
1958 lines
101 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Management.Automation.Runspaces
internal sealed class PowerShellCore_Format_Ps1Xml
internal static IEnumerable<ExtendedTypeDefinition> GetFormatData()
var AvailableModules_GroupingFormat = CustomControl.Create()
.AddScriptBlockExpressionBinding(@"Split-Path -Parent $_.Path | ForEach-Object { if([Version]::TryParse((Split-Path $_ -Leaf), [ref]$null)) { Split-Path -Parent $_} else {$_} } | Split-Path -Parent")
var sharedControls = new CustomControl[] {
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
var td10 = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return td10;
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
var td20 = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return td20;
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
var td23 = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return td23;
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
var extendedError = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return extendedError;
var errorRecord_Exception = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return errorRecord_Exception;
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
var td40 = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return td40;
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
var td46 = new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return td46;
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
yield return new ExtendedTypeDefinition(
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_RuntimeType()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.RuntimeType",
.AddHeader(label: "IsPublic", width: 8)
.AddHeader(label: "IsSerial", width: 8)
.AddHeader(width: 40)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_MemberDefinition()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition",
TableControl.Create(autoSize: true)
.AddHeader(label: "Name")
.AddHeader(label: "MemberType")
.AddHeader(label: "Definition")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_GroupInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Count", width: 5)
.AddHeader(width: 25)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_GroupInfoNoElement()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfoNoElement",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Count", width: 5)
.AddHeader(width: 25)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfoNoElement",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_HistoryInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("history",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, width: 4)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Duration", width: 12)
if ($_.Duration.TotalHours -ge 10) {
return ""{0}:{1:mm}:{1:ss}.{1:fff}"" -f [int]$_.Duration.TotalHours, $_.Duration
elseif ($_.Duration.TotalHours -ge 1) {
$formatString = ""h\:mm\:ss\.fff""
elseif ($_.Duration.TotalMinutes -ge 1) {
$formatString = ""m\:ss\.fff""
else {
$formatString = ""s\.fff""
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("history",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_MatchInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("MatchInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_PSVariable()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Variable",
.AddHeader(width: 30)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_PathInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("PathInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_CommandInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("CommandInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_AliasInfo_System_Management_Automation_ApplicationInfo_System_Management_Automation_CmdletInfo_System_Management_Automation_ExternalScriptInfo_System_Management_Automation_FilterInfo_System_Management_Automation_FunctionInfo_System_Management_Automation_ScriptInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("CommandInfo",
.AddHeader(label: "CommandType", width: 15)
.AddHeader(label: "Name", width: 50)
.AddHeader(label: "Version", width: 10)
.AddHeader(label: "Source")
if ($_.CommandType -eq ""Alias"")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_Runspaces_TypeData()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("TypeData",
.AddHeader(label: "TypeName")
.AddHeader(label: "Members")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_ControlPanelItem()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ControlPanelItem",
.AddHeader(label: "Name")
.AddHeader(label: "CanonicalName")
.AddHeader(label: "Category")
.AddHeader(label: "Description")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ApplicationInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ApplicationInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.Management.Automation.ApplicationInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ScriptInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ScriptInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.Management.Automation.ScriptInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ExternalScriptInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ExternalScriptInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_FunctionInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("FunctionInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_FilterInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("FilterInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_AliasInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("AliasInfo",
.AddHeader(width: 15)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_ListCommand_MemberInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("memberinfo",
.AddHeader(label: "Class", width: 11)
.AddHeader(width: 25)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ListCommand+MemberInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_ActiveDirectoryProvider_ADPSDriveInfo_System_Management_Automation_PSDriveInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("drive",
.AddHeader(width: 10)
.AddHeader(label: "Used (GB)", width: 13)
.AddHeader(label: "Free (GB)", width: 13)
.AddHeader(label: "Provider", width: 13)
.AddHeader(label: "Root", width: 35)
.AddScriptBlockColumn(@"if($_.Used -or $_.Free) { ""{0:###0.00}"" -f ($_.Used / 1GB) }", alignment: Alignment.Right)
.AddScriptBlockColumn(@"if($_.Used -or $_.Free) { ""{0:###0.00}"" -f ($_.Free / 1GB) }", alignment: Alignment.Right)
.AddScriptBlockColumn("if($null -ne $_.DisplayRoot) { $_.DisplayRoot } else { $_.Root }")
.AddPropertyColumn("CurrentLocation", alignment: Alignment.Right)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ProviderInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("provider",
.AddHeader(width: 20)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("provider",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_CmdletInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.Management.Automation.CmdletInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_FilterInfo_System_Management_Automation_FunctionInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_PSDriveInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ShellVariable()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ShellVariable",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ScriptBlock()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ScriptBlock",
CustomControl.Create(outOfBand: true)
// This generates a custom view for ErrorRecords and Exceptions making
// specific nested types defined in $expandTypes visible. It also handles
// IEnumerable types. Nested types are indented by 4 spaces.
