2021-11-08 14:08:58 -08:00

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# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import math
import pickle
import enum
import datetime
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import sklearn.preprocessing
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from bisect import bisect
import torch
from import Dataset,IterableDataset,DataLoader
class DataTypes(enum.IntEnum):
"""Defines numerical types of each column."""
DATE = 2
STR = 3
class InputTypes(enum.IntEnum):
"""Defines input types of each column."""
ID = 4 # Single column used as an entity identifier
TIME = 5 # Single column exclusively used as a time index
FeatureSpec = namedtuple('FeatureSpec', ['name', 'feature_type', 'feature_embed_type'])
DataTypes.CONTINUOUS : np.float32,
DataTypes.CATEGORICAL : np.int64,
DataTypes.STR: str
(InputTypes.STATIC, DataTypes.CATEGORICAL),
(InputTypes.STATIC, DataTypes.CONTINUOUS),
(InputTypes.KNOWN, DataTypes.CATEGORICAL),
(InputTypes.KNOWN, DataTypes.CONTINUOUS),
(InputTypes.OBSERVED, DataTypes.CONTINUOUS),
(InputTypes.TARGET, DataTypes.CONTINUOUS),
(InputTypes.ID, DataTypes.CATEGORICAL)
FEAT_NAMES = ['s_cat' , 's_cont' , 'k_cat' , 'k_cont' , 'o_cat' , 'o_cont' , 'target', 'id']
class TFTBinaryDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, path, config):
self.features = [x for x in config.features if x.feature_embed_type != DataTypes.DATE]
self.example_length = config.example_length
self.stride = config.dataset_stride
self.grouped = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))
self.grouped = [x for x in self.grouped if x.shape[0] >= self.example_length]
self._cum_examples_in_group = np.cumsum([(g.shape[0] - self.example_length + 1)//self.stride for g in self.grouped])
self.feature_type_col_map = [[i for i,f in enumerate(self.features) if (f.feature_type, f.feature_embed_type) == x] for x in FEAT_ORDER]
# The list comprehension below is an elaborate way of rearranging data into correct order,
# simultaneously doing casting to proper types. Probably can be written neater
self.grouped = [
arr[:, idxs].view(dtype=np.float32).astype(DTYPE_MAP[t[1]])
for t, idxs in zip(FEAT_ORDER, self.feature_type_col_map)
for arr in self.grouped
def __len__(self):
return self._cum_examples_in_group[-1] if len(self._cum_examples_in_group) else 0
def __getitem__(self, idx):
g_idx = bisect(self._cum_examples_in_group, idx)
e_idx = idx - self._cum_examples_in_group[g_idx-1] if g_idx else idx
group = self.grouped[g_idx]
tensors = [
torch.from_numpy(feat[e_idx * self.stride:e_idx*self.stride + self.example_length])
if feat.size else torch.empty(0)
for feat in group
return OrderedDict(zip(FEAT_NAMES, tensors))
class TFTDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, path, config):
self.features = config.features = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)
self.example_length = config.example_length
self.stride = config.dataset_stride
# name field is a column name.
# there can be multiple entries with the same name because one column can be interpreted in many ways
time_col_name = next( for x in self.features if x.feature_type==InputTypes.TIME)
id_col_name = next( for x in self.features if x.feature_type==InputTypes.ID)
if not id_col_name in
id_col_name = DEFAULT_ID_COL
self.features = [x for x in self.features if x.feature_type!=InputTypes.ID]
self.features.append(FeatureSpec(DEFAULT_ID_COL, InputTypes.ID, DataTypes.CATEGORICAL))
col_dtypes = {[v.feature_embed_type] for v in self.features},inplace=True) =[set( for x in self.features)] #leave only relevant columns = = group: len(group) >= self.example_length)
self.grouped = list(
self._cum_examples_in_group = np.cumsum([(len(g[1]) - self.example_length + 1)//self.stride for g in self.grouped])
def __len__(self):
return self._cum_examples_in_group[-1]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
g_idx = len([x for x in self._cum_examples_in_group if x <= idx])
e_idx = idx - self._cum_examples_in_group[g_idx-1] if g_idx else idx
group = self.grouped[g_idx][1]
sliced = group.iloc[e_idx * self.stride:e_idx*self.stride + self.example_length]
# We need to be sure that tensors are returned in the correct order
tensors = tuple([] for _ in range(8))
for v in self.features:
if v.feature_type == InputTypes.STATIC and v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CATEGORICAL:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.STATIC and v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CONTINUOUS:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.KNOWN and v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CATEGORICAL:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.KNOWN and v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CONTINUOUS:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.OBSERVED and v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CATEGORICAL:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.OBSERVED and v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CONTINUOUS:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.TARGET:
elif v.feature_type == InputTypes.ID:
tensors = [torch.stack(x, dim=-1) if x else torch.empty(0) for x in tensors]
return OrderedDict(zip(FEAT_NAMES, tensors))
def get_dataset_splits(df, config):
if hasattr(config, 'relative_split') and config.relative_split:
forecast_len = config.example_length - config.encoder_length
# The valid split is shifted from the train split by number of the forecast steps to the future.
# The test split is shifted by the number of the forecast steps from the valid split
train = []
valid = []
test = []
for _, group in df.groupby(DEFAULT_ID_COL):
index = group[config.time_ids]
_train = group.loc[index < config.valid_boundary]
_valid = group.iloc[(len(_train) - config.encoder_length):(len(_train) + forecast_len)]
_test = group.iloc[(len(_train) - config.encoder_length + forecast_len):(len(_train) + 2*forecast_len)]
train = pd.concat(train, axis=0)
valid = pd.concat(valid, axis=0)
test = pd.concat(test, axis=0)
index = df[config.time_ids]
train = df.loc[(index >= config.train_range[0]) & (index < config.train_range[1])]
valid = df.loc[(index >= config.valid_range[0]) & (index < config.valid_range[1])]
test = df.loc[(index >= config.test_range[0]) & (index < config.test_range[1])]
return train, valid, test
def flatten_ids(df, config):
if config.missing_id_strategy == 'drop':
if hasattr(config, 'combine_ids') and config.combine_ids:
index = np.logical_or.reduce([df[c].isna() for c in config.combine_ids])
id_col = next( for x in config.features if x.feature_type == InputTypes.ID)
index = df[id_col].isna()
index = index[index == True].index # Extract indices of nans
df.drop(index, inplace=True)
if not (hasattr(config, 'combine_ids') and config.combine_ids):
id_col = next( for x in config.features if x.feature_type == InputTypes.ID)
ids = df[id_col].apply(str)
df.drop(id_col, axis=1, inplace=True)
encoder = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(ids.values)
df[DEFAULT_ID_COL] = encoder.transform(ids)
encoders = OrderedDict({id_col: encoder})
encoders = {c:sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(df[c].values) for c in config.combine_ids}
encoders = OrderedDict(encoders)
lens = [len(v.classes_) for v in encoders.values()]
clens = np.roll(np.cumprod(lens), 1)
clens[0] = 1
# this takes a looooooot of time. Probably it would be better to create 2 dummy columns
df[DEFAULT_ID_COL] = df.apply(lambda row: sum([encoders[c].transform([row[c]])[0]*clens[i] for i,c in enumerate(encoders.keys())]), axis=1)
df.drop(config.combine_ids, axis=1, inplace=True)
return DEFAULT_ID_COL, encoders
def impute(df, config):
#XXX This ensures that out scaling will have the same mean. We still need to check the variance
if not hasattr(config, 'missing_data_label'):
return df, None
imp = SimpleImputer(missing_values=config.missing_data_label, strategy='mean')
mask = df.applymap(lambda x: True if x == config.missing_data_label else False)
data = df.values
col_mask = (data == config.missing_data_label).all(axis=0)
data[:,~col_mask] = imp.fit_transform(data)
return data, mask
def normalize_reals(train, valid, test, config, id_col=DEFAULT_ID_COL):
tgt_cols = [ for x in config.features if x.feature_type == InputTypes.TARGET]
real_cols = list(set( for v in config.features if v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CONTINUOUS).difference(set(tgt_cols)))
real_scalers = {}
tgt_scalers = {}
def apply_scalers(df, name=None):
if name is None:
name =
mask = df.applymap(lambda x: True if x == config.missing_data_label else False) if hasattr(config, 'missing_data_label') else None
df[real_cols] = real_scalers[name].transform(df[real_cols])
if mask is not None and any(mask):
df[real_cols].mask(mask, 10**9)
df[tgt_cols] = tgt_scalers[name].transform(df[tgt_cols])
return df
if config.scale_per_id:
for identifier, sliced in train.groupby(id_col):
data = sliced[real_cols]
data, _ = impute(data, config)
real_scalers[identifier] = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data)
# XXX We should probably remove examples that contain NaN as a target
target = sliced[tgt_cols]
tgt_scalers[identifier] = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(target)
train = train.groupby(id_col).apply(apply_scalers)
# For valid and testing leave only timeseries previously present in train subset
# XXX for proper data science we should consider encoding unseen timeseries as a special case, not throwing them away
valid = valid.loc[valid[id_col].isin(real_scalers.keys())]
valid = valid.groupby(id_col).apply(apply_scalers)
test = test.loc[test[id_col].isin(real_scalers.keys())]
test = test.groupby(id_col).apply(apply_scalers)
data, _ = impute(train[real_cols], config)
real_scalers[''] = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data)
tgt_scalers[''] = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(train[tgt_cols])
train = apply_scalers(train, name='')
valid = apply_scalers(valid, name='')
test = apply_scalers(test, name='')
return train, valid, test, real_scalers, tgt_scalers
def encode_categoricals(train, valid, test, config):
cat_encodings = {}
cat_cols = list(set( for v in config.features if v.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.CATEGORICAL and v.feature_type != InputTypes.ID))
num_classes = [] #XXX Maybe we should modify config based on this value? Or send a warninig?
