byshiue ae76b894b9
Byshiue patch 2 (#788)
[FasterTransformer] feat: Update FasterTransformer v3.1
2020-12-14 07:28:11 +08:00

2693 lines
100 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Open sourced multi-head attention
#include "fastertransformer/allocator.h"
#include "fastertransformer/cuda/multi_head_attention.h"
#include "fastertransformer/cuda/open_attention.h"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <cmath>
namespace fastertransformer{
namespace cuda{
* Multi-head attetion open sourced
#define FINAL_MASK 0xffffffff
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__
T warpReduceSum(T val)
#pragma unroll
for(int mask = 16; mask > 0; mask >>= 1)
val += __shfl_xor_sync(FINAL_MASK, val, mask, 32);
return val;
/* Calculate the sum of all elements in a block */
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__
T blockReduceSum(T val)
static __shared__ T shared[32];
int lane = threadIdx.x & 0x1f;
int wid = threadIdx.x >> 5;
val = warpReduceSum<T>(val);
if(lane == 0)
shared[wid] = val;
val = (threadIdx.x < (blockDim.x >> 5 )) ? shared[lane] : (T)(0.0f);
val = warpReduceSum<T>(val);
return val;
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__
T warpReduceMax(T val)
#pragma unroll
for(int mask = 16; mask > 0; mask >>= 1)
val = max(val, __shfl_xor_sync(FINAL_MASK, val, mask, 32));
return val;
/* Calculate the maximum of all elements in a block */
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__
T blockReduceMax(T val)
static __shared__ T shared[32];
int lane = threadIdx.x & 0x1f; // in-warp idx
int wid = threadIdx.x >> 5; // warp idx
val = warpReduceMax(val); // get maxx in each warp
if(lane == 0) // record in-warp maxx by warp Idx
shared[wid] = val;
val = (threadIdx.x < (blockDim.x >> 5 )) ? shared[lane] : -1e20f;
val = warpReduceMax(val);
return val;
__inline__ __device__
int target_index(int id1, int id2, int id3, int id4, int dim_1, int dim_2, int dim_3, int dim_4)
return id1 * (dim_2 * dim_3 * dim_4) + id3 * (dim_2 * dim_4) + id2 * dim_4 + id4;
//build a mapping for fullData to removePaddingData
__global__ void mappingRemovePaddingData(int *mapping, const int* sequence_id_offset, const int valid_word_num){
int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx < valid_word_num)
mapping[idx + __ldg(sequence_id_offset + idx)] = idx;
//add_QK_bias_transform for batch int8 cublasLtMatmul & per axis quantization for weight
//1.add QK bias
//2.transform each Q K CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes into a series of sub-matrix (with CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32/CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C layout)
// Q, K are CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes of m = batch_size * seq_len, n = head_num * size_per_head
// q_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
// k_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C
//only for int32 input & int8 output
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid.x = batch_size * seq_len * 2;
//block.x = head_num * size_per_head / 4;
//using char4
template <typename T>
void add_QK_bias_transform(int8_t *q_buf_, int8_t *k_buf_, const int32_t* Q, const T* bias_Q,
const int32_t* K, const T* bias_K, const int m, const int batch_size,
const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float * q_weight_amax, const float *q_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float * k_weight_amax,
const float *k_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float *q_output_scale_ptr, const float *k_output_scale_ptr,
bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const int32_t* data_ptr;
char4* buf_ptr4;
const T* bias_ptr;
const float* weight_amax;
int qk_id = blockIdx.x / m;
data_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? Q : K;
buf_ptr4 = qk_id == 0 ? (char4*)q_buf_ : (char4*)k_buf_;
bias_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? bias_Q : bias_K;
const float input_deQFactor_div127 = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr) : __ldg(k_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr);
weight_amax = qk_id == 0 ? q_weight_amax : k_weight_amax;
const float output_scale = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_output_scale_ptr) : __ldg(k_output_scale_ptr);
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
int batch_id = (blockIdx.x % m) / seq_len;
int head_id = threadIdx4 / size_per_head;
int id_in_head = threadIdx4 % size_per_head;
int word_id = blockIdx.x % seq_len;
int data_id = (((threadIdx4 >> 5) << 5)*m + ((blockIdx.x%m) << 5) + (threadIdx4&31));
float scale;
float tmp;
char4 tmp4;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.x = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
data_id = data_id+1;
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4)* input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.y = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
data_id = data_id+1;
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.z = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
data_id = data_id+1;
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.w = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
//row_id, col_id of sub-matrix (m = seq_len, n = size_per_head), column-major
int row_id = word_id;
int col_id = id_in_head;
//new (row, rol) of LtTrans COL32/COL4 sub-matrix, leading dim = (COL32_ * seq_len)
int new_col = col_id >> 5;
int new_row;
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = row_id & 31;
int col_in_tile = col_id & 31;
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
((row_id >> 5) << 10) +
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
////row_id/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////row_id%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////col_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
((((row_id >> 3) << 3) + ((row_id&1) << 2) + ((col_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////col_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(row_id%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((col_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((row_id&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////col_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(((batch_id*head_num + head_id) * stride + (new_col << 5)*seq_len + new_row) >> 2)] = tmp4;
//add_QK_bias_transform for batch int8 cublasLtMatmul & per axis quantization for weight
//1.add QK bias
//2.transform each Q K CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes into a series of sub-matrix (with CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32/CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C layout)
// Q, K are CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes of m = batch_size * seq_len, n = head_num * size_per_head
// q_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
// k_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C
//only for int8 IO
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid.x = batch_size * seq_len * 2;
//block.x = head_num * size_per_head / 4;
//using char4
template <typename T>
void add_QK_bias_transform(int8_t *q_buf_, int8_t *k_buf_, const int8_t* Q, const T* bias_Q,
const int8_t* K, const T* bias_K, const int m, const int batch_size,
const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float *q_input_deQFactor_ptr, const float *k_input_deQFactor_ptr, const float *q_output_scale_ptr, const float *k_output_scale_ptr,
bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const char4* data_ptr;
char4* buf_ptr4;
const T* bias_ptr;
int qk_id = blockIdx.x / m;
data_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? (const char4*)Q : (const char4*)K;
buf_ptr4 = qk_id == 0 ? (char4*)q_buf_ : (char4*)k_buf_;
bias_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? bias_Q : bias_K;
const float input_deQFactor = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_input_deQFactor_ptr) : __ldg(k_input_deQFactor_ptr);
const float output_scale = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_output_scale_ptr) : __ldg(k_output_scale_ptr);
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
int batch_id = (blockIdx.x % m) / seq_len;
int head_id = threadIdx4 / size_per_head;
int id_in_head = threadIdx4 % size_per_head;
int word_id = blockIdx.x % seq_len;
int data_id = (((threadIdx4 >> 5) << 5)*m + ((blockIdx.x%m) << 5) + (threadIdx4&31)) >> 2;
float scale;
float tmp;
char4 tmp4 = __ldg(data_ptr+data_id);
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.x) * input_deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.x = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.y) * input_deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.y = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.z) * input_deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.z = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.w) * input_deQFactor;;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.w = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
//row_id, col_id of sub-matrix (m = seq_len, n = size_per_head), column-major
int row_id = word_id;
int col_id = id_in_head;
//new (row, rol) of LtTrans COL32/COL4 sub-matrix, leading dim = (COL32_ * seq_len)
int new_col = col_id >> 5;
int new_row;
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = row_id & 31;
int col_in_tile = col_id & 31;
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
((row_id >> 5) << 10) +
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
////row_id/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////row_id%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////col_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
((((row_id >> 3) << 3) + ((row_id&1) << 2) + ((col_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////col_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(row_id%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((col_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((row_id&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////col_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(((batch_id*head_num + head_id) * stride + (new_col << 5)*seq_len + new_row) >> 2)] = tmp4;
//add_QK_bias_transform & rebuild padding for batch int8 cublasLtMatmul & per axis quantization for weight
//1.add QK bias
//2.transform each Q K CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes into a series of sub-matrix (with CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32/CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C layout)
// Q, K are CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes of m = valid_word_num, n = head_num * size_per_head
// q_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
// k_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4
//only for int32 input & int8 output
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid.x = valid_word_num * 2;
//block.x = head_num * size_per_head / 4;
//using char4
template <typename T>
void add_QK_bias_transform_rebuild_padding(int8_t *q_buf_, int8_t *k_buf_, const int32_t* Q, const T* bias_Q,
const int32_t* K, const T* bias_K, const int* sequence_id_offset,
const int valid_word_num, const int m, const int batch_size, const int seq_len,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride, const float * q_weight_amax,
const float *q_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float * k_weight_amax,
const float *k_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float *q_output_scale_ptr, const float *k_output_scale_ptr,
bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const int32_t* data_ptr;
char4* buf_ptr4;
const T* bias_ptr;
const float* weight_amax;
