# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # # Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """TensorFlow NMT model implementation.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import random import sys import subprocess # import matplotlib.image as mpimg import numpy as np import time import tensorflow as tf import estimator from utils import evaluation_utils from utils import iterator_utils from utils import misc_utils as utils from utils import vocab_utils from variable_mgr import constants utils.check_tensorflow_version() FLAGS = None # LINT.IfChange def add_arguments(parser): """Build ArgumentParser.""" parser.register("type", "bool", lambda v: v.lower() == "true") # network parser.add_argument( "--num_units", type=int, default=1024, help="Network size.") parser.add_argument( "--num_layers", type=int, default=4, help="Network depth.") parser.add_argument("--num_encoder_layers", type=int, default=None, help="Encoder depth, equal to num_layers if None.") parser.add_argument("--num_decoder_layers", type=int, default=None, help="Decoder depth, equal to num_layers if None.") parser.add_argument( "--encoder_type", type=str, default="gnmt", help="""\ uni | bi | gnmt. For bi, we build num_encoder_layers/2 bi-directional layers. For gnmt, we build 1 bi-directional layer, and (num_encoder_layers - 1) uni-directional layers.\ """) parser.add_argument( "--residual", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help="Whether to add residual connections.") parser.add_argument("--time_major", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help="Whether to use time-major mode for dynamic RNN.") parser.add_argument("--num_embeddings_partitions", type=int, default=0, help="Number of partitions for embedding vars.") # attention mechanisms parser.add_argument( "--attention", type=str, default="normed_bahdanau", help="""\ luong | scaled_luong | bahdanau | normed_bahdanau or set to "" for no attention\ """) parser.add_argument( "--attention_architecture", type=str, default="gnmt_v2", help="""\ standard | gnmt | gnmt_v2. standard: use top layer to compute attention. gnmt: GNMT style of computing attention, use previous bottom layer to compute attention. gnmt_v2: similar to gnmt, but use current bottom layer to compute attention.\ """) parser.add_argument( "--output_attention", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help="""\ Only used in standard attention_architecture. Whether use attention as the cell output at each timestep. .\ """) parser.add_argument( "--pass_hidden_state", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help="""\ Whether to pass encoder's hidden state to decoder when using an attention based model.\ """) # optimizer parser.add_argument( "--optimizer", type=str, default="adam", help="sgd | adam") parser.add_argument( "--learning_rate", type=float, default=5e-4, help="Learning rate. Adam: 0.001 | 0.0001") parser.add_argument("--warmup_steps", type=int, default=200, help="How many steps we inverse-decay learning.") parser.add_argument("--warmup_scheme", type=str, default="t2t", help="""\ How to warmup learning rates. Options include: t2t: Tensor2Tensor's way, start with lr 100 times smaller, then exponentiate until the specified lr.\ """) parser.add_argument( "--decay_scheme", type=str, default="luong234", help="""\ How we decay learning rate. Options include: luong234: after 2/3 num train steps, we start halving the learning rate for 4 times before finishing. luong5: after 1/2 num train steps, we start halving the learning rate for 5 times before finishing.\ luong10: after 1/2 num train steps, we start halving the learning rate for 10 times before finishing.\ """) parser.add_argument( "--max_train_epochs", type=int, default=6, help="Max number of epochs.") parser.add_argument( "--target_bleu", type=float, default=None, help="Target bleu.") parser.add_argument("--colocate_gradients_with_ops", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help=("Whether try colocating gradients with " "corresponding op")) parser.add_argument("--label_smoothing", type=float, default=0.1, help=("If nonzero, smooth the labels towards " "1/num_classes.")) # initializer parser.add_argument("--init_op", type=str, default="uniform", help="uniform | glorot_normal | glorot_uniform") parser.add_argument("--init_weight", type=float, default=0.1, help=("for uniform init_op, initialize weights " "between [-this, this].")) # data