byshiue b2e89e6e80
[FT] FasterTransformer 3.0 Release (#696)
[FT] feat: Add FasterTransformer v3.0

1. Add supporting of INT8 quantization of cpp and TensorFlow op.
2. Provide the tools to quantize the model.
3. Fix the bugs that cmake 3.15 and 3.16 cannot build this project. 
4. Deprecate the FasterTransformer v1
2020-09-23 10:03:37 +08:00

3005 lines
515 KiB

▁28 - Y ear - O ld ▁Chef ▁Found ▁Dead ▁at ▁San ▁Francisco ▁Mal l
▁A ▁28 - year - old ▁chef ▁who ▁had ▁recently ▁moved ▁to ▁San ▁Francisco ▁was ▁found ▁dead ▁in ▁the ▁sta ir well ▁of ▁a ▁local ▁mall ▁this ▁week .
▁But ▁the ▁victim ' s ▁brother ▁says ▁he ▁can ' t ▁think ▁of ▁anyone ▁who ▁would ▁want ▁to ▁hurt ▁him , ▁saying , ▁" Th ing s ▁were ▁finally ▁going ▁well ▁for ▁him . "
▁The ▁body ▁found ▁at ▁the ▁West field ▁Mal l ▁Wednesday ▁morning ▁was ▁identified ▁as ▁28 - year - old ▁San ▁Francisco ▁resident ▁Frank ▁Galicia , ▁the ▁San ▁Francisco ▁Medical ▁Ex ami ner ' s ▁Office ▁said .
▁The ▁San ▁Francisco ▁Police ▁Department ▁said ▁the ▁death ▁was ▁ruled ▁a ▁ho m icide ▁and ▁an ▁investigation ▁is ▁ongoing .
▁The ▁victim ' s ▁brother , ▁Louis ▁Galicia , ▁told ▁A BC ▁station ▁K GO ▁in ▁San ▁Francisco ▁that ▁Frank , ▁previously ▁a ▁line ▁cook ▁in ▁Boston , ▁had ▁land ed ▁his ▁dream ▁job ▁as ▁line ▁chef ▁at ▁San ▁Francisco ' s ▁Son s ▁& ▁D aught ers ▁restaurant ▁six ▁months ▁ago .
▁A ▁spoke s person ▁for ▁Son s ▁& ▁D aught ers ▁said ▁they ▁were ▁" sh ock ed ▁and ▁dev ast ated " ▁by ▁his ▁death .
▁" We ▁are ▁a ▁small ▁team ▁that ▁operates ▁like ▁a ▁close ▁k n it ▁family ▁and ▁he ▁will ▁be ▁dear ly ▁missed , " ▁the ▁spoke s person ▁said .
▁Our ▁thoughts ▁and ▁con dol ence s ▁are ▁with ▁Frank ' s ▁family ▁and ▁friends ▁at ▁this ▁difficult ▁time .
▁Louis ▁Galicia ▁said ▁Frank ▁initially ▁stayed ▁in ▁hostels , ▁but ▁recently , ▁" Th ing s ▁were ▁finally ▁going ▁well ▁for ▁him . "
▁" He ▁found ▁an ▁apartment , ▁he ▁was ▁dating ▁a ▁girl , " ▁Louis ▁Galicia ▁told ▁K GO .
▁Louis ▁Galicia ▁said ▁he ▁could ▁not ▁think ▁of ▁anyone ▁who ▁would ▁want ▁to ▁hurt ▁his ▁younger ▁brother .
▁He ▁was ▁a ▁kind ▁spirit ▁with ▁a ▁big ▁heart .
▁His ▁way ▁of ▁connecting ▁with ▁the ▁family ▁was ▁always ▁making ▁us ▁a ▁dish , ▁making ▁us ▁dinner , " ▁Louis ▁Galicia ▁said .
▁He ▁never ▁wanted ▁to ▁be ▁in ▁any ▁kind ▁of ▁alter c ation .
▁He ▁was ▁the ▁brother ▁that ▁went ▁with ▁the ▁flow .
▁" With ▁everything ▁else ▁that ' s ▁going ▁wrong ▁with ▁the ▁world , ▁he ▁was ▁that ▁diamond ▁in ▁the ▁rough ▁that ▁was ▁s hin ing ▁bright ▁every ▁day , " ▁he ▁said .
▁Anyone ▁with ▁information ▁is ▁asked ▁to ▁call ▁the ▁S F PD ▁Tip ▁Line ▁at ▁4 15 -5 75 - 44 44 .
▁J en ni fer ▁An ist on : ▁I ' m ▁always ▁pig e on hol ed
▁J en ni fer ▁An ist on ▁need ▁not ▁always ▁be ▁perfect ▁or ▁successful .
▁That ▁is ▁what ▁the ▁Hollywood ▁star ▁has ▁made ▁abundant ly ▁clear ▁in ▁an ▁interview .
▁" I ' m ▁always ▁pig e on hol ed , ▁or ▁labelled ▁by ▁someone ▁who ▁has ▁little , ▁if ▁anything , ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁me ▁and ▁reality . "
▁" Person ally , ▁I ▁have ▁no ▁desire ▁to ▁be ▁perfect ▁and ▁successful ▁all ▁the ▁time . "
▁" To ▁be ▁honest , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁really ▁give ▁a ▁da m n ▁about ▁things ▁like ▁that . "
▁J en ni fer ▁An ist on ▁( 47 ) ▁can ▁only ▁laugh ▁that ▁she ▁has ▁been ▁du bb ed ▁" Mi s s ▁Perfect " ▁in ▁the ▁current ▁issue ▁of ▁" C osmopolit an ".
▁The ▁actress ▁prefer s ▁to ▁spend ▁her ▁time ▁at ▁home ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁the ▁television ▁with ▁her ▁hair ▁in ▁a ▁relaxed ▁bu n , ▁eating ▁Mexican ▁food , ▁the ▁magazine ▁reports .
▁The ▁question ▁of ▁whether ▁she ▁wants ▁children ▁makes ▁her ▁li vid : ▁" We ▁women ▁do ▁not ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁married ▁or ▁have ▁children ▁to ▁feel ▁fulfilled , " ▁the ▁Hollywood ▁star ▁says .
▁In ▁her ▁new ▁film , ▁" M other ' s ▁Day ▁- ▁love ▁is n ' t ▁child ' s ▁play ", ▁An ist on ▁stars ▁as ▁a ▁single ▁mother ▁with ▁two ▁so n s .
▁The ▁film ▁is ▁released ▁in ▁Germany ▁on ▁25 ▁August .
▁Golf er ▁Lang er ▁is ▁awarded ▁the ▁Sport ▁P yra mid
▁His ▁experience ▁on ▁horse back ▁is ▁neg lig ible .
▁At ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁a ▁golf ing ▁tournament ▁in ▁South ▁Africa , ▁Bernhard ▁Lang er ▁and ▁a ▁colleague ▁went ▁for ▁a ▁ride ▁along ▁the ▁beach ▁for ▁a ▁bit ▁of ▁fun .
▁It ▁was ▁a ▁first ▁for ▁the ▁58 - year - old .
▁CH IO : ▁" G old en ▁Sport ▁P yra mid " ▁for ▁Bernhard ▁Lang er
▁After ▁a ▁few ▁minutes , ▁the ▁horse ▁decided ▁it ▁wanted ▁to ▁go ▁home , ▁and ▁race d ▁back ▁to ▁its ▁feeding ▁tr ough ▁at ▁full ▁til t .
▁After ▁a ▁kilo metre ▁at ▁this ▁speed ▁I ▁was ▁scar ed .
▁" It ▁was n ' t ▁a ▁good ▁experience , " ▁said ▁Lang er .
▁And ▁with ▁that , ▁his ▁riding ▁career ▁came ▁to ▁an ▁end ▁again .
▁On ▁Saturday , ▁Germany ' s ▁best ▁golf er ▁of ▁all ▁time ▁- ▁with ▁101 ▁tournament ▁win s ▁under ▁his ▁belt ▁- ▁was ▁once ▁again ▁near ▁horses .
▁He ▁and ▁his ▁family ▁tour ed ▁the ▁A LR V ▁grounds , ▁but ▁he ▁did ▁not ▁jump ▁onto ▁a ▁horse ▁for ▁a ▁photo .
▁It ▁was ▁Lang er ' s ▁first ▁time ▁in ▁Aachen , ▁and ▁at ▁CH IO .
▁He ▁had ▁been ▁thoroughly ▁convinced .
▁The ▁German ▁Sport ▁Aid ▁foundation ▁awarded ▁the ▁man ▁from ▁An haus en ▁with ▁the ▁Golden ▁Sport ▁P yra mid ▁at ▁a ▁small ▁gal a ▁event .
▁The ▁friendly ▁sports man ▁is ▁not ▁lacking ▁for ▁awards .
▁The ▁Federal ▁Cross ▁of ▁Mer it , ▁the ▁Silver ▁Lau rel ▁Le af , ▁Champion s ▁Tour ▁Player ▁of ▁the ▁Year ...
▁Even ▁the ▁British ▁Queen ▁has ▁best ow ed ▁an ▁honour ▁upon ▁him .
▁Lang er ▁is ▁the ▁18 th ▁person ▁to ▁be ▁awarded ▁the ▁Sport ▁P yra mid .
▁On ▁Saturday , ▁he ▁met ▁the ▁first ▁person ▁to ▁receive ▁it , ▁Hans ▁G ü n ter ▁W inkl er , ▁in ▁Aachen .
▁" This ▁award ▁means ▁a ▁lot ▁to ▁me , " ▁said ▁Lang er , ▁" be ca use ▁it ' s ▁not ▁just ▁given ▁for ▁sporting ▁success , ▁but ▁also ▁for ▁social ▁commitment . "
▁Lang er ▁has ▁been ▁encouraging ▁up - and - com ing ▁talent ▁for ▁years .
▁And ▁in ▁this ▁ve in , ▁he ▁passed ▁the ▁prize ▁money ▁of ▁2 5,000 ▁euros ▁on ▁straight ▁away .
▁The ▁two - time ▁US ▁master ' s ▁champion ▁was ▁inaugura ted ▁into ▁the ▁" H all ▁of ▁Fa me ▁for ▁German ▁Sport " ▁on ▁Saturday , ▁along ▁with ▁15 ▁other ▁outstanding ▁sports people .
▁Those ▁given ▁the ▁award ▁include ▁track ▁athletes ▁Hart wig ▁Gau der ▁and ▁Har al d ▁Schmitt , ▁gym n ast ▁E ber hard ▁Gi en ger , ▁fence r s ▁Corn e lia ▁Han isch , ▁Alexander ▁Put sch ▁and ▁Arn d ▁Schmitt , ▁row er ▁Peter - Mi cha el ▁Kol be , ▁bo b - s le igh ▁ride r ▁Mein hard ▁Ne hm er , ▁ju do ▁player ▁Frank ▁Wien e ke , ▁show - ju mp er ▁Al win ▁Schock e mö hl e , ▁and , ▁post h um ously , ▁hand ball ▁player ▁Er hard ▁Wunder lich .
▁Many ▁of ▁these ▁sport ▁legend s ▁came ▁to ▁Aachen ▁on ▁Saturday .
▁After ▁the ▁official ▁part , ▁the ▁il lust r ious ▁gathering ▁wander ed ▁to ▁the ▁show - ju mp ing ▁stadium , ▁where ▁the ▁Lava zza ▁Prize ▁was ▁underway .
▁Bernhard ▁Lang er ▁kept ▁his ▁distance ▁from ▁the ▁large ▁animals .
▁Comp ar ing ▁Clinton ' s ▁and ▁Tru mp ' s ▁economic ▁policies : ▁It ' s ▁all ▁about ▁the ▁money
▁Both ▁Clinton ▁and ▁Tru mp ▁want ▁to ▁invest ▁in ▁infrastructure ▁and ▁prevent ▁the ▁T TP ▁trade ▁agreement .
▁But ▁the ▁two ▁candidates ▁for ▁the ▁US ▁presidency ▁disagree ▁on ▁taxes ▁and ▁energy ▁policies , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁on ▁one ▁fundamental ▁issue .
▁There ▁is ▁a ▁fundamental ▁philosophical ▁reason ▁for ▁the ▁differences ▁between ▁Donald ▁Tru mp ' s ▁and ▁Hill ary ▁Clinton ' s ▁economic ▁policies .
▁This ▁is ▁the ▁role ▁of ▁the ▁state .
▁If ▁in ▁doubt , ▁Tru mp ▁wants ▁the ▁state ' s ▁role ▁to ▁be ▁minor , ▁and ▁war n s ▁of ▁how ▁the ▁state ▁can ▁damage ▁the ▁economy ▁with ▁taxes ▁and ▁regulations .
▁Clinton ▁wants ▁to ▁lead ▁the ▁economy ▁to ▁its ▁death ▁and ▁regulate ▁it ▁to ▁its ▁death , ▁he ▁says .
▁He ▁would ▁do ▁things ▁totally ▁differently , ▁Tru mp ▁says .
▁He ▁would ▁repeal ▁regulations , ▁and ▁lead ▁a ▁wide - reaching ▁tax ▁reform ▁with ▁low ▁rates ▁for ▁private ▁individuals ▁and ▁companies .
▁Con verse ly , ▁Clinton ▁says ▁that ▁the ▁state ▁has ▁particular ▁tasks ▁to ▁fulfil , ▁giving ▁disadvantaged ▁people ▁opportunities ▁- ▁and ▁it ▁needs ▁money ▁to ▁do ▁so .
▁This ▁would ▁increase ▁taxes ▁for ▁the ▁rich , ▁she ▁says .
▁Interest ing ly , ▁they ▁have ▁similar ▁views ▁on ▁infrastructure .
▁There ▁has ▁to ▁be ▁investment ▁in ▁infrastructure , ▁Tru mp ▁and ▁Clinton ▁say ▁almost ▁ver bat im .
▁The ▁Democratic ▁candidate ▁has ▁even ▁announced ▁the ▁largest ▁investment ▁in ▁jobs ▁since ▁the ▁Second ▁World ▁War .
▁State ▁programs ▁investing ▁in ▁infrastructure ▁are ▁classic ▁Democrat ▁policies , ▁and ▁are ▁rejected ▁by ▁the ▁tea ▁party ▁wing ▁of ▁the ▁Republican ▁party , ▁which ▁is ▁critical ▁of ▁the ▁state .
▁Consequently , ▁Tru mp ▁could ▁lead ▁to ▁discussions ▁within ▁the ▁party .
▁There ▁are ▁clearer ▁differences ▁to ▁be ▁seen ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁energy ▁and ▁climate ▁policies .
▁Tru mp ▁wants ▁to ▁build ▁coal - fire d ▁power ▁stations ▁and ▁bring ▁coal ▁production ▁in ▁the ▁USA ▁back ▁up .
▁D rill ing ▁for ▁oil ▁should ▁be ▁permitted ▁in ▁protected ▁areas , ▁and ▁he ▁wants ▁to ▁withdraw ▁from ▁the ▁Paris ▁Climate ▁Change ▁Treaty .
▁On ▁the ▁other ▁hand , ▁Clinton ▁wants ▁to ▁use ▁her ▁investment ▁program ▁to ▁extend ▁renewable ▁energies , ▁saying : ▁" One ▁country ▁will ▁become ▁the ▁super power ▁of ▁renewable ▁energies , ▁and ▁create ▁millions ▁of ▁jobs . "
▁" It ▁will ▁either ▁be ▁China , ▁Germany ▁or ▁America ▁- ▁and ▁I ▁want ▁it ▁to ▁be ▁us . "
▁But ▁it ' s ▁not ▁just ▁infrastructure ▁that ▁see s ▁the ▁two ▁candidates ▁taking ▁a ▁rather ▁similar ▁stance ▁- ▁they ▁agree ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁international ▁trade ▁agreements ▁as ▁well .
▁Neither ▁want ▁to ▁sign ▁T TP , ▁the ▁trans - P ac ific ▁trade ▁agreement .
▁At ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁neither ▁want ▁to ▁cut ▁the ▁USA ▁off ▁from ▁international ▁trade ▁- ▁they ▁just ▁want ▁to ▁protect ▁American ▁jobs ▁better .
▁They ▁should ▁the n ▁also ▁be ▁better ▁paid , ▁Clinton ▁demands .
▁The ▁current ▁minimum ▁wage ▁of ▁7. 25 ▁US ▁dollars ▁is ▁a ▁pit t ance , ▁she ▁says .
▁She ▁wants ▁to ▁raise ▁it ▁to ▁15 ▁dollars ▁an ▁hour .
▁It ▁is ▁not ▁quite ▁clear ▁what ▁Tru mp ▁wants ▁to ▁do ▁on ▁this ▁score : ▁Once ▁he ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁minimum ▁wage ▁had ▁to ▁be ▁raised , ▁the n ▁he ▁said ▁it ▁should ▁stay ▁the ▁same .
▁But ▁the ▁big ▁discussion ▁of ▁the ▁months ▁to ▁come ▁will ▁likely ▁re vol ve ▁around ▁both ▁parties ' ▁tax ▁policies .
▁Tru mp ▁is ▁on ▁one ▁side , ▁wanting ▁to ▁relieve ▁the ▁burden ▁on ▁the ▁economy ▁and ▁citizens ▁to ▁boost ▁growth .
▁His ▁critics ▁state ▁that ▁this ▁will ▁just ▁increase ▁the ▁budgetary ▁deficit .
▁Clinton ▁is ▁on ▁the ▁opposite ▁side : ▁as ▁a ▁minimum , ▁she ▁wants ▁the ▁rich ▁to ▁pay ▁more ▁taxes , ▁and ▁her ▁critics ▁say ▁that ▁more ▁taxes ▁are ▁not ▁the ▁solution ▁either .
▁See king ▁refuge : ▁" E very ▁refugee ▁woman ▁has ▁dealt ▁with ▁sexual ▁violence "
▁For ▁women ▁flee ing ▁a ▁country ▁on ▁their ▁own , ▁sexual ▁violence ▁is ▁almost ▁part ▁of ▁daily ▁life .
▁When ▁they ▁arrive ▁in ▁Germany , ▁they ▁are ▁often ▁trauma t ised .
▁One ▁house ▁offers ▁refuge .
▁Four ▁women ▁are ▁sitting ▁in ▁a ▁large ▁kitchen .
▁Every ▁one ▁of ▁them ▁has ▁a ▁baby ▁with ▁them , ▁the ▁oldest ▁of ▁which ▁is ▁one ▁year ▁old .
▁One ▁woman ▁holds ▁her ▁little ▁so n ▁in ▁her ▁arms .
▁He ▁looks ▁around ▁the ▁room ▁in quis itive ly , ▁his ▁eyes ▁wide .
▁His ▁mother ▁star es ▁at ▁the ▁table top .
▁Until ▁she ▁realise s ▁she ' s ▁being ▁watch ed .
▁She ▁smile s ▁briefly ▁and ▁k isse s ▁the ▁child .
▁The ▁scene ▁looks ▁normal .
▁Until ▁you ▁start ▁talking ▁to ▁Kat rin ▁Ba hr .
▁She ▁is ▁the ▁field ▁manager ▁for ▁Con dro b s , ▁a ▁provider ▁of ▁social ▁assistance ▁within ▁Bavaria . ▁One ▁of ▁the ▁issues ▁she ▁deals ▁with ▁is ▁refugee ▁women .
▁The ▁four ▁women ▁in ▁the ▁kitchen ▁are ▁refugees .
▁They ▁live ▁in ▁the ▁north ▁of ▁Munich , ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁few ▁decentralised ▁accommodation ▁centres ▁in ▁Bavaria ▁for ▁refugee ▁women ▁and ▁their ▁children ▁who ▁have ▁made ▁the ▁journey ▁alone .
▁Con dro b s ▁opened ▁the ▁centre ▁in ▁January , ▁in ▁collaboration ▁with ▁Pro ▁Fa m ilia ▁and ▁the ▁Munich ▁Women ' s ▁Help ▁organisation .
▁It ▁recently ▁had ▁its ▁official ▁opening .
▁60 ▁people ▁live ▁there ▁- ▁around ▁40 ▁women ▁and ▁20 ▁children .
▁There ▁are ▁no ▁men ▁- ▁not ▁even ▁male ▁visitors .
▁The ▁exception ▁is ▁a ▁body guard ▁on ▁the ▁door .
▁" I ' m ▁not ▁ex agg er ating ▁when ▁I ▁say ▁that ▁every ▁woman ▁who ▁arrive s ▁here ▁has ▁dealt ▁with ▁sexual ▁violence ▁on ▁her ▁way ▁to ▁find ▁refuge , " ▁said ▁Ba hr .
▁" M en ▁flee ▁because ▁of ▁war , ▁because ▁they ▁are ▁politically ▁persecuted , ▁because ▁they ▁are ▁threatened ▁with ▁torture ▁or ▁death , ▁or ▁because ▁their ▁families ▁pin ▁their ▁hopes ▁on ▁them ▁and ▁send ▁them ▁to ▁Europe , " ▁she ▁explains .
▁When ▁women ▁flee , ▁other ▁reasons ▁are ▁in ▁the ▁for e ground : ▁" Man y ▁women ▁s n e ak ▁away ▁secret ly , ▁because ▁they ▁see ▁no ▁other ▁way ▁out ".
▁In ▁their ▁home ▁countries , ▁they ▁experienced ▁sexual ▁violence , ▁forced ▁marriage , ▁honour ▁killing s , ▁slavery ▁or ▁forced ▁prostitution .
▁That ▁prop els ▁them ▁forward .
▁And ▁it ▁continues ▁even ▁while ▁they ' re ▁on ▁the ▁run .
▁" It ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁rare ▁occurrence ▁that ▁traffic ker s ▁request ▁a ▁sexual ▁act ▁in ▁exchange ▁for ▁a ▁bottle ▁of ▁water , ▁for ▁example , " ▁says ▁Ba hr .
▁And ▁the ▁woman ▁are ▁alone , ▁un pro tec ted ▁by ▁their ▁families .
▁If ▁you ▁think ▁that ▁this ▁stops ▁as ▁soon ▁as ▁they ▁arrive ▁in ▁Germany , ▁you ' d ▁be ▁wrong , ▁says ▁Ba hr .
▁Even ▁in ▁Germany , ▁ lone ▁women ▁are ▁often ▁seen ▁as ▁in fer io r ▁in ▁refugee ▁accommodation , ▁and , ▁in ▁the ▁worst ▁cases , ▁they ▁are ▁abuse d .
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁around ▁90 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁women ▁living ▁in ▁accommodation ▁in ▁the ▁north ▁of ▁Munich ▁are ▁trauma t ised , ▁she ▁estimates .
▁" S ome ▁of ▁the ▁children ▁were ▁certainly ▁not ▁conceived ▁with ▁the ▁woman ' s ▁consent ".
▁Many ▁women ▁are ▁so ▁used ▁to ▁it ▁that ▁they ▁do ▁not ▁say ▁anything , ▁she ▁says .
▁" Or ▁they ▁can ' t ▁bring ▁themselves ▁to ▁talk ▁about ▁what ▁they ▁experienced ▁because ▁they ▁are ▁too ▁as ham ed ".
▁Because ▁they ▁often ▁don ' t ▁know ▁how ▁to ▁get ▁help , ▁there ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁more ▁accommodation ▁just ▁for ▁them , ▁says ▁Ba hr .
▁In ▁Bavaria , ▁the ▁seven ▁district ▁governments ▁are ▁responsible ▁for ▁providing ▁accommodation ▁for ▁refugees .
▁When ▁asked ▁if ▁they ▁knew ▁of ▁projects ▁like ▁the ▁one ▁in ▁Munich ▁operating ▁within ▁the ▁areas ▁they ▁covered , ▁some ▁answered ▁with ▁" no ".
▁In ▁Upper ▁Pala tina te ▁and ▁Upper ▁Franco nia ▁regions , ▁for ▁example , ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁similar ▁accommodation ▁offered ▁by ▁the ▁government .
▁Even ▁in ▁S wa bia , ▁women ▁who ▁come ▁as ▁ lone ▁refugees ▁are ▁not ▁given ▁separate ▁accommodation , ▁says ▁Karl - H ein z ▁Meyer , ▁press ▁spoke s person ▁for ▁the ▁region .
▁In ▁Upper ▁Bavaria , ▁Lower ▁Franco nia ▁and ▁Middle ▁Franco nia , ▁floors , ▁or ▁individual ▁houses , ▁are ▁set ▁aside ▁in ▁some ▁shared ▁accommodation ▁for ▁ lone ▁women ▁and ▁their ▁children .
▁The ▁exception ▁is ▁Lower ▁Bavaria : ▁there , ▁there ▁are ▁two ▁central ▁accommodation ▁centres ▁exclusively ▁for ▁women .
▁Even ▁the ▁European ▁Parliament ' s ▁Committee ▁on ▁" Wo m en ' s ▁Rights ▁and ▁Gender ▁Equality " ▁stresses ▁that ▁women ▁must ▁be ▁provided ▁with ▁accommodation ▁separate ▁from ▁that ▁of ▁the ▁men .
▁In ▁a ▁study ▁published ▁on ▁behalf ▁of ▁the ▁Committee , ▁it ▁was ▁stated ▁that ▁" it ▁is ▁very ▁important ▁that ▁men ▁and ▁women ▁are ▁given ▁separate ▁accommodation . "
▁" If ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁lack ▁of ▁private ▁space , ▁or ▁if ▁men ▁and ▁women ▁are ▁provided ▁with ▁accommodation ▁together , ▁this ▁can ▁result ▁in ▁( per pet ual ) ▁violence ▁against ▁women ".
▁Was h ing ▁facilities , ▁above ▁all , ▁should ▁be ▁separate , ▁and ▁easily ▁accessible ▁for ▁women , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁study .
▁The ▁extent ▁to ▁which ▁women ▁need ▁this ▁protection ▁can ▁be ▁seen ▁in ▁the ▁she er ▁number ▁of ▁people ▁interested ▁in ▁the ▁house ▁in ▁Munich .
▁" Si nce ▁word ▁has ▁got ▁around ▁that ▁we ▁exist , ▁we ▁have ▁developed ▁a ▁long ▁waiting ▁list , " ▁says ▁Ba hr .
▁It ▁would ▁be ▁easy ▁to ▁open ▁a ▁second ▁house .
▁Junior ▁doctors ▁strike : ▁Call s ▁for ▁fresh ▁industrial ▁action
▁Representative s ▁of ▁junior ▁doctors ▁have ▁called ▁on ▁their ▁union ▁to ▁author ise ▁fresh ▁industrial ▁action ▁in ▁their ▁dispute ▁about ▁a ▁new ▁contract .
▁The ▁Junior ▁Doctor s ▁Committee ▁( J DC ) ▁of ▁the ▁British ▁Medical ▁Association ▁( B MA ) ▁is ▁to ▁ask ▁its ▁full ▁council ▁to ▁back ▁more ▁industrial ▁action ▁from ▁early ▁September .
▁The ▁J DC ▁says ▁ministers ▁have ▁failed ▁to ▁address ▁concerns ▁about ▁the ▁contract .
▁Junior ▁doctors ▁and ▁medical ▁students ▁voted ▁in ▁July ▁to ▁reject ▁a ▁contract ▁deal ▁agreed ▁with ▁the ▁B MA .
▁It ▁was ▁rejected ▁by ▁5 8% ▁of ▁its ▁members ▁who ▁voted ▁in ▁the ▁ballot .
▁In ▁a ▁letter ▁to ▁members ▁released ▁on ▁Twitter ▁on ▁Thursday ▁night , ▁the ▁J DC ' s ▁chair ▁E llen ▁Mc C our t ▁said ▁the ▁government ▁had ▁remained ▁" pers isten t ly ▁silent " ▁on ▁issues ▁which , ▁she ▁said , ▁had ▁resulted ▁in ▁the ▁contract ▁being ▁rejected .
▁She ▁said : ▁" In ▁light ▁of ▁this , ▁the ▁J DC ▁Executive ▁has ▁voted ▁to ▁reject ▁the ▁proposed ▁new ▁contract ▁in ▁full ▁and ▁to ▁call ▁for ▁formal ▁re - n ego ti ations ▁on ▁all ▁of ▁your ▁concerns . "
▁In ▁response ▁to ▁the ▁government ' s ▁silence , ▁J DC ▁ex ec ▁has ▁today ▁made ▁a ▁formal ▁request ▁for ▁a ▁special ▁meeting ▁of ▁B MA ▁Council ▁to ▁author ise ▁a ▁rolling ▁programme ▁of ▁es cal ated ▁industrial ▁action ▁beginning ▁in ▁early ▁September .
▁The ▁dispute ▁has ▁led ▁to ▁junior ▁doctors ▁taking ▁part ▁in ▁six ▁strikes ▁this ▁year , ▁including ▁the ▁first ▁all - out ▁stopp ages ▁in ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁the ▁N HS .
▁The ▁B MA ' s ▁junior ▁doctor ▁leader , ▁Dr ▁Johann ▁Mal awa na , ▁resign ed ▁following ▁the ▁vote ▁to ▁reject ▁the ▁negotiated ▁terms ▁of ▁the ▁contract , ▁which ▁the ▁B MA ▁had ▁recommended .
▁He ▁had ▁told ▁B MA ▁members ▁the ▁deal ▁was ▁a ▁good ▁one ▁that ▁should ▁be ▁accepted , ▁during ▁meetings ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁poll ▁of ▁5 4,000 ▁junior ▁doctors ▁and ▁medical ▁students .
▁Following ▁the ▁vote , ▁Health ▁Secretary ▁Je re my ▁H unt ▁said ▁the ▁contract ▁would ▁be ▁imposed ▁on ▁med ics ▁in ▁England .
▁Russia ▁and ▁Turkey : ▁An ▁' al liance ▁of ▁mis fit s ' ?
▁It ▁was ▁a ▁gesture ▁that ▁ended ▁a ▁crisis .
▁The ▁leaders ▁of ▁Russia ▁and ▁Turkey ▁met ▁on ▁Tuesday ▁to ▁shake ▁hands ▁and ▁declare ▁a ▁formal ▁end ▁to ▁an ▁eight - month ▁long ▁war ▁of ▁words ▁and ▁economic ▁sanctions .
▁But , ▁as ▁Vladimir ▁Putin ▁greet ed ▁his ▁Turkish ▁counterpart ▁in ▁the ▁ gil ded ▁hall ▁of ▁a ▁St . ▁Petersburg ▁palace , ▁I ▁got ▁the ▁distinct ▁impression ▁that ▁Ankara ▁wants ▁this ▁reconciliation ▁the ▁most .
▁There ▁was ▁the ▁hands hak e , ▁yes .
▁But ▁Mr ▁Putin ' s ▁smile ▁looked ▁thin ▁and ▁he ▁was ▁hardly ▁o oz ing ▁warmth ▁even ▁by ▁his ▁own ▁rest rain ed ▁standards .
▁Rec ep ▁Ta y y ip ▁Er do gan ▁by ▁contrast ▁talked ▁repeatedly ▁of ▁his ▁" de ar ▁friend " ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁- ▁five ▁times , ▁according ▁to ▁one ▁report .
▁I ▁lost ▁count .
▁He ▁also ▁pledge d ▁that ▁relations ▁with ▁Russia ▁would ▁return ▁not ▁just ▁to ▁their ▁pre - cri sis ▁level , ▁but ▁even ▁higher .
▁The ▁next ▁day ▁one ▁newspaper ▁here ▁described ▁Mr ▁Er do gan ▁as ▁acting ▁as ▁if ▁nothing ▁bad ▁had ▁ever ▁happened .
▁To ▁me , ▁his ▁enthusiasm ▁implied ▁the ▁opposite .
▁But ▁a ▁ linge ring ▁cool ness ▁e man ating ▁from ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁showed ▁that ▁Russia ' s ▁leader ▁has ▁forgotten ▁nothing .
▁In ▁fact , ▁the ▁cause ▁of ▁the ▁crisis ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁thing ▁he ▁mentioned ▁in ▁his ▁opening ▁comments : ▁Turkey ' s ▁shooting ▁down ▁of ▁a ▁Russian ▁fight er ▁plane ▁on ▁the ▁Syria n ▁border .
▁Moscow ' s ▁reaction ▁at ▁the ▁time ▁was ▁fur ious .
▁Mr ▁Putin ▁las hed ▁out , ▁acc using ▁Ankara ▁of ▁sta bb ing ▁Moscow ▁in ▁the ▁back .
▁The ▁offence ▁was ▁even ▁greater , ▁coming ▁from ▁a ▁supposed ▁friend .
▁Re building ▁real ▁trust ▁will ▁be ▁hard , ▁perhaps ▁impossible .
▁Russian ▁public ▁opinion ▁has ▁also ▁turned ▁since ▁November .
▁For ▁months , ▁state - controlled ▁media ▁conducted ▁a ▁sta gger ing , ▁all - out ▁offensive ▁against ▁Ankara .
▁All ▁of ▁a ▁sudden , ▁it ▁seemed ▁like ▁Turk s ▁were ▁to ▁blame ▁for ▁everything .
▁Most ▁serious ▁were ▁accusation s ▁from ▁top ▁officials ▁that ▁Mr ▁Er do gan ' s ▁own ▁family ▁has ▁profit ed ▁from ▁an ▁illegal ▁trade ▁in ▁oil ▁from ▁areas ▁of ▁Syria ▁controlled ▁by ▁the ▁so - called ▁Islamic ▁State .
▁He ' s ▁denied ▁that ▁emphatically .
▁But ▁in ▁St . ▁Petersburg ▁came ▁the ▁official ▁message ▁that ▁it ' s ▁time ▁to ▁move ▁on .
▁After ▁all , ▁this ▁meeting ▁only ▁happened ▁because ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁got ▁the ▁a p ology ▁he ▁demanded ▁from ▁President ▁Er do gan .
▁Russia ▁could ▁claim ▁a ▁victory ▁of ▁sort s .
▁For ▁Ankara ▁the ▁benefits ▁of ▁calling ▁a ▁tr uce ▁are ▁clear .
▁First ▁and ▁foremost , ▁Er do gan ▁needs ▁all ▁the ▁friends ▁he ▁can ▁get ▁after ▁he ▁was ▁nearly ▁ ous ted ▁from ▁power ▁last ▁month ▁in ▁a ▁failed ▁coup .
▁Rep e at ▁terror ▁attacks ▁on ▁Turkey ▁have ▁clearly ▁shake n ▁him ▁too .
▁There ▁is ▁also ▁an ▁economic ▁ motive .
▁Russian ▁sanctions ▁have ▁hit ▁hard ▁- ▁particularly ▁the ▁ban ▁on ▁charter ▁flights , ▁which ▁usually ▁carry ▁several ▁million ▁Russian ▁tourists ▁to ▁the ▁Turkish ▁coast ▁each ▁year .
▁The ▁number ▁has ▁s lump ed ▁by ▁almost ▁90% .
▁As ▁for ▁Russia , ▁tour ▁operators ▁and ▁charter ▁companies ▁here ▁will ▁certainly ▁be ▁relieve d ▁when ▁flights ▁eventually ▁resume .
▁They ' re ▁banking ▁on ▁a ▁late - se a son ▁rush ▁to ▁the ▁Mediterranean .
▁And ▁even ▁this ▁week , ▁state ▁TV ▁has ▁been ▁predict ing ▁cheaper ▁fruit ▁and ▁vegetables ▁once ▁Turkish ▁agricultural ▁imports ▁are ▁permitted ▁again .
▁" Tour ist s ▁that ▁way , ▁tomato es ▁back ▁here , " ▁as ▁a ▁report ▁in ▁Ve dem os ti ▁newspaper ▁phrase d ▁it .
▁But ▁the ▁visit ▁also ▁had ▁additional ▁political ▁value ▁for ▁Moscow .
▁Ankara ▁is ▁angry ▁with ▁the ▁West ▁for ▁what ▁it ▁considers ▁a ▁weak ▁response ▁to ▁the ▁attempted ▁takeover .
▁Add ▁to ▁that ▁its ▁long - standing ▁gr ud ge ▁at ▁the ▁s n ail ' s ▁pace ▁of ▁talks ▁to ▁join ▁the ▁EU ▁and ▁step ▁in ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁- ▁who ▁is ▁keen ▁to ▁capital ise ▁on ▁the ▁chill ▁and ▁chip ▁away ▁at ▁Turkey ' s ▁ties ▁with ▁the ▁West .
▁The ▁Russian ▁leader ▁certainly ▁won ▁bonus ▁points ▁with ▁Ankara ▁for ▁calling ▁in ▁support ▁of ▁the ▁elected ▁authorities ▁after ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup .
▁Mind ▁you , ▁that ' s ▁a ▁given ▁for ▁Moscow ▁which ▁has ▁its ▁own ▁deep - se ated ▁fear ▁of ▁regime ▁change .
▁So ▁the ▁summit ▁at ▁this ▁g litz y , ▁seaside ▁palace ▁allowed ▁Russia ▁and ▁Turkey ▁to ▁present ▁what ▁one ▁an a ly st ▁described ▁to ▁me ▁as ▁an ▁" al liance ▁of ▁mis fit s " : ▁two ▁countries ▁that ▁feel ▁rejected ▁and ▁mis tre ated ▁by ▁the ▁West , ▁joining ▁forces .
▁Still , ▁despite ▁the ▁public ▁display ▁of ▁reconciliation , ▁the ▁two ▁still ▁have ▁major ▁differences .
▁The ▁key ▁one ▁is ▁Syria , ▁where ▁Moscow ▁has ▁recently ▁been ▁casting ▁itself ▁as ▁peace maker ▁but ▁where ▁Russia ▁and ▁Turkey ▁back ▁opposite ▁sides .
▁It ▁could ▁be ▁telling ▁that ▁after ▁almost ▁three ▁hours ▁of ▁initial ▁talks , ▁the ▁two ▁president s ▁told ▁a ▁press ▁conference ▁that ▁they ▁had n ' t ▁even ▁touched ▁on ▁the ▁topic .
▁Turkey ' s ▁president ▁deliberately ▁avoided ▁answer ing ▁a ▁question ▁on ▁their ▁differences , ▁while ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁chose ▁to ▁underline ▁them .
▁There ▁is ▁no ▁clear ▁consensus ▁on ▁where ▁they ▁can ▁seek ▁common ▁ground ▁on ▁Syria .
▁But ▁after ▁months ▁of ▁open ▁host il ity ▁- ▁and ▁given ▁the ▁potential ▁for ▁ utter ▁disaster ▁when ▁Na to ▁member ▁Turkey ▁shot ▁down ▁that ▁Russian ▁fight er ▁jet ▁- ▁it ▁is ▁surely ▁better ▁that ▁the ▁two ▁leaders ▁are ▁at ▁least ▁talking ▁again .
▁Royal ▁Bank ▁of ▁Scotland ▁to ▁disappear ▁for ▁customers ▁outside ▁Scotland
▁The ▁brand ▁R BS ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁reduced ▁to ▁a ▁back ▁office ▁role , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁bank ' s ▁chief ▁executive .
▁Royal ▁Bank ▁of ▁Scotland ▁will ▁disappear ▁for ▁customers ▁outside ▁Scotland .
▁Ross ▁Mc E wan ▁told ▁BBC ▁Scotland ▁that ▁the ▁R BS ▁brand ▁was ▁associated ▁with ▁the ▁bank ' s ▁global ▁ambitions .
▁It ▁has ▁retreat ed ▁from ▁them ▁since ▁it ▁nearly ▁collapsed ▁eight ▁years ▁ago ▁and ▁had ▁to ▁be ▁bail ed ▁out .
▁During ▁that ▁time , ▁brand ▁ strateg ist s ▁have ▁used ▁' R BS ' ▁to ▁protect ▁other ▁consumer ▁finance ▁brands .
▁It ▁was ▁backed ▁with ▁millions ▁of ▁pound s ▁in ▁sponsor ship ▁of ▁international ▁sport , ▁from ▁Six ▁Nations ▁ru g by ▁to ▁Wi m ble don ▁champion ▁And y ▁Mur ray .
▁But ▁now , ▁it ▁has ▁been ▁judged ▁right ▁to ▁let ▁more ▁national ▁brands ▁come ▁to ▁the ▁for e .
▁Royal ▁Bank ▁of ▁Scotland ▁will ▁be ▁used ▁with ▁Scottish ▁customers , ▁but ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁initial ised .
▁In ▁England ▁and ▁Wales , ▁all ▁R BS ▁references , ▁outside ▁head ▁office ▁and ▁the ▁stock ▁exchange ▁listing , ▁will ▁be ▁changed ▁to ▁Nat West .
▁The ▁Ul ster ▁Bank ▁brand ▁is ▁already ▁used ▁for ▁customers ▁in ▁the ▁Republic ▁of ▁Ireland ▁and ▁Northern ▁Ireland .
▁There ▁are ▁other , ▁smaller ▁brands ▁for ▁private ▁banking , ▁which ▁will ▁get ▁more ▁pro min ence ▁- ▁Cou t t s , ▁Adam ▁& ▁Co , ▁Dr um mond , ▁and ▁Hol t ' s ▁Military ▁Bank .
▁Mr ▁Mc E wan ▁was ▁interview ed ▁during ▁a ▁tour ▁of ▁customers ▁and ▁staff ▁in ▁In ver ness - shire .
▁He ▁told ▁BBC ▁Scotland : ▁" The ▁R BS ▁brand ▁will ▁end ▁up ▁becoming ▁our ▁investor ▁brand ▁and ▁the ▁one ▁that ▁our ▁staff ▁are ▁employed ▁with , ▁because ▁we ▁are ▁now ▁becoming ▁much ▁more ▁a ▁bank ▁of ▁brands . "
▁As ▁the ▁bank ▁itself ▁became ▁a ▁global ▁brand , ▁R BS ▁became ▁the ▁global ▁brand .
▁I ' m ▁now ▁saying ▁we ▁no ▁longer ▁have ▁global ▁aspirations , ▁we ▁have ▁local ▁aspirations .
▁Each ▁one ▁of ▁those ▁brands ▁will ▁stand ▁for ▁something ▁quite ▁different ▁in ▁their ▁own ▁communities , ▁and ▁our ▁staff ▁will ▁work ▁with ▁customers ▁under ▁those ▁brands .
▁R BS ▁had ▁already ▁stated ▁that ▁it ▁would ▁not ▁to ▁continue ▁its ▁Six ▁Nations ▁sponsor ship , ▁and ▁it ▁has ▁been ▁raising ▁the ▁profile ▁of ▁different ▁brands ▁in ▁its ▁sports ▁sponsor ship .
▁" The ▁time ▁is ▁right ▁for ▁us ▁to ▁move ▁to ▁the ▁bank ▁of ▁brands , ▁because ▁under nea th ▁( we ' ve ▁been ▁asking ) ▁how ▁do ▁we ▁focus ▁on ▁making ▁this ▁a ▁better ▁bank ▁for ▁customers ? " ▁said ▁the ▁chief ▁executive .
▁It ▁would ▁have ▁been ▁very ▁cynical ▁three ▁years ▁ago ▁if ▁we ' d ▁said ▁we ' re ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁great ▁bank ▁for ▁customers ▁and ▁put ▁those ▁brands ▁out ▁there .
▁But ▁with ▁the ▁work ▁we ' ve ▁been ▁doing , ▁focus s ing ▁on ▁the ▁customers ▁needs , ▁not ▁our ▁own , ▁I ▁think ▁you ' re ▁seeing ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁change .
▁We ▁can ▁bring ▁those ▁brands ▁back ▁up ▁again , ▁so ▁I ▁think ▁the ▁time ▁is ▁right .
▁Frank ie ▁D etto ri ▁reaches ▁3 , 000 ▁winners ▁with ▁victory ▁at ▁New market ▁on ▁Pre d ile ction
▁D etto ri ▁spray s ▁champagne ▁after ▁a ▁double ▁at ▁New market ▁takes ▁him ▁to ▁3 , 000 ▁win s
▁Jo cke y ▁Frank ie ▁D etto ri ▁secured ▁his ▁3 , 000 th ▁British ▁winner ▁at ▁New market ▁on ▁Friday .
▁He ▁brought ▁up ▁the ▁landmark ▁with ▁his ▁second ▁winner ▁of ▁the ▁night ▁at ▁his ▁local ▁track ▁- ▁on ▁Pre d ile ction , ▁trained ▁by ▁John ▁Go s den .
▁The ▁45 - year - old ▁Italian ▁is ▁the ▁sixth ▁jo cke y ▁to ▁reach ▁the ▁landmark ▁in ▁Flat ▁racing .
▁He ▁follows ▁Sir ▁Gordon ▁Richard s , ▁Do ug ▁Smith , ▁Les ter ▁P ig gott , ▁Pat ▁Ed der y ▁and ▁Will ie ▁Car son .
▁Three - time ▁champion ▁jo cke y ▁D etto ri , ▁who ▁earlier ▁won ▁on ▁G ha y y ar , ▁said : ▁" It ' s ▁special . "
▁I ' m ▁very ▁emotional ▁because ▁my ▁family ▁are ▁here ▁as ▁well
▁I ' m ▁very ▁pleased ▁for ▁it ▁to ▁have ▁happened ▁at ▁New market ▁because ▁this ▁is ▁where ▁I ▁land ed ▁30 ▁years ▁ago .
▁It ' s ▁not ▁a ▁big ▁meeting , ▁it ' s ▁not ▁a ▁Royal ▁As co t ▁- ▁it ' s ▁a ▁ mund ane ▁Friday ▁night ▁with ▁20 , 000 ▁people .
▁I ' m ▁relieve d ▁and ▁very ▁h umble .
▁D etto ri ▁so ak s ▁up ▁the ▁che ers ▁as ▁he ▁brings ▁in ▁Pre d ile ction ▁after ▁victory
▁Two ▁jo cke ys ▁have ▁reached ▁the ▁milestone ▁in ▁jump ▁racing ▁- ▁champion ▁jo cke y ▁Richard ▁Johnson ▁and ▁retired ▁20 - time ▁champion ▁Sir ▁Anthony ▁McCoy , ▁who ▁had ▁more ▁than ▁4 , 300 ▁vi ctor ies ▁in ▁a ▁record - break ing ▁career .
▁Les ter ▁P ig gott , ▁nine - time ▁Der by ▁winner , ▁4 , 49 3 ▁career ▁win s
▁Frank ie ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁best ▁jo cke ys ▁of ▁the ▁modern ▁era ▁and ▁it ▁is ▁no ▁surprise ▁he ▁has ▁reached ▁this ▁landmark ▁so ▁few ▁have ▁achieved ▁before ▁him .
▁He ▁is ▁stylish ▁and ▁strong , ▁but ▁it ▁is ▁his ▁tactical ▁no us ▁that ▁sets ▁him ▁apart ▁from ▁others ▁in ▁the ▁we igh ing ▁room .
▁He ▁is ▁a ▁fantastic ▁ambassador ▁for ▁racing , ▁his ▁enthusiasm ▁and ▁cha ris ma ▁have ▁been ▁drawing ▁fans ▁to ▁the ▁sport ▁for ▁years .
▁I ▁said ▁to ▁Frank ie ▁a ▁few ▁weeks ▁ago ▁at ▁E ps om ▁he ' d ▁have ▁rid den ▁ 6,000 ▁winners ▁if ▁he ▁was n ' t ▁just ▁a ▁weekend ▁and ▁big - race ▁jo cke y !
▁S er ious ly ▁though , ▁Frank ie ' s ▁been ▁riding ▁winners ▁in ▁the ▁UK ▁for ▁the ▁best ▁part ▁of ▁30 ▁years ▁which ▁is ▁great ▁to ▁see .
▁He ' s ▁a ▁lively ▁character ▁which ▁is ▁good ▁for ▁British ▁racing ▁but ▁more ▁than ▁that , ▁he ' s ▁an ▁incredible ▁jo cke y .
▁Frank ie ▁D etto ri ▁celebrated ▁the ▁milestone ▁with ▁a ▁trademark ▁flying ▁dis mount
▁From ▁flying ▁finish es ▁to ▁flying ▁dis mount s , ▁Frank ie ▁D etto ri ▁has ▁been ▁the ▁post er ▁boy ▁of ▁British ▁Flat ▁racing ▁for ▁two ▁decades .
▁It ▁has ▁been ▁a ▁roll er co aster ▁ride .
▁Sta cks ▁of ▁big - race ▁winners , ▁including ▁his ▁famous ▁1996 ▁' Mag n ific en t ▁Seven ' ▁at ▁As co t , ▁but ▁he ▁also ▁survived ▁a ▁plane ▁crash ▁and ▁served ▁a ▁drugs ▁ban .
▁Three ▁years ▁ago ▁he ▁initially ▁struggle d ▁when ▁returning ▁from ▁that ▁six - month ▁suspension , ▁but ▁he ▁showed ▁for mid able ▁strength ▁of ▁character ▁to ▁de f y ▁the ▁doubt ers ▁and ▁return ▁to ▁his ▁best .
▁And ▁he ▁may ▁not ▁be ▁done ▁for ▁some ▁time ▁- ▁D etto ri ▁has ▁previously ▁said ▁he ▁would ▁like ▁to ▁carry ▁on ▁competing ▁until ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁50 , ▁at ▁least .
▁Russia ' s ▁Putin ▁sa cks ▁chief ▁of ▁staff ▁Serge i ▁Ivan ov
▁Russian ▁President ▁Vladimir ▁Putin ▁has ▁unexpected ly ▁dismiss ed ▁his ▁chief ▁of ▁staff ▁Serge i ▁Ivan ov .
▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁has ▁been ▁part ▁of ▁Mr ▁Putin ' s ▁trust ed ▁inner ▁circle ▁for ▁many ▁years .
▁The ▁63 - year - old ▁has ▁now ▁been ▁made ▁a ▁special ▁representative ▁for ▁environmental ▁and ▁transport ▁issues .
▁A ▁statement ▁from ▁the ▁Kremlin ▁said ▁that ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁had ▁" de cre ed ▁to ▁relieve ▁Ivan ov ▁of ▁his ▁duties ▁as ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁presidential ▁administration , " ▁but ▁gave ▁no ▁reason .
▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ' s ▁de put y ▁since ▁2012 , ▁Anton ▁Va ino , ▁has ▁been ▁appointed ▁as ▁his ▁successor .
▁Mr ▁Va ino , ▁44 , ▁is ▁a ▁former ▁diplomat .
▁Born ▁in ▁the ▁Estonia n ▁capital ▁Tallinn ▁in ▁1972 , ▁he ▁graduated ▁from ▁the ▁prestigious ▁Moscow ▁State ▁Institute ▁of ▁International ▁Relations ▁( M GI MO ) ▁and ▁served ▁in ▁the ▁Tokyo ▁em bas sy .
▁Later ▁he ▁managed ▁presidential ▁protocol ▁and ▁government ▁staff , ▁the ▁Kremlin ▁website ▁says ▁( in ▁Russian ).
▁On ▁being ▁appointed , ▁he ▁told ▁Mr ▁Putin : ▁" Th ank ▁you ▁for ▁your ▁trust . "
▁I ▁think ▁the ▁administration ' s ▁most ▁important ▁task ▁is ▁to ▁support ▁your ▁activity ▁as ▁head ▁of ▁state ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁drafting ▁laws ▁and ▁control ▁over ▁how ▁your ▁instructions ▁are ▁implemented .
▁Mr ▁Putin ▁told ▁a ▁Russian ▁TV ▁station ▁on ▁Friday ▁that ▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁had ▁asked ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁post , ▁and ▁recommended ▁that ▁Mr ▁Va ino ▁should ▁replace ▁him .
▁Do ▁the ▁smile s ▁convince ?
▁This ▁is ▁a ▁move ▁that ▁has ▁my st ified ▁Moscow .
▁Serge i ▁Ivan ov ▁has ▁long ▁been ▁one ▁of ▁Vladimir ▁Putin ' s ▁closest ▁allies ▁and , ▁like ▁him , ▁served ▁in ▁the ▁Soviet ▁security ▁service , ▁the ▁K GB .
▁As ▁chief ▁of ▁staff ▁he ▁was ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁powerful ▁men ▁in ▁the ▁country .
▁In ▁a ▁meeting ▁with ▁President ▁Putin ▁shown ▁on ▁state ▁television ▁both ▁men ▁claimed ▁that ▁the ▁chief ▁of ▁staff ▁was ▁stepping ▁down ▁at ▁his ▁own ▁request .
▁But ▁despite ▁the ▁smile s ▁for ▁the ▁cameras , ▁few ▁here ▁are ▁convinced ▁- ▁especially ▁now , ▁just ▁before ▁parliamentary ▁elections .
▁So ▁is ▁this ▁the ▁fall - out ▁from ▁some ▁kind ▁of ▁power ▁struggle ?
▁No - one ▁knows ▁yet .
▁But ▁the ▁official ▁claim ▁- ▁that ▁a ▁man ▁once ▁tout ed ▁as ▁a ▁potential ▁president , ▁suddenly ▁wanted ▁to ▁run ▁Russia ' s ▁environmental ▁policy ▁- ▁has ▁been ▁met ▁with ▁great ▁ sceptic ism .
▁In ▁remarks ▁to ▁Mr ▁Putin , ▁quoted ▁on ▁the ▁Kremlin ▁website , ▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁said ▁" it ' s ▁true ▁that ▁in ▁early ▁2012 ▁I ▁asked ▁you , ▁in ▁a ▁conversation , ▁to ▁ en trust ▁me ▁with ▁this ▁very ▁complicated ▁post , ▁even ▁- ▁you ▁could ▁say ▁- ▁trouble some ▁post , ▁for ▁four ▁years .
▁Well , ▁it ▁turns ▁out ▁that ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁presidential ▁chief ▁of ▁staff ▁for ▁four ▁years ▁and ▁eight ▁months .
▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁took ▁up ▁the ▁post ▁in ▁December ▁2011 .
▁He ▁served ▁previously ▁as ▁a ▁de put y ▁prime ▁minister ▁and ▁defence ▁minister .
▁He ▁is ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Security ▁Council ▁and ▁a ▁former ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁K GB ▁state ▁security ▁service , ▁like ▁Mr ▁Putin .
▁In ▁the ▁late ▁1990 s , ▁when ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁was ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁Federal ▁Security ▁Service ▁( FS B ), ▁which ▁replaced ▁the ▁K GB , ▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁was ▁appointed ▁as ▁his ▁de put y .
▁When ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁came ▁to ▁power , ▁he ▁named ▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁as ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁five ▁people ▁he ▁trust ed ▁most .
▁It ▁was ▁once ▁thought ▁that ▁Mr ▁Ivan ov ▁might ▁become ▁president ▁of ▁Russia ▁after ▁Mr ▁Putin ' s ▁second ▁term , ▁as ▁a ▁third ▁term ▁for ▁Mr ▁Putin ▁would ▁have ▁been ▁un c onstitution al .
▁But ▁that ▁post ▁was ▁taken ▁by ▁another ▁close ▁Putin ▁all y , ▁D mit ry ▁Med ve dev .
▁Mr ▁Putin ▁became ▁prime ▁minister , ▁before ▁returning ▁to ▁the ▁presidency ▁just ▁three - and - a - half ▁years ▁later .
▁Criminal ▁Mind s ▁star ▁Thomas ▁G ib son ▁s ack ed ▁after ▁hit ting ▁producer
▁G ib son ▁was ▁involved ▁in ▁a ▁physical ▁alter c ation ▁on ▁the ▁set ▁of ▁the ▁show ▁in ▁Los ▁Angeles ▁last ▁month .
▁A BC ▁Studios ▁and ▁C BS ▁Television ▁Studios , ▁which ▁produce ▁the ▁series , ▁announced ▁his ▁dismiss al ▁in ▁a ▁joint ▁statement .
▁G ib son , ▁who ▁played ▁Special ▁Agent ▁A aro n ▁Hot ch ner , ▁issued ▁an ▁a p ology ▁on ▁Thursday ▁before ▁his ▁termination ▁was ▁announced .
▁There ▁were ▁creative ▁differences ▁on ▁the ▁set ▁and ▁a ▁disagreement .
▁I ▁regret ▁that ▁it ▁occurred , " ▁he ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁Details ▁on ▁how ▁G ib son ' s ▁character ▁will ▁be ▁written ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁show , ▁which ▁follows ▁a ▁team ▁of ▁F BI ▁agents , ▁is ▁expected ▁to ▁come ▁at ▁a ▁later ▁date , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁A BC ▁Studios ▁and ▁C BS ▁Television ▁Studios ▁statement .
▁The ▁54 - year - old , ▁who ▁previously ▁starr ed ▁on ▁the ▁sit com ▁D harm a ▁& ▁G reg , ▁had ▁been ▁on ▁the ▁show ▁since ▁its ▁first ▁season ▁in ▁2005.
▁" I ▁love ▁Criminal ▁Mind s ▁and ▁have ▁put ▁my ▁heart ▁and ▁soul ▁into ▁it ▁for ▁the ▁last ▁twelve ▁years , " ▁G ib son ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement ▁released ▁on ▁Friday .
▁I ▁had ▁hoped ▁to ▁see ▁it ▁through ▁to ▁the ▁end , ▁but ▁that ▁won ' t ▁be ▁possible ▁now .
▁I ▁would ▁just ▁like ▁to ▁say ▁thank ▁you ▁to ▁the ▁writers , ▁producers , ▁actors , ▁our ▁amazing ▁crew , ▁and , ▁most ▁importantly , ▁the ▁best ▁fans ▁that ▁a ▁show ▁could ▁ever ▁hope ▁to ▁have .
▁The ▁show ▁is ▁s l ated ▁to ▁return ▁for ▁its ▁t wel f th ▁season ▁on ▁28 ▁September .
▁My ster y ▁as ▁fish ▁land ▁in ▁Ban ff ▁garden
▁A ▁Ban ff ▁man ▁has ▁appeal ed ▁for ▁help ▁in ▁identifying ▁fish ▁that ▁have ▁appeared ▁in ▁his ▁garden ▁in ▁Ban ff .
▁Kevin ▁Bai n ▁think s ▁the ▁75 ▁fish ▁could ▁be ▁sand ▁e els ▁deposit ed ▁by ▁a ▁water sp out .
▁Mr ▁Bai n , ▁who ▁lives ▁about ▁500 m ▁from ▁the ▁sea , ▁posted ▁foot age ▁of ▁the ▁spectacle ▁on ▁Per i scope ▁in ▁the ▁hope ▁someone ▁could ▁she d ▁light ▁on ▁the ▁appearance ▁of ▁the ▁two - in ch ▁fish .
▁Queen s fer ry ▁Cross ing : ▁Bridge ▁now ▁connected ▁to ▁Fi fe
▁The ▁£ 1. 35 b n ▁project ▁is ▁now ▁due ▁to ▁be ▁complete ▁by ▁May ▁20 17
▁Engine ers ▁have ▁joined ▁the ▁Queen s fer ry ▁Cross ing ' s ▁north ▁deck ▁and ▁via duct ▁- ▁meaning ▁the ▁bridge ▁is ▁now ▁connected ▁to ▁Fi fe .
▁It ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁of ▁four ▁closure s ▁between ▁the ▁" deck ▁fans , " ▁which ▁are ▁now ▁near ing ▁completion ▁around ▁each ▁of ▁the ▁bridge ' s ▁three ▁tower s .
▁The ▁bridge ▁section ▁from ▁Fi fe ▁is ▁now ▁600 ▁metres ▁long ▁and ▁we igh s ▁30 , 000 ▁tonnes .
▁It ▁has ▁10,000 ▁tonnes ▁of ▁steel ▁and ▁20 , 000 ▁tonnes ▁of ▁concrete ▁and ▁46 ▁stay - c able s .
▁The ▁£ 1. 35 b n ▁project ▁is ▁now ▁due ▁to ▁be ▁complete ▁by ▁May ▁20 17 .
▁Economy ▁Secretary ▁Kei th ▁Brown ▁visited ▁the ▁site ▁today ▁and ▁was ▁among ▁the ▁first ▁to ▁walk ▁from ▁the ▁land ▁on ▁to ▁the ▁bridge .
▁He ▁said : ▁" This ▁is ▁a ▁historic ▁and ▁symbolic ▁moment ▁in ▁the ▁building ▁of ▁the ▁Queen s fer ry ▁Cross ing .
▁We ' re ▁all ▁witnessing ▁engineering ▁on ▁a ▁truly ▁epic ▁scale ▁on ▁this ▁project , ▁with ▁over ▁30 , 000 ▁tonnes ▁of ▁concrete ▁and ▁steel ▁used ▁just ▁to ▁build ▁this ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁bridge .
▁Despite ▁the ▁massive ▁size ▁and ▁weight ▁of ▁the ▁bridge ▁completing ▁the ▁closure ▁between ▁the ▁via duct ▁and ▁bridge ▁deck ▁is ▁a ▁delicate ▁operation ▁involving ▁extremely ▁precise ▁tolerance s ▁for ▁fit ▁up .
▁Overall , ▁nearly ▁7 9% ▁of ▁the ▁total ▁bridge ▁deck ▁is ▁now ▁in ▁place , ▁the ▁final ▁section ▁of ▁deck ▁is ▁having ▁its ▁concrete ▁deck ▁cast ▁in ▁Ros y th ▁today , ▁meaning ▁all ▁the ▁deck ▁is ▁ready ▁to ▁be ▁lifted ▁into ▁place ▁on ▁the ▁bridge .
▁Michael ▁Martin , ▁For th ▁Cross ing ▁Bridge ▁Con struct ors ▁project ▁director ▁said : ▁" The ▁first ▁closure ▁on ▁any ▁bridge ▁project ▁is ▁always ▁a ▁significant ▁milestone .
▁On ▁this ▁fantastic ▁project , ▁this ▁closure ▁represents ▁leading ▁edge ▁civil ▁engineering .
▁After ▁installing ▁the ▁last ▁road ▁deck ▁section ▁and ▁connecting ▁it ▁to ▁the ▁expanding ▁North ▁Tower ▁road ▁deck , ▁we ▁the n ▁had ▁to ▁close ▁the ▁remaining ▁gap ▁on ▁the ▁north ▁- ▁or ▁land ward ▁- ▁side .
▁This ▁was ▁done ▁by ▁pull ing ▁the ▁northern ▁approach ▁via duct ▁700 ▁mill i metre s ▁south wards .
▁This ▁was ▁a ▁massive ▁and , ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁very ▁delicate ▁operation .
▁Mass ive ▁because ▁the ▁via duct ▁is ▁22 2 ▁metres ▁long , ▁we igh s ▁approximately ▁ 6,000 ▁tonnes ▁and ▁had ▁to ▁be ▁pull ed ▁up ▁a ▁gra dient ▁of ▁about ▁3% .
▁De lic ate ▁because ▁the ▁tolerance s ▁the ▁team ▁were ▁working ▁to ▁were ▁tiny ▁- ▁just ▁a ▁few ▁mill i metre s ▁either ▁way .
▁H app ily , ▁it ▁all ▁went ▁very ▁well .
▁Mo elf re ▁Bay ▁rescue : ▁Three ▁men ▁are ▁' luck y ▁to ▁be ▁alive '
▁Three ▁men ▁are ▁" luck y ▁to ▁be ▁alive " ▁after ▁they ▁were ▁thrown ▁from ▁their ▁fishing ▁boat ▁off ▁An gle s ey .
▁Mo elf re ▁R NL I ▁life boat ▁station ▁raised ▁the ▁alarm ▁at ▁13 : 20 ▁B ST ▁on ▁Friday ▁after ▁a ▁crew ▁saw ▁the ▁incident ▁unfold ▁in ▁Mo elf re ▁Bay .
▁The ▁three ▁men ▁struggle d ▁to ▁swim ▁to ▁safety ▁while ▁their ▁boat ▁continued ▁under ▁its ▁own ▁power .
▁" We ▁saw ▁their ▁boat ▁ci rc ling ▁close ▁to ▁them ▁and ▁imagine d ▁the ▁worst , " ▁said ▁Mo elf re ▁life boat ▁ helm ▁Vin ce ▁Jones .
▁" For tun ate ly , ▁by ▁the ▁time ▁we ▁had ▁launched , ▁the ▁strong ▁wind s ▁had ▁blow n ▁it ▁clear ▁of ▁them , " ▁he ▁added .
▁Two ▁of ▁the ▁men ▁were ▁rescue d ▁by ▁a ▁local ▁fishing ▁boat , ▁while ▁the ▁third ▁man , ▁a ged ▁60 , ▁was ▁found ▁exhaust ed ▁and ▁cl ing ing ▁to ▁a ▁bu oy ▁without ▁a ▁life jack et .
▁They ▁were ▁all ▁taken ▁on ▁board ▁the ▁in shore ▁life boat ▁and ▁brought ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁life boat ▁station
▁Mr ▁Jones ▁said : ▁" The ▁three ▁men ▁thrown ▁in ▁the ▁water ▁are ▁lucky ▁to ▁be ▁alive ▁and ▁completely ▁un in ju red .
▁The ▁boat ' s ▁engine ▁had ▁an ▁emergency ▁kill ▁ cord ▁but ▁it ▁had ▁somehow ▁come ▁de ta ched ▁from ▁the ▁person ▁driving ▁the ▁boat ▁when ▁it ▁cap sized .
▁Some one ▁was ▁watching ▁over ▁these ▁guys ▁today .
▁S er ious ly ▁injured ▁- ▁man ▁ stab s ▁his ▁ex - girl fri end
▁A ▁man ▁has ▁attacked ▁his ▁ex - girl fri end ▁with ▁a ▁k ni fe ▁in ▁Hamburg ' s ▁Har burg ▁district , ▁and ▁seriously ▁injured ▁her .
▁As ▁the ▁police ▁reported ▁yesterday , ▁the ▁50 - year - old ▁had ▁got ▁the ▁key ▁to ▁the ▁apartment ▁so ▁he ▁could ▁collect ▁his ▁personal ▁belonging s .
▁Instead , ▁the ▁dr unk ▁attack er ▁slice d ▁up ▁his ▁ex - girl fri end ' s ▁clothes .
▁When ▁she ▁came ▁home , ▁he ▁ stab bed ▁her ▁twice .
▁The ▁44 - year - old ▁suffered ▁injuries ▁to ▁her ▁hand ▁and ▁body .
▁The ▁police ▁managed ▁to ▁arrest ▁the ▁per pet r ator .
▁While ▁the ▁50 - year - old ▁man ▁was ▁destroying ▁his ▁ex - girl fri end ' s ▁clothing , ▁he ▁called ▁his ▁mother .
▁She ▁the n ▁called ▁his ▁sister .
▁The ▁45 - year - old ▁and ▁her ▁partner ▁wanted ▁to ▁calm ▁down ▁her ▁brother .
▁However , ▁she ▁could n ' t ▁get ▁him ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁apartment .
▁Consequently , ▁she ▁set ▁off ▁from ▁home ▁with ▁her ▁partner .
▁They ▁met ▁the ▁man ' s ▁ex - partner ▁in ▁the ▁street .
▁As ▁the ▁two ▁women ▁entered ▁the ▁apartment , ▁the ▁50 - year - old ▁pushed ▁his ▁sister ▁to ▁one ▁side , ▁and ▁attacked ▁his ▁ex - girl fri end .
▁Who ▁is ▁going ▁to ▁build ▁Brau n schwei g ' s ▁low - cost ▁housing ?
▁The ▁S PD ▁and ▁the ▁Greens ▁think ▁that ▁investors ▁should ▁step ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁plate ▁much ▁more ▁in ▁the ▁future .
▁How ▁to ▁react ▁to ▁the ▁bad ▁news ▁that ▁Brau n schwei g ▁will ▁lose ▁almost ▁13 00 ▁low - cost ▁homes ▁over ▁the ▁next ▁few ▁years ?
▁At ▁the ▁next ▁council ▁meeting , ▁the ▁S PD ▁is ▁going ▁to ▁put ▁forward ▁an ▁" action ▁plan ▁for ▁homes ".
▁But ▁it ▁won ' t ▁be ▁smooth ▁sailing .
▁Firstly , ▁there ▁is ▁the ▁question ▁of ▁who ▁is ▁actually ▁going ▁to ▁build ▁the ▁low - cost ▁homes ?
▁So ▁far , ▁no ▁settlement ▁has ▁been ▁reached ▁on ▁this ▁point .
▁S PD ▁group ▁chairman , ▁Christoph ▁Bra t mann , ▁says : ▁" We ▁agree ▁with ▁the ▁Greens : ▁if ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁build ▁on ▁municipal ▁land , ▁you ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁ designate ▁20 ▁percent ▁of ▁all ▁homes ▁as ▁social ▁housing ▁in ▁the ▁future . "
▁The ▁low - cost ▁homes ▁could ▁also ▁be ▁older ▁homes ▁that ▁are ▁renovated .
▁However , ▁the ▁main ▁issue ▁for ▁the ▁council , ▁according ▁to ▁Bra t mann : ▁" How ▁do ▁we ▁handle ▁investors ▁who ▁want ▁to ▁build ▁on ▁private ▁ground ? "
▁We ▁want ▁investors ▁building ▁on ▁those ▁spaces ▁to ▁keep ▁at ▁least ▁10 ▁percent , ▁but ▁if ▁possible , ▁20 ▁percent , ▁of ▁homes ▁as ▁social ▁housing . "
▁A ▁new ▁municipal ▁programme ▁to ▁promote ▁the ▁construction ▁of ▁homes , ▁which ▁will ▁cost ▁millions , ▁and ▁which ▁still ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁financed , ▁will ▁trigger ▁concerns .
▁The ▁problem , ▁according ▁to ▁Bra t mann : ▁" A t ▁the ▁moment , ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁agreement ▁between ▁groups . "
▁The ▁CD U ▁wants ▁to ▁put ▁as ▁few ▁rules ▁on ▁investors ▁as ▁possible .
▁The ▁Left ▁wants ▁more ▁stringent ▁requirements ▁to ▁be ▁imposed ▁on ▁investors .
▁Despite ▁that , ▁according ▁to ▁Bra t man , ▁the ▁situation ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁the ▁housing ▁market ▁is ▁also ▁hot ting ▁up .
▁If ▁the ▁action ▁plan ▁is ▁implemented , ▁the ▁building ▁authorities ▁will ▁be ▁faced ▁with ▁additional ▁tasks .
▁More ▁staff ▁will ▁be ▁needed .
▁It ▁is ▁not ▁clear ▁if ▁we ▁will ▁get ▁the ▁specialist ▁staff .
▁But ▁the ▁program ▁is ▁not ▁quite ▁complete : ▁because ▁the ▁approximately ▁12 60 ▁new ▁homes ▁are ▁to ▁be ▁built ▁anyway .
▁But ▁how ▁do ▁you ▁balance ▁out ▁the ▁loss ▁of ▁an ▁additional ▁13 00 ▁low - cost ▁homes ▁( app r ox im ate ly ), ▁the ▁grants ▁for ▁which ▁will ▁run ▁out ▁over ▁the ▁next ▁few ▁years ?
▁This ▁will ▁come ▁to ▁500 ▁homes ▁even ▁by ▁2020 .
▁To ▁prevent ▁this , ▁according ▁to ▁Nicole ▁Palm , ▁spoke s wo man ▁for ▁planning ▁policy , ▁bonds ▁that ▁are ▁about ▁to ▁mature ▁should ▁be ▁purchased ▁by ▁the ▁municipality .
▁In ▁addition , ▁thought ▁must ▁be ▁given ▁to ▁putting ▁homes ▁back ▁into ▁a ▁price ▁maintenance ▁scenario .
▁This ▁is ▁possible ▁in ▁the ▁west ▁of ▁the ▁city .
▁The ▁problem ▁could ▁be ▁solved ▁in ▁one ▁fell ▁s wo op .
▁This ▁is ▁because ▁deadlines ▁expire ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁year ▁in ▁the ▁west ▁of ▁the ▁city .
▁Around ▁1800 ▁homes ▁could ▁the n ▁be ▁moved ▁into ▁the ▁managed ▁price ▁scheme ▁for ▁affordable ▁housing .
▁The ▁only ▁problem ▁is ▁that ▁their ▁owners , ▁housing ▁companies , ▁are ▁against ▁it .
▁This ▁would ▁dramatically ▁increase ▁the ▁amount ▁of ▁affordable ▁housing ▁in ▁the ▁west ▁of ▁the ▁city , ▁taking ▁a ▁step ▁back ▁from ▁the ▁target ▁of ▁" blend ing ".
▁No ▁longer ▁are ▁socially ▁disadvantaged ▁people ▁to ▁be ▁concentrated ▁in ▁a ▁small ▁number ▁of ▁districts .
▁The ▁Greens ▁think ▁there ' s ▁still ▁room ▁for ▁manoeuvre ▁in ▁the ▁discussions .
▁Group ▁chairman ▁Hol ger ▁Her lit sch ke ▁think s ▁that ▁" the ▁CD U ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁get ▁into ▁bed ▁with ▁us ▁to ▁reach ▁a ▁decent ▁majority . "
▁However , ▁they ▁have ▁focused ▁on ▁providing ▁more ▁building ▁sites ▁for ▁de ta ched ▁homes .
▁But ▁that ▁does ▁not ▁mean ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁impossible ▁to ▁reach ▁a ▁compromise .
▁Po k é mon ▁Go ▁a ▁worthy ▁hunt ▁for ▁health ▁and ▁happiness
▁It ▁is ▁fascinating ▁to ▁see ▁how ▁the ▁world ▁turns .
▁That ▁te en ag ers ▁and ▁children ▁do ▁not ▁get ▁outside ▁to ▁play ▁any ▁more , ▁prefer ring ▁to ▁spend ▁their ▁free ▁time ▁looking ▁at ▁screen s , ▁has ▁been ▁the ▁la ment ▁of ▁many ▁for ▁the ▁the ▁past ▁decade .
▁Po ke mon ▁Go ▁is ▁getting ▁people ▁off ▁the ▁co uch ▁and ▁into ▁some ▁activity .
▁Screen ▁time ▁was ▁initially ▁limited ▁to ▁the ▁television ▁the n ▁video ▁games ▁and ▁more ▁recently ▁smart phone s .
▁So ▁it ▁is ▁great ▁to ▁see ▁that ▁technology ▁and ▁being ▁active ▁outdoor s ▁are ▁not ▁mutually ▁exclusive .
▁I ▁am ▁of ▁course ▁referring ▁to ▁the ▁cra ze ▁that ▁is ▁Po k é mon ▁Go , ▁an ▁app ▁based ▁on ▁the ▁characters ▁first ▁created ▁for ▁video ▁games ▁in ▁the ▁1990 s ▁( it ▁later ▁spa w n ed ▁a ▁cartoon ▁series , ▁playing ▁cards ▁and ▁other ▁spin ▁off s ).
▁Like ▁many ▁pop ▁cultural ▁phenomena ▁it ▁had ▁gone ▁off ▁the ▁boil ▁somewhat ▁before ▁this ▁new ▁game ▁was ▁made ▁available ▁in ▁the ▁US , ▁Australia ▁and ▁New ▁Zealand ▁in ▁early ▁July .
▁The ▁launch ▁in ▁other ▁countries ▁was ▁the n ▁delayed ▁by ▁the ▁massive ▁response , ▁which ▁over load ed ▁servers .
▁Within ▁days , ▁Po k é mon ▁Go ▁had ▁more ▁users ▁than ▁Tin der ▁and ▁nearly ▁as ▁many ▁as ▁Twitter .
▁So ▁how ▁does ▁it ▁work ?
▁In ▁a ▁nut s hell , ▁players ▁on ▁smart phone s ▁go ▁out ▁looking ▁for ▁Po k é mon s , ▁which ▁are ▁track ed ▁with ▁a ▁GPS ▁and , ▁once ▁found , ▁can ▁be ▁' photo graph ed ' ▁( via ▁a ▁screenshot ▁on ▁your ▁phone ) ▁or ▁' cap ture d ' .
▁A ▁generation ▁who ▁played ▁the ▁game ▁when ▁younger ▁have ▁joined ▁the ▁cra ze , ▁jump ing ▁off ▁the ▁co uch ▁for ▁the ▁search .
▁In ▁the ▁US , ▁the ▁game ▁has ▁led ▁to ▁a ▁significant ▁increase ▁in ▁the ▁number ▁of ▁steps ▁taken ▁by ▁the ▁" a ver age " ▁person ▁each ▁day .
▁Card io gram , ▁an ▁app ▁for ▁the ▁Apple ▁Watch ▁that ▁tracks ▁3 5,000 ▁users , ▁told ▁the ▁Washington ▁Post ▁recently ▁that ▁within ▁two ▁days ▁of ▁the ▁game ▁launching , ▁the ▁number ▁of ▁people ▁it ▁track ed ▁who ▁did ▁30 ▁minutes ▁of ▁exercise ▁each ▁day ▁jump ed ▁from ▁45 ▁per ▁cent ▁to ▁53 ▁per ▁cent .
▁The ▁company ▁does ▁not ▁know ▁who ▁is ▁playing ▁Po k é mon ▁Go ▁- ▁it ▁just ▁see s ▁raw ▁data ▁on ▁exercise ▁levels .
▁Many ▁public ▁health ▁campaigns ▁to ▁get ▁people ▁to ▁" find ▁30 , " ▁" get ▁off ▁the ▁co uch " ▁and ▁" be ▁active ▁everyday " ▁have ▁fallen ▁on ▁de af ▁ear s ▁because ▁most ▁public ▁health ▁messages ▁are ▁bo ring ▁and ▁delivered ▁by ▁people ▁who ▁look ▁mis er able .
▁Yet ▁the ▁importance ▁of ▁exercise ▁cannot ▁be ▁und erst ated .
▁Those ▁who ▁exercise ▁regularly ▁reduce ▁their ▁chance s ▁of ▁getting ▁cancer ▁or ▁depression .
▁Activ ity ▁helps ▁with ▁weight ▁management , ▁high ▁blood ▁pressure , ▁diabetes ▁and ▁a ▁long ▁list ▁of ▁benefits ▁too ▁long ▁to ▁list ▁here .
▁But ▁the ▁beauty ▁of ▁Po k é mon ▁Go ▁is ▁it ▁gets ▁people ▁outside ▁doing ▁something ▁they ▁enjoy .
▁Thus ▁you ▁are ▁covering ▁three ▁pillars ▁of ▁health ▁- ▁movement , ▁fresh ▁air ▁and ▁sunshine , ▁and ▁fun .
▁Some ▁people ▁are ▁even ▁making ▁new ▁friends ▁on ▁the ▁hunt .
▁As ▁usual ▁there ▁are ▁po - face d ▁kill jo ys ▁looking ▁for ▁something ▁to ▁complain ▁about .
▁And ▁yes ▁somebody ▁might ▁walk ▁into ▁a ▁door .
▁So ▁what ?
▁A ▁breakthrough ▁has ▁occurred .
▁For ▁while ▁smart phone ▁app s ▁like ▁Fi t bit ▁could ▁previously ▁track ▁our ▁activity , ▁they ▁didn ' t ▁give ▁us ▁a ▁reason ▁to ▁exercise ▁like ▁this ▁game ▁does .
▁The ▁novel ty ▁will ▁wear ▁off ▁and ▁use ▁will ▁sub side ▁in ▁due ▁course .
▁However ▁because ▁of ▁Po km e on ' s ▁success ▁there ▁will ▁be ▁more ▁games ▁that ▁combine ▁app s ▁and ▁virtual ▁reality ▁with ▁being ▁active ▁in ▁the ▁real ▁world , ▁helping ▁many ▁people ▁on ▁the ▁hunt ▁to ▁be ▁more ▁active , ▁fit ter ▁and ▁health ier .
▁Read ▁Dr ▁Joe ' s ▁blog s ▁at ▁www . d r jo e to day . com
▁Simon e ▁Bi les ▁nail s ▁all - around ▁gold ▁in ▁women ' s ▁gym n astic s
▁For get ▁the ▁pressure .
▁For get ▁the ▁ hy pe .
▁Simon e ▁Bi les ▁is ▁immune ▁to ▁all ▁of ▁it .
▁Dynamic ▁on ▁v ault .
▁E f fort less ▁on ▁beam .
▁Ja w - dro pping ▁on ▁floor .
▁Bri lli ant ▁all ▁over .
▁And ▁now , ▁finally , ▁an ▁Olympic ▁champion .
▁The ▁19 - year - old ▁American ▁gym n ast ▁so ar ed ▁to ▁the ▁all - around ▁title ▁on ▁Thursday , ▁putting ▁the ▁gap ▁between ▁herself ▁and ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁world ▁on ▁full ▁display ▁under ▁the ▁Olympic ▁spot light .
▁Her ▁total ▁of ▁6 2.1 98 ▁was ▁well ▁clear ▁of ▁silver ▁medal ist ▁and ▁" F inal ▁Five " ▁team mat e ▁A ly ▁Rai s man ▁and ▁Russian ▁bronze ▁medal ist ▁Al iya ▁Mus t af ina .
▁United ▁States ' ▁Simon e ▁Bi les ▁perform s ▁on ▁the ▁balance ▁beam ▁during ▁the ▁artistic ▁gym n astic s ▁women ' s ▁individual ▁all - around ▁final ▁at ▁the ▁20 16 ▁Summer ▁Olympic s ▁in ▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro , ▁Brazil , ▁Thursday .
▁Bi les ▁became ▁the ▁fourth ▁straight ▁American ▁woman ▁to ▁win ▁the ▁all - around ▁title ▁and ▁fifth ▁overall ▁while ▁cement ing ▁her ▁reputation ▁as ▁the ▁best ▁of ▁her ▁generation ▁and ▁perhaps ▁ever .
▁She ▁burst ▁into ▁tear s ▁when ▁her ▁final ▁total ▁was ▁posted ▁and ▁her ▁long ▁journey ▁to ▁this ▁moment ▁ended .
▁The ▁achievement ▁puts ▁her ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁league ▁as ▁once - in - a - generation ▁athletes ▁like ▁Michael ▁P help s ▁who ▁have ▁taken ▁their ▁sports ▁to ▁new ▁height s :
▁Bi les ▁has ▁spent ▁the ▁last ▁three ▁years ▁domin ating ▁her ▁sport , ▁winning ▁15 ▁world ▁championship ▁medal s ▁- ▁including ▁10 ▁gold ▁- ▁with ▁routine s ▁so ▁astonishing ▁in ▁their ▁mix ▁of ▁ambition ▁and ▁precision ▁that ▁1984 ▁Olympic ▁champion ▁Mary ▁Lou ▁Re t ton ▁called ▁her ▁" the ▁greatest ▁gym n ast ▁I ' ve ▁ever ▁seen . "
▁One ▁last ▁test ▁await ed ▁in ▁Brazil , ▁a ▁contest ▁not ▁so ▁much ▁between ▁Bi les ▁and ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁field ▁but ▁between ▁herself ▁and ▁the ▁burden ▁of ▁over sized ▁expectations .
▁Any th ing ▁less ▁than ▁heading ▁back ▁to ▁her ▁family ' s ▁home ▁in ▁Spring , ▁Texas , ▁with ▁a ▁f ist ful ▁of ▁gold s ▁would ▁be ▁seen ▁as ▁a ▁disappointment .
▁United ▁States ' ▁Simon e ▁Bi les , ▁left , ▁and ▁A ly ▁Rai s man ▁embrace ▁after ▁winning ▁gold ▁and ▁silver ▁respectively ▁for ▁the ▁artistic ▁gym n astic s ▁women ' s ▁individual ▁all - around ▁final ▁at ▁the ▁20 16 ▁Summer ▁Olympic s ▁in ▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro , ▁Brazil , ▁Thursday , ▁Aug .
▁Bi les ▁earned ▁the ▁first ▁one ▁on ▁Tuesday ▁while ▁serving ▁as ▁the ▁exc lam ation ▁point ▁to ▁re ti ring ▁national ▁team ▁coordinator ▁Mar tha ▁Kar o ly i ' s ▁going ▁away ▁party .
▁While ▁Bi les ▁insisted ▁she ' s ▁never ▁looked ▁ahead ▁during ▁her ▁long ▁run ▁at ▁the ▁top , ▁that ' s ▁not ▁exactly ▁true .
