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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$Environment = Get-EnvironmentInformation
$packagingStrings = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$PSScriptRoot\packaging.strings.psd1"
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\Xml" -ErrorAction Stop -Force
$DebianDistributions = @("ubuntu.14.04", "ubuntu.16.04", "ubuntu.17.10", "ubuntu.18.04", "debian.8", "debian.9")
function Start-PSPackage {
# PowerShell packages use Semantic Versioning http://semver.org/
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Version")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ReleaseTag")]
# Package name
[string]$Name = "powershell",
2017-09-07 19:34:40 +02:00
# Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, macOS, and Windows packages are supported
[ValidateSet("deb", "osxpkg", "rpm", "msi", "zip", "AppImage", "nupkg", "tar", "tar-arm", 'tar-musl', 'fxdependent')]
# Generate windows downlevel package
[ValidateSet("win7-x86", "win7-x64", "win-arm", "win-arm64")]
[string] $WindowsRuntime,
[Switch] $Force,
[Switch] $SkipReleaseChecks,
[switch] $NoSudo
DynamicParam {
if ("zip" -eq $Type -or "fxdependent" -eq $Type) {
# Add a dynamic parameter '-IncludeSymbols' when the specified package type is 'zip' only.
# The '-IncludeSymbols' parameter can be used to indicate that the package should only contain powershell binaries and symbols.
$ParameterAttr = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute"
$Attributes = New-Object "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection``1[System.Attribute]"
$Attributes.Add($ParameterAttr) > $null
$Parameter = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter" -ArgumentList ("IncludeSymbols", [switch], $Attributes)
$Dict = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary"
$Dict.Add("IncludeSymbols", $Parameter) > $null
return $Dict
End {
$IncludeSymbols = $null
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IncludeSymbols')) {
Write-Log 'setting IncludeSymbols'
$IncludeSymbols = $PSBoundParameters['IncludeSymbols']
# Runtime and Configuration settings required by the package
($Runtime, $Configuration) = if ($WindowsRuntime) {
$WindowsRuntime, "Release"
} elseif ($Type -eq "tar-arm") {
New-PSOptions -Configuration "Release" -Runtime "Linux-ARM" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $_.Runtime, $_.Configuration }
} elseif ($Type -eq "tar-musl") {
New-PSOptions -Configuration "Release" -Runtime "Linux-musl-x64" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $_.Runtime, $_.Configuration }
} else {
New-PSOptions -Configuration "Release" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $_.Runtime, $_.Configuration }
if ($Environment.IsWindows) {
# Runtime will be one of win7-x64, win7-x86, "win-arm" and "win-arm64" on Windows.
# Build the name suffix for universal win-plat packages.
switch ($Runtime) {
"win-arm" { $NameSuffix = "win-arm32" }
"win-arm64" { $NameSuffix = "win-arm64" }
default { $NameSuffix = $_ -replace 'win\d+', 'win' }
if ($Type -eq 'fxdependent') {
$NameSuffix = "win-fxdependent"
Write-Log "Packaging : '$Type'; Packaging Configuration: '$Configuration'"
} else {
Write-Log "Packaging RID: '$Runtime'; Packaging Configuration: '$Configuration'"
$Script:Options = Get-PSOptions
$crossGenCorrect = $false
if ($Runtime -match "arm") {
# crossgen doesn't support arm32/64
$crossGenCorrect = $true
elseif ($Script:Options.CrossGen) {
$crossGenCorrect = $true
2017-11-02 21:52:17 +01:00
$PSModuleRestoreCorrect = $false
# Require PSModuleRestore for packaging without symbols
# But Disallow it when packaging with symbols
if (!$IncludeSymbols.IsPresent -and $Script:Options.PSModuleRestore) {
$PSModuleRestoreCorrect = $true
elseif ($IncludeSymbols.IsPresent -and !$Script:Options.PSModuleRestore) {
$PSModuleRestoreCorrect = $true
$precheckFailed = if ($Type -eq 'fxdependent') {
## We do not check for runtime and crossgen for framework dependent package.
-not $Script:Options -or ## Start-PSBuild hasn't been executed yet
-not $PSModuleRestoreCorrect -or ## Last build didn't specify '-PSModuleRestore' correctly
$Script:Options.Configuration -ne $Configuration -or ## Last build was with configuration other than 'Release'
$Script:Options.Framework -ne "netcoreapp2.1" ## Last build wasn't for CoreCLR
} else {
-not $Script:Options -or ## Start-PSBuild hasn't been executed yet
-not $crossGenCorrect -or ## Last build didn't specify '-CrossGen' correctly
-not $PSModuleRestoreCorrect -or ## Last build didn't specify '-PSModuleRestore' correctly
$Script:Options.Runtime -ne $Runtime -or ## Last build wasn't for the required RID
$Script:Options.Configuration -ne $Configuration -or ## Last build was with configuration other than 'Release'
$Script:Options.Framework -ne "netcoreapp2.1" ## Last build wasn't for CoreCLR
# Make sure the most recent build satisfies the package requirement
if ($precheckFailed) {
# It's possible that the most recent build doesn't satisfy the package requirement but
# an earlier build does.
# It's also possible that the last build actually satisfies the package requirement but
# then `Start-PSPackage` runs from a new PS session or `build.psm1` was reloaded.
# In these cases, the user will be asked to build again even though it's technically not
# necessary. However, we want it that way -- being very explict when generating packages.
# This check serves as a simple gate to ensure that the user knows what he is doing, and
# also ensure `Start-PSPackage` does what the user asks/expects, because once packages
# are generated, it'll be hard to verify if they were built from the correct content.
$params = @('-Clean')
# CrossGen cannot be done for framework dependent package as it is runtime agnostic.
if ($Type -ne 'fxdependent') {
$params += '-CrossGen'
2017-11-02 21:52:17 +01:00
if (!$IncludeSymbols.IsPresent) {
$params += '-PSModuleRestore'
2017-11-02 21:52:17 +01:00
if ($Type -eq 'fxdependent') {
$params += '-Runtime', 'fxdependent'
} else {
$params += '-Runtime', $Runtime
$params += '-Configuration', $Configuration
throw "Please ensure you have run 'Start-PSBuild $params'!"
if ($SkipReleaseChecks.IsPresent) {
Write-Warning "Skipping release checks."
elseif (!$Script:Options.RootInfo.IsValid){
throw $Script:Options.RootInfo.Warning
# If ReleaseTag is specified, use the given tag to calculate Vesrion
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ReleaseTag") {
$Version = $ReleaseTag -Replace '^v'
# Use Git tag if not given a version
if (-not $Version) {
$Version = (git --git-dir="$PSScriptRoot/../../.git" describe) -Replace '^v'
$Source = Split-Path -Path $Script:Options.Output -Parent
# Copy the ThirdPartyNotices.txt so it's part of the package
Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot/../../ThirdPartyNotices.txt" -Destination $Source -Force
# If building a symbols package, we add a zip of the parent to publish
if ($IncludeSymbols.IsPresent)
2017-11-02 21:52:17 +01:00
$publishSource = $Source
$buildSource = Split-Path -Path $Source -Parent
$Source = New-TempFolder
$symbolsSource = New-TempFolder
# Copy files which go into the root package
Get-ChildItem -Path $publishSource | Copy-Item -Destination $Source -Recurse
# files not to include as individual files. These files will be included in the root package
# pwsh.exe is just dotnet.exe renamed by dotnet.exe during the build.
$toExclude = @(
# Copy file which go into symbols.zip
Get-ChildItem -Path $buildSource | Where-Object {$toExclude -inotcontains $_.Name} | Copy-Item -Destination $symbolsSource -Recurse
# Zip symbols.zip to the root package
$zipSource = Join-Path $symbolsSource -ChildPath '*'
$zipPath = Join-Path -Path $Source -ChildPath 'symbols.zip'
Save-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath (Join-Path -Path $source -ChildPath 'psoptions.json') -Options $Script:Options
Compress-Archive -Path $zipSource -DestinationPath $zipPath
Remove-Item -Path $symbolsSource -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Log "Packaging Source: '$Source'"
# Decide package output type
if (-not $Type) {
$Type = if ($Environment.IsLinux) {
if ($Environment.LinuxInfo.ID -match "ubuntu") {
"deb", "nupkg"
} elseif ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
"rpm", "nupkg"
} elseif ($Environment.IsSUSEFamily) {
"rpm", "nupkg"
} else {
throw "Building packages for $($Environment.LinuxInfo.PRETTY_NAME) is unsupported!"
} elseif ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
"osxpkg", "nupkg"
} elseif ($Environment.IsWindows) {
"msi", "nupkg"
Write-Warning "-Type was not specified, continuing with $Type!"