parser.add_argument( "--src", type=str, default="en", help="Source suffix, e.g., en.") parser.add_argument( "--tgt", type=str, default="de", help="Target suffix, e.g., de.") parser.add_argument( "--data_dir", type=str, default="data/wmt16_de_en", help="Training/eval data directory.") parser.add_argument( "--train_prefix", type=str, default="train.tok.clean.bpe.32000", help="Train prefix, expect files with src/tgt suffixes.") parser.add_argument( "--test_prefix", type=str, default="newstest2014.tok.bpe.32000", help="Test prefix, expect files with src/tgt suffixes.") parser.add_argument( "--translate_file", type=str, help="File to translate, works only with translate mode") parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", type=str, default="results", help="Store log/model files.") # Vocab parser.add_argument( "--vocab_prefix", type=str, default="vocab.bpe.32000", help="""\ Vocab prefix, expect files with src/tgt suffixes.\ """) parser.add_argument( "--embed_prefix", type=str, default=None, help="""\ Pretrained embedding prefix, expect files with src/tgt suffixes. The embedding files should be Glove formatted txt files.\ """) parser.add_argument("--sos", type=str, default="", help="Start-of-sentence symbol.") parser.add_argument("--eos", type=str, default="", help="End-of-sentence symbol.") parser.add_argument( "--share_vocab", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=True, help="""\ Whether to use the source vocab and embeddings for both source and target.\ """) parser.add_argument("--check_special_token", type="bool", default=True, help="""\ Whether check special sos, eos, unk tokens exist in the vocab files.\ """) # Sequence lengths parser.add_argument( "--src_max_len", type=int, default=50, help="Max length of src sequences during training (including EOS).") parser.add_argument( "--tgt_max_len", type=int, default=50, help="Max length of tgt sequences during training (including BOS).") parser.add_argument("--src_max_len_infer", type=int, default=None, help="Max length of src sequences during inference (including EOS).") parser.add_argument("--tgt_max_len_infer", type=int, default=80, help="""\ Max length of tgt sequences during inference (including BOS). Also use to restrict the maximum decoding length.\ """) # Default settings works well (rarely need to change) parser.add_argument("--unit_type", type=str, default="lstm", help="lstm | gru | layer_norm_lstm | nas") parser.add_argument("--forget_bias", type=float, default=0.0, help="Forget bias for BasicLSTMCell.") parser.add_argument("--dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="Dropout rate (not keep_prob)") parser.add_argument("--max_gradient_norm", type=float, default=5.0, help="Clip gradients to this norm.") parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=128, help="Total batch size.") parser.add_argument( "--num_buckets", type=int, default=5, help="Put data into similar-length buckets (only for training).") # SPM parser.add_argument("--subword_option", type=str, default="bpe", choices=["", "bpe", "spm"], help="""\ Set to bpe or spm to activate subword desegmentation.\ """) # Experimental encoding feature. parser.add_argument("--use_char_encode", type="bool", default=False, help="""\ Whether to split each word or bpe into character, and then generate the word-level representation from the character reprentation. """) # Misc parser.add_argument( "--save_checkpoints_steps", type=int, default=2000, help="save_checkpoints_steps") parser.add_argument( "--log_step_count_steps", type=int, default=10, help=("The frequency, in number of global steps, that the global step " "and the loss will be logged during training")) parser.add_argument( "--num_gpus", type=int, default=1, help="Number of gpus in each worker.") parser.add_argument("--hparams_path", type=str, default=None, help=("Path to standard hparams json file that overrides" "hparams values from FLAGS.")) parser.add_argument( "--random_seed", type=int, default=1, help="Random seed (>0, set a specific seed).") parser.add_argument("--language_model", type="bool", nargs="?", const=True, default=False, help="True to train a language model, ignoring encoder") # Inference parser.add_argument("--ckpt", type=str, default=None, help="Checkpoint file to load a model for inference. (defaults to newest checkpoint)") parser.add_argument( "--infer_batch_size", type=int, default=128, help="Batch size for