group_size > len(devices) """ num_devices = len(devices) if group_size > num_devices: raise ValueError('only %d devices, but group_size=%d' % (num_devices, group_size)) num_groups = ( num_devices // group_size + (1 if (num_devices % group_size != 0) else 0)) groups = [[] for i in range(num_groups)] for i in range(0, num_groups * group_size): groups[i % num_groups].append(devices[i % num_devices]) return groups def split_grads_by_size(threshold_size, device_grads): """Break gradients into two sets according to tensor size. Args: threshold_size: int size cutoff for small vs large tensor. device_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. The outer list is over devices. The inner list is over individual gradients. Returns: small_grads: Subset of device_grads where shape is <= theshold_size elements. large_grads: Subset of device_grads where shape is > threshold_size elements. """ small_grads = [] large_grads = [] for dl in device_grads: small_dl = [] large_dl = [] for (g, v) in dl: tensor_size = g.get_shape().num_elements() if tensor_size <= threshold_size: small_dl.append([g, v]) else: large_dl.append([g, v]) if small_dl: small_grads.append(small_dl) if large_dl: large_grads.append(large_dl) return small_grads, large_grads _instance_key = 1 def new_collective_instance_key(): """Returns a new instance key for use in defining a collective op.""" global _instance_key v = _instance_key _instance_key += 1 return v _group_key = 1 _group_key_table = dict() def collective_group_key(devices): """Returns a group key for the set of devices. Args: devices: list of strings naming devices in a collective group. Returns: int key uniquely identifying the set of device names. """ global _group_key global _group_key_table parsed = [tf.DeviceSpec.from_string(d) for d in devices] names = sorted(['%s:%d' % (d.device_type, d.device_index) for d in parsed]) concat = ','.join(names) if concat not in _group_key_table.keys(): new_key = _group_key _group_key += 1 _group_key_table[concat] = new_key rv = _group_key_table[concat] return rv def build_collective_reduce(input_tensors, num_workers, num_shards, red_op='Add', un_op='Id'): """Build a subgraph that does one full all-reduce, using the collective Op. Args: input_tensors: tensors within a single worker graph that are to be reduced together; must be one per device. num_workers: total number of workers with identical independent graphs that will be doing this same reduction. The reduction will actually include the corresponding tensors at all these workers. num_shards: number of shards into which to divide each per-tick chunk, normally 1 but could be higher on multi-data-path architectures. red_op: string naming the reduction op un_op: string naming the unary final op Returns: An array of final tensors, one per device, computed by the full reduction. Raises: ValueError: There must be at least two tensors over all the workers. """ group_size = len(input_tensors) * num_workers if group_size < 2: raise ValueError('num_workers * len(input_tensors) must be 2 or greater') devices = [t.device for t in input_tensors] num_devices = len(devices) group_key = collective_group_key(devices) instance_key = new_collective_instance_key() out_tensors = [] if num_shards == 1: subdiv_offsets = [0] elif num_shards == 2: if num_devices > 1: subdiv_offsets = [0, -(num_devices // 2)] else: subdiv_offsets = [0] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported num_shards %d' % num_shards) for d in range(num_devices): with tf.device(devices[d]): reduce_op = collective_ops.all_reduce(input_tensors[d], group_size, group_key, instance_key, red_op, un_op, subdiv_offsets) out_tensors.append(reduce_op) return out_tensors def broadcast_send(t, shape, dtype, group_size, group_key, instance_key): return collective_ops.broadcast_send(t, shape, dtype, group_size, group_key, instance_key) def broadcast_recv(shape, dtype, group_size, group_key, instance_key): return collective_ops.broadcast_recv(shape, dtype, group_size, group_key, instance_key) def sum_grad_and_var_all_reduce(single_session, grad_and_vars, num_workers, alg, gpu_indices, aux_devices=None, num_shards=1): """Apply all-reduce algorithm over specified gradient tensors.""" scaled_grads = [g for g, _ in grad_and_vars] if alg == 'collective': assert not single_session summed_grads = build_collective_reduce( scaled_grads, num_workers, num_shards, 'Add', 'Id') else: with tf.name_scope('allreduce'): # Note that each grad_and_vars looks like the following: # ((grad0_gpu0, var0_gpu0), ... , (grad0_gpuN, var0_gpuN)) if alg == 'nccl': summed_grads = all_reduce.build_nccl_all_reduce(scaled_grads, tf.add) elif