▁A ▁portion ▁of ▁her ▁floor ▁exercise ▁routine ▁- ▁the ▁one ▁that ▁includes ▁her ▁signature ▁ tum bling ▁pass ▁- ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁Latin ▁music ▁that ▁would ▁fit ▁right ▁at ▁home ▁in ▁the ▁street ▁right ▁outside ▁the ▁Rio ▁Olympic ▁Arena .
▁It ' s ▁not ▁a ▁coincidence .
▁The ▁girl ▁adopted ▁by ▁her ▁grand par ents ▁as ▁a ▁to ddle r ▁and ▁discovered ▁by ▁coach ▁A ime e ▁Bo or man ' s ▁mother ▁during ▁a ▁field ▁trip ▁to ▁the ▁gym ▁where ▁Bo or man ▁was ▁coach ing ▁has ▁become ▁a ▁force .
▁She ▁has n ' t ▁lost ▁an ▁all - around ▁competition ▁since ▁the ▁summer ▁of ▁2013 , ▁a ▁winning ▁str e ak ▁that ▁should ▁go ▁for ▁as ▁long ▁as ▁Bi les ▁wants ▁it ▁to .
▁Though ▁Mus t af ina ▁took ▁a ▁small ▁lead ▁through ▁two ▁rotation s , ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁mir age .
▁Balance ▁beam ▁and ▁floor ▁exercise ▁- ▁where ▁Bi les ▁is ▁the ▁defending ▁world ▁champion ▁- ▁lay ▁in ▁wait .
▁She ▁went ▁back ▁in ▁front ▁with ▁a ▁15. 4 33 ▁on ▁beam ▁- ▁and ▁cap ped ▁it ▁with ▁a ▁15. 93 3 ▁on ▁floor .
▁Rai s man ▁h ugg ed ▁her ▁gently ▁as ▁they ▁await ed ▁the ▁final ▁score ▁- ▁a ▁mere ▁formal ity ▁- ▁and ▁tear s ▁appeared ▁around ▁Bi les ' ▁g litter y ▁red , ▁white ▁and ▁blue ▁eye line r ▁when ▁the ▁vision ▁she ▁once ▁wrote ▁in ▁a ▁scrap book ▁became ▁a ▁reality .
▁Rai s man ' s ▁performance ▁was ▁a ▁bit ▁of ▁re ven ge ▁from ▁four ▁years ▁ago , ▁when ▁she ▁tied ▁for ▁third ▁but ▁lost ▁the ▁bronze ▁to ▁Mus t af ina ▁on ▁a ▁ti e break er .
▁This ▁time , ▁the ▁22 - year - old ▁team ▁captain ▁the ▁Americans ▁call ▁" grand ma " ▁was ▁well ▁ahead .
▁She ▁ ble w ▁k isse s ▁to ▁the ▁crowd ▁after ▁her ▁floor ▁exercise , ▁overcome ▁by ▁a ▁come back ▁that ▁at ▁times ▁seemed ▁in ▁doubt .
▁As ▁for ▁Bi les , ▁the ▁19 - year - old ' s ▁vi ral ▁t we et ▁from ▁earlier ▁this ▁week ▁now ▁carries ▁a ▁whole ▁new ▁meaning :
▁Police : ▁3 ▁victims ▁in ▁serial ▁kill er ▁case ▁shot ▁while ▁listening ▁to ▁music ▁in ▁car
▁Two ▁women ▁and ▁a ▁12 - year - old ▁girl ▁who ▁die d ▁in ▁the ▁dead lie st ▁attack ▁in ▁Phoenix ' s ▁first ▁serial ▁kill er ▁case ▁in ▁a ▁decade ▁were ▁sitting ▁in ▁a ▁car ▁talking ▁and ▁listening ▁to ▁music ▁when ▁they ▁were ▁shot , ▁according ▁to ▁police ▁reports ▁released ▁Thursday .
▁Angela ▁Roche lle ▁Lin er , ▁Stefan ie ▁R . ▁El lis ▁and ▁El lis ' ▁daughter ▁Male ah ▁were ▁shot ▁on ▁June ▁12 ▁while ▁the ▁car ▁was ▁park ed ▁in ▁a ▁drive way , ▁authorities ▁said .
▁The ▁gun man ▁fire d ▁as ▁many ▁as ▁eight ▁shot s ▁from ▁a ▁hand gu n ▁while ▁standing ▁on ▁the ▁passenger ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁car ▁the n ▁fled ▁in ▁another ▁vehicle , ▁the ▁report ▁states .
▁Police ▁say ▁the ▁triple ▁killing ▁doesn ' t ▁appear ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁the ▁result ▁of ▁a ▁rob ber y ▁because ▁the ▁attack er ▁didn ' t ▁take ▁pur s es ▁or ▁$2 , 900 ▁in ▁the ▁possession ▁of ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁adult ▁victims .
▁Phoenix ▁police ▁spoke s man ▁S gt . ▁Jo na than ▁Howard ▁said ▁the ▁shooting ▁prompted ▁invest ig ators ▁to ▁look ▁at ▁whether ▁it ▁was ▁tied ▁to ▁four ▁earlier ▁attacks .
▁In ▁all , ▁seven ▁people ▁have ▁been ▁killed ▁and ▁two ▁others ▁wound ed ▁in ▁nine ▁attacks ▁in ▁two ▁predominantly ▁His pan ic ▁neighborhood s ▁over ▁a ▁four - month ▁period .
▁" It ' s ▁occurring ▁within ▁a ▁residential ▁area ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁a ▁home , " ▁Howard ▁said ▁to ▁C BS ▁affiliate ▁K P HO ▁earlier ▁this ▁month .
▁The ▁suspect ▁is ▁believed ▁to ▁have ▁used ▁several ▁vehicles , ▁including ▁as ▁a ▁late -19 90 s ▁brown ▁Ni s san , ▁a ▁late -19 90 s ▁black ▁BMW ▁and ▁a ▁white ▁Cad illa c ▁or ▁Lincoln .
▁Invest ig ators ▁have ▁declined ▁to ▁reveal ▁the ▁evidence ▁that ▁led ▁them ▁to ▁conclude ▁the ▁attacks ▁are ▁related ▁and ▁committed ▁by ▁the ▁same ▁kill er .
▁El lis , ▁33 , ▁was ▁hospital ized ▁for ▁her ▁injuries ▁and ▁later ▁die d .
▁Lin er , ▁31 , ▁and ▁El lis ' ▁daughter ▁Male ah ▁die d ▁at ▁the ▁scene .
▁A ▁witness ▁told ▁police ▁that ▁it ▁was n ' t ▁unusual ▁for ▁them ▁to ▁sit ▁in ▁a ▁park ed ▁car ▁listening ▁to ▁music .
▁Author ities ▁also ▁released ▁a ▁police ▁report ▁on ▁a ▁shooting ▁that ▁targeted ▁an ▁un oc cup ied ▁pick up ▁truck ▁just ▁a ▁half - hour ▁before ▁the ▁triple ▁killing ▁and ▁is ▁believed ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁the ▁work ▁of ▁the ▁serial ▁kill er .
▁Invest ig ators ▁found ▁bullet ▁ca s ing s ▁and ▁recovered ▁a ▁bullet ▁from ▁a ▁seat ▁and ▁bullet ▁fragment s ▁from ▁the ▁engine ▁comp art ment .
▁Mother ▁of ▁6 - year - old ▁with ▁micro ce pha ly : ▁" It ▁gets ▁better "
▁Like ▁most ▁six - year - old s , ▁Ed mund ▁Pic ci uto ▁love s ▁singing , ▁to ys ▁and , ▁of ▁course , ▁his ▁mother .
▁But ▁unlike ▁most ▁of ▁his ▁peer s , ▁Ed mund ▁has ▁micro ce pha ly , ▁the ▁result ▁of ▁a ▁genetic ▁disorder ▁his ▁mo m ▁Elizabeth ▁Pic ci uto ▁didn ' t ▁know ▁about ▁while ▁pregnant .
▁When ▁he ▁first ▁came ▁home ▁my ▁initial ▁thought ▁was , ▁I ▁can ' t ▁do ▁this .
▁I ▁can ' t ▁do ▁this .
▁I ▁didn ' t ▁sign ▁up ▁for ▁this .
▁Which ▁is ▁not ▁true ▁at ▁all ▁- - ▁of ▁course ▁you ▁sign ▁up ▁for ▁it , " ▁she ▁said .
▁She ▁and ▁her ▁husband , ▁Vincent , ▁were ▁told ▁Ed mund ▁might ▁never ▁recognize ▁them , ▁and ▁that ▁he ▁might ▁not ▁even ▁survive .
▁Some ▁doctors ▁went ▁as ▁far ▁as ▁suggesting ▁he ▁be ▁institutional ized .
▁" My ▁first ▁response ▁was ▁' I ▁didn ' t ▁think ▁people ▁did ▁that ▁anymore , ' " ▁Pic ci uto ▁explained .
▁Ed mund ▁walks ▁with ▁the ▁help ▁of ▁a ▁walk er .
▁Ed mund ▁didn ' t ▁sit ▁up ▁or ▁cra w l ▁until ▁he ▁was ▁three , ▁and ▁he ▁still ▁doesn ' t ▁talk .
▁But ▁he ' s ▁slowly ▁meeting ▁some ▁milestone s .
▁He ' s ▁walking ▁with ▁help , ▁and ▁riding ▁a ▁bike .
▁He ▁also ▁love s ▁playing ▁with ▁his ▁two ▁brother s , ▁and ▁singing .
▁Elizabeth ▁demonstrates ▁the ▁sign ▁language ▁Ed mund ▁made ▁up ▁for ▁" ple ase ▁sing ▁to ▁me . "
▁" We ' re ▁teaching ▁him ▁sign ▁language , " ▁Pic ci uto ▁told ▁C BS ▁News .
▁But ▁it ' s ▁not ▁just ▁typical ▁sign ▁language ▁- - ▁she ▁says ▁Ed mund ▁has ▁invented ▁some ▁of ▁his ▁own ▁signs .
▁Micro ce pha ly ▁can ▁arise ▁from ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁different ▁conditions : ▁genetic ▁ones ▁like ▁Ed mund ' s , ▁and ▁infection s ▁during ▁pregnancy ▁from ▁viruses ▁like ▁me as les ▁and ▁Z ika .
▁Symptom s ▁and ▁pro gno sis ▁can ▁vary ▁widely .
▁It ' s ▁too ▁early ▁to ▁tell ▁how ▁it ▁will ▁affect ▁the ▁lives ▁of ▁those ▁infected ▁with ▁Z ika .
▁Pic ci uto ▁remember s ▁the ▁emotional ▁toll ▁of ▁an ▁uncertain ▁future .
▁I ▁kept ▁saying , ▁what ' s ▁going ▁to ▁happen ?
▁What ' s ▁going ▁to ▁happen ?
▁And ▁she ▁still ▁doesn ' t ▁really ▁know .
▁I ▁actually ▁have n ' t ▁asked ▁for ▁a ▁pro gno sis ▁in ▁forever , ▁because ▁I ▁don ' t ▁expect ▁anyone ▁to ▁really ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁tell ▁me .
▁But ▁Pic ci uto ▁has ▁hope ful ▁advice ▁for ▁the ▁mother s ▁of ▁babies ▁with ▁birth ▁defects ▁from ▁Z ika .
▁It ▁gets ▁better .
▁You ▁know ▁it ▁will ▁get ▁better ▁for ▁you .
▁You ▁will ▁love ▁your ▁child , ▁and ▁your ▁child ▁will ▁love ▁you .
▁He av y ▁rain , ▁flood ing ▁prompt s ▁rescue s ▁in ▁Louis iana , ▁Miss issi ppi
▁He av y ▁rain ▁and ▁widespread ▁flood ing ▁in ▁Louis iana ▁lead ▁the ▁governor ▁to ▁declare ▁a ▁state ▁of ▁emergency ▁on ▁Friday , ▁with ▁more ▁rain ▁expected ▁over ▁the ▁state ▁through ▁Saturday .
▁Numerous ▁rivers ▁in ▁southeast ▁Louis iana ▁and ▁southern ▁Miss issi ppi ▁were ▁overflow ing ▁their ▁banks ▁and ▁threatening ▁widespread ▁flood ing ▁after ▁extreme ▁rain fall , ▁the ▁National ▁We ath er ▁Service ▁reported .
▁Louis iana ▁G ov . ▁John ▁Bel ▁Edward s ▁said ▁state ▁officials ▁are ▁in ▁constant ▁contact ▁with ▁local ▁officials , ▁and ▁assistance ▁is ▁already ▁on ▁the ▁move ▁to ▁affected ▁parish es .
▁Mike ▁Steel e , ▁a ▁spoke s man ▁for ▁the ▁Governor ' s ▁Office ▁of ▁Home land ▁Security ▁and ▁E merge n cy ▁Pre par ed ness , ▁said ▁requests ▁were ▁coming ▁in ▁for ▁high - water ▁vehicles , ▁boats ▁and ▁sand bag s .
▁Steel e ▁said ▁Tang ip a ho a ▁Paris h ▁alone ▁requested ▁tens ▁of ▁thousands ▁of ▁sand bag s .
▁A ▁flood ▁watch ▁remains ▁in ▁effect ▁until ▁Saturday ▁across ▁most ▁of ▁south ▁Louis iana .
▁The ▁weather ▁service ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement ▁that ▁an ▁additional ▁3 ▁to ▁5 ▁in ches ▁could ▁fall ▁over ▁the ▁area .
▁In ▁south ▁A lab ama , ▁a ▁flood ▁watch ▁was ▁in ▁effect ▁Friday ▁as ▁rain ▁continued ▁in ▁the ▁Mobile ▁area .
▁The ▁Com ite ▁River ▁near ▁Ba ton ▁Rouge ▁and ▁Am ite ▁River ▁near ▁Den ham ▁Spring s , ▁both ▁in ▁Louis iana , ▁were ▁predicted ▁to ▁set ▁record ▁cre st s ▁over ▁the ▁weekend .
▁For ec aster ▁Al ek ▁Kra ut mann ▁said ▁both ▁rivers ▁could ▁flood ▁many ▁houses ▁in ▁suburb an ▁areas ▁near ▁Ba ton ▁Rouge .
▁He ▁also ▁said ▁that ▁flood ing ▁down stream ▁in ▁As c en sion ▁Paris h ▁is ▁a ▁threat , ▁as ▁those ▁s wolle n ▁rivers ▁will ▁be ▁slow ▁to ▁drain ▁into ▁Lake ▁Maure pa s .
▁The ▁T ick fa w ▁River , ▁just ▁south ▁of ▁the ▁Miss issi ppi ▁state ▁line ▁in ▁Liverpool , ▁Louis iana , ▁was ▁already ▁at ▁the ▁highest ▁level ▁ever ▁recorded ▁at ▁9 ▁a . m . ▁Friday .
▁R escu ers ▁were ▁still ▁pl uck ing ▁people ▁from ▁flood water s ▁in ▁Am ite ▁and ▁Wil kin son ▁count ies ▁in ▁southwest ▁Miss issi ppi .
▁L er oy ▁Hans ford , ▁his ▁wife ▁and ▁steps on ▁were ▁among ▁those ▁rescue d ▁earlier ▁Friday ▁near ▁Glo ster .
▁Hans ford , ▁62 , ▁says ▁waters ▁from ▁Be a ver ▁Cre ek , ▁which ▁is ▁normally ▁more ▁than ▁400 ▁feet ▁away ▁from ▁his ▁house , ▁rose ▁quickly ▁overnight .
▁He ▁said ▁another ▁steps on ▁who ▁lives ▁nearby ▁alert ed ▁him .
▁" We ▁wo ke ▁up ▁and ▁the ▁water ▁kept ▁on ▁coming , " ▁Hans ford ▁said .
▁It ▁came ▁up ▁to ▁my ▁wa ist .
▁His ▁wife ▁told ▁Hans ford ▁that ▁it ' s ▁the ▁highest ▁she ' s ▁seen ▁the ▁cre ek ▁in ▁the ▁48 ▁years ▁she ' s ▁lived ▁there .
▁Hans ford ▁said ▁he ▁and ▁his ▁family ▁members ▁all ▁have ▁disabilities , ▁and ▁he ' s ▁the ▁only ▁one ▁who ▁can ▁swim .
▁Hans ford ▁said ▁emergency ▁workers ▁rescue d ▁all ▁three ▁in ▁a ▁large ▁military - style ▁truck ▁and ▁took ▁them ▁to ▁the ▁fire ▁station ▁in ▁Glo ster , ▁where ▁they ▁were ▁shelter ing ▁Friday .
▁Kra ut mann ▁says ▁flood ing ▁is ▁" qui ck ly ▁becoming ▁widespread " ▁as ▁heavy ▁rain s ▁continue , ▁saying ▁officials ▁are ▁considering ▁ eva cu ation ▁orders .
▁Kra ut mann ▁says ▁one ▁observer ▁near ▁Living s ton ▁reported ▁13. 75 ▁in ches ▁of ▁rain ▁from ▁midnight ▁to ▁Friday ▁morning .
▁Kra ut mann ▁said ▁the ▁ground ▁was ▁heavily ▁s atur ated ▁by ▁rain fall ▁since ▁Wednesday .
▁He av y ▁rain ▁and ▁street ▁flood ing ▁prompted ▁the ▁rescue ▁of ▁residents ▁from ▁their ▁homes ▁in ▁Tang ip a ho a ▁Paris h ▁and ▁the ▁cancellation ▁of ▁classes ▁in ▁five ▁school ▁districts , ▁authorities ▁said .
▁C BS ▁affiliate ▁W W L ▁reports ▁that ▁an ▁a lder wo man ▁in ▁Tang ip a ho a ▁said ▁200 ▁homes ▁flood ed .
▁Resident s ▁had ▁been ▁ eva cu ated ▁to ▁two ▁churches ▁but ▁both ▁are ▁now ▁flood ing .
▁Paris h ▁President ▁Rob by ▁Mill er ▁said ▁authorities ▁rescue d ▁72 ▁people ▁and ▁seven ▁pet s ▁strand ed ▁by ▁high ▁water .
▁She lt ers ▁have ▁been ▁opened ▁in ▁the ▁town ▁of ▁Am ite ▁and ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁Ham mond ▁to ▁house ▁those ▁who ▁were ▁ eva cu ated .
▁" The y ▁will ▁be ▁allowed ▁to ▁return ▁home ▁once ▁the ▁water ▁starts ▁to ▁rec ed e , " ▁he ▁said .
▁In ▁the ▁Tang ip a ho a ▁Paris h ▁city ▁of ▁Ham mond , ▁close ▁to ▁two ▁do zen ▁streets ▁were ▁closed ▁because ▁of ▁high ▁water , ▁and ▁sand bag s ▁were ▁made ▁available ▁for ▁pick up ▁by ▁residents ▁hoping ▁to ▁keep ▁water ▁out ▁of ▁homes ▁and ▁businesses .
▁" The ▁last ▁major ▁flood ▁we ▁had ▁was ▁in ▁March , " ▁said ▁city ▁administrator ▁La cy ▁Land rum .
▁This ▁one ▁is ▁on ▁track ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁similar ▁event .
▁In ▁Miss issi ppi , ▁Harris on ▁County ▁E merge n cy ▁Manager ▁Ru per t ▁La cy ▁said ▁steady ▁rain ▁continued ▁on ▁the ▁Gulf ▁Coast .
▁He ▁said ▁a ▁hand ful ▁of ▁houses ▁were ▁reported ▁as ▁flood ed ▁Thursday , ▁but ▁none ▁have ▁been ▁reported ▁so ▁far ▁Friday .
▁Kei th ▁Town son , ▁manager ▁of ▁Shop per ▁Value ▁Food s ▁in ▁Am ite , ▁has ▁lived ▁in ▁the ▁area ▁for ▁40 ▁years .
▁" I ' ve ▁seen ▁water ▁in ▁some ▁places ▁I ▁have ▁never ▁seen ▁before , " ▁Town son ▁said , ▁" and ▁it ' s ▁still ▁coming ▁down . "
▁Maha j ▁Brown , ▁6 , ▁" rid d led ▁with ▁bullet s , " ▁survive s ▁Philadelphia ▁shooting
▁Police ▁say ▁a ▁6 - year - old ▁boy ▁has ▁been ▁shot ▁in ▁Philadelphia , ▁marking ▁the ▁second ▁shooting ▁of ▁a ▁6 - year - old ▁in ▁the ▁city ▁this ▁week .
▁The ▁child ' s ▁grand par ents ▁identified ▁him ▁to ▁C BS ▁Philadelphia ▁as ▁Maha j ▁Brown .
▁The ▁grand par ents ▁say ▁Brown ▁suffered ▁multiple ▁gun shot ▁wound s , ▁including ▁in ▁his ▁gro in , ▁leg , ▁arm ▁and ▁ab dom en , ▁but ▁was ▁awake ▁when ▁he ▁was ▁transported ▁to ▁the ▁hospital .
▁" He ▁just ▁took ▁a ▁lot , ▁his ▁little ▁body ▁was ▁rid d led ▁with ▁bullet s , " ▁his ▁grand m other ▁De lor es ▁Mel ende z ▁tells ▁the ▁station .
▁I ▁just ▁can ' t ▁believe ▁it .
▁The ▁boy ▁is ▁listed ▁in ▁critical ▁condition ▁at ▁a ▁hospital ▁and ▁has ▁undergone ▁several ▁sur ge ries .
▁Family ▁tells ▁the ▁station ▁he ▁is ▁expected ▁to ▁recover .
▁He ▁was ▁set ▁to ▁start ▁first ▁grade ▁at ▁a ▁local ▁elementary ▁school .
▁Brown ▁was ▁among ▁four ▁people ▁shot ▁in ▁the ▁German town ▁section .
▁Also ▁shot ▁were ▁three ▁men : ▁two ▁29 - year - old s ▁and ▁one ▁32 - year ▁old .
▁One ▁of ▁the ▁29 - year - old ▁men ▁was ▁reported ▁in ▁critical ▁condition ; ▁the ▁other ▁two ▁victims ▁were ▁listed ▁in ▁stable ▁condition , ▁according ▁to ▁C BS ▁Philadelphia .
▁The ▁child ▁was ▁found ▁shot ▁in ▁the ▁front ▁seat ▁of ▁a ▁car ▁along ▁with ▁the ▁29 - year - old ▁in ▁critical ▁condition , ▁the ▁station ▁reports .
▁The ▁other ▁two ▁victims ▁were ▁not ▁in ▁the ▁car ▁and ▁police ▁are ▁investigating ▁whether ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁wound ed ▁men ▁could ▁be ▁a ▁shoot er .
▁Invest ig ators ▁tells ▁C BS ▁Philadelphia ▁it ▁appears ▁there ▁was ▁cross fire ▁between ▁multiple ▁gun m en .
▁As s ault ▁weapon - style ▁shell ▁ca s ing s , ▁trace d ▁to ▁different ▁assault ▁style ▁weapons , ▁ litter ed ▁the ▁scene .
▁It ▁appears ▁that ▁this ▁was ▁definitely ▁an ▁ongoing ▁battle .
▁There ▁were ▁ca s ing s ▁in ▁the ▁street , ▁on ▁both ▁sides ▁of ▁the ▁side walk .
▁So ▁it ▁appears ▁that ▁there ▁were ▁multiple ▁armed ▁combat ants ▁out ▁here ▁and ▁that ▁they ▁were ▁actively ▁engaged , " ▁Philadelphia ▁police ▁Captain ▁Anthony ▁G inal di ▁told ▁the ▁station .
▁Multiple ▁houses ▁and ▁vehicles ▁in ▁the ▁area ▁were ▁also ▁struck .
▁No ▁arrest s ▁have ▁been ▁made ▁and ▁police ▁are ▁reported ly ▁review ing ▁surveillance ▁video .
▁Another ▁6 - year - old , ▁a ▁girl , ▁was ▁hit ▁in ▁her ▁arm ▁by ▁a ▁stra y ▁bullet ▁Tuesday ▁while ▁playing ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁her ▁home ▁in ▁the ▁West ▁O ak ▁Lan e ▁neighborhood .
▁She ▁is ▁recover ing , ▁and ▁police ▁are ▁still ▁searching ▁for ▁a ▁suspect .
▁Why ▁we ▁need ▁Simon e , ▁Gab by ▁and ▁Lau rie
▁That ' s ▁what ▁I ▁call ▁this ▁year ' s ▁Women ' s ▁Olympic ▁Gy m n astic s ▁Team ▁and ▁for ▁more ▁reasons ▁than ▁one .
▁First , ▁I ▁have ▁been ▁to ▁every ▁Summer ▁Olympic s ▁since ▁1984 ▁and ▁the ▁USA ▁has ▁never ▁been ▁so ▁dominant .
▁And ▁second : ▁This ▁team ▁features ▁three ▁gym n ast s , ▁Simon e ▁Bi les , ▁Gab by ▁Douglas ▁and ▁La uren ▁" La uri e " ▁Her n and ez , ▁who ▁have ▁been ▁in spir ing ▁so ▁many ▁young ▁girls ▁of ▁color .
▁The ▁make - up ▁of ▁this ▁team , ▁round ed ▁out ▁by ▁A ly ▁Rai s man , ▁who ▁is ▁Jewish , ▁and ▁Mad ison ▁Ko cia n , ▁who ▁is ▁Catholic , ▁is ▁making ▁everyone ▁proud .
▁This ▁team ▁looks , ▁finally , ▁like ▁America .
▁It ▁also ▁has ▁solid ified ▁the ▁black ▁and ▁Latin a ▁female ▁presence ▁at ▁the ▁top ▁of ▁this ▁sport .
▁For ▁the ▁past ▁four ▁years , ▁the ▁number ▁one ▁female ▁gym n ast ▁has ▁been ▁African - American .
▁Last ▁year , ▁Simon e ▁and ▁Gab by ▁were ▁# 1 ▁and ▁# 2.
▁This ▁is ▁powerful .
▁Last ▁Olympic s , ▁Gab by ▁Douglas ▁was ▁a ▁surprise ▁Olympic ▁champion , ▁and ▁America ▁che er ed .
▁Now ▁the ▁world ▁has ▁been ▁able ▁to ▁witness ▁the ▁incredible ▁performances ▁of ▁three - time ▁World ▁Champion ▁Simon e ▁Bi les , ▁Douglas ▁and ▁Lau rie ▁Her n and ez ▁delivering ▁the ▁unexpected , ▁yet ▁master ful ▁gym n astic s ▁routine s .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁Simon e ▁became ▁the ▁fourth ▁straight ▁American ▁to ▁win ▁gold ▁in ▁the ▁women ' s ▁individual ▁all - around ▁event .
▁And ▁team mat e ▁A ly ▁Rai s man ▁earned ▁silver .
▁We ▁are ▁witnessing ▁the ▁top ▁of ▁the ▁sport , ▁but ▁it ▁does ▁not ▁look ▁like ▁this ▁at ▁gym n astic s ▁classes ▁across ▁the ▁country .
▁Simon e , ▁Gab by ▁and ▁Lau rie ▁all ▁took ▁the ▁same ▁path ▁as ▁A ly ▁and ▁Mad ison ▁to ▁make ▁the ▁Olympic ▁team .
▁They ▁are ▁the ▁" F inal ▁Five " ▁because ▁the ▁next ▁Olympic ▁gym n astic s ▁team ▁will ▁only ▁have ▁four ▁gym n ast s ▁on ▁the ▁team , ▁and ▁this ▁is ▁Mar ta ▁Kar o ly i ' s ▁last ▁year ▁coach ing .
▁But ▁the ▁reality ▁is ▁that ▁gym n astic s ▁is ▁an ▁expensive ▁sport , ▁and ▁gym n ast s ▁primarily ▁train ▁in ▁private ▁gym n astic s ▁clubs ▁that ▁are ▁maintained ▁by ▁parents ▁paying ▁the ▁cost ▁of ▁the ▁training , ▁facility , ▁travel , ▁uniform s , ▁competition ▁fees , ▁hotel ▁fees ▁( for ▁the ▁coach es ▁and ▁their ▁gym n ast s ▁and ▁families ) ▁and ▁the ▁list ▁goes ▁on .
▁Most ▁of ▁these ▁gym n astic s ▁clubs ▁are ▁located ▁in ▁a f flu en t ▁suburb an ▁neighborhood s ▁that ▁can ▁support ▁the ▁business .
▁These ▁clubs ▁are ▁where ▁the ▁gym n ast s ▁get ▁all ▁of ▁their ▁training , ▁and ▁it ' s ▁a ▁costly ▁and ▁long - term ▁commitment ▁for ▁the ▁gym n ast s ' ▁families .
▁A ime e ▁Bo or man , ▁coach ▁of ▁Simon e ▁Bi les , ▁and ▁Mag gie ▁Ha ney , ▁coach ▁of ▁Lau rie ▁Her n and ez , ▁have ▁both ▁coach ed ▁their ▁athletes ▁since ▁they ▁started ▁in ▁gym n astic s .
▁We ▁must ▁bring ▁more ▁affordable ▁and ▁accessible ▁gym n astic s ▁training ▁to ▁the ▁communities ▁of ▁countless ▁young ▁girls ▁who ▁are ▁inspired ▁by ▁Simon e , ▁Gab by ▁and ▁Lau rie .
▁I ▁founded ▁my ▁gym n astic s ▁foundation ▁20 ▁years ▁ago .
▁At ▁my ▁organizations , ▁we ▁have ▁provided ▁free ▁and ▁low - cost ▁gym n astic s , ▁based ▁in ▁Har lem , ▁for ▁over ▁1 5,000 ▁urban ▁youth ▁( prim ari ly ▁black ▁and ▁His pan ic ) ▁and ▁have ▁trained ▁national ▁and ▁international ▁champion s .
▁In ▁September , ▁we ▁will ▁be ▁expanding ▁to ▁Detroit ▁( my ▁home town ) ▁to ▁provide ▁high ▁quality ▁gym n astic s ▁to ▁the ▁youth ▁that ▁deserve ▁the ▁opportunity ▁to ▁learn ▁and ▁benefit ▁from ▁this ▁great ▁Olympic ▁sport .
▁Gy m n astic s ▁develops ▁strength , ▁flexibility ▁and ▁coordination ▁for ▁the ▁body ▁and ▁hard ▁work , ▁discipline ▁and ▁determination ▁for ▁the ▁mind .
▁This ▁combination ▁provides ▁life - long ▁benefits ▁for ▁good ▁health , ▁success ▁in ▁school ▁and ▁work .
▁It ▁is ▁the ▁inspiration ▁of ▁this ▁team ▁that ▁will ▁send ▁thousands ▁of ▁young ▁girls ▁to ▁take ▁gym n astic s ▁and ▁that ▁is ▁great .
▁To ▁participate ▁in ▁sport ▁is ▁so ▁important , ▁especially ▁for ▁girls .
▁This ▁is ▁such ▁an ▁exciting ▁time .
▁Thank ▁you ▁Simon e , ▁A ly , ▁Lau rie , ▁Gab by ▁and ▁Mad ison ▁for ▁that ▁serious ▁showcase ▁of ▁" Gi r l ▁Power " ▁in ▁winning ▁the ▁Olympic ▁team ▁gold ▁and ▁for ▁ motiv ating ▁so ▁many ▁young ▁girls ▁of ▁all ▁background s ▁to ▁begin ▁their ▁path ▁to ▁be ▁healthy , ▁strong ▁and ▁successful ▁young ▁women .
▁Junior ▁doctors ▁set ▁to ▁mount ▁further ▁strikes ▁after ▁rejecting ▁Je re my ▁H unt ' s ▁proposal
▁Ministers ▁had ▁hoped ▁to ▁end ▁the ▁dispute ▁over ▁the ▁changes ▁by ▁agree ing ▁to ▁a ▁reformed ▁contract ▁with ▁British ▁Medical ▁Association ▁officials , ▁but ▁58 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁the ▁37 , 000 ▁junior ▁doctors ▁who ▁took ▁part ▁in ▁a ▁ballot ▁had ▁rejected ▁it .
▁In ▁July , ▁Mr ▁H unt ▁revealed ▁plans ▁to ▁impose ▁the ▁contract ▁saying ▁the ▁N HS ▁was ▁in ▁" no ▁man ' s ▁land " ▁and ▁any ▁further ▁delay ▁would ▁be ▁damaging ▁for ▁staff ▁and ▁patients .
▁The ▁first ▁junior ▁doctors ▁are ▁moved ▁onto ▁the ▁new ▁contract , ▁which ▁includes ▁changes ▁to ▁overnight ▁and ▁weekend ▁working ▁practices ▁to ▁improve ▁care ▁at ▁uns oci able ▁hours .
▁Dr ▁E llen ▁Mc C our t , ▁the ▁B MA ' s ▁junior ▁doctors " ▁committee ▁chair , ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement ▁last ▁night : ▁" J uni or ▁doctors ▁still ▁have ▁serious ▁concerns ▁about ▁the ▁proposed ▁contract , ▁particularly ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁fuel ▁the ▁current ▁workforce ▁crisis , ▁and ▁that ▁it ▁fails ▁to ▁treat ▁all ▁doctors ▁fairly . "
▁With ▁just ▁eight ▁weeks ▁before ▁the ▁first ▁group ▁of ▁doctors ▁are ▁moved ▁onto ▁the ▁new ▁contract , ▁progress ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁made ▁and ▁time ▁is ▁running ▁out .
▁E ff orts ▁by ▁the ▁B MA ▁to ▁resolve ▁the ▁dispute ▁through ▁talks ▁have ▁been ▁met ▁with ▁an ▁unwilling ness ▁to ▁engage ▁and , ▁at ▁times , ▁de af en ing ▁silence ▁from ▁the ▁government .
▁This ▁is ▁despite ▁a ▁promise ▁from ▁Je re my ▁H unt ▁just ▁last ▁month ▁that ▁his ▁door ▁is ▁always ▁open .
▁" J ere my ▁H unt ▁needs ▁to ▁act ▁now , ▁lift ▁the ▁im position ▁and ▁address ▁junior ▁doctors " ▁concerns .
▁If ▁he ▁does ▁not ▁the n ▁junior ▁doctors ▁are ▁clear ▁that ▁they ▁are ▁prepared ▁to ▁take ▁further ▁industrial ▁action .
▁The ▁last ▁strike ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁April ▁saw ▁the ▁postponement ▁of ▁nearly ▁13 , 000 ▁routine ▁operations ▁and ▁100,000 ▁appointment s ▁as ▁nur s es ▁and ▁consultants ▁were ▁drafted ▁in ▁to ▁provide ▁cover ▁for ▁doctors ▁on ▁the ▁pick et ▁line .
▁Ministers ▁had ▁hoped ▁to ▁end ▁the ▁dispute ▁over ▁the ▁changes ▁by ▁agree ing ▁to ▁a ▁reformed ▁contract ▁with ▁British ▁Medical ▁Association ▁officials .
▁The ▁B MA ▁wants ▁better ▁weekend ▁pay ▁for ▁the ▁5 4,000 ▁junior ▁doctors ▁who ▁would ▁be ▁subject ▁of ▁the ▁contract .
▁Daniel ▁Mor time r , ▁chief ▁executive ▁of ▁N HS ▁Employ ers , ▁called ▁on ▁junior ▁doctors ▁not ▁to ▁go ▁ahead ▁with ▁any ▁strikes .
▁Mr ▁Mor time r ▁said : ▁" In du str ial ▁action ▁achieve s ▁little ▁or ▁nothing , ▁but ▁places ▁pressure ▁on ▁already ▁stretch ed ▁teams ▁and ▁services ▁and ▁causes ▁worry , ▁distress ▁and ▁disruption ▁for ▁patients , ▁car ers ▁and ▁their ▁families . "
▁Over ▁the ▁last ▁two ▁months ▁we ▁have ▁been ▁talking ▁with ▁the ▁Junior ▁Doctor s ▁Committee ▁and ▁have , ▁along ▁with ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Health ▁and ▁others , ▁responded ▁positively ▁to ▁their ▁concerns ▁regarding ▁the ▁Guard ian ▁Ro le ▁and ▁W h ist leb low ing .
▁Employ ers ▁were ▁hope ful ▁that ▁the ▁continued ▁positive ▁engagement ▁on ▁other ▁important ▁topics ▁- ▁such ▁as ▁deployment , ▁flexibility ▁in ▁training , ▁additional ▁training ▁for ▁those ▁returning ▁from ▁career ▁breaks , ▁costs ▁of ▁training , ▁mutual ▁recognition ▁of ▁sy lla bus , ▁study ▁leave ▁and ▁the ▁gender ▁pay ▁gap ▁in ▁medicine ▁- ▁were ▁a ▁sign ▁of ▁how ▁serious ▁employers , ▁Health ▁Education ▁England ▁and ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Health ▁were ▁about ▁honour ing ▁the ▁agreements ▁reached ▁with ▁the ▁B MA ▁in ▁November , ▁February ▁and ▁May .
▁The ▁£ 2- a - day ▁drug ▁that ▁can ▁cut ▁heart ▁attack ▁threat
▁Th ous and s ▁of ▁heart ▁attack ▁patients ▁are ▁to ▁benefit ▁from ▁a ▁£ 2- a - day ▁drug , ▁after ▁officials ▁recommended ▁it ▁be ▁given ▁to ▁more ▁people ▁for ▁longer .
▁Anti - clo tting ▁drug ▁ tica gre lor ▁s lash es ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁repeat ▁attacks ▁for ▁people ▁with ▁heart ▁disease .
▁The ▁drug ▁is ▁already ▁given ▁for ▁12 ▁months ▁after ▁a ▁heart ▁attack , ▁reducing ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁a ▁stroke ▁or ▁another ▁attack .
▁N HS ▁watch do g ▁N ICE ▁has ▁advised ▁that ▁it ▁should ▁be ▁given ▁to ▁people ▁for ▁four ▁years , ▁to ▁further ▁reduce ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁card io vas cular ▁problems .
▁But ▁now ▁N HS ▁watch do g ▁N ICE ▁has ▁advised ▁that ▁it ▁should ▁be ▁given ▁to ▁people ▁for ▁four ▁years , ▁to ▁further ▁reduce ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁card io vas cular ▁problems .
▁Some ▁140 , 000 ▁people ▁have ▁a ▁heart ▁attack ▁in ▁England ▁every ▁year , ▁and ▁a ▁quarter ▁of ▁these ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁have ▁another ▁attack ▁or ▁a ▁stroke .
▁Heart ▁attacks ▁and ▁stroke s ▁are ▁caused ▁by ▁the ▁build - up ▁of ▁fat ty ▁material ▁in ▁art ery ▁walls ▁to ▁form ▁a ▁pla que .
▁If ▁the ▁pla que ▁breaks ▁apart ▁it ▁can ▁cause ▁a ▁blood ▁c lot , ▁blocking ▁blood ▁to ▁the ▁heart ▁causing ▁a ▁heart ▁attack .
▁And ▁if ▁the ▁c lot ▁dis lo d ges ▁it ▁can ▁travel ▁in ▁the ▁blood ▁stream ▁and ▁block ▁blood ▁flow ▁to ▁the ▁brain , ▁causing ▁a ▁stroke .
▁People ▁who ▁have ▁already ▁have ▁one ▁attack ▁are ▁at ▁a ▁higher ▁risk ▁of ▁having ▁another .
▁T ica gre lor , ▁which ▁is ▁made ▁by ▁UK ▁firm ▁As tra Z en e ca ▁and ▁sold ▁under ▁the ▁trade ▁name ▁Bri lique , ▁reduces ▁this ▁risk ▁by ▁making ▁c lot s ▁less ▁likely .
▁The ▁draft ▁N ICE ▁guidance , ▁published ▁today , ▁recommend s ▁that ▁people ▁be ▁given ▁90 ▁mg ▁of ▁ tica gre lor ▁for ▁12 ▁months , ▁followed ▁by ▁60 m g ▁along ▁with ▁a spir in ▁twice ▁a ▁day ▁for ▁another ▁three ▁years .
▁Professor ▁Carol e ▁Long son , ▁director ▁at ▁the ▁N ICE ▁health ▁technology ▁evaluation ▁centre , ▁said : ▁" De sp ite ▁the ▁availability ▁of ▁effective ▁secondary ▁prevention ▁treatments , ▁as ▁many ▁as ▁a ▁quarter ▁of ▁people ▁who ▁have ▁had ▁a ▁heart ▁attack ▁go ▁on ▁to ▁have ▁another ▁heart ▁attack ▁or ▁stroke ▁- ▁often ▁with ▁devastating ▁consequences . "
▁F ear ▁of ▁a ▁re cur r ence ▁can ▁have ▁a ▁significant ▁negative ▁impact ▁on ▁a ▁person ' s ▁quality ▁of ▁life .
▁The ▁evidence ▁shows ▁that ▁ tica gre lor , ▁in ▁combination ▁with ▁a spir in , ▁is ▁effective ▁at ▁reducing ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁further ▁heart ▁attacks ▁and ▁stroke s ▁in ▁people ▁who ▁have ▁already ▁had ▁a ▁heart ▁attack .
▁In ▁provisional ly ▁recommend ing ▁ tica gre lor ▁we ▁are ▁pleased ▁to ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁increase ▁the ▁treatment ▁options ▁available ▁to ▁the ▁many ▁thousands ▁of ▁people ▁who ▁stand ▁to ▁benefit ▁from ▁it .
▁Because ▁information ▁on ▁the ▁ eff ic acy ▁and ▁safety ▁of ▁ tica gre lor ▁- ▁particularly ▁the ▁risk ▁of ▁ ble ed ing ▁- ▁beyond ▁three ▁years ▁is ▁limited , ▁the ▁draft ▁guidance ▁does ▁not ▁recommend ▁treatment ▁with ▁it ▁beyond ▁that ▁period .
▁PC ▁culture ▁let ▁vote ▁fraud ▁in ▁Muslim ▁areas ▁flourish
▁Ex - To wer ▁Ham lets ▁mayor ▁Lu t fur ▁Ra h man ▁was ▁removed ▁from ▁office ▁last ▁year ▁for ▁corruption , ▁prompt ing ▁the ▁government ▁report
▁A ▁culture ▁of ▁political ▁correctness ▁has ▁led ▁to ▁a ▁blind ▁eye ▁being ▁turned ▁to ▁widespread ▁voting ▁fraud ▁in ▁Muslim ▁communities , ▁a ▁devastating ▁government ▁report ▁reveals ▁today .
▁Ex - C ab ine t ▁minister ▁Sir ▁Eric ▁Pick les ▁l amba st s ▁the ▁police , ▁election ▁watch do g s ▁and ▁town ▁hall s ▁for ▁ignor ing ▁evidence ▁of ▁electoral ▁abuse ▁because ▁of ▁" over - s en si tiv ities ▁about ▁ethnic ity ▁and ▁religion . "
▁The ▁former ▁communities ▁secretary , ▁now ▁the ▁anti - c orrupt ion ▁t sar , ▁said ▁the ▁in tim id ation ▁of ▁voters ▁on ▁religious ▁grounds ▁was ▁so ▁bad ▁that ▁police ▁should ▁be ▁allowed ▁to ▁put ▁cor don s ▁outside ▁poll ing ▁stations ▁to ▁protect ▁f right en ed ▁voters .
▁He ▁recommend s ▁that ▁voters ▁should ▁have ▁to ▁take ▁ID ▁to ▁prove ▁who ▁they ▁are ▁when ▁they ▁vote .
▁Currently , ▁a ▁vote r ▁merely ▁has ▁to ▁state ▁their ▁name ▁and ▁address .
▁The ▁report ▁even ▁suggests ▁putting ▁in del ible ▁in k ▁on ▁a ▁person ' s ▁finger s ▁as ▁they ▁cast ▁their ▁ballot ▁to ▁prevent ▁anyone ▁being ▁able ▁to ▁vote ▁twice .
▁Great er ▁protection ▁should ▁be ▁given ▁to ▁whi st leb low ers , ▁Sir ▁Eric ▁says .
▁He ▁calls ▁for ▁the ▁Press ▁to ▁be ▁given ▁greater ▁access ▁to ▁council ▁papers ▁and ▁decisions ▁taken ▁by ▁un official ▁committees ▁or ▁working ▁groups .
▁" This ▁is ▁not ▁solely ▁to ▁protect ▁against ▁electoral ▁fraud , ▁but ▁to ▁protect ▁local ▁government ▁from ▁the ▁broader ▁culture ▁of ▁corruption ▁and ▁financial ▁fraud ▁that ▁goes ▁hand ▁in ▁hand ▁with ▁it , " ▁he ▁said .
▁The ▁report ▁was ▁ordered ▁by ▁Down ing ▁Street ▁in ▁the ▁wake ▁of ▁the ▁Tower ▁Ham lets ▁voting ▁scandal ▁in ▁East ▁London .
▁Last ▁year ▁a ▁special ▁election ▁court ▁ruled ▁the ▁sitting ▁mayor , ▁Lu t fur ▁Ra h man , ▁should ▁be ▁removed ▁from ▁office ▁following ▁a ▁lit any ▁of ▁corrupt ▁and ▁illegal ▁practices .
▁The ▁court ▁found ▁Ra h man ▁" cy n ically ▁per vert ed " ▁the ▁religious ▁feeling ▁of ▁his ▁Muslim ▁community ▁and ▁silence d ▁his ▁critics ▁with ▁accusation s ▁of ▁racism ▁and ▁Islam o phobi a .
▁Ra h man , ▁it ▁was ▁said , ▁" ran ▁his ▁campaign ▁on ▁the ▁basis ▁that ▁it ▁was ▁the ▁religious ▁duty ▁of ▁faithful ▁Muslims ▁to ▁vote ▁for ▁him . "
▁Up ▁to ▁300 ▁votes ▁were ▁dubious ▁or ▁the ▁result ▁of ▁person ation , ▁where ▁a ▁person ▁votes ▁while ▁pos ing ▁as ▁someone ▁else .
▁Sir ▁Eric ▁said ▁there ▁was ▁evidence ▁of ▁fraud ▁across ▁the ▁country .
▁He ▁voice d ▁particular ▁alarm ▁about ▁postal ▁voting ▁fraud ▁- ▁in ▁which ▁senior ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁Muslim ▁community ▁were ▁said ▁to ▁have ▁exert ed ▁pressure ▁on ▁people ▁to ▁vote ▁for ▁a ▁candidate ▁of ▁their ▁choosing .
▁Sir ▁Eric , ▁picture d , ▁made ▁several ▁recommendations ▁to ▁clean ▁up ▁the ▁voting ▁system ▁including ▁bringing ▁your ▁ID ▁to ▁prove ▁who ▁you ▁are
▁His ▁report ▁says : ▁" E vid ence ▁was ▁presented ▁of ▁pressure ▁being ▁put ▁on ▁vulnerable ▁members ▁of ▁some ▁ethnic ▁minority ▁communities , ▁particularly ▁women ▁and ▁young ▁people , ▁to ▁vote ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁will ▁of ▁the ▁el der s , ▁especially ▁in ▁communities ▁of ▁Pakistani ▁and ▁Bangladesh i ▁background .
▁" There ▁were ▁concerns ▁that ... ▁state ▁institutions ▁had ▁turned ▁a ▁blind ▁eye ▁to ▁such ▁behaviour ▁because ▁of ▁" political ly ▁correct " ▁over - s en si tiv ities ▁about ▁ethnic ity ▁and ▁religion . "
▁Sir ▁Eric ▁made ▁50 ▁recommendations ▁to ▁clean ▁up ▁the ▁system , ▁including ▁ban n ing ▁political ▁activists ▁from ▁handling ▁postal ▁ballot ▁papers ▁to ▁stop ▁" vote ▁harvest ing . "
▁The ▁report , ▁being ▁considered ▁by ▁There sa ▁May , ▁also ▁calls ▁for ▁tough er ▁checks ▁on ▁registration ▁to ▁prevent ▁the ▁electoral ▁register ▁being ▁used ▁for ▁immigration ▁and ▁benefit ▁fraud .
▁Consider ▁the ▁options ▁for ▁requiring ▁voters ▁to ▁produce ▁ID ▁before ▁voting .
▁Use ▁in del ible ▁in k ▁on ▁a ▁person ' s ▁finger s ▁once ▁they ▁cast ▁their ▁ballot ▁to ▁prevent ▁anyone ▁voting ▁twice .
▁Car ry ▁out ▁systematic ▁checks ▁on ▁a ▁person ' s ▁nationality ▁to ▁ensure ▁they ▁are ▁eligible ▁to ▁vote .
▁Put ▁a ▁three - year ▁limit ▁on ▁requests ▁for ▁an ▁automatic ▁postal ▁vote .
▁Ban ▁political ▁campaign ers ▁and ▁activists ▁from ▁handling ▁completed ▁postal ▁votes ▁and ▁postal ▁vote ▁envelope s .
▁G ive ▁police ▁powers ▁to ▁set ▁up ▁cor don s ▁around ▁poll ing ▁stations .
▁Change ▁the ▁law ▁to ▁make ▁it ▁easier ▁to ▁charge ▁people ▁with ▁in tim id ation ▁under ▁the ▁Re present ation ▁of ▁the ▁People ▁Act ▁1983 .
▁Make ▁it ▁illegal ▁to ▁take ▁pictures ▁in ▁poll ing ▁stations .
▁Make ▁it ▁a ▁requirement ▁that ▁only ▁English ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁used ▁in ▁poll ing ▁stations ▁( except ▁in ▁Wales ).
▁Str en g th en ▁training ▁to ▁ensure ▁staff ▁enforce ▁the ▁rule ▁that ▁voters ▁go ▁to ▁the ▁booth ▁alone .
▁Sir ▁Eric ▁sa vage s ▁the ▁Metropolitan ▁Police , ▁saying ▁it ▁is ▁" as ton ishing " ▁that ▁no ▁criminal ▁charges ▁were ▁brought ▁after ▁the ▁Tower ▁Ham lets ▁case .
▁" The ▁election ▁court ▁dis qualifi ed ▁Lu t fur ▁Ra h man ▁and ▁his ▁agent ▁for ▁a ▁lit any ▁of ▁corrupt ▁and ▁illegal ▁practices , " ▁he ▁said .
▁He ▁was ▁found ▁guilty ▁beyond ▁reasonable ▁doubt ▁- ▁to ▁a ▁criminal ▁standard ▁of ▁proof ▁- ▁on ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁grounds .
▁He ▁also ▁criticise s ▁the ▁in effect ual ▁" t ick - box ▁inspections " ▁of ▁town ▁hall ▁electoral ▁registration ▁departments .
▁Sir ▁Eric ▁said : ▁" La st ▁year ' s ▁court ▁ruling ▁in ▁Tower ▁Ham lets ▁was ▁a ▁wake - up ▁call .
▁Our ▁nation ▁has ▁a ▁proud ▁heritage ▁as ▁the ▁mother ▁of ▁parliaments , ▁yet ▁the ▁worrying ▁and ▁cover t ▁spread ▁of ▁electoral ▁fraud ▁and ▁state ▁of ▁den ial ▁by ▁some ▁bodies ▁threatens ▁that ▁good ▁reputation .
▁Cra zy ▁for ▁Kat e ' s ▁ cycl ist ▁look a like ▁and ▁other ▁ce leb ▁ doppel gang ers ▁of ▁Rio ▁Olympia n s
▁Fans ▁of ▁the ▁Rio ▁20 16 ▁Olympic s ▁this ▁week ▁have ▁gone ▁wild ▁for ▁French ▁ cycl ist ▁Paul ine ▁Fer rand - Pre vo t , ▁who ▁has ▁proven ▁an ▁impressive ▁look a like ▁for ▁the ▁Du ches s ▁of ▁Cambridge .
▁But ▁the ▁24- year - old ▁Olympia n ▁is ▁far ▁from ▁the ▁only ▁at hl ete ▁out ▁fighting ▁for ▁gold ▁this ▁summer ▁that ▁boasts ▁their ▁own ▁c elebr ity ▁ doppel gang er ▁- ▁at ▁least ▁not ▁according ▁to ▁social ▁media .
▁So , ▁in ▁honor ▁of ▁the ▁Rio ▁Games ▁and ▁all ▁the ▁famous ▁faces ▁crossing ▁our ▁screen s ▁at ▁the ▁moment , ▁F EMA IL ▁have ▁compiled ▁a ▁list ▁of ▁Olympia n s ▁who ▁bear ▁more ▁than ▁a ▁passing ▁re s em bl ance ▁with ▁Hollywood ▁ce leb s .
▁The ▁hunt er ▁and ▁the ▁ wolf : ▁U . S . ▁Men ' s ▁Archer y ▁Team ▁member ▁Brad y ▁E ll ison , ▁left , ▁has ▁been ▁compared ▁to ▁Leonardo ▁Di Cap rio ▁since ▁he ▁was ▁a ▁k id
▁A side ▁from ▁Kat e ' s ▁ doppel gang er ▁on ▁the ▁cycling ▁track , ▁many ▁people ▁online ▁have ▁been ▁quick ▁to ▁point ▁out ▁how ▁a ▁certain ▁arch er ▁could ▁be ▁the ▁twin ▁of ▁A - list er ▁Leonardo ▁Di Cap rio .
▁U . S . ▁Men ' s ▁Archer y ▁Team ▁member ▁Brad y ▁E ll ison ▁has ▁caused ▁a ▁storm ▁on ▁Twitter ▁after ▁images ▁of ▁him ▁looking ▁e er ily ▁similar ▁to ▁the ▁Wolf ▁of ▁Wall ▁Street ▁star ▁surface d .
▁And ▁in ▁fact , ▁the ▁arch er ▁became ▁aware ▁of ▁the ▁social ▁media ▁fr en zy ▁and ▁admitted ▁that ▁he ▁has ▁been ▁hearing ▁that ▁he ▁looks ▁like ▁Le o ▁since ▁he ▁was ▁a ▁k id .
▁' I ▁personally ▁don ' t ▁see ▁a ▁huge ▁re s em bl ance , ▁maybe ▁besides ▁the ▁facial ▁hair , ' ▁Brad y ▁told ▁H uff ington ▁Post .
▁' He ▁is ▁a ▁good - looking ▁du de ▁so ▁I ▁guess ▁it ' s ▁a ▁compliment . '
▁One ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁popular ▁comparison s ▁from ▁London ▁2012 ▁is ▁undoubtedly ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁pointed ▁out ▁even ▁more ▁this ▁year : ▁the ▁striking ▁like ness ▁between ▁British ▁long ▁jump er ▁G reg ▁Ru th er ford ▁and ▁popular ▁actor ▁Neil ▁Patrick ▁Harris .
▁Russian ▁gym n ast ▁Al iya ▁Mus t af ina , ▁with ▁her ▁large , ▁express ive ▁eyes , ▁has ▁been ▁said ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁dead ▁ ringer ▁for ▁Cuban - American ▁singer ▁Glo ria ▁Es te fan .
▁And ▁over ▁in ▁the ▁pool , ▁South ▁African ▁sw immer ▁Cameron ▁van ▁der ▁Burg h ▁has ▁been ▁getting ▁compared ▁to ▁G le e ▁star ▁Mat the w ▁Morris on ▁for ▁years ▁now .
▁Chang ing ▁it ▁up : ▁This ▁user ▁rec kon s ▁that ▁Na than ▁is ▁an ▁' ath le tic ▁version ' ▁of ▁the ▁In ception ▁actor
▁Another ▁long - run n ing ▁comparison ▁has ▁been ▁between ▁tennis ▁star ▁Raf a el ▁Na dal ▁and ▁actor ▁Jo sh ▁Hart n ett ▁who ▁boast ▁a ▁similar ▁heavy ▁ brow ▁and ▁lip s .
▁Silver ▁medal ▁sw immer ▁Russia ' s ▁Yu lia ▁E fi m ova ▁boasts ▁more ▁than ▁just ▁the ▁same ▁sun kiss ed ▁skin ▁and ▁blo nde ▁hair ▁as ▁actress ▁Anna ly n n e ▁Mc Cor d , ▁while ▁Team ▁USA ' s ▁Na than ▁Adria n ▁has ▁been ▁said ▁by ▁fans ▁to ▁resemble ▁an ▁' ath le tic ▁version ▁of ▁Joseph ▁Gor go n ▁Lev itt . '
▁T ough ▁women : ▁So cc er ▁star ▁Hope ▁Solo , ▁left , ▁and ▁D ext er ▁actress ▁J en ni fer ▁Car pent er , ▁right , ▁have ▁similar ▁face ▁shape s ▁and ▁eyes
▁Not ▁the ▁only ▁one : ▁One ▁Twitter ▁user ▁was ▁very ▁pleased ▁that ▁others ▁also ▁saw ▁the ▁similar ities t
▁Flo ating ▁a ▁theory : ▁According ▁to ▁this ▁user , ▁perhaps ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁reason ▁behind ▁the ▁pair ' s ▁similar ▁looks
▁One ▁Twitter ▁user ▁took ▁to ▁the ▁site ▁recently ▁to ▁declare ▁her ▁happiness ▁that ▁' the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁internet ▁think s ▁that ▁Hope ▁Solo ▁and ▁J en ni fer ▁Car pent er ▁are ▁actually ▁identical . '
▁Indeed , ▁the ▁USA ▁soccer ▁star ▁and ▁the ▁D ext er ▁actress ▁share ▁incredibly ▁similar ▁face ▁shape s ▁and ▁eyes .
▁Other ▁popular ▁comparison s ▁have ▁included ▁K er ri ▁Wal sh - J en n ing s ▁and ▁her ▁smile ▁that ▁is ▁near - ident ical ▁to ▁that ▁of ▁actress ▁Laura ▁Lin ney , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁gold ▁medal - winning ▁gym n ast ▁Gab by ▁Douglas , ▁who ▁boasts ▁her ▁own ▁beautifully ▁broad ▁smile ▁that ▁matches ▁that ▁of ▁Bring ▁It ▁On ▁star ▁Gabriel le ▁Union .
▁C BC ▁Olympic s ▁comment ator ▁a po log ize s ▁for ▁saying ▁Chinese ▁sw immer ▁' di ed ▁like ▁a ▁pig '
▁By ron ▁Mac Do nal d ' s ▁analysis ▁of ▁14 - year - old ▁A i ▁Ya n han ' s ▁fourth ▁place ▁finish ▁at ▁the ▁women ' s ▁4 x 200 m ▁free style ▁relay ▁outrage d ▁view ers ▁of ▁C BC ' s ▁live ▁Olympic ▁coverage ▁on ▁Wednesday
▁Canadian ▁broadcast er ▁C BC ▁has ▁been ▁forced ▁to ▁a po log ize ▁after ▁one ▁of ▁its ▁comment ators ▁said ▁a ▁14 - year - old ▁female ▁Chinese ▁sw immer ▁' w en t ▁out ▁like ▁st ink ' ▁and ▁' di ed ▁like ▁a ▁pig ' ▁during ▁a ▁race .
▁Comment ator ▁By ron ▁Mac Do nal d ▁thought ▁his ▁ mic ▁was ▁turned ▁off ▁when ▁he ▁started ▁to ▁di spens e ▁some ▁of ▁his ▁own ▁opinions ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁women ' s ▁4 x 200 m ▁free style ▁relay ▁final .
▁Mac Do nal d , ▁who ▁was ▁brought ▁on ▁board ▁C BC ' s ▁comment ary ▁team ▁to ▁provide ▁' color ' ▁could ▁be ▁heard ▁saying : ▁' T hat ▁little ▁14 - year - old ▁from ▁China ▁dropped ▁the ▁ball , ▁baby ' .
▁To o ▁excited , ▁went ▁out ▁like ▁st ink , ▁die d ▁like ▁a ▁pig .
▁Thanks ▁for ▁that .
▁Chinese ▁sw immer ▁A i ▁Ya n han , ▁14 , ▁sw am ▁the ▁second ▁leg ▁of ▁the ▁relay ▁in ▁1: 57 . 79 ▁- ▁1. 61 ▁seconds ▁slow er ▁than ▁Canada ' s ▁Taylor ▁R uck , ▁allowing ▁the ▁Canadian s ▁to ▁close ▁the ▁gap ▁on ▁China .
▁View ers ▁across ▁Canada ▁were ▁quick ▁to ▁react ▁online ▁after ▁being ▁shock ed ▁by ▁the ▁tone ▁and ▁the ▁language ▁used
▁Em met t ▁Mac far lan e ▁t we e ted , ▁" D id ▁the ▁C BC ▁announce r ▁just ▁say ▁the ▁14 - year - old ▁sw immer ▁from ▁China ▁' di ed ▁like ▁a ▁pig ' " ? ? ? ?
▁The ▁i dio t ▁didn ' t ▁realize ▁they ▁were ▁still ▁on ▁the ▁air . '
▁A i ▁Ya n han ▁of ▁China ▁in ▁the ▁Women ' s ▁4 ▁x ▁200 m ▁Free style ▁Re lay ▁Final ▁was ▁described ▁as : ▁' T hat ▁little ▁14 - year - old ▁from ▁China ▁dropped ▁the ▁ball , ▁baby . '
▁Cri tic ism ▁on ▁Twitter ▁came ▁thick ▁and ▁fast ▁against ▁By ron ▁Mac Do nal d ▁with ▁many ▁calling ▁him ▁out
▁Twitter ▁users ▁did ▁not ▁hold ▁back ▁when ▁the ▁heard ▁how ▁in sensitive ▁By ron ▁Mac don la d ▁was ▁being
▁Another ▁t wit ter ▁user , ▁Sarah ▁Para dis , ▁wrote : ▁' W ow ▁# B y ron Mac Do nal d .
▁You ▁represent ▁the ▁C BC ▁and ▁Canada ▁and ▁make ▁us ▁all ▁sound ▁like ▁a ▁bu n ch ▁of ▁racist s . ▁# dis gus ted .
▁So on ▁after , ▁Scott ▁Russ el ▁who ▁was ▁hosting ▁C BC ' s ▁broadcast ▁a po log ized ▁on - air ▁for ▁Mac Do nal d ' s ▁comment , ▁saying : ▁' We ▁a po log ize ▁the ▁comment ▁on ▁a ▁swim ▁performance ▁made ▁it ▁to ▁air . '
▁It ▁was ▁an ▁unfortunate ▁choice ▁of ▁words , ▁we ' re ▁sorry ▁it ▁happened . '
▁C BC ▁ended ▁up ▁a po log izing ▁more ▁than ▁90 ▁times ▁to ▁people ▁who ▁had ▁t we e ted ▁in ▁response ▁to ▁the ▁remark
▁Fellow ▁comment ator , ▁Scott ▁Russ el , ▁had ▁to ▁make ▁an ▁a p ology ▁on ▁Mac Do nal d ' s ▁behalf
▁C BC ▁the n ▁copied ▁and ▁past ed ▁their ▁a p ology ▁to ▁more ▁than ▁90 ▁other ▁t wit ter ▁users ▁who ▁complain ed ▁about ▁Mac Do nal d ' s ▁comments
▁The ▁network ▁was ▁also ▁quick ▁to ▁a po log ize ▁and ▁released ▁a ▁statement .
▁We ▁sincerely ▁regret ▁that ▁these ▁statements ▁were ▁made , ▁and ▁that ▁they ▁were ▁allowed ▁to ▁go ▁to ▁air .
▁We ▁moved ▁quickly ▁last ▁night ▁to ▁a po log ize ▁to ▁our ▁view ers ▁on - air ▁and ▁to ▁our ▁follow ers ▁on ▁Social ▁media .
▁To ▁be ▁clear , ▁By ron ' s ▁comments ▁were ▁related ▁to ▁the ▁sw immer ' s ▁performance , ▁not ▁to ▁her ▁as ▁an ▁individual .
▁That ▁said , ▁they ▁were ▁inappropriate ▁and ▁an ▁unfortunate ▁choice ▁of ▁words ▁and ▁By ron ▁is ▁very ▁sorry ▁for ▁what ▁he ▁said .
▁On ▁Thursday ▁afternoon , ▁Mac Do nal d ▁a po log ized ▁on - air ▁and ▁attempted ▁to ▁qualify ▁his ▁remark ▁by ▁stating ▁he ▁didn ' t ▁mean ▁for ▁it ▁to ▁be ▁constru ed ▁as ▁a ▁personal ▁attack .
▁' I ▁would ▁like ▁to ▁take ▁a ▁moment ▁to ▁a po log ize ▁for ▁a ▁comment ▁that ▁I ▁made ▁last ▁night ▁after ▁the ▁women ' s ▁relay , ' ▁he ▁said ▁on ▁C BC ' s ▁Olympic ▁broadcast . '
▁' I ▁was ▁referring ▁to ▁a ▁sw immer ' s ▁performance , ▁and ▁not ▁to ▁them ▁as ▁a ▁person . '
▁' Ne ed less ▁to ▁say , ▁there ▁was ▁no ▁dis re spect ▁intended ▁and ▁I ' m ▁very ▁sorry . '
▁Pri mark ▁shop per ▁outrage d ▁at ▁woman ▁who ▁bra zen ly ▁tried ▁on ▁under wear ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁shop
▁Shop pers ▁didn ' t ▁know ▁where ▁to ▁look ▁when ▁a ▁woman ▁strip ped ▁off ▁to ▁try ▁on ▁k nick ers ▁on ▁the ▁shop ▁floor ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁a ▁Pri mark .
▁To ▁make ▁it ▁even ▁worse , ▁she ▁ sized ▁up ▁how ▁she ▁looked ▁in ▁them , ▁pe el ed ▁them ▁off ▁and ▁put ▁them ▁back ▁on ▁the ▁s helf .
▁She ▁carried ▁on ▁browsing ▁and ▁eventually ▁tried ▁on ▁four ▁pair s ▁of ▁under wear ▁at ▁the ▁store ▁in ▁Bou ver ie ▁Place ▁shopping ▁centre , ▁Folk e stone .
▁The ▁Pri mark ▁store ▁in ▁Bou ver ie ▁Place ▁shopping ▁centre , ▁Folk e stone , ▁where ▁the ▁woman ▁tried ▁on ▁k nick ers ▁before ▁putting ▁them ▁back ▁on ▁the ▁s helf
▁A ▁mother - of - two , ▁J en ny ▁David son , ▁who ▁was ▁in ▁the ▁shop ▁at ▁the ▁time , ▁said ▁after ▁trying ▁on ▁the ▁under wear ▁the ▁mystery ▁woman ▁' go t ▁dress ed ▁again ▁and ▁walk ed ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁store ▁without ▁buying ▁anything . '
▁She ▁said : ▁' P e o ple ▁could n ' t ▁believe ▁what ▁they ▁were ▁seeing . '
▁Stand ing ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁shop ▁floor , ▁she ▁took ▁a ▁pair ▁of ▁k nick ers ▁from ▁the ▁display , ▁strip ped ▁off ▁her ▁own ▁tight s ▁and ▁p ants ▁and ▁put ▁them ▁on .
▁' S he ▁didn ' t ▁try ▁to ▁find ▁anywhere ▁discreet ▁to ▁do ▁it ▁- ▁she ▁just ▁stood ▁there , ▁bold ▁as ▁brass . '
▁' E very one ▁was ▁star ing ▁as ▁she ▁took ▁the ▁k nick ers ▁off ▁again ▁and ▁obviously ▁didn ' t ▁like ▁them ▁because ▁she ▁put ▁them ▁back ▁on ▁the ▁s helf . '
▁She ▁did ▁the ▁same ▁with ▁three ▁more ▁pair s ▁before ▁finally ▁deciding ▁there ▁was ▁nothing ▁she ▁liked ▁and ▁she ▁got ▁dress ed ▁again ▁and ▁walk ed ▁out .
▁' S he ▁didn ' t ▁seem ▁to ▁care ▁who ▁was ▁watching ▁- ▁or ▁think ▁about ▁the ▁person ▁who ▁would ▁eventually ▁buy ▁the ▁k nick ers ▁she ' d ▁been ▁trying ▁on . '
▁M s ▁David son , ▁33 , ▁who ▁lives ▁in ▁the ▁K en t ▁town , ▁said : ▁' How ▁dis gus ting ▁to ▁think ▁someone ▁is ▁going ▁to ▁take ▁home ▁k nick ers ▁that ▁another ▁person ▁has ▁been ▁wearing ▁and ▁they ▁have n ' t ▁been ▁cleaned . '
▁The ▁incident ▁happened ▁on ▁Tuesday ▁afternoon .
▁M s ▁David son ▁added : ▁' I ▁gather ▁the ▁staff ▁apparently ▁tried ▁to ▁remove ▁the ▁gar ments ▁from ▁sale ▁after ▁she ▁had ▁left ▁- ▁which ▁is ▁just ▁as ▁well . '
▁' I ' d ▁hat e ▁to ▁get ▁home ▁with ▁a ▁new ▁pair ▁of ▁k nick ers ▁and ▁find ▁another ▁woman ▁had ▁put ▁them ▁on ▁and ▁taken ▁them ▁off ▁again , ▁and ▁they ▁had n ' t ▁been ▁was hed . '
▁A ▁Pri mark ▁spoke s man ▁said : ▁' Pri mark ▁is ▁aware ▁of ▁an ▁incident ▁which ▁took ▁place ▁in ▁our ▁Folk e stone ▁store ▁on ▁Tuesday ▁August ▁9. '
▁All ▁the ▁product ▁in ▁question ▁has ▁been ▁removed ▁from ▁sale .
▁How ▁to ▁defend ▁yourself ▁from ▁gun ▁attacks ▁using ▁Kra v ▁Mag a
▁It ' s ▁a ▁dangerous ▁world ▁out ▁there , ▁but ▁this ▁video ▁from ▁Daily mail . com ▁might ▁help ▁make ▁it ▁a ▁little ▁safer ▁for ▁you .
▁We ▁spoke ▁to ▁Rho n ▁M iz ra chi , ▁New ▁York - based ▁grand master ▁of ▁the ▁Kra v ▁Mag a ▁Federation , ▁to ▁find ▁out ▁how ▁to ▁deal ▁with ▁gun - to ting ▁mu gger s ▁at ▁close ▁range .
▁Whether ▁you ' re ▁approach ed ▁from ▁in ▁front ▁or ▁behind , ▁this ▁video ▁will ▁show ▁you ▁how ▁to ▁turn ▁the ▁tables ▁on ▁your ▁mu gger .
▁If ▁approach ed ▁from ▁behind , ▁M iz ra chi ▁says , ▁the ▁first ▁thing ▁to ▁do ▁is ▁turn ▁around , ▁so ▁that ▁you ▁can ▁see ▁your ▁attack er ▁and ▁' clear ▁the ▁line ▁of ▁fire ' .
▁You ▁the n ▁grasp ▁the ▁gun ▁between ▁your ▁for e arm ▁and ▁should er ▁before ▁hit ting ▁them ▁in ▁the ▁face ▁with ▁your ▁free ▁el bow .
▁A ▁knee ▁to ▁the ▁gro in ▁follows , ▁and ▁while ▁the ▁attack er ▁double s ▁up ▁in ▁pain , ▁you ▁twist ▁the ▁gun ▁from ▁his ▁hands , ▁s m ack ▁him ▁in ▁the ▁face ▁with ▁the ▁barrel ▁and ▁back ▁up , ▁keeping ▁the ▁weapon ▁trained ▁on ▁him .
▁For ▁gun m en ▁approach ing ▁from ▁the ▁front , ▁it ' s ▁a ▁similar ▁technique ▁- ▁get ▁your ▁body ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁line ▁of ▁fire , ▁grab ▁the ▁gun ▁and ▁twist ▁it ▁around ▁so ▁the ▁villa in ▁can ' t ▁fire .
▁At ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁put ▁weight ▁on ▁the ▁gun ▁and ▁punch ▁the ▁attack er ▁in ▁the ▁che st , ▁the n ▁twist ▁the ▁gun ▁from ▁his ▁grip ▁before ▁backing ▁up ▁and ▁pointing ▁it ▁at ▁him .
▁Sound s ▁trick y ?
▁Check ▁the ▁video ▁to ▁see ▁exactly ▁how ▁M iz ra chi ▁does ▁it .
▁But ▁remember ▁that ▁the ▁safe st ▁way ▁out ▁of ▁any ▁m ugg ing ▁- ▁if ▁you ' re ▁not ▁a ▁Kra v ▁Mag a ▁grand master ▁- ▁is ▁to ▁hand ▁over ▁your ▁cash .
▁ Traveller ▁I an ▁W right ▁scrap es ▁his ▁tongue ▁along ▁Europe ' s ▁dir ties t ▁places ▁for ▁travel ▁guide
▁A ▁British ▁traveller ▁has ▁put ▁his ▁immune ▁system ▁and ▁g ag ▁ reflex ▁to ▁a ▁serious ▁test ▁- ▁by ▁ lic king ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁dir ties t ▁and ▁dis gus ting ▁places ▁in ▁Europe .
▁Present er ▁and ▁travel ▁writer ▁I an ▁W right , ▁51 , ▁from ▁S uff ol k , ▁scrap ed ▁his ▁tongue ▁along ▁a ▁Euro ▁note , ▁a ▁Pic ca di lly ▁ Circ us ▁hand ▁rail , ▁a ▁train ▁toilet ' s ▁flu sh ▁button ▁and ▁a ▁Russian ▁public ▁telephone ▁to ▁prove ▁the ▁strength ▁of ▁his ▁immune ▁system .
▁Before ▁ lic king ▁each ▁object , ▁he ▁used ▁a ▁lumin ometer ▁to ▁show ▁himself , ▁and ▁us , ▁just ▁what ▁he ▁was ▁getting ▁in ▁to .
▁But ▁the ▁experiment , ▁which ▁has ▁be ▁made ▁into ▁a ▁film ▁called ▁The ▁L ick h iker ' s ▁Guide ▁to ▁In ner ▁Str en g th , ▁th re w ▁up ▁some ▁surprising ▁results .
▁The ▁thought ▁of ▁ lic king ▁a ▁train ' s ▁flu sh ▁button ▁used ▁by ▁thousands ▁of ▁other ▁may ▁be ▁utterly ▁rep ellen t , ▁but ▁in ▁fact ▁there ▁are ▁more ▁bad ▁bacteria ▁in ▁a ▁kitchen ▁sink .
▁All ▁the ▁way ▁along ▁his ▁trip ▁through ▁Europe , ▁Mr ▁W right ▁spoke ▁to ▁doctors ▁and ▁medical ▁professionals ▁about ▁boost ing ▁gut ▁bacteria ▁and ▁about ▁his ▁own ▁health .
▁Fortunately , ▁nothing ▁he ▁l ick ed ▁left ▁him ▁with ▁anything ▁more ▁than ▁a ▁bad ▁taste ▁in ▁his ▁mouth .
▁Mr ▁W right ▁became ▁known ▁for ▁testing ▁the ▁durability ▁of ▁his ▁gut ▁by ▁travelling ▁around ▁the ▁world ▁and ▁eating ▁we ir d ▁and ▁wonderful ▁things .
▁From ▁public ▁hand rail s ▁in ▁train ▁stations ▁to ▁a ▁toilet ▁flu sh ▁button ▁the ▁task ▁definitely ▁tested ▁his ▁immune ▁system
▁In ▁the ▁movie ▁made ▁about ▁it ▁he ▁said : ▁' E ver ▁since ▁I ▁was ▁a ▁k id ▁I ▁have ▁been ▁fairly ▁care free ▁with ▁my ▁health ▁and ▁I ' ve ▁put ▁all ▁sort s ▁of ▁things ▁in ▁my ▁mouth ▁from ▁soil , ▁eating ▁worm s ▁and ▁mud dy ▁water . '
▁He ▁certainly ▁proved ▁his ▁reputation ▁during ▁the ▁film .
▁The ▁only ▁thing ▁he ▁turned ▁down ▁was ▁a ▁fi lt hy ▁Russian ▁public ▁toilet .
▁His ▁sample ▁sw ab ▁showed ▁a ▁lumin ometer ▁count ▁of ▁over ▁4000 ▁units .
▁By ▁comparison , ▁fresh ly ▁was hed ▁hands ▁should ▁come ▁in ▁under ▁60 .
▁But ▁there ▁was ▁one ▁Russian ▁public ▁toilet ▁he ▁refused ▁to ▁l ick ▁after ▁his ▁lumin ometer ▁count ▁was ▁over ▁4000 ▁units , ▁when ▁fresh ly ▁was hed ▁hands ▁are ▁less ▁than ▁60
▁Mr ▁W right ▁and ▁Finnish ▁dairy ▁producer ▁Val io ▁have ▁produced ▁the ▁traveller ' s ▁film ▁called ▁The ▁L ick h iker ' s ▁Guide ▁to ▁In ner ▁Str en g th ▁which ▁shows ▁the ▁bacteria ▁count ▁in ▁different ▁place ▁like ▁in ▁the ▁bathroom
▁He ▁said ▁in ▁the ▁film : ▁' T hat ▁is ▁close ▁to ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁worst ▁things ▁I ▁have ▁smell ed ▁in ▁a ▁toilet . '
▁There ' s ▁nothing ▁more ▁dirty ▁than ▁that !
▁I ' m ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁l ick ▁anything ▁because ▁it ' s ▁dis gus ting ▁in ▁there .
▁The ▁L ick h iker ' s ▁Guide ▁to ▁In ner ▁Str en g th ▁was ▁produced ▁in ▁conjunction ▁with ▁Finnish ▁dairy ▁producer ▁Val io .
▁The ▁company ▁provided ▁Mr ▁W right ▁with ▁Val io ▁Ge fil us , ▁which ▁contain ▁la ctic ▁acid ▁bacteria ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁vitamin s ▁C ▁and ▁D ▁to ▁help ▁boost ▁people ' s ▁gut ▁bacteria ▁and ▁immune ▁systems .
▁Val io ' s ▁Senior ▁Vice ▁President ▁of ▁Snacks , ▁Ju ice ▁and ▁New ▁Cat ego ries ▁N iko ▁V u oren ma a ▁said : ▁' We ▁really ▁wanted ▁to ▁offer ▁consumers ▁something ▁new .
▁Something ▁that ▁would ▁be ▁fascinating ▁to ▁watch ▁and ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁time ▁explain ▁the ▁benefits ▁of ▁pro bio tics .
▁We ▁did ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁crazy ▁brain stor m ing ▁that ▁ended ▁in ▁the ▁idea ▁" let ' s ▁call ▁I an . "
▁They ▁claim ▁the ▁interest ▁in ▁gut ▁health ▁is ▁becoming ▁a ▁global ▁phenomenon
▁Instead ▁of ▁just ▁talking ▁about ▁the ▁products , ▁we ▁wanted ▁to ▁put ▁them ▁into ▁a ▁bigger ▁context ▁- ▁the ▁good ▁and ▁bad ▁bacteria ▁in ▁our ▁everyday ▁environment , ▁the ▁importance ▁of ▁gut ▁health ▁and ▁how ▁it ' s ▁linked ▁to ▁the ▁immune ▁system .
▁Gro wing ▁interest ▁in ▁gut ▁health ▁is ▁a ▁global ▁phenomenon ▁and ▁with ▁the ▁documentary ▁we ▁could ▁provide ▁consumers ▁with ▁more ▁information ▁about ▁it ▁in ▁an ▁interesting ▁way .
▁I ▁also ▁think ▁the ▁film ▁shows ▁we ▁have ▁a ▁great ▁sense ▁of ▁h um our !
▁Tom ▁H ak ala , ▁who ▁directed ▁the ▁film , ▁added : ▁' Le t ' s ▁put ▁it ▁this ▁way ▁- ▁I ▁would ▁have ▁lost ▁my ▁respect ▁for ▁I an ▁if ▁he ▁had ▁l ick ed ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁things ▁I ▁asked ▁him ▁to , ▁like ▁the ▁dis gus ting ▁Russian ▁toilet ▁that ' s ▁shown ▁in ▁the ▁film . '
▁Naturally ▁some ▁things ▁were ▁easier ▁to ▁get ▁I an ▁to ▁l ick , ▁some ▁were ▁pretty ▁tough .
▁I ' m ▁glad ▁we ▁got ▁some ▁of ▁those ▁dirty ▁li cks ▁caught ▁on ▁tape . '
▁In ▁a ▁survey ▁conducted ▁in ▁2015 ▁by ▁Val io , ▁84 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁the ▁respond ents ▁associated ▁la ctic ▁acid ▁bacteria ▁specifically ▁with ▁the ▁well - being ▁of ▁the ▁stomach ▁and ▁gut ▁and ▁58 ▁per ▁cent ▁said ▁they ▁use ▁at ▁least ▁occasionally ▁products ▁containing ▁added ▁la ctic ▁acid ▁bacteria .
▁Family ▁of ▁y ob s ▁destroyed ▁Sal t ash , ▁Corn wall ▁council ▁house ▁ahead ▁of ▁e vi ction
▁A ▁family ▁of ▁y ob s ▁left ▁their ▁council ▁house ▁with ▁£ 50,000 ▁worth ▁of ▁damage ▁after ▁they ▁were ▁e vic ted ▁for ▁terror ising ▁their ▁neighbours .
▁Tan ya ▁S kel don ▁and ▁her ▁partner ▁Sha un ▁Tre bil c ock ▁have ▁been ▁kick ed ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁property ▁in ▁Sal t ash , ▁Corn wall , ▁after ▁a ▁long ▁list ▁of ▁complaints ▁against ▁them .
▁After ▁they ▁were ▁for ci b ly ▁removed ▁from ▁the ▁property , ▁shock ed ▁housing ▁associations ▁officers ▁found ▁the ▁property ▁in ▁a ▁state ▁of ▁dis re pair .
▁The ▁walls ▁were ▁left ▁with ▁gap ing ▁holes , ▁floor board s ▁were ▁rip ped ▁up , ▁rub b ish ▁was ▁str ew n ▁over ▁the ▁floor ▁and ▁gra ff iti ▁was ▁da ub ed ▁on ▁the ▁walls .
▁The ▁family ▁have ▁now ▁been ▁moved ▁on ▁and ▁are ▁believed ▁to ▁be ▁living ▁in ▁a ▁private ▁accomodation
▁Don na ▁Mc E vo y , ▁housing ▁manager ▁at ▁Corn wall ▁Ho using , ▁said ▁she ▁fear ed ▁it ▁might ▁be ▁beyond ▁saving .
▁She ▁said : ▁' It ' s ▁been ▁an ▁absolute ▁night mar e ▁for ▁people ▁down ▁here ▁and ▁I ▁don ' t ▁think ▁people ▁should ▁have ▁to ▁live ▁like ▁that .
▁There ▁are ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁things ▁to ▁we igh ▁up ▁because ▁this ▁property ▁will ▁probably ▁be ▁known ▁by ▁the ▁not - so - n ice ▁element ▁of ▁Corn wall .
▁This ▁family ▁are ▁notorious ▁and ▁their ▁name ▁is ▁notorious .
▁The ▁couple ▁had ▁three ▁so n s ▁who ▁lived ▁at ▁the ▁property ▁inter mitten t ly ▁and ▁police ▁say ▁the ▁reign ▁of ▁terror ▁the ▁family ▁inflict ed ▁included ▁fighting ▁in ▁the ▁street ▁with ▁base ball ▁bat s , ▁in tim id ating ▁nearby ▁residents , ▁drug ▁use , ▁drug ▁dealing ▁and ▁excessive ▁shout ing , ▁arguing ▁and ▁s wear ing .
▁S kel don , ▁47 , ▁whose ▁name ▁was ▁on ▁the ▁ten ancy , ▁was ▁given ▁an ▁anti social ▁behaviour ▁order ▁in ▁June .
▁Old ▁rub b ish ▁was ▁found ▁in ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁the ▁rooms ▁of ▁the ▁house , ▁which ▁may ▁be ▁dem ol ished
▁Floor ▁boards ▁had ▁been ▁pull ed ▁up ▁in ▁the ▁property , ▁from ▁which ▁drugs ▁had ▁been ▁dealt ▁in ▁the ▁past
▁Neig h bour s ▁say ▁they ▁were ▁seen ▁fighting ▁in ▁the ▁street ▁and ▁police ▁were ▁regularly ▁called
▁Corn wall ▁Ho using ▁e vic ted ▁her ▁and ▁her ▁partner ▁force fully ▁from ▁the ▁property ▁this ▁week ▁after ▁giving ▁them ▁an ▁extended ▁period ▁of ▁11 ▁weeks ▁to ▁move ▁on ▁voluntarily .