inference mode.") parser.add_argument("--detokenizer_file", type=str, default=None, help=("""Detokenizer script file. Default: DATA_DIR/mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/detokenizer.perl""")) parser.add_argument("--tokenizer_file", type=str, default=None, help=("""Tokenizer script file. Default: DATA_DIR/mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl""")) # Advanced inference arguments parser.add_argument("--infer_mode", type=str, default="beam_search", choices=["greedy", "beam_search"], help="Which type of decoder to use during inference.") parser.add_argument("--beam_width", type=int, default=5, help=("""\ beam width when using beam search decoder. If 0, use standard decoder with greedy helper.\ """)) parser.add_argument( "--length_penalty_weight", type=float, default=0.6, help="Length penalty for beam search.") parser.add_argument( "--coverage_penalty_weight", type=float, default=0.1, help="Coverage penalty for beam search.") # Job info parser.add_argument("--num_workers", type=int, default=1, help="Number of workers (inference only).") parser.add_argument("--use_amp", type="bool", default=True, help="use_amp for training and inference") parser.add_argument("--use_fastmath", type="bool", default=False, help="use_fastmath for training and inference") parser.add_argument("--use_fp16", type="bool", default=False, help="use_fp16 for training and inference") parser.add_argument( "--fp16_loss_scale", type=float, default=128, help="If fp16 is enabled, the loss is multiplied by this amount " "right before gradients are computed, then each gradient " "is divided by this amount. Mathematically, this has no " "effect, but it helps avoid fp16 underflow. Set to 1 to " "effectively disable.") parser.add_argument( "--enable_auto_loss_scale", type="bool", default=True, help="If True and use_fp16 is True, automatically adjust the " "loss scale during training.") parser.add_argument( "--fp16_inc_loss_scale_every_n", type=int, default=128, help="If fp16 is enabled and enable_auto_loss_scale is " "True, increase the loss scale every n steps.") parser.add_argument( "--check_tower_loss_numerics", type="bool", default=False, # Set to false for xla.compile() help="whether to check tower loss numerics") parser.add_argument( "--use_fp32_batch_matmul", type="bool", default=False, help="Whether to use fp32 batch matmul") # Performance # XLA parser.add_argument( "--force_inputs_padding", type="bool", default=False, help="Force padding input batch to src_max_len and tgt_max_len") parser.add_argument( "--use_xla", type="bool", default=False, help="Use xla to compile a few selected locations, mostly Defuns.") parser.add_argument( "--xla_compile", type="bool", default=False, help="Use xla.compile() for each tower's fwd and bak pass.") parser.add_argument( "--use_autojit_xla", type="bool", default=False, help="Use auto jit xla.") # GPU knobs parser.add_argument( "--use_pintohost_optimizer", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use PinToHost optimizer") parser.add_argument( "--use_cudnn_lstm", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use cudnn_lstm for encoder, non residual layers") parser.add_argument( "--use_loose_bidi_cudnn_lstm", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use loose bidi cudnn_lstm") parser.add_argument( "--use_fused_lstm", type="bool", default=True, help="whether to use fused lstm and variant. If enabled, training will " "use LSTMBlockFusedCell, infer will use LSTMBlockCell when appropriate.") parser.add_argument( "--use_fused_lstm_dec", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use fused lstm for decoder (training only).") parser.add_argument( "--gpu_indices", type=str, default="", help="Indices of worker GPUs in ring order") # Graph knobs parser.add_argument("--parallel_iterations", type=int, default=10, help="number of parallel iterations in dynamic_rnn") parser.add_argument("--use_dist_strategy", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use distribution strategy") parser.add_argument( "--hierarchical_copy", type="bool", default=False, help="Use hierarchical copies. Currently only optimized for " "use on a DGX-1 with 8 GPUs and may perform poorly on " "other hardware. Requires --num_gpus > 1, and only " "recommended when --num_gpus=8") parser.add_argument( "--network_topology", type=constants.NetworkTopology, default=constants.NetworkTopology.DGX1, choices=list(constants.NetworkTopology)) parser.add_argument( "--use_block_lstm", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use