2021-10-15 15:46:41 +02:00

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import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from contextlib import nullcontext
from typing import Dict
from equivariant_attention.from_se3cnn import utils_steerable
from equivariant_attention.fibers import Fiber, fiber2head
from utils.utils_logging import log_gradient_norm
import dgl
import dgl.function as fn
from dgl.nn.pytorch.softmax import edge_softmax
from dgl.nn.pytorch.glob import AvgPooling, MaxPooling
from packaging import version
def get_basis(G, max_degree, compute_gradients):
"""Precompute the SE(3)-equivariant weight basis, W_J^lk(x)
This is called by get_basis_and_r().
G: DGL graph instance of type dgl.DGLGraph
max_degree: non-negative int for degree of highest feature type
compute_gradients: boolean, whether to compute gradients during basis construction
dict of equivariant bases. Keys are in the form 'd_in,d_out'. Values are
tensors of shape (batch_size, 1, 2*d_out+1, 1, 2*d_in+1, number_of_bases)
where the 1's will later be broadcast to the number of output and input
if compute_gradients:
context = nullcontext()
context = torch.no_grad()
with context:
cloned_d = torch.clone(G.edata['d'])
if G.edata['d'].requires_grad:
log_gradient_norm(cloned_d, 'Basis computation flow')
# Relative positional encodings (vector)
r_ij = utils_steerable.get_spherical_from_cartesian_torch(cloned_d)
# Spherical harmonic basis
Y = utils_steerable.precompute_sh(r_ij, 2*max_degree)
device = Y[0].device
basis = {}
for d_in in range(max_degree+1):
for d_out in range(max_degree+1):
K_Js = []
for J in range(abs(d_in-d_out), d_in+d_out+1):
# Get spherical harmonic projection matrices
Q_J = utils_steerable._basis_transformation_Q_J(J, d_in, d_out)
Q_J = Q_J.float()
# Create kernel from spherical harmonics
K_J = torch.matmul(Y[J], Q_J)
# Reshape so can take linear combinations with a dot product
size = (-1, 1, 2*d_out+1, 1, 2*d_in+1, 2*min(d_in, d_out)+1)
basis[f'{d_in},{d_out}'] = torch.stack(K_Js, -1).view(*size)
return basis
def get_r(G):
"""Compute internodal distances"""
cloned_d = torch.clone(G.edata['d'])
if G.edata['d'].requires_grad:
log_gradient_norm(cloned_d, 'Neural networks flow')
return torch.sqrt(torch.sum(cloned_d**2, -1, keepdim=True))
def get_basis_and_r(G, max_degree, compute_gradients=False):
"""Return equivariant weight basis (basis) and internodal distances (r).
Call this function *once* at the start of each forward pass of the model.
It computes the equivariant weight basis, W_J^lk(x), and internodal
distances, needed to compute varphi_J^lk(x), of eqn 8 of The return values of this function
can be shared as input across all SE(3)-Transformer layers in a model.
G: DGL graph instance of type dgl.DGLGraph()
max_degree: non-negative int for degree of highest feature-type
compute_gradients: controls whether to compute gradients during basis construction
dict of equivariant bases, keys are in form '<d_in><d_out>'
vector of relative distances, ordered according to edge ordering of G
basis = get_basis(G, max_degree, compute_gradients)
r = get_r(G)
return basis, r
### SE(3) equivariant operations on graphs in DGL
class GConvSE3(nn.Module):
"""A tensor field network layer as a DGL module.
GConvSE3 stands for a Graph Convolution SE(3)-equivariant layer. It is the
equivalent of a linear layer in an MLP, a conv layer in a CNN, or a graph
conv layer in a GCN.