# For TC performance reasons we might want for num_classes[i] be divisible by 8
# Train categorical encoders
for c in cat_cols:
if config.missing_cat_data_strategy == 'special_token':
#XXX this will probably require some data augmentation
unique = train[c].unique()
valid[c].loc[valid[c].isin(unique)] = '<UNK>'
test[c].loc[test[c].isin(unique)] = '<UNK>'
if config.missing_cat_data_strategy == 'encode_all' or \
config.missing_cat_data_strategy == 'special_token':
srs = pd.concat([train[c], valid[c], test[c]]).apply(str)
cat_encodings[c] = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(srs.values)
elif config.missing_cat_data_strategy == 'drop':
# TODO: implement this. In addition to dropping rows this has to split specific time series in chunks
# to prevent data from having temporal gaps
print('Categorical variables encodings lens: ', num_classes)
for split in [train, valid, test]:
for c in cat_cols:
srs = split[c].apply(str)
split[c] = srs
split.loc[:,c] = cat_encodings[c].transform(srs)
return cat_encodings
def preprocess(src_path, dst_path, config):
df = pd.read_csv(src_path, index_col=0)
for c in config.features:
if c.feature_embed_type == DataTypes.DATE:
df[] = pd.to_datetime(df[])
# Leave only columns relevant to preprocessing
relevant_columns = list(set([ for f in config.features] + [config.time_ids]))
df = df[relevant_columns]
id_col, id_encoders = flatten_ids(df, config)
df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)
train, valid, test = get_dataset_splits(df, config)
# Length filter the data (all timeseries shorter than example len will be dropped)
#for df in [train, valid, test]:
# df.groupby(id_col).filter(lambda x: len(x) >= config.example_length)
train = pd.concat([x[1] for x in train.groupby(id_col) if len(x[1]) >= config.example_length])
valid = pd.concat([x[1] for x in valid.groupby(id_col) if len(x[1]) >= config.example_length])
test = pd.concat([x[1] for x in test.groupby(id_col) if len(x[1]) >= config.example_length])
train, valid, test, real_scalers, tgt_scalers = normalize_reals(train, valid, test, config, id_col)
cat_encodings = encode_categoricals(train, valid, test, config)
os.makedirs(dst_path, exist_ok=True)
train.to_csv(os.path.join(dst_path, 'train.csv'))
valid.to_csv(os.path.join(dst_path, 'valid.csv'))
test.to_csv(os.path.join(dst_path, 'test.csv'))