block lstm") parser.add_argument( "--use_defun", type="bool", default=False, help="whether to use Defun") # Gradient tricks parser.add_argument( "--gradient_repacking", type=int, default=0, help="Use gradient repacking. It" "currently only works with replicated mode. At the end of" "of each step, it repacks the gradients for more efficient" "cross-device transportation. A non-zero value specifies" "the number of split packs that will be formed.") parser.add_argument( "--compact_gradient_transfer", type="bool", default=True, help="Compact gradient as much as possible for cross-device transfer and " "aggregation.") parser.add_argument( "--all_reduce_spec", type=str, default="nccl", help="A specification of the all_reduce algorithm to be used " "for reducing gradients. For more details, see " "parse_all_reduce_spec in variable_mgr.py. An " "all_reduce_spec has BNF form:\n" "int ::= positive whole number\n" "g_int ::= int[KkMGT]?\n" "alg_spec ::= alg | alg#int\n" "range_spec ::= alg_spec | alg_spec/alg_spec\n" "spec ::= range_spec | range_spec:g_int:range_spec\n" "NOTE: not all syntactically correct constructs are " "supported.\n\n" "Examples:\n " "\"xring\" == use one global ring reduction for all " "tensors\n" "\"pscpu\" == use CPU at worker 0 to reduce all tensors\n" "\"nccl\" == use NCCL to locally reduce all tensors. " "Limited to 1 worker.\n" "\"nccl/xring\" == locally (to one worker) reduce values " "using NCCL then ring reduce across workers.\n" "\"pscpu:32k:xring\" == use pscpu algorithm for tensors of " "size up to 32kB, then xring for larger tensors.") parser.add_argument( "--agg_small_grads_max_bytes", type=int, default=0, help="If > 0, try to aggregate tensors of less than this " "number of bytes prior to all-reduce.") parser.add_argument( "--agg_small_grads_max_group", type=int, default=10, help="When aggregating small tensors for all-reduce do not " "aggregate more than this many into one new tensor.") parser.add_argument( "--allreduce_merge_scope", type=int, default=1, help="Establish a name scope around this many " "gradients prior to creating the all-reduce operations. " "It may affect the ability of the backend to merge " "parallel ops.") # Other knobs parser.add_argument( "--local_parameter_device", type=str, default="gpu", help="Device to use as parameter server: cpu or gpu. For " "distributed training, it can affect where caching of " "variables happens.") parser.add_argument( "--use_resource_vars", type="bool", default=False, help="Use resource variables instead of normal variables. " "Resource variables are slower, but this option is useful " "for debugging their performance.") parser.add_argument("--debug", type="bool", default=False, help="Debug train and eval") parser.add_argument( "--debug_num_train_steps", type=int, default=None, help="Num steps to train.") parser.add_argument("--show_metrics", type="bool", default=True, help="whether to show detailed metrics") parser.add_argument("--clip_grads", type="bool", default=True, help="whether to clip gradients") parser.add_argument("--profile", type="bool", default=False, help="If generate profile") parser.add_argument("--profile_save_steps", type=int, default=10, help="Save timeline every N steps.") parser.add_argument("--use_dynamic_rnn", type="bool", default=True) parser.add_argument("--use_synthetic_data", type="bool", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--mode", type=str, default="train_and_eval", choices=("train_and_eval", "infer", "translate")) def create_hparams(flags): """Create training hparams.""" return tf.contrib.training.HParams( # Data src=flags.src, tgt=flags.tgt, train_prefix=os.path.join(flags.data_dir, flags.train_prefix), test_prefix=os.path.join(flags.data_dir, flags.test_prefix), translate_file=flags.translate_file, vocab_prefix=os.path.join(flags.data_dir, flags.vocab_prefix), embed_prefix=flags.embed_prefix, output_dir=flags.output_dir, # Networks num_units=flags.num_units, num_encoder_layers=(flags.num_encoder_layers or flags.num_layers), num_decoder_layers=(flags.num_decoder_layers or flags.num_layers), dropout=flags.dropout, unit_type=flags.unit_type, encoder_type=flags.encoder_type, residual=flags.residual, time_major=flags.time_major, num_embeddings_partitions=flags.num_embeddings_partitions, # Attention mechanisms