2019-05-15 14:16:46 +02:00

209 lines
8.4 KiB

import urllib.request
import torch
# from
def checkpoint_from_distributed(state_dict):
Checks whether checkpoint was generated by DistributedDataParallel. DDP
wraps model in additional "module.", it needs to be unwrapped for single
GPU inference.
:param state_dict: model's state dict
ret = False
for key, _ in state_dict.items():
if key.find('module.') != -1:
ret = True
return ret
# from
def unwrap_distributed(state_dict):
Unwraps model from DistributedDataParallel.
DDP wraps model in additional "module.", it needs to be removed for single
GPU inference.
:param state_dict: model's state dict
new_state_dict = {}
for key, value in state_dict.items():
new_key = key.replace('module.1.', '')
new_key = new_key.replace('module.', '')
new_state_dict[new_key] = value
return new_state_dict
dependencies = ['torch']
def nvidia_ncf(pretrained=True, **kwargs):
"""Constructs an NCF model.
For detailed information on model input and output, training recipies, inference and performance
visit: and/or
pretrained (bool, True): If True, returns a model pretrained on ml-20m dataset.
model_math (str, 'fp32'): returns a model in given precision ('fp32' or 'fp16')
nb_users (int): number of users
nb_items (int): number of items
mf_dim (int, 64): dimension of latent space in matrix factorization
mlp_layer_sizes (list, [256,256,128,64]): sizes of layers of multi-layer-perceptron
dropout (float, 0.5): dropout
from PyTorch.Recommendation.NCF import neumf as ncf
fp16 = "model_math" in kwargs and kwargs["model_math"] == "fp16"
config = {'nb_users': None, 'nb_items': None, 'mf_dim': 64, 'mf_reg': 0.,
'mlp_layer_sizes': [256, 256, 128, 64], 'mlp_layer_regs':[0, 0, 0, 0], 'dropout': 0.5}
if pretrained:
if fp16:
checkpoint = ''
checkpoint = ''
ckpt_file = ""
urllib.request.urlretrieve(checkpoint, ckpt_file)
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file)
if checkpoint_from_distributed(ckpt):
ckpt = unwrap_distributed(ckpt)
config['nb_users'] = ckpt['mf_user_embed.weight'].shape[0]
config['nb_items'] = ckpt['mf_item_embed.weight'].shape[0]
config['mf_dim'] = ckpt['mf_item_embed.weight'].shape[1]
mlp_shapes = [ckpt[k].shape for k in ckpt.keys() if 'mlp' in k and 'weight' in k and 'embed' not in k]
config['mlp_layer_sizes'] = [mlp_shapes[0][1], mlp_shapes[1][1], mlp_shapes[2][1], mlp_shapes[2][0]]
config['mlp_layer_regs'] = [0] * len(config['mlp_layer_sizes'])
if 'nb_users' not in kwargs:
raise ValueError("Missing 'nb_users' argument.")
if 'nb_items' not in kwargs:
raise ValueError("Missing 'nb_items' argument.")
for k,v in kwargs.items():
if k in config.keys():
config[k] = v
config['mlp_layer_regs'] = [0] * len(config['mlp_layer_sizes'])
m = ncf.NeuMF(**config)
if fp16:
if pretrained:
return m
def nvidia_tacotron2(pretrained=True, **kwargs):
"""Constructs a Tacotron 2 model (nn.module with additional infer(input) method).
For detailed information on model input and output, training recipies, inference and performance
visit: and/or
Args (type[, default value]):
pretrained (bool, True): If True, returns a model pretrained on LJ Speech dataset.
model_math (str, 'fp32'): returns a model in given precision ('fp32' or 'fp16')
n_symbols (int, 148): Number of symbols used in a sequence passed to the prenet, see
p_attention_dropout (float, 0.1): dropout probability on attention LSTM (1st LSTM layer in decoder)
p_decoder_dropout (float, 0.1): dropout probability on decoder LSTM (2nd LSTM layer in decoder)
max_decoder_steps (int, 1000): maximum number of generated mel spectrograms during inference
from PyTorch.SpeechSynthesis.Tacotron2.tacotron2 import model as tacotron2
from PyTorch.SpeechSynthesis.Tacotron2.models import lstmcell_to_float, batchnorm_to_float
fp16 = "model_math" in kwargs and kwargs["model_math"] == "fp16"
if pretrained:
if fp16:
checkpoint = ''
checkpoint = ''
ckpt_file = ""
urllib.request.urlretrieve(checkpoint, ckpt_file)
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file)
state_dict = ckpt['state_dict']
if checkpoint_from_distributed(state_dict):
state_dict = unwrap_distributed(state_dict)
config = ckpt['config']
config = {'mask_padding': False, 'n_mel_channels': 80, 'n_symbols': 148,
'symbols_embedding_dim': 512, 'encoder_kernel_size': 5,
'encoder_n_convolutions': 3, 'encoder_embedding_dim': 512,
'attention_rnn_dim': 1024, 'attention_dim': 128,
'attention_location_n_filters': 32,
'attention_location_kernel_size': 31, 'n_frames_per_step': 1,
'decoder_rnn_dim': 1024, 'prenet_dim': 256,
'max_decoder_steps': 1000, 'gate_threshold': 0.5,
'p_attention_dropout': 0.1, 'p_decoder_dropout': 0.1,
'postnet_embedding_dim': 512, 'postnet_kernel_size': 5,
'postnet_n_convolutions': 5, 'decoder_no_early_stopping': False}
for k,v in kwargs.items():
if k in config.keys():
config[k] = v
m = tacotron2.Tacotron2(**config)
if fp16:
m = batchnorm_to_float(m.half())
m = lstmcell_to_float(m)
if pretrained:
return m
def nvidia_waveglow(pretrained=True, **kwargs):
"""Constructs a WaveGlow model (nn.module with additional infer(input) method).
For detailed information on model input and output, training recipies, inference and performance
visit: and/or
pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pretrained on LJ Speech dataset.
model_math (str, 'fp32'): returns a model in given precision ('fp32' or 'fp16')
from PyTorch.SpeechSynthesis.Tacotron2.waveglow import model as waveglow
from PyTorch.SpeechSynthesis.Tacotron2.models import batchnorm_to_float
fp16 = "model_math" in kwargs and kwargs["model_math"] == "fp16"
if pretrained:
if fp16:
checkpoint = ''
checkpoint = ''
ckpt_file = ""
urllib.request.urlretrieve(checkpoint, ckpt_file)
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file)
state_dict = ckpt['state_dict']
if checkpoint_from_distributed(state_dict):
state_dict = unwrap_distributed(state_dict)
config = ckpt['config']
config = {'n_mel_channels': 80, 'n_flows': 12, 'n_group': 8,
'n_early_every': 4, 'n_early_size': 2,
'WN_config': {'n_layers': 8, 'kernel_size': 3,
'n_channels': 512}}
for k,v in kwargs.items():
if k in config.keys():
config[k] = v
elif k in config['WN_config'].keys():
config['WN_config'][k] = v
m = waveglow.WaveGlow(**config)
if fp16:
m = batchnorm_to_float(m.half())
for mat in m.convinv:
if pretrained:
return m