▁The ▁e vi ction ▁was ▁ha il ed ▁by ▁relieve d ▁neighbours ▁who ▁said ▁their ▁lives ▁had ▁been ▁made ▁a ▁living ▁hell .
▁One ▁said : ▁' The y ▁didn ' t ▁care ▁about ▁anybody . '
▁We ▁lived ▁next ▁to ▁them ▁for ▁20 ▁years ▁and ▁it ' s ▁always ▁been ▁bad .
▁The ▁amount ▁of ▁times ▁we ' ve ▁seen ▁the ▁police ▁down ▁here ▁is ▁unbelievabl e .
▁' This ▁morning , ▁we ▁could n ' t ▁sleep . '
▁We ▁got ▁up ▁because ▁it ▁was ▁so ▁quiet ▁here ▁- ▁we ' re ▁not ▁used ▁to ▁that !
▁It ' s ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁lovely ▁now ▁that ▁they ' re ▁finally ▁gone .
▁Adam ▁F itz patri ck , ▁Corn wall ▁Ho using ' s ▁neighbourhood ▁enforcement ▁manager , ▁said ▁the ▁family ▁failed ▁to ▁cooperate ▁with ▁the ▁local ▁authority .
▁The ▁family ▁have ▁lived ▁in ▁the ▁house ▁for ▁20 ▁years , ▁with ▁police ▁regularly ▁called ▁to ▁the ▁property
▁Rub b ish ▁and ▁old ▁to ys ▁have ▁been ▁thrown ▁down ▁the ▁over g row n ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁council ▁house
▁He ▁added : ▁' It ▁is ▁a ▁shame ▁that ▁the ▁ten ant ▁failed ▁to ▁accept ▁any ▁responsibility ▁for ▁the ▁behaviour ▁of ▁her ▁and ▁her ▁family ▁as ▁e vi ction ▁is ▁always ▁the ▁last ▁course ▁of ▁action ▁that ▁Corn wall ▁Ho using ▁considers .
▁This ▁was ▁a ▁very ▁difficult ▁case ▁as ▁the ▁behaviour ▁was ▁extreme ▁and ▁their ▁actions ▁must ▁have ▁been ▁ter r ifying ▁for ▁her ▁neighbours ▁to ▁witness .
▁I ▁appreciate ▁all ▁the ▁work ▁that ▁has ▁been ▁put ▁in ▁by ▁my ▁team , ▁De von ▁and ▁Corn wall ▁Police ▁and ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁community ▁who ▁brave ly ▁came ▁forward ▁to ▁give ▁us ▁information .
▁I ▁hope ▁that ▁this ▁development ▁will ▁give ▁some ▁comfort ▁to ▁the ▁neighbours ▁and ▁send s ▁out ▁a ▁message ▁that ▁anti social ▁behaviour ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁tolerate d .
▁Mr ▁F itz patri ck ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁three ▁so n s ▁had ▁all ▁lived ▁at ▁the ▁property ▁at ▁different ▁times ▁but ▁said ▁they ▁were ▁all ▁in ▁their ▁20 s .
▁A ▁dirty ▁mattress ▁left ▁on ▁the ▁floor ▁of ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁bedrooms ▁in ▁the ▁house ▁after ▁the ▁e vi ction
▁Ho using ▁workers ▁will ▁now ▁have ▁to ▁clear ▁away ▁the ▁pile s ▁of ▁rub b ish ▁which ▁surround ▁the ▁house
▁In ▁2014 , ▁police ▁raid ed ▁the ▁property ▁and ▁found ▁more ▁than ▁70 g ▁in ▁can na bis ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁scale s , ▁para ph ern alia ▁and ▁£ 1, 700 ▁in ▁cash .
▁S kel don ▁was ▁fine d ▁after ▁plea ding ▁guilty ▁to ▁possession ▁of ▁a ▁Class ▁B ▁drug ▁with ▁intent ▁to ▁supply .
▁She ▁claimed ▁the ▁money ▁was ▁going ▁towards ▁a ▁head stone ▁for ▁her ▁so n , ▁Lee ▁S kel don , ▁who ▁die d ▁in ▁a ▁car ▁crash ▁in ▁2013 .
▁After ▁being ▁made ▁home less , ▁it ▁is ▁understood ▁that ▁Tan ya ▁and ▁her ▁partner ▁are ▁now ▁living ▁in ▁private ▁housing ▁in ▁P ly mouth .
▁The ▁walls ▁of ▁many ▁of ▁the ▁house ' s ▁rooms ▁had ▁gra ff iti ▁scr aw led ▁across ▁them .
▁Police ▁say ▁they ▁will ▁seek ▁to ▁e vic t ▁ten ants ▁who ▁fl out ▁the ▁rules ▁of ▁their ▁ten anci es
▁Angela ▁C row , ▁of ▁De von ▁and ▁Corn wall ▁Police , ▁said ▁the ▁e vi ction ▁sent ▁a ▁clear ▁warning ▁to ▁other ▁ten ants ▁who ▁continue ▁to ▁fl out ▁the ▁rules .
▁' This ▁send s ▁out ▁to ▁those ▁who ▁feel ▁that ▁they ▁can ▁behave ▁without ▁rec r im ination , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁those ▁b light ed ▁by ▁such ▁behaviour , ' ▁she ▁said .
▁Criminal ▁and ▁anti social ▁behaviour ▁will ▁never ▁be ▁tolerate d ▁by ▁De von ▁and ▁Corn wall ▁Police , ▁who ▁will ▁continue ▁to ▁work ▁with ▁partners ▁to ▁protect ▁our ▁communities .
▁Tourist s ▁in ▁Portugal ▁are ▁left ▁ter r ified ▁as ▁a ▁low - fly ing ▁military ▁jet ▁flie s ▁ski m s ▁beach
▁Tourist s ▁sun ▁worship ping ▁in ▁A ve iro , ▁Portugal , ▁had ▁the ▁shock ▁of ▁their ▁lives
▁A ▁Portuguese ▁air ▁force ▁P -3 C ▁Or ion ▁plane ▁s woo ped ▁in ▁incredibly ▁low
▁The ▁air ▁force ▁said ▁it ▁was ▁on ▁a ▁training ▁flight ▁but ▁insisted ▁no ▁risk ▁to ▁safety
▁This ▁is ▁the ▁moment ▁ter r ified ▁tourists ▁start ▁to ▁panic ▁as ▁a ▁low - fly ing ▁jet ▁s woo ped ▁down ▁over ▁a ▁packed ▁beach .
▁Drama tic ▁foot age ▁showed ▁the ▁military ▁plane ▁almost ▁coming ▁within ▁touch ing ▁distance ▁of ▁sun see ker s ▁on ▁the ▁stretch ▁of ▁sand ▁in ▁A ve iro , ▁northern ▁Portugal .
▁Holiday makers ▁rose ▁to ▁their ▁feet ▁as ▁they ▁became ▁understand ably ▁concerned ▁about ▁the ▁noise ▁from ▁the ▁jet ▁engines ▁without ▁being ▁able ▁to ▁see ▁at ▁first ▁what ▁was ▁coming ▁their ▁way ▁through ▁the ▁cloud s .
▁The ▁incident ▁happened ▁in ▁Costa ▁Nova ▁near ▁A ve iro ▁yesterday ▁afternoon .
▁Daniel ▁Fern and es , ▁one ▁of ▁several ▁holiday makers ▁who ▁posted ▁videos ▁of ▁the ▁dramatic ▁fly - by ▁onto ▁social ▁media , ▁said : ▁' It ▁passed ▁really ▁low ▁twice ▁and ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁point ▁when ▁it ▁looked ▁like ▁it ▁was ▁going ▁to ▁crash . '
▁Nun o ▁A r ro ja ▁added : ▁' I ▁was ▁surfing ▁and ▁s wear ▁it ▁felt ▁like ▁the ▁plane ▁was ▁going ▁to ▁fall ▁on ▁top ▁of ▁me . '
▁Tourist s ▁on ▁the ▁beach ▁at ▁A ve iro ▁were ▁ter r ified ▁when ▁the ▁plane ▁appeared ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁mu r k ▁and ▁fl ew ▁at ▁an ▁incredibly ▁low ▁altitude
▁The ▁Portuguese ▁Air ▁Force ▁said ▁today ▁the ▁pilot ▁of ▁the ▁P -3 C ▁Or ion ▁plane ▁was ▁on ▁a ▁training ▁flight ▁to ▁identify ▁fishing ▁boats ▁off ▁the ▁coast ▁and ▁had ▁to ▁drop ▁so ▁low ▁because ▁it ▁was ▁the ▁only ▁way ▁of ▁checking ▁them .
▁He ▁said ▁the ▁jet ▁had ▁flow n ▁slightly ▁lower ▁than ▁normal ▁because ▁of ▁poor ▁visibility ▁caused ▁by ▁the ▁smoke ▁from ▁nearby ▁wild fire s , ▁but ▁the ▁air ▁force ▁insisted ▁no - one ' s ▁safety ▁had ▁been ▁compromise d .
▁Wild fire s ▁have ▁dev ast ated ▁parts ▁of ▁mainland ▁Portugal ▁this ▁summer ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁killing ▁four ▁people ▁on ▁the ▁island ▁of ▁Madeira .
▁The ▁Portuguese ▁air ▁force ▁said ▁today ▁the ▁pilot ▁had ▁to ▁fly ▁low ▁because ▁of ▁the ▁conditions ▁- ▁thick ▁fo g ▁and ▁smoke ▁from ▁wild fire s ▁- ▁which ▁obscure d ▁his ▁visibility
▁The ▁plane ▁was ▁on ▁a ▁training ▁flight ▁and ▁the ▁pilot ▁was ▁being ▁asked ▁to ▁identify ▁fishing ▁boats ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁exercise
▁Super cup : ▁Bar ca ▁is ▁worried ▁about ▁facing ▁Sevilla
▁Seville ▁- ▁On ▁Sunday , ▁FC ▁Barcelona ▁will ▁fight ▁to ▁take ▁their ▁first ▁step ▁towards ▁their ▁first ▁title ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁football ▁season .
▁The ▁Catalan ▁team ▁will ▁face ▁off ▁against ▁FC ▁Sevilla ▁in ▁an ▁away ▁game ▁in ▁Spain ' s ▁Super cup ; ▁the ▁second ▁leg ▁will ▁take ▁place ▁three ▁days ▁later ▁in ▁Camp ▁No u .
▁The ▁two - time ▁champion s ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁face ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁defeated ▁Cup ▁final ist s ▁and ▁reign ing ▁Europa ▁League ▁champion s ▁without ▁Ne y mar , ▁who ▁is ▁playing ▁in ▁the ▁Olympic ▁football ▁tournament ▁for ▁Brazil .
▁In ▁addition , ▁goal keeper ▁Marc - And re ▁ter ▁Ste gen ▁is ▁also ▁missing .
▁During ▁training ▁the ▁German ▁pull ed ▁a ▁ lig ament ▁in ▁his ▁knee . ▁At ▁least ▁it ' s ▁clear ▁who ' ll ▁be ▁wearing ▁the ▁number ▁one ▁j ers ey ▁for ▁Bar ca : ▁C lau dio ▁Bra vo .
▁The ▁Chile an ▁international ▁and ▁Ter ▁Steig en ▁have ▁been ▁competing ▁for ▁number ▁one ▁status ▁for ▁two ▁years ▁now .
▁Co ach ▁Luis ▁En r ique ▁has ▁so ▁far ▁refused ▁to ▁make ▁a ▁clear ▁decision ▁either ▁way , ▁allowing ▁Bra vo ▁to ▁wear ▁the ▁j ers ey ▁in ▁league ▁games , ▁but ▁giving ▁it ▁to ▁Ter ▁Ste gen ▁in ▁most ▁of ▁their ▁other ▁matches .
▁A head ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁compulsory ▁game ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁season ▁there ▁were ▁doubts ▁as ▁to ▁the ▁Spanish ▁champion s ' ▁fitness : ▁they ▁lost ▁0 -4 ▁to ▁Liverpool ▁in ▁a ▁friendly ▁game ▁on ▁Saturday .
▁Even ▁with ▁3 -2 ▁in ▁a ▁friendly ▁against ▁S amp d oria ▁on ▁Wednesday , ▁L ion el ▁Mess i ▁and ▁co . ▁were ▁not ▁really ▁all ▁that ▁convincing .
▁On ▁the ▁other ▁hand , ▁Sevilla ▁have ▁to ▁s wal low ▁their ▁2-3 ▁extra - time ▁defeat ▁against ▁Real ▁Madrid ▁in ▁the ▁Super cup , ▁and ▁are ▁aiming ▁for ▁a ▁second ▁victory ▁in ▁the ▁" Super cop a ▁de ▁Es pan a ".
▁With ▁eleven ▁vi ctor ies , ▁Barcelona ▁are ▁the ▁current ▁record - holders ▁for ▁this ▁competition .
▁Ma ▁Long ▁is ▁in ▁a ▁league ▁of ▁his ▁own , ▁taking ▁Gold ▁in ▁the ▁table ▁tennis
▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro ▁- ▁Ma ▁Long , ▁from ▁China , ▁is ▁the ▁new ▁table ▁tennis ▁Olympic ▁champion .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁the ▁27 - year - old ▁beat ▁his ▁fellow ▁country man ▁and ▁" de f ending ▁champion " ▁Z hang ▁J ike ▁in ▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro ▁ 4-0 ▁in ▁a ▁one - sided ▁final ▁(12 , 5 , 4 , 4) .
▁This ▁gave ▁the ▁world ▁number ▁one ▁the ▁" gold en ▁grand ▁s lam ", ▁winning ▁the ▁World ▁Championship , ▁the ▁World ▁Cup , ▁the ▁final ▁tournament ▁of ▁the ▁World ▁Tour , ▁and ▁the ▁Olympic s .
▁The ▁bronze ▁medal ▁went ▁to ▁Jun ▁Mi zu t ani ▁from ▁Japan .
▁The ▁two ▁Chinese ▁men ▁made ▁it ▁to ▁the ▁final , ▁as ▁expected , ▁and ▁fought ▁each ▁other ▁for ▁the ▁title .
▁It ▁was ▁clear ▁that , ▁for ▁the ▁third ▁time ▁in ▁a ▁row , ▁a ▁Chinese ▁at hl ete ▁would ▁take ▁the ▁single s ▁title ▁at ▁the ▁Olympic s .
▁The ▁last ▁non - Chi nese ▁at hl ete ▁on ▁the ▁top ▁step ▁of ▁the ▁Olympic ▁pod ium ▁was ▁former ▁ SV S ▁Lower ▁Austria ▁leg ion ary ▁Ry u ▁Se ung - min ▁from ▁South ▁Korea .
▁Ma ▁and ▁Z hang ▁were ▁alone ▁at ▁the ▁table : ▁they ▁had ▁no ▁coach es ▁with ▁them ▁between ▁sets ▁and ▁during ▁time - out s .
▁They ▁had ▁returned ▁to ▁the ▁stands , ▁leaving ▁their ▁charges ▁alone ▁to ▁fight ▁a ▁fair ▁battle ▁against ▁each ▁other .
▁" Up ▁until ▁now , ▁I ▁have ▁played ▁for ▁my ▁country . "
▁" In ▁the ▁final , ▁I ' m ▁playing ▁for ▁myself , " ▁Z hang ▁summarise d .
▁After ▁the ▁game , ▁the ▁gold ▁and ▁silver ▁medal list s ▁posed ▁with ▁the ▁Chinese ▁flag .
▁The ▁match ▁itself ▁was ▁unexpected ly ▁one - sided .
▁Ma ▁only ▁had ▁to ▁fight ▁off ▁his ▁28 - year - old ▁opponent ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁set .
▁After wards , ▁he ▁set ▁the ▁pace ▁on ▁the ▁table , ▁and ▁only ▁let ▁Z hang ▁score ▁a ▁total ▁of ▁13 ▁points .
▁Ma ' s ▁domin ance ▁meant ▁that ▁the ▁match ▁was ▁not ▁as ▁exciting ▁as ▁expected .
▁But ▁nevertheless , ▁there ▁were ▁some ▁breathtaking ▁volle ys ▁to ▁be ▁seen .
▁Mi zu t ani ▁won ▁the ▁bronze ▁medal ▁match ▁against ▁40 - year - old ▁Wladimir ▁Sam son ow ▁4- 1.
▁The ▁Belarus s ian ▁had ▁injured ▁his ▁ri b ▁in ▁his ▁quarter - final ▁against ▁German ▁European ▁Champion ▁Dimitr ij ▁O v t char ov , ▁and ▁was ▁given ▁medical ▁treatment , ▁and ▁ultimately ▁had ▁to ▁content ▁himself ▁with ▁fourth ▁place .
▁Jan - O ve ▁Wald ner ▁from ▁Sweden ▁( 38 /2004 ) ▁and ▁Jörg en ▁Per sson ▁( 42 /2008 ) ▁also ▁reached ▁fourth ▁place ▁at ▁the ▁Olympic s ▁at ▁a ▁similarly ▁old ▁age ▁for ▁table ▁tennis .
▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁admit s ▁there ▁are ▁" hu ge ▁problems " ▁with ▁his ▁election ▁campaign
▁The ▁US ▁Republican s ' ▁lead ▁is ▁plague d ▁by ▁significant ▁fears ▁that ▁they ▁might ▁lose ▁their ▁majority , ▁even ▁in ▁states ▁that ▁are ▁traditionally ▁conservative .
▁President ial ▁candidate ▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁has ▁now ▁admitted ▁to ▁the ▁weaknesses ▁of ▁his ▁election ▁campaign ▁in ▁U t ah , ▁formerly ▁a ▁Republican ▁strong hold .
▁It ▁was ▁a ▁strange ▁moment ▁- ▁the ▁multi - mill ion aire ▁normally ▁puts ▁on ▁a ▁po mp ous , ▁self - as sur ed ▁performance , ▁but ▁this ▁time ▁he ▁expressed ▁something ▁analog ous ▁to ▁doubt , ▁as ▁correspond ents ▁report .
▁After ▁he ▁had ▁beat en ▁16 ▁rival s ▁from ▁within ▁the ▁Republican ▁camp , ▁doubt ▁is ▁now ▁growing ▁as ▁to ▁whether ▁he ▁will ▁be ▁successful ▁in ▁the ▁race ▁for ▁the ▁White ▁House .
▁" We ▁have ▁huge ▁problems ▁in ▁U t ah , " ▁Tru mp ▁said ▁to ▁an ▁audience ▁of ▁ ev angel ical ▁Christians ▁whom ▁he ▁asked ▁for ▁assistance ▁in ▁key ▁states ▁such ▁as ▁Ohio , ▁Florida ▁or ▁Virginia .
▁He ▁blame d ▁false ▁reports ▁on ▁his ▁can di d acy , ▁once ▁again ▁giving ▁the ▁media ▁a ▁dress ing - down , ▁as ▁he ▁is ▁known ▁to ▁do .
▁Republican ▁strong hold s ▁are ▁wave ring
▁U t ah ▁is ▁normally ▁a ▁safe ▁seat ▁for ▁the ▁Republican s .
▁A ▁poll ▁carried ▁out ▁by ▁Survey USA ▁in ▁June ▁puts ▁Tru mp ▁and ▁his ▁com petit or ▁on ▁an ▁equal ▁footing ▁with ▁Democrat ▁Hill ary ▁Clinton .
▁Other ▁bodies ▁do ▁put ▁Tru mp ▁ahead , ▁but ▁not ▁by ▁the ▁margin ▁usual ▁for ▁Republican ▁candidates ▁in ▁the ▁state .
▁Ari zon a ▁and ▁Georgia ▁are ▁also ▁at ▁risk .
▁In ▁an ▁interview ▁with ▁broadcast er ▁C N BC , ▁Tru mp ▁was ▁asked ▁how ▁he ▁would ▁stop ▁Clinton ' s ▁rise , ▁reply ing : ▁" In ▁the ▁same ▁way ▁I ▁have ▁done ▁before ".
▁And ▁he ▁added : ▁" E ith er ▁it ' ll ▁work ▁out , ▁or ▁I ' ll ▁go ▁on ▁a ▁long , ▁long ▁holiday ".
▁He ▁said ▁he ▁was ▁just ▁" te lling ▁the ▁truth ".
▁If ▁he ▁doesn ' t ▁make ▁it ▁because ▁of ▁political ▁correctness , ▁that ' s ▁ok , ▁Tru mp ▁added .
▁The n , ▁he ▁said , ▁I ' d ▁return ▁to ▁a ▁very ▁nice ▁way ▁of ▁life .
▁According ▁to ▁press ▁reports , ▁the ▁party ▁have ▁threatened ▁Tru mp ▁with ▁removing ▁financial ▁support ▁for ▁his ▁election ▁campaign ▁if ▁he ▁is ▁unable ▁to ▁do ▁any ▁better ▁in ▁the ▁poll s .
▁Instead , ▁the ▁Republican ▁congress ional ▁candidates ▁would ▁be ▁offered ▁more ▁support .
▁Olympic s : ▁Bra zen ▁che ating ▁in ▁do ping ▁tests
▁The ▁I OC ▁intends ▁to ▁set ▁up ▁a ▁ disciplinary ▁committee ▁to ▁handle ▁the ▁case .
▁Following ▁the ▁second ▁do ping ▁scandal ▁at ▁the ▁Rio ▁Olympic s , ▁trouble ▁is ▁loom ing ▁for ▁Kenya ' s ▁track ▁and ▁field ▁athletes .
▁After ▁an ▁attempt ▁to ▁de ce ive ▁a ▁do ping ▁check ▁in ▁the ▁Olympic ▁village , ▁Kenya ▁has ▁sent ▁one ▁coach ▁home .
▁The ▁International ▁Olympic ▁Committee ▁announced ▁that ▁it ▁would ▁set ▁up ▁a ▁ disciplinary ▁committee ▁immediately ▁to ▁investigate ▁the ▁case .
▁A ▁Kenya n ▁official ▁announced ▁that ▁former ▁s print er ▁and ▁current ▁coach ▁John ▁An z r ah ▁had ▁given ▁a ▁u rine ▁sample ▁in ▁the ▁Olympic ▁village ▁in ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁800 - metre ▁ runner ▁Fer gus on ▁Rot ich .
▁Kenya ' s ▁team ▁managers ▁were ▁allegedly ▁informed ▁of ▁this ▁by ▁the ▁do ping ▁officials .
▁The ▁global ▁I A AF ▁federation ▁has ▁requested ▁information ▁about ▁the ▁matter ▁from ▁the ▁I OC ▁so ▁it ▁can ▁carry ▁out ▁its ▁own ▁investigations , ▁stated ▁an ▁I A AF ▁spoke s person .
▁" The ▁I A AF ▁will ▁perform ▁an ▁evaluation , ▁depending ▁on ▁the ▁findings ▁of ▁the ▁investigation ▁and ▁the ▁steps ▁taken ▁by ▁the ▁I OC ▁as ▁a ▁result , " ▁said ▁an ▁I A AF ▁statement .
▁" He ▁( An z r ah ) ▁went ▁to ▁the ▁do ping ▁check ▁and ▁alleged ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁Fer gus on ▁Rot ich , ▁handed ▁in ▁the ▁sample , ▁and ▁signed ▁for ▁it , " ▁explained ▁Stephan ▁A rap ▁So i , ▁Kenya ' s ▁Chef ▁de ▁Mission .
▁He ▁had ▁the ▁at hl ete ' s ▁acc red itation ▁as ▁given ▁in ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁training ▁checks ▁for ▁the ▁World ▁Anti - Do ping ▁Agency .
▁Fer gus on ▁Rot ich ▁came ▁fourth ▁in ▁the ▁800 - metre ▁race ▁at ▁the ▁2015 ▁World ▁Championship s ▁in ▁Beijing .
▁Four ▁days ▁previously , ▁the ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Kenya n ▁track ▁& ▁field ▁delegation , ▁Michael ▁Rot ich , ▁had ▁been ▁sent ▁away ▁from ▁the ▁Rio ▁games .
▁He ▁was ▁alleged ▁to ▁have ▁told ▁sports people ▁from ▁his ▁country ▁about ▁upcoming ▁do ping ▁tests ▁in ▁exchange ▁for ▁money .
▁According ▁to ▁media ▁reports , ▁he ▁was ▁arrested ▁on ▁his ▁return ▁at ▁Na iro bi ▁Airport .
▁After ▁numerous ▁instance s ▁of ▁do ping , ▁the ▁I OC ▁has ▁been ▁keeping ▁a ▁particularly ▁close ▁eye ▁on ▁Kenya ▁for ▁a ▁while .
▁When ▁the ▁I OC ▁announced ▁that ▁it ▁would ▁hold ▁more ▁than ▁2000 ▁targeted ▁do ping ▁checks ▁in ▁advance ▁of ▁the ▁Rio ▁games , ▁it ▁also ▁announced , ▁unusual ly , ▁that ▁athletes ▁from ▁Kenya ▁and ▁Russia ▁would ▁be ▁examined ▁particularly ▁closely .
▁A head ▁of ▁the ▁summer ▁games ▁in ▁Brazil , ▁the ▁World ▁Anti - Do ping ▁Agency ▁had ▁put ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁pressure ▁on ▁the ▁African ▁country ▁to ▁introduce ▁an ▁anti - do ping ▁law ▁and ▁a ▁functioning ▁system ▁of ▁checks .
▁The ▁law ▁was ▁passed ▁a ▁few ▁weeks ▁before ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁Olympic s .
▁Following ▁this , ▁ WA DA ▁removed ▁Kenya ▁from ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁countries ▁whose ▁anti - do ping ▁measures ▁comply ▁with ▁ WA DA ▁rules .
▁Run n ing ▁is ▁a ▁national ▁sport ▁in ▁Kenya .
▁The ▁country ' s ▁track ▁and ▁field ▁athletes ▁won ▁the ▁most ▁medal s ▁at ▁the ▁2015 ▁world ▁championship s ▁in ▁Beijing .
▁In ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁tele vis ed ▁reports ▁by ▁ ARD , ▁the ▁claim ▁was ▁made ▁time ▁and ▁again ▁that ▁do ping ▁drugs ▁are ▁easily ▁accessible ▁in ▁Kenya ▁and ▁that ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁mental ity ▁of ▁che ating ▁at ▁sport .
▁I OC ▁member ▁Richard ▁Po und ▁has ▁recently ▁called ▁for ▁an ▁investigation ▁in ▁Kenya ▁to ▁mirror ▁that ▁which ▁took ▁place ▁into ▁Russian ▁a th le tics .
▁This ▁investigation ▁proved ▁that ▁do ping ▁was ▁undertaken ▁extensively ▁and ▁systematically ▁across ▁the ▁sport .
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁Russia ' s ▁track ▁and ▁field ▁athletes ▁were ▁banned ▁from ▁the ▁summer ▁games .
▁Salzburg ' s ▁" West ▁Side ▁Story " ▁with ▁C ec ilia ▁Bar t oli
▁In ▁the ▁Shakespeare ▁anniversary ▁year , ▁the ▁Salzburger ▁Fest spiele ▁is ▁putting ▁on ▁" West ▁Side ▁Story " ▁with ▁Tony ▁and ▁Maria ▁as ▁tragic ▁couple ▁just ▁like ▁Rome o ▁and ▁Juli et .
▁Fe atur ing ▁a ▁surprise : ▁C ec ilia ▁Bar t oli .
▁A ▁musical ▁has ▁grip ped ▁Salzburg : ▁Le or n ard ▁Bern stein ' s ▁masterpiece , ▁" West ▁Side ▁Story ".
▁Art istic ▁Director ▁C ec ilia ▁Bar t oli ▁wanted ▁to ▁bring ▁the ▁musical ▁into ▁the ▁temple ▁of ▁classical ▁music , ▁and ▁has ▁made ▁a ▁childhood ▁dream ▁come ▁true ▁by ▁taking ▁on ▁the ▁role ▁of ▁Maria .
▁In ▁the ▁orchestra ▁pit , ▁the ▁Sim ón ▁Bol í var ▁Orchestra ▁will ▁be ▁conducted ▁by ▁Venezuela n ▁director ▁Gustav o ▁Du da mel : ▁" This ▁music ▁is ▁full ▁of ▁rhythm , " ▁he ▁ent hu s es .
▁We ▁always ▁say ▁that ▁it ▁has ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁Latin ▁American ▁influence s .
▁There ▁are ▁many ▁Latin ▁American ▁elements ▁in ▁its ▁ tempo ▁and ▁melod ies .
▁It ▁is ▁a ▁wonderful ▁mixture , ▁the ▁perfect ▁formula ▁for ▁our ▁orchestra .
▁I ▁would ▁say ▁that ▁we ▁really ▁have ▁Bern stein ' s ▁music ▁in ▁our ▁blood !
▁In ▁this ▁production , ▁Bar t oli ▁plays ▁an ▁older ▁Maria .
▁She ▁remember s ▁her ▁love ▁affair ▁with ▁Tony ▁with ▁w ist ful ness , ▁while ▁the ▁younger ▁Maria ▁plays ▁and ▁dance s .
▁The ▁role ▁of ▁Maria ▁has ▁always ▁fascinate d ▁me .
▁Firstly ▁because ▁it ' s ▁musical ly ▁unusual !
▁And ▁the n ▁there ' s ▁Maria ' s ▁personality .
▁As ▁she ▁says ▁in ▁her ▁song : ▁" I ▁feel ▁pretty , ▁o h ▁so ▁pretty , ▁I ▁feel ▁pretty ▁and ▁ wit ty ▁and ▁bright ".
▁So ▁she ' s ▁clever , ▁and ▁na ive ▁of ▁course , ▁and ▁full ▁of ▁passion .
▁" S he ' s ▁very ▁like ▁me , ▁like ▁my ▁Italian ▁personality ▁as ▁a ▁girl ▁from ▁Rome , " ▁laugh s ▁Bar t oli .
▁Du da mel ▁is ▁full ▁of ▁praise ▁for ▁the ▁opera ▁singer : ▁" C ec ilia ▁is ▁a ▁wonderful ▁artist . "
▁We ▁are ▁so ▁honour ed ▁to ▁work ▁with ▁her .
▁She ▁is ▁an ▁incredibly ▁generous ▁person .
▁And ▁Bar t oli ▁returns ▁the ▁compliment : ▁" D uda mel ▁is ▁such ▁an ▁exceptional ▁artist ▁and ▁so ▁passionate ! "
▁For ▁him , ▁conducting ▁is ▁a ▁need .
▁You ▁see ▁it ▁in ▁all ▁his ▁movements , ▁his ▁glance s ▁- ▁it ▁is ▁his ▁life !
▁It ▁is ▁such ▁a ▁great ▁chance ▁to ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁share ▁this ▁musical ▁experience ▁with ▁him .
▁We ▁both ▁have ▁a ▁rather ▁southern ▁temp er ament , ▁fire , ▁passion , ▁and ▁we ▁both ▁approach ▁life ▁with ▁joy , ▁which ▁is ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁of ▁all !
▁For ▁the ▁American ▁director ▁Philip ▁W m . ▁Mc K in ley , ▁" West ▁Side ▁Story " ▁is ▁ban g ▁up - to - date : ▁" This ▁work ▁is ▁all ▁about ▁prejudice ▁and ▁fanat ic ism . "
▁Today ▁we ' re ▁dealing ▁with ▁the ▁refugees , ▁back ▁the n ▁Puerto ▁Rica n s ▁had ▁gone ▁to ▁New ▁York , ▁and ▁the ▁residents ▁of ▁New ▁York ▁didn ' t ▁want ▁them ▁there .
▁It ' s ▁the ▁same ▁issues , ▁and ▁they ▁were ▁as ▁significant ▁the n ▁as ▁they ▁are ▁today .
▁Fi ft y - n ine ▁years ▁on , ▁the ▁work ▁is ▁still ▁relevant .
▁London ▁school girl ▁who ▁joined ▁IS IL ▁killed ▁in ▁Syria
▁Kad iza ▁Sultan a , ▁one ▁of ▁three ▁British ▁school girl s ▁who ▁left ▁London ▁last ▁year ▁to ▁join ▁IS IL , ▁has ▁reported ly ▁die d ▁in ▁Syria .
▁At tor ney ▁Ta s n ime ▁Ak un je e ▁said ▁her ▁family ▁learned ▁of ▁her ▁death ▁in ▁Ra q q a , ▁Syria , ▁a ▁few ▁weeks ▁ago .
▁She ▁was ▁believed ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁killed ▁by ▁a ▁Russian ▁air ▁strike ▁in ▁Ra q q a , ▁the ▁group ' s ▁strong hold ▁in ▁the ▁country , ▁I TV ▁News ▁reported ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁Sultan a ▁was ▁17 ▁years ▁old ▁and , ▁according ▁to ▁her ▁family , ▁die d ▁just ▁as ▁she ▁was ▁making ▁plans ▁to ▁flee ▁the ▁war - tor n ▁country ▁and ▁return ▁to ▁Britain .
▁" One ▁would ▁hope ▁that ▁the ▁only ▁benefit ▁out ▁of ▁this ▁is ▁- ▁as ▁a ▁to mb stone ▁and ▁test ament ▁to ▁others , ▁that ▁these ▁are ▁the ▁risks ▁actually ▁involved ▁in ▁going ▁to ▁a ▁war ▁zone ▁- ▁to ▁dis su ade ▁people ▁from ▁ever ▁making ▁that ▁choice ▁really , " ▁Ak un je e ▁said .
▁In ▁February ▁2015 , ▁Sultan a ▁and ▁two ▁other ▁school girl s ▁from ▁east ▁London ▁board ed ▁a ▁flight ▁to ▁Turkey ▁and ▁the n ▁a ▁bus ▁to ▁the ▁Syria n ▁border .
▁Sultan a ' s ▁family ▁was ▁told ▁she ▁married ▁an ▁IS IL ▁fight er ▁in ▁Syria ▁- ▁and ▁became ▁a ▁wi d ow ▁within ▁months .
▁Re id ▁says ▁Clinton ▁will ▁stick ▁with ▁Gar land ▁as ▁Supreme ▁Court ▁no min e e ▁if ▁elected
▁Senate ▁Democratic ▁Leader ▁Harry ▁Re id ▁says ▁he ▁is ▁convinced ▁that ▁Democratic ▁presidential ▁candidate ▁Hill ary ▁Clinton ▁will ▁no min ate ▁Ju d ge ▁Mer rick ▁Gar land ▁to ▁the ▁Supreme ▁Court ▁if ▁she ▁is ▁elected ▁president .
▁Senate ▁Republican s ▁have ▁blocked ▁Gar land ' s ▁confirmation ▁since ▁President ▁Barack ▁Obama ▁nominated ▁him ▁in ▁March .
▁Senate ▁Major ity ▁Leader ▁Mit ch ▁Mc Con n ell ▁says ▁the ▁next ▁president ▁will ▁choose ▁the ▁person ▁to ▁replace ▁late ▁Supreme ▁Court ▁Justice ▁Antoni n ▁Sc alia .
▁Re id ▁said ▁on ▁a ▁conference ▁call ▁Thursday ▁that ▁he ▁is ▁predict ing ▁Clinton ▁will ▁pick ▁Gar land ▁" with ▁some ▁degree ▁of ▁credibility . "
▁A ▁spoke s wo man ▁for ▁Re id ▁later ▁said ▁he ▁had ▁not ▁spoken ▁to ▁Clinton ▁directly ▁about ▁whether ▁she ▁would ▁no min ate ▁Gar land ▁and ▁was ▁speculat ing .
▁He ▁praise d ▁Gar land ▁and ▁said ▁Clinton ' s ▁team ▁would ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁" rock ▁the ▁boat " ▁with ▁a ▁new ▁pick .
▁Gar land ▁is ▁the ▁chief ▁judge ▁for ▁the ▁U . S . ▁Court ▁of ▁App e als ▁for ▁the ▁District ▁of ▁Columbia ▁ Circ uit .
▁Re id ▁said ▁Republican s ▁who ▁are ▁blocking ▁Gar land ' s ▁nomination ▁are ▁" min ions " ▁and ▁" en able r s " ▁of ▁Republican ▁presidential ▁candidate ▁Donald ▁Tru mp .
▁He ▁said ▁Tru mp ▁is ▁un fit ▁for ▁office .
▁Tre ats ▁says ▁nu de ▁calendar ▁for ▁' wo m en , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁men '
▁Tre ats ▁magazine ▁is ▁partner ing ▁with ▁photographer ▁David ▁Bell em ere ▁to ▁launch ▁a ▁1970 s ' ▁Pir elli - i nspired ▁calendar ▁for ▁20 17 .
▁But ▁instead ▁of ▁famous ▁na k ed ▁people , ▁they ' re ▁setting ▁out ▁to ▁find ▁the ▁next ▁generation ▁of ▁top ▁models ▁for ▁their ▁20 17 ▁N U ▁Muse s ▁calendar .
▁Tre ats ▁president ▁Steve ▁Sha w ▁told ▁us ▁earlier ▁this ▁year ▁that ▁his ▁nu de - he av y ▁magazine ▁differ s ▁from ▁old - school ▁Play boy s ▁because ▁" Play boy ▁is ▁for ▁men . "
▁I ▁do ▁this ▁for ▁women .
▁App a rent ly ▁he ▁think s ▁the ▁calendar ▁is , ▁too .
▁" We ▁need ▁to ▁get ▁back ▁to ▁show cas ing ▁time less ▁and ▁classic ▁nu d ity ▁where ▁women , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁men , ▁feel ▁comfortable ▁and ▁inspired ▁by ▁these ▁images ▁of ▁the ▁female ▁body , " ▁Sha w ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁press ▁release ▁an no un cing ▁the ▁calendar .
▁Women ▁will ▁want ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁part ▁of ▁this ▁project ▁because ▁it ' s ▁a ▁beautiful ▁piece ▁of ▁art .
▁Model s ▁can ▁submit ▁p ics ▁online ▁or ▁in ▁person ▁at ▁open ▁casting ▁calls ▁in ▁Los ▁Angeles ▁and ▁New ▁York .
▁Turkey : ▁Kurdish ▁community ▁faces ▁mass ▁ex od us
▁" If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁change ▁your ▁tun e ▁and ▁praise ▁Er do gan , ▁your ▁suit case ▁is ▁basically ▁packed , " ▁says ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁G ül en - support ing ▁Dialogue ▁and ▁World ▁foundation , ▁Er can ▁Kara ko y un .
▁The ▁Kurdish ▁community ▁in ▁Germany ▁is ▁expecting ▁tens ▁of ▁thousands ▁of ▁people ▁to ▁arrive ▁at ▁short ▁notice ▁in ▁search ▁of ▁protection , ▁flee ing ▁from ▁Turkey ▁to ▁Germany .
▁In ▁the ▁medium ▁term , ▁this ▁could ▁even ▁grow ▁to ▁" a ▁few ▁hundred ▁thousand ", ▁believes ▁Ali ▁Top rak , ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁association .
▁The ▁crack down ▁in s tig ated ▁by ▁Turkish ▁President ▁Rec ep ▁Ta y y ip ▁Er do gan ▁after ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup ▁has ▁led ▁the ▁Germany ▁Kurdish ▁Association ▁to ▁expect ▁a ▁mass ▁ex od us ▁to ▁Germany .
▁" In ▁the ▁short ▁term ▁I ' m ▁expecting ▁ten ▁thousand , ▁in ▁the ▁medium ▁term ▁a ▁few ▁hundred ▁thousand ▁people ▁coming ▁from ▁Turkey ▁looking ▁for ▁protection ▁in ▁Germany , ▁if ▁the ▁Er do gan ▁regime ▁continues ▁to ▁an t agon ise ▁minorities ▁and ▁democratic ▁opposition , " ▁said ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Association , ▁Ali ▁Top rak , ▁to ▁" Die ▁Welt " ▁newspaper ▁on ▁Friday .
▁A ▁few ▁months ▁ago ▁the ▁government ▁initiated ▁pu n itive ▁action ▁against ▁Kurdish ▁strong hold s ▁- ▁and ▁as ▁a ▁result , ▁5 00,000 ▁Kurd s ▁are ▁already ▁on ▁the ▁run ▁within ▁Turkey .
▁After ▁the ▁unsuccessful ▁coup , ▁secular ▁and ▁opposition al ▁ethnic ▁Turk s ▁have ▁been ▁added ▁to ▁the ▁list .
▁Many ▁will ▁want ▁to ▁seek ▁a ▁new ▁start ▁in ▁Europe ▁if ▁they ▁continue ▁to ▁suffer ▁oppression ▁in ▁Turkey .
▁" It ▁is ▁unacceptable ▁that ▁a ▁country ▁that ▁takes ▁in ▁refugees ▁is ▁also ▁producing ▁them , " ▁said ▁Top rak .
▁The ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁Association ▁complain ed ▁about ▁the ▁deliberate ▁ rel ocating ▁of ▁Syria n ▁Arab s ▁in ▁Kurdish ▁and ▁Al e vi ▁towns .
▁He ▁think s ▁that ▁Er do gan ▁did ▁this ▁to ▁encourage ▁the ▁remaining ▁Kurd s ▁to ▁leave .
▁" The y ▁are ▁the ▁last ▁big ▁minority ▁in ▁Turkey : ▁the ▁Christian ▁Armenia n s ▁and ▁the ▁Greek s ▁have ▁already ▁been ▁ex termin ated ▁or ▁driven ▁out ▁over ▁the ▁past ▁hundred ▁years , " ▁said ▁Top rak , ▁who ▁is ▁also ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁CD U .
▁The ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁Association ▁requested ▁that ▁the ▁Federal ▁Government ▁acted ▁" as ▁harsh ly ▁as ▁Austria ▁against ▁Er do gan ▁and ▁his ▁supporters ".
▁A ▁" wit ch - h unt " ▁is ▁also ▁underway ▁in ▁Germany ▁against ▁those ▁critical ▁of ▁Er do gan .
▁Over ▁the ▁past ▁few ▁months , ▁I ▁have ▁no ▁longer ▁felt ▁safe ▁in ▁Germany ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time .
▁The ▁German ▁branch ▁of ▁the ▁G ül en ▁movement ▁also ▁fears ▁that ▁many ▁Turk s ▁will ▁flee ▁abroad .
▁More ▁Turk s ▁will ▁seek ▁asylum ▁in ▁Germany , ▁especially ▁Kurd s ▁and ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁opposition .
▁Being ▁single d ▁out ▁as ▁a ▁G ül en - support er ▁is ▁career - de stro y ing ▁for ▁teachers ▁and ▁other ▁academic s .
▁" If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁change ▁your ▁tun e ▁and ▁praise ▁Er do gan , ▁your ▁suit case ▁is ▁basically ▁packed , " ▁said ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁G ül en - support ing ▁Dialogue ▁and ▁World ▁Foundation , ▁Er can ▁Kara ko y un , ▁to ▁" Die ▁Welt " ▁newspaper .
▁As ▁the ▁newspaper ▁reports , ▁using ▁figures ▁from ▁the ▁Federal ▁Ministry ▁of ▁the ▁Interior , ▁even ▁before ▁the ▁coup ▁Turk s ▁were ▁the ▁largest ▁group ▁granted ▁asylum ▁in ▁Germany ▁on ▁the ▁grounds ▁of ▁political ▁persecution .
▁On ▁the ▁reference ▁date ▁of ▁June ▁30 , ▁this ▁amount ed ▁to ▁11 , 386 ▁people , ▁almost ▁29 ▁percent ▁of ▁all ▁people ▁entitled ▁to ▁asylum ▁( 39 , 6 25 ).
▁These ▁figures ▁do ▁not ▁include ▁people ▁who ▁have ▁fled ▁war , ▁poverty ▁or ▁a ▁lack ▁of ▁prospects .
▁Under ▁the ▁constitution , ▁only ▁individuals ▁suffering ▁political ▁persecution , ▁i . e . , ▁on ▁the ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁state , ▁are ▁entitled ▁to ▁asylum .
▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n : ▁" Go ▁where ▁it ▁hurt s "
▁Strang e ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n : ▁Local s ▁hear ▁nothing ▁about ▁the ▁summer ▁elections ▁- ▁and ▁holiday makers ▁from ▁North ▁Rhine - West pha lia ▁are ▁not ▁allowed ▁to ▁vote ▁for ▁the ▁state ▁parliament .
▁In ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n , ▁they ▁understood ▁this .
▁In ▁20 21 ▁the ▁state ▁parliament ▁elections ▁will ▁not ▁take ▁place ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁summer ▁holidays , ▁the ▁Schwer in ▁parliament ▁decided ▁at ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁year .
▁The ▁way ▁things ▁had ▁been ▁going ▁was ▁simply ▁ridiculous : ▁summer ▁holidays , ▁heat ▁and ▁state ▁parliament ▁elections ▁- ▁they ▁clash ▁with ▁one ▁another .
▁The ▁local s ▁who ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁won ▁over ▁by ▁the ▁candidates ▁are ▁on ▁holiday .
▁Most ▁holiday makers ▁in ▁the ▁state , ▁in ▁Use dom , ▁R ügen ▁or ▁H id den see , ▁are ▁not ▁local s ▁- ▁and ▁are ▁not ▁allowed ▁to ▁vote ▁for ▁the ▁state ▁parliament .
▁There ▁are ▁also ▁practical ▁problems ▁to ▁consider : ▁during ▁the ▁holidays , ▁volunteer s ▁who ▁put ▁up ▁signs , ▁blow ▁up ▁ball oon s , ▁distribute ▁fly ers ▁and ▁count ▁the ▁votes ▁at ▁the ▁end , ▁are ▁hard ▁to ▁find .
▁Until ▁4 ▁September ▁20 16 , ▁election ▁day ▁and ▁the ▁last ▁day ▁of ▁the ▁holidays , ▁people ▁in ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n ▁must ▁put ▁up ▁with ▁one ▁more ▁election ▁without ▁the ▁people ▁being ▁consulted .
▁The ▁heated ▁phase , ▁if ▁that ▁can ▁be ▁said ▁at ▁all , ▁has ▁already ▁begun .
▁And ▁there ' s ▁something ▁at ▁stake : ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Er win ▁Seller ing , ▁leader ▁of ▁an ▁S PD / CD U ▁coalition , ▁is ▁fear ing ▁for ▁his ▁seat .
▁The ▁S PD , ▁the ▁strongest ▁party ▁since ▁1998 , ▁is ▁now ▁clearly ▁behind ▁the ▁CD U , ▁according ▁to ▁poll s .
▁It ▁will ▁be ▁exciting ▁to ▁see ▁how ▁Neu ling ▁A f D ▁car ves ▁things ▁up , ▁and ▁whether ▁a ▁coalition ▁can ▁be ▁formed ▁with ▁what ' s ▁left ▁at ▁the ▁end .
▁Seller ing , ▁66 ▁years ▁old ▁and ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁parliament ▁since ▁2008, ▁pursued ▁a ▁rather ▁in con s pic uous ▁election ▁campaign , ▁as ▁can ▁be ▁seen ▁from ▁his ▁post ers .
▁He ▁is ▁travelling ▁around ▁the ▁region , ▁distributing ▁rose s ▁and ▁chat ting ▁a ▁bit ▁with ▁people , ▁just ▁as ▁his ▁legend ari ly ▁ta ci turn ▁predecessor ▁Har al d ▁Ring stor ff ▁did .
▁Apart ▁from ▁that , ▁Seele ring ▁has ▁got ▁cold ▁feet , ▁b lam ing ▁Chancellor ▁Merkel ▁for ▁the ▁rise ▁of ▁the ▁A f D .
▁Her ▁refugee ▁policies , ▁her ▁" we ▁can ▁manage ▁it " ▁have ▁accelerated ▁the ▁rise ▁of ▁the ▁far - right , ▁he ▁believes ▁- ▁which ▁will ▁probably ▁cost ▁him ▁his ▁job .
▁The ▁CD U ▁and ▁its ▁top - level ▁candidate , ▁Minister ▁of ▁the ▁Interior ▁Lor en z ▁C aff ier , ▁has ▁already ▁experienced ▁what ▁happens ▁when ▁you ▁fight ▁an ▁election ▁in ▁the ▁right ▁place ▁at ▁the ▁wrong ▁time .
▁The ▁CD U ▁have ▁invited ▁Chancellor ▁Angela ▁Merkel ▁to ▁two ▁mass ▁ra lli es ; ▁Merkel ' s ▁parliamentary ▁constituency ▁is ▁in ▁the ▁north - east .
▁But ▁the ▁target ▁group ▁was n ' t ▁right : ▁there ▁were ▁more ▁people ▁from ▁North ▁Rhine - West pha lia , ▁Berlin ▁and ▁Saxony ▁there ▁than ▁people ▁from ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n .
▁" The ▁majority ▁probably ▁came ▁from ▁other ▁federal ▁states , " ▁Vincent ▁Ko kert , ▁general ▁secretary ▁of ▁the ▁CD U ▁in ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n , ▁complain ed ▁to ▁the ▁N DR ▁recently .
▁But ▁it ▁won ' t ▁do ▁any ▁harm ▁to ▁anyone ▁from ▁other ▁parts ▁of ▁Germany ▁to ▁listen ▁to ▁Angela ▁Mer kal ▁for ▁once .
▁Apart ▁from ▁that , ▁the ▁north - east ▁CD U ▁is ▁generally ▁di spens ing ▁with ▁the ▁normal ▁election ▁events ▁with ▁para sol s ▁and ▁ball oon s ▁in ▁market ▁square s ▁and ▁outside ▁shopping ▁centres .
▁According ▁to ▁Ko kert , ▁that ▁will ▁only ▁play ▁a ▁" min or ▁role ".
▁The ▁Union ▁also ▁noticed ▁that ▁they ▁are ▁losing ▁their ▁footing ▁in ▁the ▁region , ▁and ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁work ▁hard ▁to ▁connect ▁with ▁the ▁people .
▁They ▁are ▁suffering ▁like ▁the ▁Left , ▁the ▁S PD , ▁the ▁Greens : ▁hardly ▁present ▁across ▁large ▁sw ath es ▁of ▁the ▁region .
▁The ▁advice ▁that ▁CD U ▁candidate ▁Ko kert ▁gave ▁to ▁his ▁competitors ▁is ▁reveal ing : ▁" You ▁have ▁got ▁to ▁go ▁where ▁it ▁hurt s , ▁or ▁where ▁the ▁people ▁are : ▁village ▁fe tes , ▁Golden ▁We dding ▁an ni vers aries , ▁you ▁have ▁to ▁make ▁use ▁of ▁every ▁birthday ▁party . "
▁Seller ing ▁has ▁already ▁called ▁his ▁S PD ▁to ▁fight ▁a ▁particularly ▁committed ▁election ▁campaign ▁because ▁there ▁is ▁so ▁much ▁at ▁stake .
▁According ▁to ▁poll s , ▁the ▁social ▁democrat s ▁have ▁22 ▁percent , ▁behind ▁their ▁partners ▁the ▁CD U ▁( 25 ), ▁and ▁only ▁fraction ally ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁A f D ▁(19 ).
▁In ▁the ▁2011 ▁elections , ▁the ▁S PD ▁had ▁a ▁clear ▁victory ▁over ▁the ▁CD U ▁( 35 . 6 ▁percent ▁ versus ▁22 ▁percent ).
▁The ▁Greens , ▁a ▁small ▁party ▁with ▁seven ▁percent ▁in ▁the ▁poll s , ▁should ▁make ▁the ▁leap ▁into ▁the ▁regional ▁parliament .
▁They ▁are ▁making ▁a ▁modern ▁virtue ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁holiday ▁issue , ▁and ▁are ▁wag ing ▁their ▁election ▁war ▁predominantly ▁online .
▁" Online ▁election ▁campaign " ▁is ▁what ▁the ▁regional ▁chair person ▁C lau dia ▁Müller ▁has ▁du bb ed ▁it .
▁Apart ▁from ▁that , ▁the ▁Greens ▁are ▁searching ▁out ▁local ▁voters ▁among ▁the ▁holiday makers .
▁Silk e ▁Ga je k , ▁their ▁top ▁candidate , ▁is ▁currently ▁crossing ▁M eck l enburg ' s ▁lakes ▁on ▁a ▁house boat ▁- ▁and ▁is ▁having ▁a ▁nice ▁time .
▁Her ▁view ? ▁" Ha ving ▁an ▁election ▁holiday ▁in ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n ▁is n ' t ▁all ▁that ▁bad ".
▁B 27 ▁re development : ▁restaurants ▁are ▁suffering ▁from ▁the ▁closure
▁There ▁are ▁hardly ▁any ▁problems ▁with ▁the ▁speed ▁at ▁which ▁the ▁B 27 ▁is ▁being ▁re developed .
▁There ▁is ▁praise ▁from ▁all ▁quarters ▁for ▁the ▁people ▁responsible ▁for ▁the ▁construction ▁works , ▁which ▁start ▁at ▁5. 30 ▁a . m . ▁and ▁end ▁at ▁8 ▁p . m .
▁" The y ▁have ▁done ▁everything ▁so ▁speed ily , " ▁El vi ra ▁T ex l aff ▁at ▁the ▁Jet ▁petrol ▁station ▁explains .
▁That ▁is ▁a ▁super ▁team .
▁There ▁are ▁also ▁no ▁delays .
▁At ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁week , ▁the ▁construction ▁site ▁could ▁be ▁moved ▁south wards ▁in ▁line ▁with ▁plans , ▁marking ▁the ▁half - way ▁point , ▁and ▁everything ▁is ▁expected ▁to ▁be ▁completed ▁by ▁October .
▁The ▁ob lig ing ness ▁of ▁the ▁people ▁responsible ▁for ▁the ▁construction ▁works ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁setting ▁up ▁substitute ▁drive ways .
▁Since ▁the ▁construction ▁site ▁was ▁moved ▁south wards ▁on ▁Monday , ▁and ▁the ▁As peg straße ▁in ▁Oft er ding en ▁was ▁reopen ed , ▁and ▁the ▁link ▁to ▁Rot t enburg ▁was ▁re - established , ▁the ▁traffic ▁situation ▁within ▁the ▁town ▁has ▁improved .
▁Resident s ▁can ▁now ▁drive ▁on ▁both ▁sides ▁of ▁the ▁B ▁27 ▁out ▁of ▁Oft er ding en .
▁There ▁seem ▁to ▁be ▁fewer ▁drivers ▁taking ▁alternative ▁routes ▁through ▁the ▁town .
▁" There ▁were ▁some ▁serious ▁complaints ▁made , " ▁said ▁Florian ▁King , ▁de put y ▁chief ▁officer ▁responsible ▁for ▁traffic ▁management ▁during ▁the ▁re development .
▁Resident s ▁in ▁Bach satz straße , ▁Stein lach straße , ▁H af ner straße ▁and ▁We ih er rain ▁had ▁to ▁put ▁up ▁with ▁more ▁traffic ▁noise ▁because ▁people ▁were ▁looking ▁for ▁ways ▁to ▁cut ▁through , ▁trust ing ▁their ▁sat n av ▁more ▁than ▁the ▁sign age .
▁This ▁led ▁to ▁some ▁lorries ▁hurt ling ▁through ▁residential ▁areas .
▁The ▁commun e ▁has ▁increased ▁calls ▁for ▁the ▁measuring ▁vehicle ▁from ▁Mö s s ing en ▁because ▁speed ▁limits ▁were ▁not ▁always ▁adhere d ▁to ▁either .
▁" There ▁were ▁considerable ▁infringement s , " ▁said ▁King , ▁who ▁had ▁taken ▁a ▁look ▁on - site ▁to ▁see ▁what ▁was ▁going ▁on .
▁Two ▁to ▁three ▁vehicles ▁were ▁s n app ed ▁by ▁a ▁speed ▁camera ▁every ▁minute .
▁The ▁fastest ▁was ▁travelling ▁at ▁77 ▁kilometres ▁per ▁hour ▁in ▁a ▁30 ▁zone .
▁Since ▁the ▁construction ▁site ▁has ▁moved ▁on , ▁things ▁have ▁quiet en ed ▁down .
▁This ▁is ▁only ▁a ▁small ▁con sol ation ▁for ▁businesses ▁located ▁along ▁the ▁B ▁27 ▁that ▁the ▁road ▁has ▁reopen ed ▁for ▁customers ▁from ▁Rot t enburg .
▁Business ▁people ▁don ' t ▁like ▁to ▁show ▁their ▁hand .
▁But ▁nobody ▁we ▁question ed ▁ hid ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁the ▁B ▁27 ▁re development ▁had ▁led ▁to ▁a ▁drop ▁in ▁profits .
▁However , ▁some ▁have ▁been ▁affected ▁more ▁than ▁others .
▁People ▁who ▁have ▁little ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁" end ▁customers ", ▁i . e . ▁if ▁they ▁make ▁products ▁for ▁other ▁companies , ▁have ▁hardly ▁been ▁affected ▁by ▁the ▁re development .
▁Even ▁at ▁the ▁Mai er ▁car ▁dealer ship , ▁Thomas ▁S ul z ▁talked ▁of ▁" a ▁slight ▁loss , ▁at ▁the ▁most ", ▁but ▁also ▁admitted ▁that ▁" the re ▁had ▁been ▁a ▁lack ▁of ▁passing ▁trade ".
▁Bars ▁and ▁restaurants ▁along ▁the ▁road ▁had ▁been ▁the ▁hard est ▁hit .
▁J . ▁Albert ▁G öhne r , ▁owner ▁of ▁the ▁Ste ak house ▁( pre vi ously ▁Kron e ), ▁expressed ▁himself ▁clearly .
▁It ▁has ▁threatened ▁our ▁very ▁existence .
▁It ' s ▁not ▁just ▁him : ▁all ▁restaurants ▁have ▁been ▁" hi t ▁hard ".
▁Customer s ▁from ▁He ching en , ▁Bal ing en ▁and ▁Rot t weil ▁stayed ▁away .
▁We ▁have ▁to ▁be ▁happy ▁about ▁every ▁euro ▁of ▁profit ▁we ▁make .
▁He ▁rec kon s ▁that ▁profits ▁s lump ed ▁by ▁" far ▁more ▁than ▁50 ▁percent ".
▁The ▁road ▁re development ▁" set ▁back " ▁his ▁businesses ▁" by ▁two ▁years ".
▁He ▁had ▁to ▁let ▁half ▁of ▁his ▁staff ▁go .
▁If ▁I ▁had ▁a ▁company ▁with ▁4000 ▁employees ▁and ▁had ▁to ▁let ▁half ▁of ▁them ▁go , ▁politicians ▁would ▁have ▁react ed ▁differently .
▁Instead , ▁when ▁G öhne r ▁asked ▁the ▁government ' s ▁president , ▁Jörg ▁Schmidt , ▁if ▁there ▁would ▁be ▁financial ▁compensation , ▁the ▁president ▁replied ▁that ▁the ▁restaurant ▁benefit ed ▁already ▁from ▁its ▁location ▁on ▁the ▁B ▁27. ▁And ▁now ▁it ▁just ▁had ▁to ▁deal ▁with ▁the ▁disadvantage s ▁thrown ▁up ▁by ▁the ▁re development .
▁G öhne r ▁knows ▁of ▁other ▁districts ▁where ▁people ▁have ▁acted ▁more ▁generous ly .
▁Despite ▁all ▁the ▁complain s , ▁G öhne r ▁is ▁convinced ▁that ▁his ▁restaurant ▁will ▁survive .
▁After ▁all , ▁the ▁family ▁business ▁moved ▁there ▁back ▁in ▁17 15 , ▁he ▁said , ▁referring ▁to ▁its ▁long ▁history .
▁He ▁can ▁understand ▁that ▁his ▁regular ▁customers ▁visit ▁less ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁complicated ▁traffic ▁system .
▁If ▁you ▁can ' t ▁drive ▁past , ▁other ▁places ▁are ▁also ▁nice .
▁G öhne r ▁has ▁no ▁doubt ▁that ▁his ▁regular s ▁will ▁return ▁once ▁the ▁re development ▁works ▁have ▁been ▁completed .
▁Despite ▁the ▁crises ▁with ▁BSE ▁and ▁bird ▁flu , ▁G öhne r ▁believes ▁that ▁the ▁effects ▁of ▁the ▁B ▁27 ▁works ▁on ▁his ▁client el e ▁mark ▁the ▁biggest ▁crisis ▁his ▁restaurant ▁has ▁suffered ▁in ▁its ▁long ▁history .
▁Six ▁months ▁of ▁construction ▁works , ▁that ' s ▁brutal .
▁Law ▁are ▁constantly ▁being ▁passed ▁in ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁anti - terrorism .
▁After ▁the ▁most ▁recent ▁attacks , ▁Minister ▁of ▁the ▁Interior ▁de ▁Mai z ière ▁is ▁now ▁putting ▁forward ▁a ▁host ▁of ▁security ▁measures .
▁But ▁what ▁does ▁residential ▁status ▁have ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁terrorism ?
▁And ▁what ▁does ▁the ▁coalition ▁partner ▁have ▁to ▁say ▁about ▁it ▁all ?
▁Thomas ▁de ▁Mai z ière ▁is ▁playing ▁the ▁con ci li ator .
▁All ▁his ▁proposals ▁are ▁" political ly ▁reasonable " ▁for ▁the ▁coalition ▁partner , ▁the ▁Federal ▁Minister ▁of ▁the ▁Interior ▁said ▁when ▁reveal ing ▁his ▁new ▁security ▁package .
▁They ▁are ▁not ▁asking ▁too ▁much ▁of ▁anyone .
▁Other , ▁more ▁wide - reaching ▁issues ▁will ▁first ▁be ▁discussed ▁within ▁the ▁parties .
▁I ▁will ▁also ▁be ▁involved ▁in ▁that .
▁As ▁Minister ▁of ▁the ▁Interior , ▁however , ▁he ▁is ▁responsible ▁for ▁results , ▁and ▁for ▁reaching ▁an ▁" ach iev able ▁agreement " ▁within ▁the ▁coalition , ▁he ▁says .
▁After ▁the ▁most ▁recent ▁attacks ▁in ▁Wür z burg ▁and ▁An s bach , ▁de ▁Mai z ière ▁let ▁a ▁little ▁time ▁pass ▁before ▁an no un cing ▁his ▁conclusions ▁for ▁security ▁within ▁Germany .
▁However , ▁they ▁are ▁more ▁comprehensive ▁as ▁a ▁result .
▁One ▁thing ▁was ▁already ▁known , ▁announced , ▁her al ded : ▁The ▁fact ▁that ▁a ▁new ▁security ▁agency ▁is ▁going ▁to ▁work ▁on ▁crack ing ▁encrypted ▁communications ▁is ▁not ▁new .
▁Neither ▁is ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁Germany ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁implement ▁several ▁EU ▁directives ▁on ▁air ▁passenger ▁data ▁and ▁gun ▁laws .
▁The ▁call ▁for ▁more ▁video ▁surveillance ▁and ▁staff ▁for ▁security ▁agencies ▁also ▁does ▁not ▁come ▁as ▁a ▁surprise .
▁To ▁some ▁extent , ▁de ▁Mai z ière ▁is ▁launching ▁a ▁second ▁attempt ▁at ▁proposals ▁that ▁the ▁S PD ▁long ▁wanted ▁nothing ▁to ▁do ▁with : ▁He ▁wants ▁to ▁penalise ▁advertising ▁for ▁terrorist ▁groups , ▁and ▁remove ▁German ▁passport s ▁from ▁ ji ha dis ▁with ▁dual ▁citizenship .
▁" The y ▁will ▁be ▁difficult ▁issues ▁for ▁the ▁S PD , " ▁admitted ▁the ▁CD U ▁politician .
▁Despite ▁this , ▁he ▁believes ▁they ▁are ▁a ch iev able , ▁and ▁is ▁not ▁demanding ▁anything ▁that ▁has ▁no ▁chance ▁with ▁the ▁coalition ▁partner .
▁De ▁Mai z ière ▁also ▁presented ▁a ▁few ▁new ▁ideas .
▁Some ▁of ▁them ▁have ▁a ▁lot ▁to ▁offer : ▁He ▁is ▁planning ▁accelerated ▁processes ▁for ▁de port ation ▁and ▁more ▁opportunities ▁to ▁arrest ▁individuals ▁prior ▁to ▁their ▁de port ation .
▁Re fug e es ▁who ▁are ▁specifically ▁brought ▁to ▁the ▁country ▁should ▁allow ▁their ▁smart phone s ▁to ▁be ▁checked , ▁and ▁present ▁their ▁social ▁media ▁accounts ▁for ▁security ▁checks .
▁He ▁wants ▁to ▁reduce ▁tolerance ▁for ▁people ▁who ▁have ▁been ▁refused ▁asylum ▁- ▁such ▁as ▁those ▁who ▁commit ▁crimes , ▁or ▁deliberately ▁throw ▁away ▁their ▁papers ▁to ▁conceal ▁their ▁identity .
▁Some ▁of ▁it ▁is ▁politically ▁and ▁legally ▁trick y .
▁Some ▁of ▁it ▁also ▁seems ▁half - bak ed , ▁and ▁leaves ▁questions ▁to ▁be ▁answered .
▁And ▁for ▁some ▁points ▁- ▁such ▁as ▁the ▁unequal ▁treatment ▁of ▁tolerate d ▁persons ▁- ▁the ▁following ▁question ▁is ▁raised : ▁What ▁does ▁that ▁actually ▁have ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁security ▁and ▁terrorism ?
▁Yes , ▁de ▁Mai z ière ▁says , ▁it ▁is ▁important ▁to ▁differentiate ▁between ▁the ▁issues ▁posed ▁by ▁refugees , ▁and ▁the ▁issue ▁of ▁terrorism .
▁But ▁it ▁cannot ▁be ▁denied ▁that ▁the ▁perpetrators ▁of ▁the ▁attacks ▁in ▁An s bach ▁and ▁Wür z burg ▁were ▁refugees .
▁In ▁addition , ▁many ▁people ▁are ▁worried ▁about ▁security ▁because ▁of ▁the ▁large ▁numbers ▁of ▁refugees .
▁And ▁things ▁that ▁deeply ▁worry ▁people ▁cannot ▁be ▁ignored ▁- ▁even ▁during ▁election ▁season .
▁Dom es tic ▁security ▁has ▁come ▁to ▁the ▁for e ▁to ▁a ▁huge ▁extent .
▁First ▁the ▁attacks ▁in ▁neighbouring ▁countries : ▁Paris , ▁Copenhagen , ▁Brussels , ▁Nice .
▁The n ▁the ▁attacks ▁in ▁Wür z burg ▁and ▁An s bach .
▁There ▁is ▁a ▁large ▁amount ▁of ▁uncertainty .
▁And ▁yes , ▁elections ▁are ▁loom ing .
▁The ▁Union ▁and ▁the ▁S PD ▁are ▁consequently ▁focusing ▁more ▁and ▁more ▁on ▁the ▁issue ▁of ▁security .
▁Over ▁the ▁past ▁few ▁days ▁things ▁have ▁been ▁quite ▁heated ▁between ▁the ▁two ▁parties .
▁First ▁a ▁na s ty ▁argument ▁about ▁the ▁Federal ▁Police ▁Force ' s ▁equipment , ▁the n ▁about ▁an ▁ideas - ga the ring ▁event ▁for ▁security ▁and ▁politics - related ▁discussions ▁between ▁some ▁Ministers ▁of ▁the ▁Interior ▁in ▁the ▁Union , ▁at ▁which ▁a ▁ bur ka ▁ban ▁and ▁the ▁re nuncia tion ▁of ▁dual ▁citizenship ▁were ▁demanded ▁by ▁department ▁heads .
▁De ▁Mai z ière ▁is ▁also ▁trying ▁to ▁strike ▁a ▁con ci li atory ▁note ▁here .
▁He ▁does ▁not ▁think ▁that ▁dual ▁citizenship ▁will ▁be ▁removed .
▁We ▁have ▁dealt ▁with ▁the ▁discussions ▁in ▁Germany .
▁It ▁would ▁not ▁make ▁sense ▁to ▁reopen ▁discussions ▁on ▁this ▁topic .
▁And ▁he ▁think s ▁that ▁a ▁ bur ka ▁ban ▁would ▁come ▁up ▁against ▁constitutional ▁issues .
▁However , ▁it ▁remains ▁to ▁be ▁seen ▁whether ▁his ▁own ▁package ▁is ▁in ▁line ▁with ▁the ▁constitution ▁throughout , ▁and ▁whether ▁it ▁really ▁is ▁" ach iev able " ▁for ▁his ▁coalition ▁partner .
▁There ▁are ▁few ▁things ▁inside ▁it ▁that ▁could ▁cause ▁problems .
▁But ▁the ▁S PD ▁is ▁also ▁currently ▁attempting ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁issue ▁of ▁domestic ▁security ▁to ▁shape ▁itself .
▁S PD ▁Head ▁Sigma r ▁Gabriel ▁showed ▁that ▁the ▁party ▁was ▁happy ▁to ▁discuss ▁the ▁issue , ▁ albeit ▁sensitive ly ▁at ▁first , ▁saying ▁that ▁" the ▁S PD ▁is ▁prepared ▁to ▁discuss ▁anything ▁that ▁will ▁increase ▁security ▁further . "
▁Volkswagen ▁gets ▁off ▁light ly .
▁Despite ▁the ▁diese l ▁scandal , ▁global ▁delivery ▁figures ▁are ▁increasing .
▁But ▁things ▁are n ' t ▁quite ▁as ▁ro sy ▁in ▁all ▁markets .
▁The ▁recall ▁has ▁led ▁to ▁fu s s ▁about ▁one ▁term .
▁Volkswagen ' s ▁deliveries ▁were ▁more ▁rest rain ed ▁in ▁the ▁second ▁half ▁of ▁the ▁year .
▁Thanks ▁to ▁its ▁number ▁of ▁brands ▁and ▁some ▁well - function ing ▁markets , ▁Europe ' s ▁largest ▁car ▁manufacturer ▁can ▁boast ▁another ▁plus ▁for ▁the ▁previous ▁year , ▁despite ▁the ▁diese l ▁scandal .
▁However , ▁in ▁July , ▁the ▁VW ▁core ▁brand ▁suffered , ▁particularly ▁in ▁Western ▁Europe , ▁thereby ▁affecting ▁overall ▁sales , ▁as ▁the ▁Da x - liste d ▁company ▁announced .
▁Global ly , ▁the ▁VW ▁brand ▁sold ▁4 49 , 100 ▁cars ▁in ▁July ▁- ▁1.8 ▁percent ▁fewer ▁vehicles ▁than ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁month ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁year .
▁In ▁Western ▁Europe ▁alone , ▁the ▁second ▁most ▁important ▁market ▁after ▁China , ▁sales ▁were ▁14 ▁percent ▁lower ▁than ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁month ▁the ▁year ▁before .
▁In ▁its ▁home ▁market ▁of ▁Germany , ▁deliveries ▁plum met ed ▁by ▁almost ▁a ▁sixth .
▁Head ▁of ▁brand ▁sales , ▁J ür ge ▁St ack mann , ▁blame d ▁July ' s ▁poor ▁figures ▁on ▁the ▁loss ▁of ▁two ▁sales ▁days ▁in ▁Europe .
▁In ▁addition , ▁some ▁key ▁markets ▁saw ▁" change d ▁economic ▁climate s ", ▁which ▁led ▁to ▁fewer ▁purchase s .
▁In ▁addition ▁to ▁the ▁situation ▁regarding ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup ▁in ▁Turkey , ▁the ▁British ▁vote ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁EU ▁had ▁also ▁had ▁an ▁impact , ▁a ▁spoke s wo man ▁said .
▁In ▁the ▁USA , ▁where ▁the ▁emissions ▁scandal ▁first ▁began , ▁the ▁books ▁are ▁once ▁again ▁in ▁the ▁red .
▁The ▁Chinese ▁market ▁is ▁a ▁source ▁of ▁great ▁support ▁for ▁VW .
▁In ▁total , ▁Lower ▁Saxony ' s ▁own ▁brand , ▁which ▁was ▁most ▁affected , ▁has ▁got ▁off ▁light ly ▁from ▁the ▁diese l ▁scandal : ▁After ▁the ▁first ▁seven ▁months , ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁minus ▁in ▁the ▁books ▁for ▁deliveries ▁amount ing ▁to ▁0.9 ▁percent ▁of ▁3. 37 ▁million ▁vehicles .
▁Head ▁of ▁sales ▁at ▁the ▁company , ▁Fred ▁K app ler , ▁was ▁once ▁again ▁able ▁to ▁bring ▁out ▁an ▁increase ▁in ▁sales ▁from ▁January ▁to ▁July .
▁Volkswagen ▁delivered ▁1.3 ▁percent ▁more ▁vehicles ▁in ▁this ▁time ▁period , ▁coming ▁to ▁a ▁global ▁total ▁of ▁5. 90 4 ▁million .
▁Volkswagen ▁had ▁used ▁software ▁to ▁manipulate ▁emissions ▁tests .
▁In ▁Germany ▁alone , ▁VW ▁has ▁called ▁2.5 ▁million ▁vehicles ▁back ▁to ▁workshops ▁to ▁be ▁re fit ted .
▁In ▁the ▁course ▁of ▁modify ing ▁the ▁vehicles ▁VW ▁emphasised ▁that ▁re fit ting ▁them ▁would ▁have ▁no ▁negative ▁effects .
▁After ▁the ▁vehicles ▁have ▁been ▁modified , ▁fuel ▁consumption , ▁CO 2 ▁emissions ▁or ▁motor ▁performance ▁would ▁not ▁get ▁worse .
▁After ▁modification , ▁the ▁car ▁manufacturer ▁will ▁provide ▁its ▁customers ▁with ▁a ▁certificate ▁that ▁is ▁" as ▁good ▁as ▁a ▁guarantee " ▁but ▁would ▁not ▁talk ▁of ▁an ▁actual ▁" gua r ante e ", ▁as ▁was ▁mentioned ▁on ▁Friday ▁in ▁corporate ▁circle s .
▁Legal ▁in t rica cies ▁are ▁the ▁reason ▁for ▁this .
▁" F oc us " ▁reported ▁that ▁Volkswagen ▁would ▁provide ▁its ▁German ▁customers ▁with ▁a ▁guarantee ▁for ▁modified ▁diese l ▁cars ▁nonetheless .
▁This ▁was ▁confirmed ▁by ▁VW ▁representatives ▁at ▁the ▁Federal ▁Ministry ▁of ▁Transport ▁on ▁the ▁Monday ▁previous .
▁The ▁Ministry ▁of ▁Transport ▁confirmed ▁that ▁this ▁meeting ▁had ▁taken ▁place .
▁" V W ▁must ▁fully ▁meet ▁the ▁requirements ▁of ▁my ▁invest ig ative ▁committee ▁and ▁the ▁K BA . "
▁" De vi ations ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁accepted , " ▁explained ▁Alexander ▁Do bri nd t ▁( CD U ), ▁the ▁Federal ▁Minister ▁for ▁Transport , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁Ministry .
▁VW ▁took ▁on ▁the ▁guarantee ▁that ▁fuel ▁consumption , ▁CO 2 ▁emissions ▁or ▁motor ▁performance ▁would ▁not ▁get ▁worse ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁modification , ▁and ▁all ▁vehicle ▁values ▁relevant ▁to ▁type ▁approval ▁would ▁remain ▁unchanged .
▁Volkswagen ▁itself ▁does ▁not ▁use ▁the ▁term ▁" gua r ante e ", ▁as ▁has ▁been ▁mentioned ▁in ▁corporate ▁circle s .
▁Volkswagen ▁believes ▁that ▁the ▁broad ▁term ▁" gua r ante e " ▁could ▁see ▁customers ▁returning ▁to ▁the ▁workshop ▁with ▁motor ▁damage ▁six ▁months ▁after ▁the ▁modification ▁- ▁and ▁being ▁able ▁to ▁blame ▁this ▁on ▁the ▁new ▁software , ▁even ▁if ▁the ▁damage ▁had ▁nothing ▁at ▁all ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁it .
▁It ▁is ▁also ▁in ▁the ▁customers ' ▁interest ▁to ▁prevent ▁confusion ▁with ▁guarantee ▁clauses ▁for ▁any ▁other ▁fault s ▁that ▁have ▁nothing ▁at ▁all ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁the ▁emissions ▁scandal .
▁This ▁is ▁why ▁VW ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁using ▁the ▁term ▁" gua r ante e ".
▁The ▁R aff eisen ▁Bank ▁in ▁G mund ▁am ▁Te ger n see ▁will ▁demand ▁penalty ▁interest ▁from ▁wealthy ▁save r s ▁in ▁the ▁future ▁- ▁and ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁second ▁bank ▁in ▁Germany ▁to ▁do ▁so .
▁Managing ▁Director ▁of ▁the ▁bank , ▁Josef ▁Paul , ▁said ▁on ▁Thursday ▁that ▁" this ▁only ▁applies ▁to ▁1 39 ▁customers ▁with ▁40 ▁million ▁euros ▁in ▁their ▁current ▁accounts ▁or ▁day - to - day ▁accounts ".
▁The ▁Federal ▁Association ▁of ▁German ▁Bank s ▁believes ▁this ▁is ▁an ▁isolated ▁case , ▁and ▁does ▁not ▁see ▁it ▁as ▁a ▁sign : ▁normal ▁save r s ▁" n e ed ▁not ▁worry ▁about ▁being ▁hit ▁with ▁penalty ▁interest ▁on ▁the ▁pen n ies ▁they ' ve ▁put ▁aside ".
▁If ▁banks ▁invest ▁money ▁overnight ▁with ▁the ▁European ▁Central ▁Bank ▁( EC B ), ▁they ▁have ▁to ▁pay ▁penalty ▁interest ▁of ▁0 . 4 ▁percent .
▁From ▁September , ▁the ▁R aff eisen ▁Bank ▁in ▁G mund ▁will ▁be ▁asking ▁private ▁and ▁business ▁customers ▁with ▁more ▁than ▁100,000 ▁euros ▁in ▁their ▁current ▁account ▁or ▁day - to - day ▁account ▁to ▁pay ▁this ▁fee .
▁" The ▁first ▁100,000 ▁euros ▁are ▁free . "
▁" In ▁the ▁future , ▁any ▁subsequent ▁100,000 ▁euros ▁will ▁cost ▁400 ▁euros ▁a ▁year , " ▁Paul ▁said .
▁For ▁some ▁time , ▁he ▁has ▁been ▁managing ▁40 ▁million ▁euros ▁that ▁could ▁be ▁withdrawn ▁any ▁day , ▁and ▁that ▁he ▁is ▁unable ▁to ▁make ▁use ▁of .
▁" The ▁money ▁has ▁been ▁sitting ▁in ▁my ▁account ▁at ▁the ▁Central ▁Bank , ▁and ▁cost ing ▁0 . 4 ▁percent , " ▁the ▁bank ▁CEO ▁said .
▁" I ▁cannot ▁put ▁4000 ▁euros ▁aside ▁for ▁every ▁million . "
▁He ▁is ▁passing ▁on ▁the ▁costs ▁under ▁the ▁" polluter ▁pays " ▁principle .
▁It ▁would ▁be ▁far ▁too ▁dangerous ▁just ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁cash ▁in ▁the ▁R aff eisen ▁Bank ' s ▁safe : ▁" I ▁have ▁already ▁been ▁through ▁four ▁raid s , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁a ▁fifth ! " ▁the ▁bank ' s ▁managing ▁director ▁said .
▁Most ▁customers ▁have ▁been ▁understanding , ▁and ▁have ▁switched ▁to ▁other ▁forms ▁of ▁investment .
▁Only ▁a ▁small ▁number ▁moved ▁to ▁other ▁banks .
▁The ▁Federation ▁of ▁C ooperative s ▁of ▁Bavaria ▁explained ▁that ▁" the ▁extreme ▁monetary ▁policy ▁pursued ▁by ▁the ▁EC G ▁leads ▁to ▁all ▁banks ▁in cur ring ▁significant ▁costs ".
▁It ▁would ▁be ▁" im pos s ible " ▁for ▁them ▁to ▁bear ▁these ▁costs ▁" on ▁a ▁permanent ▁basis , ▁from ▁a ▁business ▁perspective ".
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁some ▁German ▁banks ▁have ▁increased ▁the ▁fees ▁they ▁charge ▁for ▁account ▁management , ▁credit ▁cards ▁or ▁transfers .
▁Th uring ia ' s ▁" Vol k s - ▁und ▁R aff eisen ▁Bank " ▁in ▁Alten burg er ▁Land ▁hit ▁the ▁head lines ▁in ▁2014 ▁when ▁their ▁S kat bank ▁branch ▁imposed ▁penalty ▁interest ▁on ▁investments ▁of ▁more ▁than ▁three ▁million ▁euros .
▁Michael ▁Ke mmer , ▁managing ▁director ▁of ▁the ▁banking ▁association , ▁said : ▁" We ▁are ▁not ▁expecting ▁that ▁private ▁customers ▁will ▁all ▁have ▁to ▁pay ▁fees ▁for ▁investments ▁- ▁the ▁competition ▁between ▁banks ▁in ▁Germany ▁is ▁much ▁too ▁strong ▁for ▁that ".
▁A ▁bank er ▁said ▁that , ▁in ▁Te ger n see , ▁there ▁was ▁" c lien tele ▁who ▁were ▁rather ▁better ▁off ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁assets . "
▁" T hat ▁can ▁be ▁a ▁problem ▁for ▁a ▁small ▁bank , " ▁if ▁the ▁bank ▁is ▁looking ▁after ▁their ▁money ▁for ▁free .
▁The ▁C ooperative ▁Bank ▁of ▁G mund ▁was ▁founded ▁in ▁1911 , ▁and ▁has ▁branches ▁in ▁Bad ▁Wie s see , ▁Rot t ach - E ger n , ▁Kre u th ▁and ▁Te ger n see .
▁Fa m ous ▁actors , ▁sports people ▁and ▁enter pre n eurs ▁live ▁in ▁the ▁region .
▁S pok es person ▁Ernst ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁C ooperative ▁Association ▁of ▁Bavaria ▁" was ▁not ▁currently ▁aware ▁of ▁any ▁other ▁banks ▁that ▁ask ▁private ▁customers ▁to ▁reimburse ▁their ▁expenses ".
▁The ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Bundes verband ▁der ▁deutschen ▁Volks banken ▁und ▁Ra iff eisen banken ▁( B VR ), ▁U we ▁F röhlich , ▁said ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁June ▁that ▁" the ▁threshold ▁for ▁tip ping ▁into ▁the ▁red ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁private ▁customers ▁is ▁very , ▁very ▁high ".
▁Competition ▁is ▁fierce , ▁and ▁there ▁is ▁the ▁risk ▁that ▁investors ▁will ▁move ▁to ▁competitors .
▁Customer s ▁in ▁Germany ▁will ▁not ▁put ▁up ▁with ▁that , ▁broadly ▁speaking .
▁Vin yl ▁destination : ▁who ▁is ▁actually ▁buying ▁records ?
▁L one ly , ▁middle - age d ▁men ▁love ▁vi n yl .
▁Before ▁you ▁rush ▁to ▁ litter ▁the ▁comments ▁section ▁with ▁ gna r ly ▁insult s ▁under ▁the ▁pseudo n ym ▁Not All L one ly Mi ddle A ged M en , ▁this ▁statement ▁der ives ▁from ▁actual ▁data .
▁According ▁to ▁You G ov , ▁the ▁much ▁talked - about ▁record ▁re s urg ence ▁is ▁driven ▁not ▁by ▁a ▁boom ▁in ▁mill en n ial s ▁who ▁want ▁to ▁embrace ▁the ▁novel ty ▁of ▁a ▁physical ▁item , ▁but ▁by ▁mid life ▁no stal gia .
▁Those ▁who ▁have ▁recently ▁purchased ▁a ▁vi n yl ▁album ▁are ▁most ▁likely ▁to ▁be ▁a ged ▁between ▁45 ▁and ▁54 , ▁apparently .
▁In ▁fact , ▁those ▁in ▁the ▁18 - 24 ▁age ▁group ▁are ▁the ▁least ▁likely .