attention=flags.attention, attention_architecture=flags.attention_architecture, output_attention=flags.output_attention, pass_hidden_state=flags.pass_hidden_state, # Train optimizer=flags.optimizer, max_train_epochs=flags.max_train_epochs, target_bleu=flags.target_bleu, label_smoothing=flags.label_smoothing, batch_size=flags.batch_size, init_op=flags.init_op, init_weight=flags.init_weight, max_gradient_norm=flags.max_gradient_norm, learning_rate=flags.learning_rate, warmup_steps=flags.warmup_steps, warmup_scheme=flags.warmup_scheme, decay_scheme=flags.decay_scheme, colocate_gradients_with_ops=flags.colocate_gradients_with_ops, # Data constraints num_buckets=flags.num_buckets, src_max_len=flags.src_max_len, tgt_max_len=flags.tgt_max_len, # Inference src_max_len_infer=flags.src_max_len_infer, tgt_max_len_infer=flags.tgt_max_len_infer, ckpt=flags.ckpt, infer_batch_size=flags.infer_batch_size, detokenizer_file=flags.detokenizer_file if flags.detokenizer_file is not None \ else os.path.join(flags.data_dir, 'mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/detokenizer.perl'), tokenizer_file=flags.tokenizer_file if flags.tokenizer_file is not None \ else os.path.join(flags.data_dir, 'mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl'), # Advanced inference arguments infer_mode=flags.infer_mode, beam_width=flags.beam_width, length_penalty_weight=flags.length_penalty_weight, coverage_penalty_weight=flags.coverage_penalty_weight, # Vocab sos=flags.sos if flags.sos else vocab_utils.SOS, eos=flags.eos if flags.eos else vocab_utils.EOS, subword_option=flags.subword_option, check_special_token=flags.check_special_token, use_char_encode=flags.use_char_encode, # Misc forget_bias=flags.forget_bias, num_gpus=flags.num_gpus, save_checkpoints_steps=flags.save_checkpoints_steps, log_step_count_steps=flags.log_step_count_steps, epoch_step=0, # record where we were within an epoch. share_vocab=flags.share_vocab, random_seed=flags.random_seed, language_model=flags.language_model, use_amp=flags.use_amp, use_fastmath=flags.use_fastmath, use_fp16=flags.use_fp16, fp16_loss_scale=flags.fp16_loss_scale, enable_auto_loss_scale=flags.enable_auto_loss_scale, fp16_inc_loss_scale_every_n=flags.fp16_inc_loss_scale_every_n, check_tower_loss_numerics=flags.check_tower_loss_numerics, use_fp32_batch_matmul=flags.use_fp32_batch_matmul, # Performance # GPU knbs force_inputs_padding=flags.force_inputs_padding, use_xla=flags.use_xla, xla_compile=flags.xla_compile, use_autojit_xla=flags.use_autojit_xla, use_pintohost_optimizer=flags.use_pintohost_optimizer, use_cudnn_lstm=flags.use_cudnn_lstm, use_loose_bidi_cudnn_lstm=flags.use_loose_bidi_cudnn_lstm, use_fused_lstm=flags.use_fused_lstm, use_fused_lstm_dec=flags.use_fused_lstm_dec, gpu_indices=flags.gpu_indices, # Graph knobs parallel_iterations=flags.parallel_iterations, use_dynamic_rnn=flags.use_dynamic_rnn, use_dist_strategy=flags.use_dist_strategy, hierarchical_copy=flags.hierarchical_copy, network_topology=flags.network_topology, use_block_lstm=flags.use_block_lstm, # Grad tricks gradient_repacking=flags.gradient_repacking, compact_gradient_transfer=flags.compact_gradient_transfer, all_reduce_spec=flags.all_reduce_spec, agg_small_grads_max_bytes=flags.agg_small_grads_max_bytes, agg_small_grads_max_group=flags.agg_small_grads_max_group, allreduce_merge_scope=flags.allreduce_merge_scope, # Other knobs local_parameter_device=("cpu" if flags.num_gpus ==0 else flags.local_parameter_device), use_resource_vars=flags.use_resource_vars, debug=flags.debug, debug_num_train_steps=flags.debug_num_train_steps, clip_grads=flags.clip_grads, profile=flags.profile, profile_save_steps=flags.profile_save_steps, show_metrics=flags.show_metrics, use_synthetic_data=flags.use_synthetic_data, mode=flags.mode, ) def _add_argument(hparams, key, value, update=True): """Add an argument to hparams; if exists, change the value if update==True.""" if hasattr(hparams, key): if update: setattr(hparams, key, value) else: hparams.add_hparam(key, value) def extend_hparams(hparams): """Add new arguments to hparams.""" # Sanity checks if hparams.encoder_type == "bi" and hparams.num_encoder_layers % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("For bi, num_encoder_layers %d should be even" % hparams.num_encoder_layers) if (hparams.attention_architecture in ["gnmt"] and hparams.num_encoder_layers < 2): raise ValueError("For gnmt attention architecture, " "num_encoder_layers %d should be >= 2" % hparams.num_encoder_layers) if hparams.subword_option and hparams.subword_option not in ["spm", "bpe"]: raise ValueError("subword option must be either spm, or bpe") if hparams.infer_mode == "beam_search" and hparams.beam_width <= 0: raise ValueError("beam_width must greater than 0 when using beam_search" "decoder.") if hparams.mode == "translate" and not hparams.translate_file: raise ValueError("--translate_file flag must be specified in translate mode") # Different number of encoder / decoder layers assert hparams.num_encoder_layers and hparams.num_decoder_layers if hparams.num_encoder_layers != hparams.num_decoder_layers: hparams.pass_hidden_state = False utils.print_out("Num encoder layer %d is different from num decoder layer" " %d, so set pass_hidden_state to False" % ( hparams.num_encoder_layers, hparams.num_decoder_layers)) # Set residual layers num_encoder_residual_layers = 0 num_decoder_residual_layers = 0 if hparams.residual: if hparams.num_encoder_layers > 1: num_encoder_residual_layers = hparams.num_encoder_layers - 1 if hparams.num_decoder_layers > 1: num_decoder_residual_layers = hparams.num_decoder_layers - 1 if hparams.encoder_type == "gnmt": # The first unidirectional layer (after the bi-directional layer) in # the GNMT encoder can't have residual connection due to the input is # the concatenation of fw_cell and bw_cell's outputs. num_encoder_residual_layers = hparams.num_encoder_layers - 2 # Compatible for GNMT models if hparams.num_encoder_layers == hparams.num_decoder_layers: num_decoder_residual_layers = num_encoder_residual_layers _add_argument(hparams, "num_encoder_residual_layers", num_encoder_residual_layers) _add_argument(hparams, "num_decoder_residual_layers", num_decoder_residual_layers) # Language modeling if hparams.language_model: hparams.attention = "" hparams.attention_architecture = "" hparams.pass_hidden_state = False hparams.share_vocab = True hparams.src = hparams.tgt utils.print_out("For language modeling, we turn off attention and " "pass_hidden_state; turn on share_vocab; set src to tgt.") ## Vocab # Get vocab file names first if hparams.vocab_prefix: src_vocab_file = hparams.vocab_prefix + "." + hparams.src tgt_vocab_file = hparams.vocab_prefix + "." + hparams.tgt else: raise ValueError("hparams.vocab_prefix must be provided.") # Source vocab src_vocab_size, src_vocab_file = vocab_utils.check_vocab( src_vocab_file, hparams.output_dir, check_special_token=hparams.check_special_token, sos=hparams.sos, eos=hparams.eos, unk=vocab_utils.UNK, pad_vocab=True) # Target vocab if hparams.share_vocab: utils.print_out(" using source vocab for target") tgt_vocab_file = src_vocab_file tgt_vocab_size = src_vocab_size else: tgt_vocab_size, tgt_vocab_file = vocab_utils.check_vocab( tgt_vocab_file, hparams.output_dir, check_special_token=hparams.check_special_token, sos=hparams.sos, eos=hparams.eos, unk=vocab_utils.UNK) _add_argument(hparams, "src_vocab_size", src_vocab_size) _add_argument(hparams, "tgt_vocab_size", tgt_vocab_size) _add_argument(hparams, "src_vocab_file", src_vocab_file) _add_argument(hparams, "tgt_vocab_file", tgt_vocab_file) # Num embedding partitions _add_argument( hparams, "num_enc_emb_partitions", hparams.num_embeddings_partitions) _add_argument( hparams, "num_dec_emb_partitions", hparams.num_embeddings_partitions) # Pretrained Embeddings _add_argument(hparams, "src_embed_file", "") _add_argument(hparams, "tgt_embed_file", "") if hparams.embed_prefix: src_embed_file = hparams.embed_prefix + "." + hparams.src tgt_embed_file = hparams.embed_prefix + "." + hparams.tgt if tf.gfile.Exists(src_embed_file): utils.print_out(" src_embed_file %s exist" % src_embed_file) hparams.src_embed_file = src_embed_file utils.print_out( "For pretrained embeddings, set num_enc_emb_partitions to 1") hparams.num_enc_emb_partitions = 1 else: utils.print_out(" src_embed_file %s doesn't exist" % src_embed_file) if tf.gfile.Exists(tgt_embed_file): utils.print_out(" tgt_embed_file %s exist" % tgt_embed_file) hparams.tgt_embed_file = tgt_embed_file utils.print_out( "For pretrained embeddings, set num_dec_emb_partitions to 1") hparams.num_dec_emb_partitions = 1 else: utils.print_out(" tgt_embed_file %s doesn't exist" % tgt_embed_file) # Evaluation metric = "bleu" best_metric_dir = os.path.join(hparams.output_dir, "best_" + metric) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(best_metric_dir) _add_argument(hparams, "best_" + metric, 