
198 lines
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// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE in the repo root for license information.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Common;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Edm;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Generator;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Vocabulary.Capabilities;
namespace Microsoft.OpenApi.OData.Operation
/// <summary>
/// Query a Collection of Entities, it's a "Get" operation for <see cref="IEdmEntitySet"/>
/// The Path Item Object for the entity set contains the keyword get with an Operation Object as value
/// that describes the capabilities for querying the entity set.
/// For example: "/users"
/// </summary>
internal class EntitySetGetOperationHandler : EntitySetOperationHandler
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override OperationType OperationType => OperationType.Get;
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void SetBasicInfo(OpenApiOperation operation)
// Summary
operation.Summary = "Get entities from " + EntitySet.Name;
// OperationId
if (Context.Settings.EnableOperationId)
string typeName = EntitySet.EntityType().Name;
operation.OperationId = EntitySet.Name + "." + typeName + ".List" + Utils.UpperFirstChar(typeName);
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void SetParameters(OpenApiOperation operation)
// The parameters array contains Parameter Objects for all system query options allowed for this collection,
// and it does not list system query options not allowed for this collection, see terms
// Capabilities.TopSupported, Capabilities.SkipSupported, Capabilities.SearchRestrictions,
// Capabilities.FilterRestrictions, and Capabilities.CountRestrictions
// $top
OpenApiParameter parameter = Context.CreateTop(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// $skip
parameter = Context.CreateSkip(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// $search
parameter = Context.CreateSearch(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// $filter
parameter = Context.CreateFilter(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// $count
parameter = Context.CreateCount(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// the syntax of the system query options $expand, $select, and $orderby is too flexible
// to be formally described with OpenAPI Specification means, yet the typical use cases
// of just providing a comma-separated list of properties can be expressed via an array-valued
// parameter with an enum constraint
// $order
parameter = Context.CreateOrderBy(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// $select
parameter = Context.CreateSelect(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
// $expand
parameter = Context.CreateExpand(EntitySet);
if (parameter != null)
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void SetResponses(OpenApiOperation operation)
operation.Responses = new OpenApiResponses
new OpenApiResponse
Description = "Retrieved entities",
Content = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiMediaType>
new OpenApiMediaType
Schema = new OpenApiSchema
Title = "Collection of " + EntitySet.EntityType().Name,
Type = "object",
Properties = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiSchema>
new OpenApiSchema
Type = "array",
Items = new OpenApiSchema
Reference = new OpenApiReference
Type = ReferenceType.Schema,
Id = EntitySet.EntityType().FullName()
operation.Responses.Add(Constants.StatusCodeDefault, Constants.StatusCodeDefault.GetResponse());
protected override void SetSecurity(OpenApiOperation operation)
ReadRestrictionsType read = Context.Model.GetRecord<ReadRestrictionsType>(EntitySet, CapabilitiesConstants.ReadRestrictions);
if (read == null || read.Permission == null)
// the Permission should be collection, however current ODL supports the single permission.
// Will update after ODL change.
operation.Security = Context.CreateSecurityRequirements(new[] { read.Permission.Scheme }).ToList();
protected override void AppendCustomParameters(OpenApiOperation operation)
ReadRestrictionsType read = Context.Model.GetRecord<ReadRestrictionsType>(EntitySet, CapabilitiesConstants.ReadRestrictions);
if (read == null)
if (read.CustomHeaders != null)
AppendCustomParameters(operation.Parameters, read.CustomHeaders, ParameterLocation.Header);
if (read.CustomQueryOptions != null)
AppendCustomParameters(operation.Parameters, read.CustomQueryOptions, ParameterLocation.Query);