▁It ▁is ▁not ▁just ▁an ▁act ▁of ▁ho ard ing ▁by ▁hobby ist s , ▁either ▁- ▁it ▁has ▁emotional ▁significance : ▁older ▁vi n yl ▁buyer s ▁are ▁slightly ▁more ▁likely ▁to ▁keep ▁their ▁feelings ▁to ▁themselves ▁(5 6% ▁ versus ▁5 3% ) ▁and ▁enjoy ▁being ▁alone ▁(6 9% ▁ versus ▁6 6% ).
▁But ▁are ▁You G ov ' s ▁results ▁true ?
▁If ▁this ▁blog ▁was ▁a ▁tele vis ed ▁news ▁report , ▁the ▁camera ▁would ▁follow ▁me ▁as ▁I ▁walk ed ▁down ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁a ▁busy ▁So ho ▁street , ▁wearing ▁a ▁modest ▁grey ▁suit ▁and ▁gest uring ▁wild ly ▁before ▁stopping , ▁cu pping ▁my ▁hands ▁and ▁saying ▁something ▁author it ative ▁like : ▁" So , ▁let ' s ▁take ▁a ▁look . "
▁So , ▁let ' s ▁take ▁a ▁look .
▁While ▁the ▁heart ▁of ▁So ho ▁is ▁slowly ▁being ▁drain ed ▁of ▁its ▁charm ▁and ▁gro t ▁- ▁hotels , ▁E ats , ▁Pre t s ▁and ▁Paper cha s es ▁now ▁fill ▁the ▁buildings ▁once ▁occupied ▁by ▁independent ▁seller s ▁- ▁a ▁hand ful ▁of ▁fantastic ▁specialist ▁record ▁shops ▁still ▁remain .
▁I ' d ▁probably ▁ask ▁the ▁camera ▁to ▁stop ▁rolling ▁for ▁the ▁next ▁bit , ▁in ▁which ▁I ▁stand ▁very ▁close ▁to ▁various ▁men ▁in ▁some ▁of ▁these ▁stores ▁and ▁attempt ▁to ▁gauge ▁their ▁age ▁and ▁emotional ▁disposition ▁via ▁observation .
▁Glas weg ian ▁Stu art , ▁55 , ▁whom ▁I ▁follow ▁from ▁Si ster ▁Ray ▁( data ▁count : ▁two ▁young ▁women , ▁three ▁middle - age d ▁men ) ▁into ▁Re ck less ▁Records ▁( data ▁count : ▁eight ▁middle - age d ▁men , ▁one ▁woman , ▁probably ▁in ▁her ▁20 s ) ▁is ▁in ▁London ▁for ▁the ▁afternoon ▁for ▁a ▁meeting ▁and ▁is ▁per using ▁the ▁shops ▁to ▁fill ▁a ▁few ▁hours .
▁I s ▁he ▁a ▁collect or , ▁I ▁ask ?
▁" I ▁suppose ▁I ▁am , " ▁he ▁says .
▁I ▁have ▁about ▁3 , 000 ▁or ▁ 4,000 ▁records .
▁These ▁records , ▁picture d ▁above ▁( he ▁email ed ▁me ▁the ▁s n ap , ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁follow ▁him ▁home ), ▁line ▁his ▁living ▁room ▁walls .
▁His ▁reason ▁for ▁acquiring ▁such ▁a ▁vast ▁number ▁of ▁album s ▁and ▁single s ▁is ▁partly ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁his ▁dispos able ▁income : ▁he ▁is ▁now ▁able ▁to ▁buy ▁records ▁he ▁could n ' t ▁afford ▁when ▁they ▁originally ▁came ▁out , ▁and ▁to ▁rep urch ase ▁items ▁he ▁sold ▁when ▁he ▁was ▁young ▁and ▁skin t .
▁" A ▁lot ▁of ▁the ▁stuff ▁I ▁get ▁is ▁late ▁60 s , ▁early ▁70 s , ▁things ▁that ▁came ▁out ▁when ▁I ▁was ▁11 ▁or ▁12 , ▁things ▁I ▁was ▁probably ▁a ▁bit ▁too ▁young ▁to ▁get , " ▁he ▁says .
▁He ▁agrees ▁that ▁those ▁who ▁purchase ▁records ▁are ▁more ▁likely ▁to ▁be ▁in tro vert s ▁who ▁like ▁their ▁own ▁company , ▁adding : ▁" I ▁don ' t ▁smoke , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁drink ▁very ▁much .
▁It ' s ▁my ▁vice .
▁We z , ▁25 , ▁who ▁works ▁at ▁Si ster ▁Ray , ▁also ▁believes ▁that ▁many ▁of ▁the ▁customers ▁he ▁encounter s ▁fit ▁the ▁You G ov ▁profile .
▁He ▁has , ▁however , ▁noticed ▁a ▁new ▁wave ▁of ▁people ▁influenced ▁by ▁the ▁media ▁ hy pe , ▁people ▁who ▁heard ▁about ▁the ▁come back ▁and ▁felt ▁comp ell ed ▁to ▁buy ▁back ▁their ▁old ▁records .
▁From ▁conversation s ▁I ' ve ▁had , ▁people ▁have ▁got ▁rid ▁of ▁their ▁collection , ▁normally ▁around ▁1998 ▁or ▁1999 .
▁Customer s ▁who ▁once ▁sold ▁their ▁vi n yl ▁to ▁buy ▁CDs ▁are ▁now ▁selling ▁their ▁CDs ▁to ▁buy ▁their ▁records ▁back , " ▁he ▁says .
▁That ▁may ▁explain ▁a ▁boom ▁in ▁vi n yl ▁revival ist s ▁of ▁a ▁certain ▁age .
▁But ▁what ▁about ▁the ▁alleged ▁emotional ▁importance ▁of ▁records ?
▁It ▁takes ▁a ▁few ▁seconds ▁in ▁a ▁shop ▁such ▁as ▁Pho nica ▁to ▁realise ▁that ▁record ▁stores ▁offer ▁a ▁comfort ing ▁community ▁of ▁like minded ▁types .
▁According ▁to ▁We z , ▁some ▁older ▁customers ▁have ▁taken ▁um bra ge ▁with ▁the ▁contact less ▁payment ▁system ▁in ▁particular .
▁Some ▁vi n yl ▁fans ▁may ▁feel ▁over w helm ed ▁by ▁the ▁digital ▁world ▁and ▁choose ▁to ▁retreat ▁to ▁the ▁stability ▁of ▁the ▁familiar ▁record ▁sleeve , ▁of ▁items ▁that ▁recall ▁ hal cy on ▁te en age ▁memories .
▁" I ▁think ▁sometimes ▁it ▁can ▁be ▁filling ▁a ▁void ▁or ▁having ▁material ▁possession s ▁as ▁some ▁kind ▁of ▁comfort , " ▁We z ▁says .
▁As ▁a ▁collect or ▁myself , ▁I ▁have ▁that , ▁and ▁I ▁think ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁people ▁do .
▁It ' s ▁an ▁easy ▁way ▁to ▁occupy ▁your ▁head space .
▁" We ' re ▁like ▁their ▁social ▁workers ! " ▁pipe s ▁up ▁a ▁co - work er ▁from ▁a ▁stack ▁of ▁records .
▁An ▁I CM ▁poll ▁in ▁April ▁revealed ▁that ▁almost ▁50% ▁of ▁people ▁who ▁bought ▁a ▁vi n yl ▁album ▁the ▁previous ▁month ▁had ▁yet ▁to ▁listen ▁to ▁it .
▁The ▁poll ▁also ▁found ▁that ▁4 1% ▁have ▁a ▁turn table ▁they ▁never ▁use , ▁while ▁ 7% ▁of ▁those ▁who ▁purchase ▁vi n yl ▁don ' t ▁own ▁a ▁record ▁player .
▁At ▁this ▁stage ▁of ▁the ▁news ▁report , ▁I ▁would ▁probably ▁be ▁looking ▁grave ly ▁concerned ▁while ▁fl ick ing ▁through ▁a ▁stack ▁of ▁boss a ▁ nova ▁compilation s .
▁The ▁" tro phy " ▁aspect ▁of ▁the ▁revival ▁is ▁something ▁that ▁Jo n ny , ▁42 , ▁who ▁works ▁in ▁Sound s ▁of ▁the ▁Univers e ▁( data ▁count : ▁three ▁mid de - age d ▁men ) ▁has ▁noticed .
▁" S ome one ▁came ▁in ▁recently ▁and ▁said : ▁" I ▁don ' t ▁have ▁a ▁record ▁player , ▁but ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁buy ▁a ▁Radio head ▁record ▁so ▁we ▁can ▁put ▁it ▁on ▁our ▁s helf , " " ▁he ▁says .
▁That ' s ▁not ▁a ▁large ▁percentage , ▁but ▁it ' s ▁definitely ▁happening .
▁More ▁of ▁the ▁product ▁side , ▁less ▁of ▁the ▁music .
▁We ▁have ▁people ▁saying : ▁" I ▁don ' t ▁have ▁a ▁record ▁player . "
▁That ' s ▁younger ▁people , ▁not ▁older ▁ones , ▁late ▁te en s ▁who ▁are ▁just ▁getting ▁into ▁it .
▁F opp , ▁which ▁now ▁de dica tes ▁almost ▁an ▁entire ▁floor ▁to ▁vi n yl , ▁has ▁a ▁far ▁more ▁varied ▁audience ▁when ▁I ▁arrive .
▁There ▁are ▁couples ▁in ▁their ▁70 s , ▁tourists ▁taking ▁photos , ▁te en age ▁boys ▁and ▁middle - age d ▁women .
▁While ▁the ▁atmosphere ▁is ▁less ▁at ▁ease ▁than ▁the ▁aforementioned ▁stores ▁- ▁Wild ▁Be ast ' s ▁latest ▁syn th - ▁and ▁sex - fuel led ▁pop , ▁rather ▁than ▁no od ling ▁jazz , ▁is ▁blast ing ▁from ▁the ▁speakers ▁- ▁it ▁is ▁good ▁to ▁see ▁diversity ▁in ▁its ▁customers .
▁Non e ▁of ▁them ▁look ▁particularly ▁ lone ly , ▁but ▁na gg ing ▁psychological ▁trauma ▁is ▁hard ▁to ▁ascertain ▁by ▁standing ▁next ▁to ▁someone ▁for ▁30 ▁seconds .
▁El an ora , ▁27 , ▁has ▁been ▁walking ▁around ▁F opp ▁for ▁a ▁few ▁minutes , ▁looking ▁at ▁the ▁variety ▁of ▁records ▁on ▁sale .
▁She ▁is ▁window - shop ping , ▁rather ▁than ▁on ▁a ▁spending ▁sp re e .
▁She ▁doesn ' t ▁earn ▁a ▁lot , ▁she ▁says , ▁so ▁collecting ▁records ▁is n ' t ▁really ▁an ▁option .
▁It ▁costs ▁a ▁lot .
▁It ' s ▁easy ▁to ▁listen ▁to ▁music ▁by ▁a ▁computer ▁or ▁another ▁way , ▁but ▁the ▁beauty ▁of ▁vi n yl ▁is ▁ ..." ▁she ▁drift s ▁off ▁into ▁a ▁love stru ck ▁s igh .
▁I ▁don ' t ▁know ▁how ▁to ▁explain ▁- ▁it ' s ▁really ▁unique .
▁My ▁last ▁stop ▁is ▁a ▁shop ▁said ▁to ▁have ▁inspired ▁a ▁fresh ▁generation ▁of ▁vi n yl ▁lovers : ▁Urban ▁Out fit ters .
▁While ▁giving ▁the ▁illusion ▁of ▁per using ▁the ▁den im ▁hot ▁p ants , ▁I ▁observe ▁a ▁group ▁of ▁te en age ▁girls , ▁who ▁cluster ▁around ▁the ▁Polar oid ▁cameras ▁moment ari ly , ▁before ▁a ▁da d ▁and ▁his ▁daughter ▁deliberate ▁purchasing ▁a ▁Cro s ley ▁record ▁player .
▁To ▁the ▁left ▁is ▁a ▁sta ir well , ▁a ▁wall ▁of ▁which ▁is ▁stack ed ▁with ▁records ▁by ▁Adel e , ▁Jeff ▁B uck ley , ▁Am y ▁Wine house ▁and ▁F le et wood ▁Mac : ▁a ▁mix ▁of ▁contemporary ▁and ▁classic s , ▁the ▁essential ▁records ▁for ▁any ▁average ▁collection .
▁Nobody ▁is ▁looking ▁- ▁perhaps ▁because ▁they ▁are ▁merely ▁decoration , ▁some ▁so ▁high ▁up ▁the ▁wall ▁that ▁it ▁would ▁be ▁impossible ▁to ▁touch ▁them .
▁It ▁is ▁pure ▁" art ▁vi n yl . "
▁But , ▁given ▁that ▁any ▁attraction ▁to ▁these ▁items ▁could ▁mean ▁more ▁money ▁for ▁the ▁industry ▁and ▁send ▁a ▁few ▁customers ▁into ▁the ▁depth s ▁of ▁So ho ▁for ▁more , ▁there ▁is ▁little ▁to ▁complain ▁about .
▁It ▁is ▁no ▁surprise ▁that ▁a ▁demographic ▁more ▁likely ▁than ▁most ▁to ▁have ▁more ▁time ▁and ▁money ▁than ▁most ▁is ▁also ▁the ▁one ▁that ▁spend s ▁the ▁most ▁on ▁luxury ▁items ▁such ▁as ▁vi n yl .
▁But ▁while ▁my ▁findings ▁suggest ▁You G ov ' s ▁results ▁are ▁accurate , ▁in ▁So ho ▁record ▁stores ▁at ▁least , ▁they ▁do ▁not ▁discount ▁the ▁huge ▁number ▁of ▁female ▁collect ors ▁and ▁vi n yl ▁lovers ▁that ▁exist ▁in ▁reality , ▁in ▁record ▁shops ▁and ▁on ▁online ▁forums .
▁These ▁people ▁are ▁probably ▁working ▁hard ▁at ▁school ▁or ▁in ▁offices .
▁They ▁are ▁certainly ▁not ▁spending ▁their ▁Thursday ▁morning s ▁lo ite ring ▁around ▁the ▁record ▁shops ▁of ▁Ber wick ▁Street , ▁fl ick ing ▁through ▁records ▁and ▁avoiding ▁the ▁gaze ▁of ▁a ▁cre e py , ▁30 - year - old ▁fake ▁television ▁present er ▁who ▁is ▁loom ing ▁over ▁the ▁should ers ▁of ▁uns u spect ing ▁middle - age d ▁men .
▁Green land ▁shark ▁is ▁longest - l iving ▁ver te bra te ▁animal ▁- ▁video ▁report
▁S cient ist s ▁say ▁the ▁Green land ▁shark ▁has ▁the ▁longest ▁life s pan ▁of ▁any ▁ver te bra te ▁on ▁the ▁planet .
▁Julius ▁Niels en , ▁who ▁has ▁been ▁studying ▁the ▁shark s , ▁says ▁record ▁goes ▁to ▁a ▁female ▁thought ▁to ▁be ▁between ▁27 2 ▁and ▁5 12 ▁years ▁old ▁and ▁is ▁five ▁metres ▁in ▁length
▁French ▁court ▁reject s ▁bid ▁to ▁dem ol ish ▁shops ▁at ▁Jung le ▁refugee ▁camp
▁A ▁French ▁court ▁has ▁rejected ▁a ▁bid ▁by ▁Cala is ▁authorities ▁to ▁dem ol ish ▁do zen s ▁of ▁make shi ft ▁shops ▁and ▁restaurants ▁in ▁the ▁Jung le ▁camp ▁where ▁thousands ▁of ▁refugees ▁are ▁living .
▁At ▁a ▁court ▁hearing ▁this ▁week , ▁Cala is ▁authorities ▁had ▁argued ▁the ▁state ▁should ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁knock ▁down ▁a ▁total ▁of ▁72 ▁make shi ft ▁shops ▁where ▁people ▁inside ▁the ▁camp ▁sell ▁goods , ▁from ▁cigarette s ▁to ▁energy ▁drinks , ▁offer ▁hair cut s , ▁or ▁sell ▁tea ▁for ▁50 ▁cent s ▁( 40 p ) ▁or ▁basic ▁meals ▁for ▁a ▁few ▁euros ▁in ▁make shi ft ▁restaurants .
▁The ▁Cala is ▁pre fect ' s ▁office ▁argued ▁the ▁places ▁should ▁be ▁dem ol ished ▁because ▁they ▁represented ▁a ▁parallel ▁economy ▁that ▁did ▁not ▁pay ▁tax , ▁and ▁because ▁they ▁carried ▁fire ▁and ▁san itation ▁risks .
▁Human it arian ▁groups ▁had ▁told ▁the ▁court ▁the ▁shops ▁and ▁restaurants ▁were ▁vital , ▁saying ▁the ▁free ▁meals ▁offered ▁by ▁a ▁state - back ed ▁association ▁and ▁other ▁groups ▁did ▁not ▁provide ▁enough ▁food ▁for ▁the ▁growing ▁numbers ▁at ▁the ▁camp .
▁They ▁argued ▁the ▁make shi ft ▁shops ▁and ▁restaurants ▁often ▁provided ▁shelter ▁and ▁free ▁meals ▁to ▁those ▁in ▁need .
▁A ▁Lille ▁court ▁ruled ▁there ▁was ▁no ▁legal ▁basis ▁for ▁exp ell ing ▁the ▁people ▁running ▁the ▁72 ▁make shi ft ▁shops , ▁but ▁said ▁the ▁Cala is ▁pre fect ' s ▁concerns ▁" wer e ▁totally ▁understandable . "
▁The ▁judge , ▁Jean - F ran ço is ▁Mol la , ▁said ▁the ▁gro ce ries , ▁cafes ▁and ▁restaurants ▁played ▁a ▁much ▁bigger ▁role ▁than ▁simply ▁feeding ▁people ▁that ▁" live ▁in ▁extremely ▁precarious ▁conditions . "
▁He ▁said ▁the ▁spaces ▁provided ▁calm ▁meeting ▁points ▁between ▁refugees ▁and ▁volunteer s .
▁One ▁of ▁the ▁places ▁that ▁had ▁been ▁under ▁threat ▁from ▁dem oli tion ▁was ▁the ▁camp ' s ▁Jung le ▁Book ▁K id s " ▁Cafe ▁which ▁is ▁run ▁not - for - profit ▁and ▁provides ▁200 ▁meals ▁a ▁day , ▁English ▁and ▁French ▁classes , ▁and ▁asylum ▁advice ▁for ▁the ▁hundreds ▁of ▁vulnerable ▁un ac com pani ed ▁minor s ▁in ▁the ▁camp .
▁More ▁than ▁170 , 000 ▁people ▁have ▁signed ▁a ▁petition ▁to ▁protect ▁the ▁kids " ▁cafe .
▁A ▁letter ▁sent ▁to ▁the ▁Guard ian ▁said ▁its ▁closure ▁" wo uld ▁be ▁a ▁catastrophe ▁for ▁these ▁children , ▁some ▁of ▁whom ▁are ▁as ▁young ▁as ▁eight . "
▁Two ▁ char ities , ▁Help ▁Re fug e es ▁and ▁L ' Au berg e ▁des ▁Migrant s , ▁on ▁Friday ▁estimated ▁that ▁numbers ▁in ▁the ▁Jung le ▁camp ▁have ▁rise n ▁to ▁over ▁9, 000 ▁people ▁- ▁the ▁highest ▁ever ▁- ▁after ▁a ▁steep ▁increase ▁in ▁arrival s ▁during ▁the ▁summer .
▁Despite ▁Olympic ▁disappointment , ▁Martin ▁keeps ▁his ▁fighting ▁spirit
▁Despite ▁his ▁disappointing ▁performance ▁in ▁the ▁Olympic ▁time ▁trial , ▁cycling ▁professional ▁Tony ▁Martin ▁will ▁keep ▁his ▁chi n ▁up .
▁" I ' m ▁going ▁to ▁keep ▁the ▁World ▁Championship ▁in ▁my ▁sights , ▁stay ▁optimistic , ▁and ▁keep ▁fighting , " ▁wrote ▁the ▁31 - year - old ▁on ▁Facebook ▁on ▁Thursday ▁ahead ▁of ▁his ▁journey ▁home ▁from ▁Rio .
▁He ▁was ▁unable ▁to ▁provide ▁an ▁explanation ▁for ▁his ▁poor ▁finish ▁in ▁12 th ▁place ▁on ▁Su gar ▁Lo af ▁Mountain .
▁" It ' s ▁honest ly ▁hard ▁for ▁me ▁to ▁comment ▁on ▁my ▁time ▁from ▁yesterday , " ▁said ▁Martin .
▁He ▁said ▁he ▁needed ▁to ▁reflect ▁and ▁analyse ▁the ▁reasons ▁behind ▁the ▁de b acle .
▁Martin ▁had ▁wanted ▁to ▁compete ▁for ▁the ▁title ▁at ▁the ▁time ▁trial ▁World ▁Championship ▁in ▁Q ata r ▁in ▁October .
▁" I ' m ▁going ▁to ▁take ▁a ▁real ▁look ▁at ▁everything ▁we ' ve ▁changed ▁recently . "
▁" This ▁also ▁includes ▁my ▁position , " ▁wrote ▁the ▁three - time ▁time ▁trial ▁World ▁Champion , ▁who ▁had ▁lost ▁to ▁Olympic ▁gold ▁medal list ▁Fa bian ▁Can cell ara ▁( S witz er land ) ▁by ▁more ▁than ▁three ▁minutes ▁over ▁the ▁course ▁of ▁the ▁54 . 5 km ▁race ▁on ▁Wednesday .
▁Olympic s : ▁Tennis ▁pro ▁Sie ge mund ▁miss es ▁out ▁on ▁the ▁semi - final
▁Laura ▁Sie ge mund ' s ▁reign ▁of ▁success ▁comes ▁to ▁an ▁end ▁in ▁the ▁Rio ▁quarter - final : ▁R ank ed ▁32 ▁in ▁the ▁world , ▁the ▁player ▁from ▁Metz ing en ▁will ▁definitely ▁miss ▁out ▁on ▁the ▁semi - final ▁of ▁the ▁Olympic ▁tennis ▁tournament ▁after ▁losing ▁1: 6 , ▁1: 6 ▁against ▁Mon ic ▁Pu ig ▁( Pu er to ▁Rico / W TA ▁no .
▁34 ).
▁S ige mund , ▁who ▁has ▁been ▁struggling ▁with ▁back ▁problems , ▁was ▁only ▁able ▁to ▁hold ▁her ▁serve ▁once , ▁and ▁seemed ▁power less ▁in ▁comparison ▁to ▁earlier ▁round s .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁potential ▁medal list ▁Angel ique ▁K er ber ▁( K iel / no . ▁2) ▁had ▁the ▁chance ▁of ▁making ▁the ▁semi - final .
▁The ▁winner ▁of ▁the ▁Australian ▁Open ▁faced ▁off ▁against ▁Brit ▁Johann a ▁Kont a ▁( no . ▁10 ).
▁The ▁last ▁German ▁tennis ▁player ▁to ▁win ▁was ▁Tom my ▁Ha as , ▁who ▁took ▁the ▁silver ▁medal ▁in ▁Sydney ▁in ▁2000.
▁The ▁last ▁time ▁there ▁were ▁two ▁German ▁tennis ▁players ▁in ▁the ▁quarter - final s ▁of ▁the ▁summer ▁games ▁was ▁in ▁1992 .
▁There ▁has ▁never ▁been ▁a ▁German - German ▁Olympic ▁semi - final .
▁Company ▁gets ▁involved ▁in ▁start - up ▁for ▁live ▁video ▁game ▁streaming
▁Watch ing ▁other ▁people ▁play ▁video ▁games ▁is ▁a ▁huge ▁trend ▁- ▁and ▁Microsoft ▁wants ▁to ▁profit ▁from ▁this ▁too .
▁The ▁technology ▁company ▁has ▁purchased ▁start - up ▁Be am , ▁which ▁has ▁specialised ▁in ▁this ▁hobby .
▁On ▁Thursday ▁Microsoft ▁did ▁not ▁announce ▁how ▁much ▁many ▁had ▁been ▁spent ▁on ▁the ▁takeover .
▁Be am ▁launched ▁its ▁programme ▁in ▁January , ▁and ▁already ▁has ▁more ▁than ▁100,000 ▁users .
▁They ▁can ▁watch ▁other ▁people ▁play , ▁and ▁also ▁get ▁involved ▁themselves .
▁For ▁example , ▁they ▁can ▁give ▁players ▁missions ▁to ▁complete ▁and ▁confront ▁enemies , ▁and ▁provide ▁equipment .
▁Games ▁giant ▁Activ i sion ▁Blizzard ▁is ▁launching ▁a ▁new ▁HD ▁video ▁service ▁for ▁the ▁boom ing ▁world ▁of ▁e - sport s .
▁Facebook ▁is ▁to ▁help ▁on ▁the ▁path ▁to ▁making ▁them ▁global ▁media ▁events .
▁The ▁advertising ▁industry ▁has ▁already ▁p rick ed ▁up ▁its ▁ear s .
▁The ▁start - up ' s ▁employees , ▁who ▁were ▁previously ▁based ▁in ▁Seattle ▁in ▁the ▁US ▁state ▁of ▁Washington , ▁will ▁now ▁move ▁to ▁Microsoft ' s ▁headquarters ▁in ▁California ' s ▁Red mond , ▁Be am ' s ▁co - found er ▁and ▁CEO ▁Matt ▁Sal samen di ▁reported .
▁The ▁takeover ▁will ▁not ▁change ▁anything ▁for ▁customers .
▁According ▁to ▁Microsoft , ▁Be am ▁will ▁be ▁integrated ▁into ▁the ▁video ▁games ▁department ▁that ▁is ▁linked ▁to ▁the ▁Xbox ▁console .
▁The ▁market ▁for ▁live - stream ing ▁video ▁games ▁is ▁currently ▁growing ▁rapidly .
▁Well - known ▁platforms ▁include ▁T wit ch ▁and ▁YouTube ▁Gaming .
▁In ▁2014 ▁T wit ch ▁was ▁purchased ▁by ▁online ▁retail er ▁Amazon ▁- ▁for ▁almost ▁one ▁billion ▁dollars .
▁YouTube ▁Gaming ▁is ▁owned ▁by ▁Google ' s ▁parent ▁company ▁Alpha bet .
▁Here ▁comes ▁the ▁enforcement ▁trailer
▁Germany ' s ▁speed ers ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁get ▁used ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁generation ▁of ▁speed ometer s : ▁In ▁various ▁federal ▁states , ▁including ▁H esse ▁and ▁Brandenburg , ▁new ▁speed ▁cameras ▁are ▁being ▁trial led , ▁which ▁are ▁supposed ▁to ▁be ▁particularly ▁effective ▁at ▁catch ing ▁those ▁who ▁drive ▁too ▁fast .
▁The ▁fu tur istic - looking ▁enforcement ▁trailer ▁made ▁by ▁Vi tronic , ▁a ▁company ▁form ▁Wiesbaden , ▁could ▁be ▁used ▁at ▁accident ▁black spot s , ▁for ▁example , ▁where ▁it ▁is ▁too ▁dangerous ▁for ▁the ▁police ▁to ▁go .
▁For ▁example , ▁road work s ▁on ▁a ▁motorway , ▁or ▁a ▁bridge ▁that ▁is ▁due ▁to ▁be ▁repair ed , ▁and ▁therefore ▁has ▁a ▁temporary ▁speed ▁limit ▁often ▁lack ▁the ▁infrastructure ▁to ▁support ▁a ▁fixed ▁speed ▁camera ▁to ▁ensure ▁that ▁speed ▁limits ▁are ▁being ▁adhere d ▁to .
▁It ▁can ▁also ▁be ▁too ▁dangerous ▁or ▁expensive ▁to ▁keep ▁ assembl ing ▁and ▁un assembl ing ▁the ▁speed ▁camera ▁at ▁these ▁points .
▁The ▁enforcement ▁trailer ▁is ▁autonomous : ▁its ▁battery ▁last s ▁for ▁five ▁days ▁of ▁continuous ▁measurement , ▁and ▁data ▁is ▁transferred ▁in ▁encrypted ▁form ▁via ▁a ▁modem .
▁Thanks ▁to ▁laser ▁measuring ▁technology , ▁all ▁vehicles ▁across ▁several ▁la n es ▁can ▁be ▁track ed ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁time .
▁Variable ▁speed ▁limits ▁and ▁driving ▁ban s ▁based ▁on ▁time , ▁la n e ▁or ▁vehicle ▁type ▁can ▁also ▁be ▁monitored .
▁When ▁powered ▁up , ▁the ▁manufacturer ▁says ▁that ▁any ▁car ▁with ▁a ▁trailer ▁coup ling ▁can ▁move ▁the ▁trailer .
▁To ▁prevent ▁it ▁from ▁simply ▁being ▁stolen , ▁it ▁sink s ▁down ▁when ▁measuring , ▁making ▁its ▁wheels ▁disappear ▁into ▁the ▁arm our ed , ▁bullet - proof ▁exterior .
▁In ▁addition , ▁the ▁speed ▁camera ' s ▁in - built ▁alarm ▁system ▁is ▁designed ▁to ▁protect ▁it ▁from ▁van dal ism .
▁Since ▁2015 , ▁according ▁to ▁Vi tronic , ▁the ▁trailer ▁has ▁been ▁tested ▁in ▁various ▁federal ▁states ▁and ▁is ▁now ▁also ▁used ▁in ▁them .
▁Foreign ▁authorities ▁are ▁also ▁using ▁the ▁new ▁technology ▁for ▁speed ▁cameras : ▁recently ▁France ▁ordered ▁100 ▁of ▁them , ▁after ▁order ing ▁150 ▁the ▁year ▁before .
▁Britain ▁settle ▁for ▁silver ▁in ▁ru g by ▁seven s ▁after ▁Fi ji ▁master class ▁see s ▁them ▁take ▁gold
▁Great ▁Britain ' s ▁impressive ▁run ▁in ▁the ▁Ru g by ▁7 s ▁was ▁brought ▁to ▁a ▁crash ing ▁halt ▁at ▁the ▁final ▁ hu rd le ▁by ▁Fi ji ▁in ▁the ▁final ▁on ▁Thursday ▁night ▁when ▁they ▁were ▁comprehensive ly ▁beat en ▁43 -7 ▁at ▁the ▁De odo ro ▁Stadium ▁here ▁in ▁Rio .
▁Fi ji ▁gave ▁a ▁master class ▁in ▁handling , ▁off - load ing , ▁side - ste pping , ▁support ▁play , ▁running ▁lines ▁and ▁bru te ▁strength ▁to ▁win ▁gold ▁- ▁their ▁first ▁Olympic ▁medal ▁of ▁any ▁colour .
▁De fe at ▁came ▁with ▁the ▁non - too ▁sh ab by ▁con sol ation ▁of ▁silver ▁- ▁Britain ' s ▁third ▁of ▁the ▁day ▁- ▁and ▁they ▁could ▁be ▁proud ▁of ▁their ▁efforts ▁in ▁the ▁inaugura l ▁Olympic ▁7 s ▁tournament ▁in ▁which ▁they ▁beat ▁New ▁Zealand , ▁Argentina ▁and ▁South ▁Africa ▁along ▁the ▁way .
▁The ▁bru ising ▁be ating ▁of ▁the ▁Bo k s , ▁7 -5 ▁in ▁the ▁semi - final ▁earlier ▁in ▁the ▁day , ▁may ▁have ▁come ▁back ▁to ▁bit e ▁them ▁in ▁the ▁final .
▁But , ▁regardless , ▁Fi ji ▁on ▁this ▁form ▁would ▁have ▁beat en ▁a ▁fit ▁as ▁a ▁fi ddle ▁15 - man ▁team .
▁It ▁may ▁be ▁some ▁con sol ation ▁to ▁GB ▁- ▁but ▁probably ▁not ▁- ▁that ▁at ▁least ▁one ▁Brit on ▁will ▁have ▁a ▁gold ▁medal ▁around ▁his ▁neck ▁tomorrow : ▁Fi ji ' s ▁head ▁coach ▁is ▁B en ▁Ryan , ▁the ▁former ▁England ▁boss ▁from ▁Wi m ble don .
▁It ▁has ▁been ▁some ▁journey ▁for ▁GB .
▁Eight ▁years ▁ago , ▁under ▁Ryan , ▁they ▁lost ▁every ▁game ▁at ▁the ▁Adel a ide ▁Seven s .
▁Here , ▁they ▁lost ▁just ▁one .
▁This ▁ hammer ing ▁will ▁hurt ▁but ▁the ▁progress ▁is ▁start ling .
▁Fi ji ▁started ▁magnificent ly , ▁bou n cing ▁off ▁GB ▁tackle s ▁for ▁fun .
▁It ▁was ▁like ▁running ▁into ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁moving ▁buses ▁for ▁captain ▁Tom ▁Mitchell ▁and ▁co ▁and ▁the ▁World ▁Series ▁champion s ▁went ▁ 5-0 ▁up ▁when ▁Os e a ▁Kol ini s au ▁dive d ▁over ▁in ▁the ▁corner .
▁With ▁four ▁minutes ▁on ▁the ▁clock ▁Je rry ▁Tu wai ▁added ▁another ▁down ▁the ▁right ▁wing , ▁which ▁was ▁converted .
▁12 - 0 ▁and ▁GB ▁had ▁hardly ▁touched ▁the ▁ball .
▁A ▁superb ▁Mitchell ▁tackle ▁stopped ▁the ▁man - mount a in ▁Leone ▁Na kar awa ▁from ▁s cor ing ▁a ▁third ▁but ▁it ▁was ▁only ▁delay ing ▁Fi ji .
▁On ▁seven ▁minutes ▁Ja sa ▁Ver e mal ua ▁touched ▁down ▁in ▁the ▁right ▁corner ▁and ▁GB ▁were ▁1 7-0 ▁to ▁the ▁bad .
▁Na kar awa ▁added ▁another ▁from ▁the ▁restart ▁and ▁there ▁was ▁still ▁over ▁a ▁minute ▁on ▁the ▁clock ▁... ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁half .
▁V ate mo ▁Ra vou vou ▁the n ▁burst ▁through ▁some ▁more ▁ limp ▁GB ▁tackling ▁and ▁storm ed ▁to ▁the ▁line ▁to ▁score .
▁The ▁conversion ▁made ▁it ▁29 - 0 ▁at ▁the ▁break .
▁It ▁was ▁as ▁if ▁Fi ji ▁had ▁been ▁born ▁to ▁play ▁7 s , ▁while ▁GB ▁are ▁still ▁learning ▁the ▁trade .
▁Which ▁is ▁pretty ▁much ▁how ▁it ▁is .
▁GB ▁made ▁wholesale ▁changes ▁at ▁half - time ▁and ▁they ▁plug ged ▁the ▁F ij ian ▁da m ... for ▁all ▁of ▁four ▁minutes , ▁which ▁by ▁first - half ▁standards ▁was ▁good , ▁until ▁Jo s ua ▁Tu is ova ▁went ▁over ▁after ▁some ▁brilliant ▁F ij ian ▁inter play .
▁Da n ▁Nor ton ▁grab bed ▁a ▁try ▁for ▁GB , ▁touch ing ▁down ▁in ▁the ▁left ▁corner ▁to ▁make ▁it ▁36 -7 ▁but ▁the ▁game ▁was ▁long ▁gone ▁the ▁way ▁of ▁the ▁South ▁Sea ▁Island ers ▁whose ▁fans ▁sang , ▁wave d ▁flag s ▁and ▁dance d ▁in ▁the ▁stands .
▁It ▁was ▁hard ▁not ▁to ▁admire ▁Fi ji ' s ▁whole ▁joy ful ▁approach .
▁Mat a ▁Vi lia me ▁ice d ▁the ▁F ij ian ▁cake ▁that ▁didn ' t ▁need ▁ ic ing ▁with ▁another ▁try ▁in ▁the ▁dying ▁moments .
▁The ▁whi s tle ▁went , ▁the ▁F ij ians ▁embrace d ▁and ▁GB ▁hit ▁the ▁tur f , ▁thoroughly ▁beat en .
▁Earl ier ▁in ▁the ▁day , ▁Fi ji ▁had ▁beat en ▁Japan ▁20 -5 ▁in ▁their ▁semi - final ▁and ▁GB ▁edge d ▁South ▁Africa ▁in ▁a ▁tight ▁semi - final ▁of ▁one ▁try ▁each ▁- ▁Britain ' s ▁conversion ▁the ▁difference .
▁Ky le ▁Brown ▁put ▁the ▁Bo k s ▁ahead ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁half ▁but ▁Da n ▁Nor ton ▁with ▁some ▁da zz ling ▁foot work ▁broke ▁the ▁line ▁and ▁score d ▁under ▁the ▁posts ▁in ▁the ▁second ▁half .
▁A ▁brilliant ▁late ▁tackle ▁from ▁Marcus ▁Watson , ▁brother ▁of ▁England ' s ▁15 - a side ▁team , ▁Anthony , ▁secured ▁the ▁win ▁- ▁and ▁ultimately ▁the ▁silver ▁medal .
▁Hel en ▁Glo ver ▁and ▁Heat her ▁Sta n n ing ▁inspired ▁to ▁row ing ▁victory ▁by ▁coach ' s ▁cancer ▁battle
▁There ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁a ▁more ▁e motive ▁gold ▁at ▁these ▁games , ▁and ▁that ▁is ▁saying ▁something .
▁From ▁the ▁first ▁stroke ▁to ▁the ▁last , ▁220 ▁punish ing ▁he ave s ▁into ▁history , ▁Hel en ▁Glo ver ▁and ▁Heat her ▁Sta n n ing ▁found ▁added ▁meaning ▁in ▁their ▁golden ▁moment ▁at ▁the ▁Esta cio ▁da ▁Lago a .
▁Though ▁they ▁were ▁the ▁two ▁pull ing ▁on ▁the ▁o ars , ▁there ▁were ▁three ▁voices ▁in ▁that ▁boat , ▁the ▁echo ▁of ▁coach ▁Rob in ▁William s ▁ever ▁present ▁as ▁they ▁powered ▁to ▁a ▁second ▁successive ▁Olympic ▁gold ▁in ▁the ▁women ' s ▁pair s , ▁the ▁first ▁female s ▁in ▁the ▁an nal s ▁of ▁British ▁sport ▁to ▁scale ▁such ▁a ▁height .
▁Their ▁domin ance ▁was ▁absolute , ▁after ▁all ▁this ▁was ▁their ▁39 th ▁out ing ▁unbe aten , ▁again ▁unprecedented .
▁What ▁we ▁see , ▁two ▁brilliant ▁athletes ▁ sk ating ▁over ▁the ▁surface ▁with ▁the ▁elegance ▁of ▁sw ans , ▁does ▁not ▁wholly ▁reflect ▁the ▁nature ▁of ▁the ▁triumph .
▁Be hin d ▁every ▁row ing ▁gold ▁is ▁a ▁bat tal ion ▁of ▁willing ▁hands ▁contributing ▁the ▁in cre ment al ▁gains ▁that ▁make ▁the ▁difference , ▁and ▁no ▁hands ▁were ▁more ▁instrumental ▁than ▁those ▁of ▁a ▁coach ▁who ▁30 ▁months ▁ago ▁did ▁not ▁know ▁whether ▁he ▁would ▁live ▁to ▁see ▁this ▁day ▁when ▁ diagnose d ▁with ▁cancer .
▁As ▁he ▁said , ▁it ▁was ▁touch ▁and ▁go .
▁I ▁had ▁ bla d der ▁cancer ▁which ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁things ▁they ▁can ▁operate ▁on ▁and ▁they ▁did .
▁If ▁they ▁don ' t ▁it ▁goes ▁everywhere .
▁It ▁would ▁have ▁been ▁a ▁pretty ▁bad ▁situation .
▁It ▁alter s ▁your ▁outlook ▁a ▁bit .
▁William s ▁was ▁ diagnose d ▁in ▁December ▁2013 .
▁The ▁tri o ▁were ▁fortunate ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁able ▁to ▁begin ▁his ▁treatment ▁at ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁2014 ▁out ▁of ▁season , ▁keeping ▁the ▁disruption ▁to ▁a ▁minimum , ▁if ▁that ▁is ▁ever ▁the ▁right ▁expression ▁in ▁circumstances ▁such ▁as ▁these .
▁I ▁needed ▁to ▁get ▁paid ▁so ▁I ▁had ▁to ▁get ▁better ▁quickly .
▁It ▁was ▁an ▁incentive .
▁I ▁was ▁in ▁hospital ▁and ▁I ▁was ▁walking ▁around ▁the ▁war d ▁- ▁20 ft , ▁30 ft ▁50 ft ▁at ▁a ▁time ▁when ▁they ▁were ▁saying ▁a ▁few ▁steps ▁is ▁enough .
▁That ' s ▁how ▁it ▁starts ▁off .
▁Ro wing ▁in ▁itself ▁is ▁a ▁journey ▁but ▁that ▁makes ▁it ▁a ▁bit ▁bigger .
▁In ▁the ▁im media cy ▁of ▁victory ▁their ▁first ▁thoughts ▁were ▁for ▁William s , ▁who ▁had ▁spent ▁a ▁nerv y ▁morning ▁talking ▁a ▁little ▁more ▁than ▁usual ▁in ▁an ▁attempt ▁to ▁process ▁his ▁own ▁an xi e ties .
▁Sta n n ing , ▁a ▁captain ▁in ▁the ▁Royal ▁Art iller y ▁regime n t ▁with ▁a ▁tour ▁of ▁Afghanistan ▁behind ▁her , ▁said ▁" I ' ve ▁been ▁an ▁emotional ▁wreck ▁this ▁week , ▁maybe ▁that ' s ▁a ▁bit ▁extreme , ▁but ▁it ▁means ▁such ▁a ▁lot . "
▁It ▁just ▁reiterate s ▁how ▁much ▁this ▁means ▁to ▁me , ▁how ▁much ▁me ▁and ▁Hel en ▁have ▁worked ▁and ▁Rob in ▁as ▁well .
▁It ' s ▁been ▁a ▁fantastic ▁three ▁years ▁back ▁with ▁Hel en ▁and ▁Rob in .
▁Without ▁Rob in ▁we ▁would ▁be ▁nobody , ▁so ▁a ▁massive ▁thanks ▁to ▁him ▁he ' s ▁the ▁best ▁coach ▁in ▁the ▁world .
▁I ▁could n ' t ▁have ▁asked ▁for ▁a ▁better ▁person ▁to ▁train ▁with , ▁or ▁a ▁better ▁coach .
▁Hel en ▁Glo ver ▁and ▁Heat her ▁Sta n n ing ▁have n ' t ▁lost ▁a ▁race ▁in ▁five ▁years .
▁The ▁pair ▁set ▁a ▁punish ing ▁rhythm ▁that ▁their ▁rival s ▁could ▁never ▁match .
▁Even ▁in ▁the ▁final ▁500 ▁metres ▁when ▁the ▁crew s ▁from ▁New ▁Zealand ▁and ▁Denmark ▁began ▁to ▁close , ▁Sta n n ing ▁and ▁Glo ver ▁had ▁too ▁much ▁in ▁reserve .
▁We ▁were ▁very ▁much ▁in ▁the ▁moment .
▁Hel en ▁was ▁calling ▁' stay ▁in ▁the ▁process , ▁stay ▁in ▁the ▁process ' .
▁It ' s ▁really ▁important ▁not ▁to ▁get ▁carried ▁away .
▁We ▁had ▁a ▁good ▁start ▁and ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁time ▁we ▁were n ' t ▁looking ▁to ▁do ▁anything ▁amazing .
▁We ▁were n ' t ▁looking ▁for ▁fire work s ▁today , ▁we ▁were ▁just ▁looking ▁to ▁do ▁a ▁good ▁row ▁and ▁to ▁go ▁out ▁and ▁win ▁that ▁race , ▁which ▁we ▁did .
▁The ▁pair ▁will ▁take ▁a ▁year ▁before ▁deciding ▁their ▁future s .
▁Glo ver ▁has ▁a ▁wedding ▁to ▁attend ▁next ▁month , ▁her ▁own ▁to ▁television ▁adventure r ▁Steve ▁Back s hall .
▁For ▁now ▁she ▁just ▁wants ▁to ▁enjoy ▁the ▁moment .
▁I ▁didn ' t ▁want ▁to ▁say ▁this ▁was ▁my ▁last ▁race .
▁That ▁would ▁have ▁meant ▁too ▁much ▁pressure .
▁In ▁London ▁it ▁took ▁about ▁six ▁months ▁to ▁realise ▁that ▁I ▁was ▁an ▁Olympic ▁champion .
▁It ▁was ▁all ▁so ▁new ▁and ▁I ▁was ▁so ▁stressed .
▁Here ▁it ▁took ▁about ▁four ▁minutes .
▁This ▁feels ▁so ▁much ▁better , " ▁she ▁said .
▁Set ting ▁a ▁clear ▁example ▁for ▁31 ▁years
▁The ▁Managing ▁Director ▁of ▁the ▁" V ei ten stein gruppe " ▁Water ▁Supply ▁Association , ▁Ru per t ▁G öl ler , ▁is ▁re ti ring .
▁The ▁As s oc ation ▁" set s ▁an ▁example ▁for ▁the ▁entirety ▁of ▁Bavaria ".
▁A ▁small ▁Franco n ian ▁drinking ▁water ▁supply ▁association ▁as ▁a ▁role - model ▁for ▁the ▁large ▁water ▁producers .
▁That ▁was ▁how ▁the ▁association ▁was ▁described ▁in ▁a ▁segment ▁on ▁Bavaria n ▁radio .
▁A ▁little ▁later , ▁the ▁Water ▁Forum ▁of ▁the ▁government ▁of ▁Lower ▁Franco nia ▁praise d ▁the ▁Association .
▁The ▁Ve it en stein gruppe ' s ▁work ▁was ▁described ▁as ▁" setting ▁an ▁example ▁for ▁the ▁entirety ▁of ▁Bavaria ".
▁Ru per t ▁G öl ler ▁is ▁behind ▁it ▁all : ▁he ▁worked ▁as ▁an ▁employee ▁of ▁the ▁Association ▁for ▁31 ▁years , ▁and ▁has ▁been ▁its ▁Managing ▁Director ▁for ▁28.
▁He ▁has ▁now ▁gone ▁into ▁retirement ▁at ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁65 .
▁The ▁Ve it en stein gruppe ▁Drink ing ▁Water ▁Supply ▁Association ▁has ▁its ▁headquarters ▁in ▁Ko t ten dorf ▁in ▁the ▁commun e ▁of ▁B reit bru n n , ▁and ▁provides ▁1 50,000 ▁cu b ic ▁metres ▁of ▁water ▁annually , ▁supplying ▁32 ▁villages ▁and ▁ ham lets ▁with ▁around ▁5 , 500 ▁inhabitants .
▁The ▁commun es ▁of ▁Kirch lauter , ▁B reit bru n n , ▁Laut er , ▁E bel s bach ▁and ▁the ▁municipality ▁of ▁Bau nach ▁are ▁also ▁members .
▁Water ▁supply ▁contracts ▁are ▁in ▁place ▁for ▁additional ▁municipalities ▁and ▁commun es .
▁Current ▁chairman , ▁B reit bru n n ' s ▁mayor es s ▁Ger trud ▁Bü hl ▁( F W ), ▁looks ▁back ▁to ▁when ▁Ru per ▁G öl ler ▁was ▁brought ▁on ▁as ▁a ▁water ▁officer ▁in ▁1985 , ▁and ▁was ▁promoted ▁to ▁Managing ▁Director ▁of ▁the ▁Association ▁as ▁soon ▁as ▁1988 .
▁" Hi s ▁tasks ▁were ▁very ▁varied , ▁ranging ▁from ▁construct ing ▁water ▁pipe s ▁and ▁performing ▁maintenance ▁work ▁through ▁to ▁office ▁and ▁organisational ▁tasks , ▁budget ▁planning , ▁cal c ulating ▁fees ▁and ▁contributions , ▁through ▁to ▁getting ▁involved ▁in ▁emerge n cies ▁at ▁weekend s , " ▁the ▁chairman ▁said .
▁She ▁pointed ▁out ▁some ▁exceptional ▁successes , ▁including ▁commission ing ▁and ▁opening ▁the ▁new ▁spring ▁(19 94 ), ▁purchasing ▁land ▁near ▁the ▁new ▁spring ▁( 1998 ), ▁comp en s ating ▁farmers , ▁re nov ating ▁the ▁e lev ated ▁tanks ▁ (1999) , ▁creating ▁a ▁new ▁computer ▁management ▁system ▁( 2004 ), ▁and ▁renew ing ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁water ▁pipe s .
▁Things ▁never ▁stopped , ▁and ▁renovation s ▁were ▁always ▁underway : ▁water ▁means ▁life , ▁and ▁drinking ▁water ▁is ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁food st uff ▁of ▁all .
▁In ▁her ▁la ud atory ▁speech , ▁she ▁praise d ▁G öl ler ' s ▁loyal , ▁reliable , ▁and ▁up standing ▁service ▁over ▁31 ▁years .
▁He ▁put ▁his ▁heart ▁and ▁soul ▁into ▁the ▁Water ▁Supply ▁Association , ▁and ▁lived ▁for ▁it ▁as ▁if ▁it ▁were ▁his ▁own ▁company .
▁A ▁few ▁weeks ▁ago ▁he ▁gave ▁a ▁presentation ▁at ▁the ▁Water ▁Forum ▁for ▁the ▁District ▁of ▁Lower ▁Franco nia ▁as ▁a ▁true ▁practitioner ▁of ▁the ▁Ve it en stein gruppe ' s ▁successful ▁ni t rate ▁reduction ▁concept .
▁He ▁received ▁considerable ▁appreciation ▁and ▁praise ▁for ▁this .
▁For ▁his ▁part , ▁Ru per t ▁G öl ler ▁praise d ▁water ▁officer ▁Al fon s ▁Gri e bel , ▁who ▁had ▁worked ▁alongside ▁him ▁for ▁28 ▁years .
▁He ▁is ▁the ▁best ▁water ▁officer , ▁and ▁he ▁was ▁a ▁loyal ▁la d .
▁Together , ▁we ▁were ▁an ▁unbe at able ▁team .
▁From ▁his ▁perspective , ▁the ▁high ▁point ▁was ▁the ▁construction ▁of ▁the ▁spring ▁and ▁the ▁restructuring ▁of ▁the ▁Association .
▁However , ▁the ▁largest ▁challenge ▁and ▁most ▁difficult ▁shift ▁was ▁when ▁the ▁pipe ▁broke ▁on ▁the ▁Kirch lauter ▁e lev ated ▁tank ▁on ▁3 ▁January ▁one ▁year .
▁We ▁had ▁to ▁work ▁through ▁the ▁night ▁at ▁minus ▁17 ▁degrees ▁to ▁ensure ▁the ▁local ity ▁would ▁be ▁supplied ▁with ▁water .
▁Even ▁the ▁supply ▁from ▁the ▁new ▁spring ▁was ▁sometimes ▁only ▁maintained ▁because ▁the ▁e lev ated ▁tank ▁at ▁Pet t stadt ▁was ▁filled ▁by ▁ hose pi pe .
▁The ▁management ▁of ▁the ▁Drink ing ▁Water ▁Supply ▁Association ▁was ▁passed ▁to ▁Daniel ▁S türme r ▁from ▁Laut er , ▁who ▁will ▁be ▁Ru per t ▁G öl ler ' s ▁successor .
▁So pra no ▁Anna ▁Net re b ko ▁is ▁open ▁about ▁her ▁so n ▁T ia go ' s ▁aut ism ▁- ▁and ▁addresses ▁other ▁parents ▁affected ▁by ▁the ▁disease : ▁" You ▁must ▁be ▁brave ▁enough ▁to ▁talk ▁about ▁it . "
▁" Me di cine ▁has ▁come ▁a ▁long ▁way , " ▁the ▁44 - year - old ▁said ▁to ▁Italian ▁newspaper ▁" Cor r iere ▁della ▁S era ".
▁When ▁her ▁so n ▁was ▁ diagnose d ▁with ▁the ▁disease , ▁she ▁thought ▁she ▁would ▁die .
▁T ia go ▁is ▁now ▁eight ▁years ▁old ▁and ▁has ▁made ▁great ▁str ides , ▁being ▁school ed ▁private ly ▁in ▁New ▁York , ▁where ▁the ▁best ▁the rap ist s ▁are ▁located .
▁" To ▁give ▁an ▁example : ▁If ▁I ▁ask ▁him ▁what ▁happened ▁two ▁years ▁ago ▁when ▁I ▁sang ▁at ▁Milan ' s ▁La ▁Scala , ▁he ▁can ' t ▁remember ▁anything , " ▁Net re b ko ▁said .
▁But ▁he ▁is ▁the ▁ha ppi est ▁person ▁on ▁earth .
▁T ia go ▁is ▁the ▁off sp ring ▁of ▁Net re b ko ' s ▁ lia ison ▁with ▁bass - bar it one ▁Er win ▁Sch rott .
▁She ▁is ▁now ▁married ▁to ▁ten or ▁Yu s if ▁E y va z ov .
▁Cri me ▁passion elle ▁in ▁Bar gt ehe ide ▁- ▁man ▁shoot s ▁his ▁partner
▁A ▁35 - year - old ▁man ▁shot ▁and ▁fatal ly ▁wound ed ▁his ▁partner ▁on ▁Friday ▁around ▁10. 45 ▁a . m . ▁in ▁an ▁apartment ▁building ▁in ▁Bar get ehe ide ▁( in ▁the ▁district ▁of ▁Stor mar n ).
▁" The ▁man ▁himself ▁called ▁up ▁and ▁admitted ▁to ▁having ▁shot ▁his ▁partner , " ▁a ▁police ▁spoke s wo man ▁said .
▁The ▁per pet r ator ▁is ▁on ▁the ▁run , ▁she ▁said , ▁and ▁he ▁is ▁officially ▁being ▁sought .
▁This ▁search ▁is ▁now ▁happening ▁across ▁Germany , ▁because ▁S ven ▁S . ▁might ▁be ▁travelling ▁by ▁car .
▁The ▁man ▁is ▁around ▁1.8 ▁m ▁tall , ▁mus cular , ▁sun - tan n ed , ▁and ▁has ▁a ▁bald ▁patch .
▁The ▁police ▁have ▁now ▁issued ▁a ▁photo ▁of ▁him .
▁But ▁it ▁is ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁years ▁old .
▁The ▁man ▁now ▁has ▁a ▁bald ▁patch .
▁The ▁man ▁should ▁not ▁be ▁approach ed .
▁The ▁police ▁believe ▁he ▁may ▁still ▁be ▁carrying ▁a ▁weapon .
▁Anyone ▁who ▁see s ▁S ven ▁S . ▁should ▁call ▁110 .
▁The ▁police ▁are ▁talking ▁of ▁a ▁" cri me ▁passion elle ".
▁The ▁victim ▁was ▁apparently ▁born ▁in ▁1988 , ▁the ▁per pet r ator ▁in ▁1981 .
▁The ▁police ▁force ▁in ▁Lübeck ▁dealing ▁with ▁the ▁crime ▁initially ▁did ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁disclose ▁any ▁information ▁on ▁the ▁crime ▁or ▁the ▁relationship ▁between ▁the ▁per pet r ator ▁and ▁the ▁victim , ▁but ▁it ▁confirmed ▁that ▁a ▁person ▁had ▁been ▁killed .
▁" It ▁is ▁a ▁ho m icide . "
▁" We ▁are ▁not ▁saying ▁any ▁more ▁at ▁this ▁time , " ▁a ▁police ▁spoke s wo man ▁in ▁Lübeck ▁said .
▁According ▁to ▁eye wit ness es , ▁a ▁S W AT ▁team ▁was ▁at ▁the ▁scene .
▁Steel ▁- ▁There ' s ▁a ▁ ray ▁of ▁hope ▁for ▁the ▁German ▁steel ▁industry
▁The ▁German ▁steel ▁industry ▁has ▁been ▁rid d led ▁with ▁crises ▁and ▁uses ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁energy ▁- ▁but ▁it ▁has ▁been ▁spare d ▁additional ▁costs ▁that ▁could ▁have ▁run ▁into ▁the ▁millions .
▁The ▁sector ▁had ▁been ▁threatened ▁by ▁financial ▁burden s ▁for ▁the ▁promotion ▁of ▁green ▁energy , ▁but ▁these ▁are ▁now ▁off ▁the ▁table .
▁Federal ▁Minister ▁of ▁the ▁Economy ▁Sigma r ▁Gabriel ▁( SP D ) ▁told ▁the ▁" West deutsche ▁Allgemeine ▁Zeitung " ▁( WA Z ) ▁newspaper ▁on ▁Friday ▁that ▁the ▁exemption ▁from ▁the ▁renewable ▁energies ▁levy ▁would ▁remain ▁in ▁place ▁for ▁electricity ▁self - s uppl y ▁for ▁pre - ex ist ing ▁plants ▁within ▁the ▁German ▁steel ▁industry .
▁" I ▁am ▁truly ▁delighted ▁by ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁we ▁have ▁finally ▁reached ▁an ▁agreement ▁after ▁two ▁years ▁of ▁intense ▁negotiations . "
▁The ▁European ▁Commission ▁had ▁originally ▁planned ▁to ▁make ▁steel ▁manufacturers , ▁who ▁use ▁the ▁gases ▁from ▁their ▁blast ▁fur na ces ▁to ▁generate ▁electricity ▁for ▁their ▁own ▁use , ▁pay ▁a ▁levy .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁German ▁association ▁for ▁the ▁sector , ▁the ▁steel ▁industry ▁was ▁threatened ▁with ▁additional ▁costs ▁ranging ▁from ▁120 ▁to ▁240 ▁million ▁euros ▁a ▁year .
▁Gabriel ▁told ▁W AZ ▁that ▁a ▁basic ▁agreement ▁had ▁now ▁been ▁reached ▁with ▁the ▁EU ▁Commission , ▁following ▁discussions ▁with ▁Mar gre the ▁Ve stag er , ▁the ▁Commissioner ▁for ▁Competition .
▁The ▁E EG ▁levy ▁of ▁20 ▁percent ▁is ▁now ▁only ▁due ▁when ▁the ▁generator s ▁in ▁the ▁steel work s ▁are ▁replaced .
▁This ▁too ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁le vi ed ▁against ▁the ▁steel ▁industry .
▁I G ▁Metall ▁welcomed ▁the ▁agreement ▁Germany ▁had ▁reached ▁with ▁the ▁EU ▁Commission ▁on ▁electricity ▁self - generation .
▁The ▁agreement ▁see s ▁the ▁status ▁quo ▁of ▁the ▁previous ▁ruling ▁largely ▁formal ised .
▁Gabriel ' s ▁positive ▁efforts ▁are ▁particularly ▁important ▁for ▁the ▁steel ▁industry .
▁" It ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁step ▁within ▁our ▁" ste el ▁is ▁the ▁future " ▁campaign . "
▁" This ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁followed ▁by ▁other ▁steps . "
▁" C lima te ▁targets ▁and ▁employment ▁objectives ▁also ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁taken ▁into ▁account ▁during ▁negotiations ▁to ▁reform ▁emissions ▁allowance s , " ▁explained ▁I G ▁Metall ' s ▁CEO , ▁Jörg ▁Hof mann , ▁in ▁Frankfurt .
▁Since ▁the ▁financial ▁crisis ▁of ▁2008, ▁Europe ' s ▁steel ▁sector ▁has ▁suffered ▁from ▁over ca pac ities ▁and ▁considerable ▁pressure ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁pricing .
▁The ▁situation ▁only ▁worse n ed ▁over ▁the ▁past ▁year ▁when ▁the ▁world ' ▁biggest ▁producer , ▁China , ▁dump ed ▁steel ▁into ▁the ▁global ▁market ▁ en ▁mass e ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁weakening ▁domestic ▁demand .
▁European ▁manufacturers ▁acc use ▁Chinese ▁steel ▁firms ▁of ▁price ▁dumping .
▁The ▁situation ▁improved ▁slightly ▁during ▁spring ▁of ▁this ▁year .
▁On ▁the ▁one ▁hand , ▁import ▁taxes ▁started ▁to ▁have ▁an ▁impact ▁on ▁imported ▁steel , ▁on ▁the ▁other , ▁economic ▁prospects ▁in ▁China ▁bright en ed ▁up .
▁It ▁is ▁not ▁clear ▁how ▁long ▁prices ▁will ▁remain ▁per k ed ▁up ▁for .
▁The ▁German ▁sector ▁leader , ▁Thyssen k rupp , ▁was ▁cautious ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁Price s ▁had ▁plateau ed ▁recently , ▁he ▁said .
▁The ▁sector ▁is ▁react ing ▁to ▁the ▁trick y ▁situation ▁by ▁reducing ▁prices ▁further .
▁Thyssen k rupp ▁also ▁did ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁rule ▁out ▁closing ▁individual ▁plants .
▁At ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁2015 , ▁around ▁8 6,000 ▁people ▁were ▁employed ▁in ▁Germany ' s ▁steel ▁industry .
▁Despite ▁rising ▁prices ▁and ▁increasing ▁orders , ▁German ▁steel ▁manufacturers ▁remained ▁cautious ▁in ▁July .
▁At ▁3. 4 ▁million ▁to n s , ▁they ▁produced ▁a ▁good ▁six ▁percent ▁less ▁raw ▁steel ▁than ▁in ▁the ▁corresponding ▁month ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁year , ▁as ▁the ▁steel ▁association ▁reported ▁on ▁Friday .
▁After ▁a ▁brief ▁spi ke ▁in ▁May , ▁the ▁amounts ▁produced ▁sh r unk ▁for ▁a ▁second ▁consecutive ▁month .
▁Since ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁production ▁has ▁been ▁two ▁percent ▁less ▁than ▁the ▁value ▁for ▁the ▁equivalent ▁period ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁year .
▁The ▁association ▁is ▁expecting ▁output ▁to ▁increase ▁over ▁the ▁next ▁few ▁months ▁thanks ▁to ▁an ▁improved ▁situation ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁orders .
▁Community , ▁mind , ▁health : ▁singing ▁is ▁good ▁for ▁the ▁elderly
▁S ing ing ▁has ▁been ▁a ▁constant ▁throughout ▁Ur sel ▁K ipp ' s ▁entire ▁life : ▁as ▁a ▁young ▁girl ▁she ▁sang ▁in ▁her ▁school ▁choir , ▁when ▁she ▁was ▁studying ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁teacher ▁she ▁took ▁music ▁classes , ▁and ▁today , ▁the ▁78 - year - old ▁sing s ▁in ▁a ▁choir ▁for ▁the ▁elderly .
▁" S ing ing ▁moves ▁me ▁- ▁emotional ly ▁and ▁physically , " ▁she ▁describes .
▁After ▁a ▁re he ars al , ▁she ▁feels ▁balanced , ▁happy , ▁and ▁generally ▁more ▁alive , ▁she ▁says .
▁And ▁additional ly , ▁she ' s ▁doing ▁something ▁good ▁for ▁her ▁health ▁and ▁her ▁mind .
▁S ing ing ▁is ▁a ▁great ▁hobby ▁for ▁the ▁elderly ▁for ▁a ▁host ▁of ▁reasons , ▁says ▁Er hard ▁Hack ler ▁from ▁the ▁German ▁Association ▁for ▁the ▁El der ly .
▁Most ▁elderly ▁people ▁sing ▁in ▁a ▁choir ▁and ▁share ▁the ▁enjoyment ▁they ▁get ▁from ▁music ▁with ▁like - minded ▁people , ▁says ▁Hack ler .
▁By ▁regularly ▁spending ▁time ▁with ▁others , ▁the ▁elderly ▁can ▁build ▁and ▁maintain ▁social ▁contacts .
▁Social ▁and ▁famil ial ▁structures ▁often ▁weaken ▁as ▁people ▁grow ▁older ▁- ▁so ▁choir ▁is ▁a ▁perfect ▁way ▁to ▁spend ▁time ▁with ▁other ▁people .
▁Ur sel ▁K ipp ▁has ▁also ▁experienced ▁this ▁in ▁her ▁choir : ▁" A r ranging ▁and ▁organising ▁things ▁with ▁people , ▁being ▁able ▁to ▁rely ▁on ▁others ▁and ▁learn ▁from ▁them ▁- ▁a ▁choir ▁is ▁a ▁really ▁unique ▁way ▁of ▁being ▁together ▁with ▁other ▁people ".
▁S ing ing ▁can ▁be ▁demanding ▁in ▁the ▁positive ▁sense , ▁Hack ler ▁think s .
▁This ▁is ▁because ▁it ▁teach es ▁the ▁elderly ▁to ▁breath e ▁deeply ▁and ▁in ▁a ▁controlled ▁manner .
▁If ▁you ▁push ▁your ▁l ungs ▁to ▁their ▁limits ▁regularly , ▁you ▁will ▁not ▁run ▁out ▁of ▁breath ▁as ▁quickly ▁in ▁day - to - day ▁life .
▁And ▁if ▁you ▁are ▁interested ▁in ▁keeping ▁the ▁sound ▁of ▁your ▁voice ▁as ▁you ▁age , ▁too , ▁singing ▁is ▁the ▁perfect ▁hobby .
▁S ing ing ▁often ▁has ▁a ▁really ▁special ▁effect ▁on ▁older ▁people , ▁says ▁Ur s ula ▁LE nz ▁from ▁the ▁German ▁Association ▁of ▁Senior ▁Citizens ' ▁Association s .
▁For ▁older ▁generations , ▁singing ▁together ▁is ▁seen ▁as ▁more ▁important , ▁it ▁was ▁part ▁of ▁their ▁daily ▁life ▁both ▁at ▁school ▁and ▁in ▁their ▁leisure ▁time , ▁she ▁explains .
▁Lenz ▁often ▁see s ▁that ▁singing ▁or ▁listening ▁to ▁songs ▁often ▁trigger s ▁memories ▁in ▁older ▁people ▁that ▁are ▁often ▁connected ▁to ▁positive ▁emotions ▁from ▁their ▁youth .
▁Song ▁texts , ▁and ▁melod ies ▁in ▁particular , ▁can ▁even ▁be ▁used ▁to ▁help ▁patients ▁with ▁dem en tia ▁to ▁remember ▁things ▁from ▁far ▁back ▁in ▁their ▁past .
▁S ing ing ▁also ▁demands ▁particular ▁mental ▁exert ion , ▁explains ▁Lenz .
▁Con cent r ating ▁on ▁one ' s ▁own ▁voice ▁and ▁a ▁set ▁rhythm , ▁while ▁adapting ▁to ▁the ▁other ▁singer s ▁- ▁that ▁is ▁a ▁huge ▁c ognitive ▁challenge .
▁In ▁particular , ▁older ▁people ▁who ▁live ▁alone ▁can ▁practice ▁how ▁to ▁focus ▁on ▁people ▁other ▁than ▁themselves .
▁Another ▁positive ▁aspect ▁is ▁the ▁recognition ▁gained ▁by ▁singing ▁in ▁a ▁choir , ▁Hack ler ▁think s .
▁A ▁happy ▁audience ▁is ▁great ▁praise .
▁Even ▁one ' s ▁self - este em ▁is ▁boost ed ▁by ▁singing ▁in ▁a ▁choir .
▁Being ▁able ▁to ▁show ▁yourself ▁that ▁by ▁pr act ising ▁for ▁a ▁long ▁time , ▁you ▁can ▁improve ▁and ▁grow ▁- ▁this ▁experience ▁gives ▁you ▁strength .
▁So ▁there ▁are ▁enough ▁good ▁reasons ▁to ▁start ▁singing .
▁If ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁try ▁a ▁new ▁hobby , ▁don ' t ▁delay ▁- ▁even ▁if ▁you ▁think ▁you ' ve ▁not ▁got ▁much ▁talent , ▁Lenz ▁suggests .
▁You ' re ▁not ▁singing ▁by ▁yourself ▁- ▁and ▁in ▁a ▁group ▁of ▁50 ▁people ▁singing , ▁who ' ll ▁hear ▁if ▁a ▁note ' s ▁out ▁here ▁or ▁there ?
▁The ▁elderly ▁have ▁many ▁options ▁when ▁looking ▁for ▁the ▁right ▁fit , ▁says ▁Hack ler .
▁If ▁someone ▁you ▁know ▁already ▁sing s ▁in ▁a ▁choir ▁for ▁the ▁elderly , ▁you ▁can ▁just ▁go ▁along ▁with ▁them .
▁In ▁addition , ▁many ▁towns ▁offer ▁an ▁overview ▁of ▁the ▁choir s ▁in ▁their ▁region .
▁If ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁sing ▁in ▁a ▁church ▁choir , ▁you ▁can ▁approach ▁the ▁parish ▁or ▁church ward en ▁directly .
▁Many ▁choir s ▁for ▁the ▁elderly ▁can ▁also ▁be ▁found ▁online .
▁If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁have ▁access ▁to ▁the ▁internet , ▁you ▁can ▁ask ▁your ▁family , ▁friends ▁or ▁neighbours ▁to ▁help ▁you ▁look ▁things ▁up ▁online .
▁If ▁you ' re ▁interested ▁in ▁singing , ▁you ▁should ▁absolutely ▁join ▁a ▁choir , ▁Hack ler ▁think s .
▁S ing ing ▁is ▁good ▁for ▁the ▁soul ▁and ▁is ▁a ▁kind ▁of ▁release ▁- ▁no ▁matter ▁how ▁old ▁you ▁are .
▁Fe mal e ▁cat s ▁react ▁more ▁sensitive ly ▁than ▁male ▁cat s ▁to ▁the ▁me w ls ▁of ▁their ▁kit ten s
▁Bi ologists ▁in ▁Han over ▁have ▁research ed ▁the ▁effect ▁kit ten s ' ▁cri es ▁have ▁on ▁adult ▁animals .
▁To ▁their ▁surprise , ▁the ▁m ia ow ing ▁didn ' t ▁leave ▁the ▁male ▁cat s ▁un aff ect ed ▁- ▁but , ▁compared ▁to ▁their ▁female ▁counterpart s , ▁they ▁always ▁acted ▁the ▁same ▁way .
▁Fe mal e ▁cat s ▁can ▁tell ▁how ▁a git ated ▁kit ten s ▁are ▁by ▁their ▁m ia ow ing .
▁They ▁react ▁ten ▁percent ▁quick er ▁to ▁kit ten s ▁who ▁sound ▁to ▁be ▁in ▁great ▁distress , ▁the ▁scientists ▁from ▁the ▁Veterin ary ▁University ▁and ▁Medical ▁University ▁of ▁Han over ▁discovered .
▁Male ▁cat s ▁do ▁respond ▁to ▁kit ten s ' ▁cri es ▁- ▁but ▁always ▁to ▁the ▁same ▁extent .
▁" It ▁is ▁clear ▁that ▁the ▁acoustic ▁differences ▁between ▁the ▁m ia ow s ▁of ▁kit ten s ▁that ▁are ▁more ▁or ▁less ▁a gi tag ed ▁are ▁either ▁im per cept ible ▁or ▁un import ant ▁for ▁male ▁cat s , " ▁the ▁bi ologists ▁Wie b ke ▁Kon er ding , ▁from ▁M H H , ▁said .
▁She ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁author ▁of ▁the ▁study ▁published ▁in ▁the ▁" B MC ▁Evolution ary ▁Bi ology " ▁specialist ▁journal ▁this ▁Friday .
▁In ▁a ▁previous ▁experiment ▁the ▁research ▁team ▁had ▁already ▁discovered ▁that ▁the ▁duration ▁and ▁pitch ▁of ▁a ▁kit ten ' s ▁m ia ow ▁changes ▁depending ▁on ▁how ▁urgently ▁they ▁need ▁help .
▁Nine ▁adult ▁male ▁cat s ▁and ▁eight ▁female ▁cat s ▁from ▁the ▁M H H ' s ▁animal ▁husband ry ▁programme ▁were ▁examined .
▁Firstly , ▁they ▁were ▁played ▁the ▁sound ▁of ▁a ▁kit ten ▁who ▁had ▁been ▁taken ▁from ▁the ▁birth ing ▁box ▁and ▁separated ▁from ▁its ▁mother ▁and ▁si bling s ▁for ▁three ▁minutes .
▁The n ▁they ▁were ▁played ▁the ▁sound ▁of ▁a ▁more ▁a git ated ▁cat , ▁which ▁had ▁also ▁been ▁lifted ▁up .
▁Despite ▁the ▁low ▁sample ▁size , ▁the ▁researchers ▁believe ▁the ▁results ▁to ▁be ▁significant .
▁" All ▁female s , ▁even ▁those ▁who ▁did ▁not ▁have ▁their ▁off sp ring , ▁were ▁able ▁to ▁differentiate ▁between ▁m ia ow s , " ▁said ▁Kon er ding .
▁They ▁turned ▁towards ▁the ▁speaker ▁quick er ▁if ▁it ▁was ▁playing ▁the ▁sound ▁of ▁a ▁highly ▁a git ated ▁kit ten .
▁This ▁ability ▁may ▁be ▁in n ate , ▁or ▁may ▁develop ▁as ▁the ▁animal ▁reaches ▁sexual ▁maturity .
▁" One ▁surprise ▁was ▁that ▁the ▁male ▁cat s ▁react ed ▁at ▁all , " ▁the ▁bi ologist ▁said .
▁In ▁the ▁past , ▁scientists ▁have ▁research ed ▁women ' s ▁and ▁men ' s ▁reactions ▁to ▁babies ' ▁cri es ▁on ▁multiple ▁occasions .
▁Even ▁in ▁this ▁field ▁a ▁few ▁studies ▁showed ▁that ▁woman ▁react ed ▁more ▁sensitive ly ▁to ▁infant s , ▁regardless ▁of ▁whether ▁they ▁had ▁their ▁own ▁children ▁or ▁not , ▁the ▁bi ologist ▁Marina ▁Sch eu mann ▁reported .
▁Pod olski ▁and ▁" G ala " ▁are ▁shooting ▁for ▁the ▁Super cup
▁Ha kan ▁S ü kür ▁is ▁a ▁football ▁legend ▁in ▁Turkey .
▁An ▁arrest ▁warrant ▁has ▁been ▁issued ▁in ▁Turkey ▁for ▁the ▁former ▁football ▁star ▁Ha kan ▁S ü kür .
▁He ▁is ▁accused ▁of ▁being ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁a ▁terrorist ▁organisation .
▁An ▁important ▁football ▁match ▁is ▁taking ▁place ▁in ▁Turkey ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁following ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup .
▁A head ▁of ▁the ▁du el ▁between ▁arch - ri val s ▁Bes ik tas ▁Istanbul ▁and ▁Luka s ▁Pod olski ' s ▁Gala tas a ray ▁Istanbul ▁for ▁the ▁Super cup ▁in ▁Kon ya , ▁the ▁official ▁line ▁is ▁clear : ▁" business ▁as ▁usual ".
▁Even ▁when ▁an no un cing ▁the ▁state ▁of ▁emergency ▁after ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup ▁in ▁July , ▁the ▁government ▁emphasised ▁that ▁this ▁would ▁not ▁affect ▁citizens ' ▁daily ▁life .
▁This ▁does ▁not ▁apply ▁to ▁those ▁people ▁suspected ▁of ▁being ▁follow ers ▁of ▁the ▁im am ▁Fe th ulla ▁G ül en , ▁who ▁is ▁believed ▁to ▁be ▁responsible ▁for ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup .
▁And ▁this ▁doesn ' t ▁stop ▁for ▁football .
▁The ▁state ▁prosecutor ▁has ▁issued ▁a ▁warrant ▁for ▁the ▁arrest ▁of ▁former ▁star ▁strike r ▁Ha kan ▁S ü kür .
▁S ü kür , ▁who ▁now ▁lives ▁in ▁America , ▁is ▁accused ▁of ▁being ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁a ▁terrorist ▁organisation .
▁S ü kür ▁is ▁accused ▁of ▁being ▁a ▁follow er ▁of ▁the ▁im am ▁Fe th ulla h ▁G ül en , ▁whom ▁President ▁Rec ep ▁Ta y y ip ▁Er do gan ▁holds ▁responsible ▁for ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup .
▁While ▁the ▁state ▁of ▁emergency , ▁declared ▁for ▁nine ty ▁days , ▁will ▁continue ▁until ▁October , ▁it ▁is ▁having ▁practically ▁no ▁effect ▁on ▁the ▁lives ▁of ▁most ▁Turk s .
▁On ▁Wednesday , ▁Er do gan ▁announced ▁that ▁the ▁night - time ▁" dem ocracy ▁vi gil s " ▁in ▁public ▁places ▁across ▁the ▁country ▁have ▁come ▁to ▁an ▁end .
▁The ▁sport ▁- ▁like ▁the ▁entire ▁country ▁- ▁is ▁divided ▁into ▁those ▁who ▁support ▁Er do gan , ▁and ▁those ▁who ▁do ▁not .
▁Fans ▁of ▁the ▁workers ' ▁club ▁Bes ik tas , ▁in ▁particular , ▁are ▁not ▁traditionally ▁counted ▁among ▁the ▁President ' s ▁friends .
▁However , ▁the ▁strict ▁rejection ▁of ▁military ▁coup s ▁is ▁what ▁brings ▁most ▁Turk s ▁together , ▁in ▁the ▁light ▁of ▁dramatic ▁historical ▁events .
▁And ▁even ▁the ▁fans ▁can ▁agree ▁on ▁that ▁- ▁whether ▁their ▁heart s ▁beat ▁for ▁Gala tas a ray ▁or ▁Bes ik tas .
▁For ▁cup ▁winners ▁Gala , ▁it ▁will ▁once ▁again ▁depend ▁on ▁Luka s ▁Pod olski .
▁The ▁Cologne ▁native ▁has ▁proved ▁his ▁sporting ▁value ▁over ▁the ▁last ▁season : ▁with ▁17 ▁goals ▁and ▁nine ▁assist s ▁across ▁all ▁competition s , ▁the ▁31 - year - old ▁closed ▁his ▁first ▁season ▁as ▁his ▁club ' s ▁top ▁score r .
▁In ▁the ▁final ▁game ▁against ▁F en er bah ce , ▁he ▁score d ▁the ▁goal ▁that ▁led ▁to ▁a ▁1 - 0 ▁victory .
▁The ▁" Fa n atik " ▁newspaper ▁praise d ▁him , ▁saying ▁" he ▁was ▁the ▁best ▁player ▁on ▁the ▁pitch . "
▁He ▁finished ▁the ▁season ▁in ▁style , ▁and ▁secured ▁the ▁cup ▁for ▁his ▁team .
▁Thanks ▁to ▁" Pol di ", ▁the ▁disappointing ▁season ▁for ▁the ▁record - holders ▁came ▁to ▁a ▁happy ▁end .
▁After ▁their ▁knock out ▁in ▁the ▁heat s ▁for ▁the ▁Champion s ▁League , ▁the ▁" L ions " ▁also ▁left ▁the ▁Europa ▁League ▁early ▁on .
▁They ▁only ▁reached ▁sixth ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁S ü per ▁L ig .
▁The ▁season ▁was ▁not ▁good .
▁The ▁cup ▁was ▁the ▁only ▁chance ▁to ▁win ▁something .
▁" We ▁did ▁it ▁- ▁and ▁that ' s ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁thing , " ▁said ▁Pod olski .
▁Win n ers ▁Bes ik tas ▁saw ▁a ▁better ▁year ▁of ▁play .
▁This ▁is ▁mainly ▁thanks ▁to ▁Mario ▁Gome z , ▁who ▁laid ▁the ▁ground work ▁for ▁their ▁four te en th ▁title ▁with ▁26 ▁matches ▁in ▁the ▁season ▁as ▁the ▁S ü per ▁L ig ' s ▁star ▁goal keeper .
▁This ▁is ▁also ▁why ▁fans ▁are ▁hoping ▁that ▁the ▁31 - year - old ▁returns .
▁Gome z , ▁under ▁contract ▁at ▁AC ▁Florenz ▁and ▁only ▁on ▁loan ▁to ▁Be sk tas , ▁announced ▁after ▁the ▁attempted ▁coup ▁that ▁he ▁would ▁not ▁return ▁to ▁the ▁country ▁after ▁his ▁European ▁Championship ▁holiday ▁due ▁to ▁the ▁political ▁situation .
▁" Bu t ▁if ▁Mario ▁wants ▁to ▁come ▁here , ▁all ▁he ▁has ▁to ▁do ▁is ▁say , " ▁" K icker " ▁specialist ▁magazine ▁quoted ▁club ▁chairman ▁Fi kre t ▁Or man ▁as ▁saying .
▁However , ▁the ▁star ▁would ▁have ▁to ▁be ▁prepared ▁to ▁give ▁up ▁around ▁a ▁third ▁of ▁his ▁annual ▁salary , ▁estimated ▁at ▁7. 5 ▁million ▁euros , ▁as ▁Or man ▁made ▁clear : ▁" We ▁cannot ▁pay ▁the ▁salary ▁that ▁Florenz ▁do ".
▁Despite ▁do ping : ▁These ▁athletes ▁are ▁still ▁in ▁with ▁a ▁chance ▁of ▁winning ▁medal s ▁in ▁Rio
▁Just in ▁Ga t lin , ▁a ged ▁34 , ▁has ▁already ▁been ▁banned ▁twice ▁for ▁do ping ▁( in ▁2001 ▁and ▁2006 ).
▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro ▁- ▁W h ist leb low er ▁Juli a ▁Step an owa ▁is ▁banned ▁from ▁taking ▁her ▁place ▁on ▁the ▁start ▁line .
▁Other ▁track ▁athletes ▁who ▁have ▁been ▁found ▁guilty ▁can ▁only ▁laugh ▁- ▁they ▁are ▁in ▁Rio ▁competing ▁for ▁medal s .
▁The ▁issue ▁of ▁do ping ▁continues ▁to ▁hit ▁the ▁head lines ▁during ▁the ▁Olympic ▁Games ▁in ▁Rio .
▁The ▁Russian ▁sw immer ▁Juli ja ▁Je fi m owa , ▁who ▁appeal ed ▁against ▁her ▁do ping ▁conviction ▁shortly ▁before ▁the ▁games ▁to ▁enable ▁herself ▁to ▁compete , ▁was ▁bo o ed ▁and ▁shout ed ▁at ▁as ▁she ▁started ▁her ▁100 - metre ▁breast stro ke ▁race .
▁It ▁was ▁a ▁bizarre ▁scene : ▁She ▁wa lt zed ▁into ▁the ▁pool ▁with ▁a ▁smile ▁pla ster ed ▁on ▁her ▁face , ▁a ▁deliberately ▁provo c ative ▁entrance .
▁As ▁it ▁became ▁clear ▁that ▁she ▁would ▁not ▁take ▁the ▁gold ▁medal , ▁the ▁audience ▁che er ed ▁enthusiastic ally .
▁But ▁there ▁are ▁many ▁other ▁athletes ▁preparing ▁to ▁line ▁up ▁on ▁the ▁start ▁line ▁at ▁the ▁Olympic ▁Games ▁in ▁Rio ▁despite ▁having ▁been ▁involved ▁in ▁do ping ▁in ▁the ▁past .
▁Here ▁is ▁an ▁overview :
▁Just in ▁Ga t lin ▁( 100 , ▁200 , ▁4 x 100 m ▁relay / USA ): ▁The ▁34 - year - old ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁controversial ▁track ▁athletes .
▁He ▁has ▁already ▁been ▁banned ▁twice ▁for ▁do ping ▁( in ▁2001 ▁and ▁from ▁2006 ▁to ▁2010 ).
▁Since ▁being ▁banned , ▁the ▁2004 ▁Olympic ▁champion ▁and ▁former ▁World ▁Champion ▁is ▁running ▁faster ▁than ▁ever ▁before : ▁covering ▁100 m ▁in ▁9. 80 ▁seconds , ▁he ▁is ▁the ▁world ▁number ▁one , ▁and ▁is ▁U sa in ▁Bol t ' s ▁major ▁challenge r .