0, update=False) _add_argument(hparams, "best_" + metric + "_dir", best_metric_dir) return hparams def create_or_load_hparams(default_hparams, hparams_path): """Create hparams or load hparams from output_dir.""" hparams = utils.maybe_parse_standard_hparams(default_hparams, hparams_path) hparams = extend_hparams(hparams) # Print HParams utils.print_hparams(hparams) return hparams def run_main(flags, default_hparams, estimator_fn): """Run main.""" # Random random_seed = flags.random_seed if random_seed is not None and random_seed > 0: utils.print_out("# Set random seed to %d" % random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) tf.set_random_seed(random_seed) # Model output directory output_dir = flags.output_dir if output_dir and not tf.gfile.Exists(output_dir): utils.print_out("# Creating output directory %s ..." % output_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(output_dir) # Load hparams. hparams = create_or_load_hparams(default_hparams, flags.hparams_path) # Train or Evaluation estimator_fn(hparams) return hparams def tokenize(hparams, file, tokenized_file): utils.print_out("tokenizing {} -> {}".format(file, tokenized_file)) with open(file, 'rb') as input_file: with open(tokenized_file, 'wb') as output_file: subprocess.run([hparams.tokenizer_file, '-l', hparams.src], stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file) def detokenize(hparams, file, detokenized_file): utils.print_out("detokenizing {} -> {}".format(file, detokenized_file)) with open(file, 'rb') as input_file: with open(detokenized_file, 'wb') as output_file: subprocess.run([hparams.detokenizer_file, '-l', hparams.tgt], stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file) def main(unused_argv): experiment_start = time.time() tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) if FLAGS.use_fp16 and FLAGS.use_dist_strategy: raise ValueError("use_fp16 and use_dist_strategy aren't compatible") if FLAGS.use_fp16 + FLAGS.use_amp + FLAGS.use_fastmath > 1: raise ValueError("Only one of use_fp16, use_amp, use_fastmath can be set") if FLAGS.use_amp: utils.print_out('Enabling TF-AMP') os.environ['TF_ENABLE_AUTO_MIXED_PRECISION'] = '1' if FLAGS.use_fastmath: utils.print_out('Enabling FastMath') os.environ["TF_ENABLE_CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH_FP32"] = '1' os.environ["TF_ENABLE_CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_FP32"] = '1' os.environ["TF_ENABLE_CUDNN_RNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_FP32"] = '1' # Set up hacky envvars. # Hack that affects Defun in attention_wrapper.py active_xla_option_nums = np.sum([FLAGS.use_xla, FLAGS.use_autojit_xla, FLAGS.xla_compile]) if active_xla_option_nums > 1: raise ValueError( "Only one of use_xla, xla_compile, use_autojit_xla can be set") os.environ["use_xla"] = str(FLAGS.use_xla).lower() if FLAGS.use_xla: os.environ["use_defun"] = str(True).lower() else: os.environ["use_defun"] = str(FLAGS.use_defun).lower() utils.print_out("use_defun is %s for attention" % os.environ["use_defun"]) # TODO(jamesqin): retire this config after Cuda9.1 os.environ["use_fp32_batch_matmul"] = ("true" if FLAGS.use_fp32_batch_matmul else "false") os.environ["xla_compile"] = "true" if FLAGS.xla_compile else "false" os.environ["force_inputs_padding"] = ( "true" if FLAGS.force_inputs_padding else "false") if FLAGS.mode == "train": utils.print_out("Running training mode.") default_hparams = create_hparams(FLAGS) run_main(FLAGS, default_hparams, estimator.train_fn) elif FLAGS.mode == "infer" or FLAGS.mode == "translate": if FLAGS.mode == "infer": utils.print_out("Running inference mode.") translate_mode = False else: utils.print_out("Running translate mode on file {}.".format(FLAGS.translate_file)) translate_mode = True # Random random_seed = FLAGS.random_seed if random_seed is not None and random_seed > 0: utils.print_out("# Set random seed to %d" % random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) tf.set_random_seed(random_seed) # Model output directory output_dir = FLAGS.output_dir if output_dir and not tf.gfile.Exists(output_dir): utils.print_out("# Creating output directory %s ..." % output_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(output_dir) # Load hparams. default_hparams = create_hparams(FLAGS) default_hparams.num_buckets = 1 # The estimator model_fn is written in a way allowing train hparams to be # passed in infer