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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options;
using Microsoft.PowerShell;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Cim;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static class CompletionCompleters
static CompletionCompleters()
// Porting note: removed until we have full assembly loading solution
// ClrFacade.AddAssemblyLoadHandler(UpdateTypeCacheOnAssemblyLoad);
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += UpdateTypeCacheOnAssemblyLoad;
static void UpdateTypeCacheOnAssemblyLoad(Assembly loadedAssembly)
static void UpdateTypeCacheOnAssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
// Just null out the cache - we'll rebuild it the next time someone tries to complete a type.
// We could rebuild it now, but we could be loading multiple assemblies (e.g. dependent assemblies)
// and there is no sense in rebuilding anything until we're done loading all of the assemblies.
Interlocked.Exchange(ref typeCache, null);
#region Command Names
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteCommand(string commandName)
return CompleteCommand(commandName, null);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandName"></param>
/// <param name="moduleName"></param>
/// <param name="commandTypes"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1026:DefaultParametersShouldNotBeUsed")]
public static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteCommand(string commandName, string moduleName, CommandTypes commandTypes = CommandTypes.All)
var runspace = Runspace.DefaultRunspace;
if (runspace == null)
// No runspace, just return no results.
return CommandCompletion.EmptyCompletionResult;
var helper = new CompletionExecutionHelper(PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace));
return CompleteCommand(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = helper }, moduleName, commandTypes);
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteCommand(CompletionContext context)
return CompleteCommand(context, null);
private static List<CompletionResult> CompleteCommand(CompletionContext context, string moduleName, CommandTypes types = CommandTypes.All)
var addAmpersandIfNecessary = IsAmpersandNeeded(context, false);
string commandName = context.WordToComplete;
string quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref commandName);
commandName += "*";
List<CompletionResult> commandResults = null;
if (commandName.IndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.DirectoryOrDrive) == -1)
// The name to complete is neither module qualified nor is it a relative/rooted file path.
Ast lastAst = null;
if (context.RelatedAsts != null && context.RelatedAsts.Count > 0)
lastAst = context.RelatedAsts.Last();
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-Command", typeof(GetCommandCommand))
.AddParameter("Name", commandName);
if (moduleName != null)
powershell.AddParameter("Module", moduleName);
if (!types.Equals(CommandTypes.All))
powershell.AddParameter("CommandType", types);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var commandInfos = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
// Complete against pseudo commands that work only in the script workflow.
// It's for argument completion when RelatedAst is null, don't complete pseudo commands for arguments
if (lastAst != null)
commandInfos = CompleteWorkflowCommand(commandName, lastAst, commandInfos);
if (commandInfos != null && commandInfos.Count > 1)
// OrderBy is using stable sorting
var sortedCommandInfos = commandInfos.OrderBy(a => a, new CommandNameComparer());
commandResults = MakeCommandsUnique(sortedCommandInfos, false, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote, context);
commandResults = MakeCommandsUnique(commandInfos, false, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote, context);
if (lastAst != null)
// Search the asts for function definitions that we might be calling
var findFunctionsVisitor = new FindFunctionsVisitor();
while (lastAst.Parent != null)
lastAst = lastAst.Parent;
WildcardPattern commandNamePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(commandName, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (var defn in findFunctionsVisitor.FunctionDefinitions)
if (commandNamePattern.IsMatch(defn.Name)
&& !commandResults.Where(cr => cr.CompletionText.Equals(defn.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Any())
// Results found in the current script are prepended to show up at the top of the list.
commandResults.Insert(0, GetCommandNameCompletionResult(defn.Name, defn, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote));
// If there is a single \, we might be looking for a module/snapin qualified command
var indexOfFirstColon = commandName.IndexOf(':');
var indexOfFirstBackslash = commandName.IndexOf('\\');
if (indexOfFirstBackslash > 0 && (indexOfFirstBackslash < indexOfFirstColon || indexOfFirstColon == -1))
// First try the name before the backslash as a module name.
// Use the exact module name provided by the user
moduleName = commandName.Substring(0, indexOfFirstBackslash);
commandName = commandName.Substring(indexOfFirstBackslash + 1);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-Command", typeof(GetCommandCommand))
.AddParameter("Name", commandName)
.AddParameter("Module", moduleName);
if (!types.Equals(CommandTypes.All))
powershell.AddParameter("CommandType", types);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var commandInfos = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (commandInfos != null && commandInfos.Count > 1)
var sortedCommandInfos = commandInfos.OrderBy(a => a, new CommandNameComparer());
commandResults = MakeCommandsUnique(sortedCommandInfos, true, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote, context);
commandResults = MakeCommandsUnique(commandInfos, true, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote, context);
return commandResults;
static private readonly HashSet<string> KeywordsToExcludeFromAddingAmpersand
= new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { TokenKind.InlineScript.ToString(), TokenKind.Configuration.ToString() };
static internal CompletionResult GetCommandNameCompletionResult(string name, object command, bool addAmpersandIfNecessary, string quote)
string syntax = name, listItem = name;
var commandInfo = command as CommandInfo;
if (commandInfo != null)
listItem = commandInfo.Name;
// This may require parsing a script, which could fail in a number of different ways
// (syntax errors, security exceptions, etc.) If so, the name is fine for the tooltip.
syntax = commandInfo.Syntax;
catch (Exception e)
syntax = string.IsNullOrEmpty(syntax) ? name : syntax;
bool needAmpersand;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(name, false))
needAmpersand = quote == string.Empty && addAmpersandIfNecessary;
string quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
name = name.Replace("'", "''");
name = name.Replace("`", "``");
name = name.Replace("$", "`$");
name = quoteInUse + name + quoteInUse;
needAmpersand = quote == string.Empty && addAmpersandIfNecessary &&
Tokenizer.IsKeyword(name) && !KeywordsToExcludeFromAddingAmpersand.Contains(name);
name = quote + name + quote;
// It's useless to call ForEach-Object (foreach) as the first command of a pipeline. For example:
// PS C:\> fore<tab> ---> PS C:\> foreach (expected, use as the keyword)
// PS C:\> fore<tab> ---> PS C:\> & foreach (unexpected, ForEach-Object is seldom used as the first command of a pipeline)
if (needAmpersand && name != SpecialVariables.@foreach)
name = "& " + name;
return new CompletionResult(name, listItem, CompletionResultType.Command, syntax);
static internal List<CompletionResult> MakeCommandsUnique(IEnumerable<PSObject> commandInfoPsObjs, bool includeModulePrefix, bool addAmpersandIfNecessary, string quote, CompletionContext context)
List<CompletionResult> results = new List<CompletionResult>();
if (commandInfoPsObjs == null || !commandInfoPsObjs.Any())
return results;
var commandTable = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var psobj in commandInfoPsObjs)
object baseObj = PSObject.Base(psobj);
string name = null;
var commandInfo = baseObj as CommandInfo;
if (commandInfo != null)
// Skip the private commands
if (commandInfo.Visibility == SessionStateEntryVisibility.Private) { continue; }
name = commandInfo.Name;
if (includeModulePrefix && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.ModuleName))
// The command might be a prefixed commandInfo that we get by importing a module with the -Prefix parameter, for example:
// FooModule.psm1: Get-Foo
// import-module FooModule -Prefix PowerShell
// --> command 'Get-PowerShellFoo' in the global session state (prefixed commandInfo)
// command 'Get-Foo' in the module session state (un-prefixed commandInfo)
// in that case, we should not add the module name qualification because it doesn't work
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.Prefix) || !ModuleCmdletBase.IsPrefixedCommand(commandInfo))
name = commandInfo.ModuleName + "\\" + commandInfo.Name;
name = baseObj as string;
if (name == null) { continue; }
object value;
if (!commandTable.TryGetValue(name, out value))
commandTable.Add(name, baseObj);
var list = value as List<object>;
if (list != null)
list = new List<object> {value, baseObj};
commandTable[name] = list;
List<CompletionResult> endResults = null;
foreach (var keyValuePair in commandTable)
var commandList = keyValuePair.Value as List<object>;
if (commandList != null)
if (endResults == null)
endResults = new List<CompletionResult>();
// The first command might be an un-prefixed commandInfo that we get by importing a module with the -Prefix parameter,
// in that case, we should add the module name qualification because if the module is not in the module path, calling
// 'Get-Foo' directly doesn't work
string completionName = keyValuePair.Key;
if (!includeModulePrefix)
var commandInfo = commandList[0] as CommandInfo;
if (commandInfo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.Prefix))
Diagnostics.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.ModuleName), "the module name should exist if commandInfo.Prefix is not an empty string");
if (!ModuleCmdletBase.IsPrefixedCommand(commandInfo))
completionName = commandInfo.ModuleName + "\\" + completionName;
results.Add(GetCommandNameCompletionResult(completionName, commandList[0], addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote));
// For the other commands that are hidden, we need to disambiguate,
// but put these at the end as it's less likely any of the hidden
// commands are desired. If we can't add anything to disambiguate,
// then we'll skip adding a completion result.
for (int index = 1; index < commandList.Count; index++)
var commandInfo = commandList[index] as CommandInfo;
// If it's a pseudo command that only works in the script workflow, don't bother adding it to the result
// list since it's a duplicate
if (commandInfo == null) { continue; }
if (commandInfo.CommandType == CommandTypes.Application)
endResults.Add(GetCommandNameCompletionResult(commandInfo.Definition, commandInfo, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote));
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.ModuleName))
var name = commandInfo.ModuleName + "\\" + commandInfo.Name;
endResults.Add(GetCommandNameCompletionResult(name, commandInfo, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote));
// The first command might be an un-prefixed commandInfo that we get by importing a module with the -Prefix parameter,
// in that case, we should add the module name qualification because if the module is not in the module path, calling
// 'Get-Foo' directly doesn't work
string completionName = keyValuePair.Key;
if (!includeModulePrefix)
var commandInfo = keyValuePair.Value as CommandInfo;
if (commandInfo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.Prefix))
Diagnostics.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.ModuleName), "the module name should exist if commandInfo.Prefix is not an empty string");
if (!ModuleCmdletBase.IsPrefixedCommand(commandInfo))
completionName = commandInfo.ModuleName + "\\" + completionName;
results.Add(GetCommandNameCompletionResult(completionName, keyValuePair.Value, addAmpersandIfNecessary, quote));
if (endResults != null && endResults.Count > 0)
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Contains the pseudo commands that only work in the script workflow.
/// </summary>
static internal readonly List<string> PseudoWorkflowCommands
= new List<string> { "Checkpoint-Workflow", "Suspend-Workflow", "InlineScript" };
static private Collection<PSObject> CompleteWorkflowCommand (string command, Ast lastAst, Collection<PSObject> commandInfos)
if (!lastAst.IsInWorkflow())
return commandInfos;
commandInfos = commandInfos ?? new Collection<PSObject>();
var commandPattern = WildcardPattern.Get(command, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (string pseudoCommand in PseudoWorkflowCommands)
if (!commandPattern.IsMatch(pseudoCommand))
return commandInfos;
class FindFunctionsVisitor : AstVisitor
internal readonly List<FunctionDefinitionAst> FunctionDefinitions = new List<FunctionDefinitionAst>();
public override AstVisitAction VisitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst)
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
#endregion Command Names
#region Module Names
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteModuleName(CompletionContext context, bool loadedModulesOnly)
var moduleName = context.WordToComplete ?? string.Empty;
var result = new List<CompletionResult>();
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref moduleName);
if (!moduleName.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
moduleName += "*";
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-Module", typeof(GetModuleCommand)).AddParameter("Name", moduleName);
if (!loadedModulesOnly)
powershell.AddParameter("ListAvailable", true);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects != null)
foreach (dynamic moduleInfo in psObjects)
var completionText = moduleInfo.Name.ToString();
var listItemText = completionText;
var toolTip = "Description: " + moduleInfo.Description.ToString() + "\r\nModuleType: "
+ moduleInfo.ModuleType.ToString() + "\r\nPath: "
+ moduleInfo.Path.ToString();
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, toolTip));
return result;
#endregion Module Names
#region Command Parameters
private static string[] ParameterNamesOfImportDSCResource = { "Name", "ModuleName", "ModuleVersion" };
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteCommandParameter(CompletionContext context)
string partialName = null;
bool withColon = false;
CommandAst commandAst = null;
List<CompletionResult> result = new List<CompletionResult>();
// Find the parameter ast, it will be near or at the end
CommandParameterAst parameterAst = null;
DynamicKeywordStatementAst keywordAst = null;
for (int i = context.RelatedAsts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (keywordAst == null)
keywordAst = context.RelatedAsts[i] as DynamicKeywordStatementAst;
parameterAst = (context.RelatedAsts[i] as CommandParameterAst);
if (parameterAst != null) break;
if (parameterAst != null)
keywordAst = parameterAst.Parent as DynamicKeywordStatementAst;
// If parent is DynamicKeywordStatementAst - 'Import-DscResource',
// then customize the auto completion results
if (keywordAst != null && String.Equals(keywordAst.Keyword.Keyword, "Import-DscResource", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.WordToComplete) && context.WordToComplete.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var lastAst = context.RelatedAsts.Last();
var wordToMatch = context.WordToComplete.Substring(1) + "*";
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToMatch, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var parameterNames = keywordAst.CommandElements.Where(ast => ast is CommandParameterAst).Select(ast => (ast as CommandParameterAst).ParameterName);
foreach (var parameterName in ParameterNamesOfImportDSCResource)
if (pattern.IsMatch(parameterName) && !parameterNames.Contains(parameterName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string tooltip = "[String] " + parameterName;
result.Add(new CompletionResult("-"+parameterName, parameterName, CompletionResultType.ParameterName, tooltip));
if(result.Count > 0)
context.ReplacementLength = context.WordToComplete.Length;
context.ReplacementIndex = lastAst.Extent.StartOffset;
return result;
if (parameterAst != null)
// Parent must be a command
commandAst = (CommandAst)parameterAst.Parent;
partialName = parameterAst.ParameterName;
withColon = context.WordToComplete.EndsWith(":", StringComparison.Ordinal);
// No CommandParameterAst is found. It could be a StringConstantExpressionAst "-"
var dashAst = (context.RelatedAsts[context.RelatedAsts.Count - 1] as StringConstantExpressionAst);
if (dashAst == null)
return result;
if (!dashAst.Value.Trim().Equals("-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return result;
// Parent must be a command
commandAst = (CommandAst) dashAst.Parent;
partialName = string.Empty;
PseudoBindingInfo pseudoBinding = new PseudoParameterBinder()
.DoPseudoParameterBinding(commandAst, null, parameterAst, PseudoParameterBinder.BindingType.ParameterCompletion);
// The command cannot be found or it's not a cmdlet, not a script cmdlet, not a function
if (pseudoBinding == null)
return result;
switch (pseudoBinding.InfoType)
case PseudoBindingInfoType.PseudoBindingFail:
// The command is a cmdlet or script cmdlet. Binding failed
result = GetParameterCompletionResults(partialName, uint.MaxValue, pseudoBinding.UnboundParameters, withColon);
case PseudoBindingInfoType.PseudoBindingSucceed:
// The command is a cmdlet or script cmdlet. Binding succeeded.
result = GetParameterCompletionResults(partialName, pseudoBinding, parameterAst, withColon);
if (result.Count == 0)
result = pseudoBinding.CommandName.Equals("Set-Location", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
? new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(context, true, null))
: new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(context));
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Get the parameter completion results when the pseudo binding was successful
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameterName"></param>
/// <param name="bindingInfo"></param>
/// <param name="parameterAst"></param>
/// <param name="withColon"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static List<CompletionResult> GetParameterCompletionResults(string parameterName, PseudoBindingInfo bindingInfo, CommandParameterAst parameterAst, bool withColon)
Diagnostics.Assert(bindingInfo.InfoType.Equals(PseudoBindingInfoType.PseudoBindingSucceed), "The pseudo binding should succeed");
List<CompletionResult> result = new List<CompletionResult>();
if (parameterName == string.Empty)
result = GetParameterCompletionResults(
return result;
if (bindingInfo.ParametersNotFound.Count > 0)
// The parameter name cannot be matched to any parameter
if (bindingInfo.ParametersNotFound.Any(pAst => parameterAst.GetHashCode() == pAst.GetHashCode()))
return result;
if (bindingInfo.AmbiguousParameters.Count > 0)
// The parameter name is ambiguous. It's ignored in the pseudo binding, and we should search in the UnboundParameters
if (bindingInfo.AmbiguousParameters.Any(pAst => parameterAst.GetHashCode() == pAst.GetHashCode()))
result = GetParameterCompletionResults(
return result;
if (bindingInfo.DuplicateParameters.Count > 0)
// The parameter name is resolved to a parameter that is already bound. We search it in the BoundParameters
if (bindingInfo.DuplicateParameters.Any(pAst => parameterAst.GetHashCode() == pAst.Parameter.GetHashCode()))
result = GetParameterCompletionResults(
return result;
// The parameter should be bound in the pseudo binding during the named binding
string matchedParameterName = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> entry in bindingInfo.BoundArguments)
switch (entry.Value.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstPair:
AstPair pair = (AstPair)entry.Value;
if (pair.ParameterSpecified && pair.Parameter.GetHashCode() == parameterAst.GetHashCode())
matchedParameterName = entry.Key;
else if (pair.ArgumentIsCommandParameterAst && pair.Argument.GetHashCode() == parameterAst.GetHashCode())
// The parameter name cannot be resolved to a parameter
return result;
case AstParameterArgumentType.Fake:
FakePair pair = (FakePair) entry.Value;
if (pair.ParameterSpecified && pair.Parameter.GetHashCode() == parameterAst.GetHashCode())
matchedParameterName = entry.Key;
case AstParameterArgumentType.Switch:
SwitchPair pair = (SwitchPair) entry.Value;
if (pair.ParameterSpecified && pair.Parameter.GetHashCode() == parameterAst.GetHashCode())
matchedParameterName = entry.Key;
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstArray:
case AstParameterArgumentType.PipeObject:
if (matchedParameterName != null)
Diagnostics.Assert(matchedParameterName != null, "we should find matchedParameterName from the BoundArguments");
MergedCompiledCommandParameter param = bindingInfo.BoundParameters[matchedParameterName];
WildcardPattern pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(parameterName + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
string parameterType = "[" + ToStringCodeMethods.Type(param.Parameter.Type, dropNamespaces: true) + "] ";
string colonSuffix = withColon ? ":" : string.Empty;
if (pattern.IsMatch(matchedParameterName))
string completionText = "-" + matchedParameterName + colonSuffix;
string tooltip = parameterType + matchedParameterName;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, matchedParameterName, CompletionResultType.ParameterName, tooltip));
// Process alias when there is partial input
result.AddRange(from alias in param.Parameter.Aliases
where pattern.IsMatch(alias)
new CompletionResult("-" + alias + colonSuffix, alias, CompletionResultType.ParameterName,
parameterType + alias));
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Get the parameter completion results by using the given valid parameter sets and available parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameterName"></param>
/// <param name="validParameterSetFlags"></param>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <param name="withColon"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static List<CompletionResult> GetParameterCompletionResults(
string parameterName,
uint validParameterSetFlags,
IEnumerable<MergedCompiledCommandParameter> parameters,
bool withColon)
var result = new List<CompletionResult>();
var commonParamResult = new List<CompletionResult>();
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(parameterName + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var colonSuffix = withColon ? ":" : string.Empty;
bool addCommonParameters = true;
foreach (MergedCompiledCommandParameter param in parameters)
bool inParameterSet = (param.Parameter.ParameterSetFlags & validParameterSetFlags) != 0 || param.Parameter.IsInAllSets;
if (!inParameterSet)
string name = param.Parameter.Name;
string type = "[" + ToStringCodeMethods.Type(param.Parameter.Type, dropNamespaces: true) + "] ";
bool isCommonParameter = Cmdlet.CommonParameters.Contains(name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
List<CompletionResult> listInUse = isCommonParameter ? commonParamResult : result;
if (pattern.IsMatch(name))
// Then using functions to back dynamic keywords, we don't necessarily
// want all of the parameters to be shown to the user. Those that are marked
// DontShow will not be displayed. Also, if any of the parameters have
// don't show set, we won't show any of the common parameters either.
bool showToUser = true;
var compiledAttributes = param.Parameter.CompiledAttributes;
if (compiledAttributes != null && compiledAttributes.Count > 0)
foreach (var attr in compiledAttributes)
var pattr = attr as ParameterAttribute;
if (pattr != null && pattr.DontShow)
showToUser = false;
addCommonParameters = false;
if (showToUser)
string completionText = "-" + name + colonSuffix;
string tooltip = type + name;
listInUse.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, name, CompletionResultType.ParameterName,
if (parameterName != string.Empty)
// Process alias when there is partial input
listInUse.AddRange(from alias in param.Parameter.Aliases
where pattern.IsMatch(alias)
new CompletionResult("-" + alias + colonSuffix, alias, CompletionResultType.ParameterName,
type + alias));
// Add the common parameters to the results if expected.