At each node, the activations are split into different "feature types",
indexed by the SE(3) representation type: non-negative integers 0, 1, 2, ..
def __init__(self, f_in, f_out, self_interaction: bool=False, edge_dim: int=0, flavor='skip'):
"""SE(3)-equivariant Graph Conv Layer
f_in: list of tuples [(multiplicities, type),...]
f_out: list of tuples [(multiplicities, type),...]
self_interaction: include self-interaction in convolution
edge_dim: number of dimensions for edge embedding
flavor: allows ['TFN', 'skip'], where 'skip' adds a skip connection
self.f_in = f_in
self.f_out = f_out
self.edge_dim = edge_dim
self.self_interaction = self_interaction
self.flavor = flavor
# Neighbor -> center weights
self.kernel_unary = nn.ModuleDict()
for (mi, di) in self.f_in.structure:
for (mo, do) in self.f_out.structure:
self.kernel_unary[f'({di},{do})'] = PairwiseConv(di, mi, do, mo, edge_dim=edge_dim)
# Center -> center weights
self.kernel_self = nn.ParameterDict()
if self_interaction:
assert self.flavor in ['TFN', 'skip']
if self.flavor == 'TFN':
for m_out, d_out in self.f_out.structure:
W = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, m_out, m_out) / np.sqrt(m_out))
self.kernel_self[f'{d_out}'] = W
elif self.flavor == 'skip':
for m_in, d_in in self.f_in.structure:
if d_in in self.f_out.degrees:
m_out = self.f_out.structure_dict[d_in]
W = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, m_out, m_in) / np.sqrt(m_in))
self.kernel_self[f'{d_in}'] = W
def __repr__(self):
return f'GConvSE3(structure={self.f_out}, self_interaction={self.self_interaction})'
def udf_u_mul_e(self, d_out):
"""Compute the convolution for a single output feature type.
This function is set up as a User Defined Function in DGL.
d_out: output feature type
edge -> node function handle
def fnc(edges):
# Neighbor -> center messages
msg = 0
for m_in, d_in in self.f_in.structure:
src = edges.src[f'{d_in}'].view(-1, m_in*(2*d_in+1), 1)
edge =[f'({d_in},{d_out})']
msg = msg + torch.matmul(edge, src)
msg = msg.view(msg.shape[0], -1, 2*d_out+1)
# Center -> center messages
if self.self_interaction:
if f'{d_out}' in self.kernel_self.keys():
if self.flavor == 'TFN':
W = self.kernel_self[f'{d_out}']
msg = torch.matmul(W, msg)
if self.flavor == 'skip':
dst = edges.dst[f'{d_out}']
W = self.kernel_self[f'{d_out}']
msg = msg + torch.matmul(W, dst)
return {'msg': msg.view(msg.shape[0], -1, 2*d_out+1)}
return fnc
def forward(self, h, G=None, r=None, basis=None, **kwargs):
"""Forward pass of the linear layer
G: minibatch of (homo)graphs
h: dict of features
r: inter-atomic distances
basis: pre-computed Q * Y
tensor with new features [B, n_points, n_features_out]
with G.local_scope():
# Add node features to local graph scope
for k, v in h.items():
G.ndata[k] = v
# Add edge features
if 'w' in G.edata.keys():
w = G.edata['w']
feat =[w, r], -1)
feat =[r, ], -1)
for (mi, di) in self.f_in.structure:
for (mo, do) in self.f_out.structure:
etype = f'({di},{do})'
G.edata[etype] = self.kernel_unary[etype](feat, basis)
# Perform message-passing for each output feature type
for d in self.f_out.degrees:
G.update_all(self.udf_u_mul_e(d), fn.mean('msg', f'out{d}'))
return {f'{d}': G.ndata[f'out{d}'] for d in self.f_out.degrees}
class RadialFunc(nn.Module):
"""NN parameterized radial profile function."""
def __init__(self, num_freq, in_dim, out_dim, edge_dim: int=0):
"""NN parameterized radial profile function.
num_freq: number of output frequencies
in_dim: multiplicity of input (num input channels)
out_dim: multiplicity of output (num output channels)
edge_dim: number of dimensions for edge embedding
self.num_freq = num_freq
self.in_dim = in_dim
self.mid_dim = 32
self.out_dim = out_dim
self.edge_dim = edge_dim = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.edge_dim+1,self.mid_dim),
def __repr__(self):
return f"RadialFunc(edge_dim={self.edge_dim}, in_dim={self.in_dim}, out_dim={self.out_dim})"
def forward(self, x):
y =
return y.view(-1, self.out_dim, 1, self.in_dim, 1, self.num_freq)
class PairwiseConv(nn.Module):
"""SE(3)-equivariant convolution between two single-type features"""
def __init__(self, degree_in: int, nc_in: int, degree_out: int,
nc_out: int, edge_dim: int=0):
"""SE(3)-equivariant convolution between a pair of feature types.