alg == 'xring': summed_grads = all_reduce.build_ring_all_reduce( scaled_grads, num_workers, num_shards, gpu_indices, tf.add) elif alg == 'nccl/xring': summed_grads = all_reduce.build_nccl_then_ring(scaled_grads, num_shards, tf.add) elif alg == 'nccl/rechd': summed_grads = all_reduce.build_nccl_then_recursive_hd( scaled_grads, tf.add) elif alg == 'nccl/pscpu': summed_grads = all_reduce.build_nccl_then_shuffle( scaled_grads, aux_devices, tf.add, tf.add_n) elif alg == 'pscpu/pscpu': summed_grads = all_reduce.build_shuffle_then_shuffle( scaled_grads, aux_devices, # TODO(tucker): devise a way of better specifying the device set # for the second level. [aux_devices[0]], tf.add_n) elif alg in ['pscpu', 'psgpu']: summed_grads = all_reduce.build_shuffle_all_reduce( scaled_grads, aux_devices, tf.add_n) else: raise ValueError('unsupported all_reduce alg: ', alg) result = [] for (_, v), g in zip(grad_and_vars, summed_grads): result.append([g, v]) return result def contains_any(haystack, needles): """Tests if any needle is a substring of haystack. Args: haystack: a string needles: list of strings Returns: True if any element of needles is a substring of haystack, False otherwise. """ for n in needles: if n in haystack: return True return False def sum_gradients_all_reduce(single_session, dev_prefixes, tower_grads, num_workers, alg, num_shards, gpu_indices, agg_small_grads_max_bytes=0, agg_small_grads_max_group=10, allreduce_merge_scope=1): """Apply all-reduce algorithm over specified gradient tensors. Args: single_session: true if reduction is applied to one graph across all workers, false if ths application is to a single-worker graph only. dev_prefixes: list of prefix strings to use to generate PS device names. tower_grads: the gradients to reduce. num_workers: number of worker processes across entire job. alg: the all-reduce algorithm to apply. num_shards: alg-specific sharding factor. gpu_indices: indices of local GPUs in order usable for ring-reduce. agg_small_grads_max_bytes: largest tensor eligible for aggregation, in number of bytes. agg_small_grads_max_group: largest permitted aggregation of small tensors. allreduce_merge_scope: size of groups into which to partition consecutive gradients grouped under a common 'allreduce' name scope for application of ScopedAllocator optimization. Returns: list of reduced tensors """ alg_contains_shuffle = contains_any(alg, ['pscpu', 'psgpu']) is_hierarchical = '/' in alg if 'pscpu' in alg: aux_devices = [prefix + '/cpu:0' for prefix in dev_prefixes] elif 'psgpu' in alg: aux_devices = [ prefix + '/gpu:%d' % i for i in range(len(gpu_indices)) for prefix in dev_prefixes ] else: aux_devices = ['/job:localhost/cpu:0'] aux_device_groups = group_device_names( aux_devices, num_shards if (alg != 'collective' and alg_contains_shuffle) else 1) group_index = 0 if agg_small_grads_max_bytes > 0 and agg_small_grads_max_group > 0: tower_grads, packing = pack_small_tensors( tower_grads, max_bytes=agg_small_grads_max_bytes, max_group=agg_small_grads_max_group) else: packing = None reduced_gv_list = [] gv = list(zip(*tower_grads)) merge_scope = allreduce_merge_scope if allreduce_merge_scope > 0 else 1 chunked_gv = [gv[x:x + merge_scope] for x in xrange(0, len(gv), merge_scope)] for chunk in chunked_gv: with tf.name_scope('allreduce'): for grad_and_vars in chunk: reduced_gv_list.append(sum_grad_and_var_all_reduce( single_session, grad_and_vars, num_workers, alg, gpu_indices, (aux_devices if is_hierarchical else aux_device_groups[group_index]), num_shards)) group_index = (group_index + 1) % len(aux_device_groups) new_tower_grads = [list(x) for x in zip(*reduced_gv_list)] if packing: new_tower_grads = unpack_small_tensors(new_tower_grads, packing) return new_tower_grads def extract_ranges(index_list, range_size_limit=32): """Extract consecutive ranges and singles from index_list. Args: index_list: List of monotone increasing non-negative integers. range_size_limit: Largest size range to return. If a larger consecutive range exists it will be returned as multiple ranges. Returns: ranges, singles where ranges is a list of [first, last] pairs of consecutive elements in index_list, and singles is all of the other elements, in original order. """ if not index_list: return [], [] first = index_list[0] last = first ranges = [] singles = [] for i in index_list[1:]: if i == last + 1 and (last - first) <= range_size_limit: last = i else: if last > first: ranges.append([first, last]) else: singles.append(first) first = i last = i if last > first: ranges.append([first, last]) else: singles.append(first) return ranges, singles