Write-Log "Packaging Type: $Type"
# Add the symbols to the suffix
# if symbols are specified to be included
if ($IncludeSymbols.IsPresent -and $NameSuffix) {
$NameSuffix = "symbols-$NameSuffix"
elseif ($IncludeSymbols.IsPresent) {
$NameSuffix = "symbols"
switch ($Type) {
"zip" {
$Arguments = @{
PackageNameSuffix = $NameSuffix
PackageSourcePath = $Source
PackageVersion = $Version
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Zip Package")) {
New-ZipPackage @Arguments
"fxdependent" {
if ($IsWindows) {
$Arguments = @{
PackageNameSuffix = $NameSuffix
PackageSourcePath = $Source
PackageVersion = $Version
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create Zip Package")) {
New-ZipPackage @Arguments
} elseif ($IsLinux) {
$Arguments = @{
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
PackageNameSuffix = 'fxdependent'
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create tar.gz Package")) {
New-TarballPackage @Arguments
"msi" {
$TargetArchitecture = "x64"
if ($Runtime -match "-x86") {
$TargetArchitecture = "x86"
$Arguments = @{
ProductNameSuffix = $NameSuffix
ProductSourcePath = $Source
ProductVersion = $Version
AssetsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets"
LicenseFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\license.rtf"
# Product Code needs to be unique for every PowerShell version since it is a unique identifier for the particular product release
ProductCode = New-Guid
ProductTargetArchitecture = $TargetArchitecture
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create MSI Package")) {
New-MSIPackage @Arguments
"AppImage" {
if ($IncludeSymbols.IsPresent) {
throw "AppImage does not support packaging '-IncludeSymbols'"
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu14) {
$null = Start-NativeExecution { bash -iex "$PSScriptRoot/../appimage.sh" }
$appImage = Get-Item powershell-*.AppImage
if ($appImage.Count -gt 1) {
throw "Found more than one AppImage package, remove all *.AppImage files and try to create the package again"
Rename-Item $appImage.Name $appImage.Name.Replace("-","-$Version-")
} else {
Write-Warning "Ignoring AppImage type for non Ubuntu Trusty platform"
'nupkg' {
$Arguments = @{
PackageNameSuffix = $NameSuffix
PackageSourcePath = $Source
PackageVersion = $Version
PackageRuntime = $Runtime
PackageConfiguration = $Configuration
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create NuPkg Package")) {
New-NugetContentPackage @Arguments
"tar" {
$Arguments = @{
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create tar.gz Package")) {
New-TarballPackage @Arguments
"tar-arm" {
$Arguments = @{
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
Architecture = "arm32"
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create tar.gz Package")) {
New-TarballPackage @Arguments
"tar-musl" {
$Arguments = @{
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
Architecture = "musl-x64"
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create tar.gz Package")) {
New-TarballPackage @Arguments
'deb' {
$Arguments = @{
Type = 'deb'
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
NoSudo = $NoSudo
foreach ($Distro in $Script:DebianDistributions) {
$Arguments["Distribution"] = $Distro
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create DEB Package for $Distro")) {
New-UnixPackage @Arguments
default {
$Arguments = @{
Type = $_
PackageSourcePath = $Source
Name = $Name
Version = $Version
Force = $Force
NoSudo = $NoSudo
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create $_ Package")) {
New-UnixPackage @Arguments
if ($IncludeSymbols.IsPresent)
# Source is a temporary folder when -IncludeSymbols is present. So, we should remove it.
Remove-Item -Path $Source -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function New-TarballPackage {
param (
[string] $PackageSourcePath,
# Must start with 'powershell' but may have any suffix
[string] $Name,
# Suffix of the Name
[string] $PackageNameSuffix,
[string] $Version,
[string] $Architecture = "x64",
[switch] $Force
if ($PackageNameSuffix) {
$packageName = "$Name-$Version-{0}-$Architecture-$PackageNameSuffix.tar.gz"
} else {
$packageName = "$Name-$Version-{0}-$Architecture.tar.gz"
if ($Environment.IsWindows) {
throw "Must be on Linux or macOS to build 'tar.gz' packages!"
} elseif ($Environment.IsLinux) {
$packageName = $packageName -f "linux"
} elseif ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
$packageName = $packageName -f "osx"
$packagePath = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath $packageName
Write-Verbose "Create package $packageName"
Write-Verbose "Package destination path: $packagePath"
if (Test-Path -Path $packagePath) {
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Overwrite existing package file")) {
Write-Verbose "Overwrite existing package file at $packagePath" -Verbose
Remove-Item -Path $packagePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop -Confirm:$false
if (Get-Command -Name tar -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Ignore) {
if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create tarball package")) {
$options = "-czf"
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose') -and $PSBoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent) {
# Use the verbose mode '-v' if '-Verbose' is specified
$options = "-czvf"
try {
Push-Location -Path $PackageSourcePath
tar $options $packagePath .
} finally {
if (Test-Path -Path $packagePath) {
Write-Log "You can find the tarball package at $packagePath"
return $packagePath
} else {
throw "Failed to create $packageName"
} else {
throw "Failed to create the package because the application 'tar' cannot be found"
function New-TempFolder
$tempPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
$tempFolder = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
if (!(Test-Path -Path $tempFolder))
$null = New-Item -Path $tempFolder -ItemType Directory
return $tempFolder
function New-PSSignedBuildZip
[parameter(HelpMessage='VSTS variable to set for path to zip')]
# Replace unsigned binaries with signed
$signedFilesFilter = Join-Path -Path $signedFilesPath -ChildPath '*'
Get-ChildItem -path $signedFilesFilter -Recurse -File | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Foreach-Object -Process {
$relativePath = $_.ToLowerInvariant().Replace($signedFilesPath.ToLowerInvariant(),'')
$destination = Join-Path -Path $buildPath -ChildPath $relativePath
Write-Log "replacing $destination with $_"
Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $destination -force
# Remove '$signedFilesPath' now that signed binaries are copied
if (Test-Path $signedFilesPath)
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $signedFilesPath
$name = split-path -Path $BuildPath -Leaf
$zipLocationPath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationFolder -ChildPath "$name-signed.zip"
Compress-Archive -Path $BuildPath\* -DestinationPath $zipLocationPath
if ($VstsVariableName)
# set VSTS variable with path to package files
Write-Log "Setting $VstsVariableName to $zipLocationPath"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$VstsVariableName]$zipLocationPath"
return $zipLocationPath
function Expand-PSSignedBuild
$psModulePath = Split-Path -path $PSScriptRoot
# Expand signed build
$buildPath = Join-Path -path $psModulePath -childpath 'ExpandedBuild'
$null = New-Item -path $buildPath -itemtype Directory -force
Expand-Archive -path $BuildZip -destinationpath $buildPath -Force
# Remove the zip file that contains only those files from the parent folder of 'publish'.
# That zip file is used for compliance scan.
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $buildPath -ChildPath '*.zip') -Recurse
if ($SkipPwshExeCheck)
$windowsExecutablePath = (Join-Path $buildPath -ChildPath 'pwsh.dll')
$windowsExecutablePath = (Join-Path $buildPath -ChildPath 'pwsh.exe')
Restore-PSModuleToBuild -PublishPath $buildPath
$psOptionsPath = Join-Path $buildPath -ChildPath 'psoptions.json'
Restore-PSOptions -PSOptionsPath $psOptionsPath -Remove
$options = Get-PSOptions
$options.PSModuleRestore = $true
if (Test-Path -Path $windowsExecutablePath)
$options.Output = $windowsExecutablePath
throw 'Could not find pwsh'
Set-PSOptions -Options $options
function New-UnixPackage {
[ValidateSet("deb", "osxpkg", "rpm")]
# Must start with 'powershell' but may have any suffix
# Package iteration version (rarely changed)
# This is a string because strings are appended to it
[string]$Iteration = "1",
DynamicParam {
if ($Type -eq "deb") {
# Add a dynamic parameter '-Distribution' when the specified package type is 'deb'.
# The '-Distribution' parameter can be used to indicate which Debian distro this pacakge is targeting.
$ParameterAttr = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute"
$ValidateSetAttr = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute" -ArgumentList $Script:DebianDistributions
$Attributes = New-Object "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection``1[System.Attribute]"
$Attributes.Add($ParameterAttr) > $null
$Attributes.Add($ValidateSetAttr) > $null
$Parameter = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter" -ArgumentList ("Distribution", [string], $Attributes)
$Dict = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary"
$Dict.Add("Distribution", $Parameter) > $null
return $Dict
End {
# This allows sudo install to be optional; needed when running in containers / as root
# Note that when it is null, Invoke-Expression (but not &) must be used to interpolate properly
$sudo = if (!$NoSudo) { "sudo" }
# Validate platform
$ErrorMessage = "Must be on {0} to build '$Type' packages!"
switch ($Type) {
"deb" {
$packageVersion = Get-LinuxPackageSemanticVersion -Version $Version
if (!$Environment.IsUbuntu -and !$Environment.IsDebian) {
throw ($ErrorMessage -f "Ubuntu or Debian")
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Distribution')) {
$DebDistro = $PSBoundParameters['Distribution']
} elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu14) {
$DebDistro = "ubuntu.14.04"
} elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu16) {
$DebDistro = "ubuntu.16.04"
} elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu17) {
$DebDistro = "ubuntu.17.10"
} elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu18) {
$DebDistro = "ubuntu.18.04"
} elseif ($Environment.IsDebian8) {
$DebDistro = "debian.8"
} elseif ($Environment.IsDebian9) {
$DebDistro = "debian.9"
} else {
throw "The current Debian distribution is not supported."