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_GetError()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("GetErrorInstance",
.GroupByProperty("PSErrorIndex", label: "ErrorIndex")
Set-StrictMode -Off
$maxDepth = 10
$ellipsis = ""`u{2026}""
$resetColor = ''
if ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -and !(Test-Path env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences)) {
$resetColor = [System.Management.Automation.VTUtility]::GetEscapeSequence(
function Get-VT100Color([ConsoleColor] $color) {
if (!$Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -or (Test-Path env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences)) {
return ''
return [System.Management.Automation.VTUtility]::GetEscapeSequence($color)
function Show-ErrorRecord($obj, [int]$indent = 0, [int]$depth = 1) {
$newline = [Environment]::Newline
$output = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$prefix = ' ' * $indent
$accentColor = ''
if ($null -ne $Host.PrivateData) {
$accentColor = Get-VT100Color ($Host.PrivateData.FormatAccentColor ?? $Host.PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor)
$expandTypes = @(
# if object is an Exception, add an ExceptionType property
if ($obj -is [Exception]) {
$obj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Type -NotePropertyValue $obj.GetType().FullName -ErrorAction Ignore
# first find the longest property so we can indent properly
$propLength = 0
foreach ($prop in $obj.PSObject.Properties) {
if ($prop.Value -ne $null -and $prop.Value -ne [string]::Empty -and $prop.Name.Length -gt $propLength) {
$propLength = $prop.Name.Length
$addedProperty = $false
foreach ($prop in $obj.PSObject.Properties) {
# don't show empty properties or our added property for $error[index]
if ($prop.Value -ne $null -and $prop.Value -ne [string]::Empty -and $prop.Value.count -gt 0 -and $prop.Name -ne 'PSErrorIndex') {
$addedProperty = $true
$null = $output.Append($prefix)
$null = $output.Append($accentColor)
$null = $output.Append($prop.Name)
$propNameIndent = ' ' * ($propLength - $prop.Name.Length)
$null = $output.Append($propNameIndent)
$null = $output.Append(' : ')
$null = $output.Append($resetColor)
$newIndent = $indent + 4
# only show nested objects that are Exceptions, ErrorRecords, or types defined in $expandTypes and types not in $ignoreTypes
if ($prop.Value -is [Exception] -or $prop.Value -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] -or
$expandTypes -contains $prop.TypeNameOfValue -or ($prop.TypeNames -ne $null -and $expandTypes -contains $prop.TypeNames[0])) {
if ($depth -ge $maxDepth) {
$null = $output.Append($ellipsis)
else {
$null = $output.Append($newline)
$null = $output.Append((Show-ErrorRecord $prop.Value $newIndent ($depth + 1)))
# `TargetSite` has many members that are not useful visually, so we have a reduced view of the relevant members
elseif ($prop.Name -eq 'TargetSite' -and $prop.Value.GetType().Name -eq 'RuntimeMethodInfo') {
if ($depth -ge $maxDepth) {
$null = $output.Append($ellipsis)
else {
$targetSite = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $prop.Value.Name
DeclaringType = $prop.Value.DeclaringType
MemberType = $prop.Value.MemberType
Module = $prop.Value.Module
$null = $output.Append($newline)
$null = $output.Append((Show-ErrorRecord $targetSite $newIndent ($depth + 1)))
# `StackTrace` is handled specifically because the lines are typically long but necessary so they are left justified without additional indentation
elseif ($prop.Name -eq 'StackTrace') {
# for a stacktrace which is usually quite wide with info, we left justify it
$null = $output.Append($newline)
$null = $output.Append($prop.Value)
# Dictionary and Hashtable we want to show as Key/Value pairs, we don't do the extra whitespace alignment here
elseif ($prop.Value.GetType().Name.StartsWith('Dictionary') -or $prop.Value.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
$isFirstElement = $true
foreach ($key in $prop.Value.Keys) {
if ($isFirstElement) {
$null = $output.Append($newline)
if ($key -eq 'Authorization') {
$null = $output.Append(""${prefix} ${accentColor}${key} : ${resetColor}${ellipsis}${newline}"")
else {
$null = $output.Append(""${prefix} ${accentColor}${key} : ${resetColor}$($prop.Value[$key])${newline}"")
$isFirstElement = $false
# if the object implements IEnumerable and not a string, we try to show each object
# We ignore the `Data` property as it can contain lots of type information by the interpreter that isn't useful here
elseif (!($prop.Value -is [System.String]) -and $prop.Value.GetType().GetInterface('IEnumerable') -ne $null -and $prop.Name -ne 'Data') {
if ($depth -ge $maxDepth) {
$null = $output.Append($ellipsis)
else {
$isFirstElement = $true
foreach ($value in $prop.Value) {
$null = $output.Append($newline)
if (!$isFirstElement) {
$null = $output.Append($newline)
$null = $output.Append((Show-ErrorRecord $value $newIndent ($depth + 1)))
$isFirstElement = $false
# anything else, we use ToString()
else {
$value = $prop.Value.ToString().Trim()
$isFirstLine = $true
if ($value.Contains($newline)) {
# the 3 is to account for ' : '
$valueIndent = ' ' * ($propLength + 3)