if (addCommonParameters)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Get completion results for operators that start with <paramref name="wordToComplete"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wordToComplete">The starting text of the operator to complete</param>
/// <returns>A list of completion results</returns>
public static List<CompletionResult> CompleteOperator(string wordToComplete)
if (wordToComplete.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete.Substring(1);
return (from op in Tokenizer._operatorText
where op.StartsWith(wordToComplete, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
orderby op
select new CompletionResult("-" + op, op, CompletionResultType.ParameterName, GetOperatorDescription(op))).ToList();
private static string GetOperatorDescription(string op)
return ResourceManagerCache.GetResourceString(typeof(CompletionCompleters).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, "TabCompletionStrings", op + "OperatorDescription");
#endregion Command Parameters
#region Command Arguments
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteCommandArgument(CompletionContext context)
CommandAst commandAst = null;
List<CompletionResult> result = new List<CompletionResult>();
// Find the expression ast. It should be at the end if there is one
ExpressionAst expressionAst = null;
MemberExpressionAst secondToLastMemberAst = null;
Ast lastAst = context.RelatedAsts.Last();
expressionAst = lastAst as ExpressionAst;
if (expressionAst != null)
if (expressionAst.Parent is CommandAst)
commandAst = (CommandAst)expressionAst.Parent;
if (expressionAst is ErrorExpressionAst && expressionAst.Extent.Text.EndsWith(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
context.WordToComplete = string.Empty;
//BUGBUG context.CursorPosition = expressionAst.Extent.StartScriptPosition;
else if (commandAst.CommandElements.Count == 1 || context.WordToComplete == string.Empty)
expressionAst = null;
else if (commandAst.CommandElements.Count > 2)
var length = commandAst.CommandElements.Count;
var index = 1;
for (; index < length; index++)
if (commandAst.CommandElements[index] == expressionAst)
CommandElementAst secondToLastAst = null;
if (index > 1)
secondToLastAst = commandAst.CommandElements[index - 1];
secondToLastMemberAst = secondToLastAst as MemberExpressionAst;
var partialPathAst = expressionAst as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (partialPathAst != null && secondToLastAst != null &&
partialPathAst.StringConstantType == StringConstantType.BareWord &&
secondToLastAst.Extent.EndLineNumber == partialPathAst.Extent.StartLineNumber &&
secondToLastAst.Extent.EndColumnNumber == partialPathAst.Extent.StartColumnNumber &&
partialPathAst.Value.IndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.Directory) == 0)
var secondToLastStringConstantAst = secondToLastAst as StringConstantExpressionAst;
var secondToLastExpandableStringAst = secondToLastAst as ExpandableStringExpressionAst;
var secondToLastArrayAst = secondToLastAst as ArrayLiteralAst;
var secondToLastParamAst = secondToLastAst as CommandParameterAst;
if (secondToLastStringConstantAst != null || secondToLastExpandableStringAst != null)
var fullPath = ConcatenateStringPathArguments(secondToLastAst, partialPathAst.Value, context);
expressionAst = secondToLastStringConstantAst != null
? (ExpressionAst)secondToLastStringConstantAst
: (ExpressionAst)secondToLastExpandableStringAst;
context.ReplacementIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)secondToLastAst.Extent.StartScriptPosition).Offset;
context.ReplacementLength += ((InternalScriptPosition)secondToLastAst.Extent.EndScriptPosition).Offset - context.ReplacementIndex;
context.WordToComplete = fullPath;
//context.CursorPosition = secondToLastAst.Extent.StartScriptPosition;
else if (secondToLastArrayAst != null)
// Handle cases like: dir -Path .\cd, 'a b'\new<tab>
var lastArrayElement = secondToLastArrayAst.Elements.LastOrDefault();
var fullPath = ConcatenateStringPathArguments(lastArrayElement, partialPathAst.Value, context);
if (fullPath != null)
expressionAst = secondToLastArrayAst;
context.ReplacementIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)lastArrayElement.Extent.StartScriptPosition).Offset;
context.ReplacementLength += ((InternalScriptPosition)lastArrayElement.Extent.EndScriptPosition).Offset - context.ReplacementIndex;
context.WordToComplete = fullPath;
else if (secondToLastParamAst != null)
// Handle cases like: dir -Path: .\cd, 'a b'\new<tab> || dir -Path: 'a b'\new<tab>
var fullPath = ConcatenateStringPathArguments(secondToLastParamAst.Argument, partialPathAst.Value, context);
if (fullPath != null)
expressionAst = secondToLastParamAst.Argument;
context.ReplacementIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)secondToLastParamAst.Argument.Extent.StartScriptPosition).Offset;
context.ReplacementLength += ((InternalScriptPosition)secondToLastParamAst.Argument.Extent.EndScriptPosition).Offset - context.ReplacementIndex;
context.WordToComplete = fullPath;
var arrayArgAst = secondToLastParamAst.Argument as ArrayLiteralAst;
if (arrayArgAst != null)
var lastArrayElement = arrayArgAst.Elements.LastOrDefault();
fullPath = ConcatenateStringPathArguments(lastArrayElement, partialPathAst.Value, context);
if (fullPath != null)
expressionAst = arrayArgAst;
context.ReplacementIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)lastArrayElement.Extent.StartScriptPosition).Offset;
context.ReplacementLength += ((InternalScriptPosition)lastArrayElement.Extent.EndScriptPosition).Offset - context.ReplacementIndex;
context.WordToComplete = fullPath;
else if (expressionAst.Parent is ArrayLiteralAst && expressionAst.Parent.Parent is CommandAst)
commandAst = (CommandAst) expressionAst.Parent.Parent;
if (commandAst.CommandElements.Count == 1 || context.WordToComplete == string.Empty)
// dir -Path a.txt, b.txt <tab>
expressionAst = null;
// dir -Path a.txt, b.txt c<tab>
expressionAst = (ExpressionAst) expressionAst.Parent;
else if (expressionAst.Parent is ArrayLiteralAst && expressionAst.Parent.Parent is CommandParameterAst)
// Handle scenarios such as
// dir -Path: a.txt, <tab> || dir -Path: a.txt, b.txt <tab>
commandAst = (CommandAst) expressionAst.Parent.Parent.Parent;
if (context.WordToComplete == string.Empty)
// dir -Path: a.txt, b.txt <tab>
expressionAst = null;
// dir -Path: a.txt, b<tab>
expressionAst = (ExpressionAst) expressionAst.Parent;
else if (expressionAst.Parent is CommandParameterAst && expressionAst.Parent.Parent is CommandAst)
commandAst = (CommandAst) expressionAst.Parent.Parent;
if (expressionAst is ErrorExpressionAst && expressionAst.Extent.Text.EndsWith(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// dir -Path: a.txt,<tab>
context.WordToComplete = string.Empty;
//context.CursorPosition = expressionAst.Extent.StartScriptPosition;
else if (context.WordToComplete == string.Empty)
// Handle scenario like this: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope:CurrentUser <tab>
expressionAst = null;
var paramAst = lastAst as CommandParameterAst;
if (paramAst != null)
commandAst = paramAst.Parent as CommandAst;
commandAst = lastAst as CommandAst;
if (commandAst == null)
// We don't know if this could be expanded into anything interesting
return result;
PseudoBindingInfo pseudoBinding = new PseudoParameterBinder()
.DoPseudoParameterBinding(commandAst, null, null, PseudoParameterBinder.BindingType.ArgumentCompletion);
// The command cannot be found, or it's NOT a cmdlet, NOT a script cmdlet and NOT a function
if (pseudoBinding == null)
bool parsedArgumentsProvidesMatch = false;
if (pseudoBinding.AllParsedArguments != null && pseudoBinding.AllParsedArguments.Count > 0)
ArgumentLocation argLocation;
bool treatAsExpression = false;
if (expressionAst != null)
treatAsExpression = true;
var dashExp = expressionAst as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (dashExp != null && dashExp.Value.Trim().Equals("-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// "-" is represented as StringConstantExpressionAst. Most likely the user is typing a <tab>
// after it, so in the pseudo binder, we ignore it to avoid treating it as an argument.
// for example:
// Get-Content -Path "-<tab> --> Get-Content -Path ".\-patt.txt"
treatAsExpression = false;
if (treatAsExpression)
argLocation = FindTargetArgumentLocation(
pseudoBinding.AllParsedArguments, expressionAst);
argLocation = FindTargetArgumentLocation(
pseudoBinding.AllParsedArguments, context.TokenAtCursor ?? context.TokenBeforeCursor);
if (argLocation != null)
context.PseudoBindingInfo = pseudoBinding;
switch (pseudoBinding.InfoType)
case PseudoBindingInfoType.PseudoBindingSucceed:
result = GetArgumentCompletionResultsWithSuccessfulPseudoBinding(context, argLocation, commandAst);
case PseudoBindingInfoType.PseudoBindingFail:
result = GetArgumentCompletionResultsWithFailedPseudoBinding(context, argLocation, commandAst);
parsedArgumentsProvidesMatch = true;
if (!parsedArgumentsProvidesMatch)
int index = 0;
CommandElementAst prevElem = null;
if (expressionAst != null)
foreach (CommandElementAst eleAst in commandAst.CommandElements)
if (eleAst.GetHashCode() == expressionAst.GetHashCode())
prevElem = eleAst;
var token = context.TokenAtCursor ?? context.TokenBeforeCursor;
foreach (CommandElementAst eleAst in commandAst.CommandElements)
if (eleAst.Extent.StartOffset > token.Extent.EndOffset)
prevElem = eleAst;
// positional argument with position 0
if (index == 1)
if (prevElem is CommandParameterAst && ((CommandParameterAst)prevElem).Argument == null)
var paramName = ((CommandParameterAst)prevElem).ParameterName;
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(paramName + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (MergedCompiledCommandParameter param in pseudoBinding.UnboundParameters)
if (pattern.IsMatch(param.Parameter.Name))
ProcessParameter(pseudoBinding.CommandName, commandAst, context, result, param);
var isAliasMatch = false;
foreach (string alias in param.Parameter.Aliases)
if (pattern.IsMatch(alias))
isAliasMatch = true;
ProcessParameter(pseudoBinding.CommandName, commandAst, context, result, param);
if (isAliasMatch)
} while (false);
// Indicate if the current argument completion falls into those pre-defined cases and
// has been processed already.
bool hasBeenProcessed = false;
if (result.Count > 0 && result[result.Count - 1].Equals(CompletionResult.Null))
result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
hasBeenProcessed = true;
if (result.Count > 0)
return result;
// Handle some special cases such as:
// & "get-comm<tab> --> & "Get-Command"
// & "sa<tab> --> & ".\sa[v].txt"
if (expressionAst == null && !hasBeenProcessed &&
commandAst.CommandElements.Count == 1 &&
commandAst.InvocationOperator != TokenKind.Unknown &&
context.WordToComplete != string.Empty)
// Use literal path after Ampersand
var tryCmdletCompletion = false;
var clearLiteralPathsKey = TurnOnLiteralPathOption(context);
if (context.WordToComplete.IndexOf('-') != -1)
tryCmdletCompletion = true;
var fileCompletionResults = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(context));
if (tryCmdletCompletion)
// It's actually command name completion, other than argument completion
var cmdletCompletionResults = CompleteCommand(context);
if (cmdletCompletionResults != null && cmdletCompletionResults.Count > 0)
return fileCompletionResults;
if (clearLiteralPathsKey)
if (expressionAst is StringConstantExpressionAst)
var pathAst = (StringConstantExpressionAst)expressionAst;
// Handle static member completion: echo [int]::<tab>
var shareMatch = Regex.Match(pathAst.Value, @"^(\[[\w\d\.]+\]::[\w\d\*]*)$");
if (shareMatch.Success)
int fakeReplacementIndex, fakeReplacementLength;
var input = shareMatch.Groups[1].Value;
var completionParameters = CommandCompletion.MapStringInputToParsedInput(input, input.Length);
var completionAnalysis = new CompletionAnalysis(completionParameters.Item1, completionParameters.Item2, completionParameters.Item3, context.Options);
var ret = completionAnalysis.GetResults(
out fakeReplacementIndex,
out fakeReplacementLength);
if (ret != null && ret.Count > 0)
var prefix = TokenKind.LParen.Text() + input.Substring(0, fakeReplacementIndex);
foreach (CompletionResult entry in ret)
string completionText = prefix + entry.CompletionText;
if (entry.ResultType.Equals(CompletionResultType.Property))
completionText += TokenKind.RParen.Text();
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, entry.ListItemText, entry.ResultType,
return result;
// Handle member completion with wildcard: echo $a.*<tab>
if (pathAst.Value.IndexOf('*') != -1 && secondToLastMemberAst != null &&
secondToLastMemberAst.Extent.EndLineNumber == pathAst.Extent.StartLineNumber &&
secondToLastMemberAst.Extent.EndColumnNumber == pathAst.Extent.StartColumnNumber)
var memberName = pathAst.Value.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal)
? pathAst.Value
: pathAst.Value + "*";
var targetExpr = secondToLastMemberAst.Expression;
if (IsSplattedVariable(targetExpr))
// It's splatted variable, and the member completion is not useful
return result;
var memberAst = secondToLastMemberAst.Member as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (memberAst != null)
memberName = memberAst.Value + memberName;
CompleteMemberHelper(false, memberName, targetExpr, context, result);
if (result.Count > 0)
context.ReplacementIndex =
((InternalScriptPosition)secondToLastMemberAst.Expression.Extent.EndScriptPosition).Offset + 1;
if (memberAst != null)
context.ReplacementLength += memberAst.Value.Length;
return result;
// Treat it as the file name completion
// Handle this scenario: & 'c:\a b'\<tab>
string fileName = pathAst.Value;
if (commandAst.InvocationOperator != TokenKind.Unknown && fileName.IndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.Directory) == 0 &&
commandAst.CommandElements.Count == 2 && commandAst.CommandElements[0] is StringConstantExpressionAst &&
commandAst.CommandElements[0].Extent.EndLineNumber == expressionAst.Extent.StartLineNumber &&
commandAst.CommandElements[0].Extent.EndColumnNumber == expressionAst.Extent.StartColumnNumber)
if (pseudoBinding != null)
// CommandElements[0] is resolved to a command
return result;
var constantAst = (StringConstantExpressionAst)commandAst.CommandElements[0];
fileName = constantAst.Value + fileName;
context.ReplacementIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)constantAst.Extent.StartScriptPosition).Offset;
context.ReplacementLength += ((InternalScriptPosition)constantAst.Extent.EndScriptPosition).Offset - context.ReplacementIndex;
context.WordToComplete = fileName;
// commandAst.InvocationOperator != TokenKind.Unknown, so we should use literal path
var clearLiteralPathKey = TurnOnLiteralPathOption(context);
return new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(context));
if (clearLiteralPathKey)
// The default argument completion: file path completion, command name completion('WordToComplete' is not empty and contains a dash).
// If the current argument completion has been process already, we don't go through the default argument completion anymore.
if (!hasBeenProcessed)
var commandName = commandAst.GetCommandName();
var customCompleter = GetCustomArgumentCompleter(
new[] { commandName, Path.GetFileName(commandName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(commandName) },
if (customCompleter != null)
if (InvokeScriptArgumentCompleter(
new object[] {context.WordToComplete, commandAst, context.CursorPosition.Offset },
return result;
var clearLiteralPathKey = false;
if (pseudoBinding == null)
// the command could be a native command such as notepad.exe, we use literal path in this case
clearLiteralPathKey = TurnOnLiteralPathOption(context);
result = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(context));
if (clearLiteralPathKey)
if (context.WordToComplete != string.Empty && context.WordToComplete.IndexOf('-') != -1)
// For argument completion, we don't want to complete against pseudo commands that only work in the script workflow.
// The way to avoid that is to pass in a CompletionContext with RelatedAst = null
var commandResults = CompleteCommand(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = context.WordToComplete, Helper = context.Helper });
if (commandResults != null)
return result;
internal static string ConcatenateStringPathArguments(CommandElementAst stringAst, string partialPath, CompletionContext completionContext)
var constantPathAst = stringAst as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (constantPathAst != null)
string quote = String.Empty;
switch (constantPathAst.StringConstantType)
case StringConstantType.SingleQuoted:
quote = "'";
case StringConstantType.DoubleQuoted:
quote = "\"";
return quote + constantPathAst.Value + partialPath + quote;
var expandablePathAst = stringAst as ExpandableStringExpressionAst;
string fullPath = null;
if (expandablePathAst != null &&
IsPathSafelyExpandable(expandableStringAst: expandablePathAst,
extraText: partialPath,
executionContext: completionContext.ExecutionContext,
expandedString: out fullPath))
return fullPath;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Get the argument completion results when the pseudo binding was not successful
/// </summary>
private static List<CompletionResult> GetArgumentCompletionResultsWithFailedPseudoBinding(
CompletionContext context,
ArgumentLocation argLocation,
CommandAst commandAst)
List<CompletionResult> result = new List<CompletionResult>();
PseudoBindingInfo bindingInfo = context.PseudoBindingInfo;
if (argLocation.IsPositional)
string paramName = argLocation.Argument.ParameterName;
WildcardPattern pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(paramName + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (MergedCompiledCommandParameter param in bindingInfo.UnboundParameters)
if (pattern.IsMatch(param.Parameter.Name))
ProcessParameter(bindingInfo.CommandName, commandAst, context, result, param);
bool isAliasMatch = false;
foreach (string alias in param.Parameter.Aliases)
if (pattern.IsMatch(alias))
isAliasMatch = true;
ProcessParameter(bindingInfo.CommandName, commandAst, context, result, param);
if (isAliasMatch)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Get the argument completion results when the pseudo binding was successful
/// </summary>
private static List<CompletionResult> GetArgumentCompletionResultsWithSuccessfulPseudoBinding(
CompletionContext context,
ArgumentLocation argLocation,
CommandAst commandAst)
PseudoBindingInfo bindingInfo = context.PseudoBindingInfo;
Diagnostics.Assert(bindingInfo.InfoType.Equals(PseudoBindingInfoType.PseudoBindingSucceed), "Caller needs to make sure the pseudo binding was successful");
List<CompletionResult> result = new List<CompletionResult>();
if (argLocation.IsPositional && argLocation.Argument == null)
AstPair lastPositionalArg;
AstParameterArgumentPair targetPositionalArg =
out lastPositionalArg);
if (targetPositionalArg != null)
argLocation.Argument = targetPositionalArg;
if (lastPositionalArg != null)
bool lastPositionalGetBound = false;
Collection<string> parameterNames = new Collection<string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> entry in bindingInfo.BoundArguments)
// positional argument
if (!entry.Value.ParameterSpecified)
var arg = (AstPair) entry.Value;
if (arg.Argument.GetHashCode() == lastPositionalArg.Argument.GetHashCode())
lastPositionalGetBound = true;
else if (entry.Value.ParameterArgumentType.Equals(AstParameterArgumentType.AstArray))
// check if the positional argument would be bound to a "ValueFromRemainingArgument" parameter
var arg = (AstArrayPair) entry.Value;
if (arg.Argument.Any(exp => exp.GetHashCode() == lastPositionalArg.Argument.GetHashCode()))
if (parameterNames.Count > 0)
// parameter should be in BoundParameters
foreach (string param in parameterNames)
MergedCompiledCommandParameter parameter = bindingInfo.BoundParameters[param];
ProcessParameter(bindingInfo.CommandName, commandAst, context, result, parameter, bindingInfo.BoundArguments);
return result;
else if (!lastPositionalGetBound)
// last positional argument was not bound, then positional argument 'tab' wants to
// expand will not get bound either
return result;
return result;
if (argLocation.Argument != null)
Collection<string> parameterNames = new Collection<string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> entry in bindingInfo.BoundArguments)
if (entry.Value.ParameterArgumentType.Equals(AstParameterArgumentType.PipeObject))
if (entry.Value.ParameterArgumentType.Equals(AstParameterArgumentType.AstArray) && !argLocation.Argument.ParameterSpecified)
var arrayArg = (AstArrayPair) entry.Value;
var target = (AstPair) argLocation.Argument;
if (arrayArg.Argument.Any(exp => exp.GetHashCode() == target.Argument.GetHashCode()))
else if (entry.Value.GetHashCode() == argLocation.Argument.GetHashCode())
if (parameterNames.Count > 0)
// those parameters should be in BoundParameters
foreach (string param in parameterNames)
MergedCompiledCommandParameter parameter = bindingInfo.BoundParameters[param];
ProcessParameter(bindingInfo.CommandName, commandAst, context, result, parameter, bindingInfo.BoundArguments);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Get the positional argument completion results based on the position it's in the command line
/// </summary>
private static void CompletePositionalArgument(
string commandName,
CommandAst commandAst,
CompletionContext context,
List<CompletionResult> result,
IEnumerable<MergedCompiledCommandParameter> parameters,
uint defaultParameterSetFlag,
uint validParameterSetFlags,
int position,
Dictionary<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> boundArguments = null)
bool isProcessedAsPositional = false;
bool isDefaultParameterSetValid = defaultParameterSetFlag != 0 &&
(defaultParameterSetFlag & validParameterSetFlags) != 0;
MergedCompiledCommandParameter positionalParam = null;
foreach (MergedCompiledCommandParameter param in parameters)
bool isInParameterSet = (param.Parameter.ParameterSetFlags & validParameterSetFlags) != 0 || param.Parameter.IsInAllSets;
if (!isInParameterSet)
var parameterSetDataCollection = param.Parameter.GetMatchingParameterSetData(validParameterSetFlags);
foreach (ParameterSetSpecificMetadata parameterSetData in parameterSetDataCollection)
// in the first pass, we skip the remaining argument ones
if (parameterSetData.ValueFromRemainingArguments)
// Check the position
int positionInParameterSet = parameterSetData.Position;
if (positionInParameterSet == int.MinValue || positionInParameterSet != position)
// The parameter is not positional, or its position is not what we want
if (isDefaultParameterSetValid)
if (parameterSetData.ParameterSetFlag == defaultParameterSetFlag)
ProcessParameter(commandName, commandAst, context, result, param, boundArguments);
isProcessedAsPositional = result.Any();
if (positionalParam == null)
positionalParam = param;
isProcessedAsPositional = true;
ProcessParameter(commandName, commandAst, context, result, param, boundArguments);
if (isProcessedAsPositional)
if (!isProcessedAsPositional && positionalParam != null)
isProcessedAsPositional = true;
ProcessParameter(commandName, commandAst, context, result, positionalParam, boundArguments);
if (! isProcessedAsPositional)
foreach (MergedCompiledCommandParameter param in parameters)
bool isInParameterSet = (param.Parameter.ParameterSetFlags & validParameterSetFlags) != 0 || param.Parameter.IsInAllSets;
if (!isInParameterSet)
var parameterSetDataCollection = param.Parameter.GetMatchingParameterSetData(validParameterSetFlags);
foreach (ParameterSetSpecificMetadata parameterSetData in parameterSetDataCollection)
// in the second pass, we check the remaining argument ones
if (parameterSetData.ValueFromRemainingArguments)
ProcessParameter(commandName, commandAst, context, result, param, boundArguments);
/// <summary>
/// Process a parameter to get the argument completion results
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the argument completion falls into these pre-defined cases:
/// 1. The matching parameter is of type Enum
/// 2. The matching parameter is of type SwitchParameter
/// 3. The matching parameter is declared with ValidateSetAttribute
/// 4. Falls into the native command argument completion
/// a null instance of CompletionResult is added to the end of the
/// "result" list, to indicate that this particular argument completion
/// has been processed already. If the "result" list is still empty, we
/// will not go through the default argument completion steps anymore.
