2019-01-23 17:14:51 +01:00

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Adapted from
(Original author Wei Wu) by Antti-Pekka Hynninen
"Flexible Layout" (fl) version created by Dick Carter.
Implementing the original resnet ILSVRC 2015 winning network from:
Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun. "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition"
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
import random
# Transform a symbol from one layout to another, or do nothing if they have the same layout
def transform_layout(data, from_layout, to_layout):
supported_layouts = ['NCHW', 'NHWC']
if from_layout not in supported_layouts:
raise ValueError('Not prepared to handle layout: {}'.format(from_layout))
if to_layout not in supported_layouts:
raise ValueError('Not prepared to handle layout: {}'.format(to_layout))
# Insert transpose if from_layout and to_layout don't match
if from_layout == 'NCHW' and to_layout == 'NHWC':
return mx.sym.transpose(data, axes=(0, 2, 3, 1))
elif from_layout == 'NHWC' and to_layout == 'NCHW':
return mx.sym.transpose(data, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2))
return data
# A BatchNorm wrapper that responds to the input layout
def batchnorm(data, io_layout, batchnorm_layout, **kwargs):
# Transpose as needed to batchnorm_layout
transposed_as_needed = transform_layout(data, io_layout, batchnorm_layout)
bn_axis = 3 if batchnorm_layout == 'NHWC' else 1
batchnormed = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=transposed_as_needed, axis=bn_axis, **kwargs)
# Transpose back to i/o layout as needed
return transform_layout(batchnormed, batchnorm_layout, io_layout)
# A BatchNormAddRelu wrapper that responds to the input layout
def batchnorm_add_relu(data, addend, io_layout, batchnorm_layout, **kwargs):
# Transpose as needed to batchnorm_layout
transposed_data_as_needed = transform_layout(data, io_layout, batchnorm_layout)
transposed_addend_as_needed = transform_layout(addend, io_layout, batchnorm_layout)
bn_axis = 3 if batchnorm_layout == 'NHWC' else 1
batchnormed = mx.sym.BatchNormAddRelu(data=transposed_data_as_needed,
axis=bn_axis, **kwargs)
# Transpose back to i/o layout as needed
return transform_layout(batchnormed, batchnorm_layout, io_layout)
# A Pooling wrapper that responds to the input layout
def pooling(data, io_layout, pooling_layout, **kwargs):
# Pooling kernel, as specified by pooling_layout, may be in conflict with i/o layout.
transposed_as_needed = transform_layout(data, io_layout, pooling_layout)
pooled = mx.sym.Pooling(data=transposed_as_needed, layout=pooling_layout, **kwargs)
# Transpose back to i/o layout as needed
return transform_layout(pooled, pooling_layout, io_layout)
# Assumption is that data comes in and out in the 'conv_layout' format.
# If this format is different from the 'batchnorm_layout' format, then the batchnorm() routine
# will introduce transposes on both sides of the mx.sym.BatchNorm symbol
def residual_unit(data, num_filter, stride, dim_match, name, bottle_neck=True,
workspace=256, memonger=False, conv_layout='NCHW', batchnorm_layout='NCHW',
verbose=False, cudnn_bn_off=False, bn_eps=2e-5, bn_mom=0.9, conv_algo=-1,
fuse_bn_relu=False, fuse_bn_add_relu=False, cudnn_tensor_core_only=False):
"""Return ResNet Unit symbol for building ResNet
data : str
Input data
num_filter : int
Number of output channels
bnf : int
Bottle neck channels factor with regard to num_filter
stride : tuple
Stride used in convolution
dim_match : Boolean
True means channel number between input and output is the same, otherwise means differ
name : str
Base name of the operators
workspace : int
Workspace used in convolution operator
act = 'relu' if fuse_bn_relu else None
if bottle_neck:
conv1 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=int(num_filter*0.25), kernel=(1,1), stride=(1,1), pad=(0,0),
no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv1', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
bn1 = batchnorm(data=conv1, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn1', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off, act_type=act)
act1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn1, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu1') if not fuse_bn_relu else bn1
conv2 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act1, num_filter=int(num_filter*0.25), kernel=(3,3), stride=stride, pad=(1,1),
no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv2', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
bn2 = batchnorm(data=conv2, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn2', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off, act_type=act)
act2 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn2, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu2') if not fuse_bn_relu else bn2