▁Shell y - An n ▁Fra s er - P ry ce ▁( 100 , ▁4 x 100 m ▁relay / J ama ica ): ▁The ▁two - time ▁Olympic ▁champion ▁and ▁seven - time ▁World ▁Champion ▁was ▁handed ▁a ▁six - month ▁ban ▁in ▁2010 ▁after ▁she ▁was ▁proved ▁to ▁have ▁taken ▁Ox y co don e .
▁The ▁29 - year - old ▁defended ▁herself ▁by ▁saying ▁she ▁had ▁suffered ▁with ▁bad ▁to oth ache ▁after ▁an ▁operation .
▁Sand ra ▁Per kov ic ▁( dis cus / C ro ati a ): ▁in ▁2011 , ▁the ▁2012 ▁Olympic ▁Cham ption , ▁2013 ▁World ▁Champion ▁and ▁2010 -20 16 ▁European ▁Champion ▁tested ▁positive ▁for ▁the ▁banned ▁stimul ant ▁met hy h ex ami n ine .
▁Per kov ic ▁said ▁that ▁she ▁had ▁not ▁knowing ly ▁taken ▁the ▁drug , ▁and ▁was ▁banned ▁for ▁six ▁months .
▁This ▁year ' s ▁four ▁longest ▁throw s ▁were ▁by ▁the ▁woman ▁tip ped ▁for ▁gold .
▁La Sha w n ▁Mer rit ▁( 200 , ▁400 ▁4 x 400 m ▁relay / USA ): ▁Champion ▁at ▁the ▁Beijing ▁Olympic s ▁and ▁two - time ▁400 m ▁World ▁Champion , ▁Mer rit ▁tested ▁positive ▁in ▁2010 ▁and ▁was ▁banned ▁for ▁21 ▁months .
▁Mer ritt ▁claimed ▁that ▁a ▁pen is ▁enlargement ▁drug ▁was ▁to ▁blame .
▁This ▁year , ▁the ▁30 - year - old ▁is ▁the ▁fastest ▁man ▁in ▁the ▁world ▁in ▁the ▁200 m ▁and ▁the ▁400 m .
▁Ivan ▁Ti cho n ▁( hammer , ▁Belarus ): ▁There ▁is ▁hardly ▁another ▁at hl ete ▁who ▁has ▁been ▁retro spect ive ly ▁strip ped ▁of ▁so ▁many ▁medal s .
▁Ti cho n ▁lost ▁his ▁2005 ▁World ▁Championship ▁title ▁nine ▁years ▁later ▁after ▁he ▁was ▁proved ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁involved ▁in ▁test o ster one ▁do ping .
▁Now ▁40 ▁years ▁old , ▁he ▁was ▁also ▁strip ped ▁of ▁his ▁2004 ▁Olympic ▁silver ▁medal ▁for ▁do ping ▁with ▁ steroid s , ▁and ▁his ▁2006 ▁European ▁Champion ▁title ▁for ▁test o ster one ▁misuse .
▁His ▁bronze ▁medal ▁from ▁the ▁2008 ▁Olympic s ▁was ▁also ▁taken ▁away , ▁but ▁it ▁was ▁returned ▁to ▁him ▁following ▁a ▁decision ▁by ▁the ▁International ▁Court ▁of ▁Arb it ration ▁for ▁Sport , ▁ CAS .
▁With ▁80 . 04 m ▁he ▁is ▁at ▁second ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁global ▁ranking s .
▁Li u ▁Hong ▁(20 km ▁walking , ▁China ): ▁The ▁world ▁record ▁holder ▁and ▁favourite ▁to ▁win ▁gold ▁tested ▁positive ▁as ▁far ▁back ▁as ▁May , ▁but ▁will ▁still ▁be ▁on ▁the ▁start ▁line ▁in ▁Rio .
▁The ▁29 - year - old ▁world ▁champion ▁revealed ▁trace s ▁of ▁a ▁banned ▁die t ary ▁supplement , ▁but ▁the ▁World ▁Anti - Do ping ▁Agency ▁( WA DA ) ' s ▁ban ▁was ▁l en ient , ▁and ▁ended ▁as ▁early ▁as ▁July ▁13.
▁Bomb ▁terror ▁in ▁Thailand ▁- ▁One ▁Austrian ▁woman ▁injured ▁- ▁S everal ▁dead
▁The ▁Austrian ▁Embassy ▁in ▁Thailand ▁is ▁in ▁contact ▁with ▁the ▁woman , ▁Thomas ▁Sch n öl l , ▁the ▁spoke s person ▁for ▁the ▁Foreign ▁Ministry , ▁said ▁early ▁on ▁Friday ▁morning .
▁She ▁has ▁some ▁cuts , ▁he ▁says , ▁and ▁was ▁treated ▁in ▁hospital , ▁but ▁has ▁already ▁been ▁able ▁to ▁leave ▁hospital .
▁She ▁plans ▁to ▁return ▁home ▁at ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁September .
▁It ▁is ▁currently ▁unclear ▁whether ▁other ▁Austrian ▁citizens ▁have ▁been ▁affected ▁by ▁the ▁other ▁explosion s ▁on ▁the ▁holiday ▁island ▁of ▁Phuket ▁or ▁in ▁the ▁southern ▁cities ▁of ▁Su rat ▁Th ani , ▁P hang ▁N ga , ▁T rang ▁and ▁Chu m pon .
▁According ▁to ▁Sch n öl l , ▁the ▁Foreign ▁Ministry ▁is ▁in ▁constant ▁contact ▁with ▁local ▁authorities ▁as ▁a ▁result .
▁Hu a ▁Hin , ▁located ▁around ▁200 ▁kilometres ▁south ▁of ▁the ▁capital ▁city , ▁Bangkok , ▁two ▁bomb s ▁went ▁off ▁in ▁the ▁nightlife ▁district ▁on ▁Thursday ▁evening .
▁According ▁to ▁police ▁reports , ▁a ▁Thai ▁woman ▁was ▁killed ▁and ▁around ▁20 ▁people ▁injured , ▁including ▁the ▁Austrian ▁woman , ▁three ▁German s , ▁three ▁people ▁from ▁Holland ▁and ▁three ▁Italian s .
▁There ▁were ▁another ▁two ▁explosion s ▁early ▁on ▁Friday ▁morning , ▁with ▁another ▁person ▁killed , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁authorities .
▁A ▁bomb ▁explosion ▁was ▁also ▁reported ▁in ▁Phuket ▁early ▁in ▁the ▁morning .
▁Police ▁reports ▁state ▁that ▁a ▁taxi ▁driver ▁was ▁injured ▁in ▁the ▁explosion , ▁which ▁occurred ▁near ▁Pat ong ▁beach , ▁popular ▁with ▁holiday makers .
▁Another ▁bomb ▁explod ed ▁in ▁Su rat ▁Th ani ▁on ▁the ▁country ' s ▁south - east ▁coast , ▁which ▁led ▁to ▁the ▁death ▁of ▁a ▁civil ▁servant .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁authorities , ▁the ▁explosive ▁device ▁was ▁launched ▁from ▁a ▁flower ▁bed ▁on ▁the ▁edge ▁of ▁the ▁coastal ▁police ' s ▁territory .
▁Finally , ▁explosion s ▁in ▁P hang ▁N ga ▁and ▁T rang ▁on ▁the ▁south - west ▁coast ▁and ▁in ▁Chu m phon ▁on ▁the ▁south - east ▁coast ▁caused ▁several ▁casual ties .
▁There ▁is ▁apparently ▁a ▁connection ▁with ▁the ▁explosion s ▁in ▁Hu a ▁Hin .
▁" The ▁bomb ▁attacks ▁bear ▁the ▁same ▁signature , " ▁said ▁Army ▁General ▁Da n ai ▁Kri t met have e ▁to ▁journalists ▁early ▁on ▁Friday ▁morning .
▁" We ▁are ▁assuming ▁that ▁the ▁attacks ▁were ▁coordinated ".
▁It ▁is ▁too ▁early ▁to ▁speculat e ▁on ▁possible ▁motives , ▁he ▁says ▁- ▁however , ▁it ▁is ▁probably ▁the ▁actions ▁of ▁Muslim ▁re bel s .
▁The ▁Thai ▁media ▁also ▁wanted ▁to ▁see ▁a ▁pattern ▁in ▁the ▁attacks ▁that ▁was ▁typical ▁of ▁Islamic ▁separat ist s ▁in ▁the ▁south ▁of ▁the ▁country .
▁However , ▁the ▁Thai ▁police ▁issued ▁a ▁statement ▁that ▁the ▁attacks ▁were ▁not ▁connected ▁with ▁the ▁Islamist ▁resistance ▁movement ▁or ▁with ▁global ▁terrorism .
▁" It ▁is ▁just ▁local ▁s abotage , ▁limited ▁to ▁particular ▁areas ▁and ▁province s , " ▁said ▁a ▁spoke s person ▁in ▁Bangkok .
▁It ▁is ▁more ▁reasonable ▁to ▁assume ▁that ▁the ▁bomb s ▁were ▁set ▁off ▁by ▁opponents ▁of ▁the ▁military ▁j unta ▁currently ▁ruling ▁the ▁country .
▁Over ▁the ▁past ▁few ▁days , ▁the ▁authorities ▁have ▁received ▁notification ▁from ▁the ▁security ▁services ▁about ▁attacks ▁planned ▁in ▁the ▁south ▁of ▁the ▁country ▁- ▁but ▁they ▁do ▁not ▁know ▁when ▁and ▁where ▁exactly ▁the ▁attacks ▁are ▁planned ▁for .
▁It ▁is ▁still ▁apparently ▁unclear ▁who ▁is ▁behind ▁the ▁attacks .
▁The ▁police ▁told ▁civil ▁servants ▁across ▁the ▁entire ▁country ▁to ▁increase ▁security ▁around ▁important ▁ governmental ▁buildings , ▁along ▁with ▁airports , ▁railway ▁stations , ▁tourist ▁attractions , ▁restaurants ▁and ▁nightlife ▁districts .
▁Small - scale ▁bombing s ▁are ▁a ▁frequent ▁occurrence ▁in ▁Thailand , ▁but ▁they ▁are ▁rarely ▁directed ▁at ▁tourists .
▁There ▁is ▁a ▁palace ▁in ▁Hu a ▁Hin ▁that ▁was ▁used ▁by ▁Thailand ' s ▁King ▁B hu mi bol ▁A du ly ade j ▁for ▁years .
▁After ▁the ▁recent ▁bomb ▁explosion s , ▁the ▁Austrian ▁Foreign ▁Ministry ▁has ▁issued ▁a ▁recommendation ▁on ▁its ▁homepage ▁that ▁Austrian s ▁follow ▁the ▁instructions ▁from ▁the ▁Thai ▁security ▁agencies ▁at ▁all ▁times .
▁The ▁province s ▁of ▁Na rat hi wa t , ▁Ya la , ▁Pat t ani ▁and ▁Song h kla , ▁along ▁with ▁Pre ah ▁Vi he ar ▁and ▁its ▁surroundings , ▁have ▁been ▁issued ▁with ▁a ▁high ▁security ▁alert ▁( security ▁level ▁3 ).
▁After ▁ski r mis hes ▁between ▁security ▁forces ▁and ▁Muslim ▁sectors ▁of ▁the ▁population , ▁people ▁are ▁advised ▁against ▁all ▁but ▁essential ▁travel ▁to ▁these ▁districts .
▁The ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁country ▁is ▁on ▁an ▁increased ▁security ▁alert ▁( security ▁level ▁2) .
▁The ▁attacks ▁on ▁Thursday ▁and ▁Friday ▁came ▁just ▁a ▁few ▁days ▁after ▁a ▁controversial ▁referendum ▁on ▁a ▁constitution ▁drawn ▁up ▁by ▁the ▁military ▁j unta .
▁This ▁will ▁give ▁the ▁military ▁large - scale ▁influence ▁even ▁in ▁the ▁years ▁to ▁come .
▁The ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁j unta , ▁and ▁Prime ▁Minister , ▁Pra y ut ▁Chan - o - cha ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁bomb s ▁were ▁an ▁attempt ▁to ▁create ▁chaos ▁when ▁the ▁country ▁was ▁heading ▁towards ▁stability , ▁an ▁improved ▁economic ▁climate ▁and ▁tourism .
▁The ▁military ▁j unta ▁took ▁power ▁in ▁2014 ▁after ▁a ▁period ▁of ▁blood y ▁unrest , ▁and ▁believes ▁that ▁it ▁has ▁led ▁the ▁kingdom ▁back ▁to ▁stability ▁and ▁order .
▁However , ▁the ▁military ▁has ▁not ▁managed ▁to ▁que ll ▁the ▁late n t ▁resistance ▁ bre wing ▁with ▁Muslim ▁re bel s ▁in ▁the ▁southern ▁edge s ▁of ▁the ▁country .
▁More ▁than ▁6 , 500 ▁people ▁have ▁been ▁killed ▁in ▁the ▁conflict ▁so ▁far .
▁A ▁little ▁under ▁a ▁year ▁ago , ▁20 ▁people ▁were ▁killed ▁in ▁an ▁attack ▁on ▁a ▁popular ▁Hindu ▁sh rine ▁in ▁Bank ok ▁- ▁the ▁majority ▁of ▁whom ▁were ▁foreign ▁tourists .
▁It ▁was ▁the ▁most ▁blood y ▁attack ▁in ▁the ▁country ' s ▁recent ▁history .
▁The ▁Federal ▁Office ▁for ▁the ▁Protection ▁of ▁the ▁Constitution ▁has ▁the ▁right - wing ▁" I den t itäre ▁Bewegung " ▁movement ▁in ▁its ▁sights .
▁After ▁several ▁regional ▁authorities ▁had ▁done ▁so , ▁the ▁body ▁charged ▁with ▁protecting ▁the ▁constitution ▁across ▁Germany ▁has ▁also ▁put ▁the ▁group ▁on ▁a ▁watch list .
▁" In ▁terms ▁of ▁the ▁" I den t itäre ▁Bewegung " ▁movement , ▁we ▁can ▁see ▁clear ▁indicators ▁of ▁efforts ▁against ▁the ▁free , ▁democratic ▁order , " ▁said ▁Hans - Ge org ▁Ma aß en , ▁head ▁of ▁constitutional ▁protection , ▁to ▁the ▁German ▁press ▁agency ▁in ▁Berlin .
▁Muslim ▁migrants ▁or ▁migrants ▁from ▁the ▁Middle ▁East ▁were ▁ vil ified ▁in ▁an ▁extremist ▁manner .
▁That ▁is ▁why ▁we ▁will ▁also ▁be ▁monitoring ▁the ▁movement ▁from ▁hence for th .
▁The ▁" I den t itäre ▁Bewegung " ▁is ▁a ▁group ▁with ▁French ▁roots ▁that ▁has ▁been ▁active ▁in ▁Germany ▁since ▁2012 .
▁It ▁fight s ▁against ▁" multi cultural ▁mad ness ", ▁" un controlled ▁mass ▁immigration " ▁and ▁" the ▁loss ▁of ▁national ▁identity ▁through ▁foreigners ".
▁Bo dies ▁protecting ▁the ▁constitution ▁across ▁nine ▁federal ▁states ▁- ▁Bremen , ▁Bavaria n , ▁H esse , ▁Berlin , ▁Baden - Württemberg , ▁North ▁Rhine - West pha lia , ▁Lower ▁Saxony , ▁Saxony ▁and ▁Th uring ia ▁- ▁already ▁have ▁the ▁" I den t itäre " ▁under ▁observation .
▁Ma aß en ▁said ▁that ▁his ▁authority ▁had ▁worked ▁closely ▁with ▁regional ▁authorities ▁to ▁come ▁to ▁its ▁decision .
▁" Group s ▁such ▁as ▁the ▁" I den t itäre ▁Bewegung " ▁are ▁trying ▁to ▁approach ▁their ▁target ▁group ▁on ▁their ▁level , " ▁said ▁the ▁head ▁of ▁constitutional ▁protection .
▁In ▁general , ▁extremist s ▁attempt ▁to ▁speak ▁to ▁them ▁in ▁young ▁people ' s ▁own ▁language , ▁often ▁with ▁pop ▁music .
▁Rad ical ▁Islamist s ▁and ▁right - wing ▁extremist s ▁both ▁do ▁this .
▁It ' s ▁not ▁calm ▁advertisement ▁for ▁the ▁actual ▁matter ▁at ▁hand .
▁This ▁propaganda ▁is ▁designed ▁to ▁provoke ▁an ▁emotional ▁response ▁in ▁people .
▁Young ▁people ▁are ▁particularly ▁vulnerable ▁to ▁this .
▁This ▁is ▁dangerous .
▁Recently , ▁there ▁have ▁been ▁reports ▁from ▁several ▁federal ▁states ▁pointing ▁out ▁contact ▁between ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁" I den t itäre " ▁movement ▁and ▁A f D ▁politicians .
▁Ma aß en ▁said ▁he ▁had ▁no ▁information ▁on ▁this .
▁In ▁terms ▁of ▁constitutional ▁protection , ▁potential ▁contact ▁of ▁this ▁kind ▁only ▁becomes ▁relevant ▁from ▁a ▁certain ▁point , ▁he ▁says .
▁It ▁depends ▁on ▁whether ▁the ▁party ▁in ▁question ▁- ▁in ▁this ▁case , ▁the ▁A f D ▁- ▁changes ▁its ▁focus ▁and ▁becomes ▁extremist ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁particular ▁people ▁who ▁are ▁extremist s .
▁Therefore , ▁the ▁decisive ▁factor ▁is ▁whether ▁these ▁people ▁exert ▁a ▁controlling ▁influence ▁over ▁the ▁party .
▁This ▁has ▁not ▁been ▁noted .
▁With ▁regard ▁to ▁the ▁clear ▁increase ▁in ▁right - wing ▁crimes ▁and ▁attacks ▁on ▁asylum ▁seekers ▁and ▁refugee ▁shelter s , ▁Ma aß en ▁said ▁that ▁he ▁would ▁not ▁yet ▁speak ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁right - wing ▁terrorism .
▁But , ▁over ▁the ▁past ▁few ▁years , ▁we ▁have ▁determined ▁that ▁right - wing ▁terrorist ▁structures ▁can ▁exist .
▁There ▁was ▁the ▁" O ld ▁School ▁Society " ▁group ▁or ▁the ▁" Frei tal er ▁Group ".
▁It ▁can ▁absolutely ▁be ▁the ▁case ▁that ▁additional ▁right - wing ▁terrorist ▁groups ▁or ▁small ▁gathering s ▁come ▁to ▁exist , ▁and ▁plan ▁attacks ▁on ▁asylum ▁seekers , ▁refugee ▁shelter s , ▁or ▁for ▁other ▁far - right ▁motives .
▁However , ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁Germany - wide ▁or ▁Europe - wide ▁control ▁of ▁far - right ▁terrorism ▁that ▁we ▁can ▁disc ern .
▁The ▁groups ▁that ▁have ▁existed ▁to ▁date ▁have ▁arise n ▁on ▁a ▁regional ▁level ▁or ▁via ▁social ▁networks .
▁Ma aß en ▁expressed ▁concern ▁that ▁many ▁attacks ▁were ▁per pet rated ▁by ▁people ▁who ▁had ▁previously ▁not ▁been ▁involved ▁in ▁the ▁far - right ▁scene .
▁That ▁is ▁f right en ing .
▁Many ▁of ▁those ▁suspected ▁of ▁carrying ▁out ▁the ▁attacks ▁on ▁asylum ▁centers ▁were ▁not ▁viewed ▁as ▁criminals , ▁politically ▁motivated ▁perpetrators ▁or ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁far - right ▁scene .
▁" This ▁means ▁that ▁many ▁people ▁have ▁committed ▁crimes ▁who ▁previously ▁paid ▁the ▁far - right ▁no ▁he ed , ▁who ▁might ▁have ▁been ▁politically ▁in di ffer en t ▁or ▁voted ▁for ▁the ▁CD U , ▁S PD ▁or ▁the ▁Left , ▁who ▁were ▁the n ▁radical ised ▁by ▁far - right ▁sensation al ism ".
▁Rio ▁20 16 : ▁Ro bel ▁Kir os ▁Hab te ▁becomes ▁an ▁Internet ▁sensation
▁Olympic ▁athletes ▁or ▁world ▁records ▁are n ' t ▁always ▁the ▁only ▁things ▁to ▁hit ▁the ▁head lines ▁at ▁the ▁Olympic ▁Games .
▁This ▁is ▁shown ▁by ▁Ro bel ▁Kir os ▁Hab te ' s ▁brave ▁performance ▁at ▁the ▁summer ▁games ▁in ▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro .
▁In ▁the ▁Aqua tics ▁Centre , ▁the ▁slightly ▁over weight ▁sw immer ▁from ▁Ethiopia ▁sw am ▁so ▁slowly ▁that , ▁sometimes , ▁it ▁was ▁impossible ▁to ▁see ▁him ▁in ▁the ▁tele vis ed ▁images .
▁He ▁just ▁disappeared ▁- ▁no ▁matter ▁how ▁wide ▁a ▁perspective ▁was ▁used .
▁Hab te ▁finally ▁become ▁a ▁vi ral ▁internet ▁sensation ▁on ▁social ▁networks .
▁The ▁24- year - old ▁completed ▁his ▁heat ▁48 ▁seconds ▁slow er ▁than ▁the ▁next - fast est ▁com petit or , ▁taking ▁place ▁59 ▁out ▁of ▁59 .
▁However , ▁it ▁was ▁his ▁not - qui te ▁sport y ▁figure ▁that ▁caught ▁the ▁eye ▁of ▁the ▁international ▁media .
▁Why ▁was ▁the ▁24- year - old ▁taking ▁part ▁in ▁the ▁Olympic ▁games ?
▁The ▁Ethiopia n ▁was ▁given ▁special ▁permission ▁to ▁take ▁part ▁by ▁the ▁international ▁swimming ▁federation .
▁This ▁is ▁given ▁out ▁to ▁popular ise ▁swimming ▁in ▁under re present ed ▁countries .
▁Because ▁most ▁athletes ▁from ▁Ethiopia ▁run , ▁Hab te ▁wanted ▁to ▁do ▁something ▁different .
▁Pre par ation ▁is ▁everything : ▁Ro bel ▁Kir os ▁Hab te ▁prepared ▁himself ▁for ▁the ▁big ▁race .
▁The ▁first ▁nickname s ▁were ▁soon ▁doing ▁the ▁round s .
▁Some ▁media ▁out lets ▁du bb ed ▁him ▁" Ro bel ▁the ▁whale ".
▁With ▁reference ▁to ▁his ▁" fla bb y ▁stomach ", ▁the ▁British ▁tab l oid ▁" The ▁Sun " ▁m ock ed ▁his ▁" D ad ▁Bo d ".
▁His ▁time , ▁almost ▁one ▁minute ▁and ▁five ▁seconds ▁for ▁the ▁100 ▁ metre ▁free style , ▁played ▁no ▁part ▁in ▁this .
▁Comp ari son s ▁were ▁also ▁made ▁with ▁" Er ic ▁the ▁E el ".
▁At ▁the ▁2000 ▁Olympic ▁Games ▁in ▁Sydney , ▁Eric ▁Mo us s amba ni ' s ▁race ▁also ▁drew ▁media ▁attention .
▁The ▁performance ▁of ▁the ▁sw immer ▁from ▁E quatorial ▁Guinea ▁was ▁unforgettable : ▁he ▁had ▁to ▁swim ▁his ▁100 ▁ metre ▁free style ▁heat ▁all ▁on ▁his ▁own .
▁Mo us s amba ni ▁was ▁the n ▁greet ed ▁by ▁wild ▁che er ing .
▁He ▁was ▁22 ▁years ▁old ▁at ▁the ▁time , ▁and ▁had ▁learn t ▁to ▁swim ▁eight ▁months ▁before ▁the ▁Olympic s ▁- ▁and ▁had ▁never ▁managed ▁such ▁a ▁long ▁distance ▁before ▁the ▁competition ▁began .
▁A ▁front - row ▁seat ▁to ▁the ▁stunning ▁architecture ▁of ▁the ▁Los ▁Angeles ▁Central ▁Library
▁Learn ▁more ▁about ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁downtown ' s ▁Central ▁Library ▁as ▁the ▁Society ▁of ▁Arch it ect ural ▁ Histori ans / South ern ▁California ▁Chapter ▁hosts ▁a ▁salon ▁with ▁Arn old ▁Schwa r tz man ▁and ▁Stephen ▁Ge e , ▁authors ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁book ▁" Lo s ▁Angeles ▁Central ▁Library : ▁A ▁History ▁of ▁its ▁Art ▁and ▁Architecture " ▁ .
▁Ge e ▁and ▁Schwa r tz man ▁are ▁scheduled ▁to ▁discuss ▁and ▁share ▁images ▁of ▁the ▁1926 ▁Bert ram ▁Good hu e ▁design ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁1993 ▁restoration ▁and ▁addition ▁by ▁Hard y ▁Holz man ▁Pf ei ffer ▁Associate s .
▁The ▁salon ▁is ▁set ▁for ▁2 ▁p . m . ▁to ▁4 ▁p . m . ▁on ▁Aug . ▁21 ▁in ▁the ▁S alle ▁Moderne ▁at ▁the ▁Art ▁Deco ▁South western ▁School ▁of ▁Law , ▁( form er ly ▁Bull ock s ▁Wil shire ), ▁30 50 ▁Wil shire ▁B lv d .
▁At t ende es ▁can ▁tour ▁the ▁Central ▁Hall , ▁Period ▁Rooms , ▁C act us ▁Lounge ▁and ▁Tea ▁Room .
▁Ad v ance ▁tickets ▁are ▁required ; ▁SA H / S CC ▁members , ▁$ 15 ; ▁non - member s , ▁$ 25 .
▁An ▁open , ▁industrial ▁lo ft ▁in ▁D T LA ▁gets ▁a ▁cozy ▁make over
▁C elebr ating ▁L . A . ' s ▁Central ▁Library ' s ▁90 th ▁birthday ▁with ▁- ▁what ▁else ? ▁- ▁a ▁new ▁book
▁Ger ets ried ▁- ▁The ft ▁from ▁the ▁owner ▁of ▁a ▁shop ▁on ▁the ▁Neu en ▁Platz .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁police , ▁the ▁67 - year - old ▁woman ▁from ▁Ger ets ried ▁left ▁her ▁shop ▁around ▁5. 30 ▁p . m . ▁on ▁Monday , ▁and ▁for go t ▁to ▁close ▁a ▁ground - floor ▁window .
▁When ▁she ▁returned ▁the ▁next ▁morning ▁at ▁around ▁8. 15 ▁a . m . ▁around ▁250 ▁euros ▁was ▁missing ▁from ▁the ▁till .
▁There ▁was ▁no ▁trace ▁of ▁the ▁per pet r ator .
▁The ▁shop ▁did ▁not ▁have ▁ CC TV .
▁Tru mp ▁is ▁not ▁taking ▁the ▁threat ▁of ▁election ▁defeat ▁too ▁seriously
▁The ▁Republican ▁candidate ▁for ▁the ▁presidency , ▁Donald ▁Tru mp , ▁spoke ▁out ▁at ▁an ▁election ▁event ▁in ▁Florida .
▁If ▁things ▁don ' t ▁work ▁out ▁with ▁the ▁presidential ▁election , ▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁already ▁has ▁a ▁plan ▁B ▁in ▁place .
▁He ▁would ▁go ▁on ▁holiday .
▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁would n ' t ▁really ▁mind ▁if ▁he ▁lost ▁the ▁US ▁presidential ▁election ▁in ▁November : ▁" E ith er ▁it ' ll ▁work ▁out , ▁or ▁I ' ll ▁go ▁on ▁a ▁long , ▁long ▁holiday , " ▁the ▁Republican ▁candidate ▁said ▁in ▁an ▁telephone ▁interview ▁with ▁US ▁television ▁channel ▁C N BC .
▁If ▁he ▁doesn ' t ▁make ▁it ▁because ▁of ▁political ▁correctness , ▁that ' s ▁ok , ▁Tru mp ▁said .
▁For ▁example , ▁he ▁called ▁US ▁President ▁Barack ▁Obama , ▁and ▁the ▁Democratic ▁candidate , ▁Hill ary ▁Clinton , ▁the ▁founder s ▁of ▁terrorist ▁milit ia ▁Islamic ▁State ▁( IS ).
▁Within ▁his ▁party , ▁resistance ▁continues ▁to ▁grow .
▁The ▁postal ▁service ▁gets ▁on ▁board ▁with ▁electric ▁vehicles
▁De tu sche ▁Post ' s ▁electric ▁truck ▁in ▁action .
▁Other ▁companies ▁are ▁clearly ▁interested ▁in ▁the ▁vehicle .
▁The ▁postal ▁service ▁is ▁also ▁planning ▁to ▁sell ▁its ▁Street S co ot er ▁electric ▁vehicle .
▁So on ▁the ▁company ▁will ▁start ▁retail ing ▁the ▁vehicle .
▁The ▁postal ▁service ▁wants ▁to ▁bring ▁its ▁electric ▁vehicle ▁to ▁the ▁free ▁automotive ▁market ▁from ▁next ▁year .
▁" We ▁want ▁to ▁start ▁selling ▁it ▁to ▁third ▁parties , " ▁a ▁postal ▁service ▁spoke s man ▁said ▁on ▁Friday .
▁For ▁months ▁the ▁company ▁has ▁been ▁examining ▁whether ▁the ▁Street S co ot er ▁it ▁developed , ▁which ▁is ▁used ▁to ▁deliver ▁letters ▁and ▁parcel s , ▁could ▁be ▁sold ▁to ▁other ▁sectors ▁as ▁well .
▁Managing ▁Director ▁of ▁the ▁postal ▁service ▁Jürgen ▁Ger des ▁said ▁that ▁there ▁was ▁always ▁demand ▁from ▁trade s m en .
▁According ▁to ▁information ▁in ▁" Der ▁Spiegel ", ▁a ▁news ▁magazine , ▁the ▁Bonn - based ▁company ▁will ▁soon ▁start ▁mass ▁production ▁of ▁the ▁vehicle .
▁The ▁company ▁is ▁planning ▁to ▁use ▁its ▁own ▁factories ▁to ▁build ▁up ▁to ▁10,000 ▁vehicles ▁per ▁year , ▁per ▁level .
▁Ger des ▁announced ▁that ▁the ▁company ▁wanted ▁to ▁increase ▁the ▁size ▁of ▁its ▁fleet ▁of ▁electric ▁cars ▁considerably , ▁and ▁that ▁its ▁long - term ▁aim ▁was ▁to ▁switch ▁over ▁completely ▁to ▁these ▁environmentally ▁friendly ▁vehicles .
▁" We ▁will ▁take ▁a ▁very , ▁very ▁strong ▁step ▁towards ▁2020 , " ▁he ▁said ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁July .
▁I ▁can ▁imagine ▁that ▁we ▁will ▁switch ▁over ▁the ▁entire ▁fleet .
▁The ▁Street S co ot er ▁has ▁been ▁out ▁and ▁about ▁on ▁Germany ' s ▁roads ▁since ▁2014 .
▁GfK ▁managing ▁director ▁steps ▁down ▁after ▁disappointing ▁figures
▁Consumer ▁research ▁firm ▁GfK ▁is ▁replacing ▁its ▁managing ▁director ▁Matthias ▁Hart mann .
▁His ▁resignation ▁came ▁swiftly ▁- ▁but ▁it ▁was ▁not ▁a ▁complete ▁surprise .
▁The ▁trick y ▁situation ▁in ▁which ▁market ▁research ▁firm ▁GfK ▁find s ▁itself ▁made ▁it ▁self - evident ▁that ▁Managing ▁Director ▁Matthias ▁Har mann ' s ▁seat ▁became ▁more ▁and ▁more ▁unstable ▁the ▁longer ▁the ▁success ▁he ▁promised ▁failed ▁to ▁material ise .
▁Tur bul ence ▁at ▁the ▁top ▁of ▁Nuremberg ' s ▁market ▁research ▁firm ▁GfK : ▁After ▁another ▁round ▁of ▁disappointing ▁figures ▁and ▁the ▁resignation ▁of ▁the ▁managing ▁director , ▁the ▁firm , ▁fifth ▁in ▁its ▁sector ▁globally , ▁is ▁on ▁the ▁bri n k ▁of ▁a ▁personal ▁new ▁start .
▁GfK ' s ▁managing ▁director ▁wants ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁company ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁year .
▁The ▁managing ▁director ▁of ▁GfK ' s ▁supervisory ▁board , ▁Arn o ▁Mah ler t , ▁has ▁already ▁announced ▁that ▁he ▁will ▁be ▁leaving ▁the ▁supervisory ▁committee ▁with ▁effect ▁from ▁12 ▁September .
▁The ▁company ▁announced ▁that ▁Gerhard ▁Haus r uck inger , ▁who ▁is ▁currently ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁board ▁of ▁directors , ▁will ▁take ▁over ▁the ▁management ▁of ▁the ▁board ▁on ▁1 ▁September .
▁Official ly , ▁he ▁will ▁take ▁on ▁the ▁role ▁of ▁" board ▁spoke s man " ▁until ▁Hart mann ' s ▁successor ▁has ▁been ▁found .
▁The ▁company ▁cited ▁" di ffer en t ▁viewpoint s " ▁on ▁long - term ▁business ▁direction ▁as ▁the ▁reason ▁behind ▁the ▁resignation .
▁A ▁company ▁spoke s man ▁did ▁not ▁give ▁further ▁details ▁on ▁Friday .
▁It ▁is ▁currently ▁not ▁clear ▁who ▁will ▁head ▁up ▁the ▁market ▁research ▁firm ▁in ▁the ▁future .
▁In ▁investment ▁circle s , ▁on ▁Friday ▁it ▁was ▁said ▁that ▁shareholders ▁were ▁greatly ▁disappointed ▁by ▁the ▁lack ▁of ▁success ▁following ▁the ▁restructuring ▁programme ▁implemented ▁years ▁ago .
▁Mr ▁Hart man ▁has ▁headed ▁up ▁GfK ▁since ▁2011 .
▁" The ▁benefits ▁of ▁the ▁restructuring ▁programme ▁will ▁only ▁become ▁visible ▁after ▁5 ▁years , " ▁he ▁said .
▁As ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁GfK ' s ▁recent ▁poor ▁figures , ▁every ▁shareholder ▁would ▁be ▁a ▁little ▁uns ett led , ▁he ▁said .
▁" If ▁that ▁were ▁the ▁case ▁at ▁BMW , ▁the ▁ quant s ▁would ▁be ▁too , " ▁he ▁said .
▁After ▁suffering ▁losses ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁quarters , ▁the ▁company ▁was ▁unable ▁to ▁stop ▁losing ▁money ▁in ▁the ▁second ▁quarter ▁of ▁20 16 .
▁At ▁36 1.2 ▁million ▁euros , ▁turnover ▁was ▁ 6.1 ▁lower ▁than ▁it ▁had ▁been ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁quarter ▁of ▁the ▁previous ▁year .
▁Compare d ▁to ▁the ▁first ▁six ▁months ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁turnover ▁( 72 1.2 ▁million ▁euros ) ▁had ▁sh r unk ▁by ▁3. 4 ▁percent .
▁The ▁company ' s ▁reduced ▁value ▁because ▁of ▁the ▁difficult ▁economic ▁climate ▁had ▁impact ed ▁second - quart er ▁profits , ▁in ▁particular .
▁The ▁goodwill ▁am ort isation ▁of ▁1 39 ▁million ▁euros ▁required ▁for ▁the ▁consumer ▁experience ▁sector ▁was ▁provided ▁by ▁the ▁company , ▁leading ▁to ▁a ▁final ▁loss ▁of ▁14 8 . 2 ▁million ▁euros .
▁In ▁the ▁second ▁quarter ▁of ▁2015 , ▁GfK ▁had ▁made ▁a ▁profit ▁of ▁19. 7 ▁million .
▁Inc ident ▁- ▁Bus ▁slip s ▁into ▁a ▁d itch ▁in ▁Kru mm hör n : ▁eight ▁people ▁injured
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁an ▁accident ▁involving ▁a ▁coach ▁carrying ▁43 ▁elderly ▁people ▁in ▁Kru mm hör n ▁( dis tric t ▁of ▁Au rich ) ▁led ▁to ▁eight ▁people ▁being ▁injured .
▁Two ▁of ▁the ▁passengers ▁suffered ▁serious ▁injuries , ▁the ▁police ▁reported .
▁The ▁66 - year - old ▁bus ▁driver , ▁employed ▁by ▁a ▁coach ▁company ▁based ▁in ▁Eisen ach , ▁said ▁that ▁she ▁had ▁to ▁sw er ve ▁to ▁avoid ▁an ▁on com ing ▁lo rry ▁that ▁was ▁partly ▁on ▁the ▁wrong ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁road .
▁The ▁bus ▁came ▁off ▁the ▁right - hand ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁road , ▁and ▁ski d ded ▁into ▁a ▁d itch , ▁a ▁spoke s wo man ▁for ▁the ▁police ▁force ▁of ▁Au rich / W itt mund ▁reported .
▁" A s ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁way ▁the ▁bus ▁was ▁positioned , ▁people ▁were ▁not ▁able ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁bus ▁on ▁their ▁own , " ▁she ▁said .
▁The ▁fire ▁bri ga de ▁free d ▁the ▁passengers .
▁Six ▁rescue ▁vehicles ▁and ▁an ▁am bul ance ▁were ▁in ▁attendance ▁at ▁the ▁scene ▁of ▁the ▁accident ▁on ▁the ▁no . 2 ▁road .
▁Uni n ju red ▁passengers ▁were ▁transported ▁back ▁to ▁Kru mm hör n ' s ▁Pe w sum ▁district ▁by ▁regular ▁bus .
▁They ▁wait ed ▁there ▁until ▁a ▁replacement ▁bus ▁was ▁sent ▁by ▁the ▁coach ▁company .
▁Invest ig ators ▁are ▁asking ▁the ▁lo rry ▁driver ▁and ▁any ▁witness es ▁to ▁make ▁themselves ▁known ▁to ▁the ▁police .
▁From ▁1 ▁October ▁20 16 , ▁fees ▁per ▁cu b ic ▁ metre ▁of ▁se w age ▁for ▁the ▁area ▁covered ▁by ▁the ▁se w age ▁plant ▁at ▁Neu dorf / Re u th / W el schen ka hl ▁will ▁be ▁3. 44 ▁euros ▁instead ▁of ▁2. 10 ▁euros ▁as ▁previously , ▁3. 36 ▁euros ▁( pre vi ously ▁2. 26 ▁euros ) ▁for ▁Zu lt enberg / Li nden berg / L opp , ▁and ▁3. 64 ▁euros ▁( pre vi ously ▁2. 18 ▁euros ) ▁for ▁A zen dorf .
▁The ▁se w age ▁fee ▁for ▁the ▁se w age ▁works ▁in ▁A zen dorf ▁will ▁be ▁raised ▁again ▁if ▁it ▁is ▁necessary ▁to ▁carry ▁out ▁improvement ▁works .
▁According ▁to ▁an ▁estimated ▁calculation , ▁se w age ▁fees ▁in ▁A zen dorf ▁will ▁the n ▁come ▁to ▁4. 37 ▁euros ▁per ▁cu b ic ▁ metre .
▁As ▁mayor ▁Bern d ▁Stein häuser ▁( CS U ) ▁reported , ▁when ▁the ▁district ▁administration ▁of ▁K ul m bach ▁approved ▁the ▁budget , ▁it ▁was ▁determined ▁that ▁these ▁se w age ▁plants ▁were ▁under fund ed .
▁The ▁market ▁town ▁of ▁Kas en dorf ▁is ▁legally ▁obliged ▁to ▁run ▁the ▁se w age ▁works ▁so ▁that ▁they ▁break ▁even .
▁From ▁1 ▁October ▁20 16 , ▁individuals ▁and ▁commercial ▁and ▁industrial ▁enterprises ▁from ▁We l schen ka hl , ▁Neu dorf , ▁Re u th , ▁A zen dorf , ▁L opp , ▁Lind enberg ▁and ▁Zu lt enberg ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁d ig ▁a ▁little ▁deeper .
▁The ▁fee ▁increases ▁range ▁from ▁48 ▁to ▁67 ▁percent .
▁As ▁administrative ▁director ▁Herbert ▁Schmidt ▁showed ▁the ▁committee , ▁it ▁was ▁necessary ▁to ▁re cal cula te ▁the ▁fees ▁for ▁the ▁se w age ▁plants ▁serving ▁the ▁market ▁town .
▁Between ▁October ▁20 16 ▁and ▁September ▁2020 , ▁over fund ing ▁and ▁under fund ing ▁from ▁the ▁previous ▁calculation ▁period ▁will ▁be ▁balanced ▁out .
▁Schmidt ▁just ifies ▁the ▁major ▁fee ▁increases ▁by ▁saying ▁that ▁all ▁three ▁se w age ▁plants ▁are ▁relatively ▁small ▁and ▁deal ▁with ▁a ▁very ▁small ▁amount ▁of ▁waste , ▁namely ▁between ▁6 800 ▁and ▁12 000 ▁cu b ic ▁metres ▁a ▁pe ar .
▁As ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁low ▁distribution , ▁expenses ▁for ▁critical ▁repair s ▁amount ing ▁to ▁several ▁thousand ▁euros , ▁for ▁example , ▁seem ▁major .
▁In ▁addition , ▁the ▁amount ▁of ▁se w age ▁arriving ▁at ▁all ▁three ▁plants ▁is ▁gradually ▁dec rea s ing .
▁Furthermore , ▁the ▁previous ▁calculation ▁period ▁did ▁not ▁include ▁renovation ▁and ▁repair ▁works ▁to ▁a ▁great ▁extent ▁for ▁all ▁three ▁treatment ▁plants , ▁not ▁least ▁because ▁of ▁their ▁age .
▁The ▁plant ▁in ▁A zen dorf ▁is ▁nearly ▁30 ▁years ▁old , ▁the ▁plants ▁in ▁We l schen ka hl , ▁Neu dorf ▁and ▁Re u th , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁Zu lt enberg , ▁Lind enberg ▁and ▁L opp ▁are ▁almost ▁20 ▁years ▁old .
▁Schmidt ▁pointed ▁out ▁that ▁the ▁waste ▁treatment ▁plant ▁at ▁A zen dorf ▁needed ▁to ▁have ▁its ▁mechanical ▁ventilation ▁system ▁replaced ▁because ▁of ▁damage .
▁The ▁convey or ▁system ▁in ▁the ▁pump ing ▁station ▁at ▁We l schen ka hl ▁is ▁almost ▁20 ▁years ▁old , ▁and ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁completely ▁overhaul ed ; ▁the ▁first ▁clarification ▁pond ▁in ▁the ▁pond ▁treatment ▁plant ▁at ▁L opp ▁has ▁been ▁operational ▁for ▁almost ▁20 ▁years ▁and ▁now ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁d red ged , ▁its ▁se w age ▁slu d ge ▁removed , ▁and ▁an ▁additional ▁ventilation ▁system ▁incorporated ▁to ▁ensure ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁in ▁line ▁with ▁water ▁law ▁regulations ▁in ▁the ▁future .
▁Schmidt : ▁" The se ▁extraordinary ▁expenses ▁were ▁also ▁coupled ▁with ▁per pet ual ▁support ▁and ▁maintenance ▁costs ▁that ▁are ▁to ▁be ▁taken ▁into ▁account ▁in ▁the ▁new ▁calculation ▁period . "
▁The ▁same ▁is ▁true ▁for ▁electricity ▁costs : ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁calculation s ▁for ▁2011 /20 12 , ▁they ▁are ▁far ▁below ▁their ▁current ▁levels .
▁Stein häuser ▁pointed ▁out ▁that , ▁even ▁with ▁a ▁low ▁amount ▁of ▁se w age ▁coming ▁to ▁the ▁three ▁plants , ▁the ▁expenses ▁for ▁running ▁and ▁maintaining ▁them ▁" wer e ▁significantly ▁impact ed ".
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁Schmidt ▁expanded , ▁the ▁market ▁town ▁had ▁been ▁saved ▁from ▁large ▁maintenance ▁costs ▁for ▁the ▁se w age ▁treatment ▁plants ▁over ▁the ▁past ▁20 ▁years .
▁From ▁Stein häuser ' s ▁perspective , ▁the ▁plants ▁mentioned ▁will ▁remain ▁in ▁a ▁precarious ▁situation ▁in ▁the ▁long ▁run , ▁especially ▁as ▁the ▁area ▁covered ▁by ▁Fri es en bach tal ▁waste water ▁association ▁cannot ▁be ▁expanded ▁to ▁include ▁these ▁plants ▁because ▁they ▁are ▁running ▁at ▁a ▁deficit .
▁Bulgaria ▁Post s ▁Inflation ▁for ▁1 st ▁Time ▁in ▁8 ▁Mon th s
▁Inflation ▁in ▁Bulgaria ▁was ▁1% ▁on ▁a ▁monthly ▁basis ▁in ▁July , ▁national ▁statistics ▁show .
▁This ▁is ▁the ▁highest ▁value ▁in ▁years ▁( s in ce ▁June ▁2012 ) ▁and ▁the ▁first ▁one ▁above ▁zero ▁since ▁October ▁of ▁last ▁year ▁when ▁a ▁positive ▁0 . 2% ▁was ▁posted .
▁The ▁annual ▁average ▁inflation , ▁measured ▁by ▁C PI , ▁in ▁the ▁last ▁12 ▁months ▁( A ugu st ▁2015 ▁- ▁July ▁20 16 ) ▁compared ▁to ▁the ▁previous ▁12 ▁months ▁( A ugu st ▁2014 ▁- ▁July ▁2015 ) ▁was ▁- 0 . 8% .
▁The ▁consumer ▁price ▁index ▁in ▁July ▁20 16 ▁compared ▁to ▁June ▁20 16 ▁was ▁101 .0% , ▁i . e . ▁the ▁monthly ▁inflation ▁was ▁1 .0% .
▁The ▁inflation ▁rate ▁since ▁the ▁beginning ▁of ▁the ▁year ▁( Ju ly ▁20 16 ▁compared ▁to ▁December ▁2015 ) ▁has ▁been ▁- 0.2 % ▁and ▁the ▁annual ▁inflation ▁in ▁July ▁20 16 ▁compared ▁to ▁July ▁2015 ▁was ▁- 0.2 % .
▁In ▁July ▁20 16 , ▁compared ▁to ▁the ▁previous ▁month , ▁an ▁increase ▁was ▁observed ▁in ▁the ▁price ▁of ▁the ▁following ▁groups ▁of ▁consumer ▁goods : ▁food ▁and ▁non - al co hol ic ▁beverage s ▁(1 . 7% ); ▁transport ▁(1 . 8% ); ▁recreation ▁and ▁culture ▁(6 . 3% ); ▁restaurants ▁and ▁hotels ▁(1 . 2% ); ▁mis cell ane ous ▁goods ▁and ▁services ▁(0 . 3% ).
▁Price s ▁decreased ▁in ▁clothing ▁and ▁foot wear ▁(2 . 2% ); ▁furnishings , ▁household ▁equipment ▁and ▁routine ▁maintenance ▁(0 . 5% ); ▁health ▁(0 . 1% ).
▁Price s ▁remained ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁level ▁as ▁in ▁the ▁previous ▁month ▁in ▁alcoholic ▁beverage s ▁and ▁tobacco ; ▁housing , ▁water , ▁electricity , ▁gas ▁and ▁other ▁fuels ; ▁communications ; ▁and ▁education .
▁S n ap chat ▁" An ime " ▁Effect ▁I s ▁Cri tic ized ▁as ▁Asian ▁Car ica ture
▁S n ap chat ▁says ▁this ▁filter ▁is ▁inspired ▁by ▁an ime , ▁but ▁some ▁observers ▁say ▁it ' s ▁racial ly ▁in sensitive .
▁With ▁its ▁lens ▁tool , ▁S n ap chat ▁allows ▁some ▁150 ▁million ▁daily ▁users ▁to ▁alter ▁reality ▁and ▁play ▁with ▁identity ▁in ▁ways ▁that ▁border ▁on ▁the ▁absurd .
▁You ▁can ▁turn ▁yourself ▁into ▁a ▁pine app le , ▁a ▁dog ▁or ▁a ▁character ▁be fit ting ▁a ▁Roy ▁Licht en stein ▁painting .
▁The ▁lenses ▁are ▁blu n t , ▁feature - war ping ▁tools ▁that ▁generate ▁more ▁than ▁30 ▁million ▁enhanced ▁self ies ▁a ▁day .
▁Any ▁mis step s ▁quickly ▁enter ▁the ▁public ▁record .
▁S n ap chat ▁lenses ▁have ▁drawn ▁criticism ▁in ▁the ▁past ▁with ▁accusation s ▁that ▁the ▁app ▁was ▁promoting ▁black face ▁or ▁encouraging ▁white n ed ▁skin ▁to n es ▁as ▁an ▁ideal ▁of ▁beauty .
▁So ▁when ▁it ▁pushed ▁a ▁lens ▁to ▁some ▁users ▁this ▁week ▁that ▁gave ▁them ▁s lant ed ▁eyes , ▁distort ed ▁teeth ▁and ▁ puff y ▁che ek s , ▁some ▁critics ▁called ▁it ▁a ▁racist ▁car ica ture ▁of ▁Asian ▁people ▁- ▁" y el low face . "
▁And ▁they ▁wonder ed ▁if ▁these ▁repeated ▁con tro vers ies ▁pointed ▁to ▁a ▁larger ▁problem ▁that ▁the ▁company ▁has ▁with ▁diversity .
▁The ▁news ▁and ▁the ▁outrage ▁went ▁wide ▁on ▁Wednesday , ▁with ▁reports ▁by ▁The ▁Ver ge ▁and ▁Mother board , ▁a ▁day ▁after ▁S n ap chat ▁said ▁it ▁had ▁dismantle d ▁the ▁feature .
▁The ▁company ▁offered ▁an ▁explanation : ▁The ▁lens ▁was ▁meant ▁as ▁ho m age ▁to ▁an ime ▁characters , ▁not ▁as ▁a ▁car ica ture ▁of ▁Asian ▁people .
▁But ▁for ▁observers ▁who ▁have ▁experienced ▁racism , ▁the ▁lens ▁reminded ▁them ▁of ▁hurt ful ▁ stereotyp es ▁in ▁action .
▁Other s ▁round ly ▁rejected ▁the ▁an ime ▁comparison .
▁In ▁an ▁email , ▁G race ▁Spar a pani , ▁a ▁Korean ▁American ▁art ▁student ▁whose ▁t we et ▁about ▁the ▁photos ▁was ▁widely ▁shared , ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁lens ▁was ▁" hu rt ful ▁and ▁uncomfortable ▁to ▁say ▁the ▁least . "
▁She ▁added ▁that ▁" it ' s ▁hard ▁to ▁argue ▁with ▁the ▁side ▁by ▁side ▁comparison ▁of ▁the ▁very ▁gross ▁Asian ▁car ica ture ▁and ▁the ▁filter ' s ▁effects .
▁It ▁shows ▁that ▁the ▁filter ▁is n ' t ▁just ▁yellow face , ▁but ▁yellow face ▁taken ▁to ▁its ▁der og atory ▁extreme .
▁S n ap chat ▁is ▁not ▁the ▁only ▁company ▁to ▁cross ▁these ▁cultural ▁trip wir es .
▁American ▁culture ▁seems ▁involved ▁in ▁an ▁endless ▁struggle ▁over ▁diversity ▁and ▁inclusion , ▁from ▁corporate ▁board room s ▁to ▁Hollywood ▁and ▁the ▁devices ▁we ▁all ▁carry ▁in ▁our ▁hands .
▁And ▁S n ap chat ' s ▁huge ▁audience ▁of ▁younger ▁people ▁- ▁who ▁are ▁more ▁racial ly ▁diverse ▁than ▁their ▁older ▁counterpart s ▁- ▁might ▁mean ▁that ▁they ▁are ▁even ▁more ▁likely ▁to ▁expect ▁sensitivity .
▁When ▁one ▁of ▁S n ap chat ' s ▁lenses ▁creates ▁an ▁image ▁that ▁is ▁insult ing ▁to ▁a ▁user , ▁25 - year - old ▁Kat ie ▁Z hu ▁said ▁in ▁an ▁interview ▁on ▁Thursday , ▁" it ' s ▁much ▁harder ▁for ▁these ▁types ▁of ▁things ▁to ▁go ▁un n otic ed ▁like ▁they ▁did ▁before . "
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁M s . ▁Z hu , ▁a ▁product ▁manager ▁and ▁engineer ▁who ▁works ▁for ▁Medium , ▁decided ▁to ▁delete ▁her ▁S n ap chat ▁account ▁and ▁encouraged ▁others ▁to ▁do ▁the ▁same .
▁In ▁an ▁essay ▁for ▁Medium ▁and ▁in ▁a ▁telephone ▁interview , ▁she ▁said ▁she ▁believed ▁that ▁the ▁race - related ▁con tro vers ies ▁reflected ▁a ▁lack ▁of ▁diversity ▁in ▁hi ring ▁practices ▁at ▁S n ap chat .
▁M s . ▁Z hu ▁critic ized ▁the ▁company ' s ▁mostly ▁white , ▁all - mal e ▁leadership ▁and ▁ended ▁her ▁essay ▁with ▁a ▁has h tag : ▁# De let e S n ap chat .
▁" It ' s ▁either ▁that ▁they ▁had ▁no ▁diverse ▁representation ▁of ▁people ▁of ▁color ▁on ▁their ▁staff ▁to ▁the ▁point ▁where ▁they ' re ▁able ▁to ▁make ▁decisions ▁like ▁this , " ▁M s . ▁Z hu , ▁who ▁is ▁Chinese - American , ▁said , ▁" or ▁they ▁do ▁have ▁some ▁people ▁of ▁color ▁who ▁are ▁working ▁there , ▁but ▁they ' re ▁not ▁on ▁positions ▁where ▁they ▁feel ▁safe ▁or ▁comfortable ▁to ▁speak ▁up . "
▁Other ▁observers ▁share ▁her ▁view , ▁a ▁complaint ▁that ▁S n ap chat ▁has ▁left ▁largely ▁un ans wer ed .
▁The ▁company ▁does ▁not ▁release ▁figures ▁about ▁diversity ▁on ▁its ▁staff , ▁not ing ▁its ▁status ▁as ▁a ▁private ▁company .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁S n ap chat ▁declined ▁to ▁discuss ▁the ▁racial ▁background s ▁of ▁its ▁staff , ▁but ▁according ▁to ▁a ▁spoke s man , ▁the ▁company ▁recently ▁hire d ▁a ▁recruit er ▁to ▁focus ▁on ▁under re present ed ▁populations ▁and ▁on ▁driving ▁inclusion ▁efforts ▁internally .
▁For ▁her ▁part , ▁M s . ▁Z hu ▁said ▁she ▁would ▁keep ▁her ▁S n ap chat ▁account ▁closed , ▁adding , ▁" I ▁wonder ▁if ▁they ▁actually ▁need ▁more ▁users ▁like ▁us ▁to ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁say ▁that ▁this ▁is ▁not ▁O . K . "
▁Military ▁Official s ▁Dis tor ted ▁I SIS ▁Intelligence , ▁Congress ional ▁Panel ▁Sa ys
▁Official s ▁from ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁Central ▁Command ▁altered ▁intelligence ▁reports ▁to ▁portray ▁a ▁more ▁optimistic ▁picture ▁of ▁the ▁war ▁against ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State ▁in ▁Iraq ▁and ▁Syria ▁than ▁events ▁on ▁the ▁ground ▁warrant ed , ▁a ▁congress ional ▁panel ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁report ▁issued ▁Thursday .
▁The ▁interim ▁report , ▁from ▁a ▁task ▁force ▁established ▁by ▁the ▁Republican ▁chair m en ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁Arm ed ▁Services ▁Committee , ▁Intelligence ▁Committee ▁and ▁Defense ▁App ro pri ations ▁Sub com mit te e , ▁found ▁" wide sp read ▁dis s ati s f action " ▁among ▁Central ▁Command ▁intelligence ▁analysts , ▁who ▁said ▁superior s ▁were ▁doctor ing ▁their ▁assessments ▁of ▁American ▁efforts ▁to ▁defeat ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State .
▁Central ▁Command , ▁known ▁as ▁Cent com , ▁is ▁the ▁military ▁headquarters ▁in ▁Tam pa , ▁Fla . , ▁that ▁oversee s ▁American ▁military ▁operations ▁across ▁the ▁Middle ▁East ▁and ▁Central ▁Asia .
▁" In telligen ce ▁products ▁approved ▁by ▁senior ▁Cent com ▁leaders ▁typically ▁provided ▁a ▁more ▁positive ▁depict ion ▁of ▁U . S . ▁anti terrorism ▁efforts ▁than ▁was ▁warrant ed ▁by ▁facts ▁on ▁the ▁ground ▁and ▁were ▁consistently ▁more ▁positive ▁than ▁analysis ▁produced ▁by ▁other ▁elements ▁of ▁the ▁intelligence ▁community , " ▁a ▁news ▁release ▁about ▁the ▁report ▁said .
▁" What ▁happened ▁at ▁Cent com ▁is ▁unacceptable ▁- ▁our ▁war ▁fight ers ▁suffer ▁when ▁bad ▁analysis ▁is ▁presented ▁to ▁senior ▁policy ▁makers , " ▁said ▁Representative ▁K en ▁Cal vert , ▁Republican ▁of ▁California .
▁The ▁leadership ▁failure s ▁at ▁Cent com ▁reach ▁to ▁the ▁very ▁top ▁of ▁the ▁organization .
▁The ▁10 - page ▁report ▁detailed ▁persistent ▁problems ▁in ▁2014 ▁and ▁2015 ▁in ▁Central ▁Command ' s ▁description ▁and ▁analysis ▁of ▁American ▁efforts ▁to ▁train ▁Iraqi ▁forces .
▁Although ▁it ▁offers ▁no ▁definitive ▁evidence ▁that ▁senior ▁Obama ▁administration ▁officials ▁ordered ▁the ▁reports ▁to ▁be ▁doctor ed , ▁it ▁describes ▁analysts ▁as ▁feeling ▁as ▁though ▁they ▁were ▁under ▁pressure ▁from ▁Cent com ▁leaders ▁to ▁present ▁a ▁more ▁optimistic ▁view ▁of ▁the ▁threat ▁posed ▁by ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State , ▁also ▁known ▁as ▁I SIS ▁or ▁IS IL .
▁" Th r ough out ▁the ▁first ▁half ▁of ▁2015 , ▁many ▁Central ▁Command ▁press ▁releases , ▁statements ▁and ▁congress ional ▁test imo n ies ▁were ▁significantly ▁more ▁positive ▁than ▁actual ▁events , " ▁the ▁report ▁said .
▁For ▁example , ▁a ▁Cent com ▁official ▁stated ▁publicly ▁that ▁a ▁major ▁military ▁assault ▁to ▁take ▁back ▁Mos ul ▁could ▁begin ▁as ▁early ▁as ▁April ▁or ▁May ▁2015 .
▁Mos ul , ▁Iraq ' s ▁second - lar gest ▁city , ▁remains ▁under ▁the ▁control ▁of ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State .
▁" A ft er ▁months ▁of ▁investigation , ▁this ▁much ▁is ▁very ▁clear , " ▁Representative ▁Mike ▁Po mp e o , ▁Republican ▁of ▁Kan s as , ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁From ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁2014 ▁to ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁2015 , ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁Central ▁Command ' s ▁most ▁senior ▁intelligence ▁leaders ▁manipulate d ▁the ▁command ' s ▁intelligence ▁products ▁to ▁down play ▁the ▁threat ▁from ▁I SIS ▁in ▁Iraq .
▁Republican s ▁created ▁the ▁task ▁force ▁after ▁learning ▁that ▁analysts ▁had ▁raised ▁concerns ▁that ▁intelligence ▁about ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State ▁was ▁being ▁manipulate d .
▁The ▁report ▁released ▁Thursday ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁followed ▁up ▁by ▁more ▁extensive ▁findings ▁as ▁the ▁investigation ▁continues .
▁There ▁is ▁an ▁additional , ▁ongoing ▁investigation ▁of ▁Cent com ▁intelligence ▁by ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Defense ▁in spect or ▁general .
▁Democratic ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁House ▁Intelligence ▁Committee ▁released ▁their ▁own ▁findings ▁on ▁Thursday ▁that ▁agreed ▁with ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁conclusions ▁of ▁the ▁Republican ▁task ▁force .
▁" Be t we en ▁2014 ▁and ▁2015 , ▁Cent com ▁created ▁an ▁over ly ▁in s ular ▁process ▁for ▁producing ▁intelligence ▁assessments ▁on ▁IS IL ▁and ▁Iraqi ▁Security ▁Force s , " ▁Representative ▁Adam ▁B . ▁Schiff , ▁the ▁committee ' s ▁top ▁Democrat , ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁This ▁process , ▁Mr . ▁Schiff ▁said , ▁" stall ed ▁the ▁release ▁of ▁intelligence ▁products , " ▁hurt ▁moral e ▁among ▁analysts ▁and ▁" in s uff i cient ly ▁accommodate d ▁dis sent ing ▁views . "
▁But ▁Mr . ▁Schiff ▁and ▁the ▁Democrats ▁said ▁they ▁found ▁no ▁evidence ▁that ▁the ▁White ▁House ▁tried ▁to ▁pressure ▁Cent com ▁analysts ▁to ▁fit ▁their ▁conclusions ▁to ▁a ▁" pre set ▁or ▁political ▁narrative . "
▁The ▁preliminary ▁results ▁of ▁the ▁congress ional ▁investigation ▁were ▁reported ▁Tuesday ▁by ▁The ▁Daily ▁Be ast .
▁Last ▁August , ▁The ▁New ▁York ▁Times ▁reported ▁the ▁existence ▁of ▁the ▁Pen t agon ▁in spect or ▁general ▁investigation , ▁opened ▁after ▁complaints ▁by ▁Cent com ▁analysts .
▁L t . ▁C m d r . ▁Patrick ▁Evans , ▁a ▁Pen t agon ▁spoke s man , ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement ▁that ▁the ▁Defense ▁Department ▁would ▁not ▁comment ▁on ▁the ▁congress ional ▁report ▁while ▁the ▁in spect or ▁general ' s ▁investigation ▁continued .
▁But ▁he ▁said ▁that ▁" expert s ▁sometimes ▁disagree ▁on ▁the ▁interpretation ▁of ▁complex ▁data , ▁and ▁the ▁intelligence ▁community ▁and ▁Department ▁of ▁Defense ▁welcome ▁healthy ▁dialogue ▁on ▁these ▁vital ▁national ▁security ▁topics . "
▁The ▁investigation ▁has ▁repercussions ▁beyond ▁the ▁question ▁of ▁whether ▁the ▁American - led ▁bombing ▁campaign ▁in ▁Iraq ▁and ▁Syria ▁is ▁succeed ing ▁( an ▁assertion ▁now ▁made ▁by ▁a ▁growing ▁number ▁of ▁Defense ▁officials ).
▁But ▁last ▁year ' s ▁allegations ▁called ▁into ▁question ▁how ▁much ▁President ▁Obama ▁could ▁rely ▁on ▁Central ▁Command ▁for ▁honest ▁assessments ▁of ▁military ▁operations ▁in ▁Iraq , ▁Afghanistan , ▁Libya ▁and ▁other ▁crisis ▁spots .
▁The ▁critique s ▁on ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State ▁intelligence ▁mirror ▁disputes ▁of ▁more ▁than ▁a ▁decade ▁ago , ▁when ▁a ▁Cent com ▁intelligence ▁an a ly st , ▁Gregor y ▁H ook er , ▁wrote ▁a ▁research ▁paper ▁saying ▁that ▁the ▁administration ▁of ▁President ▁George ▁W . ▁Bush , ▁over ▁many ▁analysts " ▁objections , ▁advocated ▁a ▁small ▁force ▁in ▁Iraq ▁and ▁spent ▁little ▁time ▁thinking ▁about ▁what ▁would ▁follow ▁the ▁2003 ▁invasion .
▁Mr . ▁H ook er ▁also ▁played ▁a ▁key ▁part ▁in ▁the ▁in sur re ction ▁over ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State ▁intelligence .
▁Last ▁year , ▁officials ▁said , ▁Mr . ▁H ook er ' s ▁team ▁concluded ▁that ▁despite ▁public ▁statements ▁to ▁the ▁contrary , ▁air st rik es ▁against ▁Islamic ▁State - held ▁refine ries ▁had ▁not ▁significantly ▁weakened ▁the ▁terrorist ▁group ' s ▁finances ▁because ▁it ▁had ▁built ▁make shi ft ▁refine ries ▁to ▁sell ▁oil ▁on ▁the ▁black ▁market .
▁But ▁the ▁finding ▁was ▁not ▁distributed ▁outside ▁Central ▁Command , ▁The ▁Times ▁reported ▁in ▁September .
▁Cent com ' s ▁command er ▁the n , ▁Gen . ▁ Lloyd ▁J . ▁Aus tin ▁III , ▁came ▁under ▁criticism ▁last ▁year ▁after ▁Senate ▁testimony ▁viewed ▁by ▁many ▁law makers ▁as ▁being ▁an ▁over ly ▁positive ▁assessment ▁of ▁the ▁war .
▁General ▁Aus tin ▁retired ▁in ▁April ▁and ▁was ▁replaced ▁at ▁Central ▁Command ▁by ▁Gen . ▁Joseph ▁L . ▁Vot el .
▁U . S . ▁Win s ▁4 th ▁Stra ight ▁in ▁Women ' s ▁Field ▁Ho cke y , ▁Set ting ▁Up ▁Show down ▁With ▁Britain
▁One ▁day ▁after ▁s cor ing ▁three ▁goals ▁in ▁a ▁6 -1 ▁victory ▁over ▁Japan , ▁Kat ie ▁Ba m ▁score d ▁the ▁first ▁two ▁goals ▁for ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁women ' s ▁field ▁ hockey ▁team ▁on ▁Thursday ▁as ▁the ▁Americans ▁defeated ▁India , ▁3- 0 .
▁Five ▁goals ▁in ▁two ▁games ▁should ▁be ▁a ▁memorable ▁fe at , ▁but ▁Ba m , ▁27 , ▁said ▁she ▁was ▁not ▁sure ▁if ▁she ▁had ▁ever ▁done ▁the ▁same ▁thing .
▁" I ▁have ▁no ▁ clu e , " ▁she ▁said .
▁I ' m ▁not ▁really ▁one ▁of ▁those ▁people ▁who ▁keeps ▁track ▁of ▁their ▁goals .
▁Here ▁is ▁what ▁she ▁does ▁know : ▁The ▁Americans ▁are ▁ 4-0 ▁in ▁the ▁Olympic ▁tournament ▁and ▁are ▁tied ▁for ▁first ▁place ▁in ▁their ▁group ▁with ▁Britain , ▁which ▁remained ▁unbe aten ▁after ▁defeat ing ▁Japan , ▁2- 0 , ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁Britain ▁and ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁will ▁meet ▁on ▁Saturday ▁in ▁the ▁last ▁game ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁round .
▁Both ▁teams ▁have ▁qualified ▁for ▁the ▁quarter ▁final s , ▁and ▁the ▁game ▁will ▁decide ▁who ▁finish es ▁first ▁in ▁their ▁six - team ▁bracket ▁and ▁who ▁finish es ▁second .
▁The ▁first - place ▁finish er ▁will ▁avoid ▁the ▁powerful ▁Dutch , ▁the ▁leaders ▁of ▁the ▁other ▁bracket , ▁for ▁a ▁bit ▁longer ▁when ▁the ▁quarter ▁final s ▁begin .
▁However ▁Saturday ' s ▁game ▁turns ▁out , ▁the ▁Americans ▁have ▁created ▁a ▁stir ▁with ▁their ▁surprising ▁run ▁here , ▁four ▁years ▁after ▁finishing ▁last ▁among ▁12 ▁teams ▁at ▁the ▁London ▁Games .
▁Ba m ▁was ▁on ▁that ▁team .
▁She ▁grew ▁up ▁in ▁Blue ▁Bell , ▁Pa . , ▁first ▁picked ▁up ▁a ▁field ▁ hockey ▁stick ▁when ▁she ▁was ▁3 ▁( her ▁twin ▁older ▁sister s ▁played ▁the ▁sport ▁at ▁Dr ex el ) ▁and ▁joined ▁the ▁national ▁team ▁when ▁she ▁was ▁16 , ▁becoming ▁its ▁youngest ▁player ▁ever .
▁She ▁missed ▁out ▁on ▁the ▁2008 ▁Olympic s ▁when ▁she ▁did ▁not ▁make ▁the ▁cut ▁for ▁the ▁final ▁ro ster .
▁The n ▁came ▁2012 , ▁when ▁nothing ▁much ▁went ▁right ▁for ▁her ▁and ▁her ▁team mat es .
▁The ▁next ▁year , ▁Cra ig ▁Par n ham , ▁an ▁English man , ▁was ▁named ▁the ▁coach , ▁and ▁things ▁began ▁to ▁change .
▁" A ▁cultural ▁change , ▁a ▁mental ▁change , ▁a ▁physical ▁change , " ▁Ba m ▁said .
▁We ▁didn ' t ▁have ▁the ▁work ▁rate ▁in ▁London ▁that ▁we ▁have ▁now .
▁We ' ve ▁made ▁a ▁complete ▁turn around .
▁On ▁Thursday ▁night , ▁Ba m ▁opened ▁the ▁s cor ing ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁half ▁with ▁a ▁back hand ▁shot ▁from ▁close ▁in .
▁India ▁had ▁come ▁into ▁the ▁game ▁without ▁a ▁victory ▁in ▁the ▁tournament , ▁but ▁the ▁team ▁proved ▁surprisingly ▁tough ▁and ▁kept ▁the ▁score ▁1 - 0 ▁until ▁late ▁in ▁the ▁third ▁period , ▁when ▁Ba m ▁took ▁charge .
▁She ▁made ▁a ▁long ▁run ▁with ▁the ▁ball ▁down ▁the ▁left ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁field , ▁the n ▁ cur led ▁into ▁the ▁middle ▁and ▁whi ppe d ▁the ▁ball ▁into ▁the ▁goal ▁to ▁give ▁the ▁Americans ▁a ▁2- 0 ▁lead .
▁Mel issa ▁Go nz ale z ▁added ▁the ▁final ▁goal ▁mid way ▁through ▁the ▁fourth ▁period .
▁The ▁shut out ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁of ▁the ▁tournament ▁for ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁goal ie , ▁Jack ie ▁Brig g s , ▁who ▁had ▁allowed ▁one ▁goal ▁in ▁each ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁three ▁vi ctor ies .
▁She ▁is ▁on ▁a ▁roll .
▁So ▁is ▁Ba m .
▁" We ' re ▁in ▁a ▁good ▁place ▁right ▁now , " ▁Par n ham ▁said , ▁but ▁just ▁how ▁good ▁it ▁is ▁will ▁depend ▁on ▁the ▁result ▁of ▁Saturday ' s ▁game .
▁A mid ▁the ▁Fur y ▁of ▁the ▁Olympic s , ▁the ▁Zen ▁of ▁the ▁Tram po line
▁Where ver ▁you ▁are , ▁whatever ▁time ▁it ▁is , ▁it ▁is ▁the ▁Olympic s .
▁The ▁events ▁in ▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro ▁feel ▁constant ▁and ▁in es cap able , ▁a ▁fur ious ▁relay ▁of ▁competition ▁and ▁striving .
▁It ▁is ▁as ▁if ▁the ▁Olympic ▁to r ch ▁itself ▁were ▁a ▁fla m ing ▁bat on , ▁passed ▁from ▁arch er ▁to ▁sw immer ▁to ▁gym n ast ▁to ▁tri ath let e .
▁You ▁can ' t ▁turn ▁on ▁a ▁television , ▁read ▁a ▁newspaper ▁or ▁listen ▁in ▁on ▁your ▁neig h bor ' s ▁conversation ▁in ▁a ▁coffee - shop ▁line ▁without ▁hearing ▁about ▁Simon e ▁Bi les , ▁Kat ie ▁Le deck y ▁or ▁the ▁fe ud ▁between ▁Michael ▁P help s ▁and ▁Chad ▁le ▁Clo s .
▁And ▁the n ▁there ▁is ▁Log an ▁Do o ley .
▁Mr . ▁Do o ley , ▁a ▁first - time ▁Olympia n ▁and ▁a ▁di mpl ed ▁heart th r ob ▁in ▁the ▁making , ▁may ▁well ▁be ▁among ▁those ▁household ▁names ▁being ▁showcase d ▁in ▁prime ▁time , ▁bu oy ed ▁by ▁sponsor ship s ▁and ▁feel - good ▁TV ▁commercial s , ▁if ▁he ▁were ▁a ▁sw immer , ▁a ▁gym n ast ▁or ▁even ▁a ▁fence r .
▁But ▁Mr . ▁Do o ley , ▁28 , ▁of ▁Lake ▁Forest , ▁Cal if . , ▁is ▁competing ▁for ▁the ▁gold ▁in ▁Olympic ▁tram po line .
▁The ▁Olympic ▁flame ▁does ▁not ▁illumin ate ▁each ▁event ▁equally .
▁Further ▁from ▁the ▁center , ▁partly ▁in ▁shadow , ▁are ▁those ▁sports ▁not ▁universal ly ▁acknowledged : ▁air - p ist ol ▁shooting , ▁arch ery , ▁bad min ton , ▁ta e kw ondo .
▁We ▁will ▁always ▁have ▁the ▁breast stro ke , ▁and ▁long ▁may ▁it ▁reign .
▁But ▁if ▁I ▁may ▁make ▁a ▁modest ▁case ▁for ▁my ▁particular ▁favorite , ▁let ▁me ▁call ▁attention ▁to ▁the ▁discreet ▁charm ▁of ▁the ▁tram po line .
▁Though ▁tram po line ▁has ▁been ▁an ▁Olympic ▁event ▁since ▁2000, ▁when ▁it ▁debut ed ▁at ▁the ▁Sydney ▁Games , ▁it ▁has ▁spent ▁the ▁interven ing ▁16 ▁years ▁so ▁barely ▁acknowledged ▁that ▁many ▁I ▁survey ed ▁did ▁not ▁realize ▁it ▁was ▁an ▁Olympic ▁sport ▁at ▁all .
▁This ▁may ▁be ▁a ▁regional ▁ignorance .
▁Despite ▁sending ▁athletes ▁to ▁compete , ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁has ▁never ▁won ▁a ▁medal ▁in ▁tram po line ▁and ▁did ▁not ▁have ▁an ▁at hl ete ▁advance ▁to ▁the ▁final s ▁until ▁2012 .
▁The ▁Chinese ▁and ▁the ▁Russian s ▁tend ▁to ▁split ▁the ▁prize s ▁for ▁the ▁men , ▁and ▁the ▁Chinese ▁and ▁the ▁Canadian s ▁for ▁the ▁women .
▁D ong ▁D ong ▁of ▁China ▁and ▁Ros ie ▁Mac L en n an ▁of ▁Canada ▁will ▁be ▁defending ▁their ▁London ▁gold ▁medal s ▁this ▁year .
▁But ▁there ▁is ▁an ▁under do g ▁charm ▁to ▁tram po line , ▁in ▁part ▁because ▁it ▁sounds , ▁to ▁the ▁un en light en ed ▁ear , ▁fit ter ▁for ▁c low n ▁college ▁than ▁the ▁Olympic s .
▁Here ▁I ▁should ▁confess ▁that ▁I ▁am ▁no ▁expert , ▁just ▁an ▁earth bound ▁ enthusiast .
▁It ▁does ▁have ▁comic ▁potential ▁- ▁the ▁cartoon ▁qua ver ▁of ▁its ▁never - ending ▁b ounce ▁- ▁but ▁also ▁the ▁grace ▁of ▁gym n astic s ▁and ▁diving , ▁the ▁two ▁sports ▁it ▁essentially ▁combines .
▁The ▁word ▁" tra m po line " ▁der ives ▁from ▁the ▁Spanish ▁el ▁tram pol ín , ▁meaning ▁" d iving ▁board . "
▁A spir ing ▁champion s ▁jump ▁on ▁a ▁giant ▁tram po line , ▁shooting ▁up ▁to ▁nearly ▁30 ▁feet ▁in ▁the ▁air , ▁and ▁are ▁called ▁upon ▁to ▁perform ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁ tum bling ▁moves ▁( t w ist s , ▁pi kes ▁and ▁some r s ault s ) ▁before ▁eventually ▁landing ▁on ▁their ▁feet .
▁They ▁are ▁judged ▁on ▁execution , ▁difficulty ▁and ▁" f light ▁time , " ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁official ▁Olympic ▁program .
▁Thi r ty - two ▁athletes ▁from ▁17 ▁countries , ▁16 ▁men ▁and ▁16 ▁women , ▁will ▁compete ▁in ▁Rio .
▁The ▁most ▁common ▁Olympic ▁vector ▁is ▁straight ▁ahead .
▁Med al ▁hope ful s ▁must ▁go ▁far th er , ▁faster , ▁up ▁and ▁over , ▁in ▁their ▁quest ▁for ▁gold , ▁sometimes ▁to ▁the ▁finish , ▁other ▁times ▁back ▁and ▁forth ▁up ▁and ▁down ▁the ▁court .
▁They ▁are ▁cha s ing ▁not ▁only ▁the ▁finish ▁line ▁or ▁the ▁starting ▁wall ▁but ▁also , ▁in ▁the ▁tele vis ed ▁coverage , ▁another ▁ta unt ing ▁line : ▁that ▁of ▁the ▁world , ▁or ▁Olympic , ▁record .
▁This ▁single - minded ▁pursuit ▁is ▁noble , ▁ad mir able , ▁even ▁fanat ic ▁- ▁and ▁it ▁is ▁enough ▁to ▁bring ▁even ▁a ▁ spect ator ▁to ▁tear s .
▁But ▁it ▁is ▁also ▁what ▁I ▁find ▁slightly ▁exhaust ing ▁about ▁even ▁watching ▁the ▁Games .
▁From ▁this , ▁tram po line ▁offers ▁a ▁resp ite .
▁The ▁tram poli ner ' s ▁vector ▁is ▁up .
▁For ward ▁motion ▁is ▁not ▁the ▁goal .
▁He ▁or ▁she ▁re bound s , ▁seem ing ▁weight less ▁as ▁an ▁as tron aut , ▁going ▁up , ▁the n ▁down , ▁the n ▁effort lessly ▁up ▁again .
▁It ▁is ▁not ▁without ▁competition , ▁of ▁course , ▁nor ▁without ▁difficulty , ▁but ▁for ▁the ▁duration ▁of ▁a ▁routine , ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁fra n tic ▁charge ▁toward ▁the ▁end , ▁no ▁v ault ing ▁into ▁the ▁distance , ▁just ▁the ▁dream y , ▁grace ful ▁suspension ▁of ▁time ▁and ▁gravity .
▁It ▁is ▁as ▁close ▁to ▁Zen ▁as ▁Olympic ▁competition ▁gets .
▁The ▁women ' s ▁ qualifi ers ▁and ▁the n ▁final s ▁will ▁take ▁place ▁on ▁Friday ▁afternoon , ▁streaming ▁at ▁1 ▁p . m . ▁Eastern ▁time ; ▁the ▁men ' s ▁on ▁Saturday , ▁also ▁at ▁1.
▁N BC ▁will ▁air ▁the ▁final s ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁an ▁afternoon ▁block ▁beginning ▁at ▁2 ▁p . m . ▁on ▁both ▁days .
▁In ▁the ▁midst ▁of ▁Olympic ▁man ia , ▁they ▁promise ▁a ▁quiet , ▁lovely ▁moment , ▁one ▁likely ▁to ▁be ▁overlooked ▁in ▁the ▁general ▁me le e .
▁And ▁if ▁consciousness ▁raising ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁achieved ▁only ▁by ▁offering ▁up ▁male ▁athletes ▁for ▁og ling ▁and ▁object ification ▁- ▁as ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁men ' s ▁gym n ast s ▁recently ▁proposed , ▁according ▁to ▁The ▁Wall ▁Street ▁Journal ▁- ▁Mr . ▁Do o ley ▁only ▁await s ▁his ▁gas ping ▁new ▁fan ▁base .
▁" A ▁Generation ▁I s ▁Protest ing " ▁in ▁Ethiopia , ▁Long ▁a ▁U . S . ▁All y
▁Vi o lent ▁Protest s ▁in ▁Ethiopia
▁De monstr ators ▁demanding ▁political ▁change ▁in ▁Ethiopia ▁have ▁been ▁met ▁with ▁violent ▁resistance ▁by ▁the ▁government .
▁Wi t ness es ▁say ▁that ▁score s ▁of ▁protest ers ▁have ▁been ▁fatal ly ▁shot ▁during ▁clash es ▁with ▁police .
▁I s ▁Ethiopia ▁about ▁to ▁crack ?
▁For ▁the ▁last ▁decade , ▁it ▁has ▁been ▁one ▁Africa ' s ▁most ▁stable ▁nations , ▁a ▁solid ▁Western ▁all y ▁with ▁a ▁fast - growing ▁economy .
▁But ▁in ▁recent ▁months , ▁anti - go vern ment ▁protests ▁have ▁con vul s ed ▁the ▁country , ▁spreading ▁into ▁more ▁and ▁more ▁areas .
▁In ▁the ▁last ▁week ▁alone , ▁thousands ▁of ▁people ▁storm ed ▁into ▁the ▁streets , ▁demanding ▁fundamental ▁political ▁change .
▁The ▁government ▁response , ▁according ▁to ▁human ▁rights ▁groups , ▁was ▁ru th less .
▁Wi t ness es ▁said ▁that ▁police ▁officers ▁shot ▁and ▁killed ▁score s ▁of ▁un arm ed ▁demonstrators .
▁Videos ▁ci rc ulating ▁from ▁protests ▁thought ▁to ▁be ▁from ▁late ▁last ▁year ▁or ▁earlier ▁this ▁year ▁show ▁security ▁officers ▁whi pping ▁young ▁people ▁with ▁stick s ▁as ▁they ▁were ▁forced ▁to ▁perform ▁hand stands ▁against ▁a ▁wall .
▁The ▁top ▁United ▁Nations ▁human ▁rights ▁official ▁is ▁now ▁calling ▁for ▁a ▁thorough ▁investigation .
▁" It ▁was ▁always ▁difficult ▁holding ▁this ▁country ▁together , ▁and ▁moving ▁forward , ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁even ▁harder , " ▁said ▁Ras hid ▁Ab di , ▁the ▁Horn ▁of ▁Africa ▁project ▁director ▁for ▁the ▁International ▁Cri sis ▁Group , ▁a ▁research ▁group .
▁Ethiopia ▁is ▁the ▁second ▁most ▁pop ulou s ▁nation ▁in ▁Africa , ▁after ▁Nigeria , ▁and ▁its ▁stability ▁is ▁ cher ished ▁by ▁the ▁West .
▁American ▁military ▁and ▁intelligence ▁services ▁work ▁closely ▁with ▁the ▁Ethiopia n s ▁to ▁combat ▁terrorist ▁threats ▁across ▁the ▁region , ▁especially ▁in ▁Somalia , ▁and ▁few ▁if ▁any ▁countries ▁in ▁Africa ▁receive ▁as ▁much ▁Western ▁aid .
▁Ethiopia ' s ▁economy ▁has ▁been ▁expanding ▁at ▁an ▁impressive ▁clip .
▁Its ▁infrastructure ▁has ▁improved ▁drastically ▁- ▁there ▁is ▁even ▁a ▁new ▁com mut er ▁train ▁in ▁the ▁capital , ▁Add is ▁Ab aba .
▁And ▁its ▁streets ▁are ▁typically ▁quiet , ▁safe ▁and ▁clean .
▁Though ▁Ethiopia ▁has ▁hardly ▁been ▁a ▁par agon ▁of ▁democracy ▁- ▁human ▁rights ▁groups ▁have ▁constantly ▁cited ▁the ▁government ' s ▁repressive ness ▁- ▁opposition ▁within ▁the ▁country ▁had ▁been ▁limited , ▁with ▁dis s ident s ▁effectively ▁silence d .
