// ------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE in the repo root for license information. // ------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using Microsoft.OData.Edm; using Xunit; namespace Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Tests { public class OpenApiPathsGeneratorTest { [Fact] public void CreatePathsThrowArgumentNull() { // Arrange IEdmModel model = null; // Act & Assert Assert.Throws("model", () => model.CreatePaths()); } [Fact] public void CreatePathsReturnsForEmptyModel() { // Arrange IEdmModel model = EdmModelHelper.EmptyModel; // Act var paths = model.CreatePaths(); // Assert Assert.NotNull(paths); Assert.Empty(paths); } [Fact] public void CreatePathsReturnsForBasicModel() { // Arrange IEdmModel model = EdmModelHelper.BasicEdmModel; // Act var paths = model.CreatePaths(); // Assert Assert.NotNull(paths); Assert.Equal(7, paths.Count); Assert.Contains("/People", paths.Keys); Assert.Contains("/People('{UserName}')", paths.Keys); Assert.Contains("/City", paths.Keys); Assert.Contains("/City('{Name}')", paths.Keys); Assert.Contains("/CountryOrRegion", paths.Keys); Assert.Contains("/CountryOrRegion('{Name}')", paths.Keys); Assert.Contains("/Me", paths.Keys); } } }