int qk_id = blockIdx.x / valid_word_num;
data_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? Q : K;
buf_ptr4 = qk_id == 0 ? (char4*)q_buf_ : (char4*)k_buf_;
bias_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? bias_Q : bias_K;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
int m_full_idx = blockIdx.x % valid_word_num;
m_full_idx = (valid_word_num != m) ? (m_full_idx + __ldg(sequence_id_offset+m_full_idx)) : m_full_idx;
int batch_id = m_full_idx / seq_len;
int head_id = threadIdx4 / size_per_head;
int id_in_head = threadIdx4 % size_per_head;
int word_id = m_full_idx % seq_len;
const float input_deQFactor_div127 = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr) : __ldg(k_input_deQFactor_div127_ptr);
weight_amax = qk_id == 0 ? q_weight_amax : k_weight_amax;
const float output_scale = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_output_scale_ptr) : __ldg(k_output_scale_ptr);
int data_id = (((threadIdx4 >> 5) << 5)*valid_word_num + ((blockIdx.x%valid_word_num) << 5) + (threadIdx4&31));
float scale;
float tmp;
char4 tmp4;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.x = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
data_id = data_id+1;
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4)* input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.y = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
data_id = data_id+1;
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.z = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
data_id = data_id+1;
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(__ldg(data_ptr+data_id)) * __ldg(weight_amax+threadIdx4) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.w = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
//row_id, col_id of sub-matrix (m = seq_len, n = size_per_head), column-major
int row_id = word_id;
int col_id = id_in_head;
//new (row, rol) of LtTrans COL32/COL4 sub-matrix, leading dim = (COL32_ * seq_len)
int new_col = col_id >> 5;
int new_row;
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = row_id & 31;
int col_in_tile = col_id & 31;
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
((row_id >> 5) << 10) +
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
////row_id/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////row_id%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////col_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
((((row_id >> 3) << 3) + ((row_id&1) << 2) + ((col_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////col_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(row_id%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((col_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((row_id&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////col_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(((batch_id*head_num + head_id) * stride + (new_col << 5)*seq_len + new_row) >> 2)] = tmp4;
//add_QK_bias_transform & rebuild padding for batch int8 cublasLtMatmul & per tensor quantization for weight
//1.add QK bias
//2.transform each Q K CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes into a series of sub-matrix (with CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32/CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C layout)
// Q, K are CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32 matrixes of m = valid_word_num, n = head_num * size_per_head
// q_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
// k_buf_ is of batchCount = batch_size * head_num, m = seq_len, n = size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4
//only for int8 IO
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid.x = valid_word_num * 2;
//block.x = head_num * size_per_head / 4;
//using char4
template <typename T>
void add_QK_bias_transform_rebuild_padding(int8_t *q_buf_, int8_t *k_buf_, const int8_t* Q, const T* bias_Q,
const int8_t* K, const T* bias_K, const int* sequence_id_offset,
const int valid_word_num, const int m, const int batch_size, const int seq_len,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float *q_deQFactor_ptr, const float *k_deQFactor_ptr,
const float *q_output_scale_ptr, const float *k_output_scale_ptr,
bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const char4* data_ptr;
char4* buf_ptr4;
const T* bias_ptr;
int qk_id = blockIdx.x / valid_word_num;
data_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? (const char4*)Q : (const char4*)K;
buf_ptr4 = qk_id == 0 ? (char4*)q_buf_ : (char4*)k_buf_;
bias_ptr = qk_id == 0 ? bias_Q : bias_K;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
int m_full_idx = blockIdx.x % valid_word_num;
m_full_idx = (valid_word_num != m) ? (m_full_idx + __ldg(sequence_id_offset+m_full_idx)) : m_full_idx;
int batch_id = m_full_idx / seq_len;
int head_id = threadIdx4 / size_per_head;
int id_in_head = threadIdx4 % size_per_head;
int word_id = m_full_idx % seq_len;
const float deQFactor = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_deQFactor_ptr) : __ldg(k_deQFactor_ptr);
const float output_scale = qk_id == 0 ? __ldg(q_output_scale_ptr) : __ldg(k_output_scale_ptr);
int data_id = (((threadIdx4 >> 5) << 5)*valid_word_num + ((blockIdx.x%valid_word_num) << 5) + (threadIdx4&31)) >> 2;
float scale;
float tmp;
char4 tmp4;
tmp4 = __ldg(data_ptr+data_id);
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.x) * deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.x = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.y) * deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.y = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.z) * deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.z = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
threadIdx4 = threadIdx4+1;
scale = static_cast<float>(tmp4.w) * deQFactor;
tmp = static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+threadIdx4)) + scale;
tmp4.w = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*output_scale);
//row_id, col_id of sub-matrix (m = seq_len, n = size_per_head), column-major
int row_id = word_id;
int col_id = id_in_head;
//new (row, rol) of LtTrans COL32/COL4 sub-matrix, leading dim = (COL32_ * seq_len)
int new_col = col_id >> 5;
int new_row;
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = row_id & 31;
int col_in_tile = col_id & 31;
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
((row_id >> 5) << 10) +
new_row = (qk_id != 1) ?
((row_id << 5) + (col_id&31))
////row_id/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////row_id%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////col_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
((((row_id >> 3) << 3) + ((row_id&1) << 2) + ((col_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////col_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(row_id%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((col_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((row_id&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////col_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(((batch_id*head_num + head_id) * stride + (new_col << 5)*seq_len + new_row) >> 2)] = tmp4;
//input matrix a matrix of m = batch_size*seq_len , n = head_num*size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//output matrixes are a series of sub-matrixes with size of m = size_per_head, n = seq_len , CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4
//only for int32_t Input int8_t Output
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid = (size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num)
//block = (8, 32);
//using char4
//per axis quantization for weight
template <typename T>
void add_V_bias_transform(int8_t *v_buf_, const int32_t *V, const T *V_bias, const int batch_size, const int seq_len,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride, const float* weight_amax,
const float *input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float *out_scale_ptr, bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const float input_deQFactor_div127 = __ldg(input_deQFactor_div127_ptr);
const float out_scale = __ldg(out_scale_ptr);
__shared__ int8_t shm[32][33];
const int32_t* data_ptr = V;
char4* buf_ptr4 = (char4*) v_buf_;
const T* bias_ptr = V_bias;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
//for src of (seq_len, size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.z/head_num;
int head_id = blockIdx.z%head_num;
int word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx.y;
int id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx4;
//for V layout (batch_size*seq_len, head_num*size_per_head)
int col = head_id*size_per_head + id_in_size;
int row = batch_id*seq_len + word_id;
int inIdx = (((col >> 5) << 5)*batch_size*seq_len + ((row << 5) + (col&31)));
//for shm row-major
int sh_col = threadIdx4;
int sh_row = threadIdx.y;
float tmp;
float scale;
//const half2* bias_ptr2 = (const half2*)bias_ptr;
//half2 tmp2;
//tmp2 = __ldg(&bias_ptr2[col >> 1]);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx) * __ldg(weight_amax + col) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr + col));//(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx + 1) * __ldg(weight_amax + col + 1) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+1));//(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+1] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
//tmp2 = __ldg(&bias_ptr2[(col >> 1) + 1]);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx+2) * __ldg(weight_amax+col+2) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+2));//(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+2] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx + 3) * __ldg(weight_amax+col+3) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+3));//(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+3] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
//for dst of (size_per_head, seq_len)
word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx4;
id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx.y;
col = (word_id >> 5);
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = id_in_size & 31;
int col_in_tile = word_id & 31;
row = (
((id_in_size >> 5) << 10) +
row = (
////id_in_size/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////id_in_size%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////word_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
((((id_in_size >> 3) << 3) + ((id_in_size&1) << 2) + ((word_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////word_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(id_in_size%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((word_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((id_in_size&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////word_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
char4 dataTmp;
dataTmp.x = shm[sh_col][sh_row];
dataTmp.y = shm[sh_col+1][sh_row];
dataTmp.z = shm[sh_col+2][sh_row];
dataTmp.w = shm[sh_col+3][sh_row];
buf_ptr4[(blockIdx.z*stride + (col << 5)*size_per_head + row) >> 2] = dataTmp;
//input matrix a matrix of m = batch_size*seq_len , n = head_num*size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//output matrixes are a series of sub-matrixes with size of m = size_per_head, n = seq_len , CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4
//only for int8_t IO
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid = (size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num)
//block = (8, 32);
//using char4
//per tensor quantization for weight
template <typename T>