# need to trim any extra whitespace already in the text
foreach ($line in $value.Split($newline)) {
if (!$isFirstLine) {
$null = $output.Append(""${newline}${prefix}${valueIndent}"")
$null = $output.Append($line.Trim())
$isFirstLine = $false
else {
$null = $output.Append($value)
$null = $output.Append($newline)
# if we had added nested properties, we need to remove the last newline
if ($addedProperty) {
$null = $output.Remove($output.Length - $newline.Length, $newline.Length)
# Add back original typename and remove PSExtendedError
if ($_.PSObject.TypeNames.Contains('System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord#PSExtendedError')) {
$null = $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Remove('System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord#PSExtendedError')
elseif ($_.PSObject.TypeNames.Contains('System.Exception#PSExtendedError')) {
$null = $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Remove('System.Exception#PSExtendedError')
Show-ErrorRecord $_
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ErrorRecord()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ErrorInstance",
CustomControl.Create(outOfBand: true)
if (@('NativeCommandErrorMessage','NativeCommandError') -notcontains $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -and @('CategoryView','ConciseView') -notcontains $ErrorView)
$myinv = $_.InvocationInfo
if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)
switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )
if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)
$myinv.MyCommand.Path + ' : '
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)
$myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + ' : '
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\.]?$')
if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)
$myinv.MyCommand.Name + ' : '
$myinv.InvocationName + ' : '
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)
$myinv.InvocationName + ' : '
Set-StrictMode -Off
function Get-ConciseViewPositionMessage {
$resetColor = ''
if ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -and !(Test-Path env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences)) {
$resetColor = [System.Management.Automation.VTUtility]::GetEscapeSequence(
function Get-VT100Color([ConsoleColor] $color) {
if (!$Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -or (Test-Path env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences)) {
return ''
return [System.Management.Automation.VTUtility]::GetEscapeSequence($color)
# return length of string sans VT100 codes
function Get-RawStringLength($string) {
$vtCodes = ""`e[0m"", ""`e[2;30m"", ""`e[2;31m"", ""`e[2;32m"", ""`e[2;33m"", ""`e[2;34m"",
""`e[2;35m"", ""`e[2;36m"", ""`e[2;37m"", ""`e[1;30m"", ""`e[1;31m"", ""`e[1;32m"",
""`e[1;33m"", ""`e[1;34m"", ""`e[1;35m"", ""`e[1;36m"", ""`e[1;37m""
$newString = $string
foreach ($vtCode in $vtCodes) {
$newString = $newString.Replace($vtCode, '')
return $newString.Length
# returns a string cut to last whitespace
function Get-TruncatedString($string, [int]$length) {
if ($string.Length -le $length) {
return $string
return ($string.Substring(0,$length) -split '\s',-2)[0]
$errorColor = ''
$accentColor = ''
if ($null -ne $Host.PrivateData) {
$errorColor = Get-VT100Color $Host.PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor
$accentColor = Get-VT100Color ($Host.PrivateData.ErrorAccentColor ?? $errorColor)
$posmsg = ''
$headerWhitespace = ''
$offsetWhitespace = ''
$message = ''
$prefix = ''
$newline = [Environment]::Newline
if ($myinv -and $myinv.ScriptName -or $myinv.ScriptLineNumber -gt 1 -or $err.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ParserError') {
$useTargetObject = $false
# Handle case where there is a TargetObject and we can show the error at the target rather than the script source
if ($_.TargetObject.Line -and $_.TargetObject.LineText) {
$posmsg = ""${resetcolor}$($_.TargetObject.File)${newline}""
$useTargetObject = $true
elseif ($myinv.ScriptName) {
if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq 'vscode') {
# If we are running in vscode, we know the file:line:col links are clickable so we use this format
$posmsg = ""${resetcolor}$($myinv.ScriptName):$($myinv.ScriptLineNumber):$($myinv.OffsetInLine)${newline}""
else {
$posmsg = ""${resetcolor}$($myinv.ScriptName):$($myinv.ScriptLineNumber)${newline}""
else {
$posmsg = ""${newline}""
if ($useTargetObject) {
$scriptLineNumber = $_.TargetObject.Line
$scriptLineNumberLength = $_.TargetObject.Line.ToString().Length
else {
$scriptLineNumber = $myinv.ScriptLineNumber
$scriptLineNumberLength = $myinv.ScriptLineNumber.ToString().Length
if ($scriptLineNumberLength -gt 4) {
$headerWhitespace = ' ' * ($scriptLineNumberLength - 4)
$lineWhitespace = ''
if ($scriptLineNumberLength -lt 4) {
$lineWhitespace = ' ' * (4 - $scriptLineNumberLength)
$verticalBar = '|'
$posmsg += ""${accentColor}${headerWhitespace}Line ${verticalBar}${newline}""
$highlightLine = ''
if ($useTargetObject) {
$line = $_.TargetObject.LineText.Trim()
$offsetLength = 0
$offsetInLine = 0
else {
$positionMessage = $myinv.PositionMessage.Split('+')
