Jason 4f2ea4913c
Refactor and Minimize Dependencies (#2643)
* squash

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* add comments

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* style and cleanup

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* cleanup

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* add new test file

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* syntax

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* style

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* typo

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* update

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* update

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* update

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* try again

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* wip

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* style; ci should fail

Signed-off-by: Jason <>

* final

Signed-off-by: Jason <>
2021-08-17 10:55:43 -04:00

832 lines
35 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Interfaces common to all Neural Modules and Models."""
import hashlib
import traceback
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import total_ordering
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import wrapt
import nemo
from nemo.core.neural_types import NeuralType, NeuralTypeComparisonResult
from nemo.utils import logging
from import maybe_download_from_cloud
from nemo.utils.model_utils import import_class_by_path, maybe_update_config_version
# TODO @blisc: Perhaps refactor instead of import guarding
import hydra
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from nemo.core.connectors.save_restore_connector import SaveRestoreConnector
except ModuleNotFoundError:
_HAS_HYDRA = False
from nemo.utils.exceptions import CheckInstall
class SaveRestoreConnector(CheckInstall):
__all__ = ['Typing', 'FileIO', 'Model', 'Serialization', 'typecheck']
def is_typecheck_enabled():
Getter method for typechecking state.
class TypecheckMetadata:
Metadata class for input/output neural types.
# Primary attributes
original_types: Preserve the dictionary of type information provided.
ignore_collections: For backward compatibility, container support can be disabled explicitly
using this flag. When set to True, all nesting is ignored and nest-depth checks are skipped.
# Derived attributed
mandatory_types: Sub-dictionary of `original_types` which contains only those types which
are mandatory to include when calling the function.
base_types: Dictionary of flattened `str: NeuralType` definitions, disregarding the nest level
details into appropriate arguments.
container_depth: Dictionary mapping `str: int` - such that the valid depth of the nest of this
neural type is recorded.
has_container_types: Bool flag declaring if any of the neural types declares a container nest
in its signature.
is_singular_container_type: Bool flag declaring if this is a single Neural Type with a container
nest in its signature. Required for supporting python list expansion in return statement.
original_types: Dict[str, NeuralType]
ignore_collections: bool
mandatory_types: Dict[str, NeuralType] = field(init=False)
base_types: Dict[str, NeuralType] = field(init=False)
container_depth: Dict[str, int] = field(init=False)
has_container_types: bool = field(init=False)
is_singular_container_type: bool = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
# If even one NeuralType declares a container nest, set to True
has_container_types = False
for type_val in self.original_types.values():
if isinstance(type_val, (list, tuple)):
has_container_types = True
self.has_container_types = has_container_types
# If only one NeuralType is declared, and it declares a container nest, set to True
if self.has_container_types and len(self.original_types) == 1:
self.is_singular_container_type = True
self.is_singular_container_type = False
# If container nests are declared, flatten the nest into `base_types`
# Also compute the nest depth for each of the NeuralTypes
if self.has_container_types:
self.base_types = {}
self.container_depth = {}
for type_key, type_val in self.original_types.items():
depth = 0
while isinstance(type_val, (list, tuple)):
if len(type_val) > 1:
raise TypeError(
f"Neural Type `{type_key}`: {type_val} definition contains more than one element when"
"declaring the nested container structure.\n"
"Please ensure that you have only 1 NeuralType inside of the entire nested structure "
type_val = type_val[0]
depth += 1