void add_V_bias_transform(int8_t *v_buf_, const int8_t *V, const T *V_bias, const int batch_size, const int seq_len,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float *input_deQFactor_ptr, const float *out_scale_ptr, bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const float input_deQFactor = __ldg(input_deQFactor_ptr);
const float out_scale = __ldg(out_scale_ptr);
__shared__ int8_t shm[32][33];
const char4* data_ptr = (const char4*)V;
char4* buf_ptr4 = (char4*) v_buf_;
const T* bias_ptr = V_bias;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
//for src of (seq_len, size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.z/head_num;
int head_id = blockIdx.z%head_num;
int word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx.y;
int id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx4;
//for V layout (batch_size*seq_len, head_num*size_per_head)
int col = head_id*size_per_head + id_in_size;
int row = batch_id*seq_len + word_id;
int inIdx = (((col >> 5) << 5)*batch_size*seq_len + ((row << 5) + (col&31))) >> 2;
//for shm row-major
int sh_col = threadIdx4;
int sh_row = threadIdx.y;
float tmp;
float scale;
//const half2* bias_ptr2 = (const half2*)bias_ptr;
//half2 tmp2;
//tmp2 = __ldg(&bias_ptr2[col >> 1]);
char4 dataTmp = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx);
scale = dataTmp.x * input_deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr + col));//(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = dataTmp.y * input_deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+1));//(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+1] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
//tmp2 = __ldg(&bias_ptr2[(col >> 1) + 1]);
scale = dataTmp.z * input_deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+2));//(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+2] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = dataTmp.w * input_deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+3));//(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+3] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
//for dst of (size_per_head, seq_len)
word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx4;
id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx.y;
col = (word_id >> 5);
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = id_in_size & 31;
int col_in_tile = word_id & 31;
row = (
((id_in_size >> 5) << 10) +
row = (
////id_in_size/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////id_in_size%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////word_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
((((id_in_size >> 3) << 3) + ((id_in_size&1) << 2) + ((word_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////word_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(id_in_size%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((word_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((id_in_size&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////word_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
dataTmp.x = shm[sh_col][sh_row];
dataTmp.y = shm[sh_col+1][sh_row];
dataTmp.z = shm[sh_col+2][sh_row];
dataTmp.w = shm[sh_col+3][sh_row];
buf_ptr4[(blockIdx.z*stride + (col << 5)*size_per_head + row) >> 2] = dataTmp;
template <>
void add_V_bias_transform(int8_t *v_buf_, const int32_t *V, const half *V_bias, const int batch_size, const int seq_len,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride, const float* weight_amax,
const float *input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float *out_scale_ptr, bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
const float input_deQFactor_div127 = __ldg(input_deQFactor_div127_ptr);
const float out_scale = __ldg(out_scale_ptr);
__shared__ int8_t shm[32][33];
const int32_t* data_ptr = V;
char4* buf_ptr4 = (char4*) v_buf_;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
//for src of (seq_len, size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.z/head_num;
int head_id = blockIdx.z%head_num;
int blockIdy32 = (blockIdx.y << 5);
int blockIdx32 = (blockIdx.x << 5);
int word_id = blockIdy32 + threadIdx.y;
int id_in_size = blockIdx32 + threadIdx4;
//for V layout (batch_size*seq_len, head_num*size_per_head)
int col = head_id*size_per_head + id_in_size;
int row = batch_id*seq_len + word_id;
int inIdx = ((col & 0xffffffe0)*batch_size*seq_len + ((row << 5) + (col&31)));
//for shm row-major
int sh_col = threadIdx4;
int sh_row = threadIdx.y;
int col_2 = col >> 1;
float scale;
const half2* bias_ptr2 = (const half2*)V_bias;
half2 tmp2;
tmp2 = __ldg(bias_ptr2+col_2);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx) * __ldg(weight_amax+col) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx+1) * __ldg(weight_amax+col+1) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+1] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
tmp2 = __ldg(bias_ptr2 + col_2 + 1);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx + 2) * __ldg(weight_amax + col + 2) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+2] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx + 3) * __ldg(weight_amax + col + 3) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+3] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
//for dst of (size_per_head, seq_len)
word_id = blockIdy32 + threadIdx4;
id_in_size = blockIdx32 + threadIdx.y;
col = (word_id >> 5);
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = id_in_size & 31;
int col_in_tile = word_id & 31;
row = (
((id_in_size >> 5) << 10) +
row = (
////id_in_size/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////id_in_size%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////word_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
(((id_in_size & 0xfffffff8) + ((id_in_size&1) << 2) + ((word_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////word_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(id_in_size%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((word_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((id_in_size&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////word_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
char4 dataTmp;
dataTmp.x = shm[sh_col][sh_row];
dataTmp.y = shm[sh_col+1][sh_row];
dataTmp.z = shm[sh_col+2][sh_row];
dataTmp.w = shm[sh_col+3][sh_row];
buf_ptr4[(blockIdx.z*stride + (col << 5)*size_per_head + row) >> 2] = dataTmp;
//add bias into V & rebuild padding
//input matrix a matrix of m = valid_word_num, n = head_num*size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//output matrixes are a series of sub-matrixes with size of m = size_per_head, n = seq_len , CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4
//only for int32_t Input int8_t Output
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid = (size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num)
//block = (8, 32);
//using char4
//per axis quantization for weight
template <typename T>
void add_V_bias_transform_rebuild_padding(int8_t *v_buf_, const int32_t *V, const T *V_bias, const int* sequence_id_map, const int valid_word_num,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float* weight_amax, const float *input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float *out_scale_ptr, bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
__shared__ int8_t shm[32][33];
const int32_t* data_ptr = V;
char4* buf_ptr4 = (char4*) v_buf_;
const T* bias_ptr = V_bias;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
//for src of (seq_len, size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.z/head_num;
int head_id = blockIdx.z%head_num;
int word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx.y;
int id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx4;
//for shm row-major
int sh_col = threadIdx4;
int sh_row = threadIdx.y;
//for V layout (batch_size*seq_len, head_num*size_per_head)
int col;
int row = __ldg(sequence_id_map + batch_id*seq_len + word_id);
if (row != -1){
col = head_id*size_per_head + id_in_size;
int inIdx = ((col & 0xffffffe0)*valid_word_num + ((row << 5) + (col&31)));
float tmp;
float scale;
const float input_deQFactor_div127 = __ldg(input_deQFactor_div127_ptr);
const float out_scale = __ldg(out_scale_ptr);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx) * __ldg(weight_amax + col) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr + col));
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx + 1) * __ldg(weight_amax + col + 1) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+1));
shm[sh_row][sh_col+1] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx+2) * __ldg(weight_amax+col+2) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+2));
shm[sh_row][sh_col+2] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx + 3) * __ldg(weight_amax+col+3) * input_deQFactor_div127;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+3));
shm[sh_row][sh_col+3] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 1] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 2] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 3] = 0;
char4 dataTmp;
dataTmp.x = shm[sh_col][sh_row];
dataTmp.y = shm[sh_col+1][sh_row];
dataTmp.z = shm[sh_col+2][sh_row];
dataTmp.w = shm[sh_col+3][sh_row];
//for dst of (size_per_head, seq_len)
word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx4;
id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx.y;
col = (word_id >> 5);
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = id_in_size & 31;
int col_in_tile = word_id & 31;
row = (
((id_in_size >> 5) << 10) +
row = (
////id_in_size/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////id_in_size%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////word_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
(((id_in_size & 0xfffffff8) + ((id_in_size&1) << 2) + ((word_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////word_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(id_in_size%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((word_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((id_in_size&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////word_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(blockIdx.z*stride + (col << 5)*size_per_head + row) >> 2] = dataTmp;
template <>
void add_V_bias_transform_rebuild_padding(int8_t *v_buf_, const int32_t *V, const half *V_bias, const int* sequence_id_map, const int valid_word_num,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float* weight_amax, const float *input_deQFactor_div127_ptr, const float *out_scale_ptr, bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
__shared__ int8_t shm[32][33];
const int32_t* data_ptr = V;
char4* buf_ptr4 = (char4*) v_buf_;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
//for src of (seq_len, size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.z/head_num;
int head_id = blockIdx.z%head_num;
int blockIdy32 = (blockIdx.y << 5);
int blockIdx32 = (blockIdx.x << 5);
int word_id = blockIdy32 + threadIdx.y;
int id_in_size = blockIdx32 + threadIdx4;
//for shm row-major
int sh_col = threadIdx4;
int sh_row = threadIdx.y;
//for V layout (batch_size*seq_len, head_num*size_per_head)
int col;
int row = __ldg(sequence_id_map + batch_id*seq_len + word_id);
if (row >= 0){
const float input_deQFactor_div127 = __ldg(input_deQFactor_div127_ptr);
const float out_scale = __ldg(out_scale_ptr);
col = head_id*size_per_head + id_in_size;
int inIdx = ((col & 0xffffffe0)*valid_word_num + ((row << 5) + (col&31)));
int col_2 = col >> 1;
float scale;
const half2* bias_ptr2 = (const half2*)V_bias;
half2 tmp2;
tmp2 = __ldg(bias_ptr2+col_2);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx) * __ldg(weight_amax+col) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr+inIdx+1) * __ldg(weight_amax+col+1) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+1] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
