# Copyright 2017-2018 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ train fit utility """ import logging import os import time import re import math import sys import random from itertools import starmap import numpy as np import mxnet as mx import mxnet.ndarray as nd import horovod.mxnet as hvd import mxnet.contrib.amp as amp from mxnet import autograd as ag from mxnet import gluon from report import Report from benchmarking import BenchmarkingDataIter import data def add_fit_args(parser): def int_list(x): return list(map(int, x.split(','))) def float_list(x): return list(map(float, x.split(','))) train = parser.add_argument_group('Training') train.add_argument('--mode', default='train_val', choices=('train_val', 'train', 'val', 'pred'), help='mode') train.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None, help='random seed') train.add_argument('--gpus', type=int_list, default=[0], help='list of gpus to run, e.g. 0 or 0,2,5') train.add_argument('--kv-store', type=str, default='device', choices=('device', 'horovod'), help='key-value store type') train.add_argument('--dtype', type=str, default='float16', choices=('float32', 'float16'), help='precision') train.add_argument('--amp', action='store_true', help='If enabled, turn on AMP (Automatic Mixed Precision)') train.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=192, help='the batch size') train.add_argument('--num-epochs', type=int, default=90, help='number of epochs') train.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.1, help='initial learning rate') train.add_argument('--lr-schedule', choices=('multistep', 'cosine'), default='cosine', help='learning rate schedule') train.add_argument('--lr-factor', type=float, default=0.256, help='the ratio to reduce lr on each step') train.add_argument('--lr-steps', type=float_list, default=[], help='the epochs to reduce the lr, e.g. 30,60') train.add_argument('--warmup-epochs', type=int, default=5, help='the epochs to ramp-up lr to scaled large-batch value') train.add_argument('--optimizer', type=str, default='sgd', help='the optimizer type') train.add_argument('--mom', type=float, default=0.875, help='momentum for sgd') train.add_argument('--wd', type=float, default=1 / 32768, help='weight decay for sgd') train.add_argument('--label-smoothing', type=float, default=0.1, help='label smoothing factor') train.add_argument('--mixup', type=float, default=0, help='alpha parameter for mixup (if 0 then mixup is not applied)') train.add_argument('--disp-batches', type=int, default=20, help='show progress for every n batches') train.add_argument('--model-prefix', type=str, default='model', help='model checkpoint prefix') train.add_argument('--save-frequency', type=int, default=-1, help='frequency of saving model in epochs (--model-prefix must be specified). ' 'If -1 then save only best model. If 0 then do not save anything.') train.add_argument('--begin-epoch', type=int, default=0, help='start the model from an epoch') train.add_argument('--load', help='checkpoint to load') train.add_argument('--test-io', action='store_true', help='test reading speed without training') train.add_argument('--test-io-mode', default='train', choices=('train', 'val'), help='data to test') train.add_argument('--log', type=str, default='log.log', help='file where to save the log from the experiment') train.add_argument('--report', default='report.json', help='file where to save report') train.add_argument('--no-metrics', action='store_true', help='do not calculate evaluation metrics (for benchmarking)') train.add_argument('--benchmark-iters', type=int, default=None, help='run only benchmark-iters iterations from each epoch') return train def get_epoch_size(args, kv): return math.ceil(args.num_examples / args.batch_size) def get_lr_scheduler(args): def multistep_schedule(x): lr = args.lr * (args.lr_factor ** (len(list(filter(lambda step: step <= x, args.lr_steps))))) warmup_coeff = min(1, x / args.warmup_epochs) return warmup_coeff * lr def cosine_schedule(x): steps = args.lr_steps if not steps or steps[0] > args.warmup_epochs: steps = [args.warmup_epochs] + steps elif not steps or steps[0] != 0: steps = [0] + steps if steps[-1] != args.num_epochs: steps.append(args.num_epochs) if x < args.warmup_epochs: return args.lr * x / args.warmup_epochs for i, (step, next_step) in enumerate(zip(steps, steps[1:])): if next_step > x: return args.lr * 0.5 * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * (x - step) / (next_step - step))) * (args.lr_factor ** i) return 0 schedules = { 'multistep': multistep_schedule, 'cosine': cosine_schedule, } return schedules[args.lr_schedule] def load_model(args, model): if args.load is None: return False model.load_parameters(args.load) logging.info('Loaded model {}'.format(args.load)) return True def save_checkpoint(net, epoch, top1, best_acc, model_prefix, save_frequency, kvstore): if model_prefix is None or save_frequency == 0 or ('horovod' in kvstore and hvd.rank() != 0): return if save_frequency > 0 and (epoch + 1) % save_frequency == 0: fname = '{}_{:04}.params'.format(model_prefix, epoch) net.save_parameters(fname) logging.info('[Epoch {}] Saving checkpoint to {} with Accuracy: {:.4f}'.format(epoch, fname, top1)) if top1 > best_acc: fname = '{}_best.params'.format(model_prefix) net.save_parameters(fname) logging.info('[Epoch {}] Saving checkpoint to {} with Accuracy: {:.4f}'.format(epoch, fname, top1)) def add_metrics_to_report(report, mode, metric, durations, total_batch_size, loss=None, warmup=20): if report is None: return top1 = metric.get('accuracy', None) if top1 is not None: report.add_value('{}.top1'.format(mode), top1) top5 = metric.get('top_k_accuracy_5', None) if top5 is not None: report.add_value('{}.top5'.format(mode), top5) if loss is not None: report.add_value('{}.loss'.format(mode), loss.get_global()[1]) if len(durations) > warmup: durations = durations[warmup:] duration = np.mean(durations) total_ips = total_batch_size / duration report.add_value('{}.latency_avg'.format(mode), duration) for percentile in [50, 90, 95, 99, 100]: report.add_value('{}.latency_{}'.format(mode, percentile), np.percentile(durations, percentile)) report.add_value('{}.total_ips'.format(mode), total_ips) def model_pred(args, model, image): from imagenet_classes import classes output = model(image.reshape(-1, *image.shape))[0].softmax().as_in_context(mx.cpu()) top = output.argsort(is_ascend=False)[:10] for i, ind in enumerate(top): ind = int(ind.asscalar()) logging.info('{:2d}. {:5.2f}% -> {}'.format(i + 1, output[ind].asscalar() * 100, classes[ind])) def reduce_metrics(args, metrics, kvstore): if 'horovod' not in kvstore or not metrics[0] or hvd.size() == 1: return metrics m = mx.ndarray.array(metrics[1], ctx=mx.gpu(args.gpus[0])) reduced = hvd.allreduce(m) values = reduced.as_in_context(mx.cpu()).asnumpy().tolist() return (metrics[0], values) def model_score(args, net, val_data, metric, kvstore, report=None): if val_data is None: logging.info('Omitting validation: no data') return [], [] if not isinstance(metric, mx.metric.EvalMetric): metric = mx.metric.create(metric) metric.reset() val_data.reset() total_batch_size = val_data.batch_size * val_data._num_gpus * (hvd.size() if 'horovod' in kvstore else 1) durations = [] tic = time.time() outputs = [] for batches in val_data: # synchronize to previous iteration for o in outputs: o.wait_to_read() data = [b.data[0] for b in batches] label = [b.label[0][:len(b.data[0]) - b.pad] for b in batches if len(b.data[0]) != b.pad] outputs = [net(X) for X, b in zip(data, batches)] outputs = [o[:len(b.data[0]) - b.pad] for o, b in zip(outputs, batches) if len(b.data[0]) != b.pad] metric.update(label, outputs) durations.append(time.time() - tic) tic = time.time() metric = reduce_metrics(args, metric.get_global(), kvstore) add_metrics_to_report(report, 'val', dict(zip(*metric)), durations, total_batch_size) return