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# Quick git-primer for sd users
There few important conceptual differences with **sd**.
This list tries to bridge the gap
* When you do `git commit` changes are stored in your local clone of the repo.
To Submit them, you need to do `git push`.
* Forks are just a way to store branches.
You can push branch to the original repo (if you have permissions) or to the fork.
There is no principal difference.
* Most of the git complications come from the fact that you need to do integrations by yourself.
The Microsoft Open Source Hub [article](https://opensourcehub.microsoft.com/articles/git-for-sd-users) for other details.
### Rosetta stone
#### Concepts
| Concept | SD termin | Git termin |
| Your local copy | enlistment | cloned repo |
| Code changes | changelist | commit |
| Way to preserve changes locally | dpk | local branch |
#### Commands
Before running a git command for the first time, try
git help <command name>
To read about flags and the overall meaning.
|Scenarios | SD command | Git commmand |
| Get the code at the first place | sd enlist | git clone |
| Sync changes | sd sync | git pull |
| Add new files | sd add | git add |
| Modify existing files | sd edit | git add |
| Remove existing files | sd delete | git rm |
| Copy/Rename files | sd branch | git mv |
| Commit to local | | git commit |
| Submit changes | sd submit | git push |
| Revert changes | sd revert | git checkout |
| Undo submitted changes | sd undo | git revert |
| Diff tool | odd | git diff |
| Clean enlistment | build nuke | git clean |