tmp2 = __ldg(bias_ptr2 + col_2 + 1);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx + 2) * __ldg(weight_amax + col + 2) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.x);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+2] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
scale = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx + 3) * __ldg(weight_amax + col + 3) * input_deQFactor_div127;
scale = scale + static_cast<float>(tmp2.y);
shm[sh_row][sh_col+3] = float_to_int8_rn(scale*out_scale);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 1] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 2] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 3] = 0;
char4 dataTmp;
dataTmp.x = shm[sh_col][sh_row];
dataTmp.y = shm[sh_col+1][sh_row];
dataTmp.z = shm[sh_col+2][sh_row];
dataTmp.w = shm[sh_col+3][sh_row];
//for dst of (size_per_head, seq_len)
word_id = blockIdy32 + threadIdx4;
id_in_size = blockIdx32 + threadIdx.y;
col = (word_id >> 5);
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = id_in_size & 31;
int col_in_tile = word_id & 31;
row = (
((id_in_size >> 5) << 10) +
row = (
////id_in_size/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////id_in_size%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////word_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
(((id_in_size & 0xfffffff8) + ((id_in_size&1) << 2) + ((word_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////word_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(id_in_size%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((word_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((id_in_size&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////word_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(blockIdx.z*stride + (col << 5)*size_per_head + row) >> 2] = dataTmp;
//add bias into V & rebuild padding
//input matrix a matrix of m = valid_word_num, n = head_num*size_per_head, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//output matrixes are a series of sub-matrixes with size of m = size_per_head, n = seq_len , CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL4_4R2_8C or CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4
//only for int8_t IO
//seq_len, size_per_head must be a multiple of 32
//grid = (size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num)
//block = (8, 32);
//using char4
//per tensor quantization for weight
template <typename T>
void add_V_bias_transform_rebuild_padding(int8_t *v_buf_, const int8_t *V, const T *V_bias, const int* sequence_id_map, const int valid_word_num,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, int stride,
const float *deQFactor_ptr, const float *out_scale_ptr, bool use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
__shared__ int8_t shm[32][33];
const char4* data_ptr = (const char4*)V;
char4* buf_ptr4 = (char4*) v_buf_;
const T* bias_ptr = V_bias;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
//for src of (seq_len, size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.z/head_num;
int head_id = blockIdx.z%head_num;
int word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx.y;
int id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx4;
//for shm row-major
int sh_col = threadIdx4;
int sh_row = threadIdx.y;
//for V layout (batch_size*seq_len, head_num*size_per_head)
int col;
int row = __ldg(sequence_id_map + batch_id*seq_len + word_id);
if (row != -1){
col = head_id*size_per_head + id_in_size;
int inIdx = ((col & 0xffffffe0)*valid_word_num + ((row << 5) + (col&31))) >> 2;
float tmp;
float scale;
const float deQFactor = __ldg(deQFactor_ptr);
const float out_scale = __ldg(out_scale_ptr);
char4 dataTmp = __ldg(data_ptr + inIdx);
scale = dataTmp.x * deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr + col));
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = dataTmp.y * deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+1));
shm[sh_row][sh_col+1] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = dataTmp.z * deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+2));
shm[sh_row][sh_col+2] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
scale = dataTmp.w * deQFactor;
tmp = scale + static_cast<float>(__ldg(bias_ptr+col+3));
shm[sh_row][sh_col+3] = float_to_int8_rn(tmp*out_scale);
shm[sh_row][sh_col] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 1] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 2] = shm[sh_row][sh_col + 3] = 0;
char4 dataTmp;
dataTmp.x = shm[sh_col][sh_row];
dataTmp.y = shm[sh_col+1][sh_row];
dataTmp.z = shm[sh_col+2][sh_row];
dataTmp.w = shm[sh_col+3][sh_row];
//for dst of (size_per_head, seq_len)
word_id = (blockIdx.y << 5) + threadIdx4;
id_in_size = (blockIdx.x << 5) + threadIdx.y;
col = (word_id >> 5);
if (use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4)
int row_in_tile = id_in_size & 31;
int col_in_tile = word_id & 31;
row = (
((id_in_size >> 5) << 10) +
row = (
////id_in_size/8 is the number of tile of (8 rows 32 columns) -- column-major
////id_in_size%2 is even row, otherwise odd row
////word_id%COL32_/8 is the number tile of (8 rows 8 columns)
(((id_in_size & 0xfffffff8) + ((id_in_size&1) << 2) + ((word_id&31) >> 3)) << 5) +
////word_id%8 >= 4 is the right half of (8 rows 8 columns) tile
////(id_in_size%8/2) is (the row id of alternating 4 rows) - 1
(((((word_id&7) >= 4)?4:0) + ((id_in_size&7) >> 1)) << 2) +
////word_id%4 is the id of 4 cols
buf_ptr4[(blockIdx.z*stride + (col << 5)*size_per_head + row) >> 2] = dataTmp;
void trt_add_QKV_bias(half2* Q, const half2* bias_Q, half2* K, const half2* bias_K, half2* V, const half2* bias_V,
half2* q_buf_, half2* k_buf_, half2* v_buf_,
const int valid_word_num, const int head_num, const int size_per_head)
// Add bias, and then transpose from
// [3, valid_word_num, head, size] -> [valid_word_num, head, 3, size]
// const int seq_id = blockIdx.x % valid_word_num;
// const int qkv_id = (blockIdx.x - seq_id) / valid_word_num;
const int seq_id = blockIdx.x;
const int size_id = threadIdx.x % size_per_head;
const int head_id = (threadIdx.x - size_id) / size_per_head;
const int target_offset = blockIdx.x * head_num * 3 * size_per_head + head_id * 3 * size_per_head;
q_buf_[ target_offset +
0 * size_per_head +
size_id] = Q[ seq_id * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] + bias_Q[threadIdx.x];
q_buf_[ target_offset +
1 * size_per_head +
size_id] = K[ seq_id * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] + bias_K[threadIdx.x];
q_buf_[ target_offset +
2 * size_per_head +
size_id] = V[ seq_id * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] + bias_V[threadIdx.x];
template<OperationType OpType_>
void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OpType_>::trt_add_QKV_bias_kernelLauncher(
const DataType_* bias_Q,
const DataType_* bias_K,
const DataType_* bias_V)
dim3 grid;
dim3 block;
grid.x = param_.valid_word_num;
block.x = head_num_ * size_per_head_ / 2;
assert(block.x <= 1024);
trt_add_QKV_bias<<<grid, block, 0,>>>((half2*)query_buf_, (const half2*)bias_Q,
(half2*)key_buf_, (const half2*)bias_K,
(half2*)value_buf_, (const half2*)bias_V,
(half2*)q_buf_, (half2*)k_buf_, (half2*)v_buf_,
head_num_, size_per_head_ / 2);
template<OperationType OpType_>
void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OpType_>::fused_multiHeadAttr_kernelLauncher()
const int B = param_.trt_seqlen_size - 1;
const int maxS = from_seq_len_;
int S = 384;
if (maxS <= 64)
S = 64;
else if (maxS <= 96)
S = 96;
else if (maxS <= 128)
S = 128;
else if (maxS <= 256)
S = 256;
dispatcher_fp16->setup(S, B);
dispatcher_fp16->run(q_buf_, nullptr, param_.trt_seqlen_offset, trt_attn_workspace_, param_.attr_out,;
template<typename T>
void add_QKV_bias(T* Q, const T* bias_Q, T* K, const T* bias_K, T* V, const T* bias_V, T* q_buf_, T* k_buf_, T* v_buf_,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, const int word_per_block)
T* data_ptr;
T* buf_ptr;
const T* bias_ptr;
int m = batch_size * seq_len;
int n = head_num * size_per_head;
int qkv_id = blockIdx.x * word_per_block / m;
int row_offset = (blockIdx.x * word_per_block % m) * n;
if(qkv_id == 0)
data_ptr = Q + row_offset;
buf_ptr = q_buf_;
bias_ptr = bias_Q;
else if(qkv_id == 1)
data_ptr = K + row_offset;
buf_ptr = k_buf_;
bias_ptr = bias_K;
data_ptr = V + row_offset;
buf_ptr = v_buf_;
bias_ptr = bias_V;
int batch_id = (blockIdx.x * word_per_block % m) / seq_len;
int head_id = threadIdx.x / size_per_head;
int id_in_head = threadIdx.x % size_per_head;
int word_start_id = (blockIdx.x * word_per_block) % seq_len;
T bias = __ldg(&bias_ptr[threadIdx.x]);
for(int i = word_start_id; i < word_start_id + word_per_block; ++i)
T tmp = data_ptr[threadIdx.x] + bias;
int target_id = batch_id * (seq_len * head_num * size_per_head) + head_id * seq_len * size_per_head +
i * size_per_head + id_in_head;
buf_ptr[target_id] = tmp;
data_ptr += n;
template <>
void add_QKV_bias(half* Q, const half* bias_Q, half* K, const half* bias_K, half* V, const half* bias_V,
half* q_buf_, half* k_buf_, half* v_buf_,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, const int word_per_block)
int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int batch_id = tid / (head_num * seq_len * size_per_head);
int seq_id = (tid % (head_num * seq_len * size_per_head)) / (head_num * size_per_head);
int head_id = (tid % (head_num * size_per_head)) / size_per_head;
int id = tid % size_per_head;
int target_id = target_index(batch_id, seq_id, head_id, id, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head);
int bias_id = threadIdx.x;
half2* src_ptr = (half2*)Q;
half2* dst_ptr = (half2*)q_buf_;
const half2* bias_ptr = (const half2*)bias_Q;
dst_ptr[target_id] = __hadd2(src_ptr[tid], __ldg(&bias_ptr[bias_id]));
src_ptr = (half2*)K;
dst_ptr = (half2*)k_buf_;
bias_ptr = (const half2*)bias_K;
dst_ptr[target_id] = __hadd2(src_ptr[tid], __ldg(&bias_ptr[bias_id]));
src_ptr = (half2*)V;
dst_ptr = (half2*)v_buf_;
bias_ptr = (const half2*)bias_V;
dst_ptr[target_id] = __hadd2(src_ptr[tid], __ldg(&bias_ptr[bias_id]));
template<typename T>
void add_QKV_bias_rebuild_padding(T* Q, const T* bias_Q, T* K, const T* bias_K, T* V, const T* bias_V, T* q_buf_, T* k_buf_, T* v_buf_,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head, const int* mask_offset)
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
const int bdim = blockDim.x;
const int tgt_batch_id = (bid + mask_offset[bid]) / seq_len;
const int tgt_seq_id = (bid + mask_offset[bid]) % seq_len;
const int tgt_head_id = tid / size_per_head;
const int tgt_hidden_id = tid % size_per_head;
const int src_id = bid * bdim + tid;
const int tgt_id = tgt_batch_id * head_num * seq_len * size_per_head + \
tgt_head_id * seq_len * size_per_head + \
tgt_seq_id * size_per_head + \
q_buf_[tgt_id] = Q[src_id] + bias_Q[tid];
k_buf_[tgt_id] = K[src_id] + bias_K[tid];
v_buf_[tgt_id] = V[src_id] + bias_V[tid];
template <typename T>
void softmax_kernel(T* qk_buf_, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size, const int head_num, const int seq_len,
const T scalar)
int batch_id = blockIdx.x / head_num;
int qk_offset = blockIdx.x * seq_len * seq_len;
int mask_offset = batch_id * seq_len * seq_len;
__shared__ float s_sum, s_max;
for(int i = 0; i < seq_len; ++i)
float qk = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? (float)qk_buf_[threadIdx.x + qk_offset] : 0.0f;
float mask_val = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? (float)attr_mask[threadIdx.x + mask_offset] : 0.0f;
mask_val = (1.0f - mask_val) * -10000.0f;
float tmp = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? (float)(qk * (float)scalar + mask_val): -1e20f;
