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Saurabh Madan 2018-09-27 10:29:47 -07:00 committed by Sam Xu
parent e94773f664
commit a6d7a66901

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@ -4,61 +4,87 @@ VSTS Build | Status
Rolling | <img src="https://identitydivision.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/build/definitions/2cfe7ec3-b94f-4ab9-85ab-2ebff928f3fd/410/badge"/>
Nightly | <img src="https://identitydivision.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/build/definitions/2cfe7ec3-b94f-4ab9-85ab-2ebff928f3fd/427/badge"/>
# Convert OData to OpenAPI.NET [Preview]
[**Be noted:This repository is in a preview state. Feedback and contribution is welcome!**]
# Convert OData to OpenAPI.NET
## Introduction
The **Microsoft.OpenAPI.OData.Reader** SDK contains APIs to convert [OData](http://www.odata.org) [CSDL](http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html), the XML represetntation of the Entity Data Model (EDM) to [Open API](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) based on [OpenAPI.NET](http://aka.ms/openapi) object model.
The **Microsoft.OpenAPI.OData.Reader** library helps represent an OData service metadata as an OpenApi description. It converts [OData](http://www.odata.org) [CSDL](http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html), the XML represetntation of the Entity Data Model (EDM) to [Open API](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) based on [OpenAPI.NET](http://aka.ms/openapi) object model.
The converting is based on the mapping doc from [OASIS OData OpenAPI v1.0](https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61852&wg_abbrev=odata) and the following contents:
The conversion is based on the mapping doc from [OASIS OData OpenAPI v1.0](https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61852&wg_abbrev=odata) and uses the following :
1. Capabilites annotation
2. Authorization annotation
3. HttpRequest annotation
4. Navigation property path
5. Edm operation and operation import path
6. Others
## Overview
In general, the below image describes the general concept of how this SDK can convert the EDM model to an [OpenAPI.NET document](https://github.com/Microsoft/OpenAPI.NET/blob/master/src/Microsoft.OpenApi/Models/OpenApiDocument.cs) object.
The image below is generic overview of how this library can convert the EDM model to an [OpenAPI.NET document](https://github.com/Microsoft/OpenAPI.NET/blob/master/src/Microsoft.OpenApi/Models/OpenApiDocument.cs) object.
![Convert OData CSDL to OpenAPI](docs/images/odata-2-openapi.png "Map /// OData CSDL --> OpenAPI.NET")
For detail information about the CSDL and Entity Data model, please refer to http://www.odata.org/documentation.
For detail information about the Open API object of model, please refer to http://github.com/microsoft/OpenAPI.NET
For more information on the CSDL and Entity Data model, please refer to [http://www.odata.org/documentation](http://www.odata.org/documentation).
For more information about the Open API object of model, please refer to [http://github.com/microsoft/OpenAPI.NET](http://github.com/microsoft/OpenAPI.NET)
## Simple Example Code
## Sample code
Here's a simple example codes illustrating how to use the APIs in this SDK
The following sample code illustrates the use of the library
IEdmModel model = GetEdmModel();
OpenApiDocument document = model.ConvertToOpenApi();
public static IEdmModel GenerateOpenApiDescription()
IEdmModel model = GetEdmModel();
OpenApiDocument document = model.ConvertToOpenApi();
var outputJSON = openapiObject.SerializeAsJson(OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi3_0));
var outputYAML = openapiObject.SerializeAsYaml(OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi3_0));
public static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
// load EDM model here...
Or with the convert settings:
IEdmModel model = GetEdmModel();
OpenApiConvertSettings settings = new OpenApiConvertSettings
// configuration
OpenApiDocument document = model.ConvertToOpenApi(settings);
public static IEdmModel GenerateOpenApiDescription()
IEdmModel model = GetEdmModel();
OpenApiConvertSettings settings = new OpenApiConvertSettings
// configuration
OpenApiDocument document = model.ConvertToOpenApi(settings);
var outputJSON = openapiObject.SerializeAsJson(OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi3_0));
var outputYAML = openapiObject.SerializeAsYaml(OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi3_0));
public static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
// load EDM model here...
Where, `GetEdmModel()` is a method to return the `IEdmModel` object. You can:
The `GetEdmModel()` method can load a model in two ways:
1. Create the Edm model from scratch, see detail [here](http://odata.github.io/odata.net/#02-01-build-basic-model)
2. Load the Edm model from CSDL file, see sample codes below
string csdlFile = @"c:\csdl.xml";
string csdl = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(csdlFile);
IEdmModel model = CsdlReader.Parse(XElement.Parse(csdl).CreateReader());
3. Create the Edm model using Web API OData model builder, see detail [here](http://odata.github.io/WebApi/#02-01-model-builder-abstract)
1. Create the Edm model from scratch. For details refer [building a basic model](http://odata.github.io/odata.net/#02-01-build-basic-model)
2. Load the Edm model from CSDL file. The following shows a code sample that loads a model from a csdl file.
public static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
string csdlFilePath = @"c:\csdl.xml";
string csdl = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(csdlFilePath);
IEdmModel model = CsdlReader.Parse(XElement.Parse(csdl).CreateReader());
return model;
3. Create the Edm model using Web API OData model builder. For details refer to the [web api model builder article](http://odata.github.io/WebApi/#02-01-model-builder-abstract)
## Nightly builds
@ -68,14 +94,15 @@ To connect to OpenAPI.OData.reader feed, use [this](https://www.myget.org/F/open
## Nuget packages
The OpenAPI.OData.reader nuget package is at: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.OpenApi.OData/
The OpenAPI.OData.reader nuget package is at: [https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.OpenApi.OData/](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.OpenApi.OData)
# Contributing
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the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.
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@ -83,5 +110,4 @@ provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using o
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contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.