2020-01-15 17:04:32 +01:00

155 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "kaldi-backend-utils.h"
namespace nvidia {
namespace inferenceserver {
namespace custom {
namespace kaldi_cbe {
int GetInputTensor(CustomGetNextInputFn_t input_fn, void* input_context,
const char* name, const size_t expected_byte_size,
std::vector<uint8_t>* input, const void** out) {
input->clear(); // reset buffer
// The values for an input tensor are not necessarily in one
// contiguous chunk, so we might copy the chunks into 'input' vector.
// If possible, we use the data in place
uint64_t total_content_byte_size = 0;
while (true) {
const void* content;
uint64_t content_byte_size = expected_byte_size - total_content_byte_size;
if (!input_fn(input_context, name, &content, &content_byte_size)) {
return kInputContents;
// If 'content' returns nullptr we have all the input.
if (content == nullptr) break;
// If the total amount of content received exceeds what we expect
// then something is wrong.
total_content_byte_size += content_byte_size;
if (total_content_byte_size > expected_byte_size)
return kInputSize;
if (content_byte_size == expected_byte_size) {
*out = content;
return kSuccess;
input->insert(input->end(), static_cast<const uint8_t*>(content),
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(content) + content_byte_size);
// Make sure we end up with exactly the amount of input we expect.
if (total_content_byte_size != expected_byte_size) {
return kInputSize;
*out = &input[0];
return kSuccess;
void LatticeToString(fst::SymbolTable& word_syms,
const kaldi::CompactLattice& dlat, std::string* out_str) {
kaldi::CompactLattice best_path_clat;
kaldi::CompactLatticeShortestPath(dlat, &best_path_clat);
kaldi::Lattice best_path_lat;
fst::ConvertLattice(best_path_clat, &best_path_lat);
std::vector<int32> alignment;
std::vector<int32> words;
kaldi::LatticeWeight weight;
fst::GetLinearSymbolSequence(best_path_lat, &alignment, &words, &weight);
std::ostringstream oss;
for (size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
std::string s = word_syms.Find(words[i]);
if (s == "") std::cerr << "Word-id " << words[i] << " not in symbol table.";
oss << s << " ";
*out_str = std::move(oss.str());
int ReadParameter(const ModelConfig& model_config_, const std::string& key,
std::string* param) {
auto it = model_config_.parameters().find(key);
if (it == model_config_.parameters().end()) {
std::cerr << "Parameter \"" << key
<< "\" missing from config file. Exiting." << std::endl;
return kInvalidModelConfig;
*param = it->second.string_value();
return kSuccess;
int ReadParameter(const ModelConfig& model_config_, const std::string& key,
int* param) {
std::string tmp;
int err = ReadParameter(model_config_, key, &tmp);
*param = std::stoi(tmp);
return err;
int ReadParameter(const ModelConfig& model_config_, const std::string& key,
float* param) {
std::string tmp;
int err = ReadParameter(model_config_, key, &tmp);
*param = std::stof(tmp);
return err;
const char* CustomErrorString(int errcode) {
switch (errcode) {
case kSuccess:
return "success";
case kInvalidModelConfig:
return "invalid model configuration";
case kGpuNotSupported:
return "execution on GPU not supported";
case kSequenceBatcher:
return "model configuration must configure sequence batcher";
case kModelControl:
return "'START' and 'READY' must be configured as the control inputs";
case kInputOutput:
return "model must have four inputs and one output with shape [-1]";
case kInputName:
return "names for input don't exist";
case kOutputName:
return "model output must be named 'OUTPUT'";
case kInputOutputDataType:
return "model inputs or outputs data_type cannot be specified";
case kInputContents:
return "unable to get input tensor values";
case kInputSize:
return "unexpected size for input tensor";
case kOutputBuffer:
return "unable to get buffer for output tensor values";
case kBatchTooBig:
return "unable to execute batch larger than max-batch-size";
case kTimesteps:
return "unable to execute more than 1 timestep at a time";
case kChunkTooBig:
return "a chunk cannot contain more samples than the WAV_DATA dimension";
return "unknown error";
} // kaldi
} // custom
} // inferenceserver
} // nvidia