float max_val = blockReduceMax<float>(tmp);
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
s_max = max_val;
qk = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? __expf(tmp - s_max) : 0.0f;
float sum_val = blockReduceSum<float>(qk);
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
s_sum = sum_val + 1e-6f;
if(threadIdx.x < seq_len)
qk_buf_[threadIdx.x + qk_offset] = (T)(qk / s_sum);
qk_offset += seq_len;
mask_offset += seq_len;
template <typename T>
void softmax_kernel_v2(T* qk_buf_, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size, const int head_num,
const int seq_len, const float scalar)
int batch_id = blockIdx.x / head_num / seq_len;
int seq_id = blockIdx.x % seq_len;
int qk_offset = blockIdx.x * seq_len;
int mask_offset = batch_id * seq_len * seq_len + seq_id * seq_len;
__shared__ float s_sum, s_max;
float qk = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? (float)qk_buf_[threadIdx.x + qk_offset] : 0.0f;
float mask_val = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? (float)attr_mask[threadIdx.x + mask_offset] : 0.0f;
mask_val = (1.0f - mask_val) * -10000.0f;
float tmp = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? (float)(qk * (float)scalar + mask_val) : -1e20f;
float max_val = blockReduceMax<float>(tmp);
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
s_max = max_val;
float qk_tmp = threadIdx.x < seq_len ? __expf((float)(tmp - s_max)) : 0.0f;
float sum_val = blockReduceSum<float>(qk_tmp);
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
s_sum = sum_val + 1e-6f;
if(threadIdx.x < seq_len)
qk_buf_[threadIdx.x + qk_offset] = (T)(qk_tmp / s_sum);
//grid = (seq_len/word_per_thread, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len + 31)/32*32)
template <typename T>
void softmax_kernel_v3(T* qk_buf_, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size, const int head_num, const int seq_len, const T scalar)
bool qual = threadIdx.x < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
float tmp = -1e20f;
int qk_offset;
__shared__ float s_mean, s_max;
if (qual){
qk_offset = ((blockIdx.y*head_num + blockIdx.z)*seq_len + seq_id) *seq_len + threadIdx.x;
int mask_offset = (blockIdx.y * seq_len + seq_id) * seq_len + threadIdx.x;
float qk = static_cast<float>(qk_buf_[qk_offset]);
float mask_val = static_cast<float>(__ldg(&attr_mask[mask_offset]));
mask_val = (1.0f - mask_val) * -10000.0f;
tmp = qk * static_cast<float>(scalar) + mask_val;
float max_val = blockReduceMax<float>(tmp);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
float qk_tmp = qual ? __expf(tmp - s_max) : 0.0f;
float sum_val = blockReduceSum<float>(qk_tmp);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_mean = sum_val + 1e-6f;
s_mean = __fdividef(1.0f, s_mean);
qk_buf_[qk_offset] = (T)(qk_tmp * s_mean);
//grid = (seq_len/word_per_thread, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len/2 + 31)/32*32)
//seq_len % 2 == 0
template <>
void softmax_kernel_v3(half* qk_buf_, const half* attr_mask,
const int batch_size, const int head_num,
const int seq_len, const half scalar)
int threadIdx2 = threadIdx.x << 1;
bool qual = threadIdx2 < seq_len;
half2* qk_buf_half2Ptr = (half2*) qk_buf_;
const half2* attr_mask_half2Ptr = (const half2*) attr_mask;
__shared__ float s_mean, s_max;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
int qk_offset;
half2 tmp = __float2half2_rn(0.0f);
float max_val = -1e20f;
half2 qk;
if (qual){
qk_offset = ((((blockIdx.y*head_num + blockIdx.z)*seq_len + seq_id) *seq_len) >> 1) + threadIdx.x;
int mask_offset = (((blockIdx.y * seq_len + seq_id) * seq_len) >> 1) + threadIdx.x;
qk = qk_buf_half2Ptr[qk_offset];
half2 mask_val = __ldg(&attr_mask_half2Ptr[mask_offset]);
half2 mask_val_tmp = __hmul2(__hsub2(__float2half2_rn(1.0f), mask_val), __float2half2_rn(-10000.0f));
tmp = __hadd2(__hmul2(__half2half2(scalar), qk), mask_val_tmp);
max_val = fmax((float)tmp.x, (float)tmp.y);
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
if (qual){
tmp = h2exp(__hsub2(tmp, __float2half2_rn(s_max)));
float sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum((float)(tmp.x + tmp.y)) : blockReduceSum<float>((float)(tmp.x + tmp.y));
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_mean = sum_val + 1e-6f;
s_mean = __fdividef(1.0f, s_mean);
qk = __hmul2(tmp, __float2half2_rn(s_mean));
qk_buf_half2Ptr[qk_offset] = qk;
//grid = (seq_len/word_per_thread, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len + 31)/32*32)
//for seq_len not larger than 32
template <typename T>
void softmax_kernel_v3_LE32(T* qk_buf_, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size, const int head_num, const int seq_len, const T scalar)
bool qual = threadIdx.x < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
int qk_offset;
__shared__ float s_mean, s_max;
float tmp = -1e20f;
if (qual){
qk_offset = ((blockIdx.y*head_num + blockIdx.z)*seq_len + seq_id) *seq_len + threadIdx.x;
int mask_offset = (blockIdx.y * seq_len + seq_id) * seq_len + threadIdx.x;
float qk = static_cast<float>(qk_buf_[qk_offset]);
float mask_val = static_cast<float>(__ldg(&attr_mask[mask_offset]));
mask_val = (1.0f - mask_val) * -10000.0f;
tmp = static_cast<float>(qk) * static_cast<float>(scalar) + mask_val;
float max_val = warpReduceMax<float>(tmp);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
tmp = qual ? __expf(tmp - s_max) : 0.0f;
float sum_val = warpReduceSum<float>(tmp);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_mean = sum_val + 1e-6f;
s_mean = __fdividef(1.0f, s_mean);
qk_buf_[qk_offset] = (T)(tmp * s_mean);
//int_buf are a series of sub-matrixes of m = seq_len, n = seq_len, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//grid = (seq_len, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len/4 + 31)/32*32)
//for int32_t I; int8 O;
template <typename T>
void softmax_COL32(int8_t* qk_buf_, const int32_t* int_buf, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size,
const int head_num, const int seq_len, const float scalar1a, const float *scalar1b,
const float *scalar1c, const float *amax_ptr, const int head_num_x_seq_len, const int seq_len_x_seq_len)
const float amax = __ldg(amax_ptr);
const float scalar1 = scalar1a * __ldg(scalar1b) * __ldg(scalar1c);
int mask_id;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
char4* buf4Ptr = (char4 *)qk_buf_;
bool qual = threadIdx4 < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
char4 tmp4 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int inIdx = (blockIdx.y * head_num + blockIdx.z) * (seq_len_x_seq_len) +
(threadIdx4 & 0xffffffe0) * seq_len +
(seq_id << 5) + (threadIdx4 & 31);
//set softmax of padding word to 0
float mask_in_seq = static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+(blockIdx.y*seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id)));
if (mask_in_seq < 0.1f){
if (qual)
buf4Ptr[inIdx >> 2] = tmp4;
float4 floatTmp4 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
if (qual){
floatTmp4.x = static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf + inIdx)) * scalar1;
floatTmp4.y = static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf+inIdx+1)) * scalar1;
floatTmp4.z = static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf+inIdx+2)) * scalar1;
floatTmp4.w = static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf+inIdx+3)) * scalar1;
float mask_val, max_val;
max_val = -1e20f;
__shared__ float s_max, s_sum;
if (qual){
mask_id = threadIdx4 + blockIdx.y * seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id * seq_len;
//for x
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.x = floatTmp4.x + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.x);
//for y
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+1))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.y = floatTmp4.y + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.y);
//for z
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+2))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.z = floatTmp4.z + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.z);
//for w
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+3))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.w = floatTmp4.w + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.w);
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
float sum_val = 0.0f;
if (qual){
floatTmp4.x = __expf(floatTmp4.x - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.x;
floatTmp4.y = __expf(floatTmp4.y - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.y;
floatTmp4.z = __expf(floatTmp4.z - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.z;
floatTmp4.w = __expf(floatTmp4.w - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.w;
sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum(sum_val) : blockReduceSum<float>(sum_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_sum = __fdividef(127.0f, (sum_val + 1e-6f));
s_sum = __fdividef(s_sum, amax);
if (qual){
tmp4.x = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.x*s_sum);
tmp4.y = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.y*s_sum);
tmp4.z = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.z*s_sum);
tmp4.w = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.w*s_sum);
buf4Ptr[inIdx >> 2] = tmp4;
//int_buf are a series of sub-matrixes of m = seq_len, n = seq_len, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//grid = (seq_len, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len/4 + 31)/32*32)
//for int8_t IO;
template <typename T>
void softmax_COL32(int8_t* qk_buf_, const int8_t* int_buf, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size,
const int head_num, const int seq_len, const float scalar1a, const float *scalar1b,
const float *amax_ptr, const int head_num_x_seq_len, const int seq_len_x_seq_len)
const float amax = __ldg(amax_ptr);
const float scalar1 = scalar1a * __ldg(scalar1b);
int mask_id;
int threadIdx4 = threadIdx.x << 2;
char4* buf4Ptr = (char4 *)qk_buf_;
const char4* inBuf4Ptr = (const char4*)int_buf;
bool qual = threadIdx4 < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
char4 tmp4 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int inIdx = ((blockIdx.y * head_num + blockIdx.z) * (seq_len_x_seq_len) +
(threadIdx4 & 0xffffffe0) * seq_len +
(seq_id << 5) + (threadIdx4 & 31)) >> 2;
//set softmax of padding word to 0
const float mask_in_seq = static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+(blockIdx.y*seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id)));
if (mask_in_seq < 0.1f){
if (qual)
buf4Ptr[inIdx] = tmp4;
float4 floatTmp4 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
if (qual){
tmp4 = __ldg(inBuf4Ptr + inIdx);
floatTmp4.x = static_cast<float>(tmp4.x) * scalar1;
floatTmp4.y = static_cast<float>(tmp4.y) * scalar1;
floatTmp4.z = static_cast<float>(tmp4.z) * scalar1;
floatTmp4.w = static_cast<float>(tmp4.w) * scalar1;
float mask_val, max_val;
max_val = -1e20f;
__shared__ float s_max, s_sum;
if (qual){
mask_id = threadIdx4 + blockIdx.y * seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id * seq_len;
//for x
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.x = floatTmp4.x + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.x);
//for y
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+1))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.y = floatTmp4.y + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.y);
//for z
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+2))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.z = floatTmp4.z + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.z);
//for w
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+3))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp4.w = floatTmp4.w + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(max_val, floatTmp4.w);