/// </remarks>
private static void ProcessParameter(
string commandName,
CommandAst commandAst,
CompletionContext context,
List<CompletionResult> result,
MergedCompiledCommandParameter parameter,
Dictionary<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> boundArguments = null)
CompletionResult fullMatch = null;
Type parameterType = GetEffectiveParameterType(parameter.Parameter.Type);
if (parameterType.IsArray)
parameterType = parameterType.GetElementType();
if (parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
string enumString = LanguagePrimitives.EnumSingleTypeConverter.EnumValues(parameterType);
string separator = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator;
string[] enumArray = enumString.Split(new string[] {separator}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
string quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var enumList = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in enumArray)
if (wordToComplete.Equals(value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string completionText = quote == string.Empty ? value : quote + value + quote;
fullMatch = new CompletionResult(completionText, value, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, value);
if (pattern.IsMatch(value))
if (fullMatch != null)
result.AddRange(from entry in enumList
let completionText = quote == string.Empty ? entry : quote + entry + quote
select new CompletionResult(completionText, entry, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, entry));
if (parameterType.Equals(typeof(SwitchParameter)))
if (context.WordToComplete == string.Empty || context.WordToComplete.Equals("$", StringComparison.Ordinal))
result.Add(new CompletionResult("$true", "$true", CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, "$true"));
result.Add(new CompletionResult("$false", "$false", CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, "$false"));
foreach (ValidateArgumentsAttribute att in parameter.Parameter.ValidationAttributes)
if (att is ValidateSetAttribute)
var setAtt = (ValidateSetAttribute)att;
string wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
string quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var setList = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in setAtt.ValidValues)
if (wordToComplete.Equals(value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string completionText = quote == string.Empty ? value : quote + value + quote;
fullMatch = new CompletionResult(completionText, value, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, value);
if (pattern.IsMatch(value))
if (fullMatch != null)
foreach (string entry in setList)
string realEntry = entry;
string completionText = entry;
if (quote == string.Empty)
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(entry, false))
realEntry = CodeGeneration.EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent(entry);
completionText = "'" + realEntry + "'";
if (quote.Equals("'", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
realEntry = CodeGeneration.EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent(entry);
completionText = quote + realEntry + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, entry, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, entry));
NativeCommandArgumentCompletion(commandName, parameter.Parameter, result, commandAst, context, boundArguments);
private static IEnumerable<PSTypeName> NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_InferTypesOfArugment(
Dictionary<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> boundArguments,
CommandAst commandAst,
CompletionContext context,
string parameterName)
if (boundArguments == null)
yield break;
AstParameterArgumentPair astParameterArgumentPair;
if (!boundArguments.TryGetValue(parameterName, out astParameterArgumentPair))
yield break;
Ast argumentAst = null;
switch (astParameterArgumentPair.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstPair:
AstPair astPair = (AstPair) astParameterArgumentPair;
argumentAst = astPair.Argument;
case AstParameterArgumentType.PipeObject:
var pipelineAst = commandAst.Parent as PipelineAst;
if (pipelineAst != null)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pipelineAst.PipelineElements.Count; i++)
if (pipelineAst.PipelineElements[i] == commandAst)
if (i != 0)
argumentAst = pipelineAst.PipelineElements[i - 1];
if (argumentAst == null)
yield break;
ExpressionAst argumentExpressionAst = argumentAst as ExpressionAst;
if (argumentExpressionAst == null)
CommandExpressionAst argumentCommandExpressionAst = argumentAst as CommandExpressionAst;
if (argumentCommandExpressionAst != null)
argumentExpressionAst = argumentCommandExpressionAst.Expression;
object argumentValue;
if (argumentExpressionAst != null && SafeExprEvaluator.TrySafeEval(argumentExpressionAst, context.ExecutionContext, out argumentValue))
if (argumentValue != null)
IEnumerable enumerable = LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerable(argumentValue);
if (enumerable == null)
enumerable = new object[] {argumentValue};
foreach (var element in enumerable)
if (element == null)
PSObject pso = PSObject.AsPSObject(element);
if ((pso.TypeNames.Count > 0) && (!(pso.TypeNames[0].Equals(pso.BaseObject.GetType().FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
yield return new PSTypeName(pso.TypeNames[0]);
if (!(pso.BaseObject is PSCustomObject))
yield return new PSTypeName(pso.BaseObject.GetType());
yield break;
foreach (PSTypeName typeName in argumentAst.GetInferredType(context))
yield return typeName;
internal static IList<string> NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_ExtractSecondaryArgument(
Dictionary<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> boundArguments,
string parameterName)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
if (boundArguments == null)
return result;
AstParameterArgumentPair argumentValue;
if (!boundArguments.TryGetValue(parameterName, out argumentValue))
return result;
switch (argumentValue.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstPair:
var value = (AstPair)argumentValue;
if (value.Argument is StringConstantExpressionAst)
var argument = (StringConstantExpressionAst) value.Argument;
else if (value.Argument is ArrayLiteralAst)
var argument = (ArrayLiteralAst) value.Argument;
foreach (ExpressionAst entry in argument.Elements)
var entryAsString = entry as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (entryAsString != null)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstArray:
var value = (AstArrayPair)argumentValue;
var argument = value.Argument;
foreach (ExpressionAst entry in argument)
var entryAsString = entry as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (entryAsString != null)
return result;
private static void NativeCommandArgumentCompletion(
string commandName,
CompiledCommandParameter parameter,
List<CompletionResult> result,
CommandAst commandAst,
CompletionContext context,
Dictionary<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> boundArguments = null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandName))
var parameterName = parameter.Name;
var customCompleter = GetCustomArgumentCompleter(
new [] { commandName + ":" + parameterName, parameterName},
if (customCompleter != null)
if (InvokeScriptArgumentCompleter(
commandName, parameterName, context.WordToComplete, commandAst, context,
var argumentCompleterAttribute = parameter.CompiledAttributes.OfType<ArgumentCompleterAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (argumentCompleterAttribute != null)
if (argumentCompleterAttribute.Type != null)
var completer = Activator.CreateInstance(argumentCompleterAttribute.Type) as IArgumentCompleter;
if (completer != null)
var customResults = completer.CompleteArgument(commandName, parameterName,
context.WordToComplete, commandAst, GetBoundArgumentsAsHashtable(context));
if (customResults != null)
if (InvokeScriptArgumentCompleter(
commandName, parameterName, context.WordToComplete, commandAst, context,
catch (Exception e)
switch (commandName)
case "Get-Command":
if (parameterName.Equals("Module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionGetCommand(context.WordToComplete, null, parameterName, result, context);
if (parameterName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var moduleNames = NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_ExtractSecondaryArgument(boundArguments, "Module");
if (moduleNames.Count > 0)
foreach (string module in moduleNames)
NativeCompletionGetCommand(context.WordToComplete, module, parameterName, result, context);
NativeCompletionGetCommand(context.WordToComplete, null, parameterName, result, context);
if (parameterName.Equals("ParameterType", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionTypeName(context, result);
case "Show-Command":
NativeCompletionGetHelpCommand(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, false, result, context);
case "help":
case "Get-Help":
NativeCompletionGetHelpCommand(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, true, result, context);
case "Invoke-Expression":
if (parameterName.Equals("Command", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// For argument completion, we don't want to complete against pseudo commands that only work in the script workflow.
// The way to avoid that is to pass in a CompletionContext with RelatedAst = null
var commandResults = CompleteCommand(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = context.WordToComplete, Helper = context.Helper });
if (commandResults != null)
case "Clear-EventLog":
case "Get-EventLog":
case "Limit-EventLog":
case "Remove-EventLog":
case "Write-EventLog":
NativeCompletionEventLogCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-Job":
case "Receive-Job":
case "Remove-Job":
case "Stop-Job":
case "Wait-Job":
case "Suspend-Job":
case "Resume-Job":
NativeCompletionJobCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Disable-ScheduledJob":
case "Enable-ScheduledJob":
case "Get-ScheduledJob":
case "Unregister-ScheduledJob":
NativeCompletionScheduledJobCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-Module":
bool loadedModulesOnly = boundArguments == null || !boundArguments.ContainsKey("ListAvailable");
NativeCompletionModuleCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, loadedModulesOnly, false, result, context);
case "Remove-Module":
NativeCompletionModuleCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, true, false, result, context);
case "Import-Module":
NativeCompletionModuleCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, false, true, result, context);
case "Debug-Process":
case "Get-Process":
case "Stop-Process":
case "Wait-Process":
case "Enter-PSHostProcess":
NativeCompletionProcessCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-PSDrive":
case "Remove-PSDrive":
if (parameterName.Equals("PSProvider", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionProviderCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
else if (parameterName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var psProviders = NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_ExtractSecondaryArgument(boundArguments, "PSProvider");
if (psProviders.Count > 0)
foreach (string psProvider in psProviders)
NativeCompletionDriveCommands(context.WordToComplete, psProvider, parameterName, result, context);
NativeCompletionDriveCommands(context.WordToComplete, null, parameterName, result, context);
case "New-PSDrive":
NativeCompletionProviderCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-PSProvider":
NativeCompletionProviderCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-Service":
case "Start-Service":
case "Restart-Service":
case "Resume-Service":
case "Set-Service":
case "Stop-Service":
case "Suspend-Service":
NativeCompletionServiceCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Clear-Variable":
case "Get-Variable":
case "Remove-Variable":
case "Set-Variable":
NativeCompletionVariableCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-Alias":
NativeCompletionAliasCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Get-TraceSource":
case "Set-TraceSource":
case "Trace-Command":
NativeCompletionTraceSourceCommands(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Push-Location":
case "Set-Location":
NativeCompletionSetLocationCommand(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "Move-Item":
case "Copy-Item":
NativeCompletionCopyMoveItemCommand(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "New-Item":
NativeCompletionNewItemCommand(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
case "ForEach-Object":
if (parameterName.Equals("MemberName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionMemberName(context.WordToComplete, result, commandAst, context);
case "Group-Object":
case "Measure-Object":
case "Select-Object":
case "Sort-Object":
case "Where-Object":
case "Format-Custom":
case "Format-List":
case "Format-Table":
case "Format-Wide":
if (parameterName.Equals("Property", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionMemberName(context.WordToComplete, result, commandAst, context);
case "New-Object":
if (parameterName.Equals("TypeName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionTypeName(context, result);
case "Get-CimClass":
case "Get-CimInstance":
case "Get-CimAssociatedInstance":
case "Invoke-CimMethod":
case "New-CimInstance":
case "Register-CimIndicationEvent":
NativeCompletionCimCommands(parameterName, boundArguments, result, commandAst, context);
NativeCompletionPathArgument(context.WordToComplete, parameterName, result, context);
private static Hashtable GetBoundArgumentsAsHashtable(CompletionContext context)
var result = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (context.PseudoBindingInfo != null)
var boundArguments = context.PseudoBindingInfo.BoundArguments;
if (boundArguments != null)
foreach (var boundArgument in boundArguments)
var astPair = boundArgument.Value as AstPair;
if (astPair != null)
var parameterAst = astPair.Argument as CommandParameterAst;
var exprAst = parameterAst != null
? parameterAst.Argument
: astPair.Argument as ExpressionAst;
object value;
if (exprAst != null && SafeExprEvaluator.TrySafeEval(exprAst, context.ExecutionContext, out value))
result[boundArgument.Key] = value;
var switchPair = boundArgument.Value as SwitchPair;
if (switchPair != null)
result[boundArgument.Key] = switchPair.Argument;
// Ignored:
// AstArrayPair - only used for ValueFromRemainingArguments, not that useful for tab completion
// FakePair - missing argument, not that useful
// PipeObjectPair - no actual argument, makes for a poor api
return result;
private static ScriptBlock GetCustomArgumentCompleter(
string optionKey,
IEnumerable<string> keys,
CompletionContext context)
ScriptBlock scriptBlock;
var options = context.Options;
if (options != null)
var customCompleters = options[optionKey] as Hashtable;
if (customCompleters != null)
foreach (var key in keys)
if (customCompleters.ContainsKey(key))
scriptBlock = customCompleters[key] as ScriptBlock;
if (scriptBlock != null)
return scriptBlock;
var registeredCompleters = optionKey.Equals("NativeArgumentCompleters", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
? context.NativeArgumentCompleters
: context.CustomArgumentCompleters;
if (registeredCompleters != null)
foreach (var key in keys)
if (registeredCompleters.TryGetValue(key, out scriptBlock))
return scriptBlock;
return null;
private static bool InvokeScriptArgumentCompleter(
ScriptBlock scriptBlock,
string commandName,
string parameterName,
string wordToComplete,
CommandAst commandAst,
CompletionContext context,
List<CompletionResult> resultList)
bool result = InvokeScriptArgumentCompleter(
new object[] {commandName, parameterName, wordToComplete, commandAst, GetBoundArgumentsAsHashtable(context)},
if (result)
return result;
private static bool InvokeScriptArgumentCompleter(
ScriptBlock scriptBlock,
object[] argumentsToCompleter,
List<CompletionResult> result)
Collection<PSObject> customResults = null;
customResults = scriptBlock.Invoke(argumentsToCompleter);
catch (Exception e)
if (customResults == null || !customResults.Any())
return false;
foreach (var customResult in customResults)
var resultAsCompletion = customResult.BaseObject as CompletionResult;
if (resultAsCompletion != null)
var resultAsString = customResult.ToString();
result.Add(new CompletionResult(resultAsString));
return true;
// All the methods for native command argument completion will add a null instance of the type CompletionResult to the end of the
// "result" list, to indicate that this particular argument completion has fallen into one of the native command argument completion methods,
// and has been processed already. So if the "result" list is still empty afterward, we will not go through the default argument completion anymore.
