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Try {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues['it:pending'] = $true
Describe "CimInstance cmdlet tests" -Tag @("CI") {
BeforeAll {
if ( ! $IsWindows ) { return }
$instance = get-ciminstance cim_computersystem
It "CimClass property should not be null" {
# we can't use equals here as on windows cimclassname
# is win32_computersystem, but that's not likely to be the
# case on non-Windows systems
$instance.cimClass.CimClassName | should match _computersystem
It "Property access should be case insensitive" {
foreach($property in $instance.psobject.properties.name) {
$pUpper = $property.ToUpper()
$pLower = $property.ToLower()
[string]$pLowerValue = $pinstance.$pLower -join ","
[string]$pUpperValue = $pinstance.$pUpper -join ","
$pLowerValue | should be $pUpperValue
It "GetCimSessionInstanceId method invocation should return data" {
$instance.GetCimSessionInstanceId() | Should BeOfType "Guid"
It "should produce an error for a non-existing classname" {
try {
get-ciminstance -classname thisnameshouldnotexist -ea stop
throw "expected error did not occur"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "HRESULT 0x80041010,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand"
finally {