# iteration is "debian_revision"
# usage of this to differentiate distributions is allowed by non-standard
$Iteration += ".$DebDistro"
"rpm" {
$packageVersion = Get-LinuxPackageSemanticVersion -Version $Version
if (!$Environment.IsRedHatFamily -and !$Environment.IsSUSEFamily) {
throw ($ErrorMessage -f "Redhat or SUSE Family")
"osxpkg" {
$packageVersion = $Version
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS) {
throw ($ErrorMessage -f "macOS")
# Determine if the version is a preview version
$IsPreview = Test-IsPreview -Version $Version
# Preview versions have preview in the name
$Name = if ($IsPreview) { "powershell-preview" } else { "powershell" }
# Verify dependencies are installed and in the path
$Description = $packagingStrings.Description
# Break the version down into its components, we are interested in the major version
$VersionMatch = [regex]::Match($Version, '(\d+)(?:.(\d+)(?:.(\d+)(?:-preview(?:.(\d+))?)?)?)?')
$MajorVersion = $VersionMatch.Groups[1].Value
# Suffix is used for side-by-side preview/release package installation
$Suffix = if ($IsPreview) { $MajorVersion + "-preview" } else { $MajorVersion }
# Setup staging directory so we don't change the original source directory
$Staging = "$PSScriptRoot/staging"
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create staging folder")) {
New-StagingFolder -StagingPath $Staging
# Follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for Linux and macOS
$Destination = if ($Environment.IsLinux) {
} elseif ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
# Destination for symlink to powershell executable
$Link = if ($Environment.IsLinux) {
if ($IsPreview) { "/usr/bin/pwsh-preview" } else { "/usr/bin/pwsh" }
} elseif ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if ($IsPreview) { "/usr/local/bin/pwsh-preview" } else { "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" }
$linkSource = "/tmp/pwsh"
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create package file system"))
# refers to executable, does not vary by channel
New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path $linkSource -Target "$Destination/pwsh" >$null
# Generate After Install and After Remove scripts
$AfterScriptInfo = New-AfterScripts -Link $Link
# there is a weird bug in fpm
# if the target of the powershell symlink exists, `fpm` aborts
# with a `utime` error on macOS.
# so we move it to make symlink broken
# refers to executable, does not vary by channel
$symlink_dest = "$Destination/pwsh"
$hack_dest = "./_fpm_symlink_hack_powershell"
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if (Test-Path $symlink_dest) {
Write-Warning "Move $symlink_dest to $hack_dest (fpm utime bug)"
Start-NativeExecution ([ScriptBlock]::Create("$sudo mv $symlink_dest $hack_dest"))
# Generate gzip of man file
$ManGzipInfo = New-ManGzip -IsPreview:$IsPreview
# Change permissions for packaging
Start-NativeExecution {
find $Staging -type d | xargs chmod 755
find $Staging -type f | xargs chmod 644
chmod 644 $ManGzipInfo.GzipFile
# refers to executable, does not vary by channel
chmod 755 "$Staging/pwsh" #only the executable file should be granted the execution permission
2017-11-06 19:44:20 +01:00
# Add macOS powershell launcher
if ($Type -eq "osxpkg")
2017-11-06 19:44:20 +01:00
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add macOS launch application"))
# Generate launcher app folder
$AppsFolder = New-MacOSLauncher -Version $Version
2017-11-06 19:44:20 +01:00
$packageDependenciesParams = @{}
if ($DebDistro)
# Setup package dependencies
$Dependencies = @(Get-PackageDependencies @packageDependenciesParams)
$Arguments = Get-FpmArguments `
-Name $Name `
-Version $packageVersion `
-Iteration $Iteration `
-Description $Description `
-Type $Type `
-Dependencies $Dependencies `
-AfterInstallScript $AfterScriptInfo.AfterInstallScript `
-AfterRemoveScript $AfterScriptInfo.AfterRemoveScript `
-Staging $Staging `
-Destination $Destination `
-ManGzipFile $ManGzipInfo.GzipFile `
-ManDestination $ManGzipInfo.ManFile `
-LinkSource $LinkSource `
-LinkDestination $Link `
-AppsFolder $AppsFolder `
-ErrorAction Stop
# Build package
try {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create $type package")) {
$Output = Start-NativeExecution { fpm $Arguments }
} finally {
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Cleanup macOS launcher"))
2017-11-06 19:44:20 +01:00
2017-11-06 19:44:20 +01:00
# this is continuation of a fpm hack for a weird bug
if (Test-Path $hack_dest) {
Write-Warning "Move $hack_dest to $symlink_dest (fpm utime bug)"
Start-NativeExecution ([ScriptBlock]::Create("$sudo mv $hack_dest $symlink_dest"))
if ($AfterScriptInfo.AfterInstallScript) {
Remove-Item -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' $AfterScriptInfo.AfterInstallScript -Force
if ($AfterScriptInfo.AfterRemoveScript) {
Remove-Item -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' $AfterScriptInfo.AfterRemoveScript -Force
Remove-Item -Path $ManGzipInfo.GzipFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Magic to get path output
$createdPackage = Get-Item (Join-Path $PWD (($Output[-1] -split ":path=>")[-1] -replace '["{}]'))
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add distribution information and Fix PackageName"))
$createdPackage = New-MacOsDistributionPackage -FpmPackage $createdPackage -IsPreview:$IsPreview
if (Test-Path $createdPackage)
Write-Verbose "Created package: $createdPackage" -Verbose
return $createdPackage
throw "Failed to create $createdPackage"
function New-MacOsDistributionPackage
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='The FileInfo of the file created by FPM')]
[Switch] $IsPreview
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS)
throw 'New-MacOsDistributionPackage is only supported on macOS!'
$packageName = Split-Path -leaf -Path $FpmPackage
# Create a temp directory to store the needed files
$tempDir = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir -Force > $null
$resourcesDir = Join-Path -path $tempDir -childPath 'resources'
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $resourcesDir -Force > $null
#Copy background file to temp directory
$backgroundFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "/../../assets/macDialog.png"
Copy-Item -Path $backgroundFile -Destination $resourcesDir
# Move the current package to the temp directory
$tempPackagePath = Join-Path -path $tempDir -ChildPath $packageName
Move-Item -Path $FpmPackage -Destination $tempPackagePath -Force
# Add the OS information to the macOS package file name.
$packageExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FpmPackage.Name)
# get the package name from fpm without the extension, but replace powershell-preview at the beginning of the name with powershell.
$packageNameWithoutExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FpmPackage.Name) -replace '^powershell\-preview' , 'powershell'
$newPackageName = "{0}-{1}{2}" -f $packageNameWithoutExt, $script:Options.Runtime, $packageExt
$newPackagePath = Join-Path $FpmPackage.DirectoryName $newPackageName
# -Force is not deleting the NewName if it exists, so delete it if it does
if ($Force -and (Test-Path -Path $newPackagePath))
Remove-Item -Force $newPackagePath
# Create the distribution xml
$distributionXmlPath = Join-Path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath 'powershellDistribution.xml'
$packageId = Get-MacOSPackageId -IsPreview:$IsPreview.IsPresent
# format distribution template with:
# 0 - title
# 1 - version
# 2 - package path
# 3 - minimum os version
# 4 - Package Identifier
$PackagingStrings.OsxDistributionTemplate -f "PowerShell - $packageVersion", $packageVersion, $packageName, '10.12', $packageId | Out-File -Encoding ascii -FilePath $distributionXmlPath -Force
Write-Log "Applying distribution.xml to package..."
Push-Location $tempDir
# productbuild is an xcode command line tool, and those tools are installed when you install brew
Start-NativeExecution -sb {productbuild --distribution $distributionXmlPath --resources $resourcesDir $newPackagePath}
Remove-item -Path $tempDir -Recurse -Force
return $newPackagePath
function Get-FpmArguments
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Package Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Package Version')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Package description')]
# From start-PSPackage without modification, already validated
# Values: deb, rpm, osxpkg
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Installer Type')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Staging folder for installation files')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Install path on target machine')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='The built and gzipped man file.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='The destination of the man file')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Symlink to powershell executable')]
[Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Destination for symlink to powershell executable')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Packages required to install this package. Not applicable for MacOS.')]
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS -and $_.Count -eq 0)
throw "Must not be null or empty on this environment."
return $true
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Script to run after the package installation.')]
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS -and !$_)
throw "Must not be null on this environment."
return $true
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Script to run after the package removal.')]
if (!$Environment.IsMacOS -and !$_)
throw "Must not be null on this environment."
return $true
[Parameter(HelpMessage='AppsFolder used to add macOS launcher')]
if ($Environment.IsMacOS -and !$_)
throw "Must not be null on this environment."
return $true
$Arguments = @(
"--force", "--verbose",
"--name", $Name,
"--version", $Version,
"--iteration", $Iteration,
"--maintainer", "PowerShell Team <PowerShellTeam@hotmail.com>",
"--vendor", "Microsoft Corporation",
"--url", "https://microsoft.com/powershell",
"--license", "MIT License",
"--description", $Description,
"--category", "shells",
"-t", $Type,
"-s", "dir"
if ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
$Arguments += @("--rpm-dist", "rhel.7")
$Arguments += @("--rpm-os", "linux")
if ($Environment.IsMacOS) {
$Arguments += @("--osxpkg-identifier-prefix", "com.microsoft")
foreach ($Dependency in $Dependencies) {
$Arguments += @("--depends", $Dependency)
if ($AfterInstallScript) {
$Arguments += @("--after-install", $AfterInstallScript)
if ($AfterRemoveScript) {
$Arguments += @("--after-remove", $AfterRemoveScript)
$Arguments += @(
if ($AppsFolder)
$Arguments += "$AppsFolder=/"
return $Arguments
function Test-Distribution
if ( ($Environment.IsUbuntu -or $Environment.IsDebian) -and !$Distribution )
throw "$Distribution is required for a Debian based distribution."