# Save relevant columns in binary form for faster dataloading
# IMORTANT: We always expect id to be a single column indicating the complete timeseries
# We also expect a copy of id in form of static categorical input!!!
col_names = [id_col] + [ for x in config.features if x.feature_embed_type != DataTypes.DATE and x.feature_type != InputTypes.ID]
grouped_train = [x[1][col_names].values.astype(np.float32).view(dtype=np.int32) for x in train.groupby(id_col)]
grouped_valid = [x[1][col_names].values.astype(np.float32).view(dtype=np.int32) for x in valid.groupby(id_col)]
grouped_test = [x[1][col_names].values.astype(np.float32).view(dtype=np.int32) for x in test.groupby(id_col)]
pickle.dump(grouped_train, open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'train.bin'), 'wb'))
pickle.dump(grouped_valid, open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'valid.bin'), 'wb'))
pickle.dump(grouped_test, open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'test.bin'), 'wb'))
with open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'real_scalers.bin'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(real_scalers, f)
with open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'tgt_scalers.bin'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(tgt_scalers, f)
with open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'cat_encodings.bin'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(cat_encodings, f)
with open(os.path.join(dst_path, 'id_encoders.bin'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(id_encoders, f)
def sample_data(dataset, num_samples):
if num_samples < 0:
return dataset
return, np.random.choice(np.arange(len(dataset)), size=num_samples, replace=False))
def standarize_electricity(path):
"""Code taken from"""
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, 'LD2011_2014.txt'), index_col=0, sep=';', decimal=',')
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
# Used to determine the start and end dates of a series
output = df.resample('1h').mean().replace(0., np.nan)
earliest_time = output.index.min()
df_list = []
for label in output:
print('Processing {}'.format(label))
srs = output[label]
start_date = min(srs.fillna(method='ffill').dropna().index)
end_date = max(srs.fillna(method='bfill').dropna().index)
active_range = (srs.index >= start_date) & (srs.index <= end_date)
srs = srs[active_range].fillna(0.)
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'power_usage': srs})
date = tmp.index
tmp['t'] = (date - earliest_time).seconds / 60 / 60 + (
date - earliest_time).days * 24
tmp['days_from_start'] = (date - earliest_time).days
tmp['categorical_id'] = label
tmp['date'] = date
tmp['id'] = label
tmp['hour'] = date.hour
tmp['day'] =
tmp['day_of_week'] = date.dayofweek
tmp['month'] = date.month
output = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0, join='outer').reset_index(drop=True)
output['categorical_id'] = output['id'].copy()
output['hours_from_start'] = output['t']
output['categorical_day_of_week'] = output['day_of_week'].copy()
output['categorical_hour'] = output['hour'].copy()
output.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'standarized.csv'))
def standarize_volatility(path):
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, 'oxfordmanrealizedvolatilityindices.csv'), index_col=0) # no explicit index
# Adds additional date/day fields
idx = [str(s).split('+')[0] for s in df.index
] # ignore timezones, we don't need them
dates = pd.to_datetime(idx)
df['date'] = dates
df['days_from_start'] = (dates - pd.datetime(2000, 1, 3)).days
df['day_of_week'] = dates.dayofweek
df['day_of_month'] =
df['week_of_year'] = dates.weekofyear
df['month'] = dates.month
df['year'] = dates.year
df['categorical_id'] = df['Symbol'].copy()
# Processes log volatility
vol = df['rv5_ss'].copy()
vol.loc[vol == 0.] = np.nan
df['log_vol'] = np.log(vol)
# Adds static information
symbol_region_mapping = {
'.AEX': 'EMEA',
'.AORD': 'APAC',
'.BFX': 'EMEA',
'.BVLG': 'EMEA',
'.BVSP': 'AMER',
'.DJI': 'AMER',
'.FCHI': 'EMEA',
'.FTSE': 'EMEA',
'.HSI': 'APAC',
'.IBEX': 'EMEA',
'.IXIC': 'AMER',
'.KS11': 'APAC',
'.KSE': 'APAC',
'.MXX': 'AMER',
'.N225': 'APAC ',
'.NSEI': 'APAC',
'.OMXC20': 'EMEA',
'.RUT': 'EMEA',
'.SMSI': 'EMEA',
'.SPX': 'AMER',
'.SSEC': 'APAC',
'.SSMI': 'EMEA',
'.STI': 'APAC',
df['Region'] = df['Symbol'].apply(lambda k: symbol_region_mapping[k])
# Performs final processing
output_df_list = []
for grp in df.groupby('Symbol'):
sliced = grp[1].copy()
sliced.sort_values('days_from_start', inplace=True)
# Impute log volatility values
sliced['log_vol'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
df = pd.concat(output_df_list, axis=0)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'standarized.csv'))
def standarize_traffic(path):
def process_list(s, variable_type=int, delimiter=None):
"""Parses a line in the PEMS format to a list."""
if delimiter is None:
l = [
variable_type(i) for i in s.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split()
l = [
for i in s.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(delimiter)
return l
def read_single_list(filename):
"""Returns single list from a file in the PEMS-custom format."""