#region Native Command Argument Completion
private static void RemoveLastNullCompletionResult(List<CompletionResult> result)
if (result.Count > 0 && result[result.Count - 1].Equals(CompletionResult.Null))
result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
private static bool NativeCompletionCimCommands_ParseTypeName(PSTypeName typename, out string cimNamespace, out string className)
cimNamespace = null;
className = null;
if (typename == null)
return false;
if (typename.Type != null)
return false;
var match = Regex.Match(typename.Name, "(?<NetTypeName>.*)#(?<CimNamespace>.*)[/\\\\](?<CimClassName>.*)");
if (!match.Success)
return false;
if (!match.Groups["NetTypeName"].Value.Equals(typeof (CimInstance).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
cimNamespace = match.Groups["CimNamespace"].Value;
className = match.Groups["CimClassName"].Value;
return true;
private static void NativeCompletionCimCommands(
string parameter,
Dictionary<string, AstParameterArgumentPair> boundArguments,
List<CompletionResult> result,
CommandAst commandAst,
CompletionContext context)
if (boundArguments != null)
AstParameterArgumentPair astParameterArgumentPair;
if ((boundArguments.TryGetValue("ComputerName", out astParameterArgumentPair)
|| boundArguments.TryGetValue("CimSession", out astParameterArgumentPair))
&& astParameterArgumentPair != null)
switch (astParameterArgumentPair.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.PipeObject:
case AstParameterArgumentType.Fake:
return; // we won't tab-complete remote class names
if (parameter.Equals("Namespace", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionCimNamespace(result, context);
string pseudoboundCimNamespace = NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_ExtractSecondaryArgument(boundArguments, "Namespace").FirstOrDefault();
if (parameter.Equals("ClassName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionCimClassName(pseudoboundCimNamespace, result, context);
bool gotInstance = false;
IEnumerable<PSTypeName> cimClassTypeNames = null;
string pseudoboundClassName = NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_ExtractSecondaryArgument(boundArguments, "ClassName").FirstOrDefault();
if (pseudoboundClassName != null)
gotInstance = false;
var tmp = new List<PSTypeName>();
tmp.Add(new PSTypeName(typeof(CimInstance).FullName + "#" + (pseudoboundCimNamespace ?? "root/cimv2") + "/" + pseudoboundClassName));
cimClassTypeNames = tmp;
else if (boundArguments != null && boundArguments.ContainsKey("InputObject"))
gotInstance = true;
cimClassTypeNames = NativeCommandArgumentCompletion_InferTypesOfArugment(boundArguments, commandAst, context, "InputObject");
if (cimClassTypeNames != null)
foreach (PSTypeName typeName in cimClassTypeNames)
if (NativeCompletionCimCommands_ParseTypeName(typeName, out pseudoboundCimNamespace, out pseudoboundClassName))
if (parameter.Equals("ResultClassName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionCimAssociationResultClassName(pseudoboundCimNamespace, pseudoboundClassName, result, context);
else if (parameter.Equals("MethodName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionCimMethodName(pseudoboundCimNamespace, pseudoboundClassName, !gotInstance, result, context);
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> cimNamespaceAndClassNameToAssociationResultClassNames =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static IEnumerable<string> NativeCompletionCimAssociationResultClassName_GetResultClassNames(
string cimNamespaceOfSource,
string cimClassNameOfSource)
StringBuilder safeClassName = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char c in cimClassNameOfSource)
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_')
List<string> resultClassNames = new List<string>();
using (var cimSession = CimSession.Create(null))
CimClass cimClass = cimSession.GetClass(cimNamespaceOfSource ?? "root/cimv2", cimClassNameOfSource);
while (cimClass != null)
string query = string.Format(
"associators of {{{0}}} WHERE SchemaOnly",
cimSession.QueryInstances(cimNamespaceOfSource ?? "root/cimv2", "WQL", query)
.Select(associationInstance => associationInstance.CimSystemProperties.ClassName));
cimClass = cimClass.CimSuperClass;
return resultClassNames.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList();
private static void NativeCompletionCimAssociationResultClassName(
string pseudoboundNamespace,
string pseudoboundClassName,
List<CompletionResult> result,
CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pseudoboundClassName))
IEnumerable<string> resultClassNames = cimNamespaceAndClassNameToAssociationResultClassNames.GetOrAdd(
(pseudoboundNamespace ?? "root/cimv2") + ":" + pseudoboundClassName,
_ => NativeCompletionCimAssociationResultClassName_GetResultClassNames(pseudoboundNamespace, pseudoboundClassName));
WildcardPattern resultClassNamePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(context.WordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase | WildcardOptions.CultureInvariant);
.Select(x => new CompletionResult(x, x, CompletionResultType.Type, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} -> {1}", pseudoboundClassName, x))));
private static void NativeCompletionCimMethodName(
string pseudoboundNamespace,
string pseudoboundClassName,
bool staticMethod,
List<CompletionResult> result,
CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pseudoboundClassName))
CimClass cimClass;
using (var cimSession = CimSession.Create(null))
cimClass = cimSession.GetClass(pseudoboundNamespace ?? "root/cimv2", pseudoboundClassName);
WildcardPattern methodNamePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(context.WordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.CultureInvariant | WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
List<CompletionResult> localResults = new List<CompletionResult>();
foreach (CimMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration in cimClass.CimClassMethods)
string methodName = methodDeclaration.Name;
if (!methodNamePattern.IsMatch(methodName))
bool currentMethodIsStatic = methodDeclaration.Qualifiers.Any(q => q.Name.Equals("Static", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if ((currentMethodIsStatic && !staticMethod) || (!currentMethodIsStatic && staticMethod))
StringBuilder tooltipText = new StringBuilder();
bool gotFirstParameter = false;
foreach (var methodParameter in methodDeclaration.Parameters)
bool outParameter = methodParameter.Qualifiers.Any(q => q.Name.Equals("Out", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (!gotFirstParameter)
gotFirstParameter = true;
tooltipText.Append(", ");
if (outParameter)
tooltipText.Append("[out] ");
tooltipText.Append(" ");
if (outParameter)
localResults.Add(new CompletionResult(methodName, methodName, CompletionResultType.Method, tooltipText.ToString()));
result.AddRange(localResults.OrderBy(x => x.ListItemText, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> cimNamespaceToClassNames =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static IEnumerable<string> NativeCompletionCimClassName_GetClassNames(string targetNamespace)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
using (CimSession cimSession = CimSession.Create(null))
using (var operationOptions = new CimOperationOptions {ClassNamesOnly = true})
foreach (CimClass cimClass in cimSession.EnumerateClasses(targetNamespace, null, operationOptions))
using (cimClass)
string className = cimClass.CimSystemProperties.ClassName;
return result;
private static void NativeCompletionCimClassName(
string pseudoBoundNamespace,
List<CompletionResult> result,
CompletionContext context)
string targetNamespace = pseudoBoundNamespace ?? "root/cimv2";
List<string> regularClasses = new List<string>();
List<string> systemClasses = new List<string>();
IEnumerable<string> allClasses = cimNamespaceToClassNames.GetOrAdd(
WildcardPattern classNamePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(context.WordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.CultureInvariant | WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (string className in allClasses)
if (context.Helper.CancelTabCompletion)
if (!classNamePattern.IsMatch(className))
if (className.Length > 0 && className[0] == '_')
.Select(className => new CompletionResult(className, className, CompletionResultType.Type, targetNamespace + ":" + className)));
private static void NativeCompletionCimNamespace(
List<CompletionResult> result,
CompletionContext context)
string containerNamespace = "root";
string prefixOfChildNamespace = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.WordToComplete))
int lastSlashOrBackslash = context.WordToComplete.LastIndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.Directory);
if (lastSlashOrBackslash != (-1))
containerNamespace = context.WordToComplete.Substring(0, lastSlashOrBackslash);
prefixOfChildNamespace = context.WordToComplete.Substring(lastSlashOrBackslash + 1);
List<CompletionResult> namespaceResults = new List<CompletionResult>();
WildcardPattern childNamespacePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(prefixOfChildNamespace + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase | WildcardOptions.CultureInvariant);
using (CimSession cimSession = CimSession.Create(null))
foreach (CimInstance namespaceInstance in cimSession.EnumerateInstances(containerNamespace, "__Namespace"))
using (namespaceInstance)
if (context.Helper.CancelTabCompletion)
CimProperty namespaceNameProperty = namespaceInstance.CimInstanceProperties["Name"];
if (namespaceNameProperty == null)
string childNamespace = namespaceNameProperty.Value as string;
if (childNamespace == null)
if (!childNamespacePattern.IsMatch(childNamespace))
namespaceResults.Add(new CompletionResult(
containerNamespace + "/" + childNamespace,
containerNamespace + "/" + childNamespace));
result.AddRange(namespaceResults.OrderBy(x => x.ListItemText, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private static void NativeCompletionGetCommand(string commandName, string moduleName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) && paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Available commands
var commandResults = CompleteCommand(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, moduleName);
if (commandResults != null)
// Consider files only if the -Module parameter is not present
if (moduleName == null)
// ps1 files and directories. We only complete the files with .ps1 extension for Get-Command, because the -Syntax
// may only works on files with .ps1 extension
var ps1Extension = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { StringLiterals.PowerShellScriptFileExtension };
var moduleFilesResults = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, false, ps1Extension));
if (moduleFilesResults.Count > 0)
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) && paramName.Equals("Module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var modules = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var moduleResults = CompleteModuleName(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, true);
if (moduleResults != null)
foreach (CompletionResult moduleResult in moduleResults)
if (!modules.Contains(moduleResult.ToolTip))
moduleResults = CompleteModuleName(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, false);
if (moduleResults != null)
foreach (CompletionResult moduleResult in moduleResults)
if (!modules.Contains(moduleResult.ToolTip))
private static void NativeCompletionGetHelpCommand(string commandName, string paramName, bool isHelpRelated, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) && paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Available commands
const CommandTypes commandTypes = CommandTypes.Cmdlet | CommandTypes.Function | CommandTypes.Alias | CommandTypes.ExternalScript | CommandTypes.Workflow | CommandTypes.Configuration;
var commandResults = CompleteCommand(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, null, commandTypes);
if (commandResults != null)
// ps1 files and directories
var ps1Extension = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { StringLiterals.PowerShellScriptFileExtension };
var fileResults = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, false, ps1Extension));
if (fileResults.Count > 0)
if (isHelpRelated)
// Available topics
var helpTopicResults = CompleteHelpTopics(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper });
if (helpTopicResults != null)
private static void NativeCompletionEventLogCommands(string logName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) && paramName.Equals("LogName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
logName = logName ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref logName);
if (!logName.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
logName += "*";
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(logName, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-EventLog").AddParameter("LogName", "*");
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects != null)
foreach (dynamic eventLog in psObjects)
var completionText = eventLog.Log.ToString();
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
if (pattern.IsMatch(listItemText))
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionJobCommands(string wordToComplete, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!wordToComplete.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
wordToComplete += "*";
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-Job", typeof(GetJobCommand)).AddParameter("Name", wordToComplete);
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-Job", typeof(GetJobCommand)).AddParameter("IncludeChildJob", true);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects == null)
if (paramName.Equals("Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach (dynamic psJob in psObjects)
var completionText = psJob.Id.ToString();
if (pattern.IsMatch(completionText))
var listItemText = completionText;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
else if (paramName.Equals("InstanceId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach (dynamic psJob in psObjects)
var completionText = psJob.InstanceId.ToString();
if (pattern.IsMatch(completionText))
var listItemText = completionText;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
else if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach (dynamic psJob in psObjects)
var completionText = psJob.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionScheduledJobCommands(string wordToComplete, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!wordToComplete.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
wordToComplete += "*";
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "PSScheduledJob\\Get-ScheduledJob").AddParameter("Name", wordToComplete);
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "PSScheduledJob\\Get-ScheduledJob");
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects == null)
if (paramName.Equals("Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach (dynamic psJob in psObjects)
var completionText = psJob.Id.ToString();
if (pattern.IsMatch(completionText))
var listItemText = completionText;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
else if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach (dynamic psJob in psObjects)
var completionText = psJob.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionModuleCommands(string assemblyOrModuleName, string paramName, bool loadedModulesOnly, bool isImportModule, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (isImportModule)
var moduleExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ StringLiterals.PowerShellScriptFileExtension,
var moduleFilesResults = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = assemblyOrModuleName, Helper = context.Helper }, false, moduleExtensions));
if (moduleFilesResults.Count > 0)
if (assemblyOrModuleName.IndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.DirectoryOrDrive) != -1)
// The partial input is a path, then we don't iterate modules under $ENV:PSModulePath
var moduleResults = CompleteModuleName(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = assemblyOrModuleName, Helper = context.Helper }, loadedModulesOnly);
if (moduleResults != null && moduleResults.Count > 0)
else if (paramName.Equals("Assembly", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var moduleExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { ".dll" };
var moduleFilesResults = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = assemblyOrModuleName, Helper = context.Helper }, false, moduleExtensions));
if (moduleFilesResults.Count > 0)
private static void NativeCompletionProcessCommands(string wordToComplete, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!wordToComplete.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
wordToComplete += "*";
if (paramName.Equals("Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Process");
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Process").AddParameter("Name", wordToComplete);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects == null)
if (paramName.Equals("Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (dynamic process in psObjects)
var completionText = process.Id.ToString();
if (pattern.IsMatch(completionText))
var listItemText = completionText;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
else if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var uniqueSet = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (dynamic process in psObjects)
var completionText = process.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (uniqueSet.Contains(completionText))
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionProviderCommands(string providerName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) || !paramName.Equals("PSProvider", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
providerName = providerName ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref providerName);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!providerName.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
providerName += "*";
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-PSProvider").AddParameter("PSProvider", providerName);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects == null)
foreach (dynamic providerInfo in psObjects)
var completionText = providerInfo.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionDriveCommands(string wordToComplete, string psProvider, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) || !paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!wordToComplete.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
wordToComplete += "*";
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-PSDrive").AddParameter("Name", wordToComplete);
if (psProvider != null)
powershell.AddParameter("PSProvider", psProvider);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects != null)
foreach (dynamic driveInfo in psObjects)
var completionText = driveInfo.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionServiceCommands(string wordToComplete, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!wordToComplete.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
wordToComplete += "*";
Exception exceptionThrown;
if (paramName.Equals("DisplayName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Service")
.AddParameter("DisplayName", wordToComplete);
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Sort-Object")
.AddParameter("Property", "DisplayName");
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects != null)
foreach (dynamic serviceInfo in psObjects)
var completionText = serviceInfo.DisplayName;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
else if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Service").AddParameter("Name", wordToComplete);
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects != null)
foreach (dynamic serviceInfo in psObjects)
var completionText = serviceInfo.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionVariableCommands(string variableName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) || !paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
variableName = variableName ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref variableName);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!variableName.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
variableName += "*";
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Get-Variable").AddParameter("Name", variableName);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects == null)
foreach (dynamic variable in psObjects)
var effectiveQuote = quote;
var completionText = variable.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
// Handle special characters ? and * in variable names
if (completionText.IndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.StarOrQuestion) != -1)
effectiveQuote = "'";
completionText = completionText.Replace("?", "`?");
completionText = completionText.Replace("*", "`*");
if (!completionText.Equals("$", StringComparison.Ordinal) && CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = effectiveQuote == string.Empty ? "'" : effectiveQuote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = effectiveQuote + completionText + effectiveQuote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionAliasCommands(string commandName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) ||
(!paramName.Equals("Definition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
if (paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
commandName = commandName ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref commandName);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!commandName.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
commandName += "*";
Exception exceptionThrown;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Get-Alias").AddParameter("Name", commandName);
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects != null)
foreach (dynamic aliasInfo in psObjects)
var completionText = aliasInfo.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
// Complete for the parameter Definition
// Available commands
const CommandTypes commandTypes = CommandTypes.Cmdlet | CommandTypes.Function | CommandTypes.ExternalScript | CommandTypes.Workflow | CommandTypes.Configuration;
var commandResults = CompleteCommand(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }, null, commandTypes);
if (commandResults != null && commandResults.Count > 0)
// The parameter Definition takes a file
var fileResults = new List<CompletionResult>(CompleteFilename(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = commandName, Helper = context.Helper }));
if (fileResults.Count > 0)
private static void NativeCompletionTraceSourceCommands(string traceSourceName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) || !paramName.Equals("Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
traceSourceName = traceSourceName ?? string.Empty;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref traceSourceName);
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
if (!traceSourceName.EndsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
traceSourceName += "*";
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Get-TraceSource").AddParameter("Name", traceSourceName);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psObjects = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psObjects == null)
foreach (dynamic trace in psObjects)
var completionText = trace.Name;
var listItemText = completionText;
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, false))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
result.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.ParameterValue, listItemText));
private static void NativeCompletionSetLocationCommand(string dirName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) ||
(!paramName.Equals("Path", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!paramName.Equals("LiteralPath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
context.WordToComplete = dirName ?? string.Empty;
var clearLiteralPath = false;
if (paramName.Equals("LiteralPath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
clearLiteralPath = TurnOnLiteralPathOption(context);
var fileNameResults = CompleteFilename(context, true, null);
if (fileNameResults != null)
if (clearLiteralPath)
/// <summary>
/// Provides completion results for NewItemCommand
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemTypeToComplete">The item provided by user for completion.</param>
/// <param name="paramName">Name of the parameter whose value needs completion.</param>
/// <param name="result">List of completion suggestions.</param>
/// <param name="context">Completion context.</param>
private static void NativeCompletionNewItemCommand(string itemTypeToComplete, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
var executionContext = powershell.GetContextFromTLS();
var boundArgs = GetBoundArgumentsAsHashtable(context);
var providedPath = boundArgs["Path"] as string ?? executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path;
ProviderInfo provider;
executionContext.LocationGlobber.GetProviderPath(providedPath, out provider);
var isFileSystem = provider != null &&
provider.Name.Equals(FileSystemProvider.ProviderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
//AutoComplete only if filesystem provider.
if (isFileSystem)
if (paramName.Equals("ItemType", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTypeToComplete))
WildcardPattern patternEvaluator = WildcardPattern.Get(itemTypeToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (patternEvaluator.IsMatch("file"))
result.Add(new CompletionResult("File"));
else if (patternEvaluator.IsMatch("directory"))
result.Add(new CompletionResult("Directory"));
else if (patternEvaluator.IsMatch("symboliclink"))
result.Add(new CompletionResult("SymbolicLink"));
else if (patternEvaluator.IsMatch("junction"))
result.Add(new CompletionResult("Junction"));
else if (patternEvaluator.IsMatch("hardlink"))
result.Add(new CompletionResult("HardLink"));
result.Add(new CompletionResult("File"));
result.Add(new CompletionResult("Directory"));
result.Add(new CompletionResult("SymbolicLink"));
result.Add(new CompletionResult("Junction"));
result.Add(new CompletionResult("HardLink"));
private static void NativeCompletionCopyMoveItemCommand(string pathName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName))
if (paramName.Equals("LiteralPath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || paramName.Equals("Path", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
NativeCompletionPathArgument(pathName, paramName, result, context);
else if (paramName.Equals("Destination", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// The parameter Destination for Move-Item and Copy-Item takes literal path
context.WordToComplete = pathName ?? string.Empty;
var clearLiteralPath = TurnOnLiteralPathOption(context);
var fileNameResults = CompleteFilename(context);
if (fileNameResults != null)
if (clearLiteralPath)
private static void NativeCompletionPathArgument(string pathName, string paramName, List<CompletionResult> result, CompletionContext context)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName) ||
(!paramName.Equals("LiteralPath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
(!paramName.Equals("Path", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
(!paramName.Equals("FilePath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
context.WordToComplete = pathName ?? string.Empty;
var clearLiteralPath = false;
if (paramName.Equals("LiteralPath", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
clearLiteralPath = TurnOnLiteralPathOption(context);
var fileNameResults = CompleteFilename(context);
if (fileNameResults != null)
if (clearLiteralPath)
private static void NativeCompletionMemberName(string wordToComplete, List<CompletionResult> result, CommandAst commandAst, CompletionContext context)
// Command is something like where-object/foreach-object/format-list/etc. where there is a parameter that is a property name
// and we want member names based on the input object, which is either the parameter InputObject, or comes from the pipeline.
var pipelineAst = commandAst.Parent as PipelineAst;
if (pipelineAst == null)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pipelineAst.PipelineElements.Count; i++)
if (pipelineAst.PipelineElements[i] == commandAst)
IEnumerable<PSTypeName> prevType = null;
if (i == 0)
AstParameterArgumentPair pair;
if (!context.PseudoBindingInfo.BoundArguments.TryGetValue("InputObject", out pair)
|| !pair.ArgumentSpecified)
var astPair = pair as AstPair;
if (astPair == null || astPair.Argument == null)
prevType = astPair.Argument.GetInferredType(context);
prevType = pipelineAst.PipelineElements[i - 1].GetInferredType(context);
CompleteMemberByInferredType(context, prevType, result, wordToComplete + "*", filter: IsPropertyMember, isStatic: false);
private static void NativeCompletionTypeName(CompletionContext context, List<CompletionResult> result)
var wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
var isQuoted = wordToComplete.Length > 0 && (wordToComplete[0].IsSingleQuote() || wordToComplete[0].IsDoubleQuote());
string prefix = "";
string suffix = "";
if (isQuoted)
prefix = suffix = wordToComplete.Substring(0, 1);
var endQuoted = (wordToComplete.Length > 1) && wordToComplete[wordToComplete.Length - 1] == wordToComplete[0];
wordToComplete = wordToComplete.Substring(1, wordToComplete.Length - (endQuoted ? 2 : 1));
if (wordToComplete.IndexOf('[') != -1)
var cursor = (InternalScriptPosition)context.CursorPosition;
cursor = cursor.CloneWithNewOffset(cursor.Offset - context.TokenAtCursor.Extent.StartOffset - (isQuoted ? 1 : 0));
var fullTypeName = Parser.ScanType(wordToComplete, ignoreErrors: true);
var typeNameToComplete = CompletionAnalysis.FindTypeNameToComplete(fullTypeName, cursor);
if (typeNameToComplete == null)
var openBrackets = 0;
var closeBrackets = 0;
foreach (char c in wordToComplete)
if (c == '[') openBrackets += 1;
else if (c == ']') closeBrackets += 1;
wordToComplete = typeNameToComplete.FullName;
var typeNameText = fullTypeName.Extent.Text;
if (!isQuoted)
// We need to add quotes - the square bracket messes up parsing the argument
prefix = suffix = "'";
if (closeBrackets < openBrackets)
suffix = suffix.Insert(0, new string(']', (openBrackets - closeBrackets)));
if (isQuoted && closeBrackets == openBrackets)
// Already quoted, and has matching []. We can give a better Intellisense experience
// if we only replace the minimum.
context.ReplacementIndex = typeNameToComplete.Extent.StartOffset + context.TokenAtCursor.Extent.StartOffset + 1;
context.ReplacementLength = wordToComplete.Length;
prefix = suffix = "";
prefix += typeNameText.Substring(0, typeNameToComplete.Extent.StartOffset);
suffix = suffix.Insert(0, typeNameText.Substring(typeNameToComplete.Extent.EndOffset));
context.WordToComplete = wordToComplete;
var typeResults = CompleteType(context, prefix, suffix);
if (typeResults != null)
#endregion Native Command Argument Completion
/// <summary>
/// Find the positional argument at the specific position from the parsed argument list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parsedArguments"></param>
/// <param name="position"></param>
/// <param name="lastPositionalArgument"></param>
/// <returns>
/// If the command line after the [tab] will not be truncated, the return value could be non-null: Get-Cmdlet [tab] abc
/// If the command line after the [tab] is truncated, the return value will always be null
/// </returns>
private static AstPair FindTargetPositionalArgument(Collection<AstParameterArgumentPair> parsedArguments, int position, out AstPair lastPositionalArgument)
int index = 0;
lastPositionalArgument = null;
foreach (AstParameterArgumentPair pair in parsedArguments)
if (!pair.ParameterSpecified && index == position)
return (AstPair)pair;
else if (!pair.ParameterSpecified)
lastPositionalArgument = (AstPair) pair;
// Cannot find an existing positional argument at 'position'
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Find the location where 'tab' is typed based on the line and colum.
