# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """LSTM Block Cell ops.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import abc import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.rnn.ops import gen_lstm_ops from tensorflow.python.framework import function from tensorflow.python.layers import base as base_layer class LSTMBlockWrapper(base_layer.Layer): """This is a helper class that provides housekeeping for LSTM cells. This may be useful for alternative LSTM and similar type of cells. The subclasses must implement `_call_cell` method and `num_units` property. """ @abc.abstractproperty def num_units(self): """Number of units in this cell (output dimension).""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def _call_cell(self, inputs, initial_cell_state, initial_output, dtype, sequence_length): """Run this LSTM on inputs, starting from the given state. This method must be implemented by subclasses and does the actual work of calling the cell. Args: inputs: `3-D` tensor with shape `[time_len, batch_size, input_size]` initial_cell_state: initial value for cell state, shape `[batch_size, self._num_units]` initial_output: initial value of cell output, shape `[batch_size, self._num_units]` dtype: The data type for the initial state and expected output. sequence_length: Specifies the length of each sequence in inputs. An int32 or int64 vector (tensor) size [batch_size], values in [0, time_len) or None. Returns: A pair containing: - State: A `3-D` tensor of shape `[time_len, batch_size, output_size]` - Output: A `3-D` tensor of shape `[time_len, batch_size, output_size]` """ pass def call(self, inputs, initial_state=None, dtype=None, sequence_length=None, mask_output=False): """Run this LSTM on inputs, starting from the given state. Args: inputs: `3-D` tensor with shape `[time_len, batch_size, input_size]`. initial_state: a tuple `(initial_cell_state, initial_output)` with tensors of shape `[batch_size, self._num_units]`. If this is not provided, the cell is expected to create a zero initial state of type `dtype`. dtype: The data type for the initial state and expected output. Required if `initial_state` is not provided or RNN state has a heterogeneous dtype. sequence_length: Specifies the length of each sequence in inputs. An `int32` or `int64` vector (tensor) size `[batch_size]`, values in `[0, time_len).` Defaults to `time_len` for each element. mask_output: ... Returns: A pair containing: - Output: A `3-D` tensor of shape `[time_len, batch_size, output_size]` or a list of time_len tensors of shape `[batch_size, output_size]`, to match the type of the `inputs`. - Final state: a tuple `(cell_state, output)` matching `initial_state`. Raises: ValueError: in case of shape mismatches """ is_list = isinstance(inputs, list) if is_list: inputs = tf.stack(inputs) inputs_shape = inputs.get_shape().with_rank(3) if not inputs_shape[2]: raise ValueError("Expecting inputs_shape[2] to be set: %s" % inputs_shape) batch_size = inputs_shape[1].value if batch_size is None: batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[1] time_len = inputs_shape[0].value if time_len is None: time_len = tf.shape(inputs)[0] # Provide default values for initial_state and dtype if initial_state is None: if dtype is None: raise ValueError("Either initial_state or dtype needs to be specified") z = tf.zeros( tf.stack([batch_size, self.num_units]), dtype=dtype) initial_state = z, z else: if len(initial_state) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expecting initial_state to be a tuple with length 2 or None") if dtype is None: dtype = initial_state[0].dtype # create the actual cell if sequence_length is not None: sequence_length = tf.convert_to_tensor(sequence_length) initial_cell_state, initial_output = initial_state # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence cell_states, outputs = self._call_cell( inputs, initial_cell_state, initial_output, dtype, sequence_length) if sequence_length is not None: if mask_output: # Mask out the part beyond sequence_length. # In MLPerf we don't do it b.c output is masked when computing loss. # And in inference we don't use this layer. mask = tf.transpose( tf.sequence_mask(sequence_length, time_len, dtype=dtype), [1, 0]) mask = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1), [1, 1, self.num_units]) outputs *= mask """ # Prepend initial states to cell_states and outputs for indexing to work # correctly,since we want to access the last valid state at # sequence_length - 1, which can even be -1, corresponding to the # initial state. mod_cell_states = tf.concat( [tf.expand_dims(initial_cell_state, axis=0), cell_states], 0) mod_outputs = tf.concat( [tf.expand_dims(initial_output, axis=0), outputs], 0) final_cell_state = self._gather_states(mod_cell_states, sequence_length, batch_size) final_output = self._gather_states(mod_outputs, sequence_length, batch_size) """ # sequence_length can't be zero in our impl, pass sequence_length -1 for # indices. mod_cell_states = cell_states mod_outputs = outputs final_cell_state = self._gather_states(mod_cell_states, sequence_length - 1, batch_size) final_output = self._gather_states(mod_outputs, sequence_length - 1, batch_size) else: # No sequence_lengths used: final state is the last state final_cell_state = cell_states[-1] final_output = outputs[-1] if is_list: # Input was a list, so return a list outputs = tf.unstack(outputs) final_state = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(final_cell_state, final_output) return outputs, final_state def _gather_states(self, data, indices, batch_size): """Produce `out`, s.t. out(i, j) = data(indices(i), i, j).""" gather_indices = tf.stack([indices, tf.range(batch_size)], axis=1) # TODO(jamesqin): ScatterNd doesn't support fp16 on GPU. return tf.gather_nd(data, gather_indices) class LSTMBlockFusedCell(LSTMBlockWrapper): """FusedRNNCell implementation of LSTM. This is an extremely efficient LSTM implementation, that uses a single TF op for the entire LSTM. It should be both faster and more memory-efficient than LSTMBlockCell defined above. The implementation is based on: http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.2329. We add forget_bias (default: 1) to the biases of the forget gate in order to reduce the scale of forgetting in the beginning of the training. The variable naming is consistent with `rnn_cell_impl.LSTMCell`. """ def __init__(self, num_units, forget_bias=1.0, cell_clip=None, use_peephole=False, reuse=None, dtype=None, name="lstm_cell"): """Initialize the LSTM cell. Args: num_units: int, The number of units in the LSTM cell. forget_bias: float, The bias added to forget gates (see above). cell_clip: clip the cell to this value. Default is no cell clipping. use_peephole: Whether to use peephole connections or not. reuse: (optional) boolean describing whether to reuse variables in an existing scope. If not `True`, and the existing scope already has the given variables, an error is raised. dtype: the dtype of variables of this layer. name: String, the name of the layer. Layers with the same name will share weights, but to avoid mistakes we require reuse=True in such cases. By default this is "lstm_cell", for variable-name compatibility with `tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell`. """ super(LSTMBlockFusedCell, self).__init__( _reuse=reuse, name=name, dtype=dtype) self._num_units = num_units self._forget_bias = forget_bias self._cell_clip = cell_clip if cell_clip is not None else -1 self._use_peephole = use_peephole # Inputs must be 3-dimensional. self.input_spec = base_layer.InputSpec(ndim=3) @property def num_units(self): """Number of units in this cell (output dimension).""" return self._num_units def build(self, input_shape): input_size = input_shape[2].value self._kernel = self.add_variable( "kernel", [input_size + self._num_units, self._num_units * 4]) self._bias = self.add_variable( "bias", [self._num_units * 4], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0)) if self._use_peephole: self._w_i_diag = self.add_variable("w_i_diag", [self._num_units]) self._w_f_diag = self.add_variable("w_f_diag", [self._num_units]) self._w_o_diag = self.add_variable("w_o_diag", [self._num_units]) self.built = True def _call_cell(self, inputs, initial_cell_state=None, initial_output=None, dtype=None, sequence_length=None): """Run this LSTM on inputs, starting from the given state. Args: inputs: `3-D` tensor with shape `[time_len, batch_size, input_size]` initial_cell_state: initial value for cell state, shape `[batch_size, self._num_units]` initial_output: initial value of cell output, shape `[batch_size, self._num_units]` dtype: The data type for the initial state and expected output. sequence_length: Specifies the length of each sequence in inputs. An `int32` or `int64` vector (tensor) size `[batch_size]`, values in `[0, time_len)` or None. Returns: A pair containing: - Cell state (cs): A `3-D` tensor of shape `[time_len, batch_size, output_size]` - Output (h): A `3-D` tensor of shape `[time_len, batch_size, output_size]` """ inputs_shape = inputs.get_shape().with_rank(3) time_len = inputs_shape[0].value if time_len is None: time_len = tf.shape(inputs)[0] if self._use_peephole: wci = self._w_i_diag wco = self._w_o_diag wcf = self._w_f_diag else: wci = wcf = wco = tf.zeros([self._num_units], dtype=dtype) if sequence_length is None: max_seq_len = tf.to_int64(time_len) else: max_seq_len = tf.to_int64(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)) _, cs, _, _, _, _, h = gen_lstm_ops.block_lstm( seq_len_max=max_seq_len, x=inputs, cs_prev=initial_cell_state, h_prev=initial_output, w=self._kernel, wci=wci, wcf=wcf, wco=wco, b=self._bias, forget_bias=self._forget_bias, cell_clip=self._cell_clip, use_peephole=self._use_peephole) return cs, h