# reference to System.* $SysDirectory = [System.IO.Directory] $SysPath = [System.IO.Path] $SysFile = [System.IO.File] # Default to Debug $Configuration = 'Debug' # Color $Success = 'Green' $Warning = 'Yellow' $Err = 'Red' if ($args.Count -eq 0) { $TestType = 'All' $Configuration = 'Release' } elseif ($args[0] -match 'DisableSkipStrongName') { $TestType = "DisableSkipStrongName" } elseif ($args[0] -match 'EnableSkipStrongName') { $TestType = "EnableSkipStrongName" } elseif ($args[0] -match 'SkipStrongName') { # SkipStrongName is a legacy options. $TestType = "EnableSkipStrongName" } else { Write-Host 'Please choose Test or StrongName!' -ForegroundColor $Err exit } $PROGRAMFILESX86 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("ProgramFilesX86") $env:ENLISTMENT_ROOT = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $ENLISTMENT_ROOT = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition # Figure out the directory and path for SN.exe $SN = $null $SNx64 = $null $SNVersions = @() ForEach ($directory in $SysDirectory::EnumerateDirectories($PROGRAMFILESX86 + "\Microsoft SDKs\Windows", "*A")) { # remove the first char 'v' $directoryName = $SysPath::GetFileName($directory).substring(1) # remove the last char 'A' $directoryName = $directoryName.substring(0, $directoryName.LastIndexOf('A')) # parse to double "10.0" $versionNo = [System.Double]::Parse($directoryName) $fileobject = $null $fileobject = New-Object System.Object $fileobject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name version -Value $versionNo $fileobject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name directory -Value $directory $SNVersions += $fileobject } # using the latest version $SNVersions = $SNVersions | Sort-Object -Property version -Descending ForEach ($ver in $SNVersions) { # only care about the folder has "bin" subfolder $snBinDirectory = $ver.directory + "\bin" if(!$SysDirectory::Exists($snBinDirectory)) { continue } if($SysFile::Exists($snBinDirectory + "\sn.exe") -and $SysFile::Exists($snBinDirectory + "\x64\sn.exe")) { $SN = $snBinDirectory + "\sn.exe" $SNx64 = $snBinDirectory + "\x64\sn.exe" break } else { ForEach ($netFxDirectory in $SysDirectory::EnumerateDirectories($snBinDirectory, "NETFX * Tools") | Sort -Descending) { # currently, sorting descending for the NETFX version looks good. if($SysFile::Exists($netFxDirectory + "\sn.exe") -and $SysFile::Exists($netFxDirectory + "\x64\sn.exe")) { $SN = $netFxDirectory + "\sn.exe" $SNx64 = $netFxDirectory + "\x64\sn.exe" break } } } if ($SN -ne $null -and $SNx64 -ne $null) { break } } # Other variables $ProductProj = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\src\Microsoft.OpenAPI.OData.Reader\Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Reader.csproj" $TESTProj = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\test\Microsoft.OpenAPI.OData.Reader.Tests\Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Reader.Tests.csproj" $TESTDIR = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\bin\$Configuration\Test\net472" $PRODUCTDIR = $ENLISTMENT_ROOT + "\bin\$Configuration\net472" $ProductDlls = "Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Reader.dll" $XUnitTestDlls = "Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Reader.Tests.dll" Function GetDlls { $dlls = @() ForEach($dll in $ProductDlls) { $dlls += $PRODUCTDIR + "\" + $dll } ForEach($dll in $XUnitTestDlls) { $dlls += $TESTDIR + "\" + $dll } return $dlls } Function SkipStrongName { $SnLog = $LOGDIR + "\SkipStrongName.log" Out-File $SnLog Write-Host 'Skip strong name validations for Microsoft.OpenApi.OData assemblies...' $dlls = GetDlls ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SN /Vr $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SNx64 /Vr $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } Write-Host "SkipStrongName Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function DisableSkipStrongName { $SnLog = $LOGDIR + "\DisableSkipStrongName.log" Out-File $SnLog Write-Host 'Disable skip strong name validations for Microsoft.OpenApi.OData assemblies...' $dlls = GetDlls ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SN /Vu $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } ForEach ($dll in $dlls) { & $SNx64 /Vu $dll | Out-File $SnLog -Append } Write-Host "DisableSkipStrongName Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function Cleanup { #TODO: Add some clean tasks Write-Host "Clean Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function CleanBeforeScorch { #TODO: Add some clean tasks Write-Host "Clean Done" -ForegroundColor $Success } Function BuildProcess { Write-Host '**********Start To Build The Project*********' $script:BUILD_START_TIME = Get-Date Write-Host "Build Product ..." & dotnet.exe build $ProductProj -c $Configuration Write-Host "Build Test ..." & dotnet.exe build $TESTProj -c $Configuration Write-Host "Build Done" -ForegroundColor $Success $script:BUILD_END_TIME = Get-Date } Function TestProcess { Write-Host '**********Start To Run The Test*********' $script:TEST_START_TIME = Get-Date & dotnet test $TESTProj -c $Configuration Write-Host "Test Done" -ForegroundColor $Success $script:TEST_END_TIME = Get-Date } # Main Process if ($TestType -eq 'EnableSkipStrongName') { CleanBeforeScorch BuildProcess SkipStrongName Exit } elseif ($TestType -eq 'DisableSkipStrongName') { CleanBeforeScorch BuildProcess DisableSkipStrongName Exit } CleanBeforeScorch BuildProcess SkipStrongName TestProcess Cleanup $buildTime = New-TimeSpan $script:BUILD_START_TIME -end $script:BUILD_END_TIME $testTime = New-TimeSpan $script:TEST_START_TIME -end $script:TEST_END_TIME Write-Host("Build time:`t" + $buildTime) Write-Host("Test time:`t" + $testTime)