This layer performs a convolution from nc_in features of type degree_in
to nc_out features of type degree_out.
degree_in: degree of input fiber
nc_in: number of channels on input
degree_out: degree of out order
nc_out: number of channels on output
edge_dim: number of dimensions for edge embedding
# Log settings
self.degree_in = degree_in
self.degree_out = degree_out
self.nc_in = nc_in
self.nc_out = nc_out
# Functions of the degree
self.num_freq = 2*min(degree_in, degree_out) + 1
self.d_out = 2*degree_out + 1
self.edge_dim = edge_dim
# Radial profile function
self.rp = RadialFunc(self.num_freq, nc_in, nc_out, self.edge_dim)
def forward(self, feat, basis):
# Get radial weights
R = self.rp(feat)
kernel = torch.sum(R * basis[f'{self.degree_in},{self.degree_out}'], -1)
return kernel.view(kernel.shape[0], self.d_out*self.nc_out, -1)
class G1x1SE3(nn.Module):
"""Graph Linear SE(3)-equivariant layer, equivalent to a 1x1 convolution.
This is equivalent to a self-interaction layer in TensorField Networks.
def __init__(self, f_in, f_out, learnable=True):
"""SE(3)-equivariant 1x1 convolution.
f_in: input Fiber() of feature multiplicities and types
f_out: output Fiber() of feature multiplicities and types
self.f_in = f_in
self.f_out = f_out
# Linear mappings: 1 per output feature type
self.transform = nn.ParameterDict()
for m_out, d_out in self.f_out.structure:
m_in = self.f_in.structure_dict[d_out]
self.transform[str(d_out)] = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(m_out, m_in) / np.sqrt(m_in), requires_grad=learnable)
def __repr__(self):
return f"G1x1SE3(structure={self.f_out})"
def forward(self, features, **kwargs):
output = {}
for k, v in features.items():
if str(k) in self.transform.keys():
output[k] = torch.matmul(self.transform[str(k)], v)
return output
class GNormBias(nn.Module):
"""Norm-based SE(3)-equivariant nonlinearity with only learned biases."""
def __init__(self, fiber, nonlin=nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
num_layers: int = 0):
fiber: Fiber() of feature multiplicities and types
nonlin: nonlinearity to use everywhere
num_layers: non-negative number of linear layers in fnc
self.fiber = fiber
self.nonlin = nonlin
self.num_layers = num_layers
# Regularization for computing phase: gradients explode otherwise
self.eps = 1e-12
# Norm mappings: 1 per feature type
self.bias = nn.ParameterDict()
for m, d in self.fiber.structure:
self.bias[str(d)] = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(m).view(1, m))
def __repr__(self):
return f"GNormTFN()"
def forward(self, features, **kwargs):
output = {}
for k, v in features.items():
# Compute the norms and normalized features
# v shape: [...,m , 2*k+1]
norm = v.norm(2, -1, keepdim=True).clamp_min(self.eps).expand_as(v)
phase = v / norm
# Transform on norms
# transformed = self.transform[str(k)](norm[..., 0]).unsqueeze(-1)
transformed = self.nonlin(norm[..., 0] + self.bias[str(k)])
# Nonlinearity on norm
output[k] = (transformed.unsqueeze(-1) * phase).view(*v.shape)
return output
class GAttentiveSelfInt(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, f_in, f_out):
"""SE(3)-equivariant 1x1 convolution.