▁Many ▁have ▁been ▁exile d , ▁jail ed , ▁killed ▁or ▁driven ▁to ▁the ▁far ▁reaches ▁of ▁the ▁desert .
▁But ▁that ▁may ▁be ▁changing .
▁" If ▁you ▁s uff o cate ▁people ▁and ▁they ▁don ' t ▁have ▁any ▁other ▁options ▁but ▁to ▁protest , ▁it ▁breaks ▁out , " ▁said ▁Se you m ▁Te s home , ▁a ▁university ▁lecture r ▁in ▁central ▁Ethiopia .
▁The ▁whole ▁youth ▁is ▁protest ing .
▁A ▁generation ▁is ▁protest ing .
▁The ▁complaints ▁are ▁many , ▁covering ▁everything ▁from ▁land ▁use ▁to ▁the ▁governing ▁coalition ' s ▁str angle hold ▁on ▁power .
▁After ▁a ▁widely ▁critic ized ▁election ▁last ▁year , ▁the ▁governing ▁party ▁and ▁its ▁allies ▁got ▁the ▁last ▁seat ▁the ▁opposition ▁had ▁held ▁and ▁now ▁control ▁100 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁Parliament .
▁At ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁tensions ▁are ▁rising ▁along ▁the ▁border ▁with ▁Eritrea ; ▁a ▁battle ▁along ▁that ▁ja gg ed , ▁dispute d ▁line ▁claimed ▁hundreds ▁of ▁lives ▁in ▁June .
▁Analyst s ▁fear ▁that ▁separat ist ▁groups ▁that ▁had ▁been ▁more ▁or ▁less ▁van qu ished ▁in ▁recent ▁years , ▁like ▁the ▁Or omo ▁Lib er ation ▁Front ▁or ▁the ▁O ga den ▁National ▁Lib er ation ▁Front , ▁may ▁try ▁to ▁exploit ▁the ▁tur bul ence ▁and ▁rear m .
▁S everal ▁factors ▁explain ▁why ▁bitter ▁feelings , ▁after ▁years ▁of ▁s immer ing ▁beneath ▁the ▁surface , ▁are ▁explod ing ▁now .
▁The ▁first ▁is ▁seemingly ▁in n oc uous : ▁smart phone s .
▁Only ▁in ▁the ▁last ▁couple ▁of ▁years ▁have ▁large ▁numbers ▁of ▁Ethiopia n s ▁been ▁able ▁to ▁communicate ▁using ▁social ▁media ▁as ▁cheaper ▁smart phone s ▁became ▁common ▁and ▁internet ▁service ▁improved .
▁Even ▁when ▁the ▁government ▁shut s ▁down ▁access ▁to ▁Facebook ▁and ▁Twitter , ▁as ▁it ▁frequently ▁does , ▁especially ▁during ▁protests , ▁many ▁people ▁are ▁still ▁able ▁to ▁communicate ▁via ▁internet ▁pro xi es ▁that ▁mask ▁where ▁they ▁are .
▁S everal ▁young ▁Ethiopia n s ▁said ▁this ▁was ▁how ▁they ▁gathered ▁for ▁protests .
▁Second , ▁there ▁is ▁more ▁solidarity ▁between ▁Or omo s ▁and ▁Am hara s , ▁Ethiopia ' s ▁two ▁largest ▁ethnic ▁groups .
▁Or omo s ▁and ▁Am hara s ▁are ▁not ▁natural ▁allies .
▁For ▁e ons , ▁Am hara s ▁from ▁Ethiopia ' s ▁predominantly ▁Christian ▁high lands ▁flourish ed ▁in ▁politics ▁and ▁business , ▁exploit ing ▁the ▁Or omo s , ▁many ▁of ▁whom ▁are ▁Muslim ▁and ▁live ▁in ▁low land ▁areas .
▁But ▁that ▁is ▁changing ▁as ▁well .
▁" We ▁are ▁on ▁the ▁way ▁to ▁coordinate ▁under ▁one ▁umbrella , " ▁said ▁Mul a tu ▁Ge me chu , ▁an ▁Or omo ▁leader .
▁The ▁biggest ▁protests ▁have ▁been ▁in ▁Am hara ▁and ▁Or omo ▁areas .
▁Many ▁Am hara s ▁and ▁Or omo s ▁feel ▁Ethiopia ▁is ▁unfair ly ▁dominated ▁by ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁Ti gra ya n ▁ethnic ▁group , ▁which ▁makes ▁up ▁about ▁6 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁population ▁and ▁dominate s ▁the ▁military , ▁the ▁intelligence ▁services , ▁commerce ▁and ▁politics .
▁The ▁third ▁reason ▁behind ▁the ▁unrest ▁is ▁the ▁loss ▁of ▁Mel es ▁Zen awi .
▁Mr . ▁Mel es , ▁a ▁former ▁re bel ▁leader , ▁was ▁Ethiopia ' s ▁prime ▁minister ▁for ▁17 ▁years , ▁until ▁his ▁death ▁from ▁an ▁und is close d ▁illness ▁in ▁2012 .
▁He ▁was ▁considered ▁a ▁tactical ▁ge n ius , ▁a ▁man ▁who ▁could ▁see ▁around ▁corner s .
▁Analyst s ▁say ▁he ▁was ▁especially ▁a dep t ▁at ▁detect ing ▁early ▁signals ▁of ▁dis content ▁and ▁using ▁e miss aries ▁to ▁massage ▁and ▁de fang ▁opponents .
▁" The ▁current ▁regime ▁lack s ▁that ▁ground ▁s av vy , " ▁Mr . ▁Ab di , ▁the ▁conflict ▁an a ly st , ▁said .
▁Ethiopia ' s ▁new ▁prime ▁minister , ▁Hai lem aria m ▁Des ale g n , ▁was ▁pl uck ed ▁from ▁relative ▁ob s cur ity ▁to ▁fill ▁Mr . ▁Mel es ' s ▁shoes .
▁Unlike ▁Mr . ▁Mel es , ▁who ▁came ▁from ▁the ▁T ig ray ▁region ▁of ▁northern ▁Ethiopia , ▁Mr . ▁Hai lem aria m ▁is ▁a ▁southern er .
▁Analyst s ▁say ▁he ▁does ▁not ▁have ▁the ▁trust ▁of ▁the ▁Ti gra ya n - controlled ▁security ▁services .
▁The ▁result , ▁many ▁fear , ▁is ▁more ▁blood s hed .
▁The ▁last ▁time ▁Ethiopia ▁experienced ▁such ▁tur mo il ▁was ▁in ▁2005 , ▁after ▁thousands ▁protest ed ▁over ▁what ▁analysts ▁have ▁said ▁appeared ▁to ▁be ▁an ▁election ▁the ▁government ▁b ung led ▁and ▁the n ▁sto le .
▁In ▁the ▁ en suing ▁crack down , ▁many ▁protest ers ▁were ▁killed , ▁though ▁fewer ▁than ▁in ▁recent ▁months , ▁and ▁that ▁period ▁of ▁unrest ▁passed ▁relatively ▁quickly .
▁Development ▁experts ▁have ▁praise d ▁Ethiopia ' s ▁leaders ▁for ▁vision ary ▁infrastructure ▁planning , ▁such ▁as ▁the ▁new ▁com mut er ▁train , ▁and ▁me a sur able ▁str ides ▁in ▁fighting ▁poverty .
▁But ▁clearly ▁that ▁has ▁not ▁stopped ▁the ▁internal ▁re sent ment ▁of ▁Ethiopia ' s ▁government ▁from ▁intensify ing .
▁And ▁it ▁is ▁taking ▁a ▁dangerous ▁ethnic ▁shape .
▁Last ▁month , ▁protest ers ▁in ▁Go n dar , ▁an ▁Am hara ▁town , ▁attacked ▁businesses ▁owned ▁by ▁T ig ray ans , ▁and ▁anti - T ig ray an ▁hatred ▁is ▁becoming ▁more ▁common ▁in ▁social ▁media .
▁Analyst s ▁say ▁the ▁protests ▁are ▁putting ▁the ▁United ▁States ▁and ▁other ▁Western ▁allies ▁in ▁an ▁a w k ward ▁position .
▁The ▁American ▁government ▁has ▁used ▁Ethiopia ▁as ▁a ▁base ▁for ▁dr one ▁flights ▁over ▁neighboring ▁Somalia , ▁though ▁it ▁recently ▁said ▁it ▁closed ▁that ▁base .
▁While ▁the ▁West ▁clearly ▁wants ▁to ▁support ▁democracy , ▁it ▁also ▁does ▁not ▁want ▁its ▁all y ▁in ▁an ▁already ▁volatile ▁region ▁to ▁c r umble .
▁" T hat , " ▁Mr . ▁Ab di ▁said , ▁" is ▁a ▁very ▁tight ▁rope ▁to ▁walk . "
▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁Ex pla in s ▁His ▁Obama - F o und ed - IS IS ▁Cla im ▁as ▁" S ar cas m "
▁Donald ▁J . ▁Tru mp ▁tried ▁to ▁qua sh ▁the ▁latest ▁controversy ▁eng ul f ing ▁his ▁campaign ▁on ▁Friday ▁by ▁claiming ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁not ▁serious ▁when ▁he ▁insisted ▁several ▁times ▁this ▁week ▁that ▁President ▁Obama ▁and ▁Hill ary ▁Clinton ▁were ▁the ▁" found ers " ▁of ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State ▁terrorist ▁group .
▁The ▁clarification ▁raised ▁new ▁questions ▁about ▁the ▁Republican ▁presidential ▁no min e e ' s ▁ability ▁to ▁communicate ▁clearly ▁to ▁the ▁American ▁public .
▁It ▁also ▁put ▁his ▁sur ro gate s , ▁who ▁have ▁strain ed ▁to ▁defend ▁him ▁during ▁a ▁ tum ult uous ▁stretch , ▁in ▁the ▁a w k ward ▁position ▁of ▁having ▁to ▁explain ▁remarks ▁that ▁he ▁might ▁not ▁mean .
▁After ▁making ▁the ▁suggestion ▁at ▁a ▁rally ▁on ▁Wednesday ▁night , ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁double d ▁down ▁on ▁the ▁assertion ▁on ▁Thursday , ▁insist ing ▁in ▁interview s ▁that ▁he ▁really ▁did ▁intend ▁to ▁say ▁that ▁the ▁president ▁and ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ▁had ▁created ▁I SIS .
▁But ▁in ▁an ▁early - mor n ing ▁Twitter ▁post ▁on ▁Friday , ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁said ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁just ▁being ▁sa rc astic .
▁The ▁post ▁was ▁a ▁re vers al ▁from ▁just ▁a ▁day ▁ago , ▁when ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁interview s ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁indeed ▁serious ▁about ▁the ▁charge .
▁When ▁the ▁conservative ▁radio ▁host ▁H ugh ▁He wit t ▁tried ▁to ▁help ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁soft en ▁the ▁remark ▁by ▁remind ing ▁him ▁that ▁Mr . ▁Obama ▁wants ▁to ▁destroy ▁I SIS , ▁the ▁Republican ▁presidential ▁no min e e ▁would ▁not ▁have ▁it .
▁The ▁latest ▁fire stor m ▁comes ▁as ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁has ▁been ▁trying ▁to ▁re focus ▁his ▁campaign ▁on ▁the ▁economy ▁a mid ▁declining ▁poll ▁numbers .
▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁and ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ▁gave ▁due ling ▁economic ▁speeches ▁in ▁Mich iga n ▁this ▁week .
▁On ▁Friday , ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁tried ▁again ▁to ▁return ▁to ▁that ▁subject .
▁Taking ▁again ▁to ▁Twitter , ▁he ▁warned ▁that ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ' s ▁proposals ▁would ▁come ▁with ▁higher ▁taxes ▁and ▁he ▁said ▁that ▁he ▁found ▁her ▁speech ▁bo ring .
▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁has ▁used ▁the ▁ sar cas m ▁defense ▁before .
▁In ▁late ▁July , ▁after ▁he ▁drew ▁widespread ▁criticism ▁by ▁appearing ▁to ▁suggest ▁that ▁the ▁Russian s ▁should ▁ hack ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ' s ▁email s , ▁he ▁later ▁explained ▁his ▁remarks ▁by ▁saying , ▁" O f ▁course ▁I ' m ▁being ▁sa rc astic . "
▁The ▁approach ▁allows ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁to ▁push ▁the ▁limits ▁of ▁political ▁speech ▁and ▁dial ▁it ▁back ▁as ▁needed .
▁" I ▁think ▁it ' s ▁a ▁pattern ▁of ▁him ▁testing ▁certain ▁messages ▁that ▁re son ate ▁with ▁his ▁fans , ▁seeing ▁how ▁they ▁play , ▁and ▁the n ▁" cla r ifying " ▁one ▁way ▁or ▁another ▁depending ▁on ▁the ▁reaction , " ▁said ▁Ru th ▁She r man , ▁a ▁communications ▁expert ▁who ▁has ▁been ▁monitoring ▁the ▁language ▁used ▁by ▁both ▁candidates .
▁But ▁I ▁also ▁think ▁he ' s ▁clever ▁about ▁his ▁statements ▁and ▁knows ▁they ▁are ▁vague ▁enough ▁to ▁be ▁filter ed ▁through ▁various ▁lenses .
▁Instead ▁of ▁to n ing ▁things ▁down ▁for ▁a ▁general ▁election ▁audience , ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁has ▁taken ▁an ▁even ▁more ▁ca us tic ▁tone ▁in ▁recent ▁days ▁as ▁his ▁poll ▁numbers ▁have ▁continued ▁to ▁t umble .
▁A ▁new ▁N BC / W all ▁Street ▁Journal / Mar ist ▁poll ▁released ▁on ▁Friday ▁showed ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁trail ing ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ▁by ▁large ▁margin s ▁in ▁North ▁Carol ina , ▁Virginia ▁and ▁Color ado ▁and ▁locked ▁in ▁a ▁tight ▁race ▁in ▁Florida .
▁While ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁generally ▁tries ▁to ▁avoid ▁a po log izing ▁for ▁provo c ative ▁things ▁that ▁he ▁says , ▁he ▁often ▁acc use s ▁his ▁critics ▁of ▁mis con stru ing ▁his ▁words ▁or ▁ misunderstanding ▁his ▁sense ▁of ▁humor .
▁But ▁as ▁he ▁faces ▁height en ed ▁scrutiny ▁during ▁the ▁final ▁months ▁of ▁the ▁presidential ▁campaign , ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ' s ▁joke s ▁have ▁put ▁his ▁loyal ▁allies ▁in ▁the ▁uncomfortable ▁position ▁of ▁having ▁to ▁publicly ▁stand ▁up ▁for ▁him ▁no ▁matter ▁how ▁provo c ative ▁his ▁remarks .
▁Ru dol ph ▁W . ▁Giu lian i , ▁the ▁former ▁New ▁York ▁City ▁mayor ▁who ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ' s ▁most ▁prominent ▁sur ro gate s , ▁went ▁to ▁great ▁length s ▁to ▁defend ▁the ▁candidate ▁in ▁an ▁interview ▁with ▁C NN ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁" I ▁think ▁what ▁he ' s ▁saying ▁there ▁is ▁legitimate , ▁political ▁comment ary , " ▁Mr . ▁Giu lian i ▁said ▁when ▁question ed ▁about ▁the ▁ver a city ▁of ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ' s ▁assertion ▁about ▁Mr . ▁Obama ▁and ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ▁having ▁founded ▁the ▁Islamic ▁State .
▁It ▁is ▁true ▁in ▁a ▁sense ▁that ▁before ▁Obama , ▁I SIS ▁was ▁an ▁almost ▁unknown , ▁small ▁little ▁organization , ▁he ▁who ▁called ▁it ▁the ▁ja y ve e , ▁totally ▁wrong , ▁and ▁here ' s ▁why ▁it ▁happened , ▁because ▁he ▁with dre w ▁the ▁troops ▁from ▁Iraq .
▁Most ▁mainstream ▁Republican s ▁try ▁to ▁argue ▁that ▁the ▁Obama ▁administration , ▁in ▁which ▁Mrs . ▁Clinton ▁served ▁as ▁secretary ▁of ▁state , ▁allowed ▁I SIS ▁to ▁fest er ▁by ▁failing ▁to ▁aggressive ly ▁manage ▁the ▁situation ▁in ▁the ▁Middle ▁East .
▁A head ▁of ▁ra lli es ▁in ▁Pen n s yl van ia ▁on ▁Friday , ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ▁continued ▁to ▁ lash ▁out ▁on ▁Twitter ▁at ▁the ▁news ▁media ▁for ▁har ping ▁on ▁his ▁every ▁word ▁and ▁for ▁being ▁bi as ed ▁against ▁him .
▁He ▁m ock ed ▁the ▁" po or , ▁path etic " ▁television ▁p und its ▁who ▁try ▁to ▁figure ▁him ▁out ▁and ▁said , ▁" The y ▁can ' t ! "
▁Some ▁Democrats ▁sc off ed ▁at ▁Mr . ▁Tru mp ' s ▁excuse ▁as ▁more ▁evidence ▁that ▁he ▁is ▁un fit ▁to ▁be ▁president .
▁Once ▁Price d ▁Out , ▁a ▁Cafe ▁Return s ▁in ▁Green point
▁Verb ▁Cafe ▁was ▁a ▁sh ab by , ▁cash - only ▁space ▁in ▁William s burg ▁that ▁had ▁no ▁Wi - Fi ▁but ▁served ▁good ▁coffee ▁for ▁15 ▁years .
▁Naturally , ▁it ▁got ▁price d ▁out ▁of ▁its ▁Be dford ▁Avenue ▁store front .
▁The ▁store ▁that ▁replaced ▁the ▁Verb ▁in ▁the ▁summer ▁of ▁2014 , ▁So ap ▁Che rie , ▁sell s ▁so ap s ▁in ▁the ▁shape ▁of ▁cup ca kes .
▁Local s ▁be mo an ed ▁it ▁as ▁the ▁latest ▁loss ▁in ▁a ▁ge n t r ifying ▁city .
▁The ▁artist ▁Mol ly ▁Cra b app le ▁wrote ▁on ▁Twitter , ▁" New ▁York ▁is ▁change , ▁I ▁know , ▁but ▁still , ▁can ' t ▁believe ▁C B GB ' s ▁is ▁dead ▁and ▁the ▁Che ls e a ▁Hotel ▁is ▁gut ted ▁and ▁Verb ▁is ▁now ▁a ▁so ap ▁shop . "
▁But ▁if ▁New ▁York ▁is ▁change , ▁it ▁is ▁also ▁rein vent ion .
▁A ▁revive d ▁Verb ▁Cafe ▁opened ▁last ▁November ▁in ▁Green point , ▁less ▁than ▁a ▁mile ▁north ▁of ▁the ▁original ▁location .
▁The ▁new ▁Verb ▁has ▁Wi - Fi ▁and ▁accepts ▁credit ▁cards ▁but ▁has ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁same ▁employees ▁and ▁a ▁similar ▁un pre ten t ious ▁vi be .
▁The ▁coffee ▁is ▁still ▁good , ▁too .
▁Lead ing ▁the ▁new ▁Verb ▁is ▁Ci s co ▁Ro dri gue z , ▁a ▁long time ▁employee ▁at ▁the ▁old ▁cafe ▁who ▁is ▁an ▁owner ▁and ▁the ▁general ▁manager ▁at ▁the ▁new ▁place .
▁He ▁started ▁at ▁Verb ▁in ▁2001 ▁and ▁was ▁there ▁until ▁the ▁end .
▁When ▁a ▁customer ▁offered ▁to ▁bank roll ▁him ▁in ▁a ▁new ▁out post , ▁he ▁said ▁he ▁was ▁excited ▁to ▁do ▁it .
▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z , ▁36 , ▁kept ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁things ▁the ▁same .
▁Verb ▁uses ▁the ▁same ▁distributor ▁for ▁the ▁bag els ▁and ▁bought ▁the ▁same ▁model ▁of ▁es press o ▁machine .
▁It ▁even ▁re us ed ▁the ▁light s ▁from ▁the ▁old ▁Verb .
▁But ▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said ▁he ▁also ▁wanted ▁to ▁experiment .
▁He ▁introduced ▁new ▁ingredients .
▁Ba con - egg - and - che es e ▁sand wich es ▁are ▁on ▁the ▁menu , ▁and ▁to pping s ▁like ▁cap ers ▁and ▁sau té ed ▁on ions ▁are ▁available .
▁There ▁are ▁brown - r ice ▁bowl s .
▁The ▁cafe ▁no ▁longer ▁serves ▁be er ▁but ▁now ▁makes ▁fresh ▁juice s .
▁Nine ▁months ▁in , ▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said ▁he ▁had ▁noticed ▁a ▁steady ▁stream ▁of ▁old ▁regular s .
▁" A ▁lot ▁of ▁former ▁customers ▁got ▁price d ▁out ▁of ▁William s burg ▁too , " ▁he ▁said .
▁On ▁a ▁recent ▁Sunday , ▁Re be cca ▁Olive ira ▁was ▁one ▁such ▁customer .
▁M s . ▁Olive ira , ▁34 , ▁used ▁to ▁live ▁in ▁William s burg ▁and ▁went ▁to ▁Verb ▁frequently .
▁Even ▁after ▁she ▁moved ▁to ▁Green point , ▁she ▁would ▁still ▁make ▁the ▁tre k .
▁After ▁Verb ▁closed , ▁she ▁said , ▁she ▁gave ▁up ▁drinking ▁coffee ▁for ▁a ▁while .
▁" I ▁realized ▁it ▁was ▁the ▁coffee ▁and ▁the ▁culture ▁at ▁Verb ▁that ▁I ▁liked , " ▁she ▁said .
▁Now ▁she ' s ▁back ▁on ▁coffee , ▁although ▁that ▁day , ▁instead ▁of ▁her ▁usual ▁ice d ▁coffee , ▁she ▁went ▁with ▁a ▁blend ed ▁cha i ▁drink , ▁another ▁new ▁addition .
▁Tom ▁Rosen thal , ▁another ▁long time ▁customer , ▁went ▁faithful ly ▁to ▁Verb ▁starting ▁in ▁2003.
▁He ' d ▁go ▁before ▁work ▁and ▁order ▁the ▁same ▁thing ▁without ▁fail .
▁" Qu art er ▁past ▁seven , ▁every ▁day , ▁like ▁clock work , ▁I ' d ▁come ▁in ▁and ▁they ▁were ▁making ▁my ▁everything ▁bag el ▁with ▁butter , " ▁he ▁said .
▁Photo ▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said ▁he ▁wanted ▁to ▁experiment ▁and ▁introduced ▁new ▁ingredients ▁to ▁the ▁menu .
▁These ▁days , ▁Mr . ▁Rosen thal ▁still ▁gets ▁his ▁regular ▁order , ▁but ▁sometimes ▁he ' ll ▁switch ▁things ▁up ▁with ▁the ▁ba con , ▁ egg ▁and ▁cheese ▁on ▁an ▁everything ▁bag el .
▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said ▁he ▁had ▁no ▁hard ▁feelings ▁about ▁the ▁so ap ▁shop ▁taking ▁over ▁the ▁old ▁space .
▁In ▁fact , ▁the ▁So ap ▁Che rie ▁owners ▁offered ▁to ▁make ▁special ▁so ap ▁for ▁Verb , ▁using ▁the ▁cafe ' s ▁cold - bre wed ▁coffee ▁as ▁an ▁ingredient .
▁" I ▁think ▁we ▁still ▁might ▁take ▁them ▁up ▁on ▁it , " ▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said .
▁And ▁Green point ' s ▁traditional ▁Polish ▁residents ▁have ▁embrace d ▁the ▁cafe ▁as ▁well .
▁One ▁of ▁these ▁new ▁customers ▁translated ▁the ▁menu ▁into ▁Polish , ▁and ▁Mr . ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said ▁he ▁planned ▁to ▁find ▁a ▁spot ▁to ▁display ▁it ▁soon ▁to ▁make ▁his ▁new ▁neighbors ▁feel ▁welcome .
▁The ▁new ▁location ▁has ▁other ▁per k s .
▁A ▁local ▁juice ▁spot ▁wants ▁to ▁bottle ▁and ▁sell ▁the ▁cold - bre wed ▁coffee .
▁There ▁is ▁a ▁chance ▁the ▁cafe ▁will ▁expand ▁into ▁an ▁adjacent ▁building .
▁For ▁many ▁customers , ▁a ▁new ▁Verb ▁to ▁get ▁their ▁old ▁favorite s ▁is ▁enough .
▁Joseph ▁Whit t ▁was ▁a ▁regular ▁and ▁said ▁he ▁was ▁heart bro ken ▁when ▁they ▁closed .
▁When ▁the ▁new ▁space ▁opened , ▁Mr . ▁Whit t ▁said , ▁walking ▁in ▁and ▁getting ▁a ▁coffee ▁felt ▁like ▁a ▁home com ing .
▁" I ' ve ▁needed ▁to ▁smell ▁that , " ▁he ▁said .
▁The ▁De press ing ▁Food ▁of ▁the ▁Depression , ▁in ▁" A ▁Square ▁Me al "
▁In ▁March ▁1933 , ▁shortly ▁after ▁as c ending ▁to ▁the ▁presidency , ▁Franklin ▁Del ano ▁Ro ose vel t ▁sat ▁down ▁to ▁lunch ▁in ▁the ▁O val ▁Office .
▁A ▁go ur man d , ▁President ▁Ro ose vel t ▁had ▁a ▁taste ▁for ▁fancy ▁Fifth ▁Avenue ▁food s ▁like ▁p â té ▁de ▁fo ie ▁gra s ▁and ▁Mary land ▁ terra pin ▁so up .
▁His ▁menu ▁that ▁day ▁was ▁more ▁h umble : ▁de vil ed ▁eggs ▁in ▁tomato ▁sauce , ▁mas hed ▁potato es ▁and , ▁for ▁dessert , ▁pr une ▁pu dding .
▁" It ▁was ▁an ▁act ▁of ▁culinary ▁solidarity ▁with ▁the ▁people ▁who ▁were ▁suffering , " ▁Jan e ▁Ziegel man ▁said .
▁Her ▁husband , ▁Andrew ▁Co e , ▁added , ▁" It ▁was ▁also ▁a ▁message ▁to ▁Americans ▁about ▁how ▁to ▁eat . "
▁The ▁couple , ▁who ▁live ▁in ▁Brook ly n ▁He ight s , ▁are ▁food ▁historian s .
▁Mr . ▁Co e ' s ▁last ▁book , ▁" C hop ▁Su ey , " ▁was ▁about ▁Chinese ▁cuisine ▁in ▁America , ▁while ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁told ▁the ▁story ▁of ▁life ▁in ▁a ▁Lower ▁East ▁Side ▁ten ement ▁through ▁food ▁in ▁her ▁book ▁" 97 ▁Or chard . "
▁Their ▁new , ▁collaborative ▁work , ▁" A ▁Square ▁Me al , " ▁which ▁will ▁be ▁published ▁Tuesday ▁by ▁Har per , ▁is ▁a ▁history ▁of ▁American ▁food ▁in ▁the ▁Great ▁Depression .
▁Show ing ▁some ▁culinary ▁solidarity ▁of ▁their ▁own , ▁they ▁met ▁a ▁report er ▁for ▁dinner ▁at ▁E isenberg ' s ▁Sand wich ▁Shop , ▁a ▁tiny ▁no - f rill s ▁lunch ▁counter ▁in ▁the ▁Flat iro n ▁district ▁that ▁has ▁been ▁in ▁business ▁since ▁the ▁year ▁of ▁the ▁crash , ▁1929 .
▁M s . ▁Ziegel man , ▁54 , ▁ordered ▁a ▁cream ▁cheese ▁and ▁c hop ped ▁olive ▁sand wich , ▁while ▁Mr . ▁Co e , ▁57 , ▁had ▁the ▁tur key , ▁mas hed ▁potato es ▁and ▁vegetable ▁med ley .
▁When ▁a ▁report er ▁ordered ▁meat lo af , ▁the ▁couple ▁deemed ▁it ▁fitting ▁for ▁a ▁discussion ▁of ▁Depression - era ▁eating .
▁" Lo ave s ▁were ▁very ▁popular , " ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁said .
▁There ▁was ▁pe an ut ▁lo af , ▁live r ▁lo af , ▁be an ▁lo af .
▁They ▁were ▁made ▁from ▁an ▁ingredient ▁and ▁a ▁cheap ▁thing ▁that ▁stretches ▁the ▁ingredient ▁out .
▁Imagine ▁eating ▁enough ▁pe an ut s ▁to ▁serve ▁as ▁your ▁dinner .
▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁gr ima ced .
▁" It ▁must ▁have ▁sat ▁in ▁your ▁stomach ▁like ▁lead , " ▁he ▁said .
▁In ▁the ▁years ▁before ▁the ▁Depression , ▁the ▁American ▁table , ▁especially ▁in ▁rural ▁areas , ▁was ▁an ▁all - you - can - e at ▁buffet .
▁Teams ▁of ▁women ▁cooked ▁for ▁male ▁farm work ers , ▁and ▁fresh - bak ed ▁pie ▁was ▁served ▁at ▁breakfast , ▁lunch ▁and ▁dinner .
▁It ▁was ▁Americans ▁who ▁had ▁sent ▁food ▁to ▁star ving ▁European s ▁during ▁World ▁War ▁I . ▁" A ▁Square ▁Me al " ▁chronic les ▁the ▁ways ▁the ▁nation ▁cope d ▁with ▁suddenly ▁not ▁being ▁the ▁land ▁of ▁plenty .
▁" This ▁was ▁a ▁time ▁when ▁food ▁became ▁a ▁central , ▁fr aught ▁subject ▁for ▁the ▁American ▁people , " ▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁said , ▁explaining ▁why ▁he ▁and ▁his ▁wife ▁wanted ▁to ▁write ▁about ▁it .
▁Equal ly ▁fr aught ▁was ▁the ▁new ▁budget ▁die t : ▁My ster y ▁dishes ▁like ▁lo ave s ▁and ▁ca sser ole s ▁became ▁sta ple s , ▁the ▁ca sser ole ▁a ▁" wo nder ful ▁way ▁to ▁re purpose ▁left over s , " ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁noted , ▁because ▁cook s ▁could ▁hide ▁un app et izing ▁ingredients ▁under ▁a ▁cream y ▁coating ▁of ▁sauce .
▁Fresh ▁fruit ▁was ▁replaced ▁with ▁cheaper ▁d ried ▁fruit .
▁Me at , ▁for ▁years ▁the ▁center ▁of ▁the ▁American ▁meal , ▁became ▁a ▁spar ing ly ▁app or tion ed ▁luxury .
▁Strang e ▁mas hu ps ▁were ▁tried ▁as ▁ca lor ic ▁and ▁nutritional ▁fulfill ment ▁took ▁precedent ▁over ▁taste ▁or ▁even ▁common ▁kitchen ▁sense .
▁In ▁research ing ▁the ▁book , ▁which ▁includes ▁recipe s , ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁prepared ▁a ▁period ▁dish ▁of ▁ bak ed ▁on ion ▁stuff ed ▁with ▁pe an ut ▁butter .
▁" It ▁was ▁not ▁a ▁popular ▁addition ▁to ▁the ▁dinner ▁table , " ▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁said .
▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁a mpl ified : ▁" It ▁was ▁sur real . "
▁Pe an ut ▁butter ▁has ▁nothing ▁to ▁say ▁to ▁a ▁ bak ed ▁on ion .
▁It ▁was ▁characteristic ▁of ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁the ▁home - ec ▁recipe s .
▁As ▁never ▁before ▁or ▁since , ▁home ▁economists ▁- ▁among ▁them ▁Louis e ▁Sta n ley , ▁chief ▁of ▁the ▁federal ▁Bureau ▁of ▁Home ▁Economic s ▁from ▁1923 ▁to ▁1943 ▁- ▁drove ▁the ▁country ' s ▁eating ▁habit s .
▁Publishing ▁recipe s ▁and ▁articles ▁in ▁newspapers ▁and ▁magazines , ▁they ▁encouraged ▁women ▁to ▁become ▁" budget e ers " ▁and ▁rise ▁to ▁the ▁challenge ▁of ▁transform ing ▁gl op ▁like ▁cream ed ▁spa gh etti ▁with ▁car rot s ▁into ▁tasty ▁dishes .
▁" A ▁Square ▁Me al " ▁is ▁a ▁feast ▁of ▁historical ▁ti d bit s .
▁Especially ▁sa vor y ▁are ▁the ▁accounts ▁of ▁the ▁government ' s ▁response ▁to ▁its ▁hungry ▁citizen ry , ▁like ▁President ▁Herbert ▁Ho over ' s ▁let - me - e at - ca ke ▁attitude .
▁While ▁he ▁publicly ▁praise d ▁the ▁simple ▁I owa ▁farmhouse ▁cooking ▁of ▁his ▁childhood , ▁he ▁di n ed ▁like ▁the ▁million aire ▁so ph istic ate ▁he ▁had ▁become .
▁" He ▁liked ▁to ▁eat ▁Continental ▁cuisine , ▁like ▁fish ▁with ▁cu c umb er ▁sauce , " ▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁said .
▁He ▁at e ▁in ▁almost ▁a ▁gold - plate d ▁dining ▁room , ▁wearing ▁a ▁dinner ▁jacket .
▁He ▁was ▁fabulous ly ▁out ▁of ▁touch .
▁President ▁Ro ose vel t ▁may ▁have ▁committed ▁the ▁same ▁error ▁if ▁his ▁wife , ▁E lean or , ▁had ▁not ▁encouraged ▁him ▁to ▁set ▁an ▁example ▁with ▁his ▁stomach .
▁As ▁the ▁book ▁tells ▁it , ▁Mrs . ▁Ro ose vel t ' s ▁hi ring ▁of ▁a ▁house keeper ▁with ▁no ▁interest ▁in ▁flavor ▁resulted ▁in ▁a ▁White ▁House ▁that ▁" put ▁out ▁not ▁only ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁d re aries t ▁food ▁in ▁Washington ▁but ▁also ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁dis m ally ▁prepared . "
▁Many ▁of ▁the ▁Depression - era ▁food ▁ways ▁were ▁abandoned ▁as ▁soon ▁as ▁the ▁country ▁got ▁back ▁on ▁its ▁feet .
▁The ▁legacy ▁is ▁in ▁our ▁continued ▁focus ▁on ▁cal ori es ▁and ▁nutrition , ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁said , ▁and ▁on ▁the ▁way ▁science ▁has ▁been ▁applied ▁to ▁cooking .
▁The ▁couple ▁said ▁that ▁in ▁writing ▁the ▁book , ▁they ▁gained ▁greater ▁understanding ▁of ▁the ▁eating ▁habit s ▁of ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ' s ▁mother ▁- ▁how ▁she ▁could n ' t ▁throw ▁food ▁away , ▁for ▁instance .
▁" S he ▁had ▁a ▁real ▁fear ▁of ▁food ▁waste , " ▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁said .
▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁recall ed : ▁" S he ▁actually ▁got ▁people ▁sick . "
▁There ▁was ▁the ▁cream - puff ▁incident .
▁After ▁the ▁plates ▁were ▁clear ed ▁at ▁E isenberg ' s , ▁she ▁and ▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁pull ed ▁out ▁a ▁dessert ▁they ▁had ▁prepared ▁at ▁home : ▁the ▁pr une ▁dessert ▁that ▁President ▁Ro ose vel t ▁at e ▁for ▁lunch .
▁" It ' s ▁called ▁pr une ▁whi p , " ▁M s . ▁Ziegel man ▁said , ▁adding ▁that ▁a ▁common ▁trick ▁was ▁to ▁give ▁modest ▁recipe s ▁a ▁s n az zy ▁name .
▁There ▁was ▁no ▁whi ppe d ▁cream , ▁just ▁pr une s , ▁a ▁little ▁bit ▁of ▁fl our , ▁sugar , ▁water ▁and ▁ci n na mon .
▁Everyone ▁reluctant ly ▁dip ped ▁a ▁sp oon ▁into ▁the ▁vis cou s ▁brown ▁go o .
▁Sur prising ly , ▁it ▁was n ' t ▁bad .
▁Mr . ▁Co e ▁went ▁back ▁for ▁seconds , ▁and ▁third s .
▁Sound ing ▁like ▁a ▁can - do ▁budget er , ▁he ▁told ▁his ▁wife , ▁" S ome ▁c hop ped ▁ wal n ut s ▁would ▁help . "
▁Kill ed ▁in ▁a ▁bomb ▁attack : ▁He ▁was ▁the ▁hero ▁of ▁Al e ppo
▁He ▁put ▁his ▁own ▁life ▁at ▁risk ▁to ▁help ▁others : ▁Kha led ▁O mar .
▁He ▁was ▁the ▁hero ▁of ▁Al e ppo : ▁Kha led ▁O mar ▁dedicated ▁his ▁life ▁to ▁the ▁Syria n ▁people .
▁He ▁risk ed ▁everything ▁to ▁save ▁other ▁people ' s ▁lives .
▁Now ▁the ▁30 - year - old ▁has ▁been ▁killed ▁in ▁a ▁barrel ▁bomb ▁attack ▁by ▁the ▁A ssad ▁regime .
▁O mar ▁was ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁" W hi te ▁Helm ets ", ▁a ▁civil ▁protection ▁group ▁which , ▁according ▁to ▁Bild ▁newspaper , ▁had ▁saved ▁the ▁lives ▁of ▁60 , 000 ▁people .
▁2 , 900 ▁volunteer s ▁put ▁their ▁own ▁lives ▁at ▁risk ▁to ▁pull ▁people ▁from ▁bomb ed - out ▁houses ▁and ▁perform ▁first - aid ▁in ▁the ▁war ▁zone .
▁They ▁are ▁the ▁hero es ▁of ▁the ▁war ▁in ▁Syria .
▁O mar ▁was ▁the ▁face ▁of ▁the ▁group : ▁A ▁video ▁of ▁the ▁civil ▁protection ▁volunteer ▁showing ▁him ▁during ▁an ▁11 - hour ▁operation ▁to ▁rescue ▁an ▁infant ▁from ▁the ▁ruins ▁of ▁a ▁house ▁went ▁vi ral ▁in ▁2014 .
▁It ▁made ▁the ▁Syria n ▁a ▁g low ing ▁figure head ▁amidst ▁the ▁horror ▁of ▁the ▁war .
▁However , ▁he ▁never ▁saw ▁himself ▁as ▁a ▁hero , ▁saying , ▁according ▁to ▁Bild : ▁" For ▁me , ▁this ▁is ▁the ▁real ▁ ji had . "
▁" If ▁I ▁were ▁to ▁die ▁saving ▁lives , ▁I ▁would ▁think ▁that ▁God ▁saw ▁me ▁as ▁a ▁mar ty r . "
▁Short ly ▁before ▁O mar ▁himself ▁became ▁a ▁victim ▁of ▁an ▁attack , ▁he ▁had ▁spoken ▁in ▁a ▁video ▁about ▁the ▁recent ▁bomb ▁attacks ▁on ▁Syria .
▁Hel ico pter s ▁had ▁released ▁four ▁barrel ▁bomb s ▁over ▁the ▁Al za dia ▁district , ▁one ▁of ▁which ▁was ▁filled ▁with ▁ ch lor ine ▁gas .
▁One ▁woman ▁and ▁two ▁children ▁were ▁killed , ▁and ▁seven ▁people ▁have ▁been ▁left ▁with ▁breath ing ▁difficulties .
▁" We ▁are ▁now ▁clear ing ▁away ▁the ▁toxic ▁remains ▁of ▁the ▁bomb ▁so ▁that ▁children ▁don ' t ▁play ▁with ▁it , " ▁quoted ▁Bild ▁as ▁his ▁last ▁words ▁before ▁he ▁die d .
▁The ▁fatal ▁bomb ▁dropped ▁by ▁the ▁A ssad ▁regime ▁was ▁supposed ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁aimed ▁at ▁terrorists .
▁The ▁Green land ▁shark : ▁The ▁oldest ▁ver te bra te ▁is ▁almost ▁400 ▁years ▁old
▁It ' s ▁a ▁rare ▁sight .
▁Green land ▁shark s ▁generally ▁only ▁come ▁to ▁the ▁surface ▁in ▁winter .
▁After ▁being ▁examined ▁on ▁board ▁the ▁research ▁ship ▁" S anna ", ▁this ▁shark ▁was ▁returned ▁to ▁the ▁sea .
▁It ▁was ▁born ▁in ▁16 24 ▁and ▁has ▁sw um ▁through ▁the ▁North ▁Atlantic ▁at ▁1 km / h ▁right ▁through ▁to ▁the ▁present ▁day .
▁Green land ▁shark s ▁only ▁give ▁birth ▁to ▁young ▁at ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁150 .
▁Green land ▁shark s ▁swim ▁leisure ly ▁along ▁the ▁sea ▁floor ▁of ▁the ▁North ▁Atlantic , ▁covering ▁an ▁average ▁of ▁1,2 20 ▁metres ▁in ▁an ▁hour .
▁The ▁five - metre - long ▁animal ▁can ▁ramp ▁this ▁up ▁to ▁2.6 ▁km / h ▁if ▁necessary ▁- ▁but ▁this ▁maximum ▁speed ▁is ▁half ▁as ▁fast ▁as ▁a ▁seal .
▁However , ▁this ▁slow ▁pace ▁of ▁life ▁seems ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁key ▁to ▁a ▁long ▁life .
▁Julius ▁Niels en ▁from ▁the ▁University ▁of ▁Copenhagen ▁and ▁his ▁colleagues ▁wrote ▁an ▁article ▁in ▁" S ci ence ", ▁the ▁specialist ▁journal , ▁about ▁a ▁Green land ▁shark ▁that ▁could ▁be ▁3 92 ▁years ▁old .
▁" It ' s ▁crazy , " ▁says ▁Alexander ▁Sch euer lein ▁from ▁the ▁Max ▁ Planck ▁Institute ▁for ▁Dem ographic ▁Research ▁in ▁Ro stock ▁about ▁this ▁life s pan ▁- ▁which ▁is ▁a ▁world ▁record ▁for ▁a ▁ver te bra te .
▁It ▁is ▁true ▁that ▁evolution ary ▁bi ologists ▁had ▁long ▁thought ▁that ▁Green land ▁shark s ▁had ▁been ▁around ▁for ▁a ▁very ▁long ▁time .
▁They ▁were ▁simply ▁lacking ▁the ▁proof .
▁It ▁is ▁hard ▁to ▁observe ▁Green land ▁shark s , ▁namely ▁because ▁they ▁mainly ▁live ▁in ▁the ▁ocean ▁off ▁the ▁spar se ly ▁populated ▁coast s ▁of ▁Canada , ▁Green land , ▁Norway ▁and ▁S val bar d .
▁They ▁generally ▁only ▁come ▁to ▁the ▁surface ▁in ▁winter ▁because ▁they ▁prefer ▁water ▁temperatures ▁of ▁around ▁six ▁degrees ▁Celsius .
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁researchers ▁know ▁little ▁about ▁how ▁Green land ▁shark s ▁live .
▁Their ▁slow ▁speed ▁was ▁measured ▁by ▁researchers ▁off ▁S val bar d , ▁who ▁fitted ▁six ▁animals ▁with ▁a ▁track er .
▁However , ▁these ▁shark s ▁still ▁manage ▁to ▁catch ▁pre y : ▁In ▁one ▁animal ' s ▁stomach , ▁researchers ▁found ▁the ▁remains ▁of ▁a ▁seal ; ▁another ▁shark ▁had ▁go bb led ▁down ▁the ▁ja w bon e ▁of ▁a ▁young ▁polar ▁bear .
▁It ▁may ▁be ▁the ▁case ▁that ▁they ▁hunt ▁down ▁sleeping ▁animals , ▁or ▁ pat rol ▁on ▁the ▁ocean ▁floor ▁and ▁look ▁out ▁for ▁corps es ▁that ▁have ▁sun k ▁downward s ▁from ▁higher ▁levels ▁of ▁water .
▁Julius ▁Niels en ▁and ▁his ▁colleagues ▁have ▁now ▁examined ▁28 ▁Green land ▁shark s ▁caught ▁in ▁the ▁depth s ▁of ▁the ▁North ▁Atlantic ▁by ▁fishermen ▁between ▁2010 ▁and ▁2013 ▁off ▁the ▁coast ▁of ▁Green land ▁or ▁S val bar d .
▁The ▁smallest ▁shark ▁was ▁just ▁81 ▁cent i metre s ▁long , ▁while ▁the ▁largest ▁measured ▁50 2 ▁cent i metre s .
▁They ▁use ▁carbon - 14 ▁dating ▁on ▁the ▁shark ' s ▁lens ▁core ▁to ▁determine ▁the ▁shark ' s ▁age .
▁This ▁core ▁of ▁the ▁eye ' s ▁lens ▁comes ▁into ▁being ▁even ▁before ▁the ▁shark ▁is ▁born , ▁and ▁the ▁protein s ▁in ▁it ▁are ▁not ▁renewed ▁subsequently .
▁The ▁two ▁smallest ▁shark s ▁had ▁remarkably ▁high ▁levels ▁of ▁carbon - 14 ▁in ▁their ▁lens ▁core s .
▁Consequently , ▁they ▁were ▁likely ▁born ▁after ▁the ▁early ▁1960 s , ▁when ▁nuclear ▁weapons ▁experiments ▁released ▁large ▁amounts ▁of ▁this ▁radioactive ▁carbon ▁into ▁the ▁atmosphere .
▁By ▁contrast , ▁the ▁lens ▁core s ▁of ▁third - smal les t ▁animal , ▁at ▁220 ▁cent i metre s ▁long , ▁contained ▁less ▁of ▁a ▁surplus ▁of ▁carbon - 14 ▁from ▁nuclear ▁weapons ▁experiments ▁- ▁so ▁when ▁it ▁was ▁examined ▁in ▁2012 , ▁it ▁must ▁have ▁already ▁had ▁its ▁50 th ▁birthday .
▁By ▁contrast , ▁all ▁the ▁larger ▁Green land ▁shark s ▁had ▁normal ▁levels ▁of ▁carbon - 14 ▁in ▁their ▁lens ▁core s , ▁which ▁comes ▁from ▁co s mic ▁radiation ▁in ▁the ▁atmosphere .
▁In ▁fact , ▁the ▁carbon - 14 ▁monitor ▁gave ▁a ▁49 3- cent i metre - long ▁Green land ▁shark ▁an ▁age ▁of ▁3 35 , ▁while ▁the ▁record - hold ing ▁shark , ▁at ▁50 2 ▁cent i metre s , ▁was ▁apparently ▁3 92 ▁years ▁old .
▁It ▁was ▁already ▁known ▁that ▁female ▁Green land ▁shark s ▁first ▁had ▁off sp ring ▁when ▁they ▁were ▁more ▁than ▁four ▁metres ▁long .
▁Now ▁researchers ▁have ▁been ▁able ▁to ▁map ▁this ▁length ▁onto ▁an ▁age .
▁As ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁animals , ▁3 92 ▁cent i metre s ▁long , ▁was ▁likely ▁on ▁the ▁threshold ▁of ▁sexual ▁maturity , ▁and ▁had ▁an ▁age ▁of ▁15 6 , ▁it ▁seems ▁that ▁Green land ▁shark s ▁take ▁at ▁least ▁150 ▁years ▁to ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁reproduce .
▁This ▁is ▁also ▁a ▁world ▁record ▁for ▁ver te b rates .
▁It ▁is ▁not ▁by ▁chance ▁that ▁such ▁Me th use lah s ▁predominantly ▁live ▁in ▁i cy ▁waters .
▁The ▁previous ▁record ▁holder , ▁a ▁2 11 - year - old ▁Green land ▁whale , ▁in ▁whose ▁neck ▁a ▁120 - year - old ▁har po on ▁tip ▁was ▁lodge d , ▁was ▁caught ▁off ▁Alaska .
▁As ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁low ▁temperatures , ▁the ▁systems ▁of ▁the ▁animals ▁living ▁there ▁often ▁run ▁on ▁as ▁little ▁energy ▁as ▁possible .
▁This ▁means ▁they ▁mature ▁later ▁- ▁and ▁age ▁slow er .
▁The ▁animals ▁often ▁become ▁particularly ▁large ▁so ▁they ▁stay ▁warm ▁in ▁cold ▁waters .
▁This ▁is ▁because ▁their ▁volume ▁increases ▁much ▁quick er ▁than ▁their ▁surface ▁area , ▁through ▁which ▁the ▁animal ▁radi ates ▁heat .
▁This ▁means ▁that ▁the ▁heat ▁lost ▁per ▁ gram ▁of ▁a ▁mouse ▁is ▁much ▁bigger ▁than ▁that ▁lost ▁per ▁ gram ▁of ▁an ▁elephant .
▁Another ▁advantage ▁is ▁that ▁they ▁have ▁fewer ▁enemies .
▁" This ▁means ▁that ▁a ▁smaller ▁animal ▁has ▁a ▁more ▁dangerous ▁life , ▁and ▁has ▁to ▁focus ▁on ▁having ▁as ▁many ▁off sp ring ▁as ▁quickly ▁as ▁possible , " ▁explains ▁Sch euer lein , ▁an ▁evolution ary ▁bi ologist .
▁By ▁contrast , ▁a ▁very ▁large ▁animal ▁can ▁invest ▁its ▁resources ▁in ▁having ▁a ▁longer ▁life .
▁Construction ▁sites ▁coming ▁as ▁a ▁twin pack
▁The ▁commun e ' s ▁council ▁focused ▁on ▁construction - related ▁topics ▁in ▁its ▁most ▁recent ▁session .
▁The ▁committee ▁was ▁pleased ▁to ▁hear ▁mayor ▁Robert ▁Put z ' ▁announcement ▁that ▁" we ▁can ▁finally ▁begin ▁to ▁market ▁the ▁residential ▁construction ▁sites ▁that ▁have ▁recently ▁been ▁marked ▁out ".
▁After ▁plot , ▁parcel ling ▁and ▁accessibility ▁questions ▁had ▁been ▁answered , ▁and ▁applications ▁for ▁measurements ▁had ▁been ▁made , ▁there ▁was ▁nothing ▁standing ▁in ▁the ▁way ▁of ▁the ▁sale ▁of ▁the ▁plot s ▁in ▁the ▁residential ▁areas ▁of ▁" Str aß l weg " ▁and ▁" Sch ö n au - West " ▁( n ear ▁Bind er straße ▁- ▁development ▁section ▁1) ▁to ▁interested ▁parties .
▁The ▁communal ▁council ▁is ▁convinced ▁that ▁the ▁construction ▁sites ▁in ▁the ▁rural , ▁peaceful ▁residential ▁commun e ▁of ▁Schön au ▁will ▁attract ▁young ▁families ▁and ▁older ▁people ▁alike .
▁As ▁said , ▁people ▁prepared ▁to ▁build ▁on ▁these ▁sites ▁should ▁apply ▁in ▁the ▁town ▁hall ▁from ▁now , ▁and ▁the ▁communal ▁council ▁will ▁probably ▁discuss ▁giving ▁out ▁the ▁plot s ▁in ▁its ▁September ▁meeting .
▁So ▁that ▁it ▁would ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁answer ▁questions ▁on ▁the ▁movement ▁of ▁additional ▁businesses , ▁in ▁connection ▁with ▁the ▁creation ▁of ▁jobs , ▁the ▁communal ▁council ▁decided ▁to ▁amend ▁the ▁space ▁usage ▁plan ▁first ▁re - draw n ▁in ▁spring ▁of ▁this ▁year .
▁Consequently , ▁the ▁business ▁area ▁already ▁marked ▁out ▁in ▁Unter zeit lar n ▁will ▁be ▁expanded ▁to ▁include ▁a ▁further ▁two ▁plot s ▁near ▁state ▁road ▁21 12 .
▁Frankfurt ▁will ▁benefit ▁from ▁Bre xi t
▁The ▁city ▁on ▁the ▁river ▁Main ▁will ▁soon ▁have ▁the ▁best ▁chance ▁against ▁the ▁competition ▁of ▁Paris , ▁Dublin ▁and ▁Luxembourg ▁to ▁draw ▁jobs ▁and ▁companies ▁away ▁from ▁London .
▁" It ▁is ▁highly ▁likely ▁that ▁Frankfurt ▁will ▁benefit ▁the ▁most ▁from ▁the ▁Bre xi t ▁vote , " ▁said ▁Michael ▁Vo igt länder , ▁Head ▁of ▁I W ' s ▁Financial ▁Market s ▁and ▁Real ▁Estate ▁specialist ▁area .
▁After ▁the ▁Bre xi t ▁referendum ▁it ▁is ▁unclear ▁whether ▁financial ▁institutions ▁will ▁still ▁be ▁allowed ▁to ▁run ▁European ▁financial ▁business ▁from ▁London .
▁Registration ▁in ▁the ▁UK ▁is ▁all ▁that ▁has ▁been ▁required ▁to ▁date ▁for ▁the ▁" EU ▁passport ".
▁This ▁is ▁generally ▁used ▁by ▁large ▁US ▁banks .
▁S everal ▁banks ▁have ▁already ▁announced ▁that ▁they ▁will ▁relocate ▁jobs .
▁The ▁" F rank fur t ▁Main ▁Finance " ▁lobby ing ▁group ▁expect s ▁to ▁see ▁10,000 ▁new ▁jobs ▁on ▁the ▁river ▁Main ▁within ▁five ▁years .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁I W , ▁the ▁European ▁Central ▁Bank ▁( EC B ) ' s ▁headquarters , ▁responsibility ▁for ▁monetary ▁policy ▁and ▁supervision ▁over ▁the ▁largest ▁banks ▁in ▁the ▁eurozone , ▁all ▁come ▁together ▁to ▁represent ▁a ▁real ▁plus ▁for ▁Frankfurt , ▁along ▁with ▁further ▁important ▁authorities , ▁such ▁as ▁E IO PA , ▁Europe ' s ▁insurance ▁regulator , ▁and ▁E SR B , ▁the ▁risk ▁board .
▁While ▁Paris ▁has ▁the ▁headquarters ▁of ▁the ▁Organisation ▁for ▁Economic ▁Cooperation ▁and ▁Development ▁( O EC D ), ▁this ▁is ▁less ▁important ▁for ▁the ▁financial ▁sector ▁than ▁the ▁ECB .
▁" The ▁proximity ▁to ▁the ▁central ▁bank ▁is ▁important ▁for ▁banks ▁- ▁they ▁can ▁communicate ▁directly ▁with ▁the ▁authorities , " ▁says ▁I W ' s ▁Professor ▁Vo igt länder .
▁While ▁Luxembourg ▁is ▁home ▁to ▁a ▁large ▁funds ▁industry , ▁like ▁Dublin , ▁its ▁infrastructure ▁lets ▁it ▁down .
▁Thanks ▁to ▁its ▁large ▁airport , ▁Frankfurt ▁is ▁considerably ▁easier ▁to ▁get ▁to .
▁In ▁addition , ▁the ▁city ' s ▁easily ▁available ▁business ▁properties ▁are ▁a ▁win .
▁" In ▁Paris ▁it ' s ▁not ▁all ▁that ▁easy ▁to ▁find ▁ vac ant ▁high - quality ▁offices , " ▁said ▁Vo igt länder .
▁Rent s ▁for ▁top - class ▁business ▁properties ▁are ▁50% ▁higher ▁on ▁the ▁banks ▁of ▁the ▁Seine ▁than ▁on ▁the ▁banks ▁of ▁the ▁Main .
▁In ▁addition , ▁Frankfurt ▁can ▁offer ▁better ▁quality ▁of ▁life ▁than ▁its ▁competitors , ▁thanks ▁to ▁its ▁good ▁medical ▁systems ▁and ▁infrastructure , ▁and ▁low ▁crime ▁levels .
▁In ▁a ▁table ▁compiled ▁by ▁management ▁consultants ▁Merc er , ▁the ▁city ▁was ▁rank ed ▁7 th , ▁Luxembourg ▁19 th , ▁Dublin ▁33 rd ▁and ▁Paris ▁37 ▁th .
▁And ▁even ▁if ▁quality ▁of ▁life ▁is ▁a ▁matter ▁of ▁preference : ▁" Th ank s ▁to ▁its ▁already ▁strong ▁position ▁as ▁a ▁financial ▁hub ▁for ▁the ▁European ▁domestic ▁market , ▁Frankfurt ▁could ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁attract ▁additional ▁banks ▁and ▁investors , " ▁I W ▁concluded .
▁Despite ▁the ▁Bre xi t ▁vote , ▁London ▁will ▁remain ▁Europe ' s ▁financial ▁capital , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁economic ▁researchers .
▁This ▁is ▁also ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁strength ▁ratio s : ▁According ▁to ▁figures ▁from ▁regional ▁bank ▁Hel aba , ▁around ▁14 4,000 ▁people ▁worked ▁in ▁banking ▁in ▁London ▁in ▁2015 ▁- ▁compared ▁to ▁62 , 500 ▁in ▁Frankfurt .
▁Gil e ad ▁to ▁get ▁attorney ▁fees ▁in ▁he pat itis ▁C ▁patent ▁fight ▁with ▁Merc k
▁Gil e ad ▁Science s ▁Inc ▁is ▁entitled ▁to ▁receive ▁the ▁attorney ▁fees ▁it ▁incurred ▁related ▁to ▁he pat itis ▁C ▁patent ▁lit ig ation ▁with ▁drug maker ▁Merc k ▁& ▁Co ▁Inc , ▁a ▁U . S . ▁district ▁judge ▁has ▁ruled .
▁In ▁June , ▁Gil e ad ▁was ▁free d ▁from ▁paying ▁up ▁$ 200 ▁million ▁in ▁damages ▁for ▁in fr ing ing ▁two ▁Merc k ▁patents ▁related ▁to ▁Gil e ad ' s ▁block bus ter ▁drugs ▁So val di ▁and ▁Har von i , ▁after ▁a ▁U . S . ▁judge ▁found ▁a ▁pattern ▁of ▁mis conduct ▁by ▁Merc k ▁including ▁lying ▁under ▁o ath ▁and ▁other ▁un eth ical ▁practices .
▁In ▁a ▁fi ling ▁on ▁Thursday , ▁U . S . ▁District ▁Ju d ge ▁Be th ▁Lab son ▁Free man ▁said ▁that ▁Gil e ad ▁was ▁entitled ▁to ▁relief ▁from ▁the ▁fees ▁it ▁incurred ▁while ▁defending ▁the ▁case .
▁Merc k ▁is ▁trying ▁to ▁catch ▁up ▁to ▁Gil e ad , ▁which ▁dominate s ▁the ▁market ▁on ▁a ▁new ▁generation ▁of ▁he pat itis ▁C ▁drugs ▁that ▁can ▁cure ▁well ▁over ▁90 ▁percent ▁of ▁patients ▁with ▁the ▁live r ▁disease .
▁The ▁case ▁dates ▁back ▁to ▁2013 ▁when ▁Gil e ad ▁and ▁Merc k ▁su ed ▁each ▁other , ▁claiming ▁ownership ▁of ▁laboratory ▁work ▁underlying ▁so fo s bu vi r , ▁the ▁active ▁ingredient ▁in ▁Gil e ad ' s ▁drugs .
▁U . S . ▁backed ▁forces ▁say ▁they ▁have ▁seized ▁full ▁control ▁of ▁Man b ij ▁from ▁Islamic ▁State
▁U . S . - back ed ▁forces ▁have ▁seized ▁full ▁control ▁of ▁northern ▁city ▁of ▁Man b ij ▁near ▁the ▁Turkish ▁border ▁after ▁the ▁last ▁remaining ▁Islamic ▁State ▁fight ers ▁inside ▁the ▁city ▁left , ▁a ▁spoke s man ▁for ▁the ▁group ▁said ▁on ▁Friday .
▁Syria ▁Democratic ▁Force s ▁( S DF ) ▁were ▁now ▁sweep ing ▁the ▁city ▁after ▁the ▁departure ▁of ▁a ▁remaining ▁group ▁of ▁militant s ▁who ▁had ▁been ▁hol ed ▁up ▁in ▁the ▁city .
▁They ▁had ▁free d ▁over ▁ 2,000 ▁civilian ▁hostage s ▁who ▁had ▁been ▁held ▁by ▁the ▁militant s , ▁Sha r fan ▁Dar w ish ▁of ▁the ▁S DF ▁all ied ▁Man b ij ▁Military ▁Council ▁told ▁Re uter s .
▁" The ▁city ▁is ▁now ▁fully ▁under ▁our ▁control ▁but ▁we ▁are ▁undertaking ▁sweep ing ▁operations , " ▁he ▁told ▁Re uter s .
▁Clinton s ▁earned ▁$ 10 . 75 ▁million ▁in ▁2015 , ▁paid ▁34 . 2 ▁percent ▁federal ▁tax ▁rate
▁Hill ary ▁Clinton ▁on ▁Friday ▁released ▁her ▁2015 ▁tax ▁returns , ▁which ▁showed ▁the ▁Democratic ▁presidential ▁no min e e ▁and ▁her ▁husband ▁had ▁$ 10 . 75 ▁million ▁in ▁income ▁that ▁year ▁and ▁paid ▁an ▁effective ▁federal ▁tax ▁rate ▁of ▁34 . 2 ▁percent .
▁In ▁2015 , ▁the ▁Clinton s ▁made ▁$1 ▁million ▁in ▁cha rit able ▁contributions , ▁mostly ▁to ▁the ▁Clinton ▁Foundation ; ▁former ▁President ▁Bill ▁Clinton ▁brought ▁in ▁nearly ▁$ 5 . 3 ▁million ▁in ▁speaking ▁fees ; ▁and ▁the ▁former ▁secretary ▁of ▁state ▁reported ▁income ▁of ▁$ 3 ▁million ▁from ▁publisher ▁Simon ▁& ▁Sch us ter ▁for ▁her ▁book ▁on ▁her ▁ten ure ▁at ▁the ▁State ▁Department .
▁Clinton ' s ▁running ▁mat e , ▁U . S . ▁Senator ▁Tim ▁Ka ine ▁of ▁Virginia , ▁along ▁with ▁his ▁wife , ▁Anne ▁Hol ton , ▁released ▁10 ▁years ▁of ▁tax ▁returns .
▁They ▁paid ▁a ▁federal ▁effective ▁tax ▁rate ▁of ▁20. 3 ▁percent ▁in ▁2015 .
▁" H illa ry ▁Clinton ▁and ▁Tim ▁Ka ine ▁continue ▁to ▁set ▁the ▁standard ▁for ▁financial ▁transparency , " ▁Clinton ▁campaign ▁aid e ▁J en ni fer ▁Palm ieri ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁In ▁stark ▁contrast , ▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁is ▁hiding ▁behind ▁fake ▁excuse s ▁and ▁back track ing ▁on ▁his ▁previous ▁promises ▁to ▁release ▁his ▁tax ▁returns .
▁It ▁is ▁customary ▁for ▁U . S . ▁presidential ▁candidates ▁to ▁make ▁their ▁tax ▁returns ▁public , ▁although ▁they ▁are ▁not ▁required ▁by ▁law ▁to ▁do ▁so .
▁Tru mp , ▁a ▁New ▁York ▁business man , ▁and ▁his ▁lawyers ▁have ▁cited ▁an ▁audit ▁by ▁the ▁Internal ▁Rev en ue ▁Service ▁as ▁a ▁reason ▁for ▁his ▁refusal ▁to ▁release ▁his ▁returns .
▁" You r ▁move , " ▁Clinton ▁campaign ▁aid e ▁I an ▁Sam s ▁said ▁on ▁Twitter , ▁linking ▁to ▁the ▁Democratic ▁no min e e ' s ▁returns .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁Tru mp ' s ▁special ▁counsel , ▁Michael ▁Co hen , ▁told ▁C NN ▁he ▁would ▁not ▁allow ▁Tru mp ▁to ▁release ▁them ▁until ▁the ▁audit s ▁are ▁complete .
▁Tru mp ' s ▁critics , ▁including ▁2012 ▁Republican ▁presidential ▁candidate ▁Mit t ▁Rom ney ▁and ▁other ▁fellow ▁Republican s , ▁have ▁said ▁his ▁refusal ▁raises ▁questions ▁about ▁his ▁net ▁worth , ▁his ▁cha rit able ▁contributions , ▁his ▁business ▁dealing s ▁and ▁various ▁other ▁ties , ▁including ▁with ▁Russia .
▁Clinton ▁has ▁p ounce d ▁on ▁the ▁issue , ▁re lea s ing ▁an ▁online ▁video ▁on ▁Friday ▁highlighting ▁high - profile ▁Republican s ▁urging ▁Tru mp ▁to ▁release ▁his ▁taxes .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁she ▁raised ▁the ▁issue ▁during ▁an ▁economic ▁speech ▁in ▁Mich iga n .
▁" He ▁refuse s ▁to ▁do ▁what ▁every ▁other ▁presidential ▁candidate ▁in ▁decades ▁has ▁done ▁and ▁release ▁his ▁tax ▁returns , " ▁she ▁told ▁the ▁crowd .
▁Polit ico ▁has ▁reported ▁that ▁Tru mp ▁paid ▁zero ▁to ▁very ▁little ▁taxes ▁for ▁two ▁years ▁in ▁the ▁1990 s , ▁and ▁a ▁New ▁York ▁Times ▁business ▁column ist ▁on ▁Friday ▁quoted ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁tax ▁lawyers ▁and ▁account ants ▁saying ▁that ▁could ▁still ▁be ▁the ▁case .
▁Federal ▁tax ▁rates ▁have ▁become ▁an ▁issue ▁in ▁the ▁presidential ▁election .
▁Clinton ▁has ▁endorsed ▁a ▁rule ▁named ▁after ▁billion aire ▁investor ▁War r en ▁Buffet t ▁that ▁would ▁ensure ▁those ▁making ▁more ▁than ▁$1 ▁million ▁a ▁year ▁pay ▁a ▁tax ▁rate ▁of ▁at ▁least ▁30 ▁percent .
▁President ▁Barack ▁Obama ▁also ▁back s ▁the ▁proposal .
▁At ▁a ▁Clinton ▁rally ▁last ▁week ▁in ▁O ma ha , ▁Ne bra ska , ▁Buffet t , ▁whose ▁Ber k shire ▁H ath away ▁con glo me rate ▁is ▁based ▁there , ▁challenge d ▁Tru mp ▁to ▁meet ▁and ▁exchange ▁tax ▁returns .
▁Buffet ▁said ▁that ▁he ▁too ▁was ▁under ▁I RS ▁audit ▁and ▁Tru mp ▁is ▁" a fra id " ▁not ▁of ▁the ▁tax - collect ion ▁agency ▁but ▁of ▁voters .
▁Clinton ' s ▁campaign ▁has ▁released ▁tax ▁returns ▁going ▁back ▁to ▁2007.
▁The ▁Clinton s , ▁who ▁now ▁live ▁in ▁Cha ppa qua , ▁New ▁York , ▁paid ▁an ▁average ▁effective ▁federal ▁tax ▁rate ▁of ▁about ▁32 ▁percent ▁from ▁2007 ▁to ▁2014 ▁and ▁an ▁effective ▁combined ▁tax ▁rate ▁of ▁approximately ▁4 0.5 ▁percent .
▁The ▁Clinton s ' ▁2015 ▁return ▁showed ▁that , ▁unlike ▁most ▁Americans , ▁just ▁$100 ▁of ▁their ▁income ▁came ▁from ▁wages .
▁Their ▁main ▁investment ▁was ▁a ▁low - cost ▁index ▁mutual ▁fund , ▁and ▁the ▁Clinton s ▁reported ▁dividend ▁and ▁interest ▁income ▁of ▁$1 09 , 000 .
▁Additional ▁reporting ▁by ▁Kevin ▁Dra w bau gh ; ▁Edit ing ▁by ▁Jo na than ▁O ati s
▁Chill i - po w der ▁con dom s , ▁fire cra cker s ▁boost ▁Tanz ania ▁elephant ▁protection
▁Con serv ation ist s ▁in ▁Tanz ania ▁are ▁using ▁an ▁un ort hod ox ▁way ▁of ▁keeping ▁elephant s ▁from ▁wander ing ▁into ▁human ▁settlements ▁- ▁by ▁throw ing ▁con dom s ▁filled ▁with ▁chill i ▁powder ▁at ▁them .
▁The ▁method ▁has ▁proved ▁effective ▁and ▁Ho ney guide ▁Foundation , ▁which ▁hit ▁upon ▁the ▁idea ▁several ▁years ▁ago , ▁with ▁U . S . - based ▁Nature ▁Con serv ancy ▁has ▁ stepped ▁up ▁its ▁promotion , ▁training ▁volunteer s ▁in ▁villages ▁in ▁north ▁Tanz ania ▁to ▁use ▁a ▁non - vio lent ▁four - step ▁way ▁of ▁protecting ▁their ▁homes ▁and ▁crops ▁without ▁hurt ing ▁the ▁animals .
▁Previous ly ▁many ▁used ▁sp ear s ▁to ▁defend ▁themselves .
▁Friday ▁is ▁World ▁El e ph ant ▁Day , ▁which ▁is ▁dedicated ▁to ▁the ▁protection ▁of ▁the ▁animals .
▁" Si nce ▁we ▁developed ▁the ▁... ▁tool kit , ▁we ▁have ▁seen ▁an ▁attitude ▁change ▁within ▁these ▁communities ▁whereby ▁they ▁are ▁much ▁more ▁confident ▁that ▁they ▁can ▁keep ▁elephant s ▁out ▁of ▁their ▁fields ▁without ▁harm ing ▁the ▁elephant s , " ▁Ho ney guide ▁executive ▁director ▁Dami an ▁Bell ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁The ▁first ▁two ▁steps ▁involve ▁s hin ing ▁a ▁to r ch ▁at ▁the ▁tre s pass ing ▁elephant ▁and ▁sound ing ▁a ▁hor n .
▁If ▁it ▁is ▁not ▁de terre d , ▁a ▁so - called ▁" ch illi ▁cloud " ▁is ▁thrown .
▁Chill i ▁powder ▁mixed ▁with ▁soil ▁is ▁packed ▁with ▁a ▁fire cra cker ▁into ▁a ▁con dom , ▁its ▁end ▁is ▁twist ed ▁shut ▁with ▁just ▁the ▁f use ▁exposed .
▁When ▁lit , ▁the ▁con dom ▁burst s ▁open ▁with ▁a ▁ban g , ▁spray ing ▁a ▁fine ▁dust ▁of ▁chill i ▁powder ▁into ▁the ▁air .
▁One ▁whi ff ▁is ▁usually ▁enough ▁to ▁send ▁an ▁elephant ▁the ▁other ▁way .
▁A ▁last ▁resort ▁is ▁a ▁launch er ▁that ▁shoot s ▁a ▁Roman ▁candle ▁fire work ▁into ▁the ▁air , ▁producing ▁a ▁loud , ▁bright ▁explosion .
▁Municipal ▁council ▁reaches ▁unanimous ▁decision : ▁No ▁new ▁k ios k ▁to ▁be ▁built ▁on ▁the ▁St . ▁Go ar er ▁bank ▁of ▁the ▁Rhine
▁Normal ly ▁the ▁people ▁of ▁St . ▁Go ar er ▁are ▁happy ▁to ▁accept ▁investment ▁from ▁businesses ▁- ▁but ▁retail ▁in ▁the ▁core ▁of ▁the ▁city ▁is ▁clearly ▁capable ▁of ▁developing ▁itself .
▁The ▁municipal ▁has ▁now ▁unanimously ▁rejected ▁the ▁application ▁to ▁build ▁a ▁new ▁retail ▁k ios k ▁on ▁the ▁bank ▁of ▁the ▁river ▁Rhine ▁close ▁to ▁the ▁Rhine ▁balcony ▁currently ▁under ▁construction .
▁" We ▁are ▁generally ▁happy ▁to ▁welcome ▁new ▁businesses , ▁but ▁this ▁k ios k ▁does ▁not ▁fit ▁in ▁this ▁exposed ▁position ▁on ▁the ▁bank ▁of ▁the ▁Rhine , " ▁explained ▁Michael ▁Hub r ath ▁on ▁behalf ▁of ▁the ▁CD U ▁faction .
▁Jewish ▁film maker ▁s lam s ▁Berlin ▁hotel ▁for ▁removing ▁Israel ▁dial ▁code ▁after ▁Arab ▁" re quest " ▁- ▁ RT ▁News
▁A ▁French ▁film maker ▁of ▁Jewish ▁origin ▁unleash ed ▁a ▁media ▁fur or ▁after ▁he ▁revealed ▁that ▁the ▁K emp in ski ▁Bristol ▁hotel ▁in ▁Berlin ▁does ▁not ▁list ▁Israel ' s ▁dial ▁code , ▁with ▁employee ▁ci ting ▁" re quest s " ▁from ▁Arabic ▁customers .
▁ Claude ▁L anz mann , ▁an ▁author ▁of ▁Holocaust ▁documentary ▁" S ho ah , " ▁vente d ▁his ▁frustration ▁at ▁the ▁K emp in ski ▁Bristol ▁Hotel ▁in ▁Berlin , ▁writing ▁an ▁open ▁letter ▁in ▁the ▁German ▁out let ▁F AZ .
▁During ▁his ▁recent ▁stay , ▁L anz mann ▁tried ▁to ▁find ▁Israel ▁in ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁dial ▁codes ▁provided ▁by ▁the ▁hotel .
▁The ▁country ▁however ▁was ▁not ▁mentioned ▁among ▁the ▁states ▁one ▁can ▁call ▁directly ▁from ▁the ▁room .
▁How ▁is ▁it ▁possible , ▁in ▁20 16 ▁in ▁Berlin , ▁the ▁capital ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁Germany , ▁that ▁Israel ▁was ▁eliminated ▁and ▁eradicate d ?
▁L anz mann ▁wrote .
▁Instead , ▁K emp in ski ▁Bristol ▁offers ▁an ▁opportunity ▁to ▁dial ▁Israel ▁via ▁an ▁own ▁call ▁center .
▁See king ▁explanation , ▁the ▁film maker ▁addressed ▁the ▁issue ▁at ▁the ▁hotel ' s ▁reception .
▁The ▁answer ▁he ▁got ▁there , ▁L anz mann ▁wrote ▁" sh ock ed ▁him . "
▁The ▁hotel ' s ▁cl er k ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁measure ▁was ▁" a ▁deliberate ▁decision ▁by ▁the ▁management ▁of ▁K emp in ski - Hotel s . "
▁The ▁reason ▁behind ▁the ▁move ▁triggered ▁even ▁more ▁outrage ▁by ▁the ▁film maker .
▁" The ▁majority ▁of ▁our ▁guests ▁are ▁Arab s ▁and ▁they ▁demanded ▁Israel ' s ▁code ▁to ▁be ▁deleted , " ▁the ▁employee ▁was ▁quoted ▁as ▁saying ▁by ▁L anz mann .
▁Israeli ▁ambassador ▁to ▁Germany ▁Ya kov ▁Had as - Hand els man ▁called ▁the ▁case ▁a ▁" gre at ▁shame , " ▁Sud deutsche ▁Zeitung ▁reports .
▁We ▁were ▁app all ed ▁and ▁shock ed ▁by ▁the ▁incident .
▁It ▁is ▁in ▁itself ▁a ▁great ▁shame .
▁The ▁fact ▁that ▁it ▁has ▁occurred ▁in ▁Germany ▁and ▁at ▁that ▁very ▁hotel ▁chain , ▁is ▁an ▁even ▁greater ▁dis gra ce .
▁That ▁needs ▁no ▁explanation .
▁We ▁expect ▁that ▁the ▁hotel ▁draw s ▁the ▁right ▁conclusions , " ▁the ▁official ▁said .
▁The ▁incident ▁triggered ▁quite ▁a ▁response ▁online , ▁with ▁people ▁calling ▁it ▁a ▁scandal .
▁Some ▁alleged ▁that ▁the ▁K emp in ski ▁hotel ▁simply ▁" ca ved ▁in " ▁to ▁the ▁alleged ▁demands ▁of ▁Arabic ▁customers .
▁" Sha me ▁on ▁you , " ▁another ▁post ▁stated , ▁pointing ▁out ▁that ▁the ▁hotel , ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁noble ▁Kur fur sten damm ▁street ▁stands ▁near ▁a ▁syn ag ogue .
▁The ▁hotel ▁itself ▁was ▁quick ▁to ▁brush ▁off ▁any ▁accusation s , ▁calling ▁what ▁happened ▁an ▁" over s ight " ▁and ▁" a po log izing " ▁to ▁L anz mann , ▁Der ▁Spiegel ▁reports .
▁" There ▁was ▁never ▁a ▁direct ▁order " ▁not ▁to ▁include ▁Israel ▁in ▁the ▁fast ▁dial ▁list , " ▁Sud deutsche ▁Zeitung ▁quoted ▁a ▁K emp in ski ▁representative ▁as ▁saying .
▁It ▁adds ▁that ▁the ▁code ▁was ▁now ▁added .
▁Police ▁use ▁tear ▁gas ▁& ▁rubber ▁bullet s ▁against ▁protest ing ▁Brazilian ▁students
▁Student s ▁clash ed ▁with ▁police ▁in ▁the ▁Brazilian ▁city ▁of ▁Sa o ▁Paulo ▁on ▁Thursday ▁as ▁they ▁gathered ▁to ▁demonstrate ▁against ▁government ▁reforms ▁to ▁the ▁public ▁education ▁system .
▁Police ▁used ▁tear ▁gas ▁and ▁rubber ▁bullet s ▁against ▁the ▁protest ers .
▁The ▁trouble ▁started ▁when ▁law ▁enforcement ▁officers ▁tried ▁to ▁dis pers e ▁the ▁students , ▁which ▁led ▁to ▁the ▁police ▁using ▁rubber ▁bullet s ▁and ▁tear ▁gas .
▁S everal ▁hundred ▁students ▁took ▁part ▁in ▁the ▁demonstration ▁to ▁express ▁their ▁dis may ▁at ▁the ▁plans .
▁Under ▁proposals ▁from ▁the ▁governor ▁of ▁the ▁state ▁of ▁Sa o ▁Paulo ▁Ger al do ▁Al ck min , ▁just ▁under ▁100 ▁public ▁schools ▁will ▁be ▁closed , ▁while ▁3 00,000 ▁students ▁will ▁be ▁relocate d ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁save ▁money .
▁Some ▁of ▁those ▁taking ▁part ▁in ▁the ▁protest ▁could ▁be ▁seen ▁writing ▁gra ff iti ▁on ▁the ▁walls ▁against ▁the ▁interim ▁President ▁Michel ▁Te m er .
▁This ▁latest ▁protest ▁comes ▁just ▁days ▁after ▁protest ers ▁took ▁to ▁the ▁streets ▁ en ▁mass e ▁to ▁support ▁suspended ▁President ▁Di lma ▁Rou s s eff ▁as ▁the ▁country ' s ▁s en ate ▁voted ▁for ▁her ▁im pe ach ment .
▁Trade ▁between ▁Russia ▁& ▁Iran ▁sur ges ▁7 1% ▁- ▁ RT ▁Business
▁With ▁the ▁lifting ▁of ▁sanctions , ▁trade ▁turnover ▁between ▁Moscow ▁and ▁Te hra n ▁has ▁grown ▁70 . 9 ▁percent ▁in ▁year - on - year ▁terms , ▁according ▁to ▁Russia ' s ▁ambassador ▁to ▁Iran , ▁Le van ▁D z hag ary an .
▁Since ▁international ▁sanctions ▁against ▁Iran ▁were ▁lifted , ▁there ▁has ▁been ▁a ▁sur ge ▁in ▁interest ▁from ▁Russian ▁firms ▁in ▁doing ▁business ▁in ▁the ▁country , ▁the ▁ambassador ▁said .
▁Russian ▁companies ▁are ▁re sum ing ▁existing ▁ties ▁with ▁Iran , ▁while ▁new ▁firms ▁are ▁ready ▁to ▁get ▁access ▁to ▁the ▁market .
▁Of ▁course , ▁the ▁further ▁expansion ▁of ▁trade ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁main ▁priorities ▁of ▁the ▁bilateral ▁cooperation ▁with ▁Iran , " ▁D z hag ary an ▁said .
▁He ▁noted ▁that ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁five ▁months ▁of ▁20 16 ▁the ▁trade ▁turnover ▁between ▁Russia ▁and ▁Iran ▁increased ▁by ▁70 . 9 ▁percent ▁compared ▁to ▁the ▁same ▁period ▁of ▁2015 ▁and ▁amount ed ▁to ▁$ 85 6 ▁million .
▁In ▁particular , ▁Russian ▁exports ▁to ▁Iran ▁jump ed ▁by ▁9 1.5 ▁percent ▁and ▁amount ed ▁to ▁$ 6 97 ▁million .
▁Russian ▁imports ▁from ▁Iran ▁increased ▁by ▁16 ▁percent ▁to ▁$1 58 ▁million .
▁The ▁boost ▁in ▁trade ▁was ▁achieved ▁by ▁supplies ▁of ▁machinery , ▁ground ▁vehicles ▁and ▁weapons , " ▁the ▁ambassador ▁said .
▁D z hag ary an ▁is ▁also ▁expecting ▁a ▁record ▁number ▁of ▁Iranian ▁tourists ▁to ▁visit ▁Russia ▁this ▁year .
▁Last ▁year , ▁the ▁Russian ▁diplomatic ▁mission ▁in ▁Iran ▁issued ▁about ▁3 5,000 ▁visas , ▁mostly ▁travel , ▁to ▁Iranian ▁citizens .
▁In ▁addition , ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁Iran ▁entered ▁the ▁top ▁20 ▁countries ▁by ▁number ▁of ▁tourists ▁visiting ▁Russia .
▁It ' s ▁safe ▁to ▁say ▁that ▁last ▁year ' s ▁record ▁number ▁of ▁Iranian ▁tourists ▁visiting ▁Russia ▁will ▁be ▁broken , " ▁he ▁said .
▁At ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁relatively ▁few ▁Russian s ▁are ▁visiting ▁Iran , ▁something ▁the ▁ambassador ▁hopes ▁will ▁change .
▁" I ▁can ▁personally ▁recommend ▁to ▁visit ▁the ▁cities ▁of ▁I s fa han , ▁Shi r az ▁and ▁Ya z d ▁that ▁have ▁preserved ▁monuments ▁of ▁ancient ▁Persian ▁civilization ▁in ▁good ▁condition , " ▁he ▁said .
▁Wi t ness es ▁wanted : ▁drinks ▁cash - and - car ry ▁in ▁Waldb r öl ▁raid ed
▁A ▁rob ber y ▁took ▁place ▁on ▁Thursday ▁evening ▁in ▁the ▁drinks ▁cash - and - car ry ▁of ▁Re we ▁ XX L ▁on ▁Wal br öl ' s ▁Ger ber straße .
▁Three ▁people ▁dress ed ▁in ▁dark ▁clothing ▁and ▁with ▁their ▁faces ▁covered ▁brand ished ▁a ▁gun ▁and ▁demanded ▁that ▁staff ▁at ▁the ▁cash - and - car ry ▁hand ▁over ▁cash . ▁They ▁made ▁a ▁run ▁for ▁it ▁on ▁foot , ▁and ▁the n ▁probably ▁got ▁into ▁a ▁silver ▁VW ▁Golf .
▁The ▁police ▁did ▁not ▁report ▁how ▁much ▁money ▁had ▁been ▁stolen .
▁Between ▁1.6 ▁and ▁1. 7 ▁m ▁tall , ▁the ▁perpetrators ▁were ▁relatively ▁short .
▁The ▁drinks ▁cash - and - car ry ▁can ▁be ▁accessed ▁directly ▁from ▁the ▁Re we ▁supermarket ' s ▁car ▁park , ▁and ▁is ▁trick y ▁to ▁observe .