$line = $positionMessage[1]
$highlightLine = $positionMessage[$positionMessage.Count - 1]
$offsetLength = $highlightLine.Trim().Length
$offsetInLine = $highlightLine.IndexOf('~')
if (-not $line.EndsWith(""`n"")) {
$line += $newline
# don't color the whole line red
if ($offsetLength -lt $line.Length - 1) {
$line = $line.Insert($offsetInLine + $offsetLength, $resetColor).Insert($offsetInLine, $accentColor)
$posmsg += ""${accentColor}${lineWhitespace}${ScriptLineNumber} ${verticalBar} ${resetcolor}${line}""
$offsetWhitespace = ' ' * $offsetInLine
$prefix = ""${accentColor}${headerWhitespace} ${verticalBar} ${errorColor}""
if ($highlightLine -ne '') {
$posMsg += ""${newline}${prefix}${highlightLine}${newline}""
$message = ""${prefix}""
if (! $err.ErrorDetails -or ! $err.ErrorDetails.Message) {
# we use `n instead of $newline here because that's what is in the message
if ($err.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ParserError' -and $err.Exception.Message.Contains(""~`n"")) {
# need to parse out the relevant part of the pre-rendered positionmessage
$message += $err.Exception.Message.split(""~`n"")[1].split(""${newline}${newline}"")[0]
else {
$message += $err.Exception.Message
else {
$message += $err.ErrorDetails.Message
# if rendering line information, break up the message if it's wider than the console
if ($myinv -and $myinv.ScriptName -or $err.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ParserError') {
$prefixLength = Get-RawStringLength -string $prefix
$prefixVtLength = $prefix.Length - $prefixLength
# replace newlines in message so it lines up correct
$message = $message.Replace($newline, ' ').Replace(""`t"", ' ')
if ([Console]::WindowWidth -gt 0 -and ($message.Length - $prefixVTLength) -gt [Console]::WindowWidth) {
$sb = [Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$substring = Get-TruncatedString -string $message -length ([Console]::WindowWidth + $prefixVTLength)
$null = $sb.Append($substring)
$remainingMessage = $message.Substring($substring.Length).Trim()
$null = $sb.Append($newline)
while (($remainingMessage.Length + $prefixLength) -gt [Console]::WindowWidth) {
$subMessage = $prefix + $remainingMessage
$substring = Get-TruncatedString -string $subMessage -length ([Console]::WindowWidth + $prefixVtLength)
$null = $sb.Append($substring)
$null = $sb.Append($newline)
$remainingMessage = $remainingMessage.Substring($substring.Length - $prefix.Length).Trim()
$null = $sb.Append($prefix + $remainingMessage.Trim())
$message = $sb.ToString()
$message += $newline
$posmsg += ""${errorColor}"" + $message
$reason = 'Error'
if ($err.Exception -and $err.Exception.WasThrownFromThrowStatement) {
$reason = 'Exception'
# MyCommand can be the script block, so we don't want to show that so check if it's an actual command
elseif ($myinv.MyCommand -and (Get-Command -Name $myinv.MyCommand -ErrorAction Ignore))
$reason = $myinv.MyCommand
# If it's a scriptblock, better to show the command in the scriptblock that had the error
elseif ($_.CategoryInfo.Activity) {
$reason = $_.CategoryInfo.Activity
elseif ($myinv.MyCommand) {
$reason = $myinv.MyCommand
elseif ($myinv.InvocationName) {
$reason = $myinv.InvocationName
elseif ($err.CategoryInfo.Category) {
$reason = $err.CategoryInfo.Category
elseif ($err.CategoryInfo.Reason) {
$reason = $err.CategoryInfo.Reason
$errorMsg = 'Error'
""${errorColor}${reason}: ${posmsg}${resetcolor}""
$myinv = $_.InvocationInfo
$err = $_
if (!$myinv -and $_.ErrorRecord -and $_.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo) {
$err = $_.ErrorRecord
$myinv = $err.InvocationInfo
if ($err.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'NativeCommandErrorMessage' -or $err.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'NativeCommandError') {
$myinv = $err.InvocationInfo
if ($ErrorView -eq 'ConciseView') {
$posmsg = Get-ConciseViewPositionMessage
elseif ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($err.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {
$posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage
} else {
$posmsg = ''
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
if ($posmsg -ne '')
$posmsg = ""`n"" + $posmsg
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
if ($err.PSMessageDetails) {
$posmsg = ' : ' + $err.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg
if ($ErrorView -eq 'ConciseView') {
return $posmsg
$indent = 4
$errorCategoryMsg = $err.ErrorCategory_Message
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
if ($null -ne $errorCategoryMsg)
$indentString = '+ CategoryInfo : ' + $err.ErrorCategory_Message
$indentString = '+ CategoryInfo : ' + $err.CategoryInfo
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
$posmsg += ""`n"" + $indentString
$indentString = ""+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : "" + $err.FullyQualifiedErrorId
$posmsg += ""`n"" + $indentString
$originInfo = $err.OriginInfo
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
if (($null -ne $originInfo) -and ($null -ne $originInfo.PSComputerName))
$indentString = ""+ PSComputerName : "" + $originInfo.PSComputerName
$posmsg += ""`n"" + $indentString