self.base_types[type_key] = type_val
self.container_depth[type_key] = depth
# Otherwise, simply preserve the original_types and set depth of nest to 0.
self.base_types = self.original_types
self.container_depth = {type_key: 0 for type_key in self.base_types.keys()}
# Compute subset of original_types which are mandatory in the call argspec
self.mandatory_types = {
type_key: type_val for type_key, type_val in self.base_types.items() if not type_val.optional
class Typing(ABC):
An interface which endows module with neural types
def input_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]:
"""Define these to enable input neural type checks"""
return None
def output_types(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NeuralType]]:
"""Define these to enable output neural type checks"""
return None
def _validate_input_types(self, input_types=None, ignore_collections=False, **kwargs):
This function does a few things.
1) It ensures that len(self.input_types <non-optional>) <= len(kwargs) <= len(self.input_types).
2) For each (keyword name, keyword value) passed as input to the wrapped function:
- Check if the keyword name exists in the list of valid self.input_types names.
- Check if keyword value has the `neural_type` property.
- If it does, then perform a comparative check and assert that neural types
are compatible (SAME or GREATER).
- Check if keyword value is a container type (list or tuple). If yes,
then perform the elementwise test of neural type above on each element
of the nested structure, recursively.
input_types: Either the `input_types` defined at class level, or the local function
overridden type definition.
ignore_collections: For backward compatibility, container support can be disabled explicitly
using this flag. When set to True, all nesting is ignored and nest-depth checks are skipped.
kwargs: Dictionary of argument_name:argument_value pairs passed to the wrapped
function upon call.
# TODO: Properly implement this
if input_types is not None:
# Precompute metadata
metadata = TypecheckMetadata(original_types=input_types, ignore_collections=ignore_collections)
total_input_types = len(input_types)
mandatory_input_types = len(metadata.mandatory_types)
# Allow number of input arguments to be <= total input neural types.
if len(kwargs) < mandatory_input_types or len(kwargs) > total_input_types:
raise TypeError(
f"Number of input arguments provided ({len(kwargs)}) is not as expected. Function has "
f"{total_input_types} total inputs with {mandatory_input_types} mandatory inputs."
for key, value in kwargs.items():
# Check if keys exists in the defined input types
if key not in input_types:
raise TypeError(
f"Input argument {key} has no corresponding input_type match. "
f"Existing input_types = {input_types.keys()}"
# Perform neural type check
if hasattr(value, 'neural_type') and not metadata.base_types[key].compare(value.neural_type) in (
error_msg = [
f"{input_types[key].compare(value.neural_type)} :",
f"Input type expected : {input_types[key]}",
f"Input type found : {value.neural_type}",
f"Argument: {key}",
for i, dict_tuple in enumerate(metadata.base_types[key].elements_type.type_parameters.items()):
error_msg.insert(i + 2, f' input param_{i} : {dict_tuple[0]}: {dict_tuple[1]}')
for i, dict_tuple in enumerate(value.neural_type.elements_type.type_parameters.items()):
error_msg.append(f' input param_{i} : {dict_tuple[0]}: {dict_tuple[1]}')
raise TypeError("\n".join(error_msg))
# Perform input ndim check
if hasattr(value, 'shape'):
value_shape = value.shape
type_shape = metadata.base_types[key].axes
name = key
if type_shape is not None and len(value_shape) != len(type_shape):
raise TypeError(
f"Input shape mismatch occured for {name} in module {self.__class__.__name__} : \n"
f"Input shape expected = {metadata.base_types[key].axes} | \n"
f"Input shape found : {value_shape}"
# Perform recursive neural type check for homogeneous elements
elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
for ind, val in enumerate(value):
This initiates a DFS, tracking the depth count as it goes along the nested structure.
Initial depth is 1 as we consider the current loop to be the 1st step inside the nest.
self.__check_neural_type(val, metadata, depth=1, name=key)
def _attach_and_validate_output_types(self, out_objects, ignore_collections=False, output_types=None):
This function does a few things.
1) It ensures that len(out_object) == len(self.output_types).
2) If the output is a tensor (or list/tuple of list/tuple ... of tensors), it