▁After ▁the ▁rob ber y , ▁the ▁perpetrators ▁must ▁have ▁run ▁towards ▁Ger ber straße ▁along ▁Friedrich - E n gel bert - We g , ▁and ▁the n ▁fled , ▁possibly ▁towards ▁the ▁B ▁256 ▁( Schl ader n ▁ring ▁road ) ▁in ▁the ▁silver ▁car ▁from ▁the ▁Schott er park platz ▁opposite ▁the ▁entrance ▁to ▁the ▁multi - storey ▁car ▁park .
▁Anyone ▁who ▁saw ▁anything ▁around ▁the ▁time ▁of ▁the ▁crime ▁( around ▁7. 45 ▁p . m . ) ▁that ▁is ▁connected ▁with ▁the ▁rob ber y ▁should ▁contact ▁the ▁police ▁immediately .
▁Na gold : ▁Fun ▁and ▁games ▁at ▁the ▁summer ▁fe te
▁Children ▁and ▁young ▁people ▁from ▁the ▁youth ▁work ▁day ▁group / social ▁group ▁work ▁project ▁from ▁the ▁child ▁protection ▁league ▁of ▁Na gold ▁spent ▁eight ▁glorious ly ▁happy ▁days ▁with ▁their ▁social ▁workers ▁during ▁the ▁summer ▁camp ▁in ▁Nu s s dorf , ▁near ▁Mühl ack er .
▁The ▁lively ▁group ▁spent ▁the ▁first ▁week ▁of ▁the ▁school ▁holidays ▁in ▁the ▁peaceful ly - loc ated ▁Hart wäl d le ▁holiday ▁camp .
▁There ▁were ▁several ▁day ▁trips ▁on ▁the ▁agenda .
▁One ▁trip ▁saw ▁the ▁group ▁head ▁to ▁Brett en ▁to ▁visit ▁the ▁pet ting ▁ zoo .
▁Another ▁saw ▁them ▁visit ▁Maul bro n n , ▁where ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁special ▁children ' s ▁tour ▁around ▁the ▁world - famous ▁ clo ist ers .
▁The ▁third ▁trip ▁took ▁the ▁group ▁to ▁P for z heim .
▁The ▁group ▁learn t ▁lots ▁about ▁how ▁the ▁Cel t s ▁lived ▁and ▁what ▁they ▁at e ▁in ▁the ▁Cel tic ▁Museum ▁in ▁Hoch dorf .
▁On ▁warm ▁dates , ▁the ▁group ▁cool ed ▁off ▁at ▁the ▁Tief en see ▁lake ▁in ▁Maul bro n n : ▁perfect ▁for ▁jump ing ▁into , ▁swimming ▁around ▁in , ▁and ▁pad d ling .
▁Children ▁and ▁car ers ▁cooked ▁their ▁own ▁favourite ▁meals , ▁such ▁as ▁mini ▁German ▁spät z le ▁dump lings ▁in ▁a ▁so ur ▁sauce , ▁traditional ▁See bro n ner ▁Pf än n le ▁and ▁I sel s haus er ▁Bl off , ▁English ▁breakfast , ▁and ▁T üb ing en - style ▁bo log nese .
▁During ▁workshops , ▁children ▁could ▁practise ▁b aktik , ▁make ▁beautiful ▁jewel ler y ▁with ▁pearl s ▁and ▁stones , ▁or ▁create ▁a ▁Roman ▁wind mill ▁game ▁from ▁wood .
▁Other ▁highlights ▁of ▁the ▁summer ▁camp ▁included ▁fishing ▁in ▁a ▁nearby ▁pond , ▁spending ▁the ▁evening s ▁around ▁a ▁camp fire , ▁and ▁the ▁concluding ▁" G ala ▁Night ".
▁When ▁it ▁came ▁to ▁go ▁home , ▁the ▁sun ▁was ▁s hin ing , ▁and ▁the ▁children ▁and ▁young ▁people ▁headed ▁home ▁happy .
▁Ha iger loch : ▁Pilg r im s ▁at ▁the ▁gate s ▁of ▁mercy
▁The ▁mini str ants ▁from ▁the ▁cha pla in cy ▁of ▁E y acht al - Ha iger loch ▁St . ▁Anna ▁went ▁on ▁a ▁four - day ▁ pil gr image ▁from ▁Vil ling en ▁to ▁Freiburg .
▁They ▁covered ▁four ▁stages ▁together .
▁The ▁committee ▁of ▁upper ▁mini str ants ▁for ▁St . ▁Anna ▁had ▁decided ▁to ▁prepare ▁for ▁and ▁go ▁on ▁a ▁ pil gr image ▁lasting ▁several ▁days ▁to ▁bridge ▁the ▁gap ▁to ▁the ▁next ▁ pil gr image ▁to ▁Rome ▁for ▁all ▁mini str ants , ▁likely ▁to ▁take ▁place ▁in ▁two ▁years ' ▁time .
▁Various ▁ pil gr image ▁sites ▁were ▁discussed , ▁and ▁a ▁decision ▁was ▁finally ▁made ▁to ▁go ▁to ▁the ▁bis hop ' s ▁city ▁of ▁Freiburg , ▁where , ▁to ▁mark ▁the ▁holy ▁year ▁of ▁mercy , ▁this ▁year ▁the ▁gate s ▁of ▁mercy ▁opened ▁for ▁this ▁at ▁Freiburg ▁cathedral ▁are ▁a ▁particular ▁ pil gr image ▁site .
▁16 ▁children ▁from ▁Bitte lb ron n , ▁Gru ol , ▁Ha iger loch ▁and ▁Heiligen zimmer n ▁set ▁off .
▁On ▁the ▁previous ▁evening , ▁Father ▁Stor ost ▁set ▁the ▁ pil gri m s ▁off ▁with ▁a ▁small ▁celebration ▁in ▁St . ▁Anna , ▁blessed ▁the ▁ pil gri m s ' ▁cross ▁and ▁the ▁ pil gri m s .
▁They ▁took ▁the ▁train ▁from ▁Hor b ▁to ▁the ▁starting ▁point ▁of ▁Vil ling en , ▁where ▁the ▁Cathedral ▁of ▁Our ▁Lady ▁is ▁found . ▁They ▁started ▁their ▁ pil gr image ▁from ▁the ▁cathedral .
▁The ▁individual ▁day ▁trips ▁were ▁frame d ▁by ▁brief ▁moments ▁every ▁morning ▁and ▁evening ▁with ▁various ▁prayer s , ▁songs ▁and ▁written ▁texts .
▁Even ▁when ▁they ▁were ▁out ▁and ▁about , ▁the ▁children ▁took ▁breaks ▁at ▁way side ▁cross es , ▁chapel s ▁or ▁churches ▁to ▁sing ▁a ▁song ▁from ▁the ▁ pil gri m s ' ▁song book ▁they ▁had ▁put ▁together ▁themselves .
▁The ▁rec tory ▁of ▁each ▁parish ▁they ▁reached ▁was ▁available ▁for ▁them ▁to ▁stay ▁in ▁overnight .
▁At ▁each ▁stage , ▁Alexandr a ▁Bur k hard t ▁and ▁He idi ▁Fall er ▁were ▁responsible ▁for ▁creating ▁a ▁delicious , ▁no ur ishing ▁dinner ▁and ▁breakfast .
▁The ▁second ▁day ▁saw ▁them ▁head ▁towards ▁Güte n bach , ▁via ▁Fur t wan gen .
▁The ▁next ▁day , ▁they ▁set ▁off ▁on ▁the ▁section ▁towards ▁St . ▁Peter , ▁the ▁most ▁demanding ▁section , ▁seeing ▁them ▁climb ▁around ▁500 ▁metres ▁in ▁altitude ▁in ▁s welt er ing ▁heat , ▁and ▁the n ▁descend ▁again .
▁They ▁earned ▁the ▁reward ▁of ▁barbecue ing ▁together ▁by ▁the ▁swimming ▁pond .
▁After ▁the ▁morning ▁session ▁on ▁the ▁fourth ▁day ▁of ▁the ▁ pil gr image ▁in ▁the ▁impressive ▁ clo ist ers ▁of ▁St . ▁Peter , ▁they ▁started ▁off ▁on ▁the ▁final ▁stage ▁to ▁Freiburg .
▁The ▁children ▁gathered ▁together ▁in ▁Freiburg ▁Cathedral ▁late ▁in ▁the ▁afternoon , ▁vis ib ly ▁relieve d ▁and ▁happy , ▁and ▁passed ▁through ▁the ▁gate s ▁of ▁mercy .
▁A ▁brief ▁moment ▁was ▁taken ▁to ▁thank ▁God .
▁The ▁evening ▁mass ▁in ▁the ▁cathedral ▁saw ▁the ▁children ▁who ▁had ▁arrived ▁at ▁the ▁ pil gr image ▁site ▁welcomed ▁by ▁Cha pla in ▁Markus ▁Ober t .
▁After ▁the ▁service , ▁the ▁ pil gri m s ▁were ▁able ▁to ▁visit ▁the ▁sa cri s try ▁and ▁the ▁high ▁altar .
▁The ▁next ▁day , ▁there ▁was ▁time ▁to ▁look ▁around ▁the ▁city , ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁region ▁of ▁Bre is gau .
▁In ▁the ▁afternoon ▁they ▁took ▁the ▁train ▁back ▁to ▁Hor b .
▁At ▁the ▁end , ▁all ▁the ▁participants ▁agreed ▁that ▁the ▁trip ▁was ▁characterised ▁by ▁spiritual ity ▁and ▁a ▁strong ▁sense ▁of ▁ca mara der ie .
▁Sc ot ▁Call um ▁Sk inner ▁storm s ▁home ▁as ▁Brit s ▁grab ▁cycling ▁gold
▁Scotland ' s ▁Call um ▁Sk inner ▁race d ▁to ▁glory ▁in ▁the ▁men ' s ▁team ▁s print ▁at ▁the ▁Rio ▁ve lo dro me ▁last ▁night ▁as ▁the ▁Team ▁GB ▁tri o ▁defended ▁the ▁title ▁from ▁London ▁2012 .
▁The ▁Glas weg ian ▁23 - year - old ▁was ▁in ▁the ▁anchor ▁role ▁that ▁his ▁fellow ▁Sc ot s man ▁Sir ▁Chris ▁Ho y ▁made ▁his ▁own ▁and ▁the ▁young ster ▁did ▁the ▁legend ▁proud ▁as ▁he ▁storm ed ▁home ▁to ▁s n at ch ▁victory ▁from ▁the ▁favour ed ▁New ▁Zealand ▁outfit .
▁Britain ▁claimed ▁a ▁shock ▁victory ▁four ▁years ▁ago ▁to ▁win ▁as ▁Ho y ▁claimed ▁the ▁fifth ▁of ▁his ▁six ▁Olympic ▁gold s .
▁And ▁they ▁repeated ▁the ▁trick ▁after ▁finishing ▁a ▁low ly ▁sixth ▁at ▁March ' s ▁Track ▁World ▁Championship s ▁in ▁London , ▁despite ▁Ho y ▁having ▁since ▁retired .
▁The ▁issue ▁between ▁Beijing ▁and ▁London ▁was ▁replacing ▁specialist ▁start er ▁Ja mie ▁Staff .
▁They ▁did ▁so ▁just ▁in ▁time ▁as ▁Hin des ▁emerged .
▁Ho y ' s ▁retirement ▁also ▁created ▁a ▁void ▁which ▁K ian ▁Em adi ▁and ▁Matt ▁Cra mp ton ▁tried ▁to ▁fill .
▁Sk inner ▁was ▁the ▁man ▁Britain ' s ▁coach es ▁stuck ▁with , ▁seeing ▁potential ▁in ▁the ▁Sc ot ▁which ▁has ▁now ▁been ▁realised .
▁Hin des , ▁Kenn y ▁- ▁champion s ▁with ▁Ho y ▁four ▁years ▁ago ▁- ▁and ▁Sk inner ▁set ▁an ▁Olympic ▁record ▁in ▁qualify ing , ▁but ▁the ▁standard ▁was ▁over take n ▁by ▁New ▁Zealand ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁round .
▁And ▁the ▁British ▁tri o ▁won ▁the ▁du el ▁for ▁gold .
▁Hin des ▁was ▁narrow ly ▁behind ▁after ▁his ▁ lap , ▁but ▁Kenn y ▁pushed ▁the ▁team ▁in ▁front ▁and ▁Sk inner ▁held ▁on .
▁A ▁change ▁of ▁strategy ▁was ▁a ▁big ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁transformation , ▁with ▁Hin des ▁riding ▁a ▁bigger ▁gear ▁to ▁slow ▁him ▁down ▁and ▁allow ▁Kenn y ▁and , ▁in ▁particular , ▁Sk inner ▁to ▁keep ▁pace .
▁Ho y ▁watch ed ▁on ▁from ▁his ▁position ▁as ▁a ▁BBC ▁p und it ▁and ▁caught ▁the ▁eye ▁of ▁Sk inner , ▁Kenn y ▁and ▁Hin des ▁when ▁they ▁ stepped ▁on ▁to ▁the ▁pod ium .
▁The ▁23 - year - old ▁Sk inner , ▁from ▁Glasgow , ▁said : ▁" It ' s ▁a ▁flat ter ing ▁comparison . "
▁I ' m ▁just ▁out ▁there ▁to ▁do ▁my ▁best ▁and ▁make ▁a ▁name ▁for ▁myself .
▁We ▁set ▁an ▁Olympic ▁record ▁in ▁the ▁final ▁and ▁beat ▁the ▁world ▁champion s .
▁It ▁was ▁just ▁incredible .
▁There ' s ▁no ▁better ▁way ▁to ▁win ▁it .
▁After ▁triumph ing ▁at ▁London ▁2012 ▁alongside ▁Kenn y ▁and ▁Ho y , ▁Hin des ▁admitted ▁to ▁deliberately ▁falling ▁to ▁the ▁track ▁following ▁a ▁poor ▁start .
▁He ▁later ▁re tract ed ▁the ▁comment ▁and ▁there ▁was ▁no ▁method ▁of ▁appeal ▁from ▁Britain ' s ▁rival s .
▁There ▁was ▁no ▁such ▁issue ▁this ▁time ▁around ▁in ▁a ▁supreme ▁victory .
▁Hin des ▁said : ▁" It ▁felt ▁like ▁London , ▁with ▁all ▁the ▁GB ▁flag s ▁in ▁the ▁stand . "
▁We ▁all ▁as ▁a ▁team ▁came ▁together ▁in ▁the ▁last ▁three ▁months .
▁We ' ve ▁been ▁losing ▁out ▁on ▁so ▁many ▁world ▁title s , ▁so ▁to ▁win ▁the ▁Olympic s ▁again ▁is ▁just ▁amazing .
▁That ▁is ▁one ▁event , ▁one ▁gold ▁medal ▁for ▁the ▁nation ▁which ▁won ▁seven ▁out ▁of ▁10 ▁track ▁title s ▁in ▁both ▁Beijing ▁and ▁London .
▁If ▁that ▁is ▁a ▁bar ometer ▁of ▁the ▁progress ▁made ▁in ▁the ▁last ▁five ▁months , ▁the n ▁a ▁successful ▁five ▁days ▁in ▁the ▁ve lo dro me ▁await s .
▁With ▁the ▁form ▁Kenn y ▁demonstrated , ▁it ▁is ▁not ▁beyond ▁the ▁realm s ▁of ▁possibility ▁to ▁imagine ▁him ▁repeat ing ▁Ho y ' s ▁fe at ▁of ▁winning ▁three ▁Olympic ▁gold s ▁in ▁one ▁Games .
▁That ▁would ▁see ▁Kenn y ▁- ▁who ▁is ▁exactly ▁12 ▁years ▁younger ▁than ▁Ho y , ▁who ▁is ▁also ▁born ▁on ▁23 ▁March ▁( that ▁seemingly ▁sacred ▁date ▁in ▁British ▁sport ▁which ▁is ▁also ▁the ▁birthday ▁of ▁Steve ▁Red grav e , ▁Mo ▁Far ah ▁and ▁Roger ▁B anni ster ) ▁- ▁take ▁his ▁tall y ▁to ▁six ▁gold ▁medal s ▁and ▁one ▁silver .
▁That ▁would ▁be ▁the ▁same ▁as ▁Ho y ' s .
▁Kenn y ▁next ▁compete s ▁in ▁the ▁s print , ▁which ▁begins ▁on ▁today ▁and ▁plays ▁out ▁over ▁three ▁days .
▁The ▁28 - year - old ▁from ▁Bol ton ▁said : ▁" I ' m ▁just ▁enjoying ▁this ▁one ▁for ▁now .
▁The ▁team ▁event ▁is ▁always ▁the ▁best .
▁You ▁get ▁to ▁win ▁it ▁with ▁your ▁mat es .
▁It ' s ▁a ▁bit ▁ lone ly ▁winning ▁on ▁your ▁own ▁to ▁be ▁honest .
▁Hin des ▁said : ▁" If ▁he ▁win s ▁another ▁two ▁gold ▁medal s , ▁he ▁should ▁get ▁a ▁k night hood . "
▁It ▁was ▁the ▁day ' s ▁only ▁medal ▁event , ▁but ▁there ▁was ▁further ▁good ▁news ▁for ▁Britain .
▁Sir ▁Brad ley ▁Wi ggi n s , ▁Ed ▁Cla n cy , ▁Steve n ▁Bur ke ▁and ▁O wai n ▁D ou ll ▁qualified ▁fastest ▁in ▁the ▁four - man , ▁four - k ilo metre s ▁team ▁pursuit .
▁They ▁finished ▁in ▁3 : 51 . 94 3 .
▁The ▁world ▁record , ▁set ▁in ▁winning ▁gold ▁at ▁London ▁2012 , ▁is ▁3 : 51 . 6 59 .
▁The ▁first ▁round ▁and ▁final ▁(10 . 42 pm ) ▁take ▁place ▁on ▁today ' s ▁second ▁day ▁of ▁action , ▁where ▁Wi ggi n s ▁is ▁sure ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁focus .
▁He ▁had ▁a ▁dispute ▁with ▁com miss aire s ▁yesterday ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁qualification ▁ride , ▁when ▁officials ▁sum mon ed ▁him ▁to ▁measure ▁his ▁height .
▁In ▁the ▁corresponding ▁women ' s ▁event , ▁which ▁resume s ▁and ▁concludes ▁tomorrow , ▁Laura ▁T rott , ▁Joan na ▁Ro w s ell ▁S hand , ▁El in or ▁Bar ker ▁and ▁Kat ie ▁Arch i bald ▁of ▁Mil n ga vie ▁advanced ▁in ▁a ▁world ▁record ▁time , ▁clock ing ▁4 : 13 . 2 60 .
▁Team ▁GB ▁have ▁come ▁to ▁rely ▁on ▁its ▁might y ▁track ▁cycling ▁s qua d ▁to ▁take ▁ownership ▁of ▁the ▁middle ▁period ▁of ▁an ▁Olympic ▁Games ▁and ▁deliver ▁a ▁host ▁of ▁medal s .
▁After ▁truly ▁exceptional ▁showing s ▁of ▁ utter ▁domin ance ▁at ▁Beijing ▁and ▁London , ▁expectations ▁have ▁been ▁played ▁down ▁in ▁the ▁lead - up ▁to ▁Rio .
▁There ▁have ▁been ▁drama s ▁in ▁the ▁background , ▁not ▁least ▁the ▁resignation ▁of ▁technical ▁director ▁Sha n e ▁Su t ton ▁in ▁April ▁a mid ▁sex ism ▁and ▁bull y ing ▁allegations , ▁and ▁the ▁retirement s ▁of ▁giant ▁figures ▁like ▁Ho y ▁and ▁Victoria ▁P end le ton .
▁However , ▁on ▁the ▁evidence ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁night ' s ▁racing ▁in ▁the ▁ve lo dro me , ▁it ▁looks ▁like ▁GB ' s ▁now ▁legendary ▁reputation ▁for ▁peak ing ▁at ▁the ▁perfect ▁time ▁could ▁be ▁about ▁to ▁be ▁repeated ▁once ▁again .
▁Port land ▁s mel ter ' s ▁future ▁in ▁doubt ▁with ▁a x ing ▁of ▁power ▁contract
▁The ▁future ▁of ▁the ▁Port land ▁aluminium ▁s mel ter ▁in ▁Victoria ▁- ▁and ▁the ▁jobs ▁of ▁hundreds ▁of ▁workers ▁- ▁is ▁in ▁doubt ▁with ▁the ▁power ▁company ▁which ▁supplies ▁the ▁plant ▁disc los ing ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁plant ' s ▁owners ▁is ▁to ▁terminate ▁a ▁supply ▁contract , ▁with ▁all ▁supply ▁contracts ▁expected ▁to ▁be ▁a x ed .
▁The ▁move ▁follows ▁the ▁decision ▁of ▁the ▁Victoria ▁government ▁earlier ▁this ▁year ▁to ▁not ▁extend ▁subsidies ▁provided ▁to ▁keep ▁the ▁plant ▁in ▁operation .
▁A ▁20 - year ▁fixed ▁subsidy ▁expire s ▁in ▁November .
▁Up ▁to ▁2000 ▁jobs ▁may ▁be ▁at ▁risk ▁at ▁Al co a ' s ▁Port land ▁plant .
▁As ▁many ▁as ▁2000 ▁jobs ▁- ▁direct ▁and ▁indirect ▁- ▁could ▁be ▁at ▁risk ▁with ▁any ▁closure .
▁And ▁there ▁could ▁be ▁additional ▁knock - on ▁effects ▁since ▁the ▁s mel ter ▁consume s ▁around ▁10 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁Victoria ' s ▁entire ▁electricity ▁output .
▁In ▁2014 , ▁Al co a ▁closed ▁the ▁Point ▁Henry ▁s mel ter ▁which ▁led ▁to ▁the ▁closure ▁last ▁year ▁of ▁the ▁An gle se a ▁power ▁plant .
▁Al co a ' s ▁Port land ▁s mel ter ▁is ▁losing ▁money ▁and ▁risks ▁closure .
▁The ▁moves ▁follows ▁speculation ▁about ▁the ▁future ▁of ▁the ▁plant ▁for ▁several ▁years ▁now , ▁initially ▁in ▁the ▁wake ▁of ▁the ▁strong ▁Australian ▁dollar ▁and ▁more ▁recently ▁due ▁to ▁the ▁price ▁for ▁the ▁output ▁from ▁the ▁plant .
▁AG L , ▁which ▁supplies ▁the ▁big ▁aluminium ▁s mel ter ▁with ▁electricity ▁from ▁its ▁Lo y ▁Yang ▁A ▁power ▁plant ▁in ▁the ▁La tro be ▁Valley , ▁said ▁it ▁expect s ▁the ▁other ▁three ▁owners ▁will ▁also ▁move ▁to ▁terminate ▁their ▁agreements .
▁The ▁plant ▁is ▁majority ▁owned ▁by ▁a ▁joint ▁venture ▁of ▁Al co a ▁and ▁Al um ina , ▁with ▁China ' s ▁C IT IC ▁and ▁Japan ' s ▁Mar ub en i ▁Corp ▁holding ▁smaller ▁shares .
▁" AG L ▁expect s ▁the ▁Port land ▁facility ▁to ▁continue ▁to ▁operate , ▁meaning ▁physical ▁demand ▁for ▁electricity ▁from ▁the ▁s mel ter ▁will ▁continue , " ▁it ▁said .
▁AG L ▁said ▁the ▁contracts ▁are ▁so - called ▁' hed ging ▁contracts ' ▁which ▁were ▁due ▁to ▁take ▁effect ▁from ▁November ▁20 16 .
▁The ▁contracts ▁have ▁a ▁12 - month ▁termination ▁period ▁so ▁they ▁will ▁actually ▁finish ▁in ▁20 17 .
▁" A s ▁such , ▁AG L ▁continues ▁to ▁expect ▁the ▁contracts ▁to ▁contribute ▁to ▁earnings ▁in ▁fiscal ▁year ▁17 , " ▁the ▁power ▁company ▁said .
▁Any ▁potential ▁earnings ▁impact ▁on ▁AG L ▁from ▁F Y 18 ▁onwards ▁is ▁currently ▁limited ▁by ▁the ▁strong ▁future s ▁market ▁outlook ▁for ▁wholesale ▁electricity ▁prices .
▁AG L ▁said ▁it ▁had ▁already ▁written ▁down ▁the ▁value ▁of ▁the ▁contracts ▁in ▁its ▁accounts ▁by ▁$1 87 ▁million ▁in ▁" anti cip ation ▁of ▁a ▁termination ▁event . "
▁Al co a ▁said ▁the ▁decision ▁to ▁close ▁out ▁the ▁contracts ▁" do es ▁not ▁affect ▁Al co a ' s ▁... ▁ability ▁to ▁operate ▁the ▁s mel ter ▁or ▁secure ▁electricity ▁supply ▁to ▁the ▁s mel ter . "
▁The ▁US ▁company ▁said ▁it ▁entered ▁into ▁a ▁20 - year ▁contract ▁with ▁Lo y ▁Yang ▁in ▁2010 ▁ , ▁which ▁was ▁due ▁to ▁commence ▁from ▁November ▁this ▁year , ▁although ▁it ▁has ▁yet ▁to ▁explain ▁why ▁it ▁has ▁pull ed ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁contract .
▁Analyst s ▁have ▁been ▁war y ▁of ▁the ▁possible ▁closure ▁of ▁both ▁of ▁the ▁Port land ▁s mel ter ▁in ▁Victoria ▁and ▁also ▁the ▁To ma go ▁plant ▁near ▁New cast le ▁due ▁to ▁the ▁poor ▁economic s ▁of ▁the ▁industry .
▁Address ing ▁analysts ▁earlier ▁in ▁the ▁week , ▁AG L ' s ▁head ▁of ▁operations , ▁Stephen ▁M ik kel s en ▁said ▁Port land ▁uses ▁around ▁600 ▁mega watt s ▁of ▁power ▁annually ▁and ▁To ma go ▁around ▁900 ▁mega watt s .
▁If ▁both ▁of ▁those ▁plants ▁go ▁from ▁the ▁market ▁that ' s ▁a ▁significant ▁reduction ▁in ▁demand ▁in ▁the ▁[ electric ity ] ▁market .
▁And ▁as ▁a ▁generator ▁that ▁would n ' t ▁be ▁good ▁for ▁us , " ▁he ▁said .
▁Not ▁just ▁a ▁Kar d ashi an ▁reality ▁TV ▁star , ▁K end all ' s ▁on ▁the ▁cover ▁of ▁September ' s ▁V ogue
▁K end all ▁J en ner , ▁20 , ▁model ▁and ▁fourth ▁daughter ▁of ▁mother - manager ▁Kri s ' s ▁Kar d ashi an - J en ner ▁cla n , ▁is ▁on ▁the ▁cover ▁of ▁US ▁V ogue ' s ▁co vet ed ▁September ▁issue .
▁K end all , ▁who ▁is ▁an ▁Es te e ▁Lau der ▁brand ▁ambassador ▁and ▁has ▁walk ed ▁in ▁Milan , ▁Paris ▁and ▁New ▁York ▁fashion ▁weeks , ▁announced ▁the ▁news ▁on ▁her ▁In sta gram ▁account ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁" In ▁a ▁room ▁with ▁a ▁bu n ch ▁of ▁people ▁I ▁love , ▁looking ▁at ▁this ▁cover ▁made ▁me ▁cry , " ▁K end all ▁wrote .
▁The ▁cover ▁revelation ▁was ▁followed ▁by ▁a ▁bizarre ▁( or ▁simply ▁Keep ing ▁Up ▁with ▁the ▁Kar d ashi ans - es que ? ), ▁script ed ▁reality ▁video ▁that ▁featured ▁the ▁entire ▁Kar d ashi an - J en ner ▁family ▁( bar ▁trouble makers ▁Rob ▁and ▁Ca it ly n , ▁and ▁joined ▁by ▁everyone ' s ▁favourite ▁show bi z ▁un cle , ▁Keep ing ▁Up ▁producer ▁Ryan ▁Sea cre st ) ▁forgetting ▁about ▁their ▁sister ' s ▁cover , ▁only ▁to ▁end ▁with ▁the ▁classic ▁twist : ▁they ▁were ▁all ▁planning ▁a ▁surprise ▁party .
▁It ' s ▁the ▁c liche ▁plot ▁line ▁of ▁nearly ▁every ▁" bi r th day " ▁episode ▁of ▁a ▁children ' s ▁television ▁show ▁( Se ac rest ▁delivers ▁the ▁line , ▁" You ▁thought ▁we ▁for go t ▁about ▁you ? , " ▁with ▁the ▁since r ity ▁of ▁a ▁cartoon ▁ra b bit ▁in ▁an ▁8 am ▁times lot ), ▁but ▁Kri s ▁had ▁to ▁get ▁her ▁other ▁girls ▁in ▁on ▁this ▁publicity ▁somehow .
▁Because , ▁with ▁a ▁spot ▁on ▁V ogue ' s ▁September ▁issue , ▁we ▁have ▁surely ▁entered ▁a ▁new ▁era ▁of ▁Kar d ashi an .
▁K end all ' s ▁big ▁sister ▁Kim ▁may ▁have ▁beat en ▁her ▁to ▁the ▁cover ▁of ▁V ogue ▁( s he ▁shared ▁it ▁with ▁husband ▁Kan y e ▁West ▁in ▁April ▁2014 ), ▁but ▁the ▁magazine ' s ▁September ▁cover ▁is ▁a ▁league ▁unto ▁itself .
▁The ▁September ▁Issue ▁is ▁V ogue ' s ▁highest ▁selling ▁edition ▁of ▁the ▁year .
▁With ▁a ▁thickness ▁more ▁closely ▁re s em bling ▁a ▁coffee ▁table ▁book ▁than ▁a ▁fashion ▁magazine , ▁the ▁issue ▁attract s ▁a ▁huge ▁number ▁of ▁advertise r s ▁( F ash ion ista ▁counted ▁6 15 ▁of ▁last ▁year ' s ▁83 2- page ▁to me ▁as ▁advertising ▁content ).
▁The ▁revelation ▁of ▁its ▁cover ▁star ▁is ▁so ▁hot ly ▁anticipated ▁that , ▁in ▁the ▁past ▁two ▁years , ▁pictures ▁of ▁the ▁magazine ▁have ▁been ▁leak ed ▁before ▁the ▁official ▁announcement .
▁Previous ▁women ▁to ▁feature ▁on ▁the ▁cover ▁include ▁Na omi ▁Camp be ll , ▁Lind a ▁Evangeli sta ▁and ▁Kat e ▁Mos s .
▁In ▁recent ▁years , ▁the ▁cover ▁has ▁certainly ▁featured ▁more ▁" c elebr ities ▁who ▁model " ▁than ▁" model s ▁who ▁are ▁c elebr ities . "
▁Oscar ▁winner ▁and ▁Di or ▁ambassador ▁J en ni fer ▁Law r ence ▁was ▁featured ▁in ▁2013 , ▁the ▁year ▁after ▁Lady ▁G aga ▁had ▁the ▁honour .
▁But , ▁even ▁on ▁the ▁off - chance ▁that ▁M s ▁J en ner ▁- ▁who ▁is ▁described ▁by ▁the ▁magazine ▁as ▁the ▁" break out ▁model " ▁of ▁her ▁generation ▁- ▁falls ▁into ▁the ▁former ▁category , ▁she ▁is ▁in ▁pretty ▁good ▁company .
▁These ▁c elebr ities ▁are ▁not ▁relative s ▁of ▁famous ▁people , ▁or ▁reality ▁stars , ▁or ▁kids ▁these ▁days ▁who ▁know ▁how ▁to ▁make ▁a ▁good ▁S n ap chat ▁video ▁( al though ▁J en ner ▁is ▁all ▁of ▁these ▁things ).
▁They ▁are ▁legitimate ly ▁talented ▁women , ▁excel ling ▁in ▁the ▁entertainment ▁industry .
▁Be yo nce , ▁who ▁appeared ▁on ▁last ▁year ' s ▁cover , ▁has ▁had ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁strongest ▁years ▁of ▁her ▁career ▁with ▁the ▁release ▁of ▁Le mon ade .
▁Of ▁course , ▁not ▁everyone ▁is ▁pleased ▁about ▁J en ner ' s ▁success .
▁With ▁her ▁reality ▁television ▁history , ▁J en ner ' s ▁position ▁within ▁the ▁fashion ▁world ▁was ▁always ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁fr aught .
▁In ▁June , ▁original ▁Victoria ' s ▁Secret ▁model ▁Stephan ie ▁Se ym our ▁criticised ▁J en ner ▁and ▁her ▁colleague ▁G igi ▁Had id , ▁calling ▁them ▁the ▁" bit ches ▁of ▁the ▁moment . "
▁This ▁sentiment ▁has ▁boil ed ▁up ▁again ▁with ▁the ▁news ▁of ▁J en ner ' s ▁V ogue ▁cover ▁appearance .
▁But ▁dwell ing ▁on ▁the ▁dis content ▁seems ▁beside ▁the ▁point .
▁K end all ▁J en ner ▁is ▁on ▁the ▁cover ▁of ▁the ▁September ▁Issue ▁of ▁V ogue .
▁She ▁is ▁a ▁super model , ▁in ▁the ▁pure st ▁sense ▁of ▁the ▁word .
▁She ' s ▁walking ▁for ▁Marc ▁Jacob s .
▁She ' s ▁selling ▁you ▁Es te e ▁Lau der ▁foundation .
▁She , ▁and ▁all ▁of ▁her ▁sister s , ▁are ▁selling ▁you ▁pictures ▁of ▁themselves ▁on ▁their ▁respective ▁pay wall ed ▁app s .
▁She ' s ▁selling ▁pictures ▁of ▁C in dy ▁Cra w ford ' s ▁daughter ▁she ▁photograph ed ▁to ▁LO VE ▁magazine .
▁And , ▁in ▁her ▁down time , ▁possibly ▁just ▁as ▁a ▁way ▁still ▁to ▁see ▁sister ▁K our t ney ▁and ▁her ▁kids , ▁she ' s ▁on ▁reality ▁television .
▁Community ▁legal ▁centres ▁turn ▁away ▁160 , 000 ▁people ▁a ▁year
▁More ▁than ▁160 , 000 ▁of ▁the ▁nation ' s ▁most ▁vulnerable ▁are ▁turned ▁away ▁from ▁community ▁legal ▁centres ▁every ▁year , ▁with ▁the ▁sector ▁bra cing ▁itself ▁for ▁the ▁impact ▁further ▁funding ▁cuts ▁will ▁have ▁on ▁already - str etch ed ▁operations .
▁In ▁Queen s land , ▁three ▁out ▁of ▁five ▁people ▁- ▁mostly ▁the ▁elderly , ▁immigrants , ▁vulnerable ▁workers , ▁victims ▁of ▁violence ▁and ▁those ▁without ▁resources ▁to ▁fight ▁unfair ▁e vi ction s ▁and ▁the ▁like ▁- ▁are ▁already ▁turned ▁away ▁while ▁seeking ▁free ▁legal ▁advice ▁and ▁representation .
▁Community ▁legal ▁services , ▁already ▁stretch ed ▁beyond ▁limits , ▁are ▁bra cing ▁for ▁further ▁cuts .
▁From ▁June ▁next ▁year , ▁those ▁legal ▁centres ▁are ▁s l ated ▁to ▁lose ▁another ▁30 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁their ▁federal ▁funding .
▁Director ▁of ▁Community ▁Legal ▁Centre s ▁Queen s land ▁James ▁Far r ell ▁said ▁the ▁latest ▁National ▁Association ▁of ▁Community ▁Legal ▁Centre s ▁C en s us ▁Report ▁found ▁thousands ▁of ▁people ▁were ▁already ▁being ▁turned ▁away ▁each ▁year .
▁Mr ▁Far r ell ▁said ▁without ▁a ▁re vers al ▁of ▁the ▁federal ▁government ▁decision , ▁the ▁situation ▁was ▁only ▁going ▁to ▁get ▁worse .
▁" Qu e en s land ' s ▁community ▁legal ▁centres ▁are ▁chronic ally ▁under fund ed , ▁meaning ▁thousands ▁of ▁people ▁are ▁turned ▁away ▁from ▁the ▁vital ▁services ▁they ▁need , " ▁he ▁said .
▁People ▁leaving ▁violent ▁relationships , ▁people ▁with ▁un manag e able ▁and ▁c ripp ling ▁debt s , ▁families ▁going ▁through ▁separation , ▁workers ▁who ▁are ▁unfair ly ▁s ack ed ▁- ▁all ▁of ▁these ▁people ▁have ▁problems ▁with ▁legal ▁dimensions , ▁and ▁this ▁report ▁shows ▁that ▁they ' re ▁not ▁able ▁to ▁get ▁the ▁help ▁they ▁need .
▁The ▁federal ▁government ▁will ▁cut ▁funding ▁by ▁30 ▁per ▁cent ▁from ▁June ▁20 17 , ▁which ▁means ▁thousands ▁more ▁vulnerable ▁Queen s lander s ▁will ▁be ▁forced ▁to ▁navigate ▁complex ▁legal ▁problems ▁without ▁help .
▁We ▁call ▁on ▁the ▁At tor ney - General , ▁and ▁Queen s land ▁Senator ▁George ▁Brand is ▁to ▁immediately ▁reverse ▁these ▁funding ▁cuts , ▁so ▁people ▁can ▁get ▁the ▁help ▁they ▁need ▁when ▁they ' re ▁faced ▁with ▁a ▁legal ▁problem .
▁Last ▁year , ▁the ▁state ▁government ▁delivered ▁on ▁its ▁commitment ▁to ▁bring ▁legal ▁aid ▁funding ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁national ▁average .
▁It ' s ▁now ▁time ▁to ▁look ▁at ▁the ▁needs ▁of ▁community ▁legal ▁centres ▁and ▁their ▁client ▁communities , ▁and ▁for ▁the ▁Pala s z cz uk ▁government ▁to ▁invest ▁in ▁this ▁important ▁work .
▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁campaign ▁su ed ▁after ▁staff er ▁allegedly ▁pull ed ▁a ▁gun
▁New ▁York : ▁Donald ▁Tru mp ' s ▁campaign ▁was ▁su ed ▁for ▁allegedly ▁doing ▁nothing ▁after ▁being ▁told ▁that ▁the ▁director ▁of ▁its ▁North ▁Carol ina ▁operations ▁pull ed ▁a ▁gun ▁on ▁a ▁staff er ▁as ▁they ▁drove ▁in ▁a ▁Je ep ▁in ▁February .
▁The ▁incident ▁was ▁described ▁in ▁a ▁laws uit ▁filed ▁on ▁Wednesday ▁in ▁state ▁court ▁in ▁Charlotte ▁by ▁Vincent ▁Bord ini , ▁a ▁former ▁software ▁train er ▁for ▁the ▁state ▁campaign .
▁Bord ini ▁said ▁he ▁wait ed ▁for ▁months ▁for ▁the ▁situation ▁to ▁be ▁handled ▁internally ▁before ▁real ising ▁" this ▁was ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁happen . "
▁The ▁director , ▁Earl ▁Phil lip , ▁" pro duc ed ▁a ▁p ist ol , ▁put ▁his ▁right ▁index ▁finger ▁on ▁the ▁trigger , ▁and ▁drove ▁the ▁barrel ▁into ▁Vincent ' s ▁knee ▁cap , " ▁Bord ini ▁said ▁in ▁the ▁complaint .
▁After ▁complain ing ▁to ▁local ▁and ▁regional ▁campaign ▁leadership , ▁Bord ini ▁learned ▁that ▁at ▁least ▁four ▁other ▁people ▁had ▁experience ▁the ▁same ▁thing ▁with ▁Phil lip , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁fi ling .
▁" Gu n s ▁don ' t ▁have ▁to ▁fire ▁to ▁inflict ▁damage , " ▁Bord ini ▁said ▁in ▁the ▁complaint .
▁The ▁suit ▁comes ▁just ▁two ▁days ▁after ▁the ▁Republican ▁presidential ▁no min e e ▁caused ▁a ▁fur ore ▁when ▁telling ▁a ▁crowd ▁in ▁North ▁Carol ina ▁that ▁the ▁" Se con d ▁Amendment ▁people " ▁- - ▁understood ▁to ▁be ▁gun ▁owners ▁and ▁gun ▁enthusiasts ▁- - ▁could ▁take ▁action ▁if ▁his ▁rival ▁Hill ary ▁Clinton ▁were ▁elected ▁and ▁gets ▁her ▁pick ▁of ▁judges .
▁Tru mp ' s ▁campaign ▁said ▁the ▁media ▁had ▁taken ▁his ▁words ▁out ▁of ▁context ▁and ▁that ▁he ▁was n ' t ▁advocating ▁violence .
▁Bord ini ' s ▁complaint ▁seeks ▁compensation ▁from ▁the ▁campaign ▁for ▁neg lig en t ▁supervision , ▁and ▁from ▁Phil lip ▁for ▁assault , ▁battery ▁and ▁inflict ion ▁of ▁emotional ▁distress .
▁Tru mp ▁spoke s wo man ▁Hope ▁Hi cks ▁didn ' t ▁immediately ▁return ▁a ▁message ▁seeking ▁comment .
▁At t empt s ▁to ▁reach ▁Phil lip ▁were ▁unsuccessful .
▁WC C B , ▁a ▁local ▁news ▁affiliate ▁in ▁Charlotte , ▁reported ▁Phil lip ▁recently ▁left ▁the ▁campaign .
▁A ▁call ▁left ▁at ▁his ▁consulting ▁firm , ▁Innovative ▁Consulting ▁Services , ▁was n ' t ▁immediately ▁returned .
▁Republican ▁presidential ▁candidate ▁Donald ▁Tru mp ▁has ▁run ▁a ▁controversial ▁campaign .
▁The ▁case ▁is ▁Bord ini ▁v . ▁Donald ▁J . ▁Tru mp ▁For ▁President ▁Inc . , ▁16 - CS - 14 300 , ▁General ▁Court ▁of ▁Justice , ▁Superior ▁Court ▁Division ▁County ▁of ▁M eck l enburg ▁( Char lot te ).
▁Berlin / Schw erin : ▁Poll ▁ahead ▁of ▁regional ▁elections : ▁S PD ▁and ▁CD U ▁lose ▁out
▁A head ▁of ▁the ▁elections ▁in ▁the ▁federal ▁states ▁of ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n ▁(4 ▁September ) ▁and ▁Berlin ▁(18 ▁September ), ▁considerable ▁losses ▁are ▁loom ing ▁for ▁the ▁governing ▁parties ▁of ▁the ▁S PD ▁and ▁the ▁CD U .
▁These ▁are ▁the ▁findings ▁of ▁a ▁representative ▁poll ▁carried ▁out ▁by ▁IN SA , ▁a ▁poll ing ▁institute , ▁on ▁behalf ▁of ▁" Bild " ▁newspaper .
▁While ▁the ▁red - black ▁ruling ▁coalition ▁in ▁the ▁north ▁might ▁just ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁continue ▁in ▁office , ▁this ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁possible ▁in ▁Berlin , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁poll .
▁However , ▁the ▁S PD ▁was ▁the ▁strongest ▁party ▁in ▁both ▁states , ▁with ▁good ▁chance s ▁of ▁putting ▁forward ▁the ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁government .
▁In ▁M eck l enburg - Vor po mmer n , ▁the ▁S PD ▁plum met ed ▁from ▁35 . 6 ▁percent ▁to ▁24 ▁percent ▁in ▁five ▁years .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁poll , ▁this ▁puts ▁the ▁party ▁only ▁slightly ▁above ▁the ▁CD U , ▁who ▁had ▁23 ▁percent .
▁The ▁Left ▁and ▁the ▁A f D ▁will ▁fight ▁over ▁third ▁place .
▁The ▁Left ▁had ▁19 ▁percent ▁( pre vi ously ▁18. 4 ▁percent ), ▁and , ▁with ▁19 ▁percent , ▁the ▁A f D ▁could ▁be ▁in ▁the ▁regional ▁parliament ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time .
▁Despite ▁small ▁losses ▁( from ▁8. 7 ▁percent ▁to ▁6 ▁percent ), ▁the ▁Greens ▁will ▁return ▁to ▁Schwer in ' s ▁regional ▁parliament .
▁The ▁N PD ▁and ▁the ▁F PD , ▁with ▁3 ▁percent ▁each , ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁represented ▁in ▁the ▁regional ▁parliament .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁poll , ▁the ▁S PD ▁would ▁only ▁receive ▁23 ▁percent ▁in ▁Berlin ' s ▁elections ▁to ▁the ▁House ▁of ▁Representative s ▁(20 11 ▁elections : ▁28. 3 ▁percent ).
▁The ▁CD U ▁would ▁only ▁take ▁18 ▁percent , ▁after ▁having ▁taken ▁23. 4 ▁percent .
▁This ▁would ▁put ▁them ▁behind ▁the ▁Greens ▁with ▁19 ▁percent ▁(20 11 : ▁17. 6 ▁percent ), ▁but ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁Left , ▁with ▁15 ▁percent ▁( pre vi ously ▁11. 7 ▁percent ).
▁The ▁A f D ▁would ▁be ▁represented ▁in ▁the ▁House ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time , ▁with ▁14 ▁percent .
▁With ▁5 ▁percent , ▁the ▁F PD ▁could ▁hope ▁to ▁return , ▁but ▁the ▁Pirate s , ▁by ▁contrast , ▁would ▁miss ▁out ▁- ▁unlike ▁in ▁2011 .
▁Nokia ▁9 000 ▁Commun ic ator : ▁The ▁first ▁smart phone
▁Email ▁and ▁the ▁Internet ▁in ▁slow ▁motion : ▁The ▁Nokia ▁Commun ic ator ▁was ▁brought ▁to ▁market ▁20 ▁years ▁ago .
▁Its ▁successor s ▁have ▁now ▁conquer ed ▁the ▁world ▁- ▁but ▁its ▁manufacturer ▁is ▁in ▁the ▁midst ▁of ▁a ▁disaster .
▁The ▁device ▁we igh ed ▁almost ▁half ▁a ▁kilo gram , ▁and ▁was ▁more ▁than ▁four ▁times ▁as ▁heavy ▁as ▁an ▁iPhone ▁5.
▁It ▁was ▁thick er ▁and ▁larger , ▁and ▁harder ▁to ▁hold .
▁Indeed , ▁it ▁was ▁quite ▁bulk y .
▁The ▁in - built ▁storage ▁originally ▁held ▁eight ▁mega byte s ▁- ▁enough ▁today ▁for ▁around ▁two ▁high - re solution ▁self ies .
▁Now , ▁an ▁iPhone ▁holds ▁at ▁least ▁16 ▁gi ga byte s .
▁The ▁" No k ia ▁9 000 ▁Commun ic ator " ▁was ▁released ▁for ▁sale ▁exactly ▁20 ▁years ▁ago , ▁on ▁15 ▁August ▁1996 ▁- ▁and ▁it ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁smart phone .
▁The ▁device ▁is ▁still ▁available ▁online ▁for ▁fans ▁to ▁buy ▁for ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁euros , ▁even ▁though ▁it ▁comes ▁from ▁the ▁stone ▁age ▁of ▁the ▁Internet .
▁However , ▁20 ▁years ▁ago , ▁the ▁Commun ic ator ▁spark ed ▁a ▁sensation .
▁The ▁Finnish ▁mobile ▁phone ▁manufacturer ▁had ▁presented ▁the ▁product ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁months ▁previously ▁at ▁the ▁Ce bit ▁computer ▁trade ▁fair ▁in ▁Han over , ▁bill ing ▁it ▁as ▁" the ▁office ▁you ▁can ▁fit ▁in ▁your ▁pocket ".
▁The ▁new ▁mobile ▁phone ▁could ▁really ▁do ▁a ▁lot ▁by ▁standards ▁back ▁the n : ▁it ▁could ▁send ▁and ▁receive ▁SMS ▁messages ▁and ▁email s , ▁and ▁could ▁even ▁be ▁contact ed ▁by ▁fax .
▁You ▁could ▁even ▁access ▁websites ▁via ▁a ▁HTML ▁browser , ▁even ▁though ▁it ▁was ▁painful ly ▁slow .
▁There ▁was ▁a ▁cal c ulator , ▁a ▁digital ▁address ▁book ▁and ▁an ▁electronic ▁calendar .
▁There ▁was ▁a ▁small ▁antenna , ▁and ▁the ▁phone ▁could ▁be ▁fold ed ▁open ▁like ▁a ▁laptop .
▁This ▁revealed ▁a ▁small ▁keyboard ▁and ▁a ▁black ▁and ▁white ▁screen .
▁The ▁price ▁was ▁fairly ▁high : ▁2 700 ▁deutsch mark s , ▁around ▁14 00 ▁euros .
▁In ▁2015 , ▁the ▁average ▁sale ▁price ▁of ▁a ▁smart phone ▁in ▁Germany ▁was ▁3 92 ▁euros .
▁In ▁August ▁1996 , ▁nobody ▁had ▁any ▁idea ▁that ▁the ▁Commun ic ator ▁her al ded ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁smart phone ▁era .
▁Today , ▁everything ▁has ▁changed .
▁Smartphone s ▁are ▁a ▁success ▁story ▁- ▁even ▁if ▁the ▁same ▁cannot ▁be ▁said ▁for ▁Nokia .
▁The ▁mobile ▁phone ▁branch ▁of ▁the ▁Finnish ▁company ▁experienced ▁an ▁unprecedented ▁disaster , ▁and ▁was ▁eventually ▁sold ▁to ▁Microsoft ▁and ▁wound ▁up .
▁Today ▁the ▁market ▁is ▁dominated ▁by ▁providers ▁who ▁came ▁to ▁the ▁game ▁much ▁later ▁than ▁Nokia .
▁For ▁many ▁people ▁today , ▁being ▁online ▁all ▁day , ▁no ▁matter ▁where ▁you ▁are , ▁is ▁simply ▁a ▁fact ▁of ▁life .
▁In ▁2015 , ▁there ▁were ▁around ▁two ▁billion ▁smart phone ▁users ▁around ▁the ▁world .
▁Around ▁1.4 ▁billion ▁devices ▁were ▁sold , ▁and ▁Samsung ▁and ▁Apple ▁alone ▁make ▁up ▁5 55 ▁million ▁of ▁them .
▁Global ▁sales ▁of ▁the ▁devices ▁amount ▁to ▁around ▁400 ▁billion ▁euros .
▁This ▁is ▁in ▁addition ▁to ▁the ▁flourish ing ▁businesses ▁of ▁in numer able ▁app ▁providers ▁and ▁te lecommunications ▁firms .
▁An ▁entire ▁industry ▁has ▁now ▁ sprung ▁up ▁around ▁smart phone s .
▁The ▁decisive ▁moment ▁when ▁the ▁mass ▁market ▁was ▁broken ▁into ▁was ▁only ▁at ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁2007, ▁when ▁the ▁Apple ▁CEO ▁at ▁the ▁time , ▁Steve ▁Jobs , ▁announced ▁the ▁introduction ▁of ▁the ▁iPhone ▁at ▁Mac ▁World .
▁He ▁promised ▁three ▁devices ▁in ▁one : ▁a ▁music ▁player , ▁a ▁telephone ▁and ▁an ▁internet ▁commun ic ator ▁- ▁and ▁everything ▁could ▁be ▁accessed ▁easily ▁via ▁touch screen .
▁Apple ' s ▁triumph ant ▁march ▁began , ▁and ▁the ▁iPhone ▁is ▁still ▁the ▁company ' s ▁most ▁important ▁product ▁today .
▁Nokia , ▁Motor ola ▁and ▁Black berry , ▁who ▁used ▁to ▁dominate ▁the ▁market , ▁lost ▁out .
▁They ▁eventually ▁disappeared , ▁and ▁Black berry ▁had ▁to ▁fight ▁for ▁its ▁existence .
▁Apple , ▁and ▁Asian ▁providers ▁such ▁as ▁Samsung , ▁now ▁hold ▁s way .
▁20 ▁years ▁after ▁their ▁in vent ion , ▁smart phone s ▁are ▁a ▁fact ▁of ▁life .
▁Nowadays , ▁every ▁German ▁looks ▁at ▁their ▁phone ▁an ▁average ▁of ▁88 ▁times ▁a ▁day .
▁" We ▁all ▁need ▁to ▁learn ▁to ▁put ▁our ▁phones ▁down ▁from ▁time ▁to ▁time , " ▁said ▁Jan ina ▁Kugel , ▁Siemens ▁HR ▁Director .
▁Being ▁permanently ▁contact able ▁has ▁become ▁a ▁blessing ▁and ▁a ▁ cur se .
▁Britain ▁must ▁channel ▁the ▁Olympic ▁spirit ▁and ▁expand ▁Heathrow
▁Heathrow ▁will ▁also ▁deliver ▁re generation ▁and ▁prosperity ▁not ▁just ▁in ▁our ▁local ▁communities ▁and ▁across ▁London , ▁but ▁across ▁the ▁country .
▁For ▁me , ▁this ▁was ▁the ▁great ▁attraction ▁of ▁Heathrow , ▁just ▁as ▁it ▁was ▁with ▁London ▁2012 , ▁where ▁we ▁made ▁enormous ▁efforts ▁to ▁ensure ▁that ▁all ▁our ▁nations ▁and ▁regions ▁benefit ed ▁from ▁the ▁Games .
▁The ▁Olympic s ▁achieved ▁huge ▁benefits ▁for ▁Stra t ford ▁and ▁the ▁East ▁End .
▁And , ▁we ▁will ▁do ▁so ▁again ▁by ▁creating ▁opportunities ▁for ▁local ▁people ▁and ▁firms ▁close ▁to ▁Heathrow .
▁For ▁our ▁local ▁communities ▁alone ▁we ' ll ▁create ▁10,000 ▁new ▁app rent ice ship s , ▁40 , 000 ▁new ▁jobs ▁and ▁bring ▁an ▁end ▁to ▁youth ▁unemployment ▁around ▁the ▁airport .
▁Just ▁as ▁there ▁were ▁ahead ▁of ▁London ▁2012 , ▁there ▁will ▁be ▁those ▁that ▁think ▁the ▁challenge ▁of ▁Heathrow ▁expansion ▁is ▁too ▁great .
▁I ▁was ▁told ▁that ▁Britain ▁would ▁be ▁never ▁be ▁ready ▁for ▁the ▁Games ▁and ▁that ▁we ▁would ▁be ▁em bar rass ed ▁on ▁the ▁world ▁stage .
▁The ▁doubt ers ▁were ▁wrong ▁on ▁2012 ▁and ▁they ▁will ▁be ▁proved ▁wrong ▁on ▁Heathrow .
▁There ▁are ▁always ▁obstacles ▁to ▁be ▁overcome , ▁but ▁Heathrow ▁is ▁answer ing ▁every ▁question ▁asked ▁of ▁it .
▁Like ▁the ▁Olympic s , ▁Heathrow ▁is ▁an ▁infrastructure ▁project ▁for ▁the ▁many , ▁not ▁just ▁the ▁few .
▁Expansion ▁is ▁an ▁opportunity ▁to ▁create ▁up ▁to ▁180 , 000 ▁new ▁jobs , ▁£ 2 11 b n ▁in ▁economic ▁growth , ▁leaving ▁a ▁legacy ▁of ▁skills ▁and ▁employment ▁both ▁around ▁the ▁airport ▁and ▁across ▁the ▁UK .
▁We ▁have ▁a ▁great ▁team ▁at ▁Heathrow ▁who ▁have ▁implemented ▁an ▁£ 11 b n ▁programme ▁of ▁infrastructure ▁investment ▁on ▁time ▁and ▁on ▁budget , ▁from ▁T 5 ▁- ▁voted ▁the ▁world ' s ▁best ▁airport ▁terminal ▁five ▁years ▁in ▁a ▁row , ▁to ▁T 2, ▁built ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁world ' s ▁bus iest ▁two ▁run ways .
▁Now ▁they ▁stand ▁ready ▁to ▁deliver ▁a ▁third ▁run way , ▁backed ▁by ▁£ 16 ▁billion ▁of ▁private ▁investment .
▁The ▁London ▁2012 ▁Games ▁were ▁a ▁great ▁success ▁for ▁the ▁UK ▁and ▁I ▁am ▁confident ▁that ▁Heathrow ▁expansion ▁will ▁be ▁too .
▁It ▁is ▁time ▁for ▁us ▁to ▁channel ▁that ▁Olympic ▁spirit ▁and ▁expand ▁Heathrow , ▁securing ▁our ▁trading ▁future ▁and ▁creating ▁a ▁legacy ▁of ▁skills ▁and ▁employment ▁that ▁Britain ▁can ▁be ▁proud ▁of .
▁Lord ▁Paul ▁De ight on ▁is ▁chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Heathrow ▁Board ▁and ▁former ▁Commercial ▁Secretary ▁to ▁the ▁Treasury
▁Ad block ▁Plus , ▁Facebook ▁in ▁" cat - and - mo use ▁game " ▁over ▁ad ▁blocking
▁For ▁companies ▁that ▁make ▁money ▁from ▁online ▁advertising , ▁attempts ▁to ▁circumvent ▁ad - block ing ▁software ▁amount ▁to ▁a ▁" cat - and - mo use ▁game , " ▁according ▁to ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁companies ▁that ▁makes ▁that ▁software .
▁On ▁Thursday , ▁just ▁two ▁days ▁after ▁Facebook ▁announced ▁it ▁would ▁be ▁blocking ▁ad ▁block ers ▁on ▁its ▁desktop ▁site , ▁Ad block ▁Plus ▁published ▁a ▁blog ▁post ▁saying ▁that ▁users ▁could ▁update ▁their ▁filters ▁in ▁its ▁program ▁to ▁block ▁ad s ▁on ▁the ▁social ▁network ▁once ▁again .
▁On ▁Tuesday , ▁Facebook ▁said ▁that ▁its ▁desktop ▁website ▁would ▁change ▁the ▁ coding ▁around ▁its ▁ad s ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁make ▁it ▁more ▁difficult ▁for ▁ad ▁block ers ▁to ▁detect ▁which ▁parts ▁of ▁a ▁page ▁are ▁ad s .
▁But ▁Ad block ▁now ▁says ▁it ▁has ▁got ten ▁around ▁the ▁new ▁codes .
▁In ▁a ▁blog ▁post , ▁Ad block ▁spoke s person ▁B en ▁William s ▁wrote ▁that ▁" this ▁sort ▁of ▁back - and - for th ▁battle ▁between ▁the ▁open ▁source ▁ad - block ing ▁community ▁and ▁circumvent ers ▁has ▁been ▁going ▁on ▁since ▁ad ▁blocking ▁was ▁invented , " ▁and ▁that ▁it ▁is ▁possible ▁Facebook ▁would ▁come ▁up ▁with ▁its ▁own ▁fix ▁soon .
▁The ▁fact ▁that ▁the ▁world ' s ▁largest ▁social ▁media ▁company ▁has ▁entered ▁the ▁fight ▁is ▁a ▁strong ▁indication ▁of ▁just ▁how ▁big ▁a ▁concern ▁ad ▁block ers ▁have ▁become ▁for ▁the ▁industry .
▁Global ly , ▁roughly ▁200 ▁million ▁people ▁use ▁ad ▁block ers , ▁according ▁to ▁a ▁study ▁last ▁year ▁from ▁Page fair ▁and ▁Adobe ; ▁nearly ▁qua dru ple ▁the ▁number ▁who ▁used ▁such ▁software ▁in ▁2013 .
▁With ▁1. 03 ▁billion ▁daily ▁active ▁users ▁access ing ▁Facebook ▁via ▁mobile ▁devices , ▁mobile ▁advertising ▁now ▁accounts ▁for ▁84 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁Facebook ' s ▁advertising ▁revenue .
▁The ▁company ▁is ▁going ▁after ▁ad ▁block ers ▁on ▁desktop ▁however , ▁because ▁mobile ▁ad ▁block ers ▁are ▁not ▁effective ▁in ▁Facebook ' s ▁mobile ▁app s ▁for ▁the ▁social ▁network ▁and ▁In sta gram , ▁a ▁spoke s person ▁said .
▁Desktop ▁ad s ▁still ▁account ▁for ▁enough ▁revenue ▁that ▁Facebook ▁judged ▁such ▁a ▁move ▁to ▁be ▁worth ▁the ▁investment .
▁Also ▁on ▁Tuesday , ▁Facebook ▁said ▁it ▁would ▁be ▁updating ▁its ▁" ad ▁preferences " ▁tool ▁to ▁give ▁people ▁more ▁control ▁over ▁how ▁ad s ▁are ▁targeted ▁to ▁them .
▁On ▁Thursday ▁Facebook ▁claimed ▁that ▁Ad block ' s ▁new ▁filters ▁were ▁concerning ▁because ▁they ▁would ▁also ▁block ▁some ▁non - ad vert ising ▁content ▁on ▁the ▁site .
▁" This ▁is n ' t ▁a ▁good ▁experience ▁for ▁people ▁and ▁we ▁plan ▁to ▁address ▁the ▁issue , " ▁a ▁Facebook ▁spoke s person ▁said ▁in ▁an ▁e - mail ed ▁statement .
▁Ad ▁block ers ▁are ▁a ▁blu n t ▁instrument , ▁which ▁is ▁why ▁we ' ve ▁instead ▁focused ▁on ▁building ▁tools ▁like ▁Ad ▁Pre fer ence s ▁to ▁put ▁control ▁in ▁people ' s ▁hands .
▁Wo man ▁run ▁over ▁on ▁Swiss ▁motorway ▁in ▁apparent ▁suicide
▁The ▁victim ▁was ▁lying ▁on ▁the ▁motorway ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁night .
▁Police ▁are ▁appealing ▁for ▁witness es ▁after ▁a ▁woman ▁was ▁run ▁over ▁by ▁several ▁vehicles ▁on ▁a ▁motorway ▁in ▁the ▁early ▁hours ▁of ▁Thursday ▁in ▁an ▁apparent ▁act ▁of ▁suicide .
▁The ▁incident ▁happened ▁on ▁the ▁A 1 ▁near ▁Mor ges ▁in ▁the ▁can ton ▁of ▁V aud ▁just ▁after ▁midnight ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁A ▁woman ▁lay ▁down ▁in ▁the ▁dark ▁on ▁the ▁road ▁" in ▁a ▁desperate ▁act " ▁and ▁was ▁hit ▁by ▁several ▁vehicles , ▁V aud ▁police ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁Clearly ▁looking ▁to ▁kill ▁herself , ▁the ▁victim , ▁a ▁Swiss ▁woman ▁a ged ▁49 , ▁was ▁hit ▁by ▁several ▁vehicles ▁including ▁a ▁lo rry .
▁She ▁die d ▁at ▁the ▁scene .
▁S everal ▁of ▁the ▁drivers ▁involved ▁have ▁already ▁been ▁interview ed ▁but ▁some ▁are ▁still ▁un ident ified , ▁said ▁police , ▁who ▁are ▁calling ▁for ▁them ▁and ▁anyone ▁else ▁who ▁witnessed ▁the ▁incident ▁to ▁come ▁forward .
▁A ▁criminal ▁investigation ▁has ▁been ▁opened , ▁a ▁" logical " ▁step ▁in ▁a ▁situation ▁like ▁this , ▁lawyer ▁Gill es ▁Hof ste tter ▁told ▁Le ▁Trib une ▁de ▁Gene ve .
▁However ▁it ▁remains ▁to ▁be ▁seen ▁if ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁drivers ▁involved ▁will ▁face ▁charges .
▁Was ▁it ▁possible ▁to ▁avoid ▁impact ?
▁That ' s ▁what ▁the ▁prosecutor ▁must ▁determine , " ▁said ▁Hof ste tter .
▁Two ▁other ▁similar ▁cases ▁in ▁the ▁past ▁five ▁years ▁suggest ▁that ▁drivers ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁held ▁responsible .
▁In ▁each ▁case ▁- ▁both ▁of ▁which ▁involved ▁a ▁person ▁walking ▁on ▁the ▁motorway ▁in ▁the ▁dark ▁- ▁it ▁was ▁judged ▁that ▁motor ist s ▁cannot ▁expect ▁to ▁come ▁across ▁a ▁pedestrian ▁on ▁the ▁motorway ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁night , ▁said ▁the ▁paper .
▁Last ▁year ▁a ▁police ▁officer ▁was ▁a c qui t ted ▁of ▁causing ▁death ▁by ▁negligence ▁after ▁she ▁hit ▁and ▁killed ▁a ▁man ▁who ▁was ▁lying ▁on ▁the ▁A 1 ▁near ▁Pay n ern e ▁one ▁night ▁in ▁August ▁2014 .
▁The ▁22 - year - old ▁victim ▁had ▁been ▁drinking ▁and ▁had ▁passed ▁out ▁on ▁the ▁road , ▁the ▁court ▁heard .
▁The ▁court ▁found ▁that ▁the ▁police wo man ▁- - ▁who ▁was ▁responding ▁to ▁an ▁emergency ▁call ▁- - ▁was ▁driving ▁in ▁a ▁manner ▁that ▁was ▁justified ▁and ▁that ▁the ▁presence ▁of ▁a ▁man ▁on ▁the ▁road ▁was ▁a ▁" com ple te ly ▁exceptional ▁and ▁un pre dict able ▁situation , " ▁the ▁judge ▁said .
▁Anyone ▁with ▁information ▁about ▁Thursday ' s ▁incident ▁near ▁Mor ges ▁should ▁call ▁police ▁on ▁0 21 ▁6 44 ▁83 ▁46 ▁or ▁0 21 ▁6 44 ▁44 ▁44 .
▁NASA ▁climate ▁model : ▁Venus ▁was ▁once ▁habit able
▁Venus ▁was ▁likely ▁once ▁habit able , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁projection s ▁of ▁a ▁new ▁NASA ▁climate ▁model .
▁S cient ist s ▁at ▁NASA ' s ▁God d ard ▁Institute ▁for ▁Space ▁Studies ▁developed ▁a ▁model ▁to ▁explore ▁Venus ' ▁past ▁using ▁tools ▁and ▁ algorithm s ▁similar ▁to ▁those ▁employed ▁by ▁climate ▁scientists .
▁The ▁model ▁was ▁designed ▁to ▁determine ▁whether ▁or ▁not ▁Venus , ▁with ▁its ▁hot , ▁water - less ▁surface ▁and ▁CO 2- chock ed ▁atmosphere , ▁might ▁have ▁once ▁hosted ▁Earth - like ▁conditions .
▁S cient ist s ▁have ▁previously ▁suggested ▁that ▁Venus ' ▁slow ▁rotation ▁rate ▁is ▁explained ▁by ▁its ▁thick ▁atmosphere .
▁But ▁the ▁latest ▁simulation ▁suggests ▁Venus ▁could ▁have ▁boast ed ▁a ▁thin , ▁Earth - like ▁atmosphere ▁and ▁still ▁sp un ▁slowly .
▁The ▁model ▁also ▁looked ▁at ▁the ▁top ography ▁of ▁early ▁Venus .
▁The ▁planet ▁likely ▁featured ▁more ▁dry ▁regions ▁than ▁Earth , ▁but ▁once ▁had ▁enough ▁water ▁and ▁geographical ▁vari ability ▁to ▁host ▁life ▁and ▁guard ▁against ▁rapid ▁ eva por ation .
▁Early ▁Venus ▁also ▁benefit ed ▁from ▁a ▁sun ▁that ▁was ▁30 ▁percent ▁d immer .
▁" In ▁the ▁G ISS ▁model ' s ▁simulation , ▁Venus ' ▁slow ▁spin ▁expose s ▁its ▁day side ▁to ▁the ▁sun ▁for ▁almost ▁two ▁months ▁at ▁a ▁time , " ▁G ISS ▁scientist ▁Anthony ▁Del ▁Gen io ▁explained ▁in ▁a ▁news ▁release .
▁This ▁warm s ▁the ▁surface ▁and ▁produces ▁rain ▁that ▁creates ▁a ▁thick ▁layer ▁of ▁cloud s , ▁which ▁acts ▁like ▁an ▁umbrella ▁to ▁shield ▁the ▁surface ▁from ▁much ▁of ▁the ▁solar ▁heating .
▁The ▁result ▁is ▁mean ▁climate ▁temperatures ▁that ▁are ▁actually ▁a ▁few ▁degrees ▁cool er ▁than ▁Earth ' s ▁today .
▁The ▁model ▁produced ▁a ▁story ▁of ▁Venus ▁similar ▁to ▁the ▁evolution ▁previously ▁hypo the sized ▁by ▁planet ary ▁scientists .
▁Though ▁likely ▁once ▁habit able , ▁Venus ▁was ▁- - ▁over ▁the ▁course ▁of ▁several ▁billion ▁years ▁- - ▁exposed ▁to ▁too ▁much ▁heat ▁and ▁ultra vio let ▁light .
▁Its ▁ocean s ▁ eva por ated ▁and ▁its ▁water ▁va por ▁was ▁burn ed ▁away ▁by ▁ultra vio let ▁light .
▁As ▁its ▁hydrogen ▁escape d , ▁all ▁that ▁was ▁left ▁was ▁a ▁thick ▁atmosphere ▁of ▁carbon ▁dioxide ▁with ▁a ▁death ly ▁greenhouse ▁gas ▁effect ▁- - ▁thus , ▁the ▁Venus ▁we ▁know ▁today .
▁Research ers ▁shared ▁the ▁results ▁of ▁their ▁new ▁Venus ▁climate ▁model ▁in ▁the ▁journal ▁Geo phy s ical ▁Research ▁Let ters .
▁Patrick ▁Roy ▁resign s ▁as ▁A val anche ▁coach
▁Patrick ▁Roy ▁resign ed ▁as ▁coach ▁and ▁vice ▁president ▁of ▁the ▁ hockey ▁operations ▁of ▁the ▁Color ado ▁A val anche ▁on ▁Thursday , ▁ci ting ▁a ▁lack ▁of ▁a ▁voice ▁within ▁the ▁team ' s ▁decision - making ▁process .
▁Color ado ▁executive ▁vice ▁president / general ▁manager ▁Joe ▁Sak ic ▁confirmed ▁the ▁move ▁and ▁noted ▁that ▁the ▁club ▁will ▁begin ▁a ▁search ▁for ▁a ▁new ▁coach ▁immediately .
▁" For ▁the ▁past ▁three ▁years , ▁I ▁have ▁carried ▁out ▁my ▁duties ▁as ▁head ▁coach ▁and ▁vice ▁president ▁of ▁ hockey ▁operations ▁for ▁the ▁Color ado ▁A val anche ▁with ▁energy , ▁passion ▁and ▁determination , " ▁the ▁50 - year - old ▁Roy ▁said ▁in ▁the ▁statement .
▁I ▁have ▁thought ▁long ▁and ▁hard ▁over ▁the ▁course ▁of ▁the ▁summer ▁about ▁how ▁I ▁might ▁improve ▁this ▁team ▁to ▁give ▁it ▁the ▁depth ▁it ▁needs ▁and ▁bring ▁it ▁to ▁a ▁higher ▁level .
▁To ▁achieve ▁this , ▁the ▁vision ▁of ▁the ▁coach ▁and ▁ VP - hockey ▁operations ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁perfectly ▁align ed ▁with ▁that ▁of ▁the ▁organization .
▁He ▁must ▁also ▁have ▁a ▁say ▁in ▁the ▁decisions ▁that ▁impact ▁the ▁team ' s ▁performance .
▁These ▁conditions ▁are ▁not ▁currently ▁met .
▁Sak ic , ▁who ▁hire d ▁Roy ▁on ▁May ▁23 , ▁2013 , ▁thank ed ▁Roy ▁for ▁his ▁contributions ▁to ▁the ▁team .
▁" Pa t rick ▁informed ▁me ▁of ▁his ▁decision ▁today , " ▁Sak ic ▁said .
▁We ▁appreciate ▁all ▁he ▁has ▁done ▁for ▁our ▁organization ▁and ▁wish ▁him ▁the ▁best ▁of ▁luck ▁in ▁the ▁future .
▁Roy ▁was ▁named ▁the ▁Jack ▁Adam s ▁Award ▁winner ▁as ▁the ▁league ' s ▁best ▁coach ▁during ▁his ▁ro oki e ▁season ▁with ▁the ▁A val anche ▁in ▁2013 - 14 .
▁He ▁guided ▁the ▁club ▁to ▁112 ▁points ▁and ▁a ▁first - place ▁finish ▁in ▁the ▁Central ▁Division , ▁but ▁Color ado ▁was ▁up set ▁by ▁Min n es ota ▁in ▁the ▁first ▁round ▁of ▁the ▁play off s ▁and ▁has ▁missed ▁the ▁posts e a son ▁in ▁each ▁of ▁the ▁last ▁two ▁years .
▁The ▁A val anche ▁posted ▁a ▁39 - 39 -4 ▁mark ▁in ▁2015 - 16 ▁and ▁fell ▁five ▁points ▁sh y ▁of ▁the ▁Wild ▁for ▁the ▁second ▁wild - card ▁spot ▁in ▁the ▁Western ▁Conference .
▁A ▁Hall ▁of ▁Fa me ▁goal ten der , ▁Roy ▁won ▁four ▁Sta n ley ▁Cup s ▁- - ▁two ▁a piece ▁with ▁the ▁Montreal ▁Can adi en s ▁and ▁the ▁A val anche .
▁North ▁Sea ▁oil ▁workers ▁resume ▁talks , ▁suspend ▁strike
▁Labor ▁strikes ▁over ▁pay ▁for ▁North ▁Sea ▁oil ▁workers ▁are ▁suspended ▁while ▁all ▁parties ▁to ▁the ▁dispute ▁sit ▁down ▁for ▁a ▁new ▁round ▁of ▁talks , ▁lead ▁negotiator s ▁said .
▁Str ike s ▁against ▁oil field ▁services ▁company ▁Wood ▁Group ▁have ▁been ▁stage d ▁sp ora d ically ▁on ▁platforms ▁in ▁the ▁North ▁Sea ▁operated ▁by ▁Royal ▁Dutch ▁Shell .
▁" W ood ▁Group ▁and ▁the ▁Unit e ▁and ▁R MT ▁unions ▁can ▁confirm ▁we ▁have ▁agreed ▁to ▁restart ▁the ▁process ▁for ▁resolution ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁dispute , " ▁a ▁joint ▁statement ▁read .
▁We ▁will ▁hold ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁full - day ▁meetings ▁over ▁the ▁next ▁few ▁weeks , ▁starting ▁early ▁next ▁week , ▁to ▁take ▁a ▁fresh ▁look ▁at ▁the ▁issues .
▁The ▁labor ▁unions ▁said ▁their ▁recent ▁action , ▁which ▁they ▁said ▁is ▁the ▁first ▁in ▁more ▁than ▁25 ▁years , ▁was ▁in ▁protest ▁of ▁potential ▁pay ▁cuts ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁30 ▁percent .
▁Wood ▁Group ▁this ▁year ▁cut ▁rates ▁paid ▁to ▁its ▁North ▁Sea ▁contractor s ▁by ▁about ▁9 ▁percent ▁because ▁of ▁negative ▁market ▁pressure s .
▁The ▁company ' s ▁rate ▁reduction ▁follows ▁a ▁10 ▁percent ▁decrease ▁for ▁on shore ▁contractor s ▁in ▁2014 .
▁The ▁company ▁said ▁additional ▁cuts ▁would ▁give ▁the ▁company ▁the ▁room ▁needed ▁to ▁move ▁through ▁the ▁market ▁downturn .
▁Shell , ▁for ▁its ▁part , ▁has ▁tri mm ed ▁thousands ▁of ▁people ▁from ▁its ▁pay roll ▁and ▁announced ▁plans ▁to ▁leave ▁oil ▁and ▁gas ▁operations ▁in ▁up ▁to ▁10 ▁countries ▁as ▁it ▁stream lines ▁its ▁operations ▁in ▁the ▁wake ▁of ▁its ▁mega - merge r ▁with ▁British ▁energy ▁company ▁B G ▁Group .
▁Energy ▁companies ▁are ▁under ▁pressure ▁from ▁lower ▁crude ▁oil ▁prices , ▁an ▁economic ▁situation ▁compound ed ▁by ▁the ▁British ▁decision ▁in ▁June ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁European ▁Union .
▁Scottish ▁Member ▁of ▁Parliament ▁Da ve ▁Anders on ▁met ▁with ▁labor ▁leaders ▁earlier ▁this ▁week ▁to ▁discuss ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁biggest ▁labor ▁disputes ▁to ▁strike ▁the ▁North ▁Sea ▁in ▁a ▁generation .
▁The ▁North ▁Sea , ▁he ▁said , ▁is ▁vital ▁for ▁the ▁regional ▁economy .
▁" In ▁the ▁North ▁Sea ▁and ▁right ▁across ▁the ▁country , ▁we ▁need ▁an ▁economy ▁that ▁works ▁for ▁the ▁many ▁and ▁not ▁just ▁the ▁few , " ▁he ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁statement .
▁Les s ▁than ▁$1 . 4 ▁billion ▁in ▁spending ▁on ▁new ▁projects ▁in ▁the ▁North ▁Sea ▁is ▁expected ▁in ▁20 16 , ▁compared ▁with ▁an ▁average ▁of ▁around ▁$ 7 ▁billion ▁in ▁the ▁past ▁five ▁years .
▁K ep ler ▁measures ▁spin ▁rates ▁of ▁stars ▁in ▁Ple ia des ▁cluster
▁The ▁latest ▁mission ▁by ▁the ▁K ep ler ▁space ▁tele scope ▁has ▁helped ▁ astronom ers ▁collect ▁the ▁most ▁complete ▁catalog ▁of ▁spin ▁rates ▁among ▁the ▁stars ▁of ▁the ▁Ple ia des ▁cluster .
▁The ▁new ▁data ▁is ▁helping ▁ astronom ers ▁understand ▁why ▁stars ▁in ▁the ▁cluster ▁spin ▁at ▁varying ▁rates , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁how ▁rotation ▁periods ▁relate ▁to ▁planet ▁formation .
▁" We ▁hope ▁that ▁by ▁comparing ▁our ▁results ▁to ▁other ▁star ▁cluster s , ▁we ▁will ▁learn ▁more ▁about ▁the ▁relationship ▁between ▁a ▁star ' s ▁mass , ▁its ▁age , ▁and ▁even ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁its ▁solar ▁system , " ▁Luis a ▁Re bu ll , ▁a ▁research ▁scientist ▁at ▁Cal tech ' s ▁Infra red ▁Process ing ▁and ▁Analysis ▁Center ▁in ▁Pa s ade na , ▁said ▁in ▁a ▁news ▁release .
▁The ▁Ple ia des ▁cluster ▁is ▁situated ▁4 45 ▁light - year s ▁from ▁Earth .
▁Many ▁of ▁the ▁stars ▁in ▁the ▁cluster ▁are ▁just ▁now ▁reaching ▁adult hood , ▁having ▁been ▁born ▁roughly ▁125 ▁million ▁years ▁ago .
▁They ' re ▁spin n ing ▁as ▁fast ▁as ▁they ▁ever ▁will .
▁At ▁their ▁peak ▁spin ▁rates , ▁these ▁mat uring ▁stars ▁e ject ▁large ▁amounts ▁of ▁ stell ar ▁wind .
▁As ▁these ▁wind s ▁travel ▁across ▁the ▁stars ' ▁magnetic ▁fields , ▁they ▁ en act ▁a ▁bra king ▁effect ▁on ▁the ▁stars .
▁As ▁a ▁star ▁age s , ▁its ▁spin ▁rate ▁begins ▁to ▁slow ▁down .
▁K ep ler ▁measures ▁each ▁star ' s ▁spin ▁rate ▁by ▁tracking ▁the ▁time ▁between ▁the ▁appearance ▁of ▁re cogni z able ▁star spot s ▁- - ▁like ▁sun spot s .
▁The ▁latest ▁catalog ▁of ▁spin ▁rates ▁suggests ▁more ▁massive ▁stars ▁spin ▁more ▁slowly ▁than ▁less ▁massive ▁stars .
▁Re bu ll ▁like n s ▁the ▁stars ▁to ▁dance r s , ▁larger ▁ones ▁pi rou e tting ▁more ▁slowly ▁than ▁smaller ▁ones .
▁" In ▁the ▁' ball et ' ▁of ▁the ▁Ple ia des , ▁we ▁see ▁that ▁slow ▁rot ators ▁tend ▁to ▁be ▁more ▁massive , ▁whereas ▁the ▁fastest ▁rot ators ▁tend ▁to ▁be ▁very ▁light ▁stars , " ▁said ▁Re bu ll .
▁Because ▁the ▁Ple ia des ▁cluster ▁is ▁so ▁close , ▁it ▁serves ▁as ▁an ▁ideal ▁co s mic ▁laboratory ▁to ▁compare ▁ stell ar ▁qualities ▁with ▁spin ▁rates .
▁" The ▁Ple ia des ▁star ▁cluster ▁provides ▁an ▁anchor ▁for ▁theoretical ▁models ▁of ▁ stell ar ▁rotation ▁going ▁both ▁directions , ▁younger ▁and ▁older , " ▁said ▁Re bu ll .
▁We ▁still ▁have ▁a ▁lot ▁we ▁want ▁to ▁learn ▁about ▁how , ▁when ▁and ▁why ▁stars ▁slow ▁their ▁spin ▁rates ▁and ▁hang ▁up ▁their ▁' d ance ▁shoes , ' ▁so ▁to ▁speak .
▁Re bu ll ▁and ▁her ▁colleagues ▁detailed ▁their ▁latest ▁analysis ▁of ▁Ple ia des ▁spin ▁rates ▁in ▁three ▁new ▁papers , ▁soon ▁to ▁be ▁published ▁in ▁the ▁Astronom ical ▁Journal .
▁A ▁controversial ▁base ball ▁star ▁steps ▁down
▁Alex ▁Ro dri gue z ' ▁tear s ▁ran ▁quick er ▁than ▁the ▁US ▁base ball ▁star ▁had ▁run ▁from ▁base ▁to ▁base , ▁in ▁better ▁days .
▁After ▁his ▁emotional ▁announcement ▁of ▁retirement , ▁the ▁41 - year - old ▁pro ▁will ▁wear ▁his ▁New ▁York ▁Ya n ke es ▁j ers ey ▁for ▁the ▁last ▁time ▁on ▁12 ▁August , ▁against ▁the ▁Tam pa ▁Bay ▁Ray s .
▁" I ▁love ▁this ▁game ▁and ▁this ▁team . "
▁" I ' m ▁saying ▁good by e ▁to ▁both ▁of ▁them , " ▁the ▁14 - time ▁All ▁Star ▁Major ▁League ▁Base ball ▁( ML B ) ▁player ▁explained .
▁Ro dri gue z ▁was ▁voted ▁the ▁most ▁valuable ▁player ▁in ▁the ▁league ▁three ▁times , ▁and ▁in ▁2009 ▁he ▁won ▁the ▁World ▁Series ▁with ▁the ▁Ya n ke es .
▁He ▁signed ▁a ▁ten - year ▁contract , ▁which ▁has ▁brought ▁him ▁27 ▁million ▁US ▁dollars ▁every ▁year ▁since ▁2007.
▁Until ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁contract ▁on ▁31 ▁December ▁20 17 , ▁he ▁will ▁work ▁as ▁a ▁consultant ▁and ▁a ▁youth ▁coach ▁- ▁on ▁full ▁pay .
▁Ro dri gue z ▁paid ▁this ▁back ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁playing ▁performance ▁long ▁ago .
▁With ▁6 96 ▁home ▁runs , ▁31 14 ▁hit s ▁and ▁20 21 ▁points ▁for ▁his ▁team ▁(" run s ") , ▁for ▁the ▁Seattle ▁Marine r s ▁(19 94 ▁to ▁2000 ), ▁the ▁Texas ▁Rang ers ▁( 2001 ▁to ▁2004 ) ▁and ▁since ▁2005 , ▁the ▁Ya n ke es , ▁he ▁has ▁reached ▁rather ▁a ▁few ▁milestone s .
▁Along ▁with ▁Hall ▁of ▁Fa me ▁members ▁Han k ▁A aro n ▁and ▁Will ie ▁May s , ▁there ▁are ▁only ▁two ▁other ▁base ball ▁players ▁who ▁can ▁boast ▁similar ▁key ▁statistics .