if ($ErrorView -eq 'CategoryView') {
elseif (! $err.ErrorDetails -or ! $err.ErrorDetails.Message) {
$err.Exception.Message + $posmsg + ""`n""
} else {
$err.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_WarningRecord()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("WarningRecord",
CustomControl.Create(outOfBand: true)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Deserialized_System_Management_Automation_WarningRecord()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("DeserializedWarningRecord",
CustomControl.Create(outOfBand: true)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_InformationRecord()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("InformationRecord",
CustomControl.Create(outOfBand: true)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_CommandParameterSetInfo()
var FmtParameterAttributes = CustomControl.Create()
.StartFrame(leftIndent: 2)
var FmtParameterInfo = CustomControl.Create()
.StartFrame(leftIndent: 2)
.AddText("Parameter Name: ")
.StartFrame(leftIndent: 2)
.AddText("ParameterType = ")
.AddText("Position = ")
.AddText("IsMandatory = ")
.AddText("IsDynamic = ")
.AddText("HelpMessage = ")
.AddText("ValueFromPipeline = ")
.AddText("ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = ")
.AddText("ValueFromRemainingArguments = ")
.AddText("Aliases = ")
.AddText("Attributes =")
.AddPropertyExpressionBinding(@"Attributes", enumerateCollection: true, customControl: FmtParameterAttributes)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("CommandParameterSetInfo",
.AddText("Parameter Set Name: ")
.AddText("Is default parameter set: ")
.AddPropertyExpressionBinding(@"Parameters", enumerateCollection: true, customControl: FmtParameterInfo)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_Runspaces_Runspace()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Runspace",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Id", width: 3)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Name", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "ComputerName", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Type", width: 13)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "State", width: 13)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Availability", width: 15)
if ($null -ne $_.ConnectionInfo)
if ($null -ne $_.ConnectionInfo)
if (($null -ne $_.Debugger) -and ($_.Debugger.InBreakpoint))
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_Runspaces_PSSession()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("PSSession",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Id", width: 3)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Name", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Transport", width: 9)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "ComputerName", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "ComputerType", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "State", width: 13)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "ConfigurationName", width: 20)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Availability", width: 13)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_Job()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Job",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Id", width: 6)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Name", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "PSJobTypeName", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "State", width: 13)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "HasMoreData", width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Location", width: 20)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Command", width: 25)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Deserialized_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_TextMeasureInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TextMeasureInfo",
.AddHeader(label: "Lines")
.AddHeader(label: "Words")
.AddHeader(label: "Characters")
.AddHeader(label: "Property")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Deserialized_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_GenericMeasureInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_CallStackFrame()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("CallStackFrame",
.AddHeader(label: "Command")
.AddHeader(label: "Arguments")
.AddHeader(label: "Location")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_BreakpointTypes()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Breakpoint",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "ID", width: 4)
.AddHeader(label: "Script")
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Line", width: 4)
.AddHeader(label: "Command")
.AddHeader(label: "Variable")
.AddHeader(label: "Action")
.AddScriptBlockColumn("if ($_.Script) { [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_.Script) }")
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Breakpoint",
.StartEntry(entrySelectedByType: new[] { "System.Management.Automation.LineBreakpoint" })
.StartEntry(entrySelectedByType: new[] { "System.Management.Automation.VariableBreakpoint" })