metric class ScalarMetric(mx.metric.Loss): def update(self, _, scalar): self.sum_metric += scalar self.global_sum_metric += scalar self.num_inst += 1 self.global_num_inst += 1 def label_smoothing(labels, classes, eta): return labels.one_hot(classes, on_value=1 - eta + eta / classes, off_value=eta / classes) def model_fit(args, net, train_data, eval_metric, optimizer, optimizer_params, lr_scheduler, eval_data, kvstore, kv, begin_epoch, num_epoch, model_prefix, report, print_loss): if not isinstance(eval_metric, mx.metric.EvalMetric): eval_metric = mx.metric.create(eval_metric) loss_metric = ScalarMetric() if 'horovod' in kvstore: trainer = hvd.DistributedTrainer(net.collect_params(), optimizer, optimizer_params) else: trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), optimizer, optimizer_params, kvstore=kv, update_on_kvstore=False) if args.amp: amp.init_trainer(trainer) sparse_label_loss = (args.label_smoothing == 0 and args.mixup == 0) loss = gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss(sparse_label=sparse_label_loss) loss.hybridize(static_shape=True, static_alloc=True) local_batch_size = train_data.batch_size total_batch_size = local_batch_size * train_data._num_gpus * (hvd.size() if 'horovod' in kvstore else 1) durations = [] epoch_size = get_epoch_size(args, kv) def transform_data(images, labels): if args.mixup != 0: coeffs = mx.nd.array(np.random.beta(args.mixup, args.mixup, size=images.shape[0])).as_in_context(images.context) image_coeffs = coeffs.astype(images.dtype, copy=False).reshape(*coeffs.shape, 1, 1, 1) ret_images = image_coeffs * images + (1 - image_coeffs) * images[::-1] ret_labels = label_smoothing(labels, args.num_classes, args.label_smoothing) label_coeffs = coeffs.reshape(*coeffs.shape, 1) ret_labels = label_coeffs * ret_labels + (1 - label_coeffs) * ret_labels[::-1] else: ret_images = images if not sparse_label_loss: ret_labels = label_smoothing(labels, args.num_classes, args.label_smoothing) else: ret_labels = labels return ret_images, ret_labels best_accuracy = -1 for epoch in range(begin_epoch, num_epoch): tic = time.time() train_data.reset() eval_metric.reset() loss_metric.reset() btic = time.time() logging.info('Starting epoch {}'.format(epoch)) outputs = [] for i, batches in enumerate(train_data): # synchronize to previous iteration for o in outputs: o.wait_to_read() trainer.set_learning_rate(lr_scheduler(epoch + i / epoch_size)) data = [b.data[0] for b in batches] label = [b.label[0].as_in_context(b.data[0].context) for b in batches] orig_label = label data, label = zip(*starmap(transform_data, zip(data, label))) outputs = [] Ls = [] with ag.record(): for x, y in zip(data, label): z = net(x) L = loss(z, y) # store the loss and do backward after we have done forward # on all GPUs for better speed on multiple GPUs. Ls.append(L) outputs.append(z) if args.amp: with amp.scale_loss(Ls, trainer) as scaled_loss: ag.backward(scaled_loss) else: ag.backward(Ls) if 'horovod' in kvstore: trainer.step(local_batch_size) else: trainer.step(total_batch_size) if print_loss: loss_metric.update(..., np.mean([l.asnumpy() for l in Ls]).item()) eval_metric.update(orig_label, outputs) if args.disp_batches and not (i + 1) % args.disp_batches: name, acc = eval_metric.get() if print_loss: name = [loss_metric.get()[0]] + name acc = [loss_metric.get()[1]] + acc logging.info('Epoch[{}] Batch [{}-{}]\tSpeed: {} samples/sec\tLR: {}\t{}'.format( epoch, (i // args.disp_batches) * args.disp_batches, i, args.disp_batches * total_batch_size / (time.time() - btic), trainer.learning_rate, '\t'.join(list(map(lambda x: '{}: {:.6f}'.format(*x), zip(name, acc)))))) eval_metric.reset_local() loss_metric.reset_local() btic = time.time() durations.append(time.time() - tic) tic = time.time() add_metrics_to_report(report, 'train', dict(eval_metric.get_global_name_value()), durations, total_batch_size, loss_metric if print_loss else None) if