if ($Script:DebianDistributions -notcontains $Distribution)
throw "$Distribution should be one of the following: $Script:DebianDistributions"
return $true
function Get-PackageDependencies
[ValidateScript({Test-Distribution -Distribution $_})]
End {
# These should match those in the Dockerfiles, but exclude tools like Git, which, and curl
$Dependencies = @()
if ($Environment.IsUbuntu -or $Environment.IsDebian) {
$Dependencies = @(
switch ($Distribution) {
"ubuntu.14.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu52") }
"ubuntu.16.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu55") }
"ubuntu.17.10" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu57") }
"ubuntu.18.04" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu60") }
"debian.8" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.0", "libicu52") }
"debian.9" { $Dependencies += @("libssl1.0.2", "libicu57") }
default { throw "Debian distro '$Distribution' is not supported." }
} elseif ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
$Dependencies = @(
return $Dependencies
function Test-Dependencies
foreach ($Dependency in "fpm", "ronn") {
if (!(precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Package")) {
# These tools are not added to the path automatically on OpenSUSE 13.2
# try adding them to the path and re-tesing first
[string] $gemsPath = $null
[string] $depenencyPath = $null
$gemsPath = Get-ChildItem -Path /usr/lib64/ruby/gems | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
if ($gemsPath) {
$depenencyPath = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $gemsPath -ChildPath "gems" -AdditionalChildPath $Dependency) -Recurse | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty DirectoryName
$originalPath = $env:PATH
$env:PATH = $ENV:PATH +":" + $depenencyPath
if ((precheck $Dependency "Package dependency '$Dependency' not found. Run Start-PSBootstrap -Package")) {
else {
$env:PATH = $originalPath
throw "Dependency precheck failed!"
function New-AfterScripts
if ($Environment.IsRedHatFamily) {
# add two symbolic links to system shared libraries that libmi.so is dependent on to handle
# platform specific changes. This is the only set of platforms needed for this currently
# as Ubuntu has these specific library files in the platform and macOS builds for itself
# against the correct versions.
New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "/lib64/libssl.so.10" -Path "$Staging/libssl.so.1.0.0" >$null
New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "/lib64/libcrypto.so.10" -Path "$Staging/libcrypto.so.1.0.0" >$null
$AfterInstallScript = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
$AfterRemoveScript = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
$packagingStrings.RedHatAfterInstallScript -f "$Link" | Out-File -FilePath $AfterInstallScript -Encoding ascii
$packagingStrings.RedHatAfterRemoveScript -f "$Link" | Out-File -FilePath $AfterRemoveScript -Encoding ascii
elseif ($Environment.IsUbuntu -or $Environment.IsDebian -or $Environment.IsSUSEFamily) {
$AfterInstallScript = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
$AfterRemoveScript = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
$packagingStrings.UbuntuAfterInstallScript -f "$Link" | Out-File -FilePath $AfterInstallScript -Encoding ascii
$packagingStrings.UbuntuAfterRemoveScript -f "$Link" | Out-File -FilePath $AfterRemoveScript -Encoding ascii
if ($Environment.IsDebian9) {
# add two symbolic links to system shared libraries that libmi.so is dependent on to handle
# platform specific changes. This appears to be a change in Debian 9; Debian 8 did not need these
# symlinks.
New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.2" -Path "$Staging/libssl.so.1.0.0" >$null
New-Item -Force -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.2" -Path "$Staging/libcrypto.so.1.0.0" >$null
return [PSCustomObject] @{
AfterInstallScript = $AfterInstallScript
AfterRemoveScript = $AfterRemoveScript
function New-ManGzip
# run ronn to convert man page to roff
$RonnFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "/../../assets/pwsh.1.ronn"
if ($IsPreview.IsPresent)
$newRonnFile = $RonnFile -replace 'pwsh', 'pwsh-preview'
Copy-Item -Path $RonnFile -Destination $newRonnFile -force
$RonnFile = $newRonnFile
$RoffFile = $RonnFile -replace "\.ronn$"
# Run ronn on assets file
Start-NativeExecution { ronn --roff $RonnFile } -VerboseOutputOnError
if ($IsPreview.IsPresent)
Remove-item $RonnFile
# gzip in assets directory
$GzipFile = "$RoffFile.gz"
Start-NativeExecution { gzip -f $RoffFile } -VerboseOutputOnError
$ManFile = Join-Path "/usr/local/share/man/man1" (Split-Path -Leaf $GzipFile)
return [PSCustomObject ] @{
GZipFile = $GzipFile
ManFile = $ManFile
# Returns the macOS Package Identifier
function Get-MacOSPackageId
if ($IsPreview.IsPresent)
return 'com.microsoft.powershell-preview'
return 'com.microsoft.powershell'
# Dynamically build macOS launcher application.
function New-MacOSLauncher
$IsPreview = Test-IsPreview -Version $Version
$packageId = Get-MacOSPackageId -IsPreview:$IsPreview
# Define folder for launcher application.
$suffix = if ($IsPreview) { "-preview" }
$macosapp = "$PSScriptRoot/macos/launcher/ROOT/Applications/PowerShell$suffix.app"
# Create folder structure for launcher application.
New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path "$macosapp/Contents/MacOS" | Out-Null
New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path "$macosapp/Contents/Resources" | Out-Null
# Define icns file information.
if ($IsPreview)
$iconfile = "$PSScriptRoot/../../assets/Powershell-preview.icns"
$iconfile = "$PSScriptRoot/../../assets/Powershell.icns"
$iconfilebase = (Get-Item -Path $iconfile).BaseName
# Copy icns file.
Copy-Item -Force -Path $iconfile -Destination "$macosapp/Contents/Resources"
# Create plist file.
$plist = "$macosapp/Contents/Info.plist"
$plistcontent = $packagingStrings.MacOSLauncherPlistTemplate -f $packageId, $Version, $iconfilebase
$plistcontent | Out-File -Force -Path $plist -Encoding utf8
# Create shell script.
$executablepath = if ($IsPreview) { "/usr/local/bin/pwsh-preview" } else { "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" }
$shellscript = "$macosapp/Contents/MacOS/PowerShell.sh"
$shellscriptcontent = $packagingStrings.MacOSLauncherScript -f $executablepath
$shellscriptcontent | Out-File -Force -Path $shellscript -Encoding utf8
# Set permissions for plist and shell script.
Start-NativeExecution {
chmod 644 $plist
chmod 755 $shellscript
# Add app folder to fpm paths.
$appsfolder = (Resolve-Path -Path "$macosapp/..").Path
return $appsfolder
function Clear-MacOSLauncher
# This is needed to prevent installer from picking up
# the launcher app in the build structure and updating
# it which locks out subsequent package builds due to
# increase permissions.
# Remove launcher application.
$macosfolder = "$PSScriptRoot/macos"
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $macosfolder
function New-StagingFolder
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $StagingPath
Copy-Item -Recurse $PackageSourcePath $StagingPath
# Function to create a zip file for Nano Server and xcopy deployment
function New-ZipPackage
param (
# Name of the Product
[string] $PackageName = 'PowerShell',
# Suffix of the Name
[string] $PackageNameSuffix,
# Version of the Product
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageVersion,
# Source Path to the Product Files - required to package the contents into an Zip
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageSourcePath,
[switch] $Force
$ProductSemanticVersion = Get-PackageSemanticVersion -Version $PackageVersion
$zipPackageName = $PackageName + "-" + $ProductSemanticVersion
if ($PackageNameSuffix) {
$zipPackageName = $zipPackageName, $PackageNameSuffix -join "-"
Write-Verbose "Create Zip for Product $zipPackageName"
$zipLocationPath = Join-Path $PWD "$zipPackageName.zip"
if ($Force.IsPresent)
if (Test-Path $zipLocationPath)
Remove-Item $zipLocationPath
if (Get-Command Compress-Archive -ErrorAction Ignore)
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create zip package"))
Compress-Archive -Path $PackageSourcePath\* -DestinationPath $zipLocationPath
if (Test-Path $zipLocationPath)
Write-Log "You can find the Zip @ $zipLocationPath"
throw "Failed to create $zipLocationPath"
#TODO: Use .NET Api to do compresss-archive equivalent if the pscmdlet is not present
Write-Error -Message "Compress-Archive cmdlet is missing in this PowerShell version"
function CreateNugetPlatformFolder
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Platform,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageRuntimesFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PlatformBinPath
$destPath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $PackageRuntimesFolder "$Platform/lib/netstandard2.0")
$fullPath = Join-Path $PlatformBinPath $file
if (-not(Test-Path $fullPath)) {
throw "File not found: $fullPath"
Copy-Item -Path $fullPath -Destination $destPath
Write-Log "Copied $file to $Platform"
Creates NuGet packages containing linux, osx and Windows runtime assemblies.
Creates a NuGet package for linux, osx, Windows runtimes for 32 bit, 64 bit and ARM.
The packages for Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management,
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility, Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost, Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing,
Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK, Microsoft.PowerShell.Security, Microsoft.WSMan.Management, Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime,
System.Management.Automation are created.
.PARAMETER PackagePath
Path where the package will be created.
.PARAMETER PackageVersion
Version of the created package.