/// </summary>
private static ArgumentLocation FindTargetArgumentLocation(Collection<AstParameterArgumentPair> parsedArguments, Token token)
int position = 0;
AstParameterArgumentPair prevArg = null;
foreach (AstParameterArgumentPair pair in parsedArguments)
switch (pair.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstPair:
var arg = (AstPair) pair;
if (arg.ParameterSpecified)
// Named argument
if (arg.Parameter.Extent.StartOffset > token.Extent.StartOffset)
// case: Get-Cmdlet <tab> -Param abc
return GenerateArgumentLocation(prevArg, position);
if (!arg.ParameterContainsArgument && arg.Argument.Extent.StartOffset > token.Extent.StartOffset)
// case: Get-Cmdlet -Param <tab> abc
return new ArgumentLocation() {Argument = arg, IsPositional = false, Position = -1};
// Positional argument
if (arg.Argument.Extent.StartOffset > token.Extent.StartOffset)
// case: Get-Cmdlet <tab> abc
return GenerateArgumentLocation(prevArg, position);
prevArg = arg;
case AstParameterArgumentType.Fake:
case AstParameterArgumentType.Switch:
if (pair.Parameter.Extent.StartOffset > token.Extent.StartOffset)
return GenerateArgumentLocation(prevArg, position);
prevArg = pair;
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstArray:
case AstParameterArgumentType.PipeObject:
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "parsed arguments should not contain AstArray and PipeObject");
// The 'tab' should be typed after the last argument
return GenerateArgumentLocation(prevArg, position);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prev">the argument that is right before the 'tab' location</param>
/// <param name="position">the number of positional arguments before the 'tab' location</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static ArgumentLocation GenerateArgumentLocation(AstParameterArgumentPair prev, int position)
// Tab is typed before the first argument
if (prev == null)
return new ArgumentLocation() {Argument = null, IsPositional = true, Position = 0};
switch (prev.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstPair:
case AstParameterArgumentType.Switch:
if (!prev.ParameterSpecified)
return new ArgumentLocation() { Argument = null, IsPositional = true, Position = position };
return prev.Parameter.Extent.Text.EndsWith(":", StringComparison.Ordinal)
? new ArgumentLocation() {Argument = prev, IsPositional = false, Position = -1}
: new ArgumentLocation() {Argument = null, IsPositional = true, Position = position};
case AstParameterArgumentType.Fake:
return new ArgumentLocation() {Argument = prev, IsPositional = false, Position = -1};
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "parsed arguments should not contain AstArray and PipeObject");
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Find the location where 'tab' is typed based on the expressionAst.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parsedArguments"></param>
/// <param name="expAst"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static ArgumentLocation FindTargetArgumentLocation(Collection<AstParameterArgumentPair> parsedArguments, ExpressionAst expAst)
Diagnostics.Assert(expAst != null, "Caller needs to make sure expAst is not null");
int position = 0;
foreach (AstParameterArgumentPair pair in parsedArguments)
switch (pair.ParameterArgumentType)
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstPair:
AstPair arg = (AstPair) pair;
if (arg.ArgumentIsCommandParameterAst)
if (arg.ParameterContainsArgument && arg.Argument == expAst)
return new ArgumentLocation() {IsPositional = false, Position = -1, Argument = arg};
if (arg.Argument.GetHashCode() == expAst.GetHashCode())
return arg.ParameterSpecified ?
new ArgumentLocation() {IsPositional = false, Position = -1, Argument = arg} :
new ArgumentLocation() {IsPositional = true, Position = position, Argument = arg};
if (!arg.ParameterSpecified)
case AstParameterArgumentType.Fake:
case AstParameterArgumentType.Switch:
// FakePair and SwitchPair contains no ExpressionAst
case AstParameterArgumentType.AstArray:
case AstParameterArgumentType.PipeObject:
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "parsed arguments should not contain AstArray and PipeObject arguments");
// We should be able to find the ExpAst from the parsed argument list, if all parameters was specified correctly.
// We may try to complete something incorrect
// ls -Recurse -QQQ qwe<+tab>
return null;
private sealed class ArgumentLocation
internal bool IsPositional { get; set; }
internal int Position { get; set; }
internal AstParameterArgumentPair Argument { get; set; }
#endregion Command Arguments
#region Filenames
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly")]
public static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteFilename(string fileName)
var runspace = Runspace.DefaultRunspace;
if (runspace == null)
// No runspace, just return no results.
return CommandCompletion.EmptyCompletionResult;
var helper = new CompletionExecutionHelper(PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace));
return CompleteFilename(new CompletionContext {WordToComplete = fileName, Helper = helper});
internal static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteFilename(CompletionContext context)
return CompleteFilename(context, false, null);
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly")]
internal static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteFilename(CompletionContext context, bool containerOnly, HashSet<string> extension)
var wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
var quote = HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref wordToComplete);
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
// First, try to match \\server\share
var shareMatch = Regex.Match(wordToComplete, "^\\\\\\\\([^\\\\]+)\\\\([^\\\\]*)$");
if (shareMatch.Success)
// Only match share names, no filenames.
var server = shareMatch.Groups[1].Value;
var sharePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(shareMatch.Groups[2].Value + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var ignoreHidden = context.GetOption("IgnoreHiddenShares", @default: false);
var shares = GetFileShares(server, ignoreHidden);
foreach (var share in shares)
if (sharePattern.IsMatch(share))
string shareFullPath = "\\\\" + server + "\\" + share;
if (quote != string.Empty)
shareFullPath = quote + shareFullPath + quote;
results.Add(new CompletionResult(shareFullPath, shareFullPath, CompletionResultType.ProviderContainer, shareFullPath));
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
var executionContext = powershell.GetContextFromTLS();
// We want to prefer relative paths in a completion result unless the user has already
// specified a drive or portion of the path.
string unused;
var defaultRelative = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordToComplete)
|| (wordToComplete.IndexOfAny(Utils.Separators.Directory) != 0 &&
!Regex.Match(wordToComplete, @"^~[\\/]+.*").Success &&
!executionContext.LocationGlobber.IsAbsolutePath(wordToComplete, out unused));
var relativePaths = context.GetOption("RelativePaths", @default: defaultRelative);
var useLiteralPath = context.GetOption("LiteralPaths", @default: false);
if (useLiteralPath && LocationGlobber.StringContainsGlobCharacters(wordToComplete))
wordToComplete = WildcardPattern.Escape(wordToComplete, Utils.Separators.StarOrQuestion);
if (!defaultRelative && wordToComplete.Length >= 2 && wordToComplete[1] == ':' && char.IsLetter(wordToComplete[0]) && context.ExecutionContext != null)
// We don't actually need the drive, but the drive must be "mounted" in PowerShell before completion
// can succeed. This call will mount the drive if it wasn't already.
context.ExecutionContext.SessionState.Drive.GetAtScope(wordToComplete.Substring(0, 1), "global");
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Resolve-Path")
.AddParameter("Path", wordToComplete + "*");
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psobjs = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psobjs != null)
var isFileSystem = false;
var wordContainsProviderId = ProviderSpecified(wordToComplete);
if (psobjs.Count > 0)
dynamic firstObj = psobjs[0];
var provider = firstObj.Provider as ProviderInfo;
isFileSystem = provider != null &&
ProviderInfo provider;
if (defaultRelative)
provider = executionContext.EngineSessionState.CurrentDrive.Provider;
executionContext.LocationGlobber.GetProviderPath(wordToComplete, out provider);
isFileSystem = provider != null &&
catch (Exception e)
if (isFileSystem)
bool hiddenFilesAreHandled = false;
if (psobjs.Count > 0 && !LocationGlobber.StringContainsGlobCharacters(wordToComplete))
string leaf = null;
string pathWithoutProvider = wordContainsProviderId
? wordToComplete.Substring(wordToComplete.IndexOf(':') + 2)
: wordToComplete;
leaf = Path.GetFileName(pathWithoutProvider);
catch(Exception e)
var notHiddenEntries = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
string providerPath = null;
foreach (dynamic entry in psobjs)
providerPath = entry.ProviderPath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerPath))
// This is unexpected. ProviderPath should never be null or an empty string
leaf = null;
if (!notHiddenEntries.Contains(providerPath))
if (leaf != null)
leaf = leaf + "*";
var parentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(providerPath);
// ProviderPath should be absolute path for FileSystem entries
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentPath))
string[] entries = null;
entries = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(parentPath, leaf);
catch (Exception e)
if (entries != null)
hiddenFilesAreHandled = true;
if (entries.Length > notHiddenEntries.Count)
// Do the iteration only if there are hidden files
foreach (var entry in entries)
if (notHiddenEntries.Contains(entry))
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(entry);
if ((fileInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0)
PSObject wrapper = PSObject.AsPSObject(entry);
if (!hiddenFilesAreHandled)
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-ChildItem")
.AddParameter("Path", wordToComplete + "*")
.AddParameter("Hidden", true);
var hiddenItems = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (hiddenItems != null && hiddenItems.Count > 0)
foreach (var hiddenItem in hiddenItems)
// Sorting the results by the path
var sortedPsobjs = psobjs.OrderBy(a => a, new ItemPathComparer());
foreach (PSObject psobj in sortedPsobjs)
object baseObj = PSObject.Base(psobj);
string path = null, providerPath = null;
// Get the path, the PSObject could be:
// 1. a PathInfo object -- results of Resolve-Path
// 2. a FileSystemInfo Object -- results of Get-ChildItem
// 3. a string -- the path results return by the direct .NET API invocation
var baseObjAsPathInfo = baseObj as PathInfo;
if (baseObjAsPathInfo != null)
path = baseObjAsPathInfo.Path;
providerPath = baseObjAsPathInfo.ProviderPath;
else if (baseObj is FileSystemInfo)
// The target provider is the FileSystem
dynamic dirResult = psobj;
providerPath = dirResult.FullName;
path = wordContainsProviderId ? dirResult.PSPath : providerPath;
var baseObjAsString = baseObj as string;
if (baseObjAsString != null)
// The target provider is the FileSystem
providerPath = baseObjAsString;
path = wordContainsProviderId
? FileSystemProvider.ProviderName + "::" + baseObjAsString
: providerPath;
if (path == null) continue;
if (isFileSystem && providerPath == null) continue;
string completionText;
if (relativePaths)
var sessionStateInternal = executionContext.EngineSessionState;
completionText = sessionStateInternal.NormalizeRelativePath(path, sessionStateInternal.CurrentLocation.ProviderPath);
string parentDirectory = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
if (!completionText.StartsWith(parentDirectory, StringComparison.Ordinal))
completionText = Path.Combine(".", completionText);
catch (Exception e)
// The object at the specifie path is not accessable, such as c:\hiberfil.sys (for hibernation) or c:\pagefile.sys (for paging)
// We ignore those files
completionText = path;
if (ProviderSpecified(completionText) && !wordContainsProviderId)
// Remove the provider id from the path: cd \\scratch2\scratch\dongbw
var index = completionText.IndexOf(':');
completionText = completionText.Substring(index + 2);
if (CompletionRequiresQuotes(completionText, !useLiteralPath))
var quoteInUse = quote == string.Empty ? "'" : quote;
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
// When double quote is in use, we have to escape the backtip and '$' even when using literal path
// Get-Content -LiteralPath ".\a``g.txt"
completionText = completionText.Replace("`", "``");
completionText = completionText.Replace("$", "`$");
if (!useLiteralPath)
if (quoteInUse == "'")
completionText = completionText.Replace("[", "`[");
completionText = completionText.Replace("]", "`]");
completionText = completionText.Replace("[", "``[");
completionText = completionText.Replace("]", "``]");
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
else if (quote != string.Empty)
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
if (isFileSystem)
// Use .NET APIs directly to reduce the time overhead
var isContainer = Directory.Exists(providerPath);
if (containerOnly && !isContainer)
if (!containerOnly && !isContainer && !CheckFileExtension(providerPath, extension))
string tooltip = providerPath, listItemText = Path.GetFileName(providerPath);
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText,
isContainer ? CompletionResultType.ProviderContainer : CompletionResultType.ProviderItem,
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Item")
.AddParameter("LiteralPath", path);
var items = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (items != null && items.Count == 1)
dynamic item = items[0];
var isContainer = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo<bool>(item.PSIsContainer);
if (containerOnly && !isContainer)
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Convert-Path")
.AddParameter("LiteralPath", item.PSPath);
var tooltips = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
string tooltip = null, listItemText = item.PSChildName;
if (tooltips != null && tooltips.Count == 1)
tooltip = PSObject.Base(tooltips[0]) as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listItemText))
// For provider items that don't have PSChildName values, such as variable::error
listItemText = item.Name;
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText,
isContainer ? CompletionResultType.ProviderContainer : CompletionResultType.ProviderItem,
tooltip ?? path));
// We can get here when get-item fails, perhaps due an acl or whatever.
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText));
} // End of not filesystem case
} // End of foreach
} // End of 'if (psobjs != null)'
return results;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
struct SHARE_INFO_1
public string netname;
public int type;
public string remark;
const int MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH = -1;
const int NERR_Success = 0;
const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
const int STYPE_DISKTREE = 0;
const int STYPE_MASK = 0x000000FF;
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern int NetShareEnum(string serverName, int level, out IntPtr bufptr, int prefMaxLen,
out uint entriesRead, out uint totalEntries, ref uint resumeHandle);
internal static List<string> GetFileShares(string machine, bool ignoreHidden)
// Platform notes: don't throw an exception since this is being used in auto-completion
if (!Platform.HasFileShares())
return new List<string>();
IntPtr shBuf;
uint numEntries;
uint totalEntries;
uint resumeHandle = 0;
int result = NetShareEnum(machine, 1, out shBuf,
MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, out numEntries, out totalEntries,
ref resumeHandle);
var shares = new List<string>();
if (result == NERR_Success || result == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i)
IntPtr curInfoPtr = (IntPtr)((long)shBuf + (ClrFacade.SizeOf<SHARE_INFO_1>() * i));
SHARE_INFO_1 shareInfo = ClrFacade.PtrToStructure<SHARE_INFO_1>(curInfoPtr);
if ((shareInfo.type & STYPE_MASK) != STYPE_DISKTREE)
if (ignoreHidden && shareInfo.netname.EndsWith("$", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return shares;
private static bool CheckFileExtension(string path, HashSet<string> extension)
if (extension == null || extension.Count == 0)
return true;
var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path);
return ext == null || extension.Contains(ext);
#endregion Filenames
#region Variable
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="variableName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteVariable(string variableName)
var runspace = Runspace.DefaultRunspace;
if (runspace == null)
// No runspace, just return no results.
return CommandCompletion.EmptyCompletionResult;
var helper = new CompletionExecutionHelper(PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace));
return CompleteVariable(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = variableName, Helper = helper });
private static readonly string[] VariableScopes = new string[] {"Global:", "Local:", "Script:", "Private:"};
private static readonly char[] CharactersRequiringQuotes = new char[] {
'-', '`', '&', '@', '\'', '"', '#', '{', '}', '(', ')', '$', ',', ';', '|', '<', '>', ' ', '.', '\\', '/', '\t', '^',
static internal List<CompletionResult> CompleteVariable(CompletionContext context)
HashSet<string> hashedResults = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
List<CompletionResult> results = new List<CompletionResult>();
var wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
var colon = wordToComplete.IndexOf(':');
var prefix = "$";
var lastAst = context.RelatedAsts.Last();
var variableAst = lastAst as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableAst != null && variableAst.Splatted)
prefix = "@";
// Look for variables in the input (e.g. parameters, etc.) before checking session state - these
// variables might not exist in session state yet.
var wildcardPattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (lastAst != null)
Ast parent = lastAst.Parent;
var findVariablesVisitor = new FindVariablesVisitor {CompletionVariableAst = lastAst};
while (parent != null)
if (parent is IParameterMetadataProvider)
findVariablesVisitor.Top = parent;
parent = parent.Parent;
foreach (Tuple<string, Ast> varAst in findVariablesVisitor.VariableSources)
Ast astTarget = null;
string userPath = null;
VariableExpressionAst variableDefinitionAst = varAst.Item2 as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableDefinitionAst != null)
userPath = varAst.Item1;
astTarget = varAst.Item2.Parent;
CommandAst commandParameterAst = varAst.Item2 as CommandAst;
if (commandParameterAst != null)
userPath = varAst.Item1;
astTarget = varAst.Item2;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userPath))
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Found a variable source but it was an unknown AST type.");
if (wildcardPattern.IsMatch(userPath))
var completedName = (userPath.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) == -1)
? prefix + userPath
: prefix + "{" + userPath + "}";
var tooltip = userPath;
var ast = astTarget;
while (ast != null)
var parameterAst = ast as ParameterAst;
if (parameterAst != null)
var typeConstraint = parameterAst.Attributes.OfType<TypeConstraintAst>().FirstOrDefault();
if (typeConstraint != null)
tooltip = StringUtil.Format("{0}${1}", typeConstraint.Extent.Text, userPath);
var assignmentAst = ast.Parent as AssignmentStatementAst;
if (assignmentAst != null)
if (assignmentAst.Left == ast)
tooltip = ast.Extent.Text;
var commandAst = ast as CommandAst;
if (commandAst != null)
PSTypeName discoveredType = ast.GetInferredType(context).FirstOrDefault<PSTypeName>();
if (discoveredType != null)
tooltip = StringUtil.Format("[{0}]${1}", discoveredType.Name, userPath);
ast = ast.Parent;
AddUniqueVariable(hashedResults, results, completedName, userPath, tooltip);
string pattern;
string provider;
if (colon == -1)
pattern = "variable:" + wordToComplete + "*";
provider = "";
provider = wordToComplete.Substring(0, colon + 1);
if (VariableScopes.Contains(provider, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
pattern = "variable:" + wordToComplete.Substring(colon + 1) + "*";
pattern = wordToComplete + "*";
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Item").AddParameter("Path", pattern);
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Sort-Object").AddParameter("Property", "Name");
Exception exceptionThrown;
var psobjs = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psobjs != null)
foreach (dynamic psobj in psobjs)
var name = psobj.Name as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
var tooltip = name;
var variable = PSObject.Base(psobj) as PSVariable;
if (variable != null)
var value = variable.Value;
if (value != null)
tooltip = StringUtil.Format("[{0}]${1}",
dropNamespaces: true), name);
var completedName = (name.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) == -1)
? prefix + provider + name
: prefix + "{" + provider + name + "}";
AddUniqueVariable(hashedResults, results, completedName, name, tooltip);
if (colon == -1 && "env".StartsWith(wordToComplete, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-Item").AddParameter("Path", "env:*");
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Sort-Object").AddParameter("Property", "Key");
psobjs = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psobjs != null)
foreach (dynamic psobj in psobjs)
var name = psobj.Name as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = "env:" + name;
var completedName = (name.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) == -1)
? prefix + name
: prefix + "{" + name + "}";
AddUniqueVariable(hashedResults, results, completedName, name, "[string]" + name);
// Return variables already in session state first, because we can sometimes give better information,
// like the variables type.
foreach (var specialVariable in _specialVariablesCache.Value)
if (wildcardPattern.IsMatch(specialVariable))
var completedName = (specialVariable.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) == -1)
? prefix + specialVariable
: prefix + "{" + specialVariable + "}";
AddUniqueVariable(hashedResults, results, completedName, specialVariable, specialVariable);
if (colon == -1)
// If no drive was specified, then look for matching drives/scopes
pattern = wordToComplete + "*";
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\\Get-PSDrive").AddParameter("Name", pattern);
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Sort-Object").AddParameter("Property", "Name");
psobjs = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psobjs != null)
foreach (var psobj in psobjs)
var driveInfo = PSObject.Base(psobj) as PSDriveInfo;
if (driveInfo != null)
var name = driveInfo.Name;
if (name != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && name.Length > 1)
var completedName = (name.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) == -1)
? prefix + name + ":"
: prefix + "{" + name + ":}";
var tooltip = string.IsNullOrEmpty(driveInfo.Description) ? name : driveInfo.Description;
AddUniqueVariable(hashedResults, results, completedName, name, tooltip);
var scopePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(pattern, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (var scope in VariableScopes)
if (scopePattern.IsMatch(scope))
var completedName = (scope.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) == -1)
? prefix + scope
: prefix + "{" + scope + "}";
AddUniqueVariable(hashedResults, results, completedName, scope, scope);
return results;
private static void AddUniqueVariable(HashSet<string> hashedResults, List<CompletionResult> results, string completionText, string listItemText, string tooltip)
if (!hashedResults.Contains(completionText))
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, listItemText, CompletionResultType.Variable, tooltip));
class FindVariablesVisitor : AstVisitor
internal Ast Top;
internal Ast CompletionVariableAst;
internal readonly List<Tuple<string, Ast>> VariableSources = new List<Tuple<string, Ast>>();
public override AstVisitAction VisitVariableExpression(VariableExpressionAst variableExpressionAst)
if (variableExpressionAst != CompletionVariableAst)
VariableSources.Add(new Tuple<string, Ast>(variableExpressionAst.VariablePath.UserPath, variableExpressionAst));
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitCommand(CommandAst commandAst)
// MSFT: 784739 Stack overflow during tab completion of pipeline variable
// $null | % -pv p { $p<TAB> -> In this case $p is pipelinevariable
// and is used in the same command. PipelineVariables are not available
// in the command they are assigned in. Hence the following code ignores
// if the variable being completed is in the command extent.