conv3 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act2, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(1,1), stride=(1,1), pad=(0,0), no_bias=True,
workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv3', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
if dim_match:
shortcut = data
conv1sc = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(1,1), stride=stride, no_bias=True,
workspace=workspace, name=name+'_conv1sc', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
shortcut = batchnorm(data=conv1sc, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_sc', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
if memonger:
if fuse_bn_add_relu:
return batchnorm_add_relu(data=conv3, addend=shortcut, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn3', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
bn3 = batchnorm(data=conv3, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn3', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
return mx.sym.Activation(data=bn3 + shortcut, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu3')
conv1 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(3,3), stride=stride, pad=(1,1),
no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv1', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
bn1 = batchnorm(data=conv1, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps, name=name + '_bn1', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off, act_type=act)
act1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn1, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu1') if not fuse_bn_relu else bn1
conv2 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act1, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(3,3), stride=(1,1), pad=(1,1),
no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv2', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
if dim_match:
shortcut = data
conv1sc = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(1,1), stride=stride, no_bias=True,
workspace=workspace, name=name+'_conv1sc', layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
shortcut = batchnorm(data=conv1sc, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps, name=name + '_sc', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
if memonger:
if fuse_bn_add_relu:
return batchnorm_add_relu(data=conv2, addend=shortcut, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps, name=name + '_bn2', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
bn2 = batchnorm(data=conv2, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps, name=name + '_bn2', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
return mx.sym.Activation(data=bn2 + shortcut, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu2')
def resnet(units, num_stages, filter_list, num_classes, image_shape, bottle_neck=True, workspace=256, dtype='float32', memonger=False,
input_layout='NCHW', conv_layout='NCHW', batchnorm_layout='NCHW', pooling_layout='NCHW', verbose=False,
cudnn_bn_off=False, bn_eps=2e-5, bn_mom=0.9, conv_algo=-1,
fuse_bn_relu=False, fuse_bn_add_relu=False, force_tensor_core=False, use_dali=True):
"""Return ResNet symbol of
units : list
Number of units in each stage
num_stages : int
Number of stage
filter_list : list
Channel size of each stage
num_classes : int
Ouput size of symbol
dataset : str
Dataset type, only cifar10 and imagenet supports
workspace : int
Workspace used in convolution operator
dtype : str
Precision (float32 or float16)
memonger : boolean
Activates "memory monger" to reduce the model's memory footprint
input_layout : str
interpretation (e.g. NCHW vs NHWC) of data provided by the i/o pipeline (may introduce transposes
if in conflict with 'layout' above)
conv_layout : str
interpretation (e.g. NCHW vs NHWC) of data for convolution operation.
batchnorm_layout : str
directs which kernel performs the batchnorm (may introduce transposes if in conflict with 'conv_layout' above)
pooling_layout : str
directs which kernel performs the pooling (may introduce transposes if in conflict with 'conv_layout' above)
act = 'relu' if fuse_bn_relu else None
num_unit = len(units)
assert(num_unit == num_stages)
data = mx.sym.Variable(name='data')
if not use_dali:
# double buffering of data
if dtype == 'float32':
data = mx.sym.identity(data=data, name='id')
if dtype == 'float16':
data = mx.sym.Cast(data=data, dtype=np.float16)
(nchannel, height, width) = image_shape
# Insert transpose as needed to get the input layout to match the desired processing layout
data = transform_layout(data, input_layout, conv_layout)
if height <= 32: # such as cifar10
body = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=filter_list[0], kernel=(3, 3), stride=(1,1), pad=(1, 1),
no_bias=True, name="conv0", workspace=workspace, layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