attaches a neural_type to it. For objects without the neural_type attribute,
such as python objects (dictionaries and lists, primitive data types, structs),
no neural_type is attached.
Note: tensor.neural_type is only checked during _validate_input_types which is
called prior to forward().
output_types: Either the `output_types` defined at class level, or the local function
overridden type definition.
ignore_collections: For backward compatibility, container support can be disabled explicitly
using this flag. When set to True, all nesting is ignored and nest-depth checks are skipped.
out_objects: The outputs of the wrapped function.
# TODO: Properly implement this
if output_types is not None:
# Precompute metadata
metadata = TypecheckMetadata(original_types=output_types, ignore_collections=ignore_collections)
out_types_list = list(metadata.base_types.items())
# First convert all outputs to list/tuple format to check correct number of outputs
if type(out_objects) in (list, tuple):
out_container = out_objects # can be any rank nested structure
out_container = [out_objects]
# If this neural type has a *single output*, with *support for nested outputs*,
# then *do not* perform any check on the number of output items against the number
# of neural types (in this case, 1).
# This is done as python will *not* wrap a single returned list into a tuple of length 1,
# instead opting to keep the list intact. Therefore len(out_container) in such a case
# is the length of all the elements of that list - each of which has the same corresponding
# neural type (defined as the singular container type).
if metadata.is_singular_container_type:
# In all other cases, python will wrap multiple outputs into an outer tuple.
# As such, now the number of elements in this outer tuple should exactly match
# the number of output types defined.
elif len(out_types_list) != len(out_container):
raise TypeError(
"Number of output arguments provided ({}) is not as expected ({}).\n"
"This can be either because insufficient number of output NeuralTypes were provided,"
"or the provided NeuralTypes {} should enable container support "
"(add '[]' to the NeuralType definition)".format(
len(out_container), len(output_types), output_types
# Attach types recursively, if possible
if not isinstance(out_objects, tuple) and not isinstance(out_objects, list):
# Here, out_objects is a single object which can potentially be attached with a NeuralType
out_objects.neural_type = out_types_list[0][1]
except Exception:
# Perform output ndim check
if hasattr(out_objects, 'shape'):
value_shape = out_objects.shape
type_shape = out_types_list[0][1].axes
name = out_types_list[0][0]
if type_shape is not None and len(value_shape) != len(type_shape):
raise TypeError(
f"Output shape mismatch occured for {name} in module {self.__class__.__name__} : \n"
f"Output shape expected = {type_shape} | \n"
f"Output shape found : {value_shape}"
elif metadata.is_singular_container_type:
# If only a single neural type is provided, and it defines a container nest,
# then all elements of the returned list/tuple are assumed to belong to that
# singular neural type.
# As such, the "current" depth inside the DFS loop is counted as 1,
# and subsequent nesting will increase this count.
# As the flag `is_singular_container_type` will activate only for
# the case where there is 1 output type defined with container nesting,
# this is a safe assumption to make.
depth = 1
# A user may chose to explicitly wrap the single output list within an explicit tuple
# In such a case we reduce the "current" depth to 0 - to acknowledge the fact that
# the actual nest exists within a wrapper tuple.
if len(out_objects) == 1 and type(out_objects) == tuple:
depth = 0
for ind, res in enumerate(out_objects):
self.__attach_neural_type(res, metadata, depth=depth, name=out_types_list[0][0])
# If more then one item is returned in a return statement, python will wrap
# the output with an outer tuple. Therefore there must be a 1:1 correspondence
# of the output_neural type (with or without nested structure) to the actual output
# (whether it is a single object or a nested structure of objects).
# Therefore in such a case, we "start" the DFS at depth 0 - since the recursion is
# being applied on 1 neural type : 1 output struct (single or nested output).
# Since we are guarenteed that the outer tuple will be built by python,
# assuming initial depth of 0 is appropriate.
for ind, res in enumerate(out_objects):
self.__attach_neural_type(res, metadata, depth=0, name=out_types_list[ind][0])