.StartEntry(entrySelectedByType: new[] { "System.Management.Automation.CommandBreakpoint" })
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_PSSessionConfigurationCommands_PSSessionConfiguration()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("PSSessionConfiguration",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_ComputerChangeInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ComputerChangeInfo",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "HasSucceeded", width: 12)
.AddHeader(label: "ComputerName", width: 25)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_RenameComputerChangeInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameComputerChangeInfo",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "HasSucceeded", width: 12)
.AddHeader(label: "OldComputerName", width: 25)
.AddHeader(label: "NewComputerName", width: 25)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_ModuleInfoGrouping(CustomControl[] sharedControls)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Module",
.GroupByScriptBlock("Split-Path -Parent $_.Path | ForEach-Object { if([Version]::TryParse((Split-Path $_ -Leaf), [ref]$null)) { Split-Path -Parent $_} else {$_} } | Split-Path -Parent", customControl: sharedControls[0])
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "PreRelease", width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 35)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 9, label: "PSEdition")
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "ExportedCommands")
if ($_.PrivateData -and $_.PrivateData.PSData)
$result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$editions = $_.CompatiblePSEditions
if (-not $editions)
$editions = @('Desktop')
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
foreach ($edition in $editions)
$result += $edition.Substring(0,4)
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
($result | Sort-Object) -join ','")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_PSModuleInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Module",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "PreRelease", width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 35)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "ExportedCommands")
if ($_.PrivateData -and $_.PrivateData.PSData)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Module",
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Module",
if ($_.PrivateData -and $_.PrivateData.PSData)
label: "PreRelease")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.ExportedFunctions.Keys", label: "ExportedFunctions")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.ExportedCmdlets.Keys", label: "ExportedCmdlets")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.ExportedVariables.Keys", label: "ExportedVariables")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.ExportedAliases.Keys", label: "ExportedAliases")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_System_Management_Automation_ExperimentalFeature()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ExperimentalFeature",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 35)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, width: 7)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 35)
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("ExperimentalFeature",
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_BasicHtmlWebResponseObject()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject",
$result = $_.Content
$result = $result.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($result.Length, 200) )
if($result.Length -eq 200) { $result += ""`u{2026}"" }
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
", label: "Content")
$result = $_.RawContent
$result = $result.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($result.Length, 200) )
if($result.Length -eq 200) { $result += ""`u{2026}"" }
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
", label: "RawContent")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_WebResponseObject()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebResponseObject",
$result = $_.RawContent
$result = $result.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($result.Length, 200) )
if($result.Length -eq 200) { $result += ""`u{2026}"" }
Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (#8530) * Update TestService * Update WebListener * Update Controllers * Update ExpTest * Update MyApp * Update Logic * Update Logic * Update MyApp * Update Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics * Update Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Management * Update Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime * Update ResGen * Update TypeCatalogGen * Update commands * Update Eventing * Update Reader * Update utility * Update ShowCommand * Update trace * Update WebCmdlet * Update Common * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update format-object * Update format-wide * Update out-file * Update out-printer * Update out-string * Update OutGridView * Update LocalAccounts * Update Commands * Update security * Update