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
float sum_val = 0.0f;
if (qual){
floatTmp4.x = __expf(floatTmp4.x - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.x;
floatTmp4.y = __expf(floatTmp4.y - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.y;
floatTmp4.z = __expf(floatTmp4.z - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.z;
floatTmp4.w = __expf(floatTmp4.w - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp4.w;
sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum(sum_val) : blockReduceSum<float>(sum_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_sum = __fdividef(127.0f, (sum_val + 1e-6f));
s_sum = __fdividef(s_sum, amax);
if (qual){
tmp4.x = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.x*s_sum);
tmp4.y = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.y*s_sum);
tmp4.z = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.z*s_sum);
tmp4.w = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp4.w*s_sum);
buf4Ptr[inIdx] = tmp4;
//int_buf are a series of sub-matrixes of m = seq_len, n = seq_len, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//grid = (seq_len, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = (seq_len + 31)/32
//for int32_t I; int8 O;
//for seq_len <= 32
template <typename T>
void softmax_COL32_LE32(int8_t* qk_buf_, const int32_t* int_buf, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size,
const int head_num, const int seq_len, const float scalar1a, const float *scalar1b,
const float *scalar1c, const float *amax_ptr, const int head_num_x_seq_len, const int seq_len_x_seq_len)
const float amax = __ldg(amax_ptr);
const float scalar1 = scalar1a * __ldg(scalar1b) * __ldg(scalar1c);
int mask_id;
int threadIdxx = threadIdx.x;
bool qual = threadIdxx < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
int inIdx = (blockIdx.y * head_num + blockIdx.z) * (seq_len_x_seq_len) +
(threadIdxx & 0xffffffe0) * seq_len +
(seq_id << 5) + (threadIdxx & 31);
//set softmax of padding word to 0
float mask_in_seq = static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+(blockIdx.y*seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id)));
if (mask_in_seq < 0.1f){
if (qual)
qk_buf_[inIdx] = 0;
float floatTmp = qual ? static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf + inIdx)) * scalar1 : 0.0f;
float mask_val, max_val;
__shared__ float s_max, s_sum;
mask_id = qual ? threadIdxx + blockIdx.y * seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id * seq_len : 0;
mask_val = qual ? (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id))) * -10000.0f : 0.0f;
floatTmp = qual ? floatTmp + mask_val : 0.0f;
max_val = qual ? floatTmp : -1e20f;
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
floatTmp = qual ? __expf(floatTmp - s_max) : 0.0f;
float sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum(floatTmp) : blockReduceSum<float>(floatTmp);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_sum = __fdividef(127.0f, (sum_val + 1e-6f));
s_sum = __fdividef(s_sum, amax);
if (qual){
qk_buf_[inIdx] = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp*s_sum);
//int_buf are a series of sub-matrixes of m = seq_len, n = seq_len, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//grid = (seq_len, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = (seq_len + 31)/32
//for int8_t IO;
//for seq_len <= 32
template <typename T>
void softmax_COL32_LE32(int8_t* qk_buf_, const int8_t* int_buf, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size,
const int head_num, const int seq_len, const float scalar1a, const float *scalar1b,
const float *amax_ptr, const int head_num_x_seq_len, const int seq_len_x_seq_len)
const float amax = __ldg(amax_ptr);
const float scalar1 = scalar1a * __ldg(scalar1b);
int mask_id;
int threadIdxx = threadIdx.x;
bool qual = threadIdxx < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
int inIdx = (blockIdx.y * head_num + blockIdx.z) * (seq_len_x_seq_len) +
(threadIdxx & 0xffffffe0) * seq_len +
(seq_id << 5) + (threadIdxx & 31);
//set softmax of padding word to 0
float mask_in_seq = static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+(blockIdx.y*seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id)));
if (mask_in_seq < 0.1f){
if (qual)
qk_buf_[inIdx] = 0;
float floatTmp = qual ? static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf + inIdx)) * scalar1 : 0.0f;
float mask_val, max_val;
__shared__ float s_max, s_sum;
mask_id = qual ? threadIdxx + blockIdx.y * seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id * seq_len : 0;
mask_val = qual ? (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id))) * -10000.0f : 0.0f;
floatTmp = qual ? floatTmp + mask_val : 0.0f;
max_val = qual ? floatTmp : -1e20f;
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
floatTmp = qual ? __expf(floatTmp - s_max) : 0.0f;
float sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum(floatTmp) : blockReduceSum<float>(floatTmp);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_sum = __fdividef(127.0f, (sum_val + 1e-6f));
s_sum = __fdividef(s_sum, amax);
if (qual){
qk_buf_[inIdx] = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp*s_sum);
//int_buf are a series of sub-matrixes of m = seq_len, n = seq_len, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//grid = (seq_len, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len/2 + 31)/32*32)
//for int32_t I; int8 O;
//for seq_len in (32, 64]
template <typename T>
void softmax_COL32_LE64(int8_t* qk_buf_, const int32_t* int_buf, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size,
const int head_num, const int seq_len, const float scalar1a, const float *scalar1b,
const float *scalar1c, const float *amax_ptr, const int head_num_x_seq_len, const int seq_len_x_seq_len)
const float amax = __ldg(amax_ptr);
const float scalar1 = scalar1a * __ldg(scalar1b) * __ldg(scalar1c);
int mask_id;
int threadIdx2 = threadIdx.x << 1;
char2* buf2Ptr = (char2 *)qk_buf_;
bool qual = threadIdx2 < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
char2 tmp2 = {0, 0};
int inIdx = (blockIdx.y * head_num + blockIdx.z) * (seq_len_x_seq_len) +
(threadIdx2 & 0xffffffe0) * seq_len +
(seq_id << 5) + (threadIdx2 & 31);
//set softmax of padding word to 0
float mask_in_seq = static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+(blockIdx.y*seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id)));
if (mask_in_seq < 0.1f){
if (qual)
buf2Ptr[inIdx >> 1] = tmp2;
float2 floatTmp2 = {0.0f, 0.0f};
if (qual){
floatTmp2.x = static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf + inIdx)) * scalar1;
floatTmp2.y = static_cast<float>(__ldg(int_buf + inIdx + 1)) * scalar1;
float mask_val, max_val;
max_val = -1e20f;
__shared__ float s_max, s_sum;
if (qual){
mask_id = threadIdx2 + blockIdx.y * seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id * seq_len;
//for x
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp2.x = floatTmp2.x + mask_val;
//for y
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+1))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp2.y = floatTmp2.y + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(floatTmp2.x, floatTmp2.y);
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
float sum_val = 0.0f;
if (qual){
floatTmp2.x = __expf(floatTmp2.x - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp2.x;
floatTmp2.y = __expf(floatTmp2.y - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp2.y;
sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum(sum_val) : blockReduceSum<float>(sum_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_sum = __fdividef(127.0f, (sum_val + 1e-6f));
s_sum = __fdividef(s_sum, amax);
if (qual){
tmp2.x = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp2.x*s_sum);
tmp2.y = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp2.y*s_sum);
buf2Ptr[inIdx >> 1] = tmp2;
//int_buf are a series of sub-matrixes of m = seq_len, n = seq_len, CUBLASLT_ORDER_COL32
//grid = (seq_len, batch_size, head_num)
//block.x = max(32, (seq_len/2 + 31)/32*32)
//for int8_t IO
//for seq_len in (32, 64]
template <typename T>
void softmax_COL32_LE64(int8_t* qk_buf_, const int8_t* int_buf, const T* attr_mask, const int batch_size,
const int head_num, const int seq_len, const float scalar1a, const float *scalar1b,
const float *amax_ptr, const int head_num_x_seq_len, const int seq_len_x_seq_len)
const float amax = __ldg(amax_ptr);
const float scalar1 = scalar1a * __ldg(scalar1b);
int mask_id;
int threadIdx2 = threadIdx.x << 1;
char2* buf2Ptr = (char2 *)qk_buf_;
const char2* inBuf2Ptr = (const char2 *)int_buf;
bool qual = threadIdx2 < seq_len;
for (int seq_id = blockIdx.x ; seq_id < seq_len ; seq_id += gridDim.x){
char2 tmp2 = {0, 0};
int inIdx = ((blockIdx.y * head_num + blockIdx.z) * (seq_len_x_seq_len) +
(threadIdx2 & 0xffffffe0) * seq_len +
(seq_id << 5) + (threadIdx2 & 31)) >> 1;
//set softmax of padding word to 0
float mask_in_seq = static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+(blockIdx.y*seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id)));
if (mask_in_seq < 0.1f){
if (qual)
buf2Ptr[inIdx] = tmp2;
float2 floatTmp2 = {0.0f, 0.0f};
if (qual){
tmp2 = __ldg(inBuf2Ptr + inIdx);
floatTmp2.x = static_cast<float>(tmp2.x) * scalar1;
floatTmp2.y = static_cast<float>(tmp2.y) * scalar1;
float mask_val, max_val;
max_val = -1e20f;
__shared__ float s_max, s_sum;
if (qual){
mask_id = threadIdx2 + blockIdx.y * seq_len_x_seq_len + seq_id * seq_len;
//for x
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp2.x = floatTmp2.x + mask_val;
//for y
mask_val = (1.0f - static_cast<float>(__ldg(attr_mask+mask_id+1))) * -10000.0f;
floatTmp2.y = floatTmp2.y + mask_val;
max_val = fmaxf(floatTmp2.x, floatTmp2.y);
max_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceMax(max_val) : blockReduceMax<float>(max_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_max = max_val;
float sum_val = 0.0f;
if (qual){
floatTmp2.x = __expf(floatTmp2.x - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp2.x;
floatTmp2.y = __expf(floatTmp2.y - s_max);
sum_val += floatTmp2.y;
sum_val = blockDim.x <= 32 ? warpReduceSum(sum_val) : blockReduceSum<float>(sum_val);
if (threadIdx.x == 0){
s_sum = __fdividef(127.0f, (sum_val + 1e-6f));
s_sum = __fdividef(s_sum, amax);
if (qual){
tmp2.x = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp2.x*s_sum);
tmp2.y = float_to_int8_rn(floatTmp2.y*s_sum);
buf2Ptr[inIdx] = tmp2;
template<typename T>
void transpose(T* src, T* dst, const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head)
int batch_id = blockIdx.x / (head_num * seq_len);
int seq_id = blockIdx.x % seq_len;
int head_id = (blockIdx.x % (head_num * seq_len))/ seq_len;
dst[batch_id * (head_num * seq_len * size_per_head) + seq_id * head_num * size_per_head
+ head_id * size_per_head + threadIdx.x] = src[blockIdx.x * size_per_head + threadIdx.x];
void transpose(half* src, half* dst,
const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head)
int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int batch_id = tid / (head_num * seq_len * size_per_head);
int head_id = (tid % (head_num * seq_len * size_per_head)) / (seq_len * size_per_head);
int seq_id = (tid % (seq_len * size_per_head)) / size_per_head;
int id = tid % size_per_head;
int target_id = target_index(batch_id, head_id, seq_id, id, batch_size, head_num, seq_len, size_per_head);
half2* src_ptr = (half2*)src;
half2* dst_ptr = (half2*)dst;
dst_ptr[target_id] = src_ptr[tid];
template<typename T>
void transpose_rebuild_padding(T* src, T* dst, const int batch_size, const int seq_len, const int head_num, const int size_per_head,
const int* mask_offset)
// TODO: optimize this kernel?