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'r') as dat:
l = process_list(dat.readlines()[0])
return l
def read_matrix(filename):
"""Returns a matrix from a file in the PEMS-custom format."""
array_list = []
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'r') as dat:
lines = dat.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if (i + 1) % 50 == 0:
print('Completed {} of {} rows for {}'.format(i + 1, len(lines),
array = [
process_list(row_split, variable_type=float, delimiter=None)
for row_split in process_list(
line, variable_type=str, delimiter=';')
return array_list
shuffle_order = np.array(read_single_list('randperm')) - 1 # index from 0
train_dayofweek = read_single_list('PEMS_trainlabels')
train_tensor = read_matrix('PEMS_train')
test_dayofweek = read_single_list('PEMS_testlabels')
test_tensor = read_matrix('PEMS_test')
# Inverse permutate shuffle order
inverse_mapping = {
new_location: previous_location
for previous_location, new_location in enumerate(shuffle_order)
reverse_shuffle_order = np.array([
for new_location, _ in enumerate(shuffle_order)
# Group and reoder based on permuation matrix
day_of_week = np.array(train_dayofweek + test_dayofweek)
combined_tensor = np.array(train_tensor + test_tensor)
day_of_week = day_of_week[reverse_shuffle_order]
combined_tensor = combined_tensor[reverse_shuffle_order]
# Put everything back into a dataframe
print('Parsing as dataframe')
labels = ['traj_{}'.format(i) for i in read_single_list('stations_list')]
hourly_list = []
for day, day_matrix in enumerate(combined_tensor):
# Hourly data
hourly = pd.DataFrame(day_matrix.T, columns=labels)
hourly['hour_on_day'] = [int(i / 6) for i in hourly.index
] # sampled at 10 min intervals
if hourly['hour_on_day'].max() > 23 or hourly['hour_on_day'].min() < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid hour! {}-{}'.format(
hourly['hour_on_day'].min(), hourly['hour_on_day'].max()))
hourly = hourly.groupby('hour_on_day', as_index=True).mean()[labels]
hourly['sensor_day'] = day
hourly['time_on_day'] = hourly.index
hourly['day_of_week'] = day_of_week[day]
hourly_frame = pd.concat(hourly_list, axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
# Flatten such that each entitiy uses one row in dataframe
store_columns = [c for c in hourly_frame.columns if 'traj' in c]
other_columns = [c for c in hourly_frame.columns if 'traj' not in c]
flat_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['values', 'prev_values', 'next_values'] +
other_columns + ['id'])
for store in store_columns:
print('Processing {}'.format(store))
sliced = hourly_frame[[store] + other_columns].copy()
sliced.columns = ['values'] + other_columns
sliced['id'] = int(store.replace('traj_', ''))
# Sort by Sensor-date-time
key = sliced['id'].apply(str) \
+ sliced['sensor_day'].apply(lambda x: '_{:03d}'.format(x)) \
+ sliced['time_on_day'].apply(lambda x: '_{:03d}'.format(x))
sliced = sliced.set_index(key).sort_index()
sliced['values'] = sliced['values'].fillna(method='ffill')
sliced['prev_values'] = sliced['values'].shift(1)
sliced['next_values'] = sliced['values'].shift(-1)
flat_df = flat_df.append(sliced.dropna(), ignore_index=True, sort=False)
# Filter to match range used by other academic papers
index = flat_df['sensor_day']
flat_df = flat_df[index < 173].copy()
# Creating columns fo categorical inputs
flat_df['categorical_id'] = flat_df['id'].copy()
flat_df['hours_from_start'] = flat_df['time_on_day'] \
+ flat_df['sensor_day']*24.
flat_df['categorical_day_of_week'] = flat_df['day_of_week'].copy()
flat_df['categorical_time_on_day'] = flat_df['time_on_day'].copy()
flat_df.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'standarized.csv'))
# XXX needs rework
def standarize_favorita(data_folder):
import gc
# Extract only a subset of data to save/process for efficiency
start_date = pd.datetime(2015, 1, 1)
end_date = pd.datetime(2016, 6, 1)
print('Regenerating data...')