def __check_neural_type(self, obj, metadata, depth, name=None):
if isinstance(obj, tuple) or isinstance(obj, list):
for elem in obj:
self.__check_neural_type(elem, metadata, depth + 1, name=name)
return # after processing nest, return to avoid testing nest itself
type_val = metadata.base_types[name]
# If nest depth doesnt match neural type structure depth, raise an error
if not metadata.ignore_collections and depth != metadata.container_depth[name]:
raise TypeError(
"While checking input neural types,\n"
"Nested depth of value did not match container specification:\n"
f"Current nested depth of NeuralType '{name}' ({type_val}): {depth}\n"
f"Expected nested depth : {metadata.container_depth[name]}"
if hasattr(obj, 'neural_type') and not in (
raise TypeError(
f"{} : \n"
f"Input type expected = {type_val} | \n"
f"Input type found : {obj.neural_type}"
# Perform input ndim check
if hasattr(obj, 'shape'):
value_shape = obj.shape
type_shape = type_val.axes
if type_shape is not None and len(value_shape) != len(type_shape):
raise TypeError(
f"Input shape mismatch occured for {name} in module {self.__class__.__name__} : \n"
f"Input shape expected = {type_shape} | \n"
f"Input shape found : {value_shape}"
def __attach_neural_type(self, obj, metadata, depth, name=None):
if isinstance(obj, tuple) or isinstance(obj, list):
for elem in obj:
self.__attach_neural_type(elem, metadata, depth=depth + 1, name=name)
return # after processing nest, return to avoid argument insertion into nest itself
type_val = metadata.base_types[name]
# If nest depth doesnt match neural type structure depth, raise an error
if not metadata.ignore_collections and depth != metadata.container_depth[name]:
raise TypeError(
"While attaching output neural types,\n"
"Nested depth of value did not match container specification:\n"
f"Current nested depth of NeuralType '{name}' ({type_val}): {depth}\n"
f"Expected nested depth : {metadata.container_depth[name]}"
obj.neural_type = type_val
except Exception:
# Perform output ndim check
if hasattr(obj, 'shape'):
value_shape = obj.shape
type_shape = type_val.axes
if type_shape is not None and len(value_shape) != len(type_shape):
raise TypeError(
f"Output shape mismatch occured for {name} in module {self.__class__.__name__} : \n"
f"Output shape expected = {type_shape} | \n"
f"Output shape found : {value_shape}"
class Serialization(ABC):
def from_config_dict(cls, config: 'DictConfig'):
"""Instantiates object using DictConfig-based configuration"""
# Resolve the config dict
if isinstance(config, DictConfig):
config = OmegaConf.to_container(config, resolve=True)
config = OmegaConf.create(config)
OmegaConf.set_struct(config, True)
config = maybe_update_config_version(config)
# Hydra 0.x API
if ('cls' in config or 'target' in config) and 'params' in config and _HAS_HYDRA:
# regular hydra-based instantiation
instance = hydra.utils.instantiate(config=config)
# Hydra 1.x API
elif '_target_' in config and _HAS_HYDRA:
# regular hydra-based instantiation
instance = hydra.utils.instantiate(config=config)
instance = None
imported_cls_tb = None
# Attempt class path resolution from config `target` class (if it exists)
if 'target' in config:
target_cls = config["target"] # No guarantee that this is a omegaconf class
imported_cls = None
# try to import the target class
imported_cls = import_class_by_path(target_cls)
except Exception:
imported_cls_tb = traceback.format_exc()
# try instantiating model with target class
if imported_cls is not None:
# if calling class (cls) is subclass of imported class,
# use subclass instead
if issubclass(cls, imported_cls):
imported_cls = cls
instance = imported_cls(cfg=config)
except Exception:
imported_cls_tb = traceback.format_exc()
instance = None
# target class resolution was unsuccessful, fall back to current `cls`
if instance is None:
if imported_cls_tb is not None:
f"Model instantiation from target class {target_cls} failed with following error.\n"
f"Falling back to `cls`.\n"
instance = cls(cfg=config)
if not hasattr(instance, '_cfg'):
instance._cfg = config
return instance
def to_config_dict(self) -> 'DictConfig':
"""Returns object's configuration to config dictionary"""
if hasattr(self, '_cfg') and self._cfg is not None:
# Resolve the config dict
if _HAS_HYDRA and isinstance(self._cfg, DictConfig):
config = OmegaConf.to_container(self._cfg, resolve=True)
config = OmegaConf.create(config)
OmegaConf.set_struct(config, True)
config = maybe_update_config_version(config)
self._cfg = config
return self._cfg
raise NotImplementedError(