// do remove_sequence_length_padding
const int tid = threadIdx.x; // batch * seq_len or valid_word_num
const int bid = blockIdx.x; // head_num * size_per_head
const int src_batch_id = (bid + mask_offset[bid]) / seq_len;
const int src_seq_id = (bid + mask_offset[bid]) % seq_len;
const int dst_seq_id = bid;
const int head_id = tid / size_per_head;
const int hidden_id = tid % size_per_head;
dst[dst_seq_id * head_num * size_per_head + tid] = src[ src_batch_id * head_num * seq_len * size_per_head +
head_id * seq_len * size_per_head + src_seq_id * size_per_head + hidden_id];
template<typename T>
__global__ void rebuild_sequence_length_padding(const T* src, T* tgt,
const int* mask_offset,
const int n)
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
const int tgt_seq_id = bid + mask_offset[bid];
const int src_seq_id = bid;
for(int i = tid; i < n; i += blockDim.x)
tgt[tgt_seq_id * n + i] = src[src_seq_id * n + i];
template<OperationType OpType_>
void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OpType_>::multiHeadAttr_nofuse_kernelLauncher(
cudaStream_t stream,
cublasHandle_t cublas_handle,
cublasLtHandle_t cublaslt_handle,
DataType_* Q,
const DataType_* bias_Q,
DataType_* K,
const DataType_* bias_K,
DataType_* V,
const DataType_* bias_V,
const DataType_* attr_mask,
DataType_* dst,
const int batch_size,
const int seq_len,
const int head_num,
const int size_per_head,
const int int8_mode_,
const DataType_ scalar)
const int k = head_num * size_per_head;
dim3 grid;
dim3 block;
if (int8_mode_ != 0)
//var for int8
const float*Qbias_amax_ptr, *Kbias_amax_ptr, *Vbias_amax_ptr, *bmm1_amax_ptr, *Softmax_amax_ptr, *bmm2_amax_ptr, *in_amax_ptr, *Q_aftergemm_amax_ptr, *K_aftergemm_amax_ptr, *V_aftergemm_amax_ptr;
Qbias_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 8;
Kbias_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 16;
Vbias_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 24;
Softmax_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 32;
bmm2_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 36;
Q_aftergemm_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 4;
K_aftergemm_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 12;
V_aftergemm_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 20;
bmm1_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList + 28;
in_amax_ptr = param_.amaxList;
assert(seq_len % COL32_ == 0 && size_per_head%COL32_ == 0);
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len){
if (int8_mode_ == 1)
add_QK_bias_transform<<<dim3(batch_size*seq_len*2), dim3((head_num * size_per_head)/4), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)q_buf_, (int8_t*)k_buf_, (const int32_t*) Q, bias_Q, (const int32_t*) K,
bias_K, batch_size * seq_len, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head,
seq_len*size_per_head, query_weight_amax_list, in_amax_ptr+2, key_weight_amax_list,
in_amax_ptr+2, Qbias_amax_ptr+3, Kbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
add_V_bias_transform<<<dim3(size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num), dim3(8, 32), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)v_buf_, (const int32_t *)V, bias_V, batch_size, seq_len,
head_num, size_per_head, seq_len*size_per_head, value_weight_amax_list,
in_amax_ptr+2, Vbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
add_QK_bias_transform<<<dim3(batch_size*seq_len*2), dim3((head_num * size_per_head)/4), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)q_buf_, (int8_t*)k_buf_, (const int8_t*) Q, bias_Q, (const int8_t*) K,
bias_K, batch_size * seq_len, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head,
seq_len*size_per_head, Q_aftergemm_amax_ptr+1, K_aftergemm_amax_ptr+1,
Qbias_amax_ptr+3, Kbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
add_V_bias_transform<<<dim3(size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num), dim3(8, 32), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)v_buf_, (const int8_t *)V, bias_V, batch_size, seq_len,
head_num, size_per_head, seq_len*size_per_head,
V_aftergemm_amax_ptr+1, Vbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
cudaMemset(sequence_id_map_, -1, batch_size * seq_len * sizeof(int));
mappingRemovePaddingData<<<dim3((param_.valid_word_num + 63)/64), dim3(64)>>>(sequence_id_map_, param_.sequence_id_offset, param_.valid_word_num);
if (int8_mode_ == 1)
add_QK_bias_transform_rebuild_padding<<<dim3(param_.valid_word_num*2), dim3((head_num * size_per_head)/4), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)q_buf_, (int8_t*)k_buf_, (const int32_t*) Q, bias_Q,
(const int32_t*) K, bias_K, param_.sequence_id_offset, param_.valid_word_num,
batch_size * seq_len, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head, seq_len*size_per_head,
query_weight_amax_list, in_amax_ptr+2, key_weight_amax_list, in_amax_ptr+2,
Qbias_amax_ptr+3, Kbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
add_V_bias_transform_rebuild_padding<<<dim3(size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num), dim3(8, 32), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)v_buf_, (const int32_t *)V, bias_V, sequence_id_map_,
param_.valid_word_num, batch_size, seq_len, head_num,
size_per_head, seq_len*size_per_head, value_weight_amax_list,
in_amax_ptr+2, Vbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
add_QK_bias_transform_rebuild_padding<<<dim3(param_.valid_word_num*2), dim3((head_num * size_per_head)/4), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)q_buf_, (int8_t*)k_buf_, (const int8_t*) Q, bias_Q,
(const int8_t*) K, bias_K, param_.sequence_id_offset, param_.valid_word_num,
batch_size * seq_len, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head, seq_len*size_per_head,
Q_aftergemm_amax_ptr+1, K_aftergemm_amax_ptr+1,
Qbias_amax_ptr+3, Kbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
add_V_bias_transform_rebuild_padding<<<dim3(size_per_head/32, seq_len/32, batch_size*head_num), dim3(8, 32), 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)v_buf_, (const int8_t *)V, bias_V, sequence_id_map_,
param_.valid_word_num, batch_size, seq_len, head_num,
size_per_head, seq_len*size_per_head,
V_aftergemm_amax_ptr+1, Vbias_amax_ptr+3, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_);
int batchCount = batch_size * head_num;
grid.x = seq_len;
grid.y = batch_size;
grid.z = head_num;
if (int8_mode_ == 1)
cublasLtMM_withAlgo(qk_int_buf_, batchCount, seq_len, seq_len, size_per_head,
size_per_head*seq_len, size_per_head*seq_len, seq_len*seq_len,
(int8_t*)q_buf_, (int8_t*)k_buf_, cublaslt_handle, stream, cublasLtAlgoMap_, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_, true);
if (seq_len <= 32){
if (batch_size * head_num > 960)
grid.x = ceil(float(seq_len)/32.0f);
block.x = (seq_len + 31)/32*32;
softmax_COL32_LE32<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)qk_buf_, qk_int_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num,
seq_len, float(scalar), Qbias_amax_ptr + 1, Kbias_amax_ptr + 1,
Softmax_amax_ptr, seq_len*head_num, seq_len*seq_len);
else if (seq_len <= 64){
assert(seq_len % 2 == 0);
block.x = (seq_len/2 + 31)/32*32;
if (batch_size * head_num > 960)
grid.x = ceil(float(seq_len)/32.0f);
softmax_COL32_LE64<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)qk_buf_, qk_int_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num,
seq_len, float(scalar), Qbias_amax_ptr + 1, Kbias_amax_ptr + 1,
Softmax_amax_ptr, seq_len*head_num, seq_len*seq_len);
assert(seq_len % 4 == 0);
block.x = (seq_len/4 + 31)/32*32;
softmax_COL32<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)qk_buf_, qk_int_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num,
seq_len, float(scalar), Qbias_amax_ptr + 1, Kbias_amax_ptr + 1,
Softmax_amax_ptr, seq_len*head_num, seq_len*seq_len);
cublasLtMM_withAlgo(transpose_dst_int_buf_, batchCount, seq_len, size_per_head, seq_len,
seq_len*seq_len, size_per_head*seq_len, size_per_head*seq_len, (int8_t*)qk_buf_,
(int8_t*)v_buf_, cublaslt_handle, stream, cublasLtAlgoMap_, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_, true);
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len)
transpose_COL32_kernelLauncher((int8_t*)dst, (const int*)transpose_dst_int_buf_, batch_size, seq_len, head_num,
size_per_head, Vbias_amax_ptr+1, Softmax_amax_ptr+1, bmm2_amax_ptr+3, stream);
transpose_COL32_rebuild_padding_kernelLauncher((int8_t*)dst, (const int*)transpose_dst_int_buf_, sequence_id_map_,
param_.valid_word_num, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head,
Vbias_amax_ptr+1, Softmax_amax_ptr+1, bmm2_amax_ptr+3, stream);
cublasLtMM_withAlgo_int8IO((int8_t*)qk_int_buf_, batchCount, seq_len, seq_len, size_per_head,
size_per_head*seq_len, size_per_head*seq_len, seq_len*seq_len,
(int8_t*)q_buf_, (int8_t*)k_buf_, cublaslt_handle, stream, cublasLtAlgoMap_, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_, true);
if (seq_len <= 32){
if (batch_size * head_num > 960)
grid.x = ceil(float(seq_len)/32.0f);
block.x = (seq_len + 31)/32*32;
softmax_COL32_LE32<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)qk_buf_, (int8_t*)qk_int_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num,
seq_len, float(scalar), bmm1_amax_ptr + 1,
Softmax_amax_ptr, seq_len*head_num, seq_len*seq_len);
else if (seq_len <= 64){
assert(seq_len % 2 == 0);