.PARAMETER Winx86BinPath
Path to folder containing Windows x86 assemblies.
.PARAMETER Winx64BinPath
Path to folder containing Windows x64 assemblies.
.PARAMETER WinArm32BinPath
Path to folder containing Windows arm32 assemblies.
.PARAMETER WinArm64BinPath
Path to folder containing Windows arm64 assemblies.
.PARAMETER LinuxArm32BinPath
Path to folder containing linux arm32 assemblies.
Path to folder containing linux x64 assemblies.
Path to folder containing osx assemblies.
Path to the GenAPI.exe tool.
function New-UnifiedNugetPackage
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackagePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Winx86BinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Winx64BinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $WinArm32BinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $WinArm64BinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $LinuxArm32BinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $LinuxMuslBinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $LinuxBinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $OsxBinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $GenAPIToolPath
if (-not $Environment.IsWindows)
throw "New-UnifiedNugetPackage can be only executed on Windows platform."
$fileList = @(
$linuxExceptionList = @(
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create nuget packages at: $PackagePath"))
$refBinPath = New-TempFolder
$SnkFilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '../../src/signing/visualstudiopublic.snk' -Resolve
New-ReferenceAssembly -linux64BinPath $linuxBinPath -RefAssemblyDestinationPath $refBinPath -RefAssemblyVersion $PackageVersion -SnkFilePath $SnkFilePath -GenAPIToolPath $GenAPIToolPath
$refBinFullName = Join-Path $refBinPath 'System.Management.Automation.dll'
foreach ($file in $fileList)
$tmpPackageRoot = New-TempFolder
# Remove '.dll' at the end
$fileBaseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)
$filePackageFolder = New-Item (Join-Path $tmpPackageRoot $fileBaseName) -ItemType Directory -Force
$packageRuntimesFolder = New-Item (Join-Path $filePackageFolder.FullName 'runtimes') -ItemType Directory
#region ref
$refFolder = New-Item (Join-Path $filePackageFolder.FullName 'ref/netstandard2.0') -ItemType Directory -Force
Copy-Item $refBinFullName -Destination $refFolder -Force
Write-Log "Copied file $refBinFullName to $refFolder"
#endregion ref
$packageRuntimesFolderPath = $packageRuntimesFolder.FullName
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'win-x86' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $winX86BinPath
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'win-x64' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $winX64BinPath
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'win-arm' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $winArm32BinPath
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'win-arm64' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $winArm64BinPath
if ($linuxExceptionList -notcontains $file )
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'linux-arm' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $linuxArm32BinPath
if ($linuxMuslBinPath)
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'linux-musl-x64' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $linuxMuslBinPath
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'linux-x64' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $linuxBinPath
CreateNugetPlatformFolder -Platform 'osx' -PackageRuntimesFolder $packageRuntimesFolderPath -PlatformBinPath $osxBinPath
#region nuspec
# filed a tracking bug for automating generation of dependecy list: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/6247
$deps = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
switch ($fileBaseName) {
'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create( [tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing' {
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.WSMan.Management'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
'Microsoft.WSMan.Management' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
'Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime' {
## No dependencies
'System.Management.Automation' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
'Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender' {
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', 'System.Management.Automation'), [tuple]::Create('version', $PackageVersion))) > $null
foreach($packageInfo in (Get-ProjectPackageInformation -ProjectName $fileBaseName))
$deps.Add([tuple]::Create([tuple]::Create('id', $packageInfo.Name), [tuple]::Create('version', $packageInfo.Version))) > $null
New-NuSpec -PackageId $fileBaseName -PackageVersion $PackageVersion -Dependency $deps -FilePath (Join-Path $filePackageFolder.FullName "$fileBaseName.nuspec")
New-NugetPackage -NuSpecPath $filePackageFolder.FullName -PackageDestinationPath $PackagePath
if (Test-Path $refBinPath)
Remove-Item $refBinPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (Test-Path $tmpPackageRoot)
Remove-Item $tmpPackageRoot -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Return the list of packages and versions used by a project
.PARAMETER ProjectName
The name of the project to get the projects for.
function Get-ProjectPackageInformation
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$csproj = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\src\$ProjectName\$ProjectName.csproj"
[xml] $csprojXml = (Get-content -Raw -Path $csproj)
# get the package references
# check to see if there is a newer package for each refernce
foreach($package in $packages)
if ($package.Version -notmatch '\*' -and $package.Include)
# Get the name of the package
[PSCustomObject] @{
Name = $package.Include
Version = $package.Version
Creates a nuspec file.
ID of the package.
.PARAMETER PackageVersion
Version of the package.
.PARAMETER Dependency
Depedencies of the package.
Path to create the nuspec file.
function New-NuSpec {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageId,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
# An array of tuples of tuples to define the dependencies.
# First tuple defines 'id' and value eg: ["id", "System.Data.SqlClient"]
# Second tuple defines 'version' and vale eg: ["version", "4.4.2"]
# Both these tuples combined together define one dependency.
# An array represents all the dependencies.
[tuple[ [tuple[string, string]], [tuple[string, string]] ] []] $Dependency,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $FilePath
if (-not $Environment.IsWindows)
throw "New-NuSpec can be only executed on Windows platform."
$nuspecTemplate = $packagingStrings.NuspecTemplate -f $PackageId,$PackageVersion
$nuspecObj = [xml] $nuspecTemplate
if ( ($Dependency -ne $null) -and $Dependency.Count -gt 0 ) {
foreach($dep in $Dependency) {
# Each item is [tuple[ [tuple[string, string]], [tuple[string, string]] ]
$d = $nuspecObj.package.metadata.dependencies.group.AppendChild($nuspecObj.CreateElement("dependency"))
# 'id' and value
$d.SetAttribute($dep.Item1.Item1, $dep.Item1.Item2)
# 'version' and value
$d.SetAttribute($dep.Item2.Item1, $dep.Item2.Item2)
Create a reference assembly from System.Management.Automation.dll
A unix variant of System.Management.Automation.dll is converted to a reference assembly.
GenAPI.exe generated the CS file containing the APIs.
This file is cleaned up and then compiled into a dll.
.PARAMETER Unix64BinPath
Path to the folder containing unix 64 bit assemblies.
.PARAMETER RefAssemblyDestinationPath
Path to the folder where the reference assembly is created.
.PARAMETER RefAssemblyVersion
Version of the reference assembly.
Path to GenAPI.exe. Tool from https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools.GenAPI/
Path to the snk file for strong name signing.
function New-ReferenceAssembly
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Linux64BinPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $RefAssemblyDestinationPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $RefAssemblyVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $GenAPIToolPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $SnkFilePath
if (-not $Environment.IsWindows)
throw "New-ReferenceAssembly can be only executed on Windows platform."
$genAPIFolder = New-TempFolder
$smaProjectFolder = New-Item -Path "$genAPIFolder/System.Management.Automation" -ItemType Directory -Force
$smaCs = Join-Path $smaProjectFolder 'System.Management.Automation.cs'
$smaCsFiltered = Join-Path $smaProjectFolder 'System.Management.Automation_Filtered.cs'
Write-Log "Working directory: $genAPIFolder."
#region GenAPI
$genAPIExe = Get-ChildItem -Path "$GenAPIToolPath/*GenAPI.exe" -Recurse
if (-not (Test-Path $genAPIExe))
throw "GenAPI.exe was not found at: $GenAPIToolPath"
Write-Log "GenAPI nuget package saved and expanded."
$linuxSMAPath = Join-Path $Linux64BinPath "System.Management.Automation.dll"
if (-not (Test-Path $linuxSMAPath))
throw "System.Management.Automation.dll was not found at: $Linux64BinPath"
$genAPIArgs = "$linuxSMAPath","-libPath:$Linux64BinPath"
Write-Log "GenAPI cmd: $genAPIExe $genAPIArgsString"
Start-NativeExecution { & $genAPIExe $genAPIArgs } | Out-File $smaCs -Force
Write-Log "Reference assembly file generated at: $smaCs"
#endregion GenAPI
#region Cleanup SMA.cs
$patternsToRemove = @(
$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($smaCs)
$writer = [System.IO.File]::CreateText($smaCsFiltered)
while(($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
$match = $line | Select-String -Pattern $patternsToRemove -SimpleMatch
if ($match -ne $null)
if ($reader -ne $null)
if ($writer -ne $null)
Move-Item $smaCsFiltered $smaCs -Force
Write-Log "Reference assembly code cleanup complete."
#endregion Cleanup SMA.cs
#region Build SMA ref assembly
Push-Location $smaProjectFolder
$csProj = $packagingStrings.RefAssemblyCsProj -f $RefAssemblyVersion,$SnkFilePath
$csProj | Out-File -FilePath "$smaProjectFolder/System.Management.Automation.csproj" -Force
$packagingStrings.NugetConfigFile | Out-File -FilePath "$genAPIFolder/Nuget.config" -Force
Start-NativeExecution { dotnet build -c Release } > $null
$refBinPath = Join-Path $smaProjectFolder 'bin/Release/netstandard2.0/System.Management.Automation.dll'
if ($refBinPath -eq $null)
throw "Reference assembly was not built."
Copy-Item $refBinPath $RefAssemblyDestinationPath -Force
Write-Log "Reference assembly built and copied to $RefAssemblyDestinationPath"
if (Test-Path $genAPIFolder)
Remove-Item $genAPIFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#endregion Build SMA ref assembly
Create a NuGet package from a nuspec.