f_in: input Fiber() of feature multiplicities and types
f_out: output Fiber() of feature multiplicities and types
self.f_in = f_in
self.f_out = f_out
self.nonlin = nn.LeakyReLU()
self.num_layers = 2
self.eps = 1e-12 # regularisation for phase: gradients explode otherwise
# one network for attention weights per degree
self.transform = nn.ModuleDict()
for o, m_in in self.f_in.structure_dict.items():
m_out = self.f_out.structure_dict[o]
self.transform[str(o)] = self._build_net(m_in, m_out)
def __repr__(self):
return f"AttentiveSelfInteractionSE3(in={self.f_in}, out={self.f_out})"
def _build_net(self, m_in: int, m_out):
n_hidden = m_in * m_out
cur_inpt = m_in * m_in
net = []
for i in range(1, self.num_layers):
# TODO: implement cleaner init
nn.Linear(cur_inpt, n_hidden, bias=(i == self.num_layers - 1)))
cur_inpt = n_hidden
return nn.Sequential(*net)
def forward(self, features, **kwargs):
output = {}
for k, v in features.items():
# v shape: [..., m, 2*k+1]
first_dims = v.shape[:-2]
m_in = self.f_in.structure_dict[int(k)]
m_out = self.f_out.structure_dict[int(k)]
assert v.shape[-2] == m_in
assert v.shape[-1] == 2 * int(k) + 1
# Compute the norms and normalized features
#norm = v.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True).clamp_min(self.eps).expand_as(v)
#phase = v / norm # [..., m, 2*k+1]
scalars = torch.einsum(',...bc->...ab', [v, v]) # [..., m_in, m_in]
scalars = scalars.view(*first_dims, m_in*m_in) # [..., m_in*m_in]
sign = scalars.sign()
scalars = scalars.abs_().clamp_min(self.eps)
scalars *= sign
# perform attention
att_weights = self.transform[str(k)](scalars) # [..., m_out*m_in]
att_weights = att_weights.view(*first_dims, m_out, m_in) # [..., m_out, m_in]
att_weights = F.softmax(input=att_weights, dim=-1)
# shape [..., m_out, 2*k+1]
# output[k] = torch.einsum('...nm,>...nd', [att_weights, phase])
output[k] = torch.einsum('...nm,>...nd', [att_weights, v])
return output
class GNormSE3(nn.Module):
"""Graph Norm-based SE(3)-equivariant nonlinearity.
Nonlinearities are important in SE(3) equivariant GCNs. They are also quite
expensive to compute, so it is convenient for them to share resources with
other layers, such as normalization. The general workflow is as follows:
> for feature type in features:
> norm, phase <- feature
> output = fnc(norm) * phase
where fnc: {R+}^m -> R^m is a learnable map from m norms to m scalars.
def __init__(self, fiber, nonlin=nn.ReLU(inplace=True), num_layers: int=0):
fiber: Fiber() of feature multiplicities and types
nonlin: nonlinearity to use everywhere
num_layers: non-negative number of linear layers in fnc
self.fiber = fiber
self.nonlin = nonlin
self.num_layers = num_layers
# Regularization for computing phase: gradients explode otherwise
self.eps = 1e-12
# Norm mappings: 1 per feature type
self.transform = nn.ModuleDict()
for m, d in self.fiber.structure:
self.transform[str(d)] = self._build_net(int(m))
def __repr__(self):
return f"GNormSE3(num_layers={self.num_layers}, nonlin={self.nonlin})"
def _build_net(self, m: int):
net = []
for i in range(self.num_layers):
# TODO: implement cleaner init
net.append(nn.Linear(m, m, bias=(i==self.num_layers-1)))
if self.num_layers == 0:
return nn.Sequential(*net)
def forward(self, features, **kwargs):
output = {}
for k, v in features.items():
# Compute the norms and normalized features
# v shape: [...,m , 2*k+1]
norm = v.norm(2, -1, keepdim=True).clamp_min(self.eps).expand_as(v)
phase = v / norm
# Transform on norms
transformed = self.transform[str(k)](norm[...,0]).unsqueeze(-1)
# Nonlinearity on norm
output[k] = (transformed * phase).view(*v.shape)
return output
class BN(nn.Module):
"""SE(3)-equvariant batch/layer normalization"""
def __init__(self, m):
"""SE(3)-equvariant batch/layer normalization
m: int for number of output channels
super().__init__() = nn.LayerNorm(m)
def forward(self, x):
class GConvSE3Partial(nn.Module):
"""Graph SE(3)-equivariant node -> edge layer"""
def __init__(self, f_in, f_out, edge_dim: int=0, x_ij=None):
"""SE(3)-equivariant partial convolution.