if ((commandAst != CompletionVariableAst) && (!CompletionVariableAst.Extent.IsWithin(commandAst.Extent)))
string[] desiredParameters = new string[] { "PV", "PipelineVariable", "OV", "OutVariable" };
StaticBindingResult bindingResult = StaticParameterBinder.BindCommand(commandAst, false, desiredParameters);
if (bindingResult != null)
ParameterBindingResult parameterBindingResult;
foreach (string commandVariableParameter in desiredParameters)
if (bindingResult.BoundParameters.TryGetValue(commandVariableParameter, out parameterBindingResult))
VariableSources.Add(new Tuple<string, Ast>((string)parameterBindingResult.ConstantValue, commandAst));
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst)
return functionDefinitionAst != Top ? AstVisitAction.SkipChildren : AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitScriptBlockExpression(ScriptBlockExpressionAst scriptBlockExpressionAst)
return scriptBlockExpressionAst != Top ? AstVisitAction.SkipChildren : AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitScriptBlock(ScriptBlockAst scriptBlockAst)
return scriptBlockAst != Top ? AstVisitAction.SkipChildren : AstVisitAction.Continue;
private static readonly Lazy<SortedSet<string>> _specialVariablesCache = new Lazy<SortedSet<string>>(BuildSpecialVariablesCache);
static SortedSet<string> BuildSpecialVariablesCache()
var result = new SortedSet<string>();
foreach (var member in typeof(SpecialVariables).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static))
if (member.FieldType.Equals(typeof(string)))
return result;
#endregion Variables
#region Comments
// Complete the history entries
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteComment(CompletionContext context)
List<CompletionResult> results = new List<CompletionResult>();
Match matchResult = Regex.Match(context.WordToComplete, @"^#([\w\-]*)$");
if (!matchResult.Success) { return results; }
string wordToComplete = matchResult.Groups[1].Value;
PowerShell powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
Collection<PSObject> psobjs;
Exception exceptionThrown;
int entryId;
if (Regex.IsMatch(wordToComplete, @"^[0-9]+$") && LanguagePrimitives.TryConvertTo(wordToComplete, out entryId))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-History", typeof(GetHistoryCommand)).AddParameter("Id", entryId);
psobjs = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (psobjs != null && psobjs.Count == 1)
var historyInfo = PSObject.Base(psobjs[0]) as HistoryInfo;
if (historyInfo != null)
var commandLine = historyInfo.CommandLine;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLine))
// var tooltip = "Id: " + historyInfo.Id + "\n" +
// "ExecutionStatus: " + historyInfo.ExecutionStatus + "\n" +
// "StartExecutionTime: " + historyInfo.StartExecutionTime + "\n" +
// "EndExecutionTime: " + historyInfo.EndExecutionTime + "\n";
// Use the commandLine as the Tooltip in case the commandLine is multiple lines of scripts
results.Add(new CompletionResult(commandLine, commandLine, CompletionResultType.History, commandLine));
return results;
wordToComplete = "*" + wordToComplete + "*";
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Get-History", typeof(GetHistoryCommand));
psobjs = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (psobjs != null)
for (int index = psobjs.Count - 1; index >= 0; index --)
var psobj = psobjs[index];
var historyInfo = PSObject.Base(psobj) as HistoryInfo;
if (historyInfo == null) continue;
var commandLine = historyInfo.CommandLine;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLine) && pattern.IsMatch(commandLine))
// var tooltip = "Id: " + historyInfo.Id + "\n" +
// "ExecutionStatus: " + historyInfo.ExecutionStatus + "\n" +
// "StartExecutionTime: " + historyInfo.StartExecutionTime + "\n" +
// "EndExecutionTime: " + historyInfo.EndExecutionTime + "\n";
// Use the commandLine as the Tooltip in case the commandLine is multiple lines of scripts
results.Add(new CompletionResult(commandLine, commandLine, CompletionResultType.History, commandLine));
return results;
#endregion Comments
#region Members
// List of extension methods <MethodName, Signature>
static private readonly List<Tuple<string, string>> ExtensionMethods =
new List<Tuple<string, string>>
new Tuple<string, string>("Where", "Where({ expression } [, mode [, numberToReturn]])"),
new Tuple<string, string>("ForEach", "ForEach(expression [, arguments...])")
// List of DSC collection-value variables
static private readonly HashSet<string> DscCollectionVariables =
new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { "SelectedNodes", "AllNodes" };
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteMember(CompletionContext context, bool @static)
// If we get here, we know that either:
// * the cursor appeared immediately after a member access token ('.' or '::').
// * the parent of the ast on the cursor was a member expression.
// In the first case, we have 2 possibilities:
// * the last ast is an error ast because no member name was entered and we were in expression context
// * the last ast is a string constant, with something like: echo $foo.
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
var lastAst = context.RelatedAsts.Last();
var lastAstAsMemberExpr = lastAst as MemberExpressionAst;
Ast memberNameCandidateAst = null;
ExpressionAst targetExpr = null;
if (lastAstAsMemberExpr != null)
// If the cursor is not inside the member name in the member expression, assume
// that the user had incomplete input, but the parser got lucky and succeeded parsing anyway.
if (context.TokenAtCursor.Extent.StartOffset >= lastAstAsMemberExpr.Member.Extent.StartOffset)
memberNameCandidateAst = lastAstAsMemberExpr.Member;
targetExpr = lastAstAsMemberExpr.Expression;
memberNameCandidateAst = lastAst;
var memberNameAst = memberNameCandidateAst as StringConstantExpressionAst;
var memberName = "*";
if (memberNameAst != null)
// Make sure to correctly handle: echo $foo.
if (!memberNameAst.Value.Equals(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !memberNameAst.Value.Equals("::", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
memberName = memberNameAst.Value + "*";
else if (!(lastAst is ErrorExpressionAst) && targetExpr == null)
// I don't think we can complete anything interesting
return results;
var commandAst = lastAst.Parent as CommandAst;
if (commandAst != null)
int i;
for (i = commandAst.CommandElements.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (commandAst.CommandElements[i] == lastAst)
var nextToLastAst = commandAst.CommandElements[i - 1];
var nextToLastExtent = nextToLastAst.Extent;
var lastExtent = lastAst.Extent;
if (nextToLastExtent.EndLineNumber == lastExtent.StartLineNumber &&
nextToLastExtent.EndColumnNumber == lastExtent.StartColumnNumber)
targetExpr = nextToLastAst as ExpressionAst;
else if (lastAst.Parent is MemberExpressionAst)
// If 'targetExpr' has already been set, we should skip this step. This is for some member completion
// cases in ISE. In ISE, we may add a new statement in the middle of existing statements as follows:
// $xml = New-Object Xml
// $xml.
// $xml.Save("C:\data.xml")
// In this example, we add $xml. between two existing statements, and the 'lastAst' in this case is
// a MemberExpressionAst '$xml.$xml', whose parent is still a MemberExpressionAst '$xml.$xml.Save'.
// But here we DO NOT want to re-assign 'targetExpr' to be '$xml.$xml'. 'targetExpr' in this case
// should be '$xml'.
if (targetExpr == null)
var memberExprAst = (MemberExpressionAst)lastAst.Parent;
targetExpr = memberExprAst.Expression;
else if (lastAst.Parent is BinaryExpressionAst && context.TokenAtCursor.Kind.Equals(TokenKind.Multiply))
var memberExprAst = ((BinaryExpressionAst) lastAst.Parent).Left as MemberExpressionAst;
if (memberExprAst != null)
targetExpr = memberExprAst.Expression;
if (memberExprAst.Member is StringConstantExpressionAst)
memberName = ((StringConstantExpressionAst) memberExprAst.Member).Value + "*";
if (targetExpr == null)
// Not sure what we have, but we're not looking for members.
return results;
if (IsSplattedVariable(targetExpr))
// It's splatted variable, member expansion is not useful
return results;
CompleteMemberHelper(@static, memberName, targetExpr, context, results);
if (results.Count == 0)
PSTypeName[] inferredTypes = null;
if (@static)
var typeExpr = targetExpr as TypeExpressionAst;
if (typeExpr != null)
inferredTypes = new[] {new PSTypeName(typeExpr.TypeName) };
inferredTypes = targetExpr.GetInferredType(context).ToArray();
if (inferredTypes != null && inferredTypes.Length > 0)
// Use inferred types if we have any
CompleteMemberByInferredType(context, inferredTypes, results, memberName, filter: null, isStatic: @static);
// Handle special DSC collection variables to complete the extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach'
// e.g. Configuration foo { node $AllNodes.<tab> --> $AllNodes.Where(
var variableAst = targetExpr as VariableExpressionAst;
var memberExprAst = targetExpr as MemberExpressionAst;
bool shouldAddExtensionMethods = false;
// We complete against extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach' for the following DSC variables
// $SelectedNodes, $AllNodes, $ConfigurationData.AllNodes
if (variableAst != null)
// Handle $SelectedNodes and $AllNodes
var variablePath = variableAst.VariablePath;
if (variablePath.IsVariable && DscCollectionVariables.Contains(variablePath.UserPath) && IsInDscContext(variableAst))
shouldAddExtensionMethods = true;
else if (memberExprAst != null)
// Handle $ConfigurationData.AllNodes
var member = memberExprAst.Member as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (IsConfigurationDataVariable(memberExprAst.Expression) && member != null &&
string.Equals("AllNodes", member.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
shouldAddExtensionMethods = true;
if (shouldAddExtensionMethods)
CompleteExtensionMethods(memberName, results);
if (results.Count == 0)
// Handle '$ConfigurationData' specially to complete 'AllNodes' for it
if (IsConfigurationDataVariable(targetExpr) && IsInDscContext(targetExpr))
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(memberName, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (pattern.IsMatch("AllNodes"))
results.Add(new CompletionResult("AllNodes", "AllNodes", CompletionResultType.Property, "AllNodes"));
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Complete members against extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach'
/// </summary>
private static void CompleteExtensionMethods(string memberName, List<CompletionResult> results)
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(memberName, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
CompleteExtensionMethods(pattern, results);
/// <summary>
/// Complete members against extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach' based on the given pattern
/// </summary>
private static void CompleteExtensionMethods(WildcardPattern pattern, List<CompletionResult> results)
results.AddRange(from member in ExtensionMethods
where pattern.IsMatch(member.Item1)
new CompletionResult(member.Item1 + "(", member.Item1,
CompletionResultType.Method, member.Item2));
/// <summary>
/// Verify if an expression Ast is representing the $ConfigurationData variable
/// </summary>
private static bool IsConfigurationDataVariable(ExpressionAst targetExpr)
var variableExpr = targetExpr as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableExpr != null)
var varPath = variableExpr.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsVariable &&
varPath.UserPath.Equals("ConfigurationData", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Verify if an expression Ast is within a configuration definition
/// </summary>
private static bool IsInDscContext(ExpressionAst expression)
return Ast.GetAncestorAst<ConfigurationDefinitionAst>(expression) != null;
private static void CompleteMemberByInferredType(CompletionContext context, IEnumerable<PSTypeName> inferredTypes, List<CompletionResult> results, string memberName, Func<object, bool> filter , bool isStatic)
bool extensionMethodsAdded = false;
HashSet<string> typeNameUsed = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
WildcardPattern memberNamePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(memberName, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (var psTypeName in inferredTypes)
if (typeNameUsed.Contains(psTypeName.Name))
var members = GetMembersByInferredType(psTypeName, context, isStatic, filter);
foreach (var member in members)
AddInferredMember(member, memberNamePattern, results);
// Check if we need to complete against the extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach'
if (!extensionMethodsAdded && psTypeName.Type != null && IsStaticTypeEnumerable(psTypeName.Type))
// Complete extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach' for Enumerable types
extensionMethodsAdded = true;
CompleteExtensionMethods(memberNamePattern, results);
if (results.Count > 0)
// Sort the results
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Sort-Object")
.AddParameter("Property", new[] { "ResultType", "ListItemText" })
Exception unused;
var sortedResults = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out unused, results);
results.AddRange(sortedResults.Select(psobj => PSObject.Base(psobj) as CompletionResult));
private static void AddInferredMember(object member, WildcardPattern memberNamePattern, List<CompletionResult> results)
string memberName = null;
bool isMethod = false;
Func<string> getToolTip = null;
var propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
memberName = propertyInfo.Name;
getToolTip = () => ToStringCodeMethods.Type(propertyInfo.PropertyType) + " " + memberName
+ " { " + (propertyInfo.GetGetMethod() != null ? "get; " : "")
+ (propertyInfo.GetSetMethod() != null ? "set; " : "") + "}";
var fieldInfo = member as FieldInfo;
if (fieldInfo != null)
memberName = fieldInfo.Name;
getToolTip = () => ToStringCodeMethods.Type(fieldInfo.FieldType) + " " + memberName;
var methodCacheEntry = member as DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry;
if (methodCacheEntry != null)
memberName = methodCacheEntry[0].method.Name;
isMethod = true;
getToolTip = () => string.Join("\n", methodCacheEntry.methodInformationStructures.Select(m => m.methodDefinition));
var psMemberInfo = member as PSMemberInfo;
if (psMemberInfo != null)
memberName = psMemberInfo.Name;
isMethod = member is PSMethodInfo;
getToolTip = psMemberInfo.ToString;
var cimProperty = member as CimPropertyDeclaration;
if (cimProperty != null)
memberName = cimProperty.Name;
isMethod = false;
getToolTip = () => GetCimPropertyToString(cimProperty);
var memberAst = member as MemberAst;
if (memberAst != null)
memberName = memberAst is CompilerGeneratedMemberFunctionAst ? "new" : memberAst.Name;
isMethod = memberAst is FunctionMemberAst || memberAst is CompilerGeneratedMemberFunctionAst;
getToolTip = memberAst.GetTooltip;
if (memberName == null || !memberNamePattern.IsMatch(memberName))
var completionResultType = isMethod ? CompletionResultType.Method : CompletionResultType.Property;
var completionText = isMethod ? memberName + "(" : memberName;
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, memberName, completionResultType, getToolTip()));
private static string GetCimPropertyToString(CimPropertyDeclaration cimProperty)
string type;
switch (cimProperty.CimType)
case Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.DateTime:
case Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.Instance:
case Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.Reference:
case Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.DateTimeArray:
case Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.InstanceArray:
case Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType.ReferenceArray:
type = "CimInstance#" + cimProperty.CimType.ToString();
type = ToStringCodeMethods.Type(CimConverter.GetDotNetType(cimProperty.CimType));
bool isReadOnly = (CimFlags.ReadOnly == (cimProperty.Flags & CimFlags.ReadOnly));
return type + " " + cimProperty.Name + " { get; " + (isReadOnly ? "}" : "set; }");
static bool IsWriteablePropertyMember(object member)
var propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
return propertyInfo.CanWrite;
var psPropertyInfo = member as PSPropertyInfo;
if (psPropertyInfo != null)
return psPropertyInfo.IsSettable;
return false;
static bool IsPropertyMember(object member)
return member is PropertyInfo
|| member is FieldInfo
|| member is PSPropertyInfo
|| member is CimPropertyDeclaration
|| member is PropertyMemberAst;
static bool IsMemberHidden(object member)
var psMemberInfo = member as PSMemberInfo;
if (psMemberInfo != null)
return psMemberInfo.IsHidden;
var memberInfo = member as MemberInfo;
if (memberInfo != null)
return memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HiddenAttribute), false).Any();
var propertyMemberAst = member as PropertyMemberAst;
if (propertyMemberAst != null)
return propertyMemberAst.IsHidden;
var functionMemberAst = member as FunctionMemberAst;
if (functionMemberAst != null)
return functionMemberAst.IsHidden;
return false;
static bool IsConstructor(object member)
var psMethod = member as PSMethod;
if (psMethod != null)
var methodCacheEntry = psMethod.adapterData as DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry;
if (methodCacheEntry != null)
return methodCacheEntry.methodInformationStructures[0].method.IsConstructor;
return false;
static internal IEnumerable<object> GetMembersByInferredType(PSTypeName typename, CompletionContext context, bool @static, Func<object, bool> filter)
List<object> results = new List<object>();
Func<object, bool> filterToCall = filter;
if (typename.Type != null)
if (context.CurrentTypeDefinitionAst == null || context.CurrentTypeDefinitionAst.Type != typename.Type)
if (filterToCall == null)
filterToCall = o => !IsMemberHidden(o);
filterToCall = o => !IsMemberHidden(o) && filter(o);
IEnumerable<Type> elementTypes;
if (typename.Type.IsArray)
elementTypes = new [] {typename.Type.GetElementType()};
elementTypes = typename.Type.GetInterfaces().Where(
t => t.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>));
foreach (var type in elementTypes.Prepend(typename.Type))
// Look in the type table first.
if (!@static)
var consolidatedString = DotNetAdapter.GetInternedTypeNameHierarchy(type);
var members = @static
? PSObject.dotNetStaticAdapter.BaseGetMembers<PSMemberInfo>(type)
: PSObject.dotNetInstanceAdapter.GetPropertiesAndMethods(type, false);
results.AddRange(filterToCall != null ? members.Where(filterToCall) : members);
else if (typename.TypeDefinitionAst != null)
if (context.CurrentTypeDefinitionAst != typename.TypeDefinitionAst)
if (filterToCall == null)
filterToCall = o => !IsMemberHidden(o);
filterToCall = o => !IsMemberHidden(o) && filter(o);
bool foundConstructor = false;
foreach (var member in typename.TypeDefinitionAst.Members)
bool add = false;
var propertyMember = member as PropertyMemberAst;
if (propertyMember != null)
if (propertyMember.IsStatic == @static)
add = true;
var functionMember = (FunctionMemberAst)member;
if (functionMember.IsStatic == @static)
add = true;
foundConstructor |= functionMember.IsConstructor;
if (filterToCall != null && add)
add = filterToCall(member);
if (add)
//iterate through bases/interfaces
foreach (var baseType in typename.TypeDefinitionAst.BaseTypes)
TypeName baseTypeName = baseType.TypeName as TypeName;
if (baseTypeName != null)
TypeDefinitionAst baseTypeDefinitionAst = baseTypeName._typeDefinitionAst;
results.AddRange(GetMembersByInferredType(new PSTypeName(baseTypeDefinitionAst), context, @static, filterToCall));
// Add stuff from our base class System.Object.
if (@static)
// Don't add base class constructors
if (filter == null)
filterToCall = o => !IsConstructor(o);
filterToCall = o => !IsConstructor(o) && filter(o);
if (!foundConstructor)
new CompilerGeneratedMemberFunctionAst(PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent, typename.TypeDefinitionAst,
// Reset the filter because the recursive call will add IsHidden back if necessary.
filterToCall = filter;
results.AddRange(GetMembersByInferredType(new PSTypeName(typeof(object)), context, @static, filterToCall));
// Look in the type table first.
if (!@static)
var consolidatedString = new ConsolidatedString(new string[] {typename.Name});
string cimNamespace;
string className;
if (NativeCompletionCimCommands_ParseTypeName(typename, out cimNamespace, out className))
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell, "CimCmdlets\\Get-CimClass")
.AddParameter("Namespace", cimNamespace)
.AddParameter("Class", className);
Exception unused;
var classes = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out unused);
foreach (var @class in classes.Select(PSObject.Base).OfType<CimClass>())
results.AddRange(filterToCall != null ? @class.CimClassProperties.Where(filterToCall) : @class.CimClassProperties);
return results;
#endregion Members
#region Types
abstract class TypeCompletionBase
internal abstract CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix);
internal abstract CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix, string namespaceToRemove);
internal static string RemoveBackTick(string typeName)
var backtick = typeName.LastIndexOf('`');
return backtick == -1 ? typeName : typeName.Substring(0, backtick);
/// <summary>
/// In OneCore PS, there is no way to retrieve all loaded assemblies. But we have the type catalog dictionary
/// which contains the full type names of all available CoreCLR .NET types. We can extract the necessary info
/// from the full type names to make type name auto-completion work.
/// This type represents a non-generic type for type name completion. It only contains information that can be
/// inferred from the full type name.
/// </summary>
class TypeCompletionInStringFormat : TypeCompletionBase
/// <summary>
/// Get the full type name of the type represented by this instance.
/// </summary>
internal string FullTypeName;
/// <summary>
/// Get the short type name of the type represented by this instance.
/// </summary>
internal string ShortTypeName
if (shortTypeName == null)
int lastDotIndex = FullTypeName.LastIndexOf('.');
int lastPlusIndex = FullTypeName.LastIndexOf('+');
shortTypeName = lastPlusIndex != -1
? FullTypeName.Substring(lastPlusIndex + 1)
: FullTypeName.Substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
return shortTypeName;
private string shortTypeName;
/// <summary>
/// Get the namespace of the type represented by this instance.