Creates a NuGet using the nuspec using at the specified folder.
It is expected that the lib / ref / runtime folders are welformed.
The genereated NuGet package is copied over to the $PackageDestinationPath
Path to the folder containing the nuspec file.
.PARAMETER PackageDestinationPath
Path to which NuGet package should be copied. Destination is created if it does not exist.
function New-NugetPackage
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $NuSpecPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageDestinationPath
$nuget = Get-Command -Type Application nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($nuget -eq $null)
throw 'nuget application is not available in PATH'
Push-Location $NuSpecPath
Start-NativeExecution { nuget pack . } > $null
if (-not (Test-Path $PackageDestinationPath))
New-Item $PackageDestinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
Copy-Item *.nupkg $PackageDestinationPath -Force -Verbose
Publish the specified Nuget Package to MyGet feed.
The specified nuget package is published to the powershell.myget.org/powershell-core feed.
.PARAMETER PackagePath
Path to the NuGet Package.
API key for powershell.myget.org
function Publish-NugetToMyGet
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackagePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ApiKey
$nuget = Get-Command -Type Application nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($nuget -eq $null)
throw 'nuget application is not available in PATH'
Get-ChildItem $PackagePath | ForEach-Object {
Write-Log "Pushing $_ to PowerShell Myget"
Start-NativeExecution { nuget push $_.FullName -Source 'https://powershell.myget.org/F/powershell-core/api/v2/package' -ApiKey $ApiKey } > $null
The function creates a nuget package for daily feed.
The nuget package created is a content package and has all the binaries laid out in a flat structure.
This package is used by install-powershell.ps1
function New-NugetContentPackage
param (
# Name of the Product
[string] $PackageName = 'powershell',
# Suffix of the Name
[string] $PackageNameSuffix,
# Version of the Product
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageVersion,
# Runtime of the Product
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageRuntime,
# Configuration of the Product
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageConfiguration,
# Source Path to the Product Files - required to package the contents into an Zip
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $PackageSourcePath,
Write-Log "PackageVersion: $PackageVersion"
$nugetSemanticVersion = Get-NugetSemanticVersion -Version $PackageVersion
Write-Log "nugetSemanticVersion: $nugetSemanticVersion"
$nugetFolder = New-SubFolder -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'nugetOutput' -Clean
$nuspecPackageName = $PackageName
if ($PackageNameSuffix)
$nuspecPackageName += '-' + $PackageNameSuffix
# Setup staging directory so we don't change the original source directory
$stagingRoot = New-SubFolder -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'nugetStaging' -Clean
$contentFolder = Join-Path -path $stagingRoot -ChildPath 'content'
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create staging folder")) {
New-StagingFolder -StagingPath $contentFolder
$projectFolder = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'project'
$arguments = @('pack')
$arguments += @('--output',$nugetFolder)
$arguments += @('--configuration',$PackageConfiguration)
$arguments += @('--runtime',$PackageRuntime)
$arguments += "/p:StagingPath=$stagingRoot"
$arguments += "/p:RID=$PackageRuntime"
$arguments += "/p:SemVer=$nugetSemanticVersion"
$arguments += "/p:PackageName=$nuspecPackageName"
$arguments += $projectFolder
Write-Log "Running dotnet $arguments"
Write-Log "Use -verbose to see output..."
Start-NativeExecution -sb {dotnet $arguments} | Foreach-Object {Write-Verbose $_}
$nupkgFile = "${nugetFolder}\${nuspecPackageName}-${packageRuntime}.${nugetSemanticVersion}.nupkg"
if (Test-Path $nupkgFile)
Get-ChildItem $nugetFolder\* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
throw "Failed to create $nupkgFile"
function New-SubFolder
$subFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $ChildPath
if ($Clean.IsPresent -and (Test-Path $subFolderPath))
Remove-Item -Path $subFolderPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!(Test-Path $subFolderPath))
$null = New-Item -Path $subFolderPath -ItemType Directory
return $subFolderPath
# Builds coming out of this project can have version number as 'a.b.c-stringf.d-e-f' OR 'a.b.c.d-e-f'
# This function converts the above version into semantic version major.minor[.build-quality[.revision]] format
function Get-PackageSemanticVersion
param (
# Version of the Package
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Version,
[switch] $NuGet
Write-Verbose "Extract the semantic version in the form of major.minor[.build-quality[.revision]] for $Version"
$packageVersionTokens = $Version.Split('.')
2017-11-16 19:17:31 +01:00
if ($packageVersionTokens.Count -eq 3) {
# In case the input is of the form a.b.c, we use the same form
$packageSemanticVersion = $Version
} elseif ($packageVersionTokens.Count -eq 4) {
# We have all the four fields
$packageRevisionTokens = ($packageVersionTokens[3].Split('-'))[0]
if ($NuGet.IsPresent)
$packageRevisionTokens = $packageRevisionTokens.Replace('.','-')
$packageSemanticVersion = $packageVersionTokens[0],$packageVersionTokens[1],$packageVersionTokens[2],$packageRevisionTokens -join '.'
} else {
throw "Cannot create Semantic Version from the string $Version containing 4 or more tokens"
# Builds coming out of this project can have version number as 'M.m.p-previewName[Number]' OR 'M.m.p'
# This function converts the above version into semantic version major.minor.patch[~previewName[Number]] format
function Get-LinuxPackageSemanticVersion
param (
# Version of the Package
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Version
Write-Verbose "Extract the semantic version in the form of major.minor[.build-quality[.revision]] for $Version"
$packageVersionTokens = $Version.Split('-')
if ($packageVersionTokens.Count -eq 1) {
# In case the input is of the form a.b.c, we use the same form
$packageSemanticVersion = $Version
} elseif ($packageVersionTokens.Count -ge 2) {
$packageRevisionTokens = ($packageVersionTokens[1..($packageVersionTokens.Count-1)] -join '-')
$packageSemanticVersion = ('{0}~{1}' -f $packageVersionTokens[0], $packageRevisionTokens)
# Builds coming out of this project can have version number as 'a.b.c-stringf.d-e-f' OR 'a.b.c.d-e-f'
# This function converts the above version into semantic version major.minor[.build-quality[-revision]] format needed for nuget
function Get-NugetSemanticVersion
param (
# Version of the Package
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Version
$packageVersionTokens = $Version.Split('.')
Write-Verbose "Extract the semantic version in the form of major.minor[.build-quality[-revision]] for $Version"
$versionPartTokens = @()
$identifierPortionTokens = @()
$inIdentifier = $false
foreach($token in $packageVersionTokens) {
$tokenParts = $null
if ($token -match '-') {
$tokenParts = $token.Split('-')
elseif ($inIdentifier) {
$tokenParts = @($token)
# If we don't have token parts, then it's a versionPart
if (!$tokenParts) {
$versionPartTokens += $token
else {
foreach($idToken in $tokenParts) {
# The first token after we detect the id Part is still
# a version part
if (!$inIdentifier) {
$versionPartTokens += $idToken
$inIdentifier = $true
else {
$identifierPortionTokens += $idToken
if ($versionPartTokens.Count -gt 3) {
throw "Cannot create Semantic Version from the string $Version containing 4 or more version tokens"
$packageSemanticVersion = ($versionPartTokens -join '.')
if ($identifierPortionTokens.Count -gt 0) {
$packageSemanticVersion += '-' + ($identifierPortionTokens -join '-')
# Get the paths to various WiX tools
function Get-WixPath
## AppVeyor base image might update the version for Wix. Hence, we should
## not hard code version numbers.
$wixToolsetBinPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\WiX Toolset *\bin"
Write-Verbose "Ensure Wix Toolset is present on the machine @ $wixToolsetBinPath"
if (-not (Test-Path $wixToolsetBinPath))
throw "The latest version of Wix Toolset 3.11 is required to create MSI package. Please install it from https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix3/releases"
## Get the latest if multiple versions exist.
$wixToolsetBinPath = (Get-ChildItem $wixToolsetBinPath).FullName | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Verbose "Initialize Wix executables..."
$wixHeatExePath = Join-Path $wixToolsetBinPath "heat.exe"
$wixMeltExePath = Join-Path $wixToolsetBinPath "melt.exe"
$wixTorchExePath = Join-Path $wixToolsetBinPath "torch.exe"
$wixPyroExePath = Join-Path $wixToolsetBinPath "pyro.exe"
$wixCandleExePath = Join-Path $wixToolsetBinPath "Candle.exe"
$wixLightExePath = Join-Path $wixToolsetBinPath "Light.exe"
return [PSCustomObject] @{
WixHeatExePath = $wixHeatExePath
WixMeltExePath = $wixMeltExePath
WixTorchExePath = $wixTorchExePath
WixPyroExePath = $wixPyroExePath
WixCandleExePath = $wixCandleExePath
WixLightExePath = $wixLightExePath
Creates a Windows installer MSP package from two MSIs and WIXPDB files
This only works on a Windows machine due to the usage of WiX.
# This example shows how to produce a x64 patch from 6.0.2 to a theoretical 6.0.3
cd $RootPathOfPowerShellRepo
Import-Module .\build.psm1; Import-Module .\tools\packaging\packaging.psm1
New-MSIPatch -NewVersion 6.0.1 -BaselineMsiPath .\PowerShell-6.0.2-win-x64.msi -BaselineWixPdbPath .\PowerShell-6.0.2-win-x64.wixpdb -PatchMsiPath .\PowerShell-6.0.3-win-x64.msi -PatchWixPdbPath .\PowerShell-6.0.3-win-x64.wixpdb
function New-MSIPatch
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage='The version of the fixed or patch MSI.')]
