import numpy as np import cupy as cp def generate_negatives(neg_users, true_mat, item_range, sort=False, use_trick=False): """ Generate negative samples for data augmentation """ neg_u = [] neg_i = [] # If using the shortcut, generate negative items without checking if the associated # user has interacted with it. Speeds up training significantly with very low impact # on accuracy. if use_trick: neg_items = cp.random.randint(0, high=item_range, size=neg_users.shape[0]) return neg_users, neg_items # Otherwise, generate negative items, check if associated user has interacted with it, # then generate a new one if true while len(neg_users) > 0: neg_items = cp.random.randint(0, high=item_range, size=neg_users.shape[0]) neg_mask = true_mat[neg_users, neg_items] neg_u.append(neg_users[neg_mask]) neg_i.append(neg_items[neg_mask]) neg_users = neg_users[cp.logical_not(neg_mask)] neg_users = cp.concatenate(neg_u) neg_items = cp.concatenate(neg_i) if not sort: return neg_users, neg_items sorted_users = cp.sort(neg_users) sort_indices = cp.argsort(neg_users) return sorted_users, neg_items[sort_indices] class DataGenerator(): """ Class to handle data augmentation """ def __init__(self, seed, hvd_rank, num_users, # type: int num_items, # type: int neg_mat, # type: np.ndarray train_users, # type: np.ndarray train_items, # type: np.ndarray train_labels, # type: np.ndarray train_batch_size, # type: int train_negative_samples, # type: int pos_eval_users, # type: np.ndarray pos_eval_items, # type: np.ndarray eval_users_per_batch, # type: int eval_negative_samples, # type: int ): # Check input data if train_users.shape != train_items.shape: raise ValueError( "Train shapes mismatch! {} Users vs {} Items!".format( train_users.shape, train_items.shape)) if pos_eval_users.shape != pos_eval_items.shape: raise ValueError( "Eval shapes mismatch! {} Users vs {} Items!".format( pos_eval_users.shape, pos_eval_items.shape)) np.random.seed(seed) cp.random.seed(seed) # Use GPU assigned to the horovod rank self.hvd_rank = hvd_rank cp.cuda.Device(self.hvd_rank).use() self.num_users = num_users self.num_items = num_items self._neg_mat = neg_mat self._train_users = cp.array(train_users) self._train_items = cp.array(train_items) self._train_labels = cp.array(train_labels) self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self._train_negative_samples = train_negative_samples self._pos_eval_users = pos_eval_users self._pos_eval_items = pos_eval_items self.eval_users_per_batch = eval_users_per_batch self._eval_negative_samples = eval_negative_samples # Eval data self.eval_users = None self.eval_items = None self.dup_mask = None # Training data self.train_users_batches = None self.train_items_batches = None self.train_labels_batches = None # Augment test data with negative samples def prepare_eval_data(self): pos_eval_users = cp.array(self._pos_eval_users) pos_eval_items = cp.array(self._pos_eval_items) neg_mat = cp.array(self._neg_mat) neg_eval_users_base = cp.repeat(pos_eval_users, self._eval_negative_samples) # Generate negative samples test_u_neg, test_i_neg = generate_negatives(neg_users=neg_eval_users_base, true_mat=neg_mat, item_range=self.num_items, sort=True, use_trick=False) test_u_neg = test_u_neg.reshape((-1, self._eval_negative_samples)).get() test_i_neg = test_i_neg.reshape((-1, self._eval_negative_samples)).get() test_users = self._pos_eval_users.reshape((-1, 1)) test_items = self._pos_eval_items.reshape((-1, 1)) # Combine positive and negative samples test_users = np.concatenate((test_u_neg, test_users), axis=1) test_items = np.concatenate((test_i_neg, test_items), axis=1) # Generate duplicate mask ## Stable sort indices by incrementing all values with fractional position indices = np.arange(test_users.shape[1]).reshape((1, -1)).repeat(test_users.shape[0], axis=0) summed_items = np.add(test_items, indices/test_users.shape[1]) sorted_indices = np.argsort(summed_items, axis=1) sorted_order = np.argsort(sorted_indices, axis=1) sorted_items = np.sort(test_items, axis=1) ## Generate duplicate mask dup_mask = np.equal(sorted_items[:,0:-1], sorted_items[:,1:]) dup_mask = np.concatenate((dup_mask, np.zeros((test_users.shape[0], 1))), axis=1) r_indices = np.arange(test_users.shape[0]).reshape((-1, 1)).repeat(test_users.shape[1], axis=1) dup_mask = dup_mask[r_indices, sorted_order].astype(np.float32) # Reshape all to (-1) and split into chunks batch_size = self.eval_users_per_batch * test_users.shape[1] split_indices = np.arange(batch_size, test_users.shape[0]*test_users.shape[1], batch_size) self.eval_users = np.split(test_users.reshape(-1), split_indices) self.eval_items = np.split(test_items.reshape(-1), split_indices) self.dup_mask = np.split(dup_mask.reshape(-1), split_indices) # Free GPU memory to make space for Tensorflow cp.get_default_memory_pool().free_all_blocks() # Augment training data with negative samples def prepare_train_data(self): batch_size = self.train_batch_size is_neg = cp.logical_not(self._train_labels) # Do not store verification matrix if using the negatives generation shortcut neg_mat = None # If there are no negative samples in the local portion of the training data, do nothing any_neg = cp.any(is_neg) if any_neg: self._train_users[is_neg], self._train_items[is_neg] = generate_negatives( self._train_users[is_neg], neg_mat, self.num_items, use_trick=True ) shuffled_order = cp.random.permutation(self._train_users.shape[0]) self._train_users = self._train_users[shuffled_order] self._train_items = self._train_items[shuffled_order] self._train_labels = self._train_labels[shuffled_order] # Manually create batches split_indices = np.arange(batch_size, self._train_users.shape[0], batch_size) self.train_users_batches = np.split(self._train_users, split_indices) self.train_items_batches = np.split(self._train_items, split_indices) self.train_labels_batches = np.split(self._train_labels, split_indices)