
263 lines
8.2 KiB
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# This script is used to completely rebuild the
# Requires the module dotnet.project.assets from the PowerShell Gallery authored by @TravisEz13
Import-Module dotnet.project.assets
$existingRegistrationTable = @{}
$existingRegistrationsJson = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\cgmanifest.json | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
$existingRegistrationsJson.Registrations | ForEach-Object {
$registration = [Registration]$_
$existingRegistrationTable.Add($registration.Component.Name(), $registration)
# this function wraps native command Execution
# for more information, read https://mnaoumov.wordpress.com/2015/01/11/execution-of-external-commands-in-powershell-done-right/
function script:Start-NativeExecution {
$backupEAP = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
try {
if ($VerboseOutputOnError.IsPresent) {
$output = & $sb 2>&1
} else {
& $sb
# note, if $sb doesn't have a native invocation, $LASTEXITCODE will
# point to the obsolete value
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 -and -not $IgnoreExitcode) {
if ($VerboseOutputOnError.IsPresent -and $output) {
$output | Out-String | Write-Verbose -Verbose
# Get caller location for easier debugging
$caller = Get-PSCallStack -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($caller) {
$callerLocationParts = $caller[1].Location -split ":\s*line\s*"
$callerFile = $callerLocationParts[0]
$callerLine = $callerLocationParts[1]
$errorMessage = "Execution of {$sb} by ${callerFile}: line $callerLine failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
throw $errorMessage
throw "Execution of {$sb} failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
} finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = $backupEAP
Class Registration {
Class Component {
[String] $Type
[string]ToString() {
$message = "Type: $($this.Type)"
if ($this.Type -eq "nuget") {
$message += "; $($this.Nuget)"
return $message
[string]Name() {
switch ($this.Type) {
"nuget" {
return $($this.Nuget.Name)
default {
throw "Unknown component type: $($this.Type)"
throw "How did we get here?!?"
[string]Version() {
switch ($this.Type) {
"nuget" {
return $($this.Nuget.Version)
default {
throw "Unknown component type: $($this.Type)"
throw "How did we get here?!?"
Class Nuget {
[string]ToString() {
return "$($this.Name) - $($this.Version)"
function New-NugetComponent {
$nuget = [Nuget]@{
Name = $name
Version = $version
$Component = [Component]@{
Type = "nuget"
Nuget = $nuget
$registration = [Registration]@{
Component = $Component
DevelopmentDependency = $false
return $registration
$winDesktopSdk = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop'
if (!$IsWindows) {
$winDesktopSdk = 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'
Write-Warning "Always using $winDesktopSdk since this is not windows!!!"
Function Get-CGRegistrations {
[System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, Registration]] $RegistrationTable
$newRegistrations = $Registrations
$dotnetTargetName = 'net6.0'
$dotnetTargetNameWin7 = 'net6.0-windows7.0'
$unixProjectName = 'powershell-unix'
$windowsProjectName = 'powershell-win-core'
$actualRuntime = $Runtime
switch -regex ($Runtime) {
"alpine-.*" {
$folder = $unixProjectName
$target = "$dotnetTargetName|$Runtime"
"linux-.*" {
$folder = $unixProjectName
$target = "$dotnetTargetName|$Runtime"
"osx-.*" {
$folder = $unixProjectName
$target = "$dotnetTargetName|$Runtime"
"win7-.*" {
$sdkToUse = $winDesktopSdk
$folder = $windowsProjectName
$target = "$dotnetTargetNameWin7|$Runtime"
"win-.*" {
$folder = $windowsProjectName
$target = "$dotnetTargetNameWin7|$Runtime"
"modules" {
$folder = "modules"
$actualRuntime = 'linux-x64'
$target = "$dotnetTargetName|$actualRuntime"
Default {
throw "Invalid runtime name: $Runtime"
Write-Verbose "Getting registrations for $folder - $actualRuntime ..." -Verbose
Get-PSDrive -Name $folder -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-PSDrive
Push-Location $PSScriptRoot\..\src\$folder
try {
script:Start-NativeExecution -VerboseOutputOnError -sb {
dotnet restore --runtime $actualRuntime "/property:SDKToUse=$sdkToUse"
$null = New-PADrive -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\src\$folder\obj\project.assets.json -Name $folder
try {
$targets = Get-ChildItem -Path "${folder}:/targets/$target" -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {
$_.Type -eq 'package' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'DotNetAnalyzers.DocumentationAnalyzers*' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'StyleCop*' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers*' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers*'
} | select-object -ExpandProperty name
} catch {
Get-ChildItem -Path "${folder}:/targets" | Out-String | Write-Verbose -Verbose
} finally {
Get-PSDrive -Name $folder -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-PSDrive
$targets | ForEach-Object {
$target = $_
$parts = ($target -split '\|')
$name = $parts[0]
$targetVersion = $parts[1]
$pattern = [regex]::Escape($name) + " "
$tpnMatch = select-string -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\ThirdPartyNotices.txt -Pattern $pattern
# Add the registration to the cgmanifest if the TPN does not contain the name of the target OR
# the exisitng CG contains the registration, because if the existing CG contains the registration,
# that might be the only reason it is in the TPN.
if (!$tpnMatch -or $existingRegistrationTable.ContainsKey($name)) {
if (!$RegistrationTable.ContainsKey($target)) {
$registration = New-NugetComponent -Name $name -Version $targetVersion
$RegistrationTable.Add($target, $registration)
[System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, Registration]]$registrations = @{}
$lastCount = 0
foreach ($runtime in @("win7-x64", "linux-x64", "osx-x64", "alpine-x64", "win-arm", "linux-arm", "linux-arm64", "osx-arm64", "win-arm64", "win7-x86")) {
Get-CGRegistrations -Runtime $runtime -RegistrationTable $registrations
$count = $registrations.Count
$newCount = $count - $lastCount
$lastCount = $count
Write-Verbose "$newCount new registrations, $count total..." -Verbose
$newRegistrations = @()
foreach ($target in ($registrations.Keys | Sort-Object)) {
$newRegistrations += $registrations[$target]
$count = $newRegistrations.Count
@{Registrations = $newRegistrations } | ConvertTo-Json -depth 99 | Set-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\cgmanifest.json
Write-Verbose "$count registrations created!" -Verbose