Add tests for record expression extensions

This commit is contained in:
Sam Xu 2019-06-28 11:28:17 -07:00
parent 90d90df92a
commit 5a1efcc08e
2 changed files with 180 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -225,68 +225,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Edm
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Get the collection of <typeparamref name="T"/> from the record using the given property name.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The element type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="record">The record expression.</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
/// <param name="elementAction">The element action.</param>
/// <returns>The collection or null.</returns>
public static IList<T> GetCollection<T>(this IEdmRecordExpression record, string propertyName, Action<T, IEdmRecordExpression> elementAction)
where T: class, new()
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(record, nameof(record));
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(propertyName, nameof(propertyName));
IEdmPropertyConstructor property = record.Properties.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == propertyName);
if (property != null)
IEdmCollectionExpression collection = property.Value as IEdmCollectionExpression;
if (collection != null && collection.Elements != null)
IList<T> items = new List<T>();
foreach (IEdmRecordExpression item in collection.Elements.OfType<IEdmRecordExpression>())
T a = new T();
elementAction(a, item);
return items;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Get the collection of <typeparamref name="T"/> from the record using the given property name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="record">The record expression.</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
/// <param name="elementFunc">The element func.</param>
/// <returns>The collection of string or null.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<T> GetCollection<T>(this IEdmRecordExpression record, string propertyName, Func<IEdmExpression, T> elementFunc)
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(record, nameof(record));
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(propertyName, nameof(propertyName));
IEdmPropertyConstructor property = record.Properties.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == propertyName);
if (property != null)
IEdmCollectionExpression collection = property.Value as IEdmCollectionExpression;
if (collection != null && collection.Elements != null)
return collection.Elements.Select(e => elementFunc(e));
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Get the collection of string from the record using the given property name.
/// </summary>

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE in the repo root for license information.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
using Microsoft.OData.Edm.Vocabularies;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Vocabulary.Capabilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Edm.Tests
public class RecordExpressionExtensionsTests
public void GetIntegerWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmIntegerConstant(42)));
// Act
long? actual = record.GetInteger("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(42, actual.Value);
public void GetStringWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmStringConstant("test")));
// Act
string actual = record.GetString("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("test", actual);
public void GetBooleanWorks(bool expected)
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmBooleanConstant(expected)));
// Act
bool? actual = record.GetBoolean("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(expected, actual.Value);
public void GetEnumWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmEnumType enumType = new EdmEnumType("NS", "Color");
EdmEnumMember member = new EdmEnumMember(enumType, "Red", new EdmEnumMemberValue(2));
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmEnumMemberExpression(member)));
// Act
Color? actual = record.GetEnum<Color>("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(Color.Red, actual.Value);
private enum Color
public void GetPropertyPathWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmPropertyPathExpression("abc/xyz")));
// Act
string actual = record.GetPropertyPath("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("abc/xyz", actual);
public void GetCollectionPropertyPathWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmCollectionExpression(
new EdmPropertyPathExpression("abc/xyz"),
new EdmPropertyPathExpression("123"))));
// Act
IList<string> actual = record.GetCollectionPropertyPath("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(2, actual.Count);
Assert.Equal(new[] { "abc/xyz", "123" }, actual);
public void GetRecordWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("Scope", new EdmStringConstant("scope name")),
new EdmPropertyConstructor("RestrictedProperties", new EdmStringConstant("*")))));
// Act
ScopeType actual = record.GetRecord<ScopeType>("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("scope name", actual.Scope);
Assert.Equal("*", actual.RestrictedProperties);
public void GetCollectionForStringWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmCollectionExpression(
new EdmStringConstant("abc"), new EdmStringConstant("xyz"))));
// Act
IList<string> actual = record.GetCollection("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(2, actual.Count);
Assert.Equal(new[] { "abc", "xyz" }, actual);
public void GetCollectionForRecordWorks()
// Arrange
IEdmRecordExpression record = new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("prop", new EdmCollectionExpression(
new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("Scope", new EdmStringConstant("scope1")),
new EdmPropertyConstructor("RestrictedProperties", new EdmStringConstant("restrictedProperties1"))),
new EdmRecordExpression(
new EdmPropertyConstructor("Scope", new EdmStringConstant("scope2")),
new EdmPropertyConstructor("RestrictedProperties", new EdmStringConstant("restrictedProperties2"))))));
// Act
IList<ScopeType> actual = record.GetCollection<ScopeType>("prop");
// Assert
Assert.Equal(2, actual.Count);
for(int i = 1; i <= actual.Count; i++)
Assert.Equal("scope" + i, actual[i-1].Scope);
Assert.Equal("restrictedProperties" + i, actual[i-1].RestrictedProperties);