block.x = (seq_len/2 + 31)/32*32;
if (batch_size * head_num > 960)
grid.x = ceil(float(seq_len)/32.0f);
softmax_COL32_LE64<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)qk_buf_, (int8_t*)qk_int_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num,
seq_len, float(scalar), bmm1_amax_ptr + 1,
Softmax_amax_ptr, seq_len*head_num, seq_len*seq_len);
assert(seq_len % 4 == 0);
block.x = (seq_len/4 + 31)/32*32;
softmax_COL32<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>((int8_t*)qk_buf_, (int8_t*)qk_int_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num,
seq_len, float(scalar), bmm1_amax_ptr + 1,
Softmax_amax_ptr, seq_len*head_num, seq_len*seq_len);
cublasLtMM_withAlgo_int8IO((int8_t*)transpose_dst_int_buf_, batchCount, seq_len, size_per_head, seq_len,
seq_len*seq_len, size_per_head*seq_len, size_per_head*seq_len, param_.int8O_gemm_deQ_scale_list[4], (int8_t*)qk_buf_,
(int8_t*)v_buf_, cublaslt_handle, stream, cublasLtAlgoMap_, use_ORDER_COL32_2R_4R4_, true);
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len)
transpose_COL32_kernelLauncher((int8_t*)dst, (const int8_t*)transpose_dst_int_buf_, batch_size, seq_len, head_num,
size_per_head, bmm2_amax_ptr+1, bmm2_amax_ptr+3, stream);
transpose_COL32_rebuild_padding_kernelLauncher((int8_t*)dst, (const int8_t*)transpose_dst_int_buf_, sequence_id_map_,
param_.valid_word_num, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head,
bmm2_amax_ptr+3, stream);
if(OpType_ == OperationType::FP32)
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len)
const int m = batch_size * seq_len;
const int word_per_block = 1;
assert(k <= 1024);
assert(m / word_per_block * 3 <= 65536);
dim3 grid(m / word_per_block * 3);
dim3 block(k);
add_QKV_bias<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(Q, bias_Q, K, bias_K, V, bias_V, q_buf_, k_buf_, v_buf_,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head, word_per_block);
add_QKV_bias_rebuild_padding<DataType_><<<param_.valid_word_num, k, 0, stream>>>(Q, bias_Q, K, bias_K,
V, bias_V, q_buf_, k_buf_, v_buf_,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head, param_.sequence_id_offset);
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len)
const int word_per_block = 1;
grid.x = batch_size * seq_len / word_per_block;
block.x = head_num * size_per_head * word_per_block / 2;
assert(block.x <= 1024);
add_QKV_bias<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(Q, bias_Q, K, bias_K, V, bias_V, q_buf_, k_buf_,
v_buf_, batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head / 2, word_per_block);
add_QKV_bias_rebuild_padding<half2><<<param_.valid_word_num, k / 2, 0, stream>>>((half2*)Q, (const half2*)bias_Q,
(half2*)K, (const half2*)bias_K, (half2*)V, (const half2*)bias_V,
(half2*)q_buf_, (half2*)k_buf_, (half2*)v_buf_,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head / 2, param_.sequence_id_offset);
DataType_ alpha = (DataType_)1.0f, beta = (DataType_)0.0f;
seq_len, seq_len, size_per_head,
k_buf_, AType_, size_per_head, seq_len * size_per_head,
q_buf_, BType_, size_per_head, seq_len * size_per_head,
qk_buf_, CType_, seq_len, seq_len * seq_len,
batch_size * head_num,
//deal with odd seq_len
if (seq_len % 2 != 0){
if(seq_len <= 32)
block.x = 32;
else if(seq_len > 32 && seq_len <= 64)
block.x = 64;
else if(seq_len > 64 && seq_len <= 128)
block.x = 128;
else if(seq_len > 128 && seq_len <= 256)
block.x = 256;
else if(seq_len > 256 && seq_len <= 512)
block.x = 512;
block.x = 1024;
if(batch_size * head_num <= 120)
grid.x = batch_size * head_num * seq_len;
softmax_kernel_v2<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(qk_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num, seq_len, scalar);
grid.x = batch_size * head_num;
softmax_kernel<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(qk_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num, seq_len, scalar);
//deal with even seq_len
grid.x = seq_len;
if (batch_size * head_num > 360)
grid.x = ceil(float(seq_len)/32.0f);
grid.y = batch_size;
grid.z = head_num;
if (seq_len <= 32){
block.x = 32;
softmax_kernel_v3_LE32<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(qk_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num, seq_len, scalar);
if (OpType_ == OperationType::FP16){
block.x = (seq_len/2 + 31)/32*32;
softmax_kernel_v3<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(qk_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num, seq_len, scalar);
block.x = (seq_len + 31)/32*32;
softmax_kernel_v3<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(qk_buf_, attr_mask, batch_size, head_num, seq_len, scalar);
grid.x = grid.y = grid.z = 1;
size_per_head, seq_len, seq_len,
v_buf_, AType_, size_per_head, seq_len * size_per_head,
qk_buf_, BType_, seq_len, seq_len * seq_len,
transpose_dst_, CType_, size_per_head, seq_len * size_per_head,
batch_size * head_num,
/* for half2 only */
if(OpType_ == OperationType::FP16)
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len)
const int seq_per_block = 4;
grid.x = batch_size * head_num * seq_len / seq_per_block;
block.x = seq_per_block * size_per_head / 2;
assert(grid.x * seq_per_block == batch_size * head_num * seq_len);
transpose<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(transpose_dst_, dst,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head / 2);
transpose_rebuild_padding<half2><<<param_.valid_word_num, k / 2, 0, stream>>>(
(half2*)transpose_dst_, (half2*)dst,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head / 2, param_.sequence_id_offset);
if(param_.sequence_id_offset == nullptr || param_.valid_word_num == batch_size * seq_len)
const int seq_per_block = 1;
grid.x = batch_size * head_num * seq_len / seq_per_block;
block.x = seq_per_block * size_per_head;
transpose<DataType_><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(transpose_dst_, dst,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head);
transpose_rebuild_padding<DataType_><<<param_.valid_word_num, k, 0, stream>>>(transpose_dst_, dst,
batch_size, seq_len, head_num, size_per_head, param_.sequence_id_offset);
template void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OperationType::FP32>::multiHeadAttr_nofuse_kernelLauncher(
cudaStream_t stream,
cublasHandle_t handle,
cublasLtHandle_t cublaslt_handle,
float* Q,
const float* bias_Q,
float* K,
const float* bias_K,
float* V,
const float* bias_V,
const float* attr_mask,
float* dst,
const int batch_size,
const int seq_len,
const int head_num,
const int size_per_head,
const int int8_mode_,
const float scalar);
template void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OperationType::FP16>::multiHeadAttr_nofuse_kernelLauncher(
cudaStream_t stream,
cublasHandle_t handle,
cublasLtHandle_t cublaslt_handle,
half* Q,
const half* bias_Q,
half* K,
const half* bias_K,
half* V,
const half* bias_V,
const half* attr_mask,
half* dst,
const int batch_size,
const int seq_len,
const int head_num,
const int size_per_head,
const int int8_mode_,
const half scalar);
template void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OperationType::FP32>::trt_add_QKV_bias_kernelLauncher(
const float* bias_Q,
const float* bias_K,
const float* bias_V);
template void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OperationType::FP16>::trt_add_QKV_bias_kernelLauncher(
const half* bias_Q,
const half* bias_K,
const half* bias_V);
template void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OperationType::FP32>::fused_multiHeadAttr_kernelLauncher();
template void OpenMultiHeadAttention<OperationType::FP16>::fused_multiHeadAttr_kernelLauncher();
void trt_add_QKV_bias_2(const half2* Q, const half2* bias_Q,
const half2* K, const half2* bias_K,
const half2* V, const half2* bias_V,
half2* qkv_buf_,
const int valid_word_num,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head)
// Add bias, and then transpose from
// [3, valid_word_num, head, size] -> [valid_word_num, head, 3, size]
const int seq_id = blockIdx.x;
const int size_id = threadIdx.x % size_per_head;
const int head_id = (threadIdx.x - size_id) / size_per_head;
const int target_offset = blockIdx.x * head_num * 3 * size_per_head + head_id * 3 * size_per_head;
qkv_buf_[ target_offset +
0 * size_per_head +
size_id] = Q[ seq_id * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] + bias_Q[threadIdx.x];
qkv_buf_[ target_offset +
1 * size_per_head +
size_id] = K[ seq_id * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] + bias_K[threadIdx.x];
qkv_buf_[ target_offset +
2 * size_per_head +
size_id] = V[ seq_id * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] + bias_V[threadIdx.x];
void add_QKV_bias_transpose_kernelLauncher(
const half* query_buf, const half* bias_Q,
const half* key_buf, const half* bias_K,
const half* value_buf, const half* bias_V,
half* context_buf,
const int valid_word_num,
const int head_num, const int size_per_head,
cudaStream_t stream)
dim3 grid;
dim3 block;
grid.x = 3 * valid_word_num;
block.x = head_num * size_per_head / 2;
assert(block.x <= 1024);
trt_add_QKV_bias_2<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>( (const half2*)query_buf, (const half2*)bias_Q,
(const half2*)key_buf, (const half2*)bias_K,
(const half2*)value_buf, (const half2*)bias_V,
head_num, size_per_head / 2);
}//namespace cuda
}//namespace fastertransformer