# Default to Debug $Configuration = 'Debug' # Color $Success = 'Green' $Warning = 'Yellow' $Err = 'Red' if ($args.Count -eq 0) { $TestType = 'All' $Configuration = 'Release' } elseif ($args[0] -match 'DisableSkipStrongName') { $TestType = "DisableSkipStrongName" } elseif ($args[0] -match 'EnableSkipStrongName') { $TestType = "EnableSkipStrongName" } elseif ($args[0] -match 'SkipStrongName') { # SkipStrongName is a legacy options. $TestType = "EnableSkipStrongName" } else { Write-Host 'Please choose Test or StrongName!' -ForegroundColor $Err exit } $Build = 'build' if ($args -contains 'rebuild') { $Build = 'rebuild' } $PROGRAMFILESX86 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("ProgramFilesX86") $env:ENLISTMENT_ROOT = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $ENLISTMENT_ROOT = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $LOGDIR = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\bin" # Default to use Visual Studio 2017 $VS15MSBUILD=$PROGRAMFILESX86 + "\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" $VSTEST = $PROGRAMFILESX86 + "\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" $SN = $PROGRAMFILESX86 + "\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn.exe" $SNx64 = $PROGRAMFILESX86 + "\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\x64\sn.exe" # Other variables $FXCOP = $FXCOPDIR + "\FxCopCmd.exe" $BUILDLOG = $LOGDIR + "\msbuild.log" $TESTLOG = $LOGDIR + "\mstest.log" $TESTDIR = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\bin\$Configuration\Test\net461" $PRODUCTDIR = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\bin\$Configuration\net461" $NUGETEXE = $PROGRAMFILESX86 + "\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\ReadyRoll\OctoPack\build\NuGet.exe" $NUGETPACK = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\packages" $ProductDlls = "Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Reader.dll" $XUnitTestDlls = "Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Reader.Tests.dll" $AllTestSuite = @() ForEach($dll in $XUnitTestDlls) { $AllTestSuite += $TESTDIR + "\" + $dll } Function GetDlls { $dlls = @() ForEach($dll in $ProductDlls) { $dlls += $PRODUCTDIR + "\" + $dll } ForEach($dll in $XUnitTestDlls) { $dlls += $TESTDIR + "\" + $dll } return $dlls } Function SkipStrongName { $SnLog = $LOGDIR + "\SkipStrongName.log" Out-File $SnLog Write-Host 'Skip strong name validations for Microsoft.OpenApi.OData assemblies...' $dlls = GetDlls ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SN /Vr $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SNx64 /Vr $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } Write-Host "SkipStrongName Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function DisableSkipStrongName { $SnLog = $LOGDIR + "\DisableSkipStrongName.log" Out-File $SnLog Write-Host 'Disable skip strong name validations for Microsoft.OpenApi.OData assemblies...' $dlls = GetDlls ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SN /Vu $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SNx64 /Vu $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } Write-Host "DisableSkipStrongName Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function Cleanup { #TODO: Add some clean tasks Write-Host "Clean Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function CleanBeforeScorch { #TODO: Add some clean tasks Write-Host "Clean Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } # Incremental build and rebuild Function RunBuild ($sln) { Write-Host "*** Building $sln ***" $slnpath = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\$sln" $Conf = "/p:Configuration=" + "$Configuration" # Default to VS2017 $MSBUILD = $VS15MSBUILD & $MSBUILD $slnpath /t:$Build /m /nr:false /fl "/p:Platform=Any CPU" $Conf /p:Desktop=true ` /flp:LogFile=$LOGDIR/msbuild.log /flp:Verbosity=Normal 1>$null 2>$null if($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-Host "Build $sln SUCCESS" -ForegroundColor $Success } else { Write-Host "Build $sln FAILED" -ForegroundColor $Err Write-Host "For more information, please open the following test result files:" Write-Host "$LOGDIR\msbuild.log" Cleanup exit } } Function NugetRestoreSolution { Write-Host '**********Pull NuGet Packages*********' & $NUGETEXE "restore" ($ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.sln") } Function BuildProcess { Write-Host '**********Start To Build The Project*********' $script:BUILD_START_TIME = Get-Date if (Test-Path $BUILDLOG) { rm $BUILDLOG } RunBuild ('Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.sln') Write-Host "Build Done" -ForegroundColor $Success $script:BUILD_END_TIME = Get-Date } Function TestSummary { Write-Host 'Collecting test results ...' $file = Get-Content -Path $TESTLOG $pass = 0 $skipped = 0 $fail = 0 $trxfile = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $failedtest1 = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $failedtest2 = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $part = 1 foreach ($line in $file) { # Consolidate logic for retrieving number of passed and skipped tests. Failed tests is separate due to the way # VSTest and DotNet (for .NET Core tests) report results differently. if ($line -match "^Total tests: .*") { # The line is in this format: # Total tests: 5735. Passed: 5735. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0. # We want to extract the total passed and total skipped. # Extract total passed by taking the substring between "Passed: " and "." # The regex first extracts the string after the hardcoded "Passed: " (i.e. "#. Failed: #. Skipped: #.") # Then we tokenize by "." and retrieve the first token which is the number for passed. $pattern = "Passed: (.*)" $extractedNumber = [regex]::match($line, $pattern).Groups[1].Value.Split(".")[0] $pass += $extractedNumber # Extract total failed by taking the substring between "Failed: " and "." # The regex first extracts the string after the hardcoded "Failed: " (i.e. "#.") # Then we tokenize by "." and retrieve the first token which is the number for skipped. $pattern = "Failed: (.*)" $extractedNumber = [regex]::match($line, $pattern).Groups[1].Value.Split(".")[0] $fail += $extractedNumber # Extract total skipped by taking the substring between "Skipped: " and "." # The regex first extracts the string after the hardcoded "Skipped: " (i.e. "#.") # Then we tokenize by "." and retrieve the first token which is the number for skipped. $pattern = "Skipped: (.*)" $extractedNumber = [regex]::match($line, $pattern).Groups[1].Value.Split(".")[0] $skipped += $extractedNumber } } Write-Host "Test summary:" -ForegroundColor $Success Write-Host "Passed :`t$pass" -ForegroundColor $Success if ($skipped -ne 0) { Write-Host "Skipped:`t$skipped" -ForegroundColor $Warning } $color = $Success if ($fail -ne 0) { $color = $Err } Write-Host "Failed :`t$fail" -ForegroundColor $color Write-Host "----------------------" -ForegroundColor $Success Write-Host "Total :`t$($pass + $fail)" -ForegroundColor $Success if ($fail -ne 0) { Write-Host "Find failed test information at:" $TESTLOG -ForegroundColor $Err } else { Write-Host "Congratulation! All of the tests passed!" -ForegroundColor $Success } } Function RunTest($title, $testdir) { Write-Host "**********Running $title***********" & $VSTEST $testdir >> $TESTLOG if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Run $title FAILED" -ForegroundColor $Err } } Function TestProcess { Write-Host '**********Start To Run The Test*********' if (Test-Path $TESTLOG) { rm $TESTLOG } $script:TEST_START_TIME = Get-Date cd $TESTDIR if ($TestType -eq 'All') { RunTest -title 'All Tests' -testdir $AllTestSuite } else { Write-Host 'Error : TestType' -ForegroundColor $Err Cleanup exit } Write-Host "Test Done" -ForegroundColor $Success $script:TEST_END_TIME = Get-Date TestSummary cd $ENLISTMENT_ROOT } Function FxCopProcess { # TODO: } # Main Process if (! (Test-Path $LOGDIR)) { mkdir $LOGDIR 1>$null } if ($TestType -eq 'EnableSkipStrongName') { CleanBeforeScorch NugetRestoreSolution BuildProcess SkipStrongName Exit } elseif ($TestType -eq 'DisableSkipStrongName') { CleanBeforeScorch NugetRestoreSolution BuildProcess DisableSkipStrongName Exit } CleanBeforeScorch NugetRestoreSolution BuildProcess SkipStrongName TestProcess FxCopProcess Cleanup $buildTime = New-TimeSpan $script:BUILD_START_TIME -end $script:BUILD_END_TIME $testTime = New-TimeSpan $script:TEST_START_TIME -end $script:TEST_END_TIME Write-Host("Build time:`t" + $buildTime) Write-Host("Test time:`t" + $testTime)