# Is this BatchNorm supposed to be here?
body = batchnorm(data=body, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name='bn0', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off)
else: # often expected to be 224 such as imagenet
body = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=filter_list[0], kernel=(7, 7), stride=(2,2), pad=(3, 3),
no_bias=True, name="conv0", workspace=workspace, layout=conv_layout,
cudnn_algo_fwd=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_data=conv_algo, cudnn_algo_bwd_filter=conv_algo,
body = batchnorm(data=body, io_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
fix_gamma=False, eps=bn_eps, momentum=bn_mom, name='bn0', cudnn_off=cudnn_bn_off, act_type=act)
if not fuse_bn_relu:
body = mx.sym.Activation(data=body, act_type='relu', name='relu0')
body = pooling(data=body, io_layout=conv_layout, pooling_layout=pooling_layout,
kernel=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), pad=(1, 1), pool_type='max')
for i in range(num_stages):
body = residual_unit(body, filter_list[i+1], (1 if i==0 else 2, 1 if i==0 else 2), False,
name='stage%d_unit%d' % (i + 1, 1),
bottle_neck=bottle_neck, workspace=workspace,
memonger=memonger, conv_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
verbose=verbose, cudnn_bn_off=cudnn_bn_off, bn_eps=bn_eps, bn_mom=bn_mom,
conv_algo=conv_algo, fuse_bn_relu=fuse_bn_relu, fuse_bn_add_relu=fuse_bn_add_relu,
for j in range(units[i]-1):
body = residual_unit(body, filter_list[i+1], (1,1), True, name='stage%d_unit%d' % (i + 1, j + 2),
bottle_neck=bottle_neck, workspace=workspace,
memonger=memonger, conv_layout=conv_layout, batchnorm_layout=batchnorm_layout,
verbose=verbose, cudnn_bn_off=cudnn_bn_off, bn_eps = bn_eps, bn_mom=bn_mom,
conv_algo=conv_algo, fuse_bn_relu=fuse_bn_relu, fuse_bn_add_relu=fuse_bn_add_relu,
# bn1 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=body, fix_gamma=False, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name='bn1')
# relu1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn1, act_type='relu', name='relu1')
# Although kernel is not used here when global_pool=True, we should put one
pool1 = pooling(data=body, io_layout=conv_layout, pooling_layout=pooling_layout,
global_pool=True, kernel=(7, 7), pool_type='avg', name='pool1')
flat = mx.sym.Flatten(data=pool1)
fc1 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=flat, num_hidden=num_classes, name='fc1', cublas_algo_verbose=verbose)
if dtype == 'float16':
fc1 = mx.sym.Cast(data=fc1, dtype=np.float32)
return mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=fc1, name='softmax')
def get_symbol(num_classes, num_layers, image_shape, conv_workspace=256, dtype='float32',
input_layout='NCHW', conv_layout='NCHW', batchnorm_layout='NCHW', pooling_layout='NCHW',
verbose=False, seed=None, cudnn_bn_off=False, batchnorm_eps=2e-5, batchnorm_mom=0.9,
conv_algo=-1, fuse_bn_relu=False, fuse_bn_add_relu=False, force_tensor_core=False, use_dali=True, **kwargs):
Adapted from
(Original author Wei Wu) by Antti-Pekka Hynninen
Implementing the original resnet ILSVRC 2015 winning network from:
Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun. "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition"
if seed is not None:
print('Setting seeds to %s' % (seed,))
image_shape = [int(l) for l in image_shape.split(',')]
(nchannel, height, width) = image_shape
if height <= 28:
num_stages = 3
if (num_layers-2) % 9 == 0 and num_layers >= 164:
per_unit = [(num_layers-2)//9]
filter_list = [16, 64, 128, 256]
bottle_neck = True
elif (num_layers-2) % 6 == 0 and num_layers < 164:
per_unit = [(num_layers-2)//6]
filter_list = [16, 16, 32, 64]
bottle_neck = False
raise ValueError("no experiments done on num_layers {}, you can do it yourself".format(num_layers))
units = per_unit * num_stages
if num_layers >= 50:
filter_list = [64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
bottle_neck = True
filter_list = [64, 64, 128, 256, 512]
bottle_neck = False
num_stages = 4
if num_layers == 18:
units = [2, 2, 2, 2]
elif num_layers == 34:
units = [3, 4, 6, 3]
elif num_layers == 50:
units = [3, 4, 6, 3]
elif num_layers == 101:
units = [3, 4, 23, 3]
elif num_layers == 152:
units = [3, 8, 36, 3]
elif num_layers == 200:
units = [3, 24, 36, 3]
elif num_layers == 269:
units = [3, 30, 48, 8]
raise ValueError("no experiments done on num_layers {}, you can do it yourself".format(num_layers))
return resnet(units = units,
num_stages = num_stages,
filter_list = filter_list,
num_classes = num_classes,
image_shape = image_shape,
bottle_neck = bottle_neck,
workspace = conv_workspace,
dtype = dtype,
input_layout = input_layout,
conv_layout = conv_layout,
batchnorm_layout = batchnorm_layout,
pooling_layout = pooling_layout,
verbose = verbose,
cudnn_bn_off = cudnn_bn_off,
bn_eps = batchnorm_eps,
bn_mom = batchnorm_mom,
conv_algo = conv_algo,
fuse_bn_relu = fuse_bn_relu,
fuse_bn_add_relu = fuse_bn_add_relu,
force_tensor_core = force_tensor_core,
use_dali = use_dali)