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Add test WebListener module and tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication (#4622) Introduce new test module 'WebListener.psm1'. Now web HTTPS tests can use it to exclude using external sites. PowerShell/PowerShell#4609 * [Feature] Add Tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication PowerShell/PowerShell#4609 * [feature] Add new app to Publish-PSTestTools refactor tests also add ASP.NET to .spelling * [feature] spelling fix * [feature] revert badssl changes * [feature] Impliment suggestions * [feature] Spelling, var rename, port 8443 to 8083 rebase fix conflict * [feature] Rename to HttpsListener and Module-ize . * [feature] password protect ClientCert to fix macOS import issue * [feature] Rename to WebListener * Rename HttpsListener to WebListener * Switch Listener from Razor pages to MVC * Address PR feedback * Adjust tests * [feature] Address PR feedback * [feature] Replace missing smeicolons * [feature] Address PR Feedback * [feature] Cleanup and minor fix * Enum was not used * GetStatus() was not accessing the correct property chain * Added -Test param to make URL generation smoother in test code and to fix double / issues * [feature] More minor fixes * Https when it matters. * Expand property... not exclude.. * Remove superfluous and outdated ToString() override * [Feature] Move ClientCeret.pfx to WebListener Module * Move the cert * Adjust Get-WebListenerClientCertificate * Remove cert from csproj * ActionResult -> JsonResult (was mistakenly left as ActionResult during testing).. * [Feature] Move ServerCert.pfx to Module * Move cert * Upate csproj * Update module * Add/Update README.md's CI Retest.
2017-08-31 11:30:35 +02:00
Class WebListener
WebListener () { }
[String] GetStatus()
return $This.Job.JobStateInfo.State
function Get-WebListener
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
return [WebListener]$Script:WebListener
function Start-WebListener
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
[int]$HttpPort = 8083,
[int]$HttpsPort = 8084
$runningListener = Get-WebListener
if ($null -ne $runningListener -and $runningListener.GetStatus() -eq 'Running')
return $runningListener
$initTimeoutSeconds = 15
$appDll = 'WebListener.dll'
$serverPfx = 'ServerCert.pfx'
$serverPfxPassword = 'password'
$initCompleteMessage = 'Now listening on'
$serverPfxPath = Join-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase $serverPfx
$timeOut = (get-date).AddSeconds($initTimeoutSeconds)
$Job = Start-Job {
$path = Split-Path -parent (get-command WebListener).Path
Push-Location $path
dotnet $using:appDll $using:serverPfxPath $using:serverPfxPassword $using:HttpPort $using:HttpsPort
$Script:WebListener = [WebListener]@{
HttpPort = $HttpPort
HttpsPort = $HttpsPort
Job = $Job
# Wait until the app is running or until the initTimeoutSeconds have been reached
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
$initStatus = $Job.ChildJobs[0].Output | Out-String
$isRunning = $initStatus -match $initCompleteMessage
while (-not $isRunning -and (get-date) -lt $timeOut)
if (-not $isRunning)
$Job | Stop-Job -PassThru | Receive-Job
$Job | Remove-Job
throw 'WebListener did not start before the timeout was reached.'
return $Script:WebListener
function Stop-WebListener
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
$Script:WebListener.job | Stop-Job -PassThru | Remove-Job
$Script:WebListener = $null
function Get-WebListenerClientCertificate {
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
process {
$pfxPath = Join-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase 'ClientCert.pfx'
function Get-WebListenerUrl {
param (
Add test WebListener module and tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication (#4622) Introduce new test module 'WebListener.psm1'. Now web HTTPS tests can use it to exclude using external sites. PowerShell/PowerShell#4609 * [Feature] Add Tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication PowerShell/PowerShell#4609 * [feature] Add new app to Publish-PSTestTools refactor tests also add ASP.NET to .spelling * [feature] spelling fix * [feature] revert badssl changes * [feature] Impliment suggestions * [feature] Spelling, var rename, port 8443 to 8083 rebase fix conflict * [feature] Rename to HttpsListener and Module-ize . * [feature] password protect ClientCert to fix macOS import issue * [feature] Rename to WebListener * Rename HttpsListener to WebListener * Switch Listener from Razor pages to MVC * Address PR feedback * Adjust tests * [feature] Address PR feedback * [feature] Replace missing smeicolons * [feature] Address PR Feedback * [feature] Cleanup and minor fix * Enum was not used * GetStatus() was not accessing the correct property chain * Added -Test param to make URL generation smoother in test code and to fix double / issues * [feature] More minor fixes * Https when it matters. * Expand property... not exclude.. * Remove superfluous and outdated ToString() override * [Feature] Move ClientCeret.pfx to WebListener Module * Move the cert * Adjust Get-WebListenerClientCertificate * Remove cert from csproj * ActionResult -> JsonResult (was mistakenly left as ActionResult during testing).. * [Feature] Move ServerCert.pfx to Module * Move cert * Upate csproj * Update module * Add/Update README.md's CI Retest.
2017-08-31 11:30:35 +02:00
process {
$runningListener = Get-WebListener
if ($null -eq $runningListener -or $runningListener.GetStatus() -ne 'Running')
return $null
$Uri = [System.UriBuilder]::new()
$Uri.Host = 'localhost'
$Uri.Port = $runningListener.HttpPort
$Uri.Scheme = 'Http'
if ($Https.IsPresent)
$Uri.Port = $runningListener.HttpsPort
$Uri.Scheme = 'Https'
if ($TestValue)
$Uri.Path = '{0}/{1}' -f $Test, $TestValue
$Uri.Path = $Test
$StringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
foreach ($key in $Query.Keys)
$null = $StringBuilder.Append([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($key))
$null = $StringBuilder.Append('=')
$null = $StringBuilder.Append([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Query[$key].ToString()))
$null = $StringBuilder.Append('&')
$Uri.Query = $StringBuilder.ToString()
Add test WebListener module and tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication (#4622) Introduce new test module 'WebListener.psm1'. Now web HTTPS tests can use it to exclude using external sites. PowerShell/PowerShell#4609 * [Feature] Add Tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication PowerShell/PowerShell#4609 * [feature] Add new app to Publish-PSTestTools refactor tests also add ASP.NET to .spelling * [feature] spelling fix * [feature] revert badssl changes * [feature] Impliment suggestions * [feature] Spelling, var rename, port 8443 to 8083 rebase fix conflict * [feature] Rename to HttpsListener and Module-ize . * [feature] password protect ClientCert to fix macOS import issue * [feature] Rename to WebListener * Rename HttpsListener to WebListener * Switch Listener from Razor pages to MVC * Address PR feedback * Adjust tests * [feature] Address PR feedback * [feature] Replace missing smeicolons * [feature] Address PR Feedback * [feature] Cleanup and minor fix * Enum was not used * GetStatus() was not accessing the correct property chain * Added -Test param to make URL generation smoother in test code and to fix double / issues * [feature] More minor fixes * Https when it matters. * Expand property... not exclude.. * Remove superfluous and outdated ToString() override * [Feature] Move ClientCeret.pfx to WebListener Module * Move the cert * Adjust Get-WebListenerClientCertificate * Remove cert from csproj * ActionResult -> JsonResult (was mistakenly left as ActionResult during testing).. * [Feature] Move ServerCert.pfx to Module * Move cert * Upate csproj * Update module * Add/Update README.md's CI Retest.
2017-08-31 11:30:35 +02:00
return [Uri]$Uri.ToString()