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2016-04-15 11:25:01 +02:00
Describe "Clear-Variable DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
It "Clear-Variable normal variable Name should works"{
Set-Variable foo bar
Clear-Variable -Name foo
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be $null
$var1.Options|Should Be "None"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
It "Clear-Variable ReadOnly variable Name should throw exception and force Clear-Variable should works"{
Set-Variable foo bar -Option ReadOnly
try {
Clear-Variable -Name foo -EA Stop
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.CategoryInfo| Should Match "SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException"
#Comment below because Pester has bug, it will show error for below code.
#-] Clear-Variable ReadOnly variable Name should throw exception and force Clear-Variable should works 526ms
#The term 'Sort' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
#at line: 18 in /workspace/PowerShell/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreConsoleHost/bin/Linux/netstandardapp1.5/ubuntu.14.04-x64/Modules/Pester/Functions/Assertions/Be.ps1
#$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "VariableNotWritable,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ClearAliasCommand"
Clear-Variable -Name foo -Force
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be $null
$var1.Options|Should Be "ReadOnly"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
It "Clear-Variable normal variable Name with local scope should works"{
Set-Variable foo bar
Set-Variable foo baz
Clear-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local"
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local"
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be $null
$var1.Options|Should Be "None"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be "bar"
$var1.Options|Should Be "None"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
It "Clear-Variable Private variable Name should works and Get-Variable with local scope should throw exception"{
Set-Variable foo bar -Option Private
Clear-Variable -Name foo
try {
Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope local
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.CategoryInfo| Should Match "RuntimeException"
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be "bar"
$var1.Options|Should Be "Private"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
It "Clear-Variable normal variable Name with local scope should works in different scope"{
Set-Variable foo bar
Set-Variable foo baz
Clear-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local"
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local"
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be $null
$var1.Options|Should Be "None"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be "bar"
$var1.Options|Should Be "None"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
$var1=Get-Variable -Name foo -Scope "local"
$var1.Name|Should Be "foo"
$var1.Value|Should Be "bar"
$var1.Options|Should Be "None"
$var1.Description|Should Be ""
Describe "Clear-Variable" {
BeforeEach {
$var1 = 3
It "Should be able to clear a variable using the Name switch" {
Clear-Variable -Name var1
$var1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
{ Get-Variable var1 } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to clear a variable without using the Name switch" {
Clear-Variable var1
$var1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
{ Get-Variable var1 } | Should Not Throw
It "Should have a null value after clearing the variable" {
Clear-Variable var1
$var1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should call without error using the clv alias" {
{ clv -Name var1 } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to include a set of variables to clear" {
$var1 = 2
$var2 = 3
$var3 = 4
$variable1 = 23
$variable2 = 4
$variable3 = 2
$w = 3
Clear-Variable -Name w, vari* -Include w, vari*
$variable1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$variable2 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$variable3 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$w | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$var1 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$var2 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$var3 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should be able to exclude a set of variables to clear" {
$var1 = 2
$var2 = 3
$var3 = 4
$variable1 = 23
$variable2 = 4
$variable3 = 2
$w = 3
Clear-Variable -Name w, vari* -Exclude var*
$variable1 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$variable2 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$variable3 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$var1 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$var2 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$var3 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$w | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should be able to pass the cleared object through the pipeline using the passthru switch" {
{ Clear-Variable -Name var1 -PassThru | Format-Wide -Property Value } | Should Not Throw
It "Should not clear environment variables" {
$env:TEMPVARIABLE = "test data"
Clear-Variable -Name env:TEMPVARIABLE -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should clear variable even if it is read-only using the Force parameter" {
New-Variable -Name var2 -Option ReadOnly -Value 100
Clear-Variable -Name var1
Clear-Variable -Name var2 -Force
$var1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$var2 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Remove-Variable -Name var2 -Force
It "Should throw error when trying to clear variable that is read-only without using the Force parameter" {
New-Variable -Name var2 -Option ReadOnly -Value 100
Clear-Variable -Name var2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
$var2 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
Remove-Variable -Name var2 -Force
Context "Scope Tests" {
# This will violate the DRY principle. Tread softly.
It "Should be able to clear a global scope variable using the global switch" {
New-Variable globalVar -Value 1 -Scope global -Force
Clear-Variable -Name globalVar -Scope global
$globalVar | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should not be able to clear a global scope variable using the local switch" {
New-Variable globalVar -Value 1 -Scope global -Force
Clear-Variable -Name globalVar -Scope local -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should not be able to clear a global variable using the script scope switch" {
New-Variable globalVar -Value 1 -Scope global -Force
Clear-Variable -Name localVar -Scope script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should be able to clear an item locally using the local switch" {
New-Variable localVar -Value 2 -Scope local -Force
Clear-Variable -Name localVar -Scope local
$localVar | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Clear-Variable -Name localVar -Scope script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should not be able to clear an item locally using the global switch" {
New-Variable localVar -Value 2 -Scope local -Force
Clear-Variable -Name localVar -Scope global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should not be able to clear a local variable using the script scope switch" {
New-Variable localVar -Value 2 -Scope local -Force
Clear-Variable -Name localVar -Scope script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw
It "Should be able to clear a script variable created using the script switch" {
New-Variable -Name derp2 -Value 3 -Scope script -Force
Clear-Variable -Name derp2 -Scope script
}| Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to clear a global script variable that was created using the script scope switch" {
New-Variable -Name derpx -Value 4 -Scope script -Force
Clear-Variable -Name derpx -Scope script
} | Should Not Throw