/// </summary>
internal string Namespace
if (@namespace == null)
int lastDotIndex = FullTypeName.LastIndexOf('.');
@namespace = FullTypeName.Substring(0, lastDotIndex);
return @namespace;
private string @namespace;
/// <summary>
/// Construct the CompletionResult based on the information of this instance
/// </summary>
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix)
return GetCompletionResult(keyMatched, prefix, suffix, null);
/// <summary>
/// Construct the CompletionResult based on the information of this instance
/// </summary>
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix, string namespaceToRemove)
string completion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceToRemove)
? FullTypeName
: FullTypeName.Substring(namespaceToRemove.Length + 1);
string listItem = ShortTypeName;
string tooltip = FullTypeName;
return new CompletionResult(prefix + completion + suffix, listItem, CompletionResultType.Type, tooltip);
/// <summary>
/// In OneCore PS, there is no way to retrieve all loaded assemblies. But we have the type catalog dictionary
/// which contains the full type names of all available CoreCLR .NET types. We can extract the necessary info
/// from the full type names to make type name auto-completion work.
/// This type represents a generic type for type name completion. It only contains information that can be
/// inferred from the full type name.
/// </summary>
class GenericTypeCompletionInStringFormat : TypeCompletionInStringFormat
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of generic type arguments required by the type represented by this instance.
/// </summary>
private int GenericArgumentCount
if (genericArgumentCount == 0)
var backtick = FullTypeName.LastIndexOf('`');
var argCount = FullTypeName.Substring(backtick + 1);
genericArgumentCount = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo<int>(argCount);
return genericArgumentCount;
private int genericArgumentCount = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Construct the CompletionResult based on the information of this instance
/// </summary>
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix)
return GetCompletionResult(keyMatched, prefix, suffix, null);
/// <summary>
/// Construct the CompletionResult based on the information of this instance
/// </summary>
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix, string namespaceToRemove)
string fullNameWithoutBacktip = RemoveBackTick(FullTypeName);
string completion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceToRemove)
? fullNameWithoutBacktip
: fullNameWithoutBacktip.Substring(namespaceToRemove.Length + 1);
string typeName = RemoveBackTick(ShortTypeName);
var listItem = typeName + "<>";
var tooltip = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < GenericArgumentCount; i++)
if (i != 0) tooltip.Append(", ");
tooltip.Append(GenericArgumentCount == 1
? "T"
: string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "T{0}", i + 1));
return new CompletionResult(prefix + completion + suffix, listItem, CompletionResultType.Type, tooltip.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// This type represents a non-generic type for type name completion. It contains the actual type instance.
/// </summary>
class TypeCompletion : TypeCompletionBase
internal Type Type;
protected string GetTooltipPrefix()
TypeInfo typeInfo = Type.GetTypeInfo();
if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(Type))
return "Delegate ";
if (typeInfo.IsInterface)
return "Interface ";
if (typeInfo.IsClass)
return "Class ";
if (typeInfo.IsEnum)
return "Enum ";
if (typeof(ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(Type))
return "Struct ";
return ""; // what other interesting types are there?
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix)
return GetCompletionResult(keyMatched, prefix, suffix, null);
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix, string namespaceToRemove)
string completion = ToStringCodeMethods.Type(Type);
// If the completion included a namespace and ToStringCodeMethods.Type found
// an accelerator, then just use the type's FullName instead because the user
// probably didn't want the accelerator.
if (keyMatched.IndexOf('.') != -1 && completion.IndexOf('.') == -1)
completion = Type.FullName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceToRemove) && completion.Equals(Type.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Remove the namespace only if the completion text contains namespace
completion = completion.Substring(namespaceToRemove.Length + 1);
string listItem = Type.Name;
string tooltip = GetTooltipPrefix() + Type.FullName;
return new CompletionResult(prefix + completion + suffix, listItem, CompletionResultType.Type, tooltip);
/// <summary>
/// This type represents a generic type for type name completion. It contains the actual type instance.
/// </summary>
class GenericTypeCompletion : TypeCompletion
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix)
return GetCompletionResult(keyMatched, prefix, suffix, null);
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix, string namespaceToRemove)
string fullNameWithoutBacktip = RemoveBackTick(Type.FullName);
string completion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceToRemove)
? fullNameWithoutBacktip
: fullNameWithoutBacktip.Substring(namespaceToRemove.Length + 1);
string typeName = RemoveBackTick(Type.Name);
var listItem = typeName + "<>";
var tooltip = new StringBuilder();
var genericParameters = Type.GetGenericArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < genericParameters.Length; i++)
if (i != 0) tooltip.Append(", ");
return new CompletionResult(prefix + completion + suffix, listItem, CompletionResultType.Type, tooltip.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// This type represents a namespace for namespace completion.
/// </summary>
class NamespaceCompletion : TypeCompletionBase
internal string Namespace;
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix)
var listItemText = Namespace;
var dotIndex = listItemText.LastIndexOf('.');
if (dotIndex != -1)
listItemText = listItemText.Substring(dotIndex + 1);
return new CompletionResult(prefix + Namespace + suffix, listItemText, CompletionResultType.Namespace, "Namespace " + Namespace);
internal override CompletionResult GetCompletionResult(string keyMatched, string prefix, string suffix, string namespaceToRemove)
return GetCompletionResult(keyMatched, prefix, suffix);
class TypeCompletionMapping
// The Key is the string we'll be searching on. It could complete to various things.
internal string Key;
internal List<TypeCompletionBase> Completions = new List<TypeCompletionBase>();
private static TypeCompletionMapping[][] typeCache;
private static TypeCompletionMapping[][] InitializeTypeCache()
#region Process_TypeAccelerators
var entries = new Dictionary<string, TypeCompletionMapping>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var type in TypeAccelerators.Get)
TypeCompletionMapping entry;
var typeCompletionInstance = new TypeCompletion { Type = type.Value };
if (entries.TryGetValue(type.Key, out entry))
// Check if this accelerator type is already included in the mapping entry referenced by the same key.
Type acceleratorType = type.Value;
bool typeAlreadyIncluded = entry.Completions.Any(
item =>
var typeCompletion = item as TypeCompletion;
return typeCompletion != null && typeCompletion.Type == acceleratorType;
// If it's already included, skip it.
// This may happen when an accelerator name is the same as the short name of the type it represents,
// and aslo that type has more than one accelerator names. For example:
// "float" -> System.Single
// "single" -> System.Single
if (typeAlreadyIncluded) { continue; }
// If this accelerator type is not included in the mapping entry, add it in.
// This may happen when an accelerator name happens to be the short name of a different type (rare case).
entries.Add(type.Key, new TypeCompletionMapping { Key = type.Key, Completions = { typeCompletionInstance } });
// If the full type name has already been included, then we know for sure that the short type name has also been included.
string fullTypeName = type.Value.FullName;
if (entries.ContainsKey(fullTypeName)) { continue; }
// Otherwise, add the mapping from full type name to the type
entries.Add(fullTypeName, new TypeCompletionMapping { Key = fullTypeName, Completions = { typeCompletionInstance } });
// If the short type name is the same as the accelerator name, then skip it to avoid duplication.
string shortTypeName = type.Value.Name;
if (type.Key.Equals(shortTypeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; }
// Otherwise, add a new mapping entry, or put the TypeCompletion instance in the existing mapping entry.
// For example, this may happen if both System.TimeoutException and System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException
// are in the TypeAccelerator cache.
if (!entries.TryGetValue(shortTypeName, out entry))
entry = new TypeCompletionMapping { Key = shortTypeName };
entries.Add(shortTypeName, entry);
#endregion Process_TypeAccelerators
#region Process_LoadedAssemblies
var assembliesExludingPSGenerated = ClrFacade.GetAssemblies();
var allPublicTypes = assembliesExludingPSGenerated.SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes().Where(TypeResolver.IsPublic));
foreach (var type in allPublicTypes)
HandleNamespace(entries, type.Namespace);
HandleType(entries, type.FullName, type.Name, type);
#endregion Process_LoadedAssemblies
#region Process_CoreCLR_TypeCatalog
// In CoreCLR, we have namespace-qualified type names of all available .NET types stored in TypeCatalog of the AssemblyLoadContext.
// Populate the type completion cache using the namespace-qualified type names.
foreach (string fullTypeName in ClrFacade.GetAvailableCoreClrDotNetTypes())
var typeCompInString = new TypeCompletionInStringFormat { FullTypeName = fullTypeName };
HandleNamespace(entries, typeCompInString.Namespace);
HandleType(entries, fullTypeName, typeCompInString.ShortTypeName, null);
#endregion Process_CoreCLR_TypeCatalog
var grouping = entries.Values.GroupBy(t => t.Key.Count(c => c == '.')).OrderBy(g => g.Key).ToArray();
var localTypeCache = new TypeCompletionMapping[grouping.Last().Key + 1][];
foreach (var group in grouping)
localTypeCache[group.Key] = group.ToArray();
Interlocked.Exchange(ref typeCache, localTypeCache);
return localTypeCache;
/// <summary>
/// Handle namespace when initializing the type cache
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entryCache">The TypeCompletionMapping dictionary</param>
/// <param name="namespace">The namespace</param>
private static void HandleNamespace(Dictionary<string, TypeCompletionMapping> entryCache, string @namespace)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace))
TypeCompletionMapping entry;
if (!entryCache.TryGetValue(@namespace, out entry))
entry = new TypeCompletionMapping
Key = @namespace,
Completions = { new NamespaceCompletion { Namespace = @namespace } }
entryCache.Add(@namespace, entry);
else if (!entry.Completions.OfType<NamespaceCompletion>().Any())
entry.Completions.Add(new NamespaceCompletion { Namespace = @namespace });
/// <summary>
/// Handle a type when initializing the type cache
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entryCache">The TypeCompletionMapping dictionary</param>
/// <param name="fullTypeName">The full type name</param>
/// <param name="shortTypeName">The short type name</param>
/// <param name="actualType">The actual type object. It may be null if we are handling type information from the CoreCLR TypeCatalog</param>
private static void HandleType(Dictionary<string, TypeCompletionMapping> entryCache, string fullTypeName, string shortTypeName, Type actualType)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullTypeName)) { return; }
TypeCompletionBase typeCompletionBase = null;
var backtick = fullTypeName.LastIndexOf('`');
var plusChar = fullTypeName.LastIndexOf('+');
bool isGenericTypeDefinition = backtick != -1;
bool isNested = plusChar != -1;
if (isGenericTypeDefinition)
// Nested generic types aren't useful for completion.
if (isNested) { return; }
typeCompletionBase = actualType != null
? (TypeCompletionBase)new GenericTypeCompletion { Type = actualType }
: new GenericTypeCompletionInStringFormat { FullTypeName = fullTypeName };
// Remove the backtick, we only want 1 generic in our results for types like Func or Action.
fullTypeName = fullTypeName.Substring(0, backtick);
shortTypeName = shortTypeName.Substring(0, shortTypeName.LastIndexOf('`'));
typeCompletionBase = actualType != null
? (TypeCompletionBase)new TypeCompletion { Type = actualType }
: new TypeCompletionInStringFormat { FullTypeName = fullTypeName };
// If the full type name has already been included, then we know for sure that the short type
// name and the accelerator type names (if there are any) have also been included.
TypeCompletionMapping entry;
if (!entryCache.TryGetValue(fullTypeName, out entry))
entry = new TypeCompletionMapping
Key = fullTypeName,
Completions = { typeCompletionBase }
entryCache.Add(fullTypeName, entry);
// Add a new mapping entry, or put the TypeCompletion instance in the existing mapping entry of the shortTypeName.
// For example, this may happen to System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException when System.TimeoutException is already in the cache.
if (!entryCache.TryGetValue(shortTypeName, out entry))
entry = new TypeCompletionMapping { Key = shortTypeName };
entryCache.Add(shortTypeName, entry);
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteNamespace(CompletionContext context, string prefix = "", string suffix = "")
var localTypeCache = typeCache ?? InitializeTypeCache();
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
var wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
var dots = wordToComplete.Count(c => c == '.');
if (dots >= localTypeCache.Length || localTypeCache[dots] == null)
return results;
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (var entry in localTypeCache[dots].Where(e => e.Completions.OfType<NamespaceCompletion>().Any() && pattern.IsMatch(e.Key)))
foreach (var completion in entry.Completions)
results.Add(completion.GetCompletionResult(entry.Key, prefix, suffix));
results.Sort((c1, c2) => string.Compare(c1.ListItemText, c2.ListItemText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Complete a typename
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<CompletionResult> CompleteType(string typeName)
// When completing types, we don't care about the runspace, types are visible across the appdomain
var powershell = (Runspace.DefaultRunspace == null)
? PowerShell.Create()
: PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace);
var helper = new CompletionExecutionHelper(powershell);
return CompleteType(new CompletionContext { WordToComplete = typeName, Helper = helper });
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteType(CompletionContext context, string prefix = "", string suffix = "")
var localTypeCache = typeCache ?? InitializeTypeCache();
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
var completionTextSet = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete;
var dots = wordToComplete.Count(c => c == '.');
if (dots >= localTypeCache.Length || localTypeCache[dots] == null)
return results;
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (var entry in localTypeCache[dots].Where(e => pattern.IsMatch(e.Key)))
foreach (var completion in entry.Completions)
string namespaceToRemove = GetNamespaceToRemove(context, completion);
var completionResult = completion.GetCompletionResult(entry.Key, prefix, suffix, namespaceToRemove);
// We might get the same completion result twice. For example, the type cache has:
// DscResource->System.Management.Automation.DscResourceAttribute (from accelerator)
// DscResourceAttribute->System.Management.Automation.DscResourceAttribute (from short type name)
// input '[DSCRes' can match both of them, but they actually resolves to the same completion text 'DscResource'.
if (!completionTextSet.Contains(completionResult.CompletionText))
//this is a temparary fix. Only the type defined in the same script get complete. Need to use using Module when that is available.
var scriptBlockAst = (ScriptBlockAst)context.RelatedAsts[0];
var typeAsts = scriptBlockAst.FindAll(ast => ast is TypeDefinitionAst, false).Cast<TypeDefinitionAst>();
foreach (var typeAst in typeAsts.Where(ast => pattern.IsMatch(ast.Name)))
string toolTipPrefix = String.Empty;
if (typeAst.IsInterface)
toolTipPrefix = "Interface ";
else if (typeAst.IsClass)
toolTipPrefix = "Class ";
else if (typeAst.IsEnum)
toolTipPrefix = "Enum ";
results.Add(new CompletionResult(prefix + typeAst.Name + suffix, typeAst.Name, CompletionResultType.Type, toolTipPrefix + typeAst.Name));
results.Sort((c1,c2) => string.Compare(c1.ListItemText, c2.ListItemText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
return results;
static string GetNamespaceToRemove(CompletionContext context, TypeCompletionBase completion)
if (completion is NamespaceCompletion) { return null; }
var typeCompletion = completion as TypeCompletion;
string typeNameSpace = typeCompletion != null
? typeCompletion.Type.Namespace
: ((TypeCompletionInStringFormat)completion).Namespace;
var scriptBlockAst = (ScriptBlockAst)context.RelatedAsts[0];
var matchingNsStates= scriptBlockAst.UsingStatements.Where(s =>
s.UsingStatementKind == UsingStatementKind.Namespace
&& typeNameSpace != null
&& typeNameSpace.StartsWith(s.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
string ns = String.Empty;
foreach (var nsState in matchingNsStates)
if (nsState.Name.Extent.Text.Length > ns.Length)
ns = nsState.Name.Extent.Text;
return ns;
#endregion Types
#region Help Topics
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteHelpTopics(CompletionContext context)
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
var dirPath = Utils.GetApplicationBase(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID) + "\\" + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name;
var wordToComplete = context.WordToComplete + "*";
var topicPattern = WildcardPattern.Get("about_*.help.txt", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
string[] files = null;
files = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, wordToComplete);
catch (Exception e)
if (files != null)
foreach (string file in files)
if (file == null)
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
if (fileName == null || !topicPattern.IsMatch(fileName))
// All topic files are ending with ".help.txt"
var completionText = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 9);
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText));
catch (Exception e)
return results;
#endregion Help Topics
#region Statement Parameters
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteStatementFlags(TokenKind kind, string wordToComplete)
switch (kind)
case TokenKind.Switch:
Diagnostics.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wordToComplete) && wordToComplete[0].IsDash(), "the word to complete should start with '-'");
wordToComplete = wordToComplete.Substring(1);
bool withColon = wordToComplete.EndsWith(":", StringComparison.Ordinal);
wordToComplete = withColon ? wordToComplete.Remove(wordToComplete.Length - 1) : wordToComplete;
string enumString = LanguagePrimitives.EnumSingleTypeConverter.EnumValues(typeof(SwitchFlags));
string separator = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator;
string[] enumArray = enumString.Split(new string[] {separator}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(wordToComplete + "*", WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var enumList = new List<string>();
var result = new List<CompletionResult>();
CompletionResult fullMatch = null;
foreach (string value in enumArray)
if (value.Equals(SwitchFlags.None.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; }
if (wordToComplete.Equals(value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string completionText = withColon ? "-" + value + ":" : "-" + value;
fullMatch = new CompletionResult(completionText, value, CompletionResultType.ParameterName, value);
if (pattern.IsMatch(value))
if (fullMatch != null)
result.AddRange(from entry in enumList
let completionText = withColon ? "-" + entry + ":" : "-" + entry
select new CompletionResult(completionText, entry, CompletionResultType.ParameterName, entry));
return result;
return null;
#endregion Statement Parameters
#region Hashtable Keys
/// <summary>
/// Generate auto complete results for hashtable key within a Dynamickeyword.
/// Results are generated based on properties of a DynamicKeyword matches given identifier.
/// For example, following "D" matches "DestinationPath"
/// Configuration
/// {
/// File
/// {
/// D^
/// }
/// }
/// </summary>
/// <param name="completionContext"></param>
/// <param name="ast"></param>
/// <param name="hashtableAst"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteHashtableKeyForDynamicKeyword(
CompletionContext completionContext,
DynamicKeywordStatementAst ast,
HashtableAst hashtableAst)
Diagnostics.Assert(ast.Keyword != null, "DynamicKeywordStatementAst.Keyword can never be null");
List<CompletionResult> results = null;
var dynamicKeywordProperies = ast.Keyword.Properties;
var memberPattern = completionContext.WordToComplete + "*";
// Capture all existing properties in hashtable
var propertiesName = new List<string>();
int cursorOffset = completionContext.CursorPosition.Offset;
foreach (var keyValueTuple in hashtableAst.KeyValuePairs)
var propName = keyValueTuple.Item1 as StringConstantExpressionAst;
// Exclude the property name at cursor
if (propName != null && propName.Extent.EndOffset != cursorOffset)
if (dynamicKeywordProperies.Count > 0)
// Excludes existing properties in the hashtable statement
var tempProperties = dynamicKeywordProperies.Where(p => !propertiesName.Contains(p.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (tempProperties != null && tempProperties.Any())
results = new List<CompletionResult>();
// Filter by name
var wildcardPattern = WildcardPattern.Get(memberPattern, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
var matchedResults = tempProperties.Where(p => wildcardPattern.IsMatch(p.Key));
if (matchedResults == null || !matchedResults.Any())
// Fallback to all non-exist properties in the hashtable statement
matchedResults = tempProperties;
foreach (var p in matchedResults)
string psTypeName = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTypeNameToPSTypeName(p.Value.TypeConstraint);
if (psTypeName == "[]" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(psTypeName))
psTypeName = "[" + p.Value.TypeConstraint + "]";
if (string.Equals(psTypeName, "[MSFT_Credential]", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
psTypeName = "[pscredential]";
results.Add(new CompletionResult(
p.Key + " = ",
return results;
internal static List<CompletionResult> CompleteHashtableKey(CompletionContext completionContext, HashtableAst hashtableAst)
var typeAst = hashtableAst.Parent as ConvertExpressionAst;
if (typeAst != null)
var result = new List<CompletionResult>();
completionContext, typeAst.GetInferredType(completionContext),
result, completionContext.WordToComplete + "*", IsWriteablePropertyMember, isStatic: false);
return result;
// hashtable arguments sometimes have expected keys. Examples:
// new-object System.Drawing.Point -prop @{ X=1; Y=1 }
// dir | sort-object -prop @{Expression=... ; Ascending=... }
// format-table -Property
// Expression
// FormatString
// Label
// Width
// Alignment
// format-list -Property
// Expression
// FormatString
// Label
// format-custom -Property
// Expression
// Depth
// format-* -GroupBy
// Expression
// FormatString
// Label
// Find out if we are in a command argument. Consider the following possibilities:
// cmd @{}
// cmd -foo @{}
// cmd -foo:@{}
// cmd @{},@{}
// cmd -foo @{},@{}
// cmd -foo:@{},@{}
var ast = hashtableAst.Parent;
// Handle completion for hashtable within DynamicKeyword statement
var dynamicKeywordStatementAst = ast as DynamicKeywordStatementAst;
if (dynamicKeywordStatementAst != null)
return CompleteHashtableKeyForDynamicKeyword(completionContext, dynamicKeywordStatementAst, hashtableAst);
if (ast is ArrayLiteralAst)
ast = ast.Parent;
if (ast is CommandParameterAst)
ast = ast.Parent;
var commandAst = ast as CommandAst;
if (commandAst != null)
var binding = new PseudoParameterBinder().DoPseudoParameterBinding(commandAst, null, null, bindingType: PseudoParameterBinder.BindingType.ArgumentCompletion);
string parameterName = null;
foreach (var boundArg in binding.BoundArguments)
var astPair = boundArg.Value as AstPair;
if (astPair != null)
if (astPair.Argument == hashtableAst)
parameterName = boundArg.Key;
var astArrayPair = boundArg.Value as AstArrayPair;
if (astArrayPair != null)
if (astArrayPair.Argument.Contains(hashtableAst))
parameterName = boundArg.Key;
if (parameterName != null)
if (parameterName.Equals("GroupBy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
switch (binding.CommandName)
case "Format-Table":
case "Format-List":
case "Format-Wide":
case "Format-Custom":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression", "FormatString", "Label");
return null;
if (parameterName.Equals("Property", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
switch (binding.CommandName)
case "New-Object":
var inferredType = commandAst.GetInferredType(completionContext);
var result = new List<CompletionResult>();
completionContext, inferredType,
result, completionContext.WordToComplete + "*", IsWriteablePropertyMember, isStatic: false);
return result;
case "Sort-Object":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression", "Ascending", "Descending");
case "Group-Object":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression");
case "Format-Table":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression", "FormatString", "Label", "Width", "Alignment");
case "Format-List":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression", "FormatString", "Label");
case "Format-Wide":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression", "FormatString");
case "Format-Custom":
return GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers("Expression", "Depth");
return null;
private static List<CompletionResult> GetSpecialHashTableKeyMembers(params string[] keys)
// Resources were removed because they missed the deadline for loc.