# load temporal data
temporal = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, 'train.csv'), index_col=0)
store_info = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, 'stores.csv'), index_col=0)
oil = pd.read_csv(
os.path.join(data_folder, 'oil.csv'), index_col=0).iloc[:, 0]
holidays = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, 'holidays_events.csv'))
items = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, 'items.csv'), index_col=0)
transactions = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, 'transactions.csv'))
# Take first 6 months of data
temporal['date'] = pd.to_datetime(temporal['date'])
# Filter dates to reduce storage space requirements
if start_date is not None:
temporal = temporal[(temporal['date'] >= start_date)]
if end_date is not None:
temporal = temporal[(temporal['date'] < end_date)]
dates = temporal['date'].unique()
# Add trajectory identifier
temporal['traj_id'] = temporal['store_nbr'].apply(
str) + '_' + temporal['item_nbr'].apply(str)
temporal['unique_id'] = temporal['traj_id'] + '_' + temporal['date'].apply(
# Remove all IDs with negative returns
print('Removing returns data')
min_returns = temporal['unit_sales'].groupby(temporal['traj_id']).min()
valid_ids = set(min_returns[min_returns >= 0].index)
selector = temporal['traj_id'].apply(lambda traj_id: traj_id in valid_ids)
new_temporal = temporal[selector].copy()
del temporal
temporal = new_temporal
temporal['open'] = 1
# Resampling
print('Resampling to regular grid')
resampled_dfs = []
for traj_id, raw_sub_df in temporal.groupby('traj_id'):
print('Resampling', traj_id)
sub_df = raw_sub_df.set_index('date', drop=True).copy()
sub_df = sub_df.resample('1d').last()
sub_df['date'] = sub_df.index
sub_df[['store_nbr', 'item_nbr', 'onpromotion']] \
= sub_df[['store_nbr', 'item_nbr', 'onpromotion']].fillna(method='ffill')
sub_df['open'] = sub_df['open'].fillna(
0) # flag where sales data is unknown
sub_df['log_sales'] = np.log(sub_df['unit_sales'])
new_temporal = pd.concat(resampled_dfs, axis=0)
del temporal
temporal = new_temporal
print('Adding oil') = 'oil'
oil.index = pd.to_datetime(oil.index)
#XXX the lines below match the value of the oil on given date with the rest of the timeseries
# missing values in oil series are copied from the index before. Then the oil series is joined with
# temporal. Then there are some dates present in temporal which arent present in oil, for which
# oil values is substituted with -1. WHY?!
#TODO: check how many nans there are after first step. Previously oil series was extended by dates
# present in dates variable with nan value, which were forward filled.
# This behavior is no longer supported by pandas, so we changed to DataFrame.isin method.
# This leaves us with more nans after first step than previously. To achieve previous behavior
# we have to join series before filling nans.
temporal = temporal.join(
#oil.loc[oil.index.isin(dates)].fillna(method='ffill'), on='date', how='left')
oil.loc[oil.index.isin(dates)], on='date', how='left')
temporal['oil'] = temporal['oil'].fillna(method='ffill')
temporal['oil'] = temporal['oil'].fillna(-1)
print('Adding store info')
temporal = temporal.join(store_info, on='store_nbr', how='left')
print('Adding item info')
temporal = temporal.join(items, on='item_nbr', how='left')
transactions['date'] = pd.to_datetime(transactions['date'])
temporal = temporal.merge(
left_on=['date', 'store_nbr'],
right_on=['date', 'store_nbr'],
temporal['transactions'] = temporal['transactions'].fillna(-1)
# Additional date info
temporal['day_of_week'] = pd.to_datetime(temporal['date'].values).dayofweek
temporal['day_of_month'] = pd.to_datetime(temporal['date'].values).day
temporal['month'] = pd.to_datetime(temporal['date'].values).month
# Add holiday info
print('Adding holidays')
holiday_subset = holidays[holidays['transferred'].apply(
lambda x: not x)].copy()
holiday_subset.columns = [
s if s != 'type' else 'holiday_type' for s in holiday_subset.columns
holiday_subset['date'] = pd.to_datetime(holiday_subset['date'])
local_holidays = holiday_subset[holiday_subset['locale'] == 'Local']
regional_holidays = holiday_subset[holiday_subset['locale'] == 'Regional']
national_holidays = holiday_subset[holiday_subset['locale'] == 'National']
temporal['national_hol'] = temporal.merge(
national_holidays, left_on=['date'], right_on=['date'],
temporal['regional_hol'] = temporal.merge(
left_on=['state', 'date'],
right_on=['locale_name', 'date'],
temporal['local_hol'] = temporal.merge(
left_on=['city', 'date'],
right_on=['locale_name', 'date'],
temporal.sort_values('unique_id', inplace=True)
# Transform date to integer index
start_date = pd.to_datetime(min(temporal['date']))
dates = temporal['date'].apply(pd.to_datetime)
temporal['days_from_start'] = (dates - start_date).dt.days
temporal['categorical_id'] = temporal['traj_id'].copy()
print('Saving processed file to {}'.format(os.path.join(data_folder, 'standarized.csv')))
temporal.to_csv(os.path.join(data_folder, 'standarized.csv'))