A partial convolution computes the inner product between a kernel and
each input channel, without summing over the result from each input
channel. This unfolded structure makes it amenable to be used for
computing the value-embeddings of the attention mechanism.
f_in: list of tuples [(multiplicities, type),...]
f_out: list of tuples [(multiplicities, type),...]
self.f_out = f_out
self.edge_dim = edge_dim
# adding/concatinating relative position to feature vectors
# 'cat' concatenates relative position & existing feature vector
# 'add' adds it, but only if multiplicity > 1
assert x_ij in [None, 'cat', 'add']
self.x_ij = x_ij
if x_ij == 'cat':
self.f_in = Fiber.combine(f_in, Fiber(structure=[(1,1)]))
self.f_in = f_in
# Node -> edge weights
self.kernel_unary = nn.ModuleDict()
for (mi, di) in self.f_in.structure:
for (mo, do) in self.f_out.structure:
self.kernel_unary[f'({di},{do})'] = PairwiseConv(di, mi, do, mo, edge_dim=edge_dim)
def __repr__(self):
return f'GConvSE3Partial(structure={self.f_out})'
def udf_u_mul_e(self, d_out):
"""Compute the partial convolution for a single output feature type.
This function is set up as a User Defined Function in DGL.
d_out: output feature type
node -> edge function handle
def fnc(edges):
# Neighbor -> center messages
msg = 0
for m_in, d_in in self.f_in.structure:
# if type 1 and flag set, add relative position as feature
if self.x_ij == 'cat' and d_in == 1:
# relative positions
rel = (edges.dst['x'] - edges.src['x']).view(-1, 3, 1)
m_ori = m_in - 1
if m_ori == 0:
# no type 1 input feature, just use relative position
src = rel
# features of src node, shape [edges, m_in*(2l+1), 1]
src = edges.src[f'{d_in}'].view(-1, m_ori*(2*d_in+1), 1)
# add to feature vector
src =[src, rel], dim=1)
elif self.x_ij == 'add' and d_in == 1 and m_in > 1:
src = edges.src[f'{d_in}'].view(-1, m_in*(2*d_in+1), 1)
rel = (edges.dst['x'] - edges.src['x']).view(-1, 3, 1)
src[..., :3, :1] = src[..., :3, :1] + rel
src = edges.src[f'{d_in}'].view(-1, m_in*(2*d_in+1), 1)
edge =[f'({d_in},{d_out})']
msg = msg + torch.matmul(edge, src)
msg = msg.view(msg.shape[0], -1, 2*d_out+1)
return {f'out{d_out}': msg.view(msg.shape[0], -1, 2*d_out+1)}
return fnc
def forward(self, h, G=None, r=None, basis=None, **kwargs):
"""Forward pass of the linear layer
h: dict of node-features
G: minibatch of (homo)graphs
r: inter-atomic distances
basis: pre-computed Q * Y
tensor with new features [B, n_points, n_features_out]
with G.local_scope():
# Add node features to local graph scope
for k, v in h.items():
G.ndata[k] = v
# Add edge features
if 'w' in G.edata.keys():
w = G.edata['w'] # shape: [#edges_in_batch, #bond_types]
feat =[w, r], -1)
feat =[r, ], -1)
for (mi, di) in self.f_in.structure:
for (mo, do) in self.f_out.structure:
etype = f'({di},{do})'
G.edata[etype] = self.kernel_unary[etype](feat, basis)
# Perform message-passing for each output feature type
for d in self.f_out.degrees:
return {f'{d}': G.edata[f'out{d}'] for d in self.f_out.degrees}
class GMABSE3(nn.Module):
"""An SE(3)-equivariant multi-headed self-attention module for DGL graphs."""
def __init__(self, f_value: Fiber, f_key: Fiber, n_heads: int):
"""SE(3)-equivariant MAB (multi-headed attention block) layer.
f_value: Fiber() object for value-embeddings
f_key: Fiber() object for key-embeddings
n_heads: number of heads
self.f_value = f_value
self.f_key = f_key
self.n_heads = n_heads
self.new_dgl = version.parse(dgl.__version__) > version.parse('0.4.4')
def __repr__(self):
return f'GMABSE3(n_heads={self.n_heads}, structure={self.f_value})'
def udf_u_mul_e(self, d_out):
"""Compute the weighted sum for a single output feature type.
