PAD_TOKEN = '' UNK_TOKEN = '' BOS_TOKEN = '' EOS_TOKEN = '<\s>' # special PAD, UNKNOWN, BEGIN-OF-STRING, END-OF-STRING tokens PAD, UNK, BOS, EOS = [0, 1, 2, 3] # path to the BPE vocabulary file, relative to the data directory, it should # point to file generated by subword-nmt/ VOCAB_FNAME = 'vocab.bpe.32000' # paths to source and target training files, relative to the data directory, it # should point to BPE-encoded files, generated by subword-nmt/ SRC_TRAIN_FNAME = 'train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.en' TGT_TRAIN_FNAME = '' # paths to source and target validation files, relative to the data directory, # it should point to BPE-encoded files, generated by subword-nmt/ SRC_VAL_FNAME = 'newstest_dev.tok.clean.bpe.32000.en' TGT_VAL_FNAME = '' # path to the test source file, relative to the data directory, it should point # to BPE-encoded file, generated by subword-nmt/ SRC_TEST_FNAME = 'newstest2014.tok.bpe.32000.en' # path to the test target file, relative to the data directory, it should point # to plaintext file, tokenization is performed by the sacrebleu package TGT_TEST_TARGET_FNAME = '' # path to the moses detokenizer, relative to the data directory DETOKENIZER = 'mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/detokenizer.perl'