mode. hparams = create_or_load_hparams(default_hparams, FLAGS.hparams_path) utils.print_out("infer_hparams:") utils.print_hparams(hparams) if translate_mode: tokenize(hparams, hparams.translate_file, hparams.translate_file + ".tok") eval_sentences, eval_src_tokens, _ = iterator_utils.get_effective_epoch_size(hparams, train=False) # Run evaluation when there's a new checkpoint tf.logging.info("Starting to evaluate...") eval_start = time.time() _, (eval_speed, eval_latencies), eval_output_tokens = estimator.eval_fn(hparams, hparams.ckpt, only_translate=translate_mode) eval_end = time.time() eval_delta = eval_end - eval_start utils.print_out("eval time for ckpt: %.2f mins (%.2f sent/sec, %.2f tokens/sec)" % (eval_delta / 60., eval_speed, eval_speed * (eval_src_tokens + eval_output_tokens) / eval_sentences), f=sys.stderr) for lat in sorted(eval_latencies): utils.print_out("eval latency_%s for ckpt: %.2f ms" % (lat, eval_latencies[lat] * 1000)) if translate_mode: detokenize(hparams, hparams.translate_file + ".trans.tok", hparams.translate_file + ".trans") else: assert FLAGS.mode == "train_and_eval" utils.print_out("Running train and eval mode.") # Random random_seed = FLAGS.random_seed if random_seed is not None and random_seed > 0: utils.print_out("# Set random seed to %d" % random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) tf.set_random_seed(random_seed) # Model output directory output_dir = FLAGS.output_dir if output_dir and not tf.gfile.Exists(output_dir): utils.print_out("# Creating output directory %s ..." % output_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(output_dir) # Load hparams. default_hparams = create_hparams(FLAGS) hparams = create_or_load_hparams(default_hparams, FLAGS.hparams_path) utils.print_out("training hparams:") utils.print_hparams(hparams) with tf.gfile.GFile(os.path.join(output_dir, "train_hparams.txt"), "w") as f: f.write(utils.serialize_hparams(hparams) + "\n") # The estimator model_fn is written in a way allowing train hparams to be # passed in infer mode. infer_hparams = tf.contrib.training.HParams(**hparams.values()) infer_hparams.num_buckets = 1 utils.print_out("infer_hparams:") utils.print_hparams(infer_hparams) with tf.gfile.GFile(os.path.join(output_dir, "infer_hparams.txt"), "w") as f: f.write(utils.serialize_hparams(infer_hparams) + "\n") epochs = 0 should_stop = epochs >= FLAGS.max_train_epochs train_sentences, train_src_tokens, train_tgt_tokens = iterator_utils.get_effective_epoch_size(hparams) eval_sentences, eval_src_tokens, _ = iterator_utils.get_effective_epoch_size(hparams, train=False) while not should_stop: utils.print_out("Starting epoch %d" % epochs) try: train_start = time.time() train_speed, _ = estimator.train_fn(hparams) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: utils.print_out("training hits OutOfRangeError", f=sys.stderr) train_end = time.time() train_delta = train_end - train_start utils.print_out("training time for epoch %d: %.2f mins (%.2f sent/sec, %.2f tokens/sec)" % (epochs + 1, train_delta / 60., train_speed, train_speed * (train_src_tokens + train_tgt_tokens) / train_sentences), f=sys.stderr) # This is probably sub-optimal, doing eval per-epoch eval_start = time.time() bleu_score, (eval_speed, eval_latencies), eval_output_tokens = estimator.eval_fn(infer_hparams) eval_end = time.time() eval_delta = eval_end - eval_start utils.print_out("eval time for epoch %d: %.2f mins (%.2f sent/sec, %.2f tokens/sec)" % (epochs + 1, eval_delta / 60., eval_speed, eval_speed * (eval_src_tokens + eval_output_tokens) / eval_sentences), f=sys.stderr) for lat in sorted(eval_latencies): utils.print_out("eval latency_%s for epoch %d: %.2f ms" % (lat, epochs + 1, eval_latencies[lat] * 1000)) if FLAGS.debug or (FLAGS.target_bleu is not None and bleu_score > FLAGS.target_bleu): should_stop = True utils.print_out( "Stop job since target bleu is reached at epoch %d ." % epochs, f=sys.stderr) epochs += 1 if epochs >= FLAGS.max_train_epochs: should_stop = True utils.print_out("Stop job since max_train_epochs is reached.", f=sys.stderr) experiment_end = time.time() utils.print_out('Experiment took {} min'.format((experiment_end - experiment_start) / 60)) if __name__ == "__main__": nmt_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() add_arguments(nmt_parser) FLAGS, unparsed = nmt_parser.parse_known_args() tf.app.run(main=main, argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)