args.mode == 'train_val': logging.info('Validating epoch {}'.format(epoch)) score = model_score(args, net, eval_data, eval_metric, kvstore, report) for name, value in zip(*score): logging.info('Epoch[{}] Validation {:20}: {}'.format(epoch, name, value)) score = dict(zip(*score)) accuracy = score.get('accuracy', -1) save_checkpoint(net, epoch, accuracy, best_accuracy, model_prefix, args.save_frequency, kvstore) best_accuracy = max(best_accuracy, accuracy) def fit(args, model, data_loader): """ train a model args : argparse returns model : the the neural network model data_loader : function that returns the train and val data iterators """ start_time = time.time() report = Report(args.arch, len(args.gpus), sys.argv) # select gpu for horovod process if 'horovod' in args.kv_store: hvd.init() args.gpus = [args.gpus[hvd.local_rank()]] if args.amp: amp.init() if args.seed is not None: logging.info('Setting seeds to {}'.format(args.seed)) random.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) mx.random.seed(args.seed) # kvstore if 'horovod' in args.kv_store: kv = None rank = hvd.rank() num_workers = hvd.size() else: kv = mx.kvstore.create(args.kv_store) rank = kv.rank num_workers = kv.num_workers if args.test_io: train, val = data_loader(args, kv) if args.test_io_mode == 'train': data_iter = train else: data_iter = val tic = time.time() for i, batch in enumerate(data_iter): if isinstance(batch, list): for b in batch: for j in b.data: j.wait_to_read() else: for j in batch.data: j.wait_to_read() if (i + 1) % args.disp_batches == 0: logging.info('Batch [{}]\tSpeed: {:.2f} samples/sec'.format( i, args.disp_batches * args.batch_size / (time.time() - tic))) tic = time.time() return if not load_model(args, model): # all initializers should be specified in the model definition. # if not, this will raise an error model.initialize(mx.init.Initializer()) # devices for training devs = list(map(mx.gpu, args.gpus)) model.collect_params().reset_ctx(devs) if args.mode == 'pred': logging.info('Infering image {}'.format(args.data_pred)) model_pred(args, model, data.load_image(args, args.data_pred, devs[0])) return # learning rate lr_scheduler = get_lr_scheduler(args) optimizer_params = { 'learning_rate': 0, 'wd': args.wd, 'multi_precision': True, } # Only a limited number of optimizers have 'momentum' property has_momentum = {'sgd', 'dcasgd', 'nag', 'signum', 'lbsgd'} if args.optimizer in has_momentum: optimizer_params['momentum'] = args.mom # evaluation metrices if not args.no_metrics: eval_metrics = ['accuracy'] eval_metrics.append(mx.metric.create( 'top_k_accuracy', top_k=5)) else: eval_metrics = [] train, val = data_loader(args, kv) train = BenchmarkingDataIter(train, args.benchmark_iters) if val is not None: val = BenchmarkingDataIter(val, args.benchmark_iters) if 'horovod' in args.kv_store: # Fetch and broadcast parameters params = model.collect_params() if params is not None: hvd.broadcast_parameters(params, root_rank=0) # run if args.mode in ['train_val', 'train']: model_fit( args, model, train, begin_epoch=args.begin_epoch, num_epoch=args.num_epochs, eval_data=val, eval_metric=eval_metrics, kvstore=args.kv_store, kv=kv, optimizer=args.optimizer, optimizer_params=optimizer_params, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler, report=report, model_prefix=args.model_prefix, print_loss=not args.no_metrics, ) elif args.mode == 'val': for epoch in range(args.num_epochs): # loop for benchmarking score = model_score(args, model, val, eval_metrics, args.kv_store, report=report) for name, value in zip(*score): logging.info('Validation {:20}: {}'.format(name, value)) else: raise ValueError('Wrong mode') mx.nd.waitall() report.set_total_duration(time.time() - start_time) if args.report: suffix = '-{}'.format(hvd.rank()) if 'horovod' in args.kv_store and hvd.rank() != 0 else '' report.save(args.report + suffix) logging.info('Experiment took: {} sec'.format(report.total_duration))