[string] $NewVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage='The path to the original or baseline MSI.')]
[ValidateScript( {(Test-Path $_) -and $_ -like '*.msi'})]
[string] $BaselineMsiPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage='The path to the WIXPDB for the original or baseline MSI.')]
[ValidateScript( {(Test-Path $_) -and $_ -like '*.wixpdb'})]
[string] $BaselineWixPdbPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage='The path to the fixed or patch MSI.')]
[ValidateScript( {(Test-Path $_) -and $_ -like '*.msi'})]
[string] $PatchMsiPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage='The path to the WIXPDB for the fixed or patch MSI.')]
[ValidateScript( {(Test-Path $_) -and $_ -like '*.wixpdb'})]
[string] $PatchWixPdbPath,
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Path to the patch template WXS. Usually you do not need to specify this')]
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $PatchWxsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\patch-template.wxs",
[Parameter(HelpMessage='Produce a delta patch instead of a full patch. Usually not worth it.')]
[switch] $Delta
$mspName = (Split-Path -Path $PatchMsiPath -Leaf).Replace('.msi','.fullpath.msp')
$mspDeltaName = (Split-Path -Path $PatchMsiPath -Leaf).Replace('.msi','.deltapatch.msp')
$wixPatchXmlPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.wxs"
$wixBaselineOriginalPdbPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "baseline.original.wixpdb"
$wixBaselinePdbPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "baseline.wixpdb"
$wixBaselineBinariesPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "baseline.binaries"
$wixPatchOriginalPdbPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.original.wixpdb"
$wixPatchPdbPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.wixpdb"
$wixPatchBinariesPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.binaries"
$wixPatchMstPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.wixmst"
$wixPatchObjPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.wixobj"
$wixPatchWixMspPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "patch.wixmsp"
$filesToCleanup = @(
# cleanup from previous builds
Remove-Item -Path $filesToCleanup -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Melt changes the original, so copy before running melt
Copy-Item -Path $BaselineWixPdbPath -Destination $wixBaselineOriginalPdbPath -Force
Copy-Item -Path $PatchWixPdbPath -Destination $wixPatchOriginalPdbPath -Force
[xml] $filesAssetXml = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\files.wxs"
[xml] $patchTemplateXml = Get-Content -Raw -Path $PatchWxsPath
# Update the patch version
$patchFamilyNode = $patchTemplateXml.Wix.Fragment.PatchFamily
$patchFamilyNode.SetAttribute('Version', $NewVersion)
# get all the file components from the files.wxs
$components = $filesAssetXml.GetElementsByTagName('Component')
# add all the file components to the patch
foreach($component in $components)
$id = $component.Id
$componentRef = $patchTemplateXml.CreateElement('ComponentRef','http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi')
$idAttribute = $patchTemplateXml.CreateAttribute('Id')
$idAttribute.Value = $id
$null = $componentRef.Attributes.Append($idAttribute)
$null = $patchFamilyNode.AppendChild($componentRef)
# save the updated patch xml
$wixPaths = Get-WixPath
Write-Log "Processing baseline msi..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixMeltExePath -nologo $BaselineMsiPath $wixBaselinePdbPath -pdb $wixBaselineOriginalPdbPath -x $wixBaselineBinariesPath}
Write-Log "Processing patch msi..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixMeltExePath -nologo $PatchMsiPath $wixPatchPdbPath -pdb $wixPatchOriginalPdbPath -x $wixPatchBinariesPath}
Write-Log "generate diff..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixTorchExePath -nologo -p -xi $wixBaselinePdbPath $wixPatchPdbPath -out $wixPatchMstPath}
Write-Log "Compiling patch..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixCandleExePath -nologo $wixPatchXmlPath -out $wixPatchObjPath}
Write-Log "Linking patch..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixLightExePath -nologo $wixPatchObjPath -out $wixPatchWixMspPath}
if ($Delta.IsPresent)
Write-Log "Generating delta msp..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixPyroExePath -nologo $wixPatchWixMspPath -out $mspDeltaName -t RTM $wixPatchMstPath }
Write-Log "Generating full msp..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixPyroExePath -nologo $wixPatchWixMspPath -out $mspName -t RTM $wixPatchMstPath }
# cleanup temporary files
Remove-Item -Path $filesToCleanup -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Creates a Windows installer MSI package and assumes that the binaries are already built using 'Start-PSBuild'.
This only works on a Windows machine due to the usage of WiX.
# This example shows how to produce a Debug-x64 installer for development purposes.
cd $RootPathOfPowerShellRepo
Import-Module .\build.psm1; Import-Module .\tools\packaging\packaging.psm1
New-MSIPackage -Verbose -ProductCode (New-Guid) -ProductSourcePath '.\src\powershell-win-core\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\win7-x64\publish' -ProductTargetArchitecture x64 -ProductVersion '1.2.3'
function New-MSIPackage
param (
# Name of the Product
[string] $ProductName = 'PowerShell',
# Suffix of the Name
[string] $ProductNameSuffix,
# Version of the Product
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ProductVersion,
# The ProductCode property is a unique identifier for the particular product release
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ProductCode,
# Source Path to the Product Files - required to package the contents into an MSI
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ProductSourcePath,
# File describing the MSI Package creation semantics
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $ProductWxsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\Product.wxs",
# File describing the MSI file components
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $FilesWxsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\Files.wxs",
# Path to Assets folder containing artifacts such as icons, images
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $AssetsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets",
# Path to license.rtf file - for the EULA
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $LicenseFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\license.rtf",
# Architecture to use when creating the MSI
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("x86", "x64")]
[string] $ProductTargetArchitecture,
# Force overwrite of package
[Switch] $Force
$wixPaths = Get-WixPath
$ProductSemanticVersion = Get-PackageSemanticVersion -Version $ProductVersion
$simpleProductVersion = '6'
$isPreview = Test-IsPreview -Version $ProductSemanticVersion
if ($isPreview)
$simpleProductVersion += '-preview'
$ProductVersion = Get-PackageVersionAsMajorMinorBuildRevision -Version $ProductVersion
$assetsInSourcePath = Join-Path $ProductSourcePath 'assets'
New-Item $assetsInSourcePath -type directory -Force | Write-Verbose
Write-Verbose "Place dependencies such as icons to $assetsInSourcePath"
Copy-Item "$AssetsPath\*.ico" $assetsInSourcePath -Force
$productVersionWithName = $ProductName + '_' + $ProductVersion
$productSemanticVersionWithName = $ProductName + '-' + $ProductSemanticVersion
$productDirectoryName = 'PowerShell_6'
Write-Verbose "Create MSI for Product $productSemanticVersionWithName"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductSourcePath", $ProductSourcePath, "Process")
# These variables are used by Product.wxs in assets directory
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductDirectoryName", $productDirectoryName, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductName", $ProductName, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductCode", $ProductCode, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductVersion", $ProductVersion, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SimpleProductVersion", $simpleProductVersion, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductSemanticVersion", $ProductSemanticVersion, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductVersionWithName", $productVersionWithName, "Process")
if (!$isPreview)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PwshPath", '', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("UpgradeCodeX64", '31ab5147-9a97-4452-8443-d9709f0516e1', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("UpgradeCodeX86", '1d00683b-0f84-4db8-a64f-2f98ad42fe06', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("IconPath", 'assets\Powershell_black.ico', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PwshPath", 'preview', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("UpgradeCodeX64", '39243d76-adaf-42b1-94fb-16ecf83237c8', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("UpgradeCodeX86", '86abcfbd-1ccc-4a88-b8b2-0facfde29094', "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("IconPath", 'assets\Powershell_av_colors.ico', "Process")
$fileArchitecture = 'amd64'
$ProductProgFilesDir = "ProgramFiles64Folder"
if ($ProductTargetArchitecture -eq "x86")
$fileArchitecture = 'x86'
$ProductProgFilesDir = "ProgramFilesFolder"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ProductProgFilesDir", $ProductProgFilesDir, "Process")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("FileArchitecture", $fileArchitecture, "Process")
$wixFragmentPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "Fragment.wxs"
$wixObjProductPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "Product.wixobj"
$wixObjFragmentPath = Join-Path $env:Temp "files.wixobj"
# cleanup any garbage on the system
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wixFragmentPath -Force
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wixObjProductPath -Force
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wixObjFragmentPath -Force
$packageName = $productSemanticVersionWithName
if ($ProductNameSuffix) {
$packageName += "-$ProductNameSuffix"
$msiLocationPath = Join-Path $pwd "$packageName.msi"
$msiPdbLocationPath = Join-Path $pwd "$packageName.wixpdb"
if (!$Force.IsPresent -and (Test-Path -Path $msiLocationPath))
Write-Error -Message "Package already exists, use -Force to overwrite, path: $msiLocationPath" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "verifying no new files have been added or removed..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError { & $wixPaths.wixHeatExePath dir $ProductSourcePath -dr $productDirectoryName -cg $productDirectoryName -gg -sfrag -srd -scom -sreg -out $wixFragmentPath -var env.ProductSourcePath -v}
Test-FileWxs -FilesWxsPath $FilesWxsPath -HeatFilesWxsPath $wixFragmentPath
Write-Log "running candle..."