GradPackTuple = pycoll.namedtuple('GradPackTuple', 'indices vars shapes') def pack_range(key, packing, grad_vars, rng): """Form the concatenation of a specified range of gradient tensors. Args: key: Value under which to store meta-data in packing that will be used later to restore the grad_var list structure. packing: Dict holding data describing packed ranges of small tensors. grad_vars: List of (grad, var) pairs for one tower. rng: A pair of integers giving the first, last indices of a consecutive range of tensors to be packed. Returns: A tensor that is the concatenation of all the specified small tensors. """ to_pack = grad_vars[rng[0]:rng[1] + 1] members = [] variables = [] restore_shapes = [] with tf.name_scope('pack'): for g, v in to_pack: variables.append(v) restore_shapes.append(g.shape) with tf.device(g.device): members.append(tf.reshape(g, [-1])) packing[key] = GradPackTuple( indices=range(rng[0], rng[1] + 1), vars=variables, shapes=restore_shapes) with tf.device(members[0].device): return tf.concat(members, 0) def unpack_grad_tuple(gv, gpt): """Unpack a previously packed collection of gradient tensors. Args: gv: A (grad, var) pair to be unpacked. gpt: A GradPackTuple describing the packing operation that produced gv. Returns: A list of (grad, var) pairs corresponding to the values that were originally packed into gv, maybe following subsequent operations like reduction. """ elt_widths = [x.num_elements() for x in gpt.shapes] with tf.device(gv[0][0].device): with tf.name_scope('unpack'): splits = tf.split(gv[0], elt_widths) unpacked_gv = [] for idx, s in enumerate(splits): unpacked_gv.append((tf.reshape(s, gpt.shapes[idx]), gpt.vars[idx])) return unpacked_gv def pack_small_tensors(tower_grads, max_bytes=0, max_group=0): """Concatenate small gradient tensors together for reduction. Args: tower_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. max_bytes: Int giving max number of bytes in a tensor that may be considered small. max_group: Int giving max number of small tensors that may be concatenated into one new tensor. Returns: new_tower_grads, packing where new_tower_grads is identical to tower_grads except that all feasible small_tensors have been removed from their places and concatenated into larger tensors that are now in the front of the list for each tower, and packing contains the data necessary to restore the tower_grads structure. Look through the first tower for gradients of the same type (float), and small size, that are all sequential. For each such group, replace by a new tensor that is a flattened concatenation. Note that the corresponding variable will be absent, which doesn't matter because it isn't used during all-reduce. Requires: Every gv_list in towers must have isomorphic structure including identical tensor sizes and types. """ small_indices = [] large_indices = [] for idx, (g, _) in enumerate(tower_grads[0]): if g.dtype == tf.float32 and (4 * g.shape.num_elements()) <= max_bytes: small_indices.append(idx) else: large_indices.append(idx) small_ranges, small_singles = extract_ranges( small_indices, range_size_limit=max_group) large_indices = sorted(large_indices + small_singles) num_gv = len(tower_grads[0]) packing = {} if small_ranges: new_tower_grads = [] for dev_idx, gv_list in enumerate(tower_grads): assert len(gv_list) == num_gv new_gv_list = [] for r in small_ranges: key = '%d:%d' % (dev_idx, len(new_gv_list)) new_gv_list.append((pack_range(key, packing, gv_list, r), 'packing_var_placeholder')) for i in large_indices: new_gv_list.append(gv_list[i]) new_tower_grads.append(new_gv_list) return new_tower_grads, packing else: return tower_grads, None def unpack_small_tensors(tower_grads, packing): """Undo the structure alterations to tower_grads done by pack_small_tensors. Args: tower_grads: List of List of (grad, var) tuples. packing: A dict generated by pack_small_tensors describing the changes it made to tower_grads. Returns: new_tower_grads: identical to tower_grads except that concatentations of small tensors have been split apart and returned to their original positions, paired with their original variables. """ if not packing: return tower_grads new_tower_grads = [] num_devices = len(tower_grads) num_packed = len(packing.keys()) // num_devices for dev_idx, gv_list in enumerate(tower_grads): new_gv_list = gv_list[num_packed:] for i in xrange(0, num_packed): k = '%d:%d' % (dev_idx, i) gpt = packing[k] gv = unpack_grad_tuple(gv_list[i], gpt) for gi, idx in enumerate(gpt.indices): assert idx == gpt.indices[gi] new_gv_list.insert(idx, gv[gi]) new_tower_grads.append(new_gv_list) return new_tower_grads