▁However , ▁the ▁41 - year - old ▁cannot ▁be ▁welcomed ▁into ▁the ▁base ball ▁Hall ▁of ▁Fa me .
▁Because ▁no ▁matter ▁how ▁successful ▁Ro dri gue z ▁- ▁nickname d ▁" A - Ro d " ▁- ▁was ▁on ▁the ▁pitch , ▁his ▁behaviour ▁off ▁the ▁pitch ▁was ▁just ▁as ▁controversial .
▁As ▁far ▁back ▁as ▁2009 ▁the ▁super star ▁told ▁ES PN ▁that ▁he ▁had ▁taken ▁banned ▁ steroid s ▁between ▁2001 ▁and ▁2003.
▁In ▁August ▁2013 ▁he ▁was ▁banned ▁for ▁2 11 ▁games ▁until ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁2014 ▁for ▁his ▁involvement ▁in ▁the ▁" bio gen es is ▁scandal ".
▁Ro dri gue z ▁was ▁the ▁main ▁suspect ▁accused ▁of ▁having ▁received ▁performance ▁enhancing ▁drugs ▁via ▁an ▁anti - age ing ▁clinic ▁in ▁Florida ▁over ▁a ▁period ▁of ▁years .
▁After ▁a ▁legal ▁battle , ▁the ▁ban ▁was ▁reduced ▁to ▁16 2 ▁matches .
▁" The ▁league ▁might ▁even ▁have ▁done ▁me ▁a ▁favour ▁in ▁2014 ▁- ▁I ' d ▁played ▁for ▁20 ▁years ▁without ▁a ▁break , " ▁Ro dri gue z ▁said , ▁sum m ing ▁things ▁up .
▁Even ▁his ▁final ▁days ▁didn ' t ▁go ▁off ▁without ▁a ▁ban g .
▁While ▁many ▁base ball ▁legend s ▁take ▁to ▁the ▁great ▁stage ▁over ▁their ▁last ▁few ▁games , ▁Ro dri gue z ▁had ▁to ▁sit ▁on ▁the ▁side lines .
▁" My ▁job ▁is n ' t ▁about ▁a ▁retirement ▁tour . "
▁" My ▁job ▁is ▁about ▁trying ▁to ▁win ▁every ▁game , " ▁stated ▁Ya n ke es ▁coach ▁Joe ▁Gi r ardi .
▁Nevertheless , ▁Ro dri gue z , ▁who ▁was ▁married ▁to ▁actress ▁Cameron ▁Dia z ▁and ▁who ▁has ▁been ▁rum our ed ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁linked ▁to ▁pop ▁star ▁Madonna ▁and ▁actress ▁Kat e ▁Hu d son , ▁had ▁the ▁support ▁of ▁the ▁fans ▁of ▁Ya n ke es ' ▁arch ▁rival s , ▁Boston ▁Red ▁So x .
▁" We ▁want ▁A - Ro d , " ▁the ▁fans ▁sang ▁as ▁they ▁were ▁defeated ▁4 : 9 ▁by ▁Ro dri gue z ' ▁team .
▁20 16 ▁Olympic s : ▁Che n ▁Xi ny i , ▁Sil w ia ▁Da n ek owa ▁and ▁Adria n ▁Ziel in ski ▁are ▁the ▁first ▁do ping ▁cases
▁Bus ted : ▁After ▁a ▁sample ▁tested ▁positive ▁for ▁do ping , ▁weight lift er ▁Adria n ▁Ziel ink si ▁from ▁Poland ▁is ▁not ▁allowed ▁to ▁compete ▁in ▁Rio .
▁Rio ▁de ▁Janeiro ▁- ▁the ▁20 16 ▁Olympic ▁Games ▁have ▁been ▁over shadow ed ▁by ▁the ▁first ▁official ▁cases ▁of ▁do ping .
▁One ▁now - ban n ed ▁at hl ete ▁had ▁almost ▁won ▁a ▁medal .
▁The ▁first ▁official ▁do ping ▁cases ▁of ▁the ▁Rio ▁Olympic ▁Games ▁were ▁announced ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁seventh ▁day ▁of ▁the ▁competition .
▁Chinese ▁sw immer ▁Che n ▁Xi ny i , ▁3000 - meter ▁h ur dler ▁Sil w ia ▁Da n ek owa ▁from ▁Bulgaria ▁and ▁Polish ▁weight lift er ▁Adria n ▁Ziel in ski ▁tested ▁positive ▁in ▁Brazil , ▁and ▁have ▁been ▁excluded . ▁Just ▁before ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁a th le tics ▁competition , ▁which ▁has ▁not ▁escape d ▁criticism , ▁this ▁news ▁comes ▁at ▁a ▁bad ▁time .
▁The ▁Sunday ▁before , ▁Che n ▁had ▁revealed ▁the ▁presence ▁of ▁the ▁di ure tic ▁hydro ch lor oth ia zid e , ▁which ▁is ▁used ▁to ▁mask ▁drugs .
▁The ▁international ▁sport ▁tribunal ▁ CAS ▁confirmed ▁on ▁Friday ▁afternoon ▁local ▁time ▁that ▁she ▁had ▁been ▁banned ▁from ▁the ▁Olympic ▁Games .
▁On ▁Sunday , ▁the ▁18 - year - old ▁had ▁taken ▁fourth ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁100 m ▁Butter fly ▁final ▁- ▁missing ▁out ▁on ▁a ▁bronze ▁medal ▁by ▁just ▁0 . 09 ▁seconds .
▁Che n ▁was ▁supposed ▁to ▁have ▁taken ▁part ▁in ▁the ▁50 m ▁Free style ▁heat s ▁on ▁Friday .
▁Che n ▁applied ▁to ▁the ▁International ▁Olympic ▁Committee ▁( IO C ) ▁for ▁a ▁hearing ▁and ▁to ▁have ▁her ▁B ▁sample ▁opened .
▁The ▁national ▁association ▁is ▁taking ▁the ▁instance ▁" very ▁seriously , ▁and ▁ask s ▁that ▁Che n ▁cooperate ▁fully ▁with ▁the ▁investigations , " ▁quoted ▁X in hua ▁from ▁a ▁press ▁release : ▁" We ▁will ▁collaborate ▁with ▁the ▁international ▁sports ▁tribunal ▁ CAS ▁and ▁will ▁accept ▁their ▁decision ".
▁For ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁in ▁history , ▁the ▁ CAS , ▁not ▁the ▁I OC , ▁is ▁responsible ▁for ▁sanction ing ▁sports people ▁who ▁test ▁positive .
▁Also ▁overnight ▁in ▁Rio , ▁the ▁news ▁about ▁Da n ek owa ' s ▁positive ▁test ▁leak ed ▁out , ▁and ▁the ▁33 - year - old ▁went ▁on ▁the ▁offensive ▁herself .
▁" I ▁had ▁three ▁tests , ▁all ▁of ▁which ▁were ▁negative , ▁and ▁my ▁fourth ▁test ▁was ▁positive , " ▁which ▁was ▁" an ▁unbelievabl e ▁shock , " ▁she ▁said ▁to ▁Bulgarian ▁TV ▁channel ▁B NT .
▁She ▁said ▁she ▁was ▁innocent ▁and ▁that ▁" the ▁only ▁explanation ▁could ▁be ▁food ▁supplement s , " ▁the ▁at hl ete ▁explained .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁report , ▁the ▁banned ▁substance ▁involved ▁was ▁the ▁blood ▁do ping ▁chemical ▁E PO .
▁Da n ek owa ▁was ▁suspended ▁as ▁a ▁precaution , ▁and ▁according ▁to ▁B NT , ▁a ▁B ▁sample ▁also ▁tested ▁post ive .
▁Bulgaria ' s ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Bo j ko ▁Boris s ow ▁spoke ▁up ▁immediately ▁to ▁criticise ▁the ▁at hl ete .
▁" I ▁do ▁not ▁understand ▁why ▁sports people ▁do ▁not ▁draw ▁the ▁right ▁conclusions , " ▁he ▁said : ▁" We ▁Bulgarian s ▁are ▁under ▁observation , ▁so ▁many ▁have ▁already ▁been ▁banned ".
▁Almost ▁all ▁the ▁weight lift ers ▁from ▁the ▁nation , ▁which ▁has ▁been ▁plague d ▁by ▁do ping , ▁were ▁not ▁allowed ▁to ▁participate ▁in ▁Rio .
▁On ▁Friday ▁the ▁case ▁of ▁" Ad rian ▁Ziel in ski " ▁was ▁announced : ▁the ▁winner ▁at ▁the ▁London ▁Olympic s ▁in ▁the ▁weight ▁category ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁85 ▁kg ▁had ▁tested ▁positive ▁for ▁the ▁an ab olic ▁ steroid ▁Na n dro lone ▁three ▁days ▁earlier , ▁just ▁like ▁his ▁brother .
▁Both ▁den y ▁taking ▁it , ▁but ▁neither ▁was ▁allowed ▁to ▁compete ▁in ▁the ▁weight ▁category ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁94 ▁kg .
▁A head ▁of ▁the ▁athletes ' ▁start , ▁the ▁case ▁of ▁Da n ek owa ▁is ▁another ▁heavy ▁blow ▁for ▁the ▁reputation ▁of ▁the ▁entire ▁sport .
▁The ▁World ▁Federation ▁I A AF ▁had ▁banned ▁the ▁entire ▁Russian ▁team , ▁with ▁one ▁exception , ▁for ▁systematic ▁do ping , ▁and ▁running ▁nation ▁Kenya ▁also ▁created ▁a ▁mass ▁of ▁bad ▁news ▁in ▁Rio .
▁In ▁swimming , ▁China ' s ▁earlier ▁offence ▁had ▁caused ▁heated ▁disputes ▁between ▁the ▁athletes ▁themselves .
▁Cam ille ▁La court , ▁from ▁France , ▁spoke ▁out ▁harsh ly ▁against ▁Chinese ▁Olympic ▁winner ▁Sun ▁Yang .
▁" Su n ▁Yang ' s ▁pe e ▁is ▁pur ple . "
▁" W hen ▁I ▁look ▁at ▁the ▁pod ium ▁for ▁the ▁200 m ▁Free style , ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁throw ▁up , " ▁La court ▁said ▁on ▁French ▁radio .
▁In ▁addition , ▁Sun ▁was ▁at ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁an ▁argument ▁with ▁Mac k ▁Hor ton , ▁from ▁Australia .
▁" I ▁have ▁no ▁time ▁and ▁no ▁respect ▁for ▁drug ▁che ats , " ▁he ▁said .
▁Sun ▁tested ▁positive ▁for ▁the ▁stimul ant ▁tri met azi dine ▁at ▁the ▁Chinese ▁championship s ▁in ▁2014 , ▁but ▁only ▁had ▁to ▁sit ▁out ▁for ▁a ▁three - month ▁ban .
▁Data ▁the ft : ▁This ▁is ▁how ▁per fi di ously ▁ha cker s ▁ext ort ▁ran s om ▁money
▁Programm ers ▁of ▁ext or tion ▁malware ▁are ▁currently ▁target ing ▁companies ▁- ▁with ▁success .
▁According ▁to ▁a ▁recent ▁survey ▁of ▁5 40 ▁companies ▁in ▁North ▁America , ▁the ▁UK ▁and ▁Germany ▁by ▁Malware byte s , ▁the ▁malware ▁defence ▁specialists , ▁40 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁companies ▁survey ed ▁had ▁fallen ▁victim ▁to ▁one , ▁two , ▁or ▁several ▁attacks ▁involving ▁ext or tion ▁software ▁in ▁the ▁past ▁twelve ▁months .
▁In ▁Germany , ▁around ▁20 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁companies ▁had ▁already ▁been ▁targeted ▁by ▁a ▁ran s om ware ▁attack .
▁40 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁victims ▁willing ly ▁paid ▁up ▁the ▁ran s om ▁demanded ▁by ▁the ▁perpetrators ▁so ▁that ▁they ▁were ▁able ▁to ▁use ▁their ▁systems ▁and ▁data ▁that ▁had ▁been ▁affected ▁by ▁the ▁attack .
▁According ▁to ▁Malware byte s ' ▁observations , ▁it ▁is ▁notice able ▁that ▁perpetrators ▁are ▁tailor ing ▁their ▁ext or tion ▁software ▁to ▁attacks ▁on ▁corporate ▁networks .
▁If ▁they ▁are ▁successful ▁in ▁that ▁domain , ▁the ▁ran s om ▁money ▁they ▁can ▁demand ▁is ▁significantly ▁higher ▁than ▁it ▁would ▁be ▁for ▁private ▁users .
▁" We ▁are ▁currently ▁seeing ▁harmful ▁software ▁develop ▁ter r ifying ly ▁quickly , " ▁explains ▁Malware byte s ' ▁CEO , ▁Marc in ▁Kl e czy n ski , ▁in ▁an ▁interview ▁with ▁" Die ▁Welt " ▁newspaper .
▁In ▁2008, ▁most ▁malware ▁programmes ▁were ▁still ▁focused ▁on ▁sending ▁out ▁ad vert s .
▁The n ▁perpetrators ▁discovered ▁ext or tion ▁software .
▁Private ▁users ▁were ▁initially ▁the ▁target , ▁but ▁the ▁shift ▁to ▁corporate ▁attacks ▁took ▁place ▁ter r ifying ly ▁quickly ▁over ▁the ▁past ▁few ▁months .
▁Ra n s om ware ▁follows ▁a ▁simple ▁pattern : ▁Once ▁activated ▁on ▁a ▁user ' s ▁computer , ▁it ▁seeks ▁out ▁files ▁that ▁have ▁not ▁been ▁edited ▁for ▁a ▁long ▁time , ▁like ▁Word , ▁Excel ▁or ▁database ▁files , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁image ▁and ▁video ▁archives .
▁The ▁ran s om ware ▁ en crypt s ▁these ▁files , ▁and ▁delete s ▁the ▁original s ▁for ▁good .
▁Finally , ▁the ▁software ▁presents ▁the ▁ext or tion er ' s ▁demands .
▁The ▁victim ▁has ▁to ▁transfer ▁money ▁- ▁generally ▁in ▁the ▁form ▁of ▁" Bit co in s ", ▁a ▁ crypt o cur r ency ▁- ▁to ▁get ▁the ▁de crypt ion ▁code ▁needed ▁for ▁the ▁files .
▁But ▁while ▁it ' s ▁a ▁personal ▁photo ▁database ▁that ' s ▁at ▁play ▁for ▁private ▁users , ▁it ' s ▁sensitive ▁customer ▁data ▁or ▁project ▁databases ▁needed ▁for ▁the ▁continuation ▁of ▁projects ▁that ▁are ▁the ▁focus ▁for ▁companies .
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁the ▁damage ▁from ▁a ▁ran s om ware ▁hit ▁is ▁greater .
▁22 ▁percent ▁of ▁German ▁companies ▁affected ▁reported ▁that ▁they ▁had ▁suffered ▁a ▁fall ▁in ▁turnover ▁due ▁to ▁ran s om ware , ▁13 ▁percent ▁had ▁to ▁cease ▁trading ▁entirely , ▁and ▁in ▁one ▁instance , ▁people ' s ▁lives ▁were ▁put ▁at ▁risk .
▁In ▁Germany , ▁several ▁hospitals ▁have ▁already ▁fallen ▁victim ▁to ▁attacks , ▁and ▁their ▁patients ▁were ▁placed ▁under ▁serious ▁threat ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁loss ▁of ▁medical ▁records .
▁" We ▁always ▁tell ▁victims ▁not ▁to ▁pay ▁up : ▁that ▁simply ▁exacerbat es ▁the ▁problem , " ▁explains ▁Kl e czy n ski .
▁But ▁80 ▁to ▁90 ▁percent ▁of ▁companies ▁who ▁pay ▁up ▁get ▁their ▁files ▁back .
▁Fac ed ▁with ▁operations ▁coming ▁to ▁a ▁stand still , ▁it ▁is ▁hard ▁for ▁managers ▁to ▁say ▁no ▁to ▁the ▁perpetrators ' ▁demands .
▁The n ▁again , ▁the ▁ha cker s ▁know ▁that , ▁and ▁do ▁all ▁they ▁can ▁to ▁build ▁up ▁a ▁good ▁reputation .
▁A ▁recent ▁study ▁saw ▁security ▁researchers ▁from ▁F - Se cur e ▁examine ▁user ▁interfaces ▁and ▁contact ▁with ▁ext or tion ers . ▁They ▁came ▁to ▁the ▁conclusion ▁that ▁perpetrators ▁really ▁do ▁try ▁to ▁construct ▁a ▁kind ▁of ▁customer ▁service ▁system ▁so ▁that ▁they ▁can ▁get ▁more ▁money .
▁They ▁explain ▁to ▁their ▁victims ▁via ▁chat ▁how ▁to ▁pay ▁using ▁Bit co in , ▁set ▁up ▁freely - access ible ▁support ▁websites , ▁or ▁de crypt ▁sample ▁files ▁for ▁free .
▁And ▁while ▁private ▁individuals ▁are ▁targeted ▁for ▁sums ▁of ▁a ▁few ▁hundred ▁euros , ▁companies ▁sometimes ▁have ▁to ▁bargain ▁hard ▁and ▁pay ▁out ▁five - figur e ▁sums ▁to ▁get ▁their ▁files ▁back ▁de crypt ed .
▁Fac ed ▁with ▁the ▁potentially ▁high ▁and ▁relatively ▁risk - free ▁profits ▁from ▁ran s om ware ▁ext or tion , ▁ha cker s ▁are ▁becoming ▁more ▁and ▁more ▁professional , ▁split ting ▁up ▁their ▁work , ▁explains ▁security ▁expert ▁Che ster ▁Wi s n iew ski ▁from ▁antivirus ▁provider ▁So pho s : ▁" An ▁individual ▁can ▁write ▁a ▁ran s om ware ▁program ▁within ▁about ▁a ▁week . "
▁However , ▁it ▁is ▁more ▁likely ▁that ▁three ▁or ▁four ▁people ▁will ▁be ▁involved .
▁The ▁programme r s ▁the n ▁sell ▁their ▁malware ▁to ▁the ▁actual ▁ext or tion ers ▁in ▁the ▁form ▁of ▁a ▁set ▁of ▁software ▁building ▁blocks .
▁Malware ▁kit s ▁to ▁date , ▁including ▁the ▁malware ▁itself , ▁advice ▁and ▁additional ▁tools , ▁have ▁been ▁sold ▁for ▁a ▁one - off ▁fixed ▁fee ▁of ▁between ▁1000 ▁and ▁10,000 ▁dollars .
▁" The ▁kit s ▁include ▁an ▁adapter ▁tool ▁so ▁that ▁smaller ▁configuration s ▁can ▁be ▁constructed , ▁and ▁the ▁appearance ▁and ▁brand ing ▁can ▁be ▁changed , " ▁says ▁Wi s n iew ski .
▁The ▁ext or tion ers ▁the n ▁look ▁out ▁additional ▁ha cker s ▁to ▁distribute ▁the ▁fresh ly ▁prepared ▁software ▁between ▁victims .
▁We ▁live ▁in ▁a ▁service ▁economy .
▁So ▁you ▁just ▁log ▁into ▁an ▁underground ▁forum , ▁buy ▁the ▁set ▁from ▁a ▁criminal , ▁and ▁task ▁someone ▁else ▁with ▁installing ▁the ▁software ▁on ▁as ▁many ▁PC s ▁as ▁possible .
▁There ' s ▁a ▁payment ▁made ▁for ▁every ▁computer ▁infected .
▁" Norm ally , ▁criminals ▁the n ▁task ▁spa mmer s ▁with ▁distribution , " ▁explains ▁Wi s n iew ski .
▁Now , ▁many ▁companies ▁are ▁aware ▁of ▁the ▁risks ▁of ▁ran s om ware , ▁and ▁they ▁are ▁protecting ▁their ▁data ▁better .
▁More ▁than ▁50 ▁percent ▁of ▁companies ' ▁IT ▁specialists ▁in ▁May ware byte s ' ▁survey ▁re li ed ▁on ▁using ▁file ▁back - up s ▁and ▁scanner ▁software ▁to ▁beat ▁ran s om ware .
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁perpetrators ▁are ▁already ▁trying ▁out ▁new ▁strategies .
▁" If ▁simply ▁ en crypt ing ▁files ▁is n ' t ▁enough ▁of ▁a ▁threat ▁to ▁make ▁an ▁ext or tion ▁request ▁be ▁granted , ▁the ▁perpetrators ▁threat en ▁to ▁publish ▁sensitive ▁files ▁instead , ▁such ▁as ▁customer ▁lists , ▁or ▁price ▁calculation s , " ▁explains ▁Malware byte s ' ▁CEO , ▁Marc in ▁Kl e czy n ski .
▁This ▁means ▁that ▁the ▁risk ▁potential ▁is ▁much ▁higher ▁than ▁before , ▁depending ▁on ▁the ▁type ▁of ▁file .
▁In ▁the ▁future , ▁perpetrators ▁will ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁focus ▁themselves ▁on ▁brand - new ▁targets ▁within ▁the ▁internet ▁of ▁things .
▁At ▁the ▁De f con ▁ha cker ▁conference , ▁security ▁researchers ▁demonstrated ▁how ▁they ▁could ▁take ▁control ▁of ▁a ▁thermo stat ▁connected ▁to ▁the ▁internet .
▁In ▁the ▁midst ▁of ▁winter , ▁many ▁victims ▁would ▁pay ▁a ▁ran s om ▁to ▁have ▁their ▁blocked ▁heating ▁turned ▁back ▁on .
▁In ▁the ▁future , ▁if ▁ha cker s ▁switch ▁off ▁an ▁entire ▁production ▁line ▁in ▁a ▁factory ▁instead ▁of ▁someone ' s ▁heating , ▁ran s om ware ▁could ▁also ▁be ▁a ▁issue ▁in ▁Industry ▁4. 0 .
▁Something ▁for ▁every ▁situation
▁H ON DA ▁HR - V ▁is ▁practical ▁and ▁perfect ▁for ▁everyday ▁use
▁Honda ▁wants ▁to ▁cra m ▁everything ▁into ▁the ▁small ▁HR - V : ▁a ▁bit ▁of ▁an ▁S UV , ▁a ▁bit ▁of ▁a ▁coup é , ▁bundle d ▁up ▁with ▁the ▁ver sa til ity ▁of ▁a ▁mini van .
▁It ▁seems ▁a ▁bit ▁too ▁much , ▁but ▁the ▁HR - V , ▁built ▁on ▁the ▁same ▁new ▁platform ▁as ▁the ▁new ▁Jazz , ▁does ▁indeed ▁prove ▁itself ▁to ▁be ▁exceptionally ▁flexible ▁in ▁daily ▁use .
▁Although ▁the ▁HR - V , ▁at ▁just ▁1. 60 m ▁tall , ▁seems ▁small , ▁passengers ▁in ▁the ▁front ▁and ▁the ▁back ▁have ▁got ▁plenty ▁of ▁room , ▁it ' s ▁not ▁a ▁squeeze ▁at ▁all .
▁The ▁materials ▁used ▁in ▁the ▁interior ▁are ▁well ▁craft ed , ▁and ▁have ▁a ▁pleasant ▁appearance ▁- ▁just ▁the ▁surface ▁of ▁the ▁das h board ▁lets ▁the ▁side ▁down .
▁The ▁HR - V ▁is ▁more ▁versatile ▁than ▁comparable ▁vehicles ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁its ▁loading ▁space .
▁There ▁is n ' t ▁just ▁a ▁boot ▁of ▁45 3 ▁l ▁with ▁the ▁seats ▁up , ▁and ▁10 26 ▁l ▁with ▁the ▁seats ▁down ; ▁there ▁are ▁the ▁" mag ic ▁seats " ▁too .
▁This ▁is ▁rather ▁less ▁magical ▁than ▁it ▁sounds : ▁the ▁seats ▁in ▁the ▁back ▁can ▁be ▁f lipp ed ▁up ▁like ▁cinema ▁seats ▁to ▁reveal ▁additional ▁loading ▁space , ▁measuring ▁1. 24 ▁m ▁from ▁floor ▁to ▁ceiling .
▁The ▁boot ▁is ▁easy ▁to ▁load , ▁but ▁the ▁load ▁height ▁of ▁650 ▁mm ▁is ▁a ▁bit ▁higher ▁than ▁it ▁is ▁in ▁the ▁Pe ug e ot ▁2008, ▁which ▁is ▁a ▁comparable ▁model .
▁The ▁1.6 ▁l ▁diese l ▁engine ▁we ▁tested , ▁with ▁88 ▁kW / 120 ▁horse power ▁accelerate s ▁the ▁HR - V ▁powerful ly , ▁thanks ▁to ▁the ▁to r que ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁300 ▁N m ▁across ▁a ▁wide ▁range ▁of ▁speed s .
▁However , ▁it ▁could ▁certainly ▁do ▁its ▁work ▁a ▁bit ▁more ▁quiet ly .
▁Every day ▁consumption ▁of ▁4. 7 ▁l / 100 ▁km ▁was ▁plea s ing .
▁There ▁is ▁an ▁additional ▁motor : ▁a ▁1.5 ▁l ▁petrol ▁engine ▁with ▁96 ▁kW /1 30 ▁horse power .
▁All - wheel ▁drive ▁is ▁not ▁available .
▁Its ▁handling ▁is ▁balanced , ▁a ▁good ▁compromise ▁between ▁speed ▁and ▁comfort .
▁The ▁steering ▁could ▁be ▁a ▁bit ▁more ▁direct , ▁however .
▁In ▁the ▁top - f light ▁" Ex ec utive " ▁version , ▁which ▁we ▁tested , ▁the ▁fitting s ▁leave ▁nothing ▁to ▁be ▁desired .
▁The ▁safety ▁systems ▁include ▁city ▁emergency ▁bra king ▁assistant ▁( function s ▁up ▁to ▁a ▁speed ▁of ▁32 ), ▁coll i sion ▁warning ▁system , ▁and ▁the ▁la n e ▁departure ▁warning ▁system .
▁The ▁coll i sion ▁warning ▁system ▁is ▁irrit ating ▁occasionally : ▁when ▁parking , ▁it ▁see s ▁lots ▁of ▁obstacles ▁as ▁" app ro ach ing ▁objects ".
▁The ▁high - beam ▁assistant ▁system ▁is ▁very ▁reliable .
▁And ▁the ▁intelligent ▁speed ▁regulator ▁react s ▁to ▁traffic ▁sign age , ▁and ▁reduces ▁the ▁vehicle ' s ▁speed ▁if ▁necessary .
▁However , ▁full ▁connectivity ▁is ▁only ▁available ▁for ▁the ▁top - of - the - range ▁model : ▁7 ▁in ch ▁touch screen , ▁sat n av , ▁app ▁integration , ▁and ▁more .
▁There ▁are ▁two ▁USB ▁ports ▁and ▁a ▁HD MI ▁port ▁under ▁the ▁arm rest , ▁which ▁makes ▁them ▁rather ▁trick y ▁to ▁access .
▁It ▁costs ▁around ▁29 , 000 ▁euros ▁for ▁a ▁top - of - the - range ▁diese l ▁model , ▁which ▁is ▁fair .
▁If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁invest ▁quite ▁that ▁much , ▁the ▁petrol ▁model ▁is ▁available ▁from ▁20 , 000 ▁euros , ▁and ▁diese l ▁from ▁23 , 000 ▁euros .
▁The ▁motor s ▁comply ▁with ▁euro ▁6 ▁emissions ▁standards .
▁With ▁the ▁HR - V , ▁Honda ▁is ▁offering ▁a ▁diverse ▁car ▁that ▁is ▁perfect ▁for ▁everyday ▁driving .
▁Air line ▁is ▁not ▁liable : ▁Fall ▁on ▁passenger ▁boarding ▁bridge
▁An ▁airline ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁liable ▁for ▁a ▁passenger ' s ▁fall ▁on ▁a ▁passenger ▁boarding ▁bridge .
▁This ▁is ▁because ▁liability ▁only ▁applies ▁for ▁risks ▁typical ▁for ▁aviation ▁travel , ▁the ▁High er ▁Regional ▁Court ▁of ▁Du ssel dorf ▁argued ▁( A z . : ▁18 ▁U ▁12 4 / 14 ).
▁The ▁claim ant ▁had ▁broken ▁a ▁knee cap ▁in ▁the ▁fall .
▁However , ▁the ▁accident ▁could ▁have ▁happened ▁anywhere ▁- ▁it ▁was ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁ordinary ▁risks ▁of ▁life , ▁pronounce d ▁the ▁court .
▁The ▁airline ▁did ▁not ▁have ▁to ▁pay ▁the ▁man ▁any ▁compensation .
▁When ▁do ▁organise r s ▁pay ▁if ▁illness ▁strikes ?
▁ Traveller s ▁who ▁fall ▁ill ▁will ▁only ▁get ▁their ▁money ▁back ▁when ▁they ▁return ▁home ▁if ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁doubt ▁that ▁their ▁illness ▁was ▁caused ▁by ▁something ▁within ▁their ▁hotel .
▁However , ▁this ▁is ▁only ▁the ▁case ▁if ▁more ▁than ▁ten ▁percent ▁of ▁visitors ▁can ▁be ▁proved ▁to ▁have ▁suffered ▁the ▁same ▁symptoms .
▁In ▁this ▁case , ▁a ▁family ▁were ▁st rick en ▁with ▁di ar r ho e a ▁and ▁vom it ing ▁on ▁the ▁second ▁day ▁of ▁their ▁holiday ▁in ▁Turkey .
▁They ▁spent ▁almost ▁all ▁their ▁holiday ▁in ▁their ▁room .
▁The ▁holiday makers ▁blame d ▁a ▁mal function ing ▁se w age ▁treatment ▁plant , ▁which ▁they ▁believed ▁to ▁have ▁poll ut ed ▁the ▁sea water .
▁The ▁family ▁took ▁the ▁opinion ▁that ▁the ▁holiday ▁was ▁unsatisfactory ▁- ▁and ▁took ▁the ▁organise r ▁to ▁court .
▁The ▁claim ants ▁had ▁no ▁luck ▁in ▁court .
▁It ▁was ▁true ▁that ▁the ▁waste ▁treatment ▁plant ▁was ▁suffering ▁from ▁a ▁fault .
▁But ▁the ▁organise r ▁only ▁found ▁out ▁about ▁this ▁just ▁before ▁the ▁claim ants ▁depart ed .
▁Until ▁that ▁date , ▁the ▁organise r ▁had ▁to ▁assume ▁that ▁the ▁sea water ▁was ▁acceptable .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁judgement , ▁the ▁organise r ▁had ▁not ▁violated ▁its ▁information ▁obligation .
▁In ▁addition , ▁no ▁contamination ▁was ▁found ▁in ▁water ▁samples .
▁When ▁several ▁hotel ▁guests ▁fall ▁ill ▁- ▁possibly ▁by ▁in fect ing ▁each ▁other ▁- ▁the ▁court ▁views ▁this ▁as ▁a ▁general ▁life ▁risk .
▁Only ▁38 ▁of ▁6 91 ▁guests ▁fell ▁ill .
▁De ▁Mai z ière ▁said ▁that ▁many ▁people ▁were ▁worried ▁about ▁further ▁attacks ▁following ▁the ▁violence ▁per pet rated ▁by ▁refugees ▁in ▁Wür z burg ▁and ▁An s bach ▁in ▁July .
▁He ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁state ▁must ▁react ▁to ▁the ▁threat ▁of ▁terrorism ▁with ▁pr ud ence ▁and ▁resolve .
▁One ▁thing ▁is ▁for ▁sure : ▁Our ▁country ▁will ▁not ▁react ▁to ▁the ▁perpetrators ' ▁violence ▁with ▁hatred ▁and ▁division .
▁We ▁will ▁not ▁give ▁the ▁terrorists ▁this ▁victory .
▁If ▁perpetrators ▁have ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁country ▁quick er , ▁that ▁will ▁boost ▁security ▁and ▁increase ▁the ▁general ▁public ' s ▁approval ▁of ▁refugee ▁politics .
▁De ▁Mai z ière ▁wants ▁the ▁proposals ▁to ▁be ▁implemented ▁before ▁the ▁federal ▁elections ▁in ▁20 17 .
▁He ▁also ▁announced ▁that ▁security ▁services ▁would ▁receive ▁more ▁staff , ▁to ▁the ▁tun e ▁of ▁" a ▁mid - four ▁figure ▁sum ▁over ▁several ▁years ".
▁Ad vert ising ▁for ▁terrorism ▁must ▁be ▁punish able ▁once ▁again .
▁Video ▁surveillance ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁improved , ▁and ▁gun ▁laws ▁to ▁be ▁amended ▁so ▁that ▁purchasing ▁weapons ▁online , ▁in ▁particular , ▁is ▁made ▁more ▁difficult .
▁Doctor s ' ▁confidentiality ▁obligations , ▁recently ▁the ▁subject ▁of ▁much ▁discussion , ▁are ▁to ▁remain , ▁according ▁to ▁De ▁Mai z ière .
▁However , ▁he ▁wants ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁doctors ▁to ▁find ▁solutions ▁to ▁reduce ▁the ▁risk ▁to ▁the ▁general ▁public ▁with ▁regard ▁to ▁mental ▁illness , ▁he ▁said .
▁The ▁Minister ▁felt ▁that ▁improved ▁social ▁care ▁was ▁important ▁to ▁counter act ▁the ▁radical isation ▁of ▁refugees .
▁Tea cher s ▁must ▁be ▁better ▁trained ▁for ▁dealing ▁with ▁trauma t ised ▁individuals .
▁De ▁Mai z ière ▁is ▁planning ▁to ▁employ ▁under cover ▁agents ▁to ▁hunt ▁down ▁criminals ▁in ▁particular ▁areas ▁of ▁the ▁Internet ▁( the ▁Dark ▁Web ).
▁S PD ▁Head ▁Gabriel ▁said ▁that ▁" the ▁S PD ▁is ▁prepared ▁to ▁discuss ▁anything ▁that ▁will ▁increase ▁security ▁further ".
▁He ▁said ▁it ▁was ▁important ▁that ▁the ▁Minister ▁of ▁the ▁Interior ▁had ▁spoken ▁out ▁clearly ▁against ▁action ism .
▁" T hat ▁was ▁a ▁s lap ▁in ▁the ▁face ▁for ▁a git ators ▁in ▁the ▁CD U / CS U , " ▁said ▁Gabriel ▁on ▁Friday ▁to ▁the ▁newspapers ▁of ▁the ▁Funk e ▁media ▁group .
▁De ▁Mai z ière ▁had ▁previously ▁turned ▁down ▁calls ▁from ▁the ▁coalition ▁for ▁a ▁ bur ka ▁ban ▁and ▁the ▁abolition ▁of ▁dual ▁nationality .
▁He ▁views ▁an ▁over arch ing ▁ban ▁of ▁full ▁ve il s ▁as ▁problematic ▁under ▁the ▁constitution .
▁You ▁can ' t ▁ban ▁everything ▁you ' re ▁opposed ▁to , ▁and ▁I ' m ▁opposed ▁to ▁the ▁wearing ▁of ▁the ▁ bur ka .
▁We ▁can ▁talk ▁about ▁the ▁law ▁with ▁regard ▁to ▁traffic , ▁or ▁for ▁witness es ▁appearing ▁in ▁court .
▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Greens , ▁Simon e ▁Peter , ▁accused ▁the ▁Minister ▁of ▁wanting ▁to ▁use ▁new ▁anti - ter r or ▁packages ▁to ▁create ▁an ▁air ▁of ▁energy ▁and ▁ability ▁to ▁act .
▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Left , ▁Bern d ▁Ri ex inger , ▁said ▁that ▁" s mo oth ▁talking ▁and ▁tightening ▁up ▁reside n cy ▁laws ▁are ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁make ▁the ▁people ▁in ▁this ▁country ▁any ▁more ▁safe ".
▁Bett er ▁flow ▁of ▁traffic ▁on ▁the ▁motorway ▁slip ▁road
▁Traffic ▁ja m s ▁are ▁a ▁regular ▁occurrence ▁on ▁the ▁by pass ▁- ▁here ' s ▁a ▁photo ▁from ▁November .
▁But ▁that ▁is ▁about ▁to ▁change : ▁the ▁right - hand ▁turning ▁la n e ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁extended .
▁This ▁is ▁good ▁news ▁for ▁all ▁drivers ▁stuck ▁in ▁rush - hour ▁traffic ▁on ▁the ▁by pass ▁every ▁evening ▁as ▁they ▁drive ▁onto ▁the ▁motorway ▁slip ▁road ▁( A 43 ).
▁Next ▁Tuesday ▁and ▁Wednesday ▁(16 / 17 ▁August ), ▁the ▁State ▁Road work s ▁Office ▁will ▁extend the ▁right - hand ▁turning ▁la n e ▁in ▁the ▁area ▁between ▁Hammer ▁Straße ▁and ▁the ▁exit ▁from ▁We sel er ▁Straße ▁by ▁700 ▁metres .
▁This ▁means ▁that ▁drivers ▁will ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁feed ▁in ▁directly ▁from ▁Hammer ▁Straße .
▁The ▁major ▁advantage ▁is ▁that ▁traffic ▁will ▁split ▁earlier , ▁improving ▁overall ▁circulation ▁on ▁the ▁busy ▁section ▁of ▁main ▁road ▁51 .
▁The ▁CD U ▁fraction ▁in ▁the ▁Münster ▁( West ) ▁district ▁administration ▁came ▁up ▁with ▁the ▁idea ▁to ▁length en ▁the ▁exit .
▁The ▁traffic ▁on ▁the ▁slip ▁road ▁is ▁particularly ▁bad ▁for ▁drivers ▁between ▁5 pm ▁and ▁7 pm .
▁On ▁week day s , ▁the ▁traffic ▁ja m ▁stretches ▁to ▁the ▁bridge ▁over ▁Alb ers lo her ▁Weg ▁- ▁and ▁sometimes ▁even ▁goes ▁over ▁it .
▁This ▁is ▁caused ▁by ▁the ▁bottle n eck ▁on ▁the ▁B 51 , ▁just ▁before ▁the ▁exit ▁onto ▁We sel er ▁Straße .
▁From ▁here , ▁there ▁is ▁only ▁a ▁single ▁la n e ▁of ▁traffic ▁over ▁the ▁motorway ▁bridge .
▁The ▁second ▁la n e ▁was ▁removed ▁a ▁good ▁eight e en ▁months ▁ago .
▁The ▁reason ▁for ▁this ▁was ▁that ▁structural ▁analysis ▁had ▁shown ▁that ▁the ▁bridge ▁was ▁no ▁longer ▁capable ▁of ▁supporting ▁the ▁weight ▁caused ▁by ▁two ▁la n es , ▁particularly ▁the ▁weight ▁of ▁heavy ▁goods ▁vehicles .
▁The ▁relevant ▁authorities ▁cannot ▁say ▁how ▁long ▁this ▁bottle n eck , ▁and ▁the ▁associated ▁rush - hour ▁traffic , ▁will ▁last .
▁It ' s ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁matter ▁of ▁years : ▁officially , ▁the ▁bridge ▁will ▁remain ▁in ▁use ▁until ▁20 34 .
▁The ▁district ▁authorities ▁deliberately ▁chose ▁the ▁less ▁busy ▁period ▁of ▁the ▁school ▁holidays ▁for ▁the ▁extension ▁of ▁the ▁right - hand ▁turning ▁la n e , ▁because ▁it ▁will ▁cause ▁delays .
▁Traffic ▁will ▁be ▁divert ed ▁past ▁the ▁construction ▁site ▁in ▁a ▁single ▁la n e ▁on ▁Tuesday ▁and ▁Wednesday .
▁Inter cultural ▁journey : ▁Cultural ▁programme ▁for ▁schools
▁The ▁international ▁class ▁from ▁the ▁forest ▁school ▁has ▁been ▁to ▁see ▁" The ▁In vis ible ▁House " ▁at ▁the ▁theatre .
▁The ▁" N ima ' s " ▁association ▁and ▁Young ▁Theatre ▁are ▁now ▁planning ▁a ▁musical ▁project .
▁The ▁" N ima ' s " ▁association ▁enables ▁young ▁people ▁from ▁a ▁ migrant ▁or ▁refugee ▁background ▁to ▁visit ▁cultural ▁institutions ▁in ▁Münster .
▁The ▁" International ▁Class " ▁at ▁the ▁Kinder haus ▁forest ▁school ▁saw ▁a ▁performance ▁of ▁the ▁award - winning ▁play ▁" The ▁In vis ible ▁House " ▁at ▁the ▁Young ▁Theatre ▁in ▁Münster .
▁Within ▁the ▁framework ▁of ▁the ▁" Inter cultural ▁Jo ur ney " ▁set ▁up ▁by ▁N ima ' s , ▁19 ▁pupils ▁a ged ▁between ▁11 ▁and ▁15 ▁saw ▁the ▁play ▁in ▁the ▁small ▁house .
▁The ▁association ' s ▁objective ▁is ▁to ▁encourage ▁cultural ▁integration ▁of ▁young ▁people ▁from ▁ migrant ▁and ▁refugee ▁background s , ▁and ▁since ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁it ▁has ▁offered ▁schools ▁with ▁welcome ▁classes ▁with ▁the ▁chance ▁to ▁attend ▁cultural ▁institutions ▁in ▁Münster ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁this ▁project .
▁Most ▁young ▁people ▁in ▁the ▁class ▁arrived ▁in ▁Münster ▁between ▁September ▁2015 ▁and ▁March ▁20 16 ▁from ▁Afghanistan , ▁Iran , ▁Serbia ▁and ▁Syria , ▁among ▁others , ▁and ▁spoke ▁little ▁German .
▁Thanks ▁to ▁the ▁ chor e ography , ▁scenic ▁images ▁and ▁video ▁animation s ▁they ▁were ▁able ▁to ▁follow ▁the ▁plot ▁regardless , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁press ▁release ▁from ▁Münster ' s ▁Young ▁Theatre .
▁N ima ' s , ▁founded ▁by ▁Dr . ▁Tan n az ▁West er berg ▁from ▁Spr ak el , ▁and ▁the ▁Young ▁Theatre , ▁will ▁work ▁on ▁a ▁musical ▁theatre ▁project ▁together ▁over ▁the ▁next ▁season .
▁From ▁October ▁to ▁December , ▁young ▁people ▁a ged ▁between ▁14 ▁and ▁20 ▁with ▁and ▁without ▁a ▁ migrant ▁and ▁refugee ▁background ▁will ▁have ▁the ▁chance ▁to ▁attend ▁professional ly - led ▁courses ▁for ▁singing , ▁dancing , ▁acting , ▁and ▁music .
▁There ▁are ▁also ▁plans ▁for ▁acting ▁and ▁the at r ical ▁language ▁training ▁for ▁children ▁and ▁families .
▁The ▁" Inter cultural ▁Jo ur ney " ▁project ▁continues .
▁As ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁increase ▁in ▁the ▁number ▁of ▁refugees , ▁the ▁association ▁is ▁expecting ▁that ▁many ▁classes ▁will ▁want ▁to ▁take ▁part .
▁Rai n ▁replace s ▁shooting ▁stars : ▁There ▁is ▁hope ▁that ▁the ▁weather ▁will ▁improve
▁For ▁people ▁hoping ▁to ▁spot ▁shooting ▁stars ▁in ▁south - west ▁Germany ▁on ▁Thursday ▁night , ▁the ▁weather ▁put ▁paid ▁to ▁their ▁plans ▁- ▁but ▁all ▁is ▁not ▁lost .
▁The ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Observ atory ▁of ▁We l z heim , ▁Hans - U l rich ▁Keller , ▁said ▁on ▁Friday ▁morning ▁that ▁the ▁cloud s ▁and ▁rain ▁overnight ▁meant ▁that ▁conditions ▁were ▁not ▁ideal ▁for ▁observing ▁the ▁ce les tial ▁show .
▁We ▁are ▁pin n ing ▁our ▁hopes ▁on ▁Friday ▁night .
▁The ▁weather ▁is ▁supposed ▁to ▁be ▁good , ▁so ▁we ' ll ▁definitely ▁see ▁lots ▁of ▁shooting ▁stars ▁in ▁the ▁sky .
▁The ▁shooting ▁stars ▁are ▁the ▁Pers e id s : ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁quick est ▁shooting ▁stars , ▁travelling ▁at ▁2 16 000 ▁kilometres ▁an ▁hour .
▁Their ▁name ▁refers ▁to ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁they ▁seem ▁to ▁come ▁from ▁the ▁c onstellation ▁of ▁Pers e us , ▁which ▁is ▁visible ▁in ▁the ▁north - east .
▁Sil en t ▁night : ▁Tip s ▁to ▁fight ▁sleep ▁disorder s
▁In ▁the ▁evening ▁your ▁mind ▁won ' t ▁stop ▁whi r ring , ▁you ▁lie ▁awake ▁for ▁hours ▁each ▁night , ▁and ▁by ▁the ▁time ▁morning ▁comes , ▁sleep ▁is ▁far ▁from ▁your ▁mind ▁even ▁well ▁before ▁your ▁alarm ▁goes ▁off .
▁This ▁is ▁anything ▁but ▁relaxing .
▁If ▁you ▁suffer ▁from ▁these ▁issues , ▁you ' re ▁in ▁good ▁company : ▁According ▁to ▁the ▁Robert ▁Koch ▁Institute , ▁around ▁a ▁quarter ▁of ▁adults ▁suffer ▁from ▁sleep ▁disorder s , ▁and ▁more ▁than ▁ten ▁percent ▁find ▁that ▁they ▁often ▁or ▁always ▁wake ▁up ▁not ▁feeling ▁refresh ed .
▁How ▁do ▁sleep ▁problems ▁or ▁sleep ▁disorder s ▁manifest ▁themselves ?
▁There ▁are ▁various ▁forms ▁of ▁sleep ▁disorder s , ▁and ▁they ▁can ▁have ▁many ▁causes , ▁emphasise s ▁Hans - G ü n ter ▁We e ß , ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁German ▁Association ▁for ▁Sleep ▁Research ▁and ▁Sleep ▁Medicine .
▁What ▁people ▁generally ▁understand ▁by ▁sleep ▁disorder s ▁is ▁in s om nia : ▁a ▁problem ▁with ▁falling ▁a sleep ▁and ▁sleeping ▁through ▁the ▁night .
▁Many ▁people ▁feel ▁that ▁their ▁sleep ▁throughout ▁the ▁night ▁is ▁unsatisfactory ▁or ▁inadequate , ▁says ▁Jens ▁Wagen k n echt , ▁Member ▁of ▁the ▁Board ▁of ▁the ▁German ▁Association ▁of ▁General ▁Pra ctic ion ers , ▁who ▁practices ▁in ▁Var el ▁in ▁Lower ▁Saxony .
▁What ▁is ▁behind ▁sleep ▁disorder s ?
▁The ▁causes ▁of ▁sleep ▁disorder s ▁are ▁complex .
▁Bi ological , ▁psychological ▁or ▁behaviour al ▁factors ▁can ▁be ▁to ▁blame , ▁along ▁with ▁medication .
▁A ▁sleep ▁disorder ▁is ▁often ▁a ▁reflection ▁of ▁another ▁illness .
▁" Wa king ▁up ▁very ▁early ▁is ▁common ▁with ▁depression , ▁in ▁particular , " ▁says ▁We e ß .
▁And ▁it ▁can ▁be ▁the ▁case ▁that ▁several ▁factors ▁have ▁an ▁impact ▁on ▁each ▁other .
▁If ▁you ▁have ▁a ▁slip ped ▁disk , ▁for ▁example , ▁you ▁might ▁find ▁it ▁hard ▁to ▁lie ▁down , ▁wake ▁up ▁every ▁couple ▁of ▁hours , ▁and ▁start ▁to ▁gr umble ▁about ▁everyday ▁problems ▁and ▁worries , ▁suggests ▁We e ß ▁as ▁an ▁example .
▁That ▁causes ▁tension , ▁and ▁it ▁is ▁impossible ▁to ▁sleep .
▁When ▁should ▁you ▁see ▁your ▁doctor ▁about ▁sleep ▁disorder s ?
▁If , ▁over ▁the ▁course ▁of ▁a ▁month , ▁you ▁sleep ▁poorly ▁for ▁at ▁least ▁three ▁nights ▁a ▁week , ▁and ▁find ▁that ▁this ▁impact s ▁you ▁during ▁the ▁day , ▁you ▁should ▁see ▁a ▁doctor , ▁advise s ▁We e ß .
▁They ▁can ▁impact ▁in ▁various ▁different ▁ways : ▁You ▁could ▁be ▁exhaust ed , ▁tired , ▁poorly ▁rest ed , ▁suffer ▁from ▁difficulties ▁concentrating ▁and ▁staying ▁alert , ▁be ▁irrit able , ▁have ▁mood ▁swing s ▁or ▁physical ▁complain s ▁such ▁as ▁stomach ▁a che ▁or ▁headache s .
▁To ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁treat ▁a ▁sleep ▁disorder , ▁it ▁is ▁important ▁to ▁work ▁out ▁what ▁is ▁causing ▁it .
▁Be h avi our ▁changes , ▁c ognitive ▁behaviour al ▁therapy ▁or ▁medication ▁- ▁with ▁traditional ▁sleeping ▁table t s ▁only ▁being ▁used ▁in ▁exceptional ▁circumstances ▁and ▁for ▁a ▁maximum ▁of ▁two ▁weeks ▁- ▁are ▁all ▁options ▁for ▁treatment .
▁There ▁are ▁hardly ▁any ▁registered ▁sleep ▁doctors ▁in ▁Germany , ▁emphasise s ▁Prof . ▁In go ▁Fi etz e , ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁In terdisciplinary ▁Centre ▁for ▁Sleep ▁Medicine ▁at ▁the ▁Char ité ▁University ▁Medicine ▁Centre ▁in ▁Berlin .
▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁you ▁should ▁first ▁turn ▁to ▁your ▁ GP ▁if ▁you ' re ▁suffering ▁with ▁a ▁sleep ▁disorder , ▁recommend s ▁We e ß .
▁Your ▁doctor ▁will ▁examine ▁you ▁to ▁see ▁if ▁the ▁problems ▁have ▁a ▁physical ▁cause .
▁Who ▁should ▁go ▁to ▁a ▁sleep ▁ lab , ▁and ▁what ▁happens ▁there ?
▁Doctor s ▁recommend ▁an ▁examination ▁in ▁a ▁sleep ▁ lab ▁for ▁patients ▁whose ▁s no ring ▁disrupt s ▁their ▁breath ing , ▁for ▁people ▁who ▁feel ▁ab normal ly ▁sleep y ▁during ▁the ▁day , ▁for ▁sleep walk ers , ▁or ▁if ▁the ▁cause ▁of ▁a ▁sleep ▁disorder ▁cannot ▁be ▁pin point ed , ▁explains ▁Fi etz e .
▁You ▁don ' t ▁have ▁to ▁prepare ▁for ▁the ▁examination ▁at ▁all .
▁You ▁should ▁spend ▁the ▁day ▁normally .
▁" Ju st ▁- ▁please ▁don ' t ▁take ▁an ▁afternoon ▁na p , " ▁says ▁Fi etz e .
▁After ▁being ▁cable d ▁up , ▁you ▁head ▁to ▁bed ▁at ▁your ▁normal ▁time .
▁In ▁addition ▁to ▁the ▁electro des ▁on ▁the ▁body , ▁you ▁wear ▁a ▁na s al ▁can n ula , ▁a ▁belt ▁across ▁your ▁che st ▁and ▁a ▁sensor ▁on ▁your ▁finger .
▁In ▁addition , ▁a ▁camera ▁mounted ▁on ▁the ▁ceiling ▁records ▁the ▁sleep er .
▁How ▁can ▁those ▁affected ▁get ▁a ▁grip ▁on ▁the ▁problems ▁they ▁are ▁experiencing ?
▁There ▁are ▁a ▁fair ▁few ▁areas ▁that ▁can ▁be ▁adjusted ▁to ▁encourage ▁a ▁better ▁night ' s ▁sleep .
▁We e ß ▁lists ▁them : ▁going ▁to ▁bed ▁and ▁getting ▁up ▁a ▁regular ▁times , ▁not ▁staying ▁in ▁bed ▁too ▁long , ▁not ▁sleeping ▁during ▁the ▁day , ▁not ▁watching ▁television ▁to ▁get ▁to ▁sleep , ▁avoiding ▁alcohol , ▁and ▁not ▁looking ▁at ▁the ▁clock ▁during ▁the ▁night ▁- ▁because ▁the n ▁you ▁start ▁working ▁out ▁times ▁straight ▁away , ▁and ▁that ' s ▁not ▁helpful ▁at ▁all .
▁What ▁the ▁jungle ▁camp ▁has ▁got ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁missing ▁swimming ▁medal s
▁Form er ▁German ▁sw immer ▁Markus ▁De ible r ▁has ▁posted ▁on ▁Facebook ▁about ▁the ▁disappointing ▁performance ▁of ▁the ▁D SV ▁team ▁at ▁the ▁Olympic s .
▁In ▁December ▁2014 ▁he ▁got ▁his ▁first ▁gold ▁medal ▁at ▁the ▁Short ▁Course ▁Swimming ▁Championship s ▁in ▁Doha , ▁while ▁setting ▁his ▁first ▁world ▁record .
▁Now ▁the ▁former ▁D SV ▁at hl ete ▁Markus ▁De ible r ▁has ▁come ▁forward ▁on ▁Facebook ▁to ▁defend ▁his ▁ex - team mat es ▁from ▁criticism .
▁" In ▁a ▁country ▁in ▁which ▁an ▁Olympic ▁champion ▁is ▁awarded ▁20 , 000 ▁euros ▁and ▁the ▁King ▁of ▁the ▁Jung le ▁gets ▁1 50,000 ▁euros , ▁nobody ▁should ▁wonder ▁why ▁medal s ▁are n ' t ▁being ▁won , " ▁the ▁26 - year - old ▁wrote ▁on ▁Thursday ▁night ▁on ▁his ▁Facebook ▁page .
▁The ▁remuneration ▁system ▁in ▁swimming ▁is ▁poor , ▁but ▁do ping ▁tests , ▁on ▁the ▁other ▁hand , ▁are ▁very ▁good , ▁he ▁says .
▁This ▁means ▁that ▁we ▁cannot ▁compete ▁with ▁countries ▁who ▁pay ▁a ▁lot ▁and ▁that ▁don ' t ▁pay ▁as ▁much ▁attention ▁to ▁do ping , ▁or ▁even ▁encourage ▁it .
▁" I ' m ▁not ▁saying ▁that ▁we ▁should ▁stop ▁our ▁tests , " ▁he ▁went ▁on ▁to ▁explain .
▁If ▁he ▁wanted ▁to ▁make ▁a ▁come back , ▁De ible r ▁would ▁have ▁to ▁register ▁with ▁the ▁National ▁Anti - Do ping ▁Agency ▁for ▁Germany ▁( NA DA ) ▁nine ▁months ▁before ▁he ▁started .
▁This ▁is ▁exactly ▁how ▁it ▁should ▁be ▁with ▁countries .
▁" If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁submit ▁to ▁ WA DA / F INA ▁checks ▁a ▁particular ▁amount ▁of ▁time ▁before ▁the ▁World ▁Championship s / O ly mp ics , ▁the n ▁you ▁should n ' t ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁take ▁part , " ▁the ▁Hamburg ▁resident ▁stated , ▁who ▁now ▁runs ▁an ▁ice - cre am ▁par lou r .
▁Airport : ▁A ▁ gang ▁of ▁luggage ▁th ieve s ▁are ▁arrested
▁Professional ▁th ieve s ▁at ▁Du ssel dorf ▁airport
▁Pla in ▁clothes ▁officers ▁from ▁Du ssel dorf ' s ▁police ▁force ▁managed ▁to ▁arrest ▁two ▁women ▁and ▁two ▁men , ▁a ged ▁between ▁50 ▁and ▁61 , ▁on ▁Thursday .
▁The ▁suspect s ▁had ▁worked ▁as ▁a ▁group ▁to ▁steal ▁several ▁bags ▁and ▁items ▁of ▁luggage .
▁Around ▁9. 30 ▁p . m . ▁civil ▁servants ▁in ▁Du ssel dorf ▁Airport ▁recognised ▁a ▁ gang ▁known ▁to ▁the ▁police ▁from ▁previous ▁the ft s .
▁The ▁two ▁men ▁and ▁two ▁women ▁had ▁committed ▁multiple ▁crimes ▁since ▁mid - Ju ly , ▁and ▁had ▁committed ▁the ▁offence s ▁as ▁a ▁group , ▁dividing ▁up ▁their ▁work ▁in ▁a ▁particularly ▁professional ▁way .
▁The ▁specialists ▁from ▁the ▁34 th ▁police ▁in spect or ate ▁were ▁able ▁to ▁prove ▁that ▁the ▁th ieve s , ▁who ▁had ▁travelled ▁to ▁Germany ▁to ▁commit ▁the ▁crimes , ▁had ▁committed ▁four ▁crimes .
▁They ▁had ▁made ▁more ▁than ▁1 5,000 ▁euros ▁as ▁a ▁result .
▁Old ▁buildings , ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁little ▁lind en ▁trees , ▁and ▁a ▁few ▁co b ble stone s ▁among ▁them : ▁at ▁first ▁glance , ▁Berlin - Fri ed rich sha in ' s ▁Riga er ▁Straße ▁doesn ' t ▁look ▁as ▁if ▁it ' s ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁streets ▁that ▁the ▁police ▁consider ▁to ▁be ▁among ▁the ▁most ▁dangerous ▁in ▁the ▁city .
▁If ▁you ▁walk ▁along ▁the ▁street ▁from ▁east ▁to ▁west , ▁you ▁come ▁across ▁playground s , ▁a ▁fresh ly ▁painted ▁kind er garten ▁and ▁a ▁health - food ▁shop .
▁Some one ▁has ▁spray pa in ted ▁" hor rid ! " ▁on ▁the ▁facade ▁of ▁a ▁house .
▁Op posi te ▁a ▁Li d l , ▁due ▁to ▁be ▁pull ed ▁down ▁soon , ▁construction ▁is ▁already ▁underway : ▁by ▁20 17 , ▁a ▁building ▁with ▁large ▁windows ▁and ▁13 3 ▁new ▁apartments ▁to ▁re nd ▁is ▁expected ▁to ▁be ▁constructed .
▁Article s ▁on ▁this ▁" trend y ▁district ", ▁as ▁the ▁property ▁company ▁responsible ▁has ▁du bb ed ▁Friedrich sha in , ▁have ▁been ▁illustrated ▁with ▁pictures ▁of ▁burning ▁cars ▁over ▁the ▁past ▁few ▁weeks .
▁The ▁reason ▁for ▁this ▁is ▁house ▁94 : ▁At ▁first , ▁it ▁was ▁occupied ▁by ▁s quat ters , ▁the n ▁the ▁inhabitants ▁had ▁rental ▁contracts , ▁but ▁some ▁rooms ▁on ▁the ▁ground ▁floor ▁are ▁still ▁occupied ▁by ▁s quat ters ▁and ▁used ▁for ▁events .
▁Berlin ' s ▁Senator ▁of ▁the ▁Interior ▁He nkel ▁had ▁called ▁multiple ▁times ▁since ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁year ▁for ▁the ▁police ▁to ▁take ▁a ▁hard ▁line ▁against ▁the ▁project ▁that ▁has ▁made ▁the ▁area ▁a ▁" no - go ▁zone " ▁for ▁police ▁and ▁single d ▁out ▁94 ▁as ▁the ▁starting ▁point ▁for ▁autonomous ▁violence .
▁After ▁the ▁rooms ▁on ▁the ▁ground ▁floor , ▁the ▁Kad ter schmiede , ▁were ▁clear ed ▁on ▁22 ▁June ▁by ▁300 ▁police ▁officers , ▁the ▁police ▁ pat rolle d ▁the ▁area ▁for ▁three ▁weeks , ▁according ▁to ▁official ▁statements , ▁with ▁30 ▁to ▁40 ▁officers ▁and ▁three ▁van s , ▁closing ▁parts ▁of ▁the ▁street ▁and ▁preventing ▁visitors ▁from ▁access ing ▁house ▁94 .
▁During ▁this ▁period , ▁build ers ▁renovated ▁the ▁rooms ▁on ▁behalf ▁of ▁the ▁un ident ified ▁owner ▁of ▁the ▁house .
▁On ▁13 ▁July ▁Berlin ' s ▁Admin ist r ative ▁Court ▁ruled ▁that ▁the ▁clear ing ▁was ▁illegal , ▁and , ▁one ▁day ▁later , ▁police ▁and ▁build ers ▁left ▁the ▁site , ▁to ▁the ▁che ers ▁of ▁supporters ▁and ▁residents .
▁On ▁this ▁summer ▁afternoon , ▁the ▁street ▁seemed ▁peaceful : ▁parents ▁were ▁out ▁walking ▁with ▁their ▁children , ▁people ▁were ▁sitting ▁on ▁their ▁houses ' ▁steps ▁in ▁the ▁sunshine , ▁other ▁people ▁were ▁chat ting ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁the ▁off - lic ence .
▁Near ▁the ▁house ▁project ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁primary ▁school ▁and ▁a ▁kind er garten .
▁Far - left ▁violence ▁is ▁not ▁what ▁worries ▁most ▁residents ▁the ▁most : ▁K erst in ▁Neu ge bauer , ▁who ▁has ▁lived ▁in ▁the ▁district ▁since ▁1999 , ▁and ▁Jan a * , ▁who ▁has ▁brought ▁three ▁children ▁up ▁here , ▁are ▁mainly ▁irrit ated ▁by ▁the ▁police ▁presence .
▁They ▁share ▁the ▁inhabitants ▁of ▁the ▁housing ▁project ' s ▁fears ▁of ▁rising ▁rent s ▁and ▁ge n t r ification .
▁It ▁doesn ' t ▁sound ▁like ▁a ▁district ▁that ▁wants ▁more ▁police ▁protection ▁against ▁left - wing ▁van dal ism .
▁The ▁sch ism s ▁that ▁Berlin ' s ▁Senator ▁for ▁the ▁Interior ▁and ▁the ▁police ▁believe ▁to ▁have ▁opened ▁up ▁between ▁the ▁s quat ters ▁in ▁the ▁house ▁and ▁their ▁neighbours ▁do ▁not ▁exist .
▁Friedrich sha in , ▁in ▁the ▁east ▁of ▁Berlin , ▁was ▁traditionally ▁a ▁working - class ▁neighbourhood . ▁Even ▁today , ▁it ▁has ▁a ▁lower ▁average ▁income ▁and ▁a ▁higher ▁risk ▁of ▁poverty ▁than ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁city .
▁S quat ters ▁in ▁houses ▁and ▁the ▁residential ▁projects ▁they ▁spa w n ▁are ▁nothing ▁new ▁in ▁the ▁district : ▁in ▁1990 ▁numerous ▁houses ▁in ▁the ▁the n - G DR ▁were ▁full ▁of ▁s quat ters , ▁including ▁almost ▁all ▁of ▁Main zer ▁Straße r , ▁near ▁Riga u er .
▁While ▁those ▁on ▁Main zer straße ▁were ▁clear ed ▁out ▁during ▁a ▁real ▁street ▁battle ▁with ▁a ▁large ▁police ▁deployment , ▁many ▁of ▁the ▁projects ▁in ▁Riga u er ▁were ▁legal ised , ▁and ▁are ▁to ▁a ▁certain ▁extent ▁still ▁inhabited ▁by ▁the ▁people ▁who ▁first ▁s quat ted ▁there ▁26 ▁years ▁ago .
▁At ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁the ▁district ▁has ▁become ▁more ▁and ▁more ▁of ▁a ▁magnet ▁for ▁tourists ▁and ▁Berlin ▁residents ▁who ▁come ▁from ▁all ▁over ▁the ▁world : ▁residents ▁from ▁G DR ▁times ▁and ▁former ▁s quat ters ▁are ▁now ▁sharing ▁their ▁district ▁with ▁them .
▁This ▁can ▁be ▁felt ▁in ▁the ▁rent s , ▁which ▁have ▁climb ed ▁by ▁almost ▁60 ▁percent ▁since ▁2009.
▁Many ▁of ▁the ▁new ▁buildings ▁in ▁Riga u er ▁are ▁seen ▁as ▁symbols ▁of ▁this ▁development : ▁this ▁is ▁clear ▁from ▁their ▁broken ▁windows ▁or ▁fresh ly ▁painted ▁facade s ▁s platte red ▁by ▁paint ▁bomb s .
▁No ▁other ▁street ▁has ▁been ▁mentioned ▁so ▁often ▁this ▁year ▁in ▁connection ▁with ▁" auto nom ous ▁left - wing ▁violence ".
▁One ▁reason ▁for ▁not ▁all ▁neighbours ▁seeing ▁this ▁as ▁a ▁problem ▁could ▁be ▁that ▁they ▁are ▁not ▁directly ▁affected ▁by ▁crime : ▁according ▁to ▁statistics , ▁almost ▁all ▁crimes ▁such ▁as ▁bo di ly ▁harm ▁are ▁directed ▁against ▁the ▁police .
▁The ▁majority ▁of ▁crimes ▁are ▁damage ▁to ▁property , ▁which ▁tend ▁to ▁target ▁new ▁buildings ▁and ▁recently ▁renovated ▁properties .
▁For ▁K erst in ▁Neu ge bauer , ▁who ▁has ▁been ▁living ▁in ▁a ▁block ▁of ▁flat s ▁next - door ▁to ▁controversial ▁number ▁94 ▁for ▁17 ▁years , ▁there ▁can ▁be ▁no ▁talk ▁of ▁uncertainty .
▁She ▁is ▁calm ▁about ▁acts ▁of ▁violence : ▁the ▁people ▁at ▁number ▁94 ▁are ▁her ▁neighbours , ▁they ▁certainly ▁had ▁nothing ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁it .
▁Even ▁the ▁notorious ▁burning ▁cars ▁have ▁not ▁played ▁a ▁role ▁in ▁Riga er ▁for ▁a ▁long ▁time .
▁The ▁trained ▁architect ▁does ▁not ▁see ▁her ▁street ▁as ▁a ▁crime ▁flash point ▁- ▁quite ▁the ▁opposite : ▁" Her e ▁we ▁help ▁each ▁other , ▁live ▁together ▁along ▁the ▁street , ▁and ▁talk ▁to ▁each ▁other ▁more ▁than ▁elsewhere ".
▁Neu ge bauer ▁chose ▁to ▁move ▁to ▁Riga u er ▁Straße ▁- ▁and ▁she ▁chose ▁to ▁stay ▁there .
▁This ▁is ▁also ▁why ▁it ▁was ▁so ▁important ▁to ▁her ▁that ▁residents ▁got ▁their ▁street ▁back : ▁back ▁from ▁the ▁police , ▁politicians ▁and ▁the ▁media ▁who ▁suddenly ▁started ▁claiming ▁how ▁important ▁the ▁district ▁was ▁in ▁July .
▁But ▁in ▁the ▁eyes ▁of ▁residents ▁like ▁Neu ge bauer , ▁the ▁street ▁is ▁still ▁being ▁taken ▁away : ▁by ▁im personal ▁new ▁developments ▁in ▁old ▁empty ▁sites , ▁which ▁drive ▁out ▁old ▁residents .
▁" The y ▁are ▁free hold ▁flat s , ▁and ▁most ▁people ▁here ▁are n ' t ▁interested ▁in ▁that ▁- ▁people ▁here ▁generally ▁are n ' t ▁so ▁well - off , " ▁she ▁said .
▁" I ▁absolutely ▁cannot ▁con don e ▁violence ▁and ▁destruction . "
▁But ▁what ▁should ▁you ▁do ▁when ▁nobody ▁listen s ▁to ▁you ?
▁The n ▁everyone ▁gets ▁frustr ated , ▁including ▁the ▁police ▁and ▁residents .
▁K erst in ▁Neu ge bauer ▁has ▁little ▁sympathy ▁for ▁people ▁who ▁have ▁moved ▁in ▁and ▁are ▁irrit ated ▁by ▁paint ▁bomb s : ▁The ▁housing ▁project ▁and ▁the ▁left - wing ▁scene ▁are ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁district .
▁If ▁you ▁move ▁here , ▁you ▁should ▁be ▁aware ▁of ▁that ▁- ▁just ▁like ▁someone ▁who ▁moves ▁into ▁an ▁area ▁full ▁of ▁pub s ▁should ▁know ▁they ▁can ' t ▁really ▁complain ▁about ▁the ▁noise .
▁All ▁people ▁only ▁described ▁using ▁their ▁for e name s ▁have ▁requested ▁that ▁their ▁real ▁names ▁are ▁not ▁used
▁Ur bach : ▁An n ika ▁Deut s cle ▁is ▁the ▁new ▁Commissioner ▁for ▁Re fug e es
▁An n ika ▁Deutsch le ▁is ▁the ▁contact ▁person ▁for ▁integration ▁and ▁organisation .
▁She ▁will ▁also ▁work ▁on - site ▁as ▁a ▁social ▁work er .
▁An n ika ▁De us ch le ▁has ▁been ▁the ▁Commissioner ▁for ▁Re fug e es ▁for ▁Ur bach ▁since ▁July .
▁The ▁social ▁education ▁work er ▁will ▁assist ▁the ▁management ▁team ▁run ▁by ▁A chi m ▁G rock en berger .
▁She ▁views ▁herself ▁as ▁a ▁point - of - con t act ▁for ▁all ▁involved : ▁refugees , ▁people ▁from ▁the ▁working ▁group ▁for ▁refugees , ▁administrator s , ▁authorities , ▁and ▁anyone ▁else .
▁Reg ine ▁Kunde ▁from ▁the ▁working ▁group ▁said ▁that ▁the ▁volunteer s ▁are ▁more ▁than ▁grateful ▁that ▁De us ch le ▁is ▁now ▁available ▁to ▁work ▁as ▁a ▁ jack - of - all - trade s ▁to ▁help ▁anyone ▁experiencing ▁difficulties .
▁That ' s ▁what ▁some ▁people ▁said ▁when ▁management ▁posted ▁the ▁ad vert ▁for ▁the ▁job ▁- ▁meaning ▁it ▁less ▁in ▁a ▁m ock ing ▁way , ▁and ▁more ▁with ▁reference ▁to ▁the ▁number ▁of ▁tasks ▁that ▁were ▁to ▁be ▁performed .
▁They ▁were ▁looking ▁for ▁a ▁manager ▁with ▁people ▁skills ▁and ▁communication ▁skills , ▁combined ▁with ▁years ▁of ▁experience ▁in ▁social ▁work ▁- ▁a ▁real ▁ jack - of - all - trade s .
▁However , ▁manager ial ▁work ▁is ▁not ▁how ▁she ▁spend s ▁most ▁of ▁her ▁time , ▁An n ika ▁De us ch le ▁says .
▁It ▁is ▁primarily ▁about ▁organisation , ▁working ▁on - site ▁with ▁people , ▁even ▁in ▁the ▁background , ▁and ▁networking , ▁she ▁says .
▁The ▁31 - year - old ▁has ▁been ▁in ▁post ▁for ▁around ▁six ▁weeks .
▁She ▁has ▁taken ▁the ▁50% ▁job ▁for ▁a ▁fixed ▁term ▁of ▁three ▁years .
▁It ▁was ▁high ▁time , " ▁Reg ine ▁Kunde ▁said , ▁that ▁An n ika ▁De us ch le ▁offered ▁support ▁to ▁voluntary ▁and ▁full - time ▁workers .
▁There ▁are ▁major ▁problems , ▁minor ▁problems , ▁organisational ▁problems , ▁problems ▁with ▁people , ▁com prehensi on ▁problems .
▁New ▁containers ▁will ▁soon ▁be ▁located ▁in ▁Was en straße
▁For ▁a ▁while , ▁one ▁major ▁problem ▁has ▁been ▁finding ▁homes ▁subsequently ▁for ▁refugees ▁that ▁have ▁been ▁given ▁certified ▁status .
▁Commun es ▁themselves ▁are ▁responsible ▁for ▁subsequent ▁accommodation .
▁They ▁have ▁to ▁house ▁the ▁refugees ▁in ▁their ▁own ▁properties ▁or ▁in ▁rent ed ▁properties .
▁Commun es ▁themselves ▁have ▁to ▁bear ▁the ▁costs ▁for ▁construct ing , ▁rent ing ▁or ▁re nov ating ▁this ▁accommodation .
▁Re s pon s ibility ▁switch es ▁from ▁district ▁administration ▁to ▁commun es ▁and ▁job ▁centres .
▁The ▁problem : ▁Pro per ties ▁are ▁free , ▁but ▁not ▁every ▁land lord ▁is ▁prepared ▁to ▁let .
▁The ▁search ▁has ▁been ▁very ▁difficult ▁for ▁a ▁while .
▁De ▁facto , ▁the ▁administration ▁cannot ▁find ▁any ▁private ▁homes .
▁According ▁to ▁De us ch le , ▁being ▁re lian t ▁on ▁private ▁homes ▁has ▁not ▁worked .
▁This ▁is ▁why ▁the ▁commun e ' s ▁homes ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁beef ed ▁up , ▁as ▁it ▁is ▁so ▁neat ly ▁put .
▁Consequently ▁new ▁containers ▁will ▁soon ▁be ▁located ▁in ▁Was en straße .
▁But ▁homes ▁alone ▁will ▁not ▁do ▁the ▁trick .
▁Perspective ▁is ▁the ▁key ▁word , ▁and ▁Reg ine ▁Kunde ▁and ▁An n ika ▁De us ch le ▁agree ▁on ▁that ▁score .
▁In ▁addition ▁to ▁a ▁fixed ▁ab ode , ▁in tern ship s , ▁app rent ice ship s , ▁school ▁places , ▁" one - e uro " ▁trainee ship ▁jobs ▁and ▁temporary ▁jobs ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁found ▁or ▁set ▁up ▁for ▁refugees ▁and ▁migrants .
▁" Mor e ▁jobs ▁would ▁be ▁good , " ▁reports ▁Reg ine ▁Kunde .
▁Many ▁people ▁work ▁in ▁build er ' s ▁ yard s ▁or ▁help ▁care take r s , ▁or ▁do ▁voluntary ▁work ▁- ▁and ▁that ▁provides ▁motivation ▁in ▁a ▁very ▁order ly ▁way , ▁as ▁An n ika ▁De us ch le ▁reports .
▁She ▁hopes ▁that ▁working ▁for ▁the ▁community ▁leads ▁to ▁a ▁positive ▁public ▁perception .
▁This ▁is ▁not ▁" employment ▁therapy ".
▁Being ▁active ▁doesn ' t ▁just ▁mean ▁working .
▁The ▁day ▁needs ▁a ▁fixed ▁structure , ▁De us ch le ▁and ▁Kunde ▁say .
▁People ▁need ▁to ▁develop ▁a ▁sense ▁of ▁belonging .
▁Consequently ▁there ▁is ▁a ▁need ▁to ▁provide ▁sports , ▁contact ▁to ▁local s , ▁and , ▁above ▁all , ▁language ▁courses .
▁Professional ▁courses ▁are ▁rare .
▁There ▁is ▁where ▁the ▁administration ▁and ▁volunteer s ▁can ▁get ▁involved .
▁She ▁says ▁it ▁is ▁key ▁that ▁refugees ▁feel ▁as ▁if ▁they ▁are ▁wanted ▁and ▁welcome ▁in ▁Germany .
▁The ▁length ▁of ▁time ▁that ▁processes ▁take ▁is ▁a ▁problem .
▁They ▁have ▁to ▁explain ▁to ▁refugees ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁take ▁that ▁long , ▁and ▁that ▁the ▁time ▁can ▁be ▁filled ▁productive ly ▁- ▁for ▁example , ▁with ▁language ▁courses .
▁If ▁someone ▁feels ▁that ▁they ▁can ' t ▁help ▁anyone ▁in ▁Ur bach , ▁that ▁they ▁are n ' t ▁allowed ▁to ▁work , ▁and ▁that ▁they ▁are ▁useless , ▁they ' ll ▁never ▁integrate .
▁The ▁clear ▁majority ▁are ▁motivated .
▁But ▁there ▁are ▁also ▁problem ▁cases , ▁Kunde ▁says ▁honest ly , ▁" people ▁for ▁whom ▁nothing ▁works ". ▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁De us ch le ▁and ▁Kunde ' s ▁work ▁will ▁always ▁be ▁to ▁ motiv ate ▁others .
▁All ▁told , ▁this ▁is ▁" a ▁ma mm oth ▁task ".
▁A ▁trick y ▁question : ▁After ▁recent ▁events , ▁are ▁the ▁two ▁women ▁worried ▁about ▁radical isation , ▁even ▁in ▁a ▁small ▁commun e ▁like ▁Ur bach ?
▁" No , " ▁Reg ine ▁Kunde ▁said ▁clearly , ▁" which ▁some ▁people ▁might ▁call ▁na ive ". ▁She ▁could ▁not ▁and ▁did ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁ignore ▁the ▁chance ▁of ▁a ▁re sid ual ▁risk ▁remaining .
▁However , ▁volunteer s ▁are ▁already ▁aware ▁of ▁this .
▁These ▁issues ▁are ▁already ▁discussed ▁by ▁the ▁refugees .
▁They ▁were ▁afraid ▁that ▁the ▁attack ers ▁would ▁bring ▁them ▁into ▁total ▁dis re put e .
▁" The y ▁want ▁to ▁show ▁they ▁have ▁nothing ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁it , " ▁Reg ine ▁Kunde ▁said .
▁Many ▁of ▁them ▁would ▁like ▁to ▁stay ▁in ▁Ur bach .
▁So ▁full - time ▁and ▁volunteer ▁staff ▁have ▁to ▁keep ▁an ▁eye ▁open ▁for ▁jobs ▁in ▁the ▁town ▁and ▁across ▁the ▁region .
▁But ▁they ▁always ▁have ▁in ▁the ▁back ▁of ▁their ▁mind ▁that ▁a ▁new ▁group ▁of ▁refugees ▁and ▁migrants ▁could ▁soon ▁be ▁arriving ▁in ▁Ur bach .
▁Does ▁Germany ▁need ▁a ▁cap ?
▁Polit ic ians ▁sh y ▁away ▁from ▁answer ing ▁this ▁question .
▁It ▁is ▁unfair ▁to ▁show ▁them ▁volunteer s ▁on ▁site .
▁" In ▁Ur bach ▁we ' ve ▁not ▁got ▁to ▁where ▁we ▁wanted ▁to ▁be ▁quite ▁yet , " ▁said ▁An n ika ▁De us ch le .
▁The ▁situation ▁would ▁ease ▁a ▁bit ▁if ▁they ▁did ▁not ▁receive ▁any ▁new ▁refugees .
▁Reg ine ▁Kunde ▁also ▁makes ▁clear ▁that ▁the ▁residents ▁of ▁Ur bach ▁have ▁their ▁hands ▁full ▁with ▁integrating ▁the ▁refugees ▁who ▁have ▁arrived ▁to ▁date .
▁Currently ▁they ▁amount ▁to ▁around ▁100 ▁people , ▁predominantly ▁young ▁men .
▁But ▁when ▁people ▁are ▁in ▁need , ▁you ' ve ▁got ▁to ▁help ▁them ▁- ▁and ▁both ▁women ▁agree ▁on ▁that .
▁The ▁political ▁situation ▁is ▁so ▁complicated ▁that ▁there ▁are ▁no ▁easy ▁answers ▁to ▁be ▁found ▁there .
▁Sch or n dorf : ▁Search ▁for ▁in trud ers ▁made ▁by ▁helicopter
▁The ▁police ▁helicopter ▁fl ew ▁above ▁various ▁areas ▁for ▁about ▁an ▁hour ▁- ▁without ▁success .
▁Two ▁unknown ▁men ▁broke ▁into ▁an ▁apartment ▁in ▁an ▁apartment ▁building ▁in ▁Lind en weg ▁on ▁Friday ▁morning ▁at ▁around ▁8. 50 am .
▁The ▁residents ▁surprised ▁the ▁two ▁men , ▁who ▁fled .
▁The ▁two ▁men ▁were ▁between ▁1. 65 m ▁and ▁1. 70 m ▁tall , ▁probably ▁wearing ▁mask s , ▁both ▁wearing ▁blue ▁je ans ▁and ▁black ▁ hood ed ▁top s .
▁They ▁were ▁heading ▁towards ▁the ▁centre ▁of ▁town .
▁The ▁police ▁launched ▁several ▁strip ▁pa tro ls ▁and ▁a ▁police ▁helicopter ▁to ▁try ▁and ▁find ▁them .
▁Without ▁success .
▁It ▁may ▁be ▁the ▁case ▁that ▁the ▁unknown ▁as s ail ants ▁were ▁recognised ▁near ▁the ▁apartment ▁or ▁during ▁their ▁escape .
▁Baden - Württemberg : ▁Police ▁launch ▁investigation ▁after ▁bike r s ▁attack ▁a ▁snack ▁bar
▁After ▁an ▁attack ▁on ▁a ▁snack ▁stand ▁in ▁Ul m , ▁police ▁have ▁launched ▁investigations ▁against ▁six ▁suspect s ▁who ▁associate ▁with ▁the ▁bike r ▁community ▁for ▁a ▁serious ▁breach ▁of ▁the ▁peace .
▁House ▁search es ▁had ▁revealed ▁evidence ▁and ▁drugs , ▁the ▁police ▁revealed ▁on ▁Friday .
▁According ▁to ▁the ▁police , ▁around ▁20 ▁mask ed ▁men ▁from ▁a ▁bike r - es que ▁cla n ▁had ▁thrown ▁bottle s ▁and ▁stones ▁against ▁the ▁window ▁of ▁the ▁snack ▁bar .
▁After wards , ▁two ▁customers ▁were ▁attacked , ▁one ▁of ▁whom ▁was ▁slightly ▁injured .
▁The n ▁they ▁fled .
▁Dam age ▁amount ing ▁to ▁10,000 ▁euros ▁was ▁caused ▁to ▁the ▁snack ▁bar ▁and ▁the ▁neighbouring ▁building .
▁Invest ig ators ▁believe ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁dispute ▁among ▁Ul m ' s ▁bike r ▁ gangs , ▁between ▁a ▁Kurdish ▁ gang ▁and ▁a ▁Turkish ▁ gang .
▁Th ür ing en : ▁Ze is s ▁Medi tec ▁comes ▁closer ▁to ▁reaching ▁a ▁billion ▁in ▁turnover
▁Strong ▁demand ▁for ▁medical ▁technology ▁in ▁Asia ▁has ▁boost ed ▁Carl ▁Ze is s ▁Medi tec ' s ▁turnover .
▁Over ▁the ▁first ▁nine ▁months ▁of ▁the ▁business ▁year ▁that ▁started ▁in ▁October , ▁the ▁company ' s ▁turnover ▁grew ▁by ▁6. 7 ▁percent ▁to ▁7 89 . 6 ▁million ▁euros , ▁as ▁the ▁listed ▁company ▁reported ▁on ▁Friday ▁in ▁Je na .
▁Its ▁business ▁in ▁Asia ▁grew ▁ disproportionate ly , ▁by ▁17. 1 ▁percent .
▁Profit s ▁before ▁interest ▁and ▁taxes ▁increased ▁from ▁89 . 5 ▁million ▁euros ▁to ▁11 0.5 ▁million ▁euros , ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁interim ▁report .
▁The ▁Je na - based ▁medical ▁technology ▁company ▁wants ▁to ▁cross ▁a ▁turnover ▁threshold ▁of ▁one ▁billion ▁euros ▁this ▁year , ▁said ▁its ▁Board ▁of ▁Directors .
▁Ze is s ▁Medi tec ▁produces ▁devices ▁and ▁equipment ▁for ▁doctors ' ▁practices ▁and ▁clinic s .
▁The ▁company ▁is ▁owned ▁by ▁the ▁Carl ▁Ze is s ▁ optic s ▁and ▁electronics ▁firm ▁( O ber koch en ), ▁and ▁employ s ▁just ▁under ▁3000 ▁people .