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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$repoRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..'
$script:administratorsGroupSID = "S-1-5-32-544"
$script:usersGroupSID = "S-1-5-32-545"
$dotNetPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\dotnet"
if(Test-Path $dotNetPath)
$env:PATH = $dotNetPath + ';' + $env:PATH
#import build into the global scope so it can be used by packaging
Import-Module (Join-Path $repoRoot 'build.psm1') -Scope Global
Import-Module (Join-Path $repoRoot 'tools\packaging')
function New-LocalUser
Creates a local user with the specified username and password
username Username of the user which will be created
password Password of the user which will be created
[string] $username,
[string] $password
$LocalComputer = [ADSI] "WinNT://$env:computername";
$user = $LocalComputer.Create('user', $username);
$user.SetPassword($password) | out-null;
$user.SetInfo() | out-null;
Converts SID to NT Account Name
function ConvertTo-NtAccount
[string] $sid
(new-object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($sid)).translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
Add a user to a local security group
function Add-UserToGroup
[string] $username,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "SID")]
[string] $groupSid,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Name")]
[string] $group
$userAD = [ADSI] "WinNT://$env:computername/${username},user"
if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SID")
$ntAccount=ConvertTo-NtAccount $groupSid
$group =$ntAccount.Split("\\")[1]
$groupAD = [ADSI] "WinNT://$env:computername/${group},group"
# tests if we should run a daily build
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
# returns true if the build is scheduled
# or is a pushed tag
Function Test-DailyBuild
2017-07-23 00:34:03 +02:00
$trueString = 'True'
# PS_DAILY_BUILD says that we have previously determined that this is a daily build
# APPVEYOR_SCHEDULED_BUILD is True means that we are in an AppVeyor Scheduled build
# APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME means we are building a tag in AppVeyor
# BUILD_REASON is Schedule means we are in a VSTS Scheduled build
if(($env:PS_DAILY_BUILD -eq $trueString) -or ($env:APPVEYOR_SCHEDULED_BUILD -eq $trueString) -or ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME) -or $env:BUILD_REASON -eq 'Schedule')
return $true
# if [Feature] is in the commit message,
# Run Daily tests
$commitMessage = Get-CommitMessage
Write-Verbose "commitMessage: $commitMessage" -verbose
if($commitMessage -match '\[feature\]' -or $env:FORCE_FEATURE -eq 'True')
Set-BuildVariable -Name PS_DAILY_BUILD -Value $trueString
return $true
return $false
# Returns the commit message for the current build
function Get-CommitMessage
elseif ($env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSIONMESSAGE -match 'Merge\s*([0-9A-F]*)')
# We are in VSTS and have a commit ID in the Source Version Message
$commitId = $Matches[1]
return &git log --format=%B -n 1 $commitId
# Sets a build variable
Function Set-BuildVariable
Set-AppveyorBuildVariable @PSBoundParameters
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$Name;]$Value"
# The variable will not show up until the next task.
# Setting in the current session for the same behavior as AppVeyor
Set-Item env:/$name -Value $Value
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
Set-Item env:/$name -Value $Value
# Emulates running all of AppVeyor but locally
# should not be used on AppVeyor
function Invoke-AppVeyorFull
[switch] $CleanRepo
throw "This function is to simulate appveyor, but not to be run from appveyor!"
try {
Invoke-AppVeyorTest -ErrorAction Continue
finally {
# Implements the AppVeyor 'build_script' step
function Invoke-AppVeyorBuild
$releaseTag = Get-ReleaseTag
# check to be sure our test tags are correct
$result = Get-PesterTag
if ( $result.Result -ne "Pass" ) {
throw "Tags must be CI, Feature, Scenario, or Slow"
Add OpenCover PS Module to collect code coverage (#2585) * Add OpenCover PS Module to collect code coverage OpenCover PS Module helps is collecting Code Coverage using the OpenCover toolset. The module helps in comparing two code coverage runs as well. * Change OpenCover.psd1 to ASCII * Fix an error in path for OpenCover Fixed an error on path for OpenCover. Also used ZipFile class instead of cmdlet as it might not be available on CI system. * Convert module to be Powershell v4 compliant Changed implementation from classes to PSObjects and implemented Expand-ZipArchive. * Added CodeCoverage as a configuration to project.json files Added CodeCoverage as the new configuration for all the project.json files. When Start-PSBuild is executed with configuration as CodeCoverage, we change the degubType to 'full' as required by OpenCover toolset. Also made changes to appveyor.psm1 to build a CodeCoverage package on daily builds and publish it as a zip. * Addressed code review comments Changed from Add-Member to use pscustomobject type accelator. Removed [gc]::collect. * Added explicit garbage collection * Addressed code review comments - Make sure that the build Start-PSPackage gets is not a code coverage build - Add debugType = full for FullCLR - Remove configurations from PackageManagement files as it is not needed. - Build CodeCoverage build first in AppVeyor. * Resolve merge conflict * Fix indentation * Fix newline at end of file * Added command discovery for locating OpenCover.console.exe
2016-11-11 20:12:07 +01:00
Start-PSBuild -Configuration 'CodeCoverage' -PSModuleRestore -CI -ReleaseTag $releaseTag
Add OpenCover PS Module to collect code coverage (#2585) * Add OpenCover PS Module to collect code coverage OpenCover PS Module helps is collecting Code Coverage using the OpenCover toolset. The module helps in comparing two code coverage runs as well. * Change OpenCover.psd1 to ASCII * Fix an error in path for OpenCover Fixed an error on path for OpenCover. Also used ZipFile class instead of cmdlet as it might not be available on CI system. * Convert module to be Powershell v4 compliant Changed implementation from classes to PSObjects and implemented Expand-ZipArchive. * Added CodeCoverage as a configuration to project.json files Added CodeCoverage as the new configuration for all the project.json files. When Start-PSBuild is executed with configuration as CodeCoverage, we change the degubType to 'full' as required by OpenCover toolset. Also made changes to appveyor.psm1 to build a CodeCoverage package on daily builds and publish it as a zip. * Addressed code review comments Changed from Add-Member to use pscustomobject type accelator. Removed [gc]::collect. * Added explicit garbage collection * Addressed code review comments - Make sure that the build Start-PSPackage gets is not a code coverage build - Add debugType = full for FullCLR - Remove configurations from PackageManagement files as it is not needed. - Build CodeCoverage build first in AppVeyor. * Resolve merge conflict * Fix indentation * Fix newline at end of file * Added command discovery for locating OpenCover.console.exe
2016-11-11 20:12:07 +01:00
Start-PSBuild -CrossGen -PSModuleRestore -Configuration 'Release' -CI -ReleaseTag $releaseTag
# Implements the AppVeyor 'install' step
function Invoke-AppVeyorInstall
# Make sure we have all the tags
Sync-PSTags -AddRemoteIfMissing
$releaseTag = Get-ReleaseTag
Update-AppveyorBuild -Version $releaseTag
$buildName = "[Daily]"
# Add daily to title if it's not already there
# It can be there already for rerun requests
elseif($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE -notmatch '^\[Daily\].*$')
Update-AppveyorBuild -message $buildName
elseif ($env:BUILD_REASON -eq 'Schedule') {
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]