'to_config_dict() can currently only return object._cfg but current object does not have it.'
class FileIO(ABC):
def save_to(self, save_path: str):
"""Saves module/model with weights"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def restore_from(
restore_path: str,
override_config_path: Optional[str] = None,
map_location: Optional['torch.device'] = None,
strict: bool = True,
return_config: bool = False,
"""Restores module/model with weights"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def from_config_file(cls, path2yaml_file: str):
Instantiates an instance of NeMo Model from YAML config file.
Weights will be initialized randomly.
path2yaml_file: path to yaml file with model configuration
if issubclass(cls, Serialization):
conf = OmegaConf.load(path2yaml_file)
return cls.from_config_dict(config=conf)
raise NotImplementedError()
def to_config_file(self, path2yaml_file: str):
Saves current instance's configuration to YAML config file. Weights will not be saved.
path2yaml_file: path2yaml_file: path to yaml file where model model configuration will be saved
if hasattr(self, '_cfg'):
self._cfg = maybe_update_config_version(self._cfg)
with open(path2yaml_file, 'w') as fout:, f=fout, resolve=True)
raise NotImplementedError()
class PretrainedModelInfo:
pretrained_model_name: str
description: str
location: str
class_: 'Model' = None
aliases: List[str] = None
def __repr__(self):
base = self.__class__.__name__
extras = (
if self.class_ is not None:
extras = "{extras},\n\t" "class_={class_}".format(extras=extras, **self.__dict__)
representation = f"{base}(\n\t{extras}\n)"
return representation
def __hash__(self):
# assumes that locations are unique urls, and therefore their hashes
# should ideally also be unique
location_hash = hash(self.location)
return location_hash
def __eq__(self, other):
# another object is equal to self, iff
# if it's hash is equal to hash(self)
return hash(self) == hash(other) or self.pretrained_model_name == other.pretrained_model_name
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.pretrained_model_name < other.pretrained_model_name
class Model(Typing, Serialization, FileIO):
Abstract class offering interface which should be implemented by all NeMo models.
def list_available_models(cls) -> Optional[PretrainedModelInfo]:
Should list all pre-trained models available via NVIDIA NGC cloud.
Note: There is no check that requires model names and aliases to be unique. In the case of a collIsion, whatever
model (or alias) is listed first in the this returned list will be instantiated.
A list of PretrainedModelInfo entries
def get_available_model_names(cls) -> List[str]:
Returns the list of model names available via NVIDIA NGC cloud,
to get the complete model description use list_available_models()
A list of model names
model_names = []
if cls.list_available_models() is not None:
model_names = [model.pretrained_model_name for model in cls.list_available_models()]
return model_names
def from_pretrained(
model_name: str,
refresh_cache: bool = False,
override_config_path: Optional[str] = None,
map_location: Optional['torch.device'] = None,
strict: bool = True,
return_config: bool = False,
save_restore_connector: SaveRestoreConnector = None,
Instantiates an instance of NeMo from NVIDIA NGC cloud
Use restore_from() to instantiate from a local .nemo file.
model_name: string key which will be used to find the module.
refresh_cache: If set to True, then when fetching from cloud, this will re-fetch the file
from cloud even if it is already found in a cache locally.
override_config_path: path to a yaml config that will override the internal
config file
map_location: Optional torch.device() to map the instantiated model to a device.
By default (None), it will select a GPU if available, falling back to CPU otherwise.
strict: Passed to torch.load_state_dict. By default true.
return_config: If set to true, will return just the underlying config of the restored
model as an OmegaConf DictConfig object without instantiating the model.
A model instance of a particular model class or its underlying config (if return_config is set).
if save_restore_connector is None:
save_restore_connector = SaveRestoreConnector()
location_in_the_cloud = None
description = None
models = cls.list_available_models()
if models is not None:
for pretrained_model_info in cls.list_available_models():
found = False
if pretrained_model_info.pretrained_model_name == model_name:
found = True
elif pretrained_model_info.aliases is not None:
for alias in pretrained_model_info.aliases:
if alias == model_name:
found = True
if found:
location_in_the_cloud = pretrained_model_info.location
description = pretrained_model_info.description
class_ = pretrained_model_info.class_
if location_in_the_cloud is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Model {model_name} was not found. Check cls.list_available_models() for the list of all available models."
filename = location_in_the_cloud.split("/")[-1]
url = location_in_the_cloud.replace(filename, "")
cache_dir = Path.joinpath(Path.home(), f'.cache/torch/NeMo/NeMo_{nemo.__version__}/{filename[:-5]}')
# If either description and location in the cloud changes, this will force re-download
cache_subfolder = hashlib.md5((location_in_the_cloud + description).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# if file exists on cache_folder/subfolder, it will be re-used, unless refresh_cache is True
nemo_model_file_in_cache = maybe_download_from_cloud(
url=url, filename=filename, cache_dir=cache_dir, subfolder=cache_subfolder, refresh_cache=refresh_cache
)"Instantiating model from pre-trained checkpoint")
if class_ is None:
class_ = cls
instance = class_.restore_from(
return instance
class typecheck:
class TypeState(Enum):
Placeholder to denote the default value of type information provided.
If the constructor of this decorator is used to override the class level type definition,
this enum value indicate that types will be overridden.
def __init__(
input_types: Union[TypeState, Dict[str, NeuralType]] = TypeState.UNINITIALIZED,
output_types: Union[TypeState, Dict[str, NeuralType]] = TypeState.UNINITIALIZED,
ignore_collections: bool = False,
A decorator which performs input-output neural type checks, and attaches
neural types to the output of the function that it wraps.
Requires that the class inherit from `nemo.core.Typing` in order to perform
type checking, and will raise an error if that is not the case.
# Usage (Class level type support)
def fn(self, arg1, arg2, ...):
# Usage (Function level type support)
@typecheck(input_types=..., output_types=...)
def fn(self, arg1, arg2, ...):
Points to be noted:
1) The brackets () in `@typecheck()` are necessary.
You will encounter a TypeError: __init__() takes 1 positional argument but X
were given without those brackets.
2) The function can take any number of positional arguments during definition.
When you call this function, all arguments must be passed using kwargs only.
self.input_types = input_types
self.output_types = output_types
if input_types == self.TypeState.UNINITIALIZED:
self.input_override = False
self.input_override = True
if output_types == self.TypeState.UNINITIALIZED:
self.output_override = False
self.output_override = True
self.ignore_collections = ignore_collections
def __call__(self, wrapped, instance: Typing, args, kwargs):
if instance is None:
raise RuntimeError("Only classes which inherit nemo.core.Typing can use this decorator !")
if not isinstance(instance, Typing):
raise RuntimeError("Only classes which inherit nemo.core.Typing can use this decorator !")
if hasattr(instance, 'input_ports') or hasattr(instance, 'output_ports'):
raise RuntimeError(
"Typing requires override of `input_types()` and `output_types()`, "
"not `input_ports() and `output_ports()`"
# Preserve type information
if self.input_types is typecheck.TypeState.UNINITIALIZED:
self.input_types = instance.input_types
if self.output_types is typecheck.TypeState.UNINITIALIZED:
self.output_types = instance.output_types
# Resolve global type or local overridden type
if self.input_override:
input_types = self.input_types
input_types = instance.input_types
if self.output_override:
output_types = self.output_types
output_types = instance.output_types
# If types are not defined, skip type checks and just call the wrapped method
if input_types is None and output_types is None:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
# Check that all arguments are kwargs
if input_types is not None and len(args) > 0:
raise TypeError("All arguments must be passed by kwargs only for typed methods")
# Perform rudimentary input checks here
instance._validate_input_types(input_types=input_types, ignore_collections=self.ignore_collections, **kwargs)
# Call the method - this can be forward, or any other callable method
outputs = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
output_types=output_types, ignore_collections=self.ignore_collections, out_objects=outputs
return outputs
def set_typecheck_enabled(enabled: bool = True):
def disable_checks():