CoreCLR * Update DscSupport * Update engine * Update help * Update logging * Update namespaces * Update security * Update utils * Update config * Update perfCounters * Update tracing * Update cmdletization * Update other * Update cim * Update xml * Update CoreCLR * Update common * Update DefaultFormatters * Update out-console * Update out-textInterface * Update DisplayDatabase * Update Utilities * Update COM * Update ComInterop * Update CommandCompletion * Update debugger * Update ExperimentalFeature * Update hostifaces * Update interpreter * Update lang * Update Modules * Update parser * Update runtime * Update client * Update commands * Update common * Update fanin * Update server * Update WireDataFormat * Update Binding * Update Operations * Update interface * Update cmdletization * Update cim * Update management * Update WindowsTaskbarJumpList * Update msh
2018-12-24 07:20:06 +01:00
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
", label: "RawContent")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_Powershell_Utility_FileHashInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileHashInfo",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 15)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, width: 70)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_PSRunspaceDebug()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("PSRunspaceDebug>",
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Id", width: 3)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Name", width: 20)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Enabled", width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "BreakAll", width: 10)
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_MarkdownRender_MarkdownOptionInfo()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition("Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender.PSMarkdownOptionInfo",
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Header1')", label: "Header1")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Header2')", label: "Header2")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Header3')", label: "Header3")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Header4')", label: "Header4")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Header5')", label: "Header5")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Header6')", label: "Header6")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Code')", label: "Code")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Link')", label: "Link")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('Image')", label: "Image")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('EmphasisBold')", label: "EmphasisBold")
.AddItemScriptBlock(@"$_.AsEscapeSequence('EmphasisItalics')", label: "EmphasisItalics")
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_TestConnectionCommand_PingStatus()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition(
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Ping", width: 4)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Source", width: 16)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Address", width: 25)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Latency(ms)", width: 7)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "BufferSize(B)", width: 10)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Status", width: 16)
if ($_.Status -eq 'TimedOut') {
else {
if ($_.Status -eq 'TimedOut') {
else {
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_TestConnectionCommand_PingMtuStatus()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition(
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Source", width: 16)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Address", width: 25)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Latency(ms)", width: 7)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Status", width: 16)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "MtuSize(B)", width: 7)
if ($_.Status -eq 'TimedOut') {
else {
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_TestConnectionCommand_TraceStatus()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition(
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Hop", width: 3)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Hostname", width: 25)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Ping", width: 4)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Latency(ms)", width: 7)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Status", width: 16)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Source", width: 12)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "TargetAddress", width: 15)
if ($_.Hostname) {
else {
if ($_.Status -eq 'TimedOut') {
else {
private static IEnumerable<FormatViewDefinition> ViewsOf_Microsoft_PowerShell_Commands_ByteCollection()
yield return new FormatViewDefinition(
.AddHeader(Alignment.Right, label: "Offset", width: 16)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Bytes\n00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F", width: 47)
.AddHeader(Alignment.Left, label: "Ascii", width: 16)