2020-07-04 02:24:45 +02:00

40 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable file

# Adjust env variables to maintain the global batch size
# NGPU x BS x GRAD_ACC = 256.
[ ! -n "$OUTPUT_DIR" ] && OUTPUT_DIR="./output"
[ ! -n "$NGPU" ] && NGPU=8
[ ! -n "$BS" ] && BS=32
[ ! -n "$GRAD_ACC" ] && GRAD_ACC=1
[ ! -n "$EPOCHS" ] && EPOCHS=1500
[ "$AMP" == "true" ] && AMP_FLAG="--amp"
GBS=$(($NGPU * $BS * $GRAD_ACC))
[ $GBS -ne 256 ] && echo -e "\nWARNING: Global batch size changed from 256 to ${GBS}.\n"
echo -e "\nSetup: ${NGPU}x${BS}x${GRAD_ACC} - global batch size ${GBS}\n"
mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node ${NGPU} \
--cuda \
--cudnn-enabled \
-o "$OUTPUT_DIR/" \
--log-file "$OUTPUT_DIR/nvlog.json" \
--dataset-path LJSpeech-1.1 \
--training-files filelists/ljs_mel_dur_pitch_text_train_filelist.txt \
--validation-files filelists/ljs_mel_dur_pitch_text_test_filelist.txt \
--pitch-mean-std-file LJSpeech-1.1/pitch_char_stats__ljs_audio_text_train_filelist.json \
--epochs ${EPOCHS} \
--epochs-per-checkpoint 100 \
--warmup-steps 1000 \
-lr 0.1 \
-bs ${BS} \
--optimizer lamb \
--grad-clip-thresh 1000.0 \
--dur-predictor-loss-scale 0.1 \
--pitch-predictor-loss-scale 0.1 \
--weight-decay 1e-6 \
--gradient-accumulation-steps ${GRAD_ACC} \