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError { & $wixPaths.wixCandleExePath "$ProductWxsPath" "$FilesWxsPath" -out (Join-Path "$env:Temp" "\\") -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -arch $ProductTargetArchitecture -v}
Write-Log "running light..."
# suppress ICE61, because we allow same version upgrades
# suppress ICE57, this suppresses an error caused by our shortcut not being installed per user
Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError {& $wixPaths.wixLightExePath -sice:ICE61 -sice:ICE57 -out $msiLocationPath -pdbout $msiPdbLocationPath $wixObjProductPath $wixObjFragmentPath -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -dWixUILicenseRtf="$LicenseFilePath"}
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wixFragmentPath -Force
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wixObjProductPath -Force
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wixObjFragmentPath -Force
if ((Test-Path $msiLocationPath) -and (Test-Path $msiPdbLocationPath))
Write-Verbose "You can find the WixPdb @ $msiPdbLocationPath" -Verbose
Write-Verbose "You can find the MSI @ $msiLocationPath" -Verbose
$errorMessage = "Failed to create $msiLocationPath"
if ($null -ne $env:CI)
Add-AppveyorCompilationMessage $errorMessage -Category Error -FileName $MyInvocation.ScriptName -Line $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
throw $errorMessage
# verify no files have been added or removed
# if so, write an error with details
function Test-FileWxs
# File describing the MSI file components from the asset folder
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $FilesWxsPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\assets\Files.wxs",
# File describing the MSI file components generated by heat
[ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
[string] $HeatFilesWxsPath
# Update the fileArchitecture in our file to the actual value. Since, the heat file will have the actual value.
# Wix will update this automaticaly, but the output is not the same xml
$filesAssetString = (Get-Content -Raw -Path $FilesWxsPath).Replace('$(var.FileArchitecture)',$env:FileArchitecture)
[xml] $filesAssetXml = $filesAssetString
[xml] $newFilesAssetXml = $filesAssetString
[xml] $heatFilesXml = Get-Content -Raw -Path $HeatFilesWxsPath
$assetFiles = $filesAssetXml.GetElementsByTagName('File')
$heatFiles = $heatFilesXml.GetElementsByTagName('File')
$heatNodesByFile = @{}
# Index the list of files generated by heat
foreach($file in $heatFiles)
$heatNodesByFile.Add($file.Source, $file)
# Index the files from the asset wxs
# and verify that no files have been removed.
$passed = $true
$indexedAssetFiles = @()
foreach($file in $assetFiles)
$name = $file.Source
if ($heatNodesByFile.Keys -inotcontains $name)
$passed = $false
Write-Warning "{$name} is no longer in product and should be removed from {$FilesWxsPath}"
$componentId = $file.ParentNode.Id
$componentXPath = '//Wix:Component[@Id="{0}"]' -f $componentId
$componentNode = Get-XmlNodeByXPath -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -XmlNsManager $xmlns -XPath $componentXPath
if ($componentNode)
# Remove the Component
Remove-XmlElement -Element $componentNode -RemoveEmptyParents
# Remove teh ComponentRef
Remove-ComponentRefNode -Id $componentId -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -XmlNsManager $xmlns
Write-Warning "Could not remove this node!"
$indexedAssetFiles += $name
# verify that no files have been added.
foreach($file in $heatNodesByFile.Keys)
if ($indexedAssetFiles -inotcontains $file)
$passed = $false
$folder = Split-Path -Path $file
$name = Split-Path -Path $file -Leaf
$heatNode = $heatNodesByFile[$file]
$compGroupNode = Get-ComponentGroupNode -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -XmlNsManager $xmlns
$filesNode = Get-DirectoryNode -Node $heatNode -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -XmlNsManager $xmlns
# Create new Component
$newComponent = New-XmlElement -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -LocalName 'Component' -Node $filesNode -PassThru -NamespaceUri 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'
$componentId = New-WixId -Prefix 'cmp'
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -Element $newComponent -Name 'Id' -Value $componentId
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -Element $newComponent -Name 'Guid' -Value "{$(New-Guid)}"
# Crete new File in Component
$newFile = New-XmlElement -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -LocalName 'File' -Node $newComponent -PassThru -NamespaceUri 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -Element $newFile -Name 'Id' -Value (New-WixId -Prefix 'fil')
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -Element $newFile -Name 'KeyPath' -Value "yes"
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -Element $newFile -Name 'Source' -Value $file
# Create new ComponentRef
$newComponentRef = New-XmlElement -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -LocalName 'ComponentRef' -Node $compGroupNode -PassThru -NamespaceUri 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $newFilesAssetXml -Element $newComponentRef -Name 'Id' -Value $componentId
Write-Warning "new file in {$folder} with name {$name} in a {$($filesNode.LocalName)} need to be added to {$FilesWxsPath}"
if (!$passed)
$newXmlFileName = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath ([System.io.path]::GetRandomFileName() + '.xml')
$newXml = Get-Content -raw $newXmlFileName
$newXml = $newXml -replace 'amd64', '$(var.FileArchitecture)'
$newXml = $newXml -replace 'x86', '$(var.FileArchitecture)'
$newXml | Out-File -FilePath $newXmlFileName -Encoding ascii
Write-Log -message "Update xml saved to $newXmlFileName"
if ($env:appveyor)
Push-AppveyorArtifact $newXmlFileName
Write-Warning -Message "Pushing MSI File fragment failed."
elseif ($env:TF_BUILD -and $env:BUILD_REASON -ne 'PullRequest')
Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=wix;artifactname=wix]$newXmlFileName"
throw "Current files to not match {$FilesWxsPath}"
# Removes a ComponentRef node in the files.wxs Xml Doc
function Remove-ComponentRefNode
$compRefXPath = '//Wix:ComponentRef[@Id="{0}"]' -f $Id
$node = Get-XmlNodeByXPath -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -XmlNsManager $XmlNsManager -XPath $compRefXPath
if ($node)
Remove-XmlElement -element $node
Write-Warning "could not remove node"
# Get the ComponentGroup node in the files.wxs Xml Doc
function Get-ComponentGroupNode
if (!$XmlNsManager.HasNamespace('Wix'))
throw 'Namespace manager must have "wix" defined.'
$compGroupXPath = '//Wix:ComponentGroup'
$node = Get-XmlNodeByXPath -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -XmlNsManager $XmlNsManager -XPath $compGroupXPath
return $node
# Gets the Directory Node the files.wxs Xml Doc
# Creates it if it does not exist
function Get-DirectoryNode
if (!$XmlNsManager.HasNamespace('Wix'))
throw 'Namespace manager must have "wix" defined.'
$pathStack = [System.Collections.Stack]::new()
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $dirNode = $Node.ParentNode.ParentNode
$dirNodeType = $dirNode.LocalName
if ($dirNodeType -eq 'DirectoryRef')
return Get-XmlNodeByXPath -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -XmlNsManager $XmlNsManager -XPath "//Wix:DirectoryRef"
if ($dirNodeType -eq 'Directory')
while($dirNode.LocalName -eq 'Directory') {
$dirNode = $dirNode.ParentNode
$path = "//"
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $lastNode = $null
while($pathStack.Count -gt 0){
$dirName = $pathStack.Pop()
$path += 'Wix:Directory[@Name="{0}"]' -f $dirName
$node = Get-XmlNodeByXPath -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -XmlNsManager $XmlNsManager -XPath $path
if (!$node)
if (!$lastNode)
# Inserting at the root
$lastNode = Get-XmlNodeByXPath -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -XmlNsManager $XmlNsManager -XPath "//Wix:DirectoryRef"
$newDirectory = New-XmlElement -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -LocalName 'Directory' -Node $lastNode -PassThru -NamespaceUri 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -Element $newDirectory -Name 'Name' -Value $dirName
New-XmlAttribute -XmlDoc $XmlDoc -Element $newDirectory -Name 'Id' -Value (New-WixId -Prefix 'dir')
$lastNode = $newDirectory
$lastNode = $node
if ($pathStack.Count -gt 0)
$path += '/'
return $lastNode
throw "unknown element type: $dirNodeType"
# Creates a new Wix Id in the proper format
function New-WixId
$guidPortion = (New-Guid).Guid.ToUpperInvariant() -replace '\-' ,''
# Builds coming out of this project can have version number as 'a.b.c' OR 'a.b.c-d-f'
# This function converts the above version into major.minor[.build[.revision]] format
function Get-PackageVersionAsMajorMinorBuildRevision
param (
# Version of the Package
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Version
Write-Verbose "Extract the version in the form of major.minor[.build[.revision]] for $Version"
$packageVersionTokens = $Version.Split('-')
$packageVersion = ([regex]::matches($Version, "\d+(\.\d+)+"))[0].value
if (1 -eq $packageVersionTokens.Count) {
# In case the input is of the form a.b.c, add a '0' at the end for revision field
$packageVersion = $packageVersion + '.0'
} elseif (1 -lt $packageVersionTokens.Count) {
# We have all the four fields
$packageBuildTokens = ([regex]::Matches($packageVersionTokens[1], "\d+"))[0].value
if ($packageBuildTokens)
$packageVersion = $packageVersion + '.' + $packageBuildTokens
$packageVersion = $packageVersion