//return keys.Select(key => new CompletionResult(key, key, CompletionResultType.Property,
// ResourceManagerCache.GetResourceString(typeof(CompletionCompleters).Assembly,
// "TabCompletionStrings", key + "HashKeyDescription"))).ToList();
return keys.Select(key => new CompletionResult(key, key, CompletionResultType.Property, key)).ToList();
#endregion Hashtable Keys
#region Helpers
internal static PowerShell AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(PowerShell powershell, string command, Type type = null)
Diagnostics.Assert(powershell != null, "the passed-in powershell cannot be null");
Diagnostics.Assert(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command), "the passed-in command name should not be null or whitespaces");
if (type != null)
var cmdletInfo = new CmdletInfo(command, type);
.AddParameter("ErrorAction", ActionPreference.Ignore)
.AddParameter("WarningAction", ActionPreference.Ignore)
.AddParameter("InformationAction", ActionPreference.Ignore)
.AddParameter("Verbose", false)
.AddParameter("Debug", false);
return powershell;
internal static bool IsPathSafelyExpandable(ExpandableStringExpressionAst expandableStringAst, string extraText, ExecutionContext executionContext, out string expandedString)
expandedString = null;
// Expand the string if its type is DoubleQuoted or BareWord
var constType = expandableStringAst.StringConstantType;
if (constType == StringConstantType.DoubleQuotedHereString) { return false; }
constType == StringConstantType.BareWord ||
(constType == StringConstantType.DoubleQuoted && expandableStringAst.Extent.Text[0].IsDoubleQuote()),
"the string to be expanded should be either BareWord or DoubleQuoted");
var varValues = new List<string>();
foreach (ExpressionAst nestedAst in expandableStringAst.NestedExpressions)
var variableAst = nestedAst as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableAst == null) { return false; }
string strValue = CombineVariableWithPartialPath(variableAst, null, executionContext);
if (strValue != null)
return false;
var formattedString = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, expandableStringAst.FormatExpression, varValues.ToArray());
string quote = (constType == StringConstantType.DoubleQuoted) ? "\"" : String.Empty;
expandedString = quote + formattedString + extraText + quote;
return true;
internal static string CombineVariableWithPartialPath(VariableExpressionAst variableAst, string extraText, ExecutionContext executionContext)
var varPath = variableAst.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsVariable || varPath.DriveName.Equals("env", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// We check the strict mode inside GetVariableValue
object value = VariableOps.GetVariableValue(varPath, executionContext, variableAst);
var strValue = (value == null) ? String.Empty : value as string;
if (strValue == null)
object baseObj = PSObject.Base(value);
if (baseObj is string || baseObj.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsPrimitive)
strValue = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo<string>(value);
if (strValue != null)
return strValue + extraText;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
internal static string HandleDoubleAndSingleQuote(ref string wordToComplete)
string quote = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wordToComplete) && (wordToComplete[0].IsSingleQuote() || wordToComplete[0].IsDoubleQuote()))
char frontQuote = wordToComplete[0];
int length = wordToComplete.Length;
if (length == 1)
wordToComplete = string.Empty;
quote = frontQuote.IsSingleQuote() ? "'" : "\"";
else if (length > 1)
if ((wordToComplete[length - 1].IsDoubleQuote() && frontQuote.IsDoubleQuote()) || (wordToComplete[length - 1].IsSingleQuote() && frontQuote.IsSingleQuote()))
wordToComplete = wordToComplete.Substring(1, length - 2);
quote = frontQuote.IsSingleQuote() ? "'" : "\"";
else if (!wordToComplete[length - 1].IsDoubleQuote() && !wordToComplete[length - 1].IsSingleQuote())
wordToComplete = wordToComplete.Substring(1);
quote = frontQuote.IsSingleQuote() ? "'" : "\"";
return quote;
internal static bool IsSplattedVariable(Ast targetExpr)
if (targetExpr is VariableExpressionAst && ((VariableExpressionAst)targetExpr).Splatted)
// It's splatted variable, member expansion is not useful
return true;
return false;
internal static void CompleteMemberHelper(
bool @static,
string memberName,
ExpressionAst targetExpr,
CompletionContext context,
List<CompletionResult> results)
object value;
if (SafeExprEvaluator.TrySafeEval(targetExpr, context.ExecutionContext, out value) && value != null)
if (targetExpr is ArrayExpressionAst && !(value is object[]))
// When the array contains only one element, the evaluation result would be that element. We wrap it into an array
value = new[] {value};
var powershell = context.Helper.CurrentPowerShell;
// Instead of Get-Member, we access the members directly and send as input to the pipe.
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Where-Object")
.AddParameter("Property", "Name")
.AddParameter("Value", memberName);
AddCommandWithPreferenceSetting(powershell, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Sort-Object")
.AddParameter("Property", new object[] { "MemberType", "Name" });
IEnumerable members;
if (@static)
var type = PSObject.Base(value) as Type;
if (type == null)
members = PSObject.dotNetStaticAdapter.BaseGetMembers<PSMemberInfo>(type);
members = PSObject.AsPSObject(value).Members;
Exception exceptionThrown;
var sortedMembers = context.Helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown, members);
foreach (var member in sortedMembers)
var memberInfo = (PSMemberInfo)PSObject.Base(member);
if (memberInfo.IsHidden)
var completionText = memberInfo.Name;
// Handle scenarios like this: $aa | add-member 'a b' 23; $aa.a<tab>
if (completionText.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) != -1)
completionText = completionText.Replace("'", "''");
completionText = "'" + completionText + "'";
var isMethod = memberInfo is PSMethodInfo;
if (isMethod)
var isSpecial = (memberInfo is PSMethod) && ((PSMethod)memberInfo).IsSpecial;
if (isSpecial)
completionText += '(';
string tooltip = memberInfo.ToString();
if (tooltip.IndexOf("),", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
var overloads = tooltip.Split(new[] { ")," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var newTooltip = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var overload in overloads)
newTooltip.Append(overload.Trim() + ")\r\n");
newTooltip.Remove(newTooltip.Length - 3, 3);
tooltip = newTooltip.ToString();
new CompletionResult(completionText, memberInfo.Name,
isMethod ? CompletionResultType.Method : CompletionResultType.Property,
var dictionary = PSObject.Base(value) as IDictionary;
if (dictionary != null)
var pattern = WildcardPattern.Get(memberName, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)
var key = entry.Key as string;
if (key == null)
if (pattern.IsMatch(key))
// Handle scenarios like this: $hashtable["abc#d"] = 100; $hashtable.ab<tab>
if (key.IndexOfAny(CharactersRequiringQuotes) != -1)
key = key.Replace("'", "''");
key = "'" + key + "'";
results.Add(new CompletionResult(key, key, CompletionResultType.Property, key));
if (!@static && IsValueEnumerable(PSObject.Base(value)))
// Complete extension methods 'Where' and 'ForEach' for Enumerable values
CompleteExtensionMethods(memberName, results);
/// <summary>
/// Check if a value is treated as Enumerable in powershell
/// </summary>
private static bool IsValueEnumerable(object value)
object baseValue = PSObject.Base(value);
if (baseValue == null || baseValue is string || baseValue is PSObject ||
baseValue is IDictionary || baseValue is System.Xml.XmlNode)
return false;
if (baseValue is IEnumerable || baseValue is IEnumerator || baseValue is DataTable)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Check if a strong type is treated as Enumerable in powershell
/// </summary>
private static bool IsStaticTypeEnumerable(Type type)
if (type.Equals(typeof(string)) || typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(System.Xml.XmlNode).IsAssignableFrom(type))
return false;
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(type))
return true;
return false;
private static bool CompletionRequiresQuotes(string completion, bool escape)
// If the tokenizer sees the completion as more than two tokens, or if there is some error, then
// some form of quoting is necessary (if it's a variable, we'd need ${}, filenames would need [], etc.)
Language.Token[] tokens;
ParseError[] errors;
Language.Parser.ParseInput(completion, out tokens, out errors);
char[] charToCheck = escape ? new[] { '$', '[', ']', '`' } : new[] {'$', '`'};
// Expect no errors and 2 tokens (1 is for our completion, the other is eof)
// Or if the completion is a keyword, we ignore the errors
bool requireQuote = !(errors.Length == 0 && tokens.Length == 2);
if ((!requireQuote && tokens[0] is StringToken) ||
(tokens.Length == 2 && (tokens[0].TokenFlags & TokenFlags.Keyword) != 0))
requireQuote = false;
var value = tokens[0].Text;
if (value.IndexOfAny(charToCheck) != -1)
requireQuote = true;
return requireQuote;
private static bool ProviderSpecified(string path)
var index = path.IndexOf(':');
return index != -1 && index + 1 < path.Length && path[index + 1] == ':';
private static Type GetEffectiveParameterType(Type type)
var underlying = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);
return underlying ?? type;
/// <summary>
/// Turn on the "LiteralPaths" option.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="completionContext"></param>
/// <returns>
/// Indicate whether the "LiteralPaths" option needs to be removed after operation
/// </returns>
private static bool TurnOnLiteralPathOption(CompletionContext completionContext)
bool clearLiteralPathsKey = false;
if (completionContext.Options == null)
completionContext.Options = new Hashtable { { "LiteralPaths", true } };
clearLiteralPathsKey = true;
else if (!completionContext.Options.ContainsKey("LiteralPaths"))
// Dont escape '[',']','`' when the file name is treated as command name
completionContext.Options.Add("LiteralPaths", true);
clearLiteralPathsKey = true;
return clearLiteralPathsKey;
/// <summary>
/// Return whether we need to add ampersand when it's necessary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <param name="defaultChoice"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static bool IsAmpersandNeeded(CompletionContext context, bool defaultChoice)
if (context.RelatedAsts != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.WordToComplete))
var lastAst = context.RelatedAsts.Last();
var parent = lastAst.Parent as CommandAst;
if (parent != null && parent.CommandElements.Count == 1 &&
((!defaultChoice && parent.InvocationOperator == TokenKind.Unknown) ||
(defaultChoice && parent.InvocationOperator != TokenKind.Unknown)))
// - When the default choice is NOT to add ampersand, we only return true
// when the invocation operator is NOT specified.
// - When the default choice is to add ampersand, we only return false
// when the invocation operator is specified.
defaultChoice = !defaultChoice;
return defaultChoice;
private class ItemPathComparer : IComparer<PSObject>
public int Compare(PSObject x, PSObject y)
var xPathInfo = PSObject.Base(x) as PathInfo;
var xFileInfo = PSObject.Base(x) as IO.FileSystemInfo;
var xPathStr = PSObject.Base(x) as string;
var yPathInfo = PSObject.Base(y) as PathInfo;
var yFileInfo = PSObject.Base(y) as IO.FileSystemInfo;
var yPathStr = PSObject.Base(y) as string;
string xPath = null, yPath = null;
if (xPathInfo != null)
xPath = xPathInfo.ProviderPath;
else if (xFileInfo != null)
xPath = xFileInfo.FullName;
else if (xPathStr != null)
xPath = xPathStr;
if (yPathInfo != null)
yPath = yPathInfo.ProviderPath;
else if (yFileInfo != null)
yPath = yFileInfo.FullName;
else if (yPathStr != null)
yPath = yPathStr;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xPath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(yPath))
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Base object of item PSObject should be either PathInfo or FileSystemInfo");
return String.Compare(xPath, yPath, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
private class CommandNameComparer : IComparer<PSObject>
public int Compare(PSObject x, PSObject y)
string xName = null;
string yName = null;
object xObj = PSObject.Base(x);
object yObj = PSObject.Base(y);
var xCommandInfo = xObj as CommandInfo;
xName = xCommandInfo != null ? xCommandInfo.Name : xObj as string;
var yCommandInfo = yObj as CommandInfo;
yName = yCommandInfo != null ? yCommandInfo.Name : yObj as string;
if (xName == null || yName == null)
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Base object of Command PSObject should be either CommandInfo or string");
return String.Compare(xName, yName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
#endregion Helpers
/// <summary>
/// This class is very similar to the restricted langauge checker, but it is meant to allow more things, yet still
/// be considered "safe", at least in the sense that tab completion can rely on it to not do bad things. The primary
/// use is for intellisense where you don't want to run arbitrary code, but you do want to know the values
/// of various expressions so you can get the members.
/// </summary>
class SafeExprEvaluator : ICustomAstVisitor2
internal static bool TrySafeEval(ExpressionAst ast, ExecutionContext executionContext, out object value)
if (!(bool)ast.Accept(new SafeExprEvaluator()))
value = null;
return false;
// ConstrainedLanguage has already been applied as necessary when we construct CompletionContext
Diagnostics.Assert(!(ExecutionContext.HasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage && executionContext.LanguageMode != PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage),
"If the runspace has ever used constrained language mode, then the current language mode should already be set to contrained language");
// We're passing 'true' here for isTrustedInput, because SafeExprEvaluator ensures that the AST
// has no dangerous side-effects such as arbitrary expression evaluation. It does require variable
// access and a few other minor things, which staples of tab completion:
// $t = Get-Process
// $t[0].MainModule.<TAB>
value = Compiler.GetExpressionValue(ast, true, executionContext);
return true;
value = null;
return false;
public object VisitErrorStatement(ErrorStatementAst errorStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitErrorExpression(ErrorExpressionAst errorExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitScriptBlock(ScriptBlockAst scriptBlockAst) { return false; }
public object VisitParamBlock(ParamBlockAst paramBlockAst) { return false; }
public object VisitNamedBlock(NamedBlockAst namedBlockAst) { return false; }
public object VisitTypeConstraint(TypeConstraintAst typeConstraintAst) { return false; }
public object VisitAttribute(AttributeAst attributeAst) { return false; }
public object VisitNamedAttributeArgument(NamedAttributeArgumentAst namedAttributeArgumentAst) { return false; }
public object VisitParameter(ParameterAst parameterAst) { return false; }
public object VisitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitIfStatement(IfStatementAst ifStmtAst) { return false; }
public object VisitTrap(TrapStatementAst trapStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAst switchStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitDataStatement(DataStatementAst dataStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitForEachStatement(ForEachStatementAst forEachStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitDoWhileStatement(DoWhileStatementAst doWhileStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitForStatement(ForStatementAst forStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitWhileStatement(WhileStatementAst whileStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitCatchClause(CatchClauseAst catchClauseAst) { return false; }
public object VisitTryStatement(TryStatementAst tryStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitBreakStatement(BreakStatementAst breakStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatementAst continueStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitReturnStatement(ReturnStatementAst returnStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitExitStatement(ExitStatementAst exitStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitThrowStatement(ThrowStatementAst throwStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitDoUntilStatement(DoUntilStatementAst doUntilStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatementAst assignmentStatementAst) { return false; }
// REVIEW: we could relax this to allow specific commands
public object VisitCommand(CommandAst commandAst) { return false; }
public object VisitCommandExpression(CommandExpressionAst commandExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitCommandParameter(CommandParameterAst commandParameterAst) { return false; }
public object VisitFileRedirection(FileRedirectionAst fileRedirectionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitMergingRedirection(MergingRedirectionAst mergingRedirectionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitExpandableStringExpression(ExpandableStringExpressionAst expandableStringExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitAttributedExpression(AttributedExpressionAst attributedExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitBlockStatement(BlockStatementAst blockStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitInvokeMemberExpression(InvokeMemberExpressionAst invokeMemberExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitUsingExpression(UsingExpressionAst usingExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitTypeDefinition(TypeDefinitionAst typeDefinitionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitPropertyMember(PropertyMemberAst propertyMemberAst) { return false; }
public object VisitFunctionMember(FunctionMemberAst functionMemberAst) { return false; }
public object VisitBaseCtorInvokeMemberExpression(BaseCtorInvokeMemberExpressionAst baseCtorInvokeMemberExpressionAst) { return false; }
public object VisitUsingStatement(UsingStatementAst usingStatementAst) { return false; }
public object VisitConfigurationDefinition(ConfigurationDefinitionAst configurationDefinitionAst)
return configurationDefinitionAst.Body.Accept(this);
public object VisitDynamicKeywordStatement(DynamicKeywordStatementAst dynamicKeywordStatementAst)
return false;
public object VisitStatementBlock(StatementBlockAst statementBlockAst)
if (statementBlockAst.Traps != null) return false;
// REVIEW: we could relax this to allow multiple statements
if (statementBlockAst.Statements.Count > 1) return false;
var pipeline = statementBlockAst.Statements.FirstOrDefault();
return pipeline != null && (bool)pipeline.Accept(this);
public object VisitPipeline(PipelineAst pipelineAst)
var expr = pipelineAst.GetPureExpression();
return expr != null && (bool)expr.Accept(this);
public object VisitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpressionAst binaryExpressionAst)
return (bool)binaryExpressionAst.Left.Accept(this) && (bool)binaryExpressionAst.Right.Accept(this);
public object VisitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpressionAst unaryExpressionAst)
return (bool)unaryExpressionAst.Child.Accept(this);
public object VisitConvertExpression(ConvertExpressionAst convertExpressionAst)
return (bool)convertExpressionAst.Child.Accept(this);
public object VisitConstantExpression(ConstantExpressionAst constantExpressionAst)
return true;
public object VisitStringConstantExpression(StringConstantExpressionAst stringConstantExpressionAst)
return true;
public object VisitSubExpression(SubExpressionAst subExpressionAst)
return subExpressionAst.SubExpression.Accept(this);
public object VisitVariableExpression(VariableExpressionAst variableExpressionAst)
return true;
public object VisitTypeExpression(TypeExpressionAst typeExpressionAst)
return true;
public object VisitMemberExpression(MemberExpressionAst memberExpressionAst)
return (bool)memberExpressionAst.Expression.Accept(this) && (bool)memberExpressionAst.Member.Accept(this);
public object VisitIndexExpression(IndexExpressionAst indexExpressionAst)
return (bool)indexExpressionAst.Target.Accept(this) && (bool)indexExpressionAst.Index.Accept(this);
public object VisitArrayExpression(ArrayExpressionAst arrayExpressionAst)
return arrayExpressionAst.SubExpression.Accept(this);
public object VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteralAst arrayLiteralAst)
return arrayLiteralAst.Elements.All(e => (bool)e.Accept(this));
public object VisitHashtable(HashtableAst hashtableAst)
foreach (var keyValuePair in hashtableAst.KeyValuePairs)
if (!(bool)keyValuePair.Item1.Accept(this))
return false;
if (!(bool)keyValuePair.Item2.Accept(this))
return false;
return true;
public object VisitScriptBlockExpression(ScriptBlockExpressionAst scriptBlockExpressionAst)
return true;
public object VisitParenExpression(ParenExpressionAst parenExpressionAst)
return parenExpressionAst.Pipeline.Accept(this);