This function is set up as a User Defined Function in DGL.
d_out: output feature type
edge -> node function handle
def fnc(edges):
# Neighbor -> center messages
attn =['a']
value =[f'v{d_out}']
# Apply attention weights
msg = attn.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * value
return {'m': msg}
return fnc
def forward(self, v, k: Dict=None, q: Dict=None, G=None, **kwargs):
"""Forward pass of the linear layer
G: minibatch of (homo)graphs
v: dict of value edge-features
k: dict of key edge-features
q: dict of query node-features
tensor with new features [B, n_points, n_features_out]
with G.local_scope():
# Add node features to local graph scope
## We use the stacked tensor representation for attention
for m, d in self.f_value.structure:
G.edata[f'v{d}'] = v[f'{d}'].view(-1, self.n_heads, m//self.n_heads, 2*d+1)
G.edata['k'] = fiber2head(k, self.n_heads, self.f_key, squeeze=True) # [edges, heads, channels](?)
G.ndata['q'] = fiber2head(q, self.n_heads, self.f_key, squeeze=True) # [nodes, heads, channels](?)
# Compute attention weights
## Inner product between (key) neighborhood and (query) center
G.apply_edges(fn.e_dot_v('k', 'q', 'e'))
## Apply softmax
e = G.edata.pop('e')
if self.new_dgl:
# in dgl 5.3, e has an extra dimension compared to dgl 4.3
# the following, we get rid of this be reshaping
n_edges = G.edata['k'].shape[0]
e = e.view([n_edges, self.n_heads])
e = e / np.sqrt(self.f_key.n_features)
G.edata['a'] = edge_softmax(G, e)
# Perform attention-weighted message-passing
for d in self.f_value.degrees:
G.update_all(self.udf_u_mul_e(d), fn.sum('m', f'out{d}'))
output = {}
for m, d in self.f_value.structure:
output[f'{d}'] = G.ndata[f'out{d}'].view(-1, m, 2*d+1)
return output
class GSE3Res(nn.Module):
"""Graph attention block with SE(3)-equivariance and skip connection"""
def __init__(self, f_in: Fiber, f_out: Fiber, edge_dim: int=0, div: float=4,
n_heads: int=1, learnable_skip=True, skip='cat', selfint='1x1', x_ij=None):
self.f_in = f_in
self.f_out = f_out
self.div = div
self.n_heads = n_heads
self.skip = skip # valid: 'cat', 'sum', None
# f_mid_out has same structure as 'f_out' but #channels divided by 'div'
# this will be used for the values
f_mid_out = {k: int(v // div) for k, v in self.f_out.structure_dict.items()}
self.f_mid_out = Fiber(dictionary=f_mid_out)
# f_mid_in has same structure as f_mid_out, but only degrees which are in f_in
# this will be used for keys and queries
# (queries are merely projected, hence degrees have to match input)
f_mid_in = {d: m for d, m in f_mid_out.items() if d in self.f_in.degrees}
self.f_mid_in = Fiber(dictionary=f_mid_in)
self.edge_dim = edge_dim
self.GMAB = nn.ModuleDict()
# Projections
self.GMAB['v'] = GConvSE3Partial(f_in, self.f_mid_out, edge_dim=edge_dim, x_ij=x_ij)
self.GMAB['k'] = GConvSE3Partial(f_in, self.f_mid_in, edge_dim=edge_dim, x_ij=x_ij)
self.GMAB['q'] = G1x1SE3(f_in, self.f_mid_in)
# Attention
self.GMAB['attn'] = GMABSE3(self.f_mid_out, self.f_mid_in, n_heads=n_heads)
# Skip connections
if self.skip == 'cat': = GCat(self.f_mid_out, f_in)
if selfint == 'att':
self.project = GAttentiveSelfInt(, f_out)
elif selfint == '1x1':
self.project = G1x1SE3(, f_out, learnable=learnable_skip)
elif self.skip == 'sum':
self.project = G1x1SE3(self.f_mid_out, f_out, learnable=learnable_skip)
self.add = GSum(f_out, f_in)
# the following checks whether the skip connection would change
# the output fibre strucure; the reason can be that the input has
# more channels than the ouput (for at least one degree); this would
# then cause a (hard to debug) error in the next layer
assert self.add.f_out.structure_dict == f_out.structure_dict, \
'skip connection would change output structure'
def forward(self, features, G, **kwargs):
# Embeddings
v = self.GMAB['v'](features, G=G, **kwargs)
k = self.GMAB['k'](features, G=G, **kwargs)
q = self.GMAB['q'](features, G=G)
# Attention
z = self.GMAB['attn'](v, k=k, q=q, G=G)
if self.skip == 'cat':
z =, features)
z = self.project(z)
elif self.skip == 'sum':
# Skip + residual
z = self.project(z)
z = self.add(z, features)
return z
### Helper and wrapper functions
class GSum(nn.Module):
"""SE(3)-equvariant graph residual sum function."""
def __init__(self, f_x: Fiber, f_y: Fiber):
"""SE(3)-equvariant graph residual sum function.
f_x: Fiber() object for fiber of summands
f_y: Fiber() object for fiber of summands
self.f_x = f_x
self.f_y = f_y
self.f_out = Fiber.combine_max(f_x, f_y)
def __repr__(self):
return f"GSum(structure={self.f_out})"
def forward(self, x, y):
out = {}
for k in self.f_out.degrees:
k = str(k)
if (k in x) and (k in y):
if x[k].shape[1] > y[k].shape[1]:
diff = x[k].shape[1] - y[k].shape[1]
zeros = torch.zeros(x[k].shape[0], diff, x[k].shape[2]).to(y[k].device)
y[k] =[y[k], zeros], 1)
elif x[k].shape[1] < y[k].shape[1]:
diff = y[k].shape[1] - x[k].shape[1]
zeros = torch.zeros(x[k].shape[0], diff, x[k].shape[2]).to(y[k].device)
x[k] =[x[k], zeros], 1)
out[k] = x[k] + y[k]
elif k in x:
out[k] = x[k]
elif k in y:
out[k] = y[k]
return out
class GCat(nn.Module):
"""Concat only degrees which are in f_x"""
def __init__(self, f_x: Fiber, f_y: Fiber):
self.f_x = f_x
self.f_y = f_y
f_out = {}
for k in f_x.degrees:
f_out[k] = f_x.dict[k]
if k in f_y.degrees:
f_out[k] += f_y.dict[k]
self.f_out = Fiber(dictionary=f_out)
def __repr__(self):
return f"GCat(structure={self.f_out})"
def forward(self, x, y):
out = {}
for k in self.f_out.degrees:
k = str(k)
if k in y:
out[k] =[x[k], y[k]], 1)
out[k] = x[k]
return out
class GAvgPooling(nn.Module):
"""Graph Average Pooling module."""
def __init__(self, type='0'):
self.pool = AvgPooling()
self.type = type
def forward(self, features, G, **kwargs):
if self.type == '0':
h = features['0'][...,-1]
pooled = self.pool(G, h)
elif self.type == '1':
pooled = []
for i in range(3):
h_i = features['1'][..., i]
pooled.append(self.pool(G, h_i).unsqueeze(-1))
pooled =, axis=-1)
pooled = {'1': pooled}
print('GAvgPooling for type > 0 not implemented')
return pooled
class GMaxPooling(nn.Module):
"""Graph Max Pooling module."""
def __init__(self):
self.pool = MaxPooling()
def forward(self, features, G, **kwargs):
h = features['0'][...,-1]
return self.pool(G, h)