Vincent Biret 76cfc303bc
- switches to a referenced schema for count operations
Signed-off-by: Vincent Biret <>
2021-11-22 14:42:38 -05:00

473 lines
20 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE in the repo root for license information.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Any;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Properties;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Edm;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Common;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Exceptions;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Interfaces;
namespace Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Generator
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods to create <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> by <see cref="IEdmModel"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static class OpenApiSchemaGenerator
/// <summary>
/// Create the dictionary of <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> object.
/// The name of each pair is the namespace-qualified name of the type. It uses the namespace instead of the alias.
/// The value of each pair is a <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The OData to Open API context.</param>
/// <returns>The string/schema dictionary.</returns>
public static IDictionary<string, OpenApiSchema> CreateSchemas(this ODataContext context)
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(context, nameof(context));
IDictionary<string, OpenApiSchema> schemas = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiSchema>();
// Each entity type, complex type, enumeration type, and type definition directly
// or indirectly used in the paths field is represented as a name / value pair of the schemas map.
// Ideally this would be driven off the types used in the paths, but in practice, it is simply
// all of the types present in the model.
IEnumerable<IEdmSchemaElement> elements = context.Model.GetAllElements();
foreach (var element in elements)
switch (element.SchemaElementKind)
case EdmSchemaElementKind.TypeDefinition: // Type definition
IEdmType reference = (IEdmType)element;
schemas.Add(reference.FullTypeName(), context.CreateSchemaTypeSchema(reference));
// append the Edm.Spatial
foreach(var schema in context.CreateSpatialSchemas())
schemas[schema.Key] = schema.Value;
// append the OData errors
foreach(var schema in context.CreateODataErrorSchemas())
schemas[schema.Key] = schema.Value;
schemas[Constants.DollarCountSchemaName] = new OpenApiSchema {
Type = "integer",
Format = "int32"
return schemas;
/// <summary>
/// Create a <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> for a <see cref="IEdmEnumType"/>.
/// An enumeration type is represented as a Schema Object of type string containing the OpenAPI Specification enum keyword.
/// Its value is an array that contains a string with the member name for each enumeration member.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The OData context.</param>
/// <param name="enumType">The Edm enum type.</param>
/// <returns>The created <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/>.</returns>
public static OpenApiSchema CreateEnumTypeSchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmEnumType enumType)
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(context, nameof(context));
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(enumType, nameof(enumType));
OpenApiSchema schema = new OpenApiSchema
// An enumeration type is represented as a Schema Object of type string
Type = "string",
// containing the OpenAPI Specification enum keyword.
Enum = new List<IOpenApiAny>(),
// It optionally can contain the field description,
// whose value is the value of the unqualified annotation Core.Description of the enumeration type.
Description = context.Model.GetDescriptionAnnotation(enumType)
// Enum value is an array that contains a string with the member name for each enumeration member.
foreach (IEdmEnumMember member in enumType.Members)
schema.Enum.Add(new OpenApiString(member.Name));
schema.Title = enumType.Name;
return schema;
/// <summary>
/// Create a <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> for a <see cref="IEdmStructuredType"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The OData context.</param>
/// <param name="structuredType">The Edm structured type.</param>
/// <returns>The created <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/>.</returns>
public static OpenApiSchema CreateStructuredTypeSchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmStructuredType structuredType)
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(context, nameof(context));
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(structuredType, nameof(structuredType));
return context.CreateStructuredTypeSchema(structuredType, true, true);
/// <summary>
/// Create a <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> for a <see cref="IEdmProperty"/>.
/// Each structural property and navigation property is represented as a name/value pair of the
/// standard OpenAPI properties object. The name is the property name,
/// the value is a Schema Object describing the allowed values of the property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The OData context.</param>
/// <param name="property">The Edm property.</param>
/// <returns>The created <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/>.</returns>
public static OpenApiSchema CreatePropertySchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmProperty property)
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(context, nameof(context));
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(property, nameof(property));
OpenApiSchema schema = context.CreateEdmTypeSchema(property.Type);
switch (property.PropertyKind)
case EdmPropertyKind.Structural:
IEdmStructuralProperty structuralProperty = (IEdmStructuralProperty)property;
schema.Default = CreateDefault(structuralProperty);
// The Schema Object for a property optionally can contain the field description,
// whose value is the value of the unqualified annotation Core.Description of the property.
schema.Description = context.Model.GetDescriptionAnnotation(property);
return schema;
/// <summary>
/// Create a map of string/<see cref="OpenApiSchema"/> map for a <see cref="IEdmStructuredType"/>'s all properties.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The OData context.</param>
/// <param name="structuredType">The Edm structured type.</param>
/// <returns>The created map of <see cref="OpenApiSchema"/>.</returns>
public static IDictionary<string, OpenApiSchema> CreateStructuredTypePropertiesSchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmStructuredType structuredType)
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(context, nameof(context));
Utils.CheckArgumentNull(structuredType, nameof(structuredType));
// The name is the property name, the value is a Schema Object describing the allowed values of the property.
IDictionary<string, OpenApiSchema> properties = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiSchema>();
// structure properties
foreach (var property in structuredType.DeclaredStructuralProperties())
// OpenApiSchema propertySchema = property.Type.CreateSchema();
// propertySchema.Default = property.DefaultValueString != null ? new OpenApiString(property.DefaultValueString) : null;
properties.Add(property.Name, context.CreatePropertySchema(property));
// navigation properties
foreach (var property in structuredType.DeclaredNavigationProperties())
OpenApiSchema propertySchema = context.CreateEdmTypeSchema(property.Type);
propertySchema.Description = context.Model.GetDescriptionAnnotation(property);
properties.Add(property.Name, propertySchema);
return properties;
public static OpenApiSchema CreateSchemaTypeDefinitionSchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmTypeDefinition typeDefinition)
return context.CreateSchema(typeDefinition.UnderlyingType);
private static OpenApiSchema CreateSchemaTypeSchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmType edmType)
Debug.Assert(context != null);
Debug.Assert(edmType != null);
switch (edmType.TypeKind)
case EdmTypeKind.Complex: // complex type
case EdmTypeKind.Entity: // entity type
return context.CreateStructuredTypeSchema((IEdmStructuredType)edmType, true, true);
case EdmTypeKind.Enum: // enum type
return context.CreateEnumTypeSchema((IEdmEnumType)edmType);
case EdmTypeKind.TypeDefinition: // type definition
return context.CreateSchemaTypeDefinitionSchema((IEdmTypeDefinition)edmType);
case EdmTypeKind.None:
throw Error.NotSupported(String.Format(SRResource.NotSupportedEdmTypeKind, edmType.TypeKind));
private static OpenApiSchema CreateStructuredTypeSchema(this ODataContext context, IEdmStructuredType structuredType, bool processBase, bool processExample,
IEnumerable<IEdmEntityType> derivedTypes = null)
Debug.Assert(context != null);
Debug.Assert(structuredType != null);
IOpenApiAny example = null;
if (context.Settings.ShowSchemaExamples)
example = CreateStructuredTypePropertiesExample(context, structuredType);
if (context.Settings.EnableDiscriminatorValue && derivedTypes == null)
derivedTypes = context.Model.FindDirectlyDerivedTypes(structuredType).OfType<IEdmEntityType>();
if (processBase && structuredType.BaseType != null)
// The x-ms-discriminator-value extension is added to structured types which are derived types.
Dictionary<string, IOpenApiExtension> extension = null;
if (context.Settings.EnableDiscriminatorValue && !derivedTypes.Any())
extension = new Dictionary<string, IOpenApiExtension>
{ Constants.xMsDiscriminatorValue, new OpenApiString("#" + structuredType.FullTypeName()) }
// A structured type with a base type is represented as a Schema Object
// that contains the keyword allOf whose value is an array with two items:
return new OpenApiSchema
Extensions = extension,
AllOf = new List<OpenApiSchema>
// 1. a JSON Reference to the Schema Object of the base type
new OpenApiSchema
Reference = new OpenApiReference
Type = ReferenceType.Schema,
Id = structuredType.BaseType.FullTypeName()
// 2. a Schema Object describing the derived type
context.CreateStructuredTypeSchema(structuredType, false, false, derivedTypes)
AnyOf = null,
OneOf = null,
Properties = null,
Example = example
// The discriminator object is added to structured types which have derived types.
OpenApiDiscriminator discriminator = null;
if (context.Settings.EnableDiscriminatorValue && derivedTypes.Any() && structuredType.BaseType != null)
discriminator = new OpenApiDiscriminator
PropertyName = "@odata.type"
// A structured type without a base type is represented as a Schema Object of type object
OpenApiSchema schema = new OpenApiSchema
Title = (structuredType as IEdmSchemaElement)?.Name,
Type = "object",
Discriminator = discriminator,
// Each structural property and navigation property is represented
// as a name/value pair of the standard OpenAPI properties object.
Properties = context.CreateStructuredTypePropertiesSchema(structuredType),
// make others null
AllOf = null,
OneOf = null,
AnyOf = null
// It optionally can contain the field description,
// whose value is the value of the unqualified annotation Core.Description of the structured type.
if (structuredType.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Complex)
IEdmComplexType complex = (IEdmComplexType)structuredType;
schema.Description = context.Model.GetDescriptionAnnotation(complex);
else if (structuredType.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Entity)
IEdmEntityType entity = (IEdmEntityType)structuredType;
schema.Description = context.Model.GetDescriptionAnnotation(entity);
if (processExample)
schema.Example = example;
return schema;
private static IOpenApiAny CreateStructuredTypePropertiesExample(ODataContext context, IEdmStructuredType structuredType)
OpenApiObject example = new OpenApiObject();
IEdmEntityType entityType = structuredType as IEdmEntityType;
// properties
foreach (var property in structuredType.Properties())
// IOpenApiAny item;
IEdmTypeReference propertyType = property.Type;
IOpenApiAny item = GetTypeNameForExample(context, propertyType);
EdmTypeKind typeKind = propertyType.TypeKind();
if (typeKind == EdmTypeKind.Primitive && item is OpenApiString)
OpenApiString stringAny = item as OpenApiString;
string value = stringAny.Value;
if (entityType != null && entityType.Key().Any(k => k.Name == property.Name))
value += " (identifier)";
if (propertyType.IsDateTimeOffset() || propertyType.IsDate() || propertyType.IsTimeOfDay())
value += " (timestamp)";
item = new OpenApiString(value);
example.Add(property.Name, item);
return example;
private static IOpenApiAny GetTypeNameForExample(ODataContext context, IEdmTypeReference edmTypeReference)
switch (edmTypeReference.TypeKind())
case EdmTypeKind.Primitive:
IEdmPrimitiveType primitiveType = edmTypeReference.AsPrimitive().PrimitiveDefinition();
OpenApiSchema schema = context.CreateSchema(primitiveType);
if (edmTypeReference.IsBoolean())
return new OpenApiBoolean(true);
if (schema.Reference != null)
return new OpenApiString(schema.Reference.Id);
return new OpenApiString(schema.Type ?? schema.Format);
case EdmTypeKind.Entity:
case EdmTypeKind.Complex:
case EdmTypeKind.Enum:
OpenApiObject obj = new OpenApiObject();
obj["@odata.type"] = new OpenApiString(edmTypeReference.FullName());
return obj;
case EdmTypeKind.Collection:
OpenApiArray array = new OpenApiArray();
IEdmTypeReference elementType = edmTypeReference.AsCollection().ElementType();
array.Add(GetTypeNameForExample(context, elementType));
return array;
case EdmTypeKind.Untyped:
case EdmTypeKind.TypeDefinition:
case EdmTypeKind.EntityReference:
throw new OpenApiException("Not support for the type kind " + edmTypeReference.TypeKind());
private static IOpenApiAny CreateDefault(this IEdmStructuralProperty property)
if (property == null ||
property.DefaultValueString == null)
return null;
if (property.Type.IsEnum())
return new OpenApiString(property.DefaultValueString);
if (!property.Type.IsPrimitive())
return null;
IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference primitiveTypeReference = property.Type.AsPrimitive();
switch (primitiveTypeReference.PrimitiveKind())
case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean:
bool result;
if (Boolean.TryParse(property.DefaultValueString, out result))
return new OpenApiBoolean(result);
case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int16:
case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32:
int result;
if (Int32.TryParse(property.DefaultValueString, out result))
return new OpenApiInteger(result);
case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int64:
// The type 'System.Double' is not supported in Open API document.
case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Double:
double result;
if (Double.TryParse(property.DefaultValueString, out result))
return new OpenApiDouble((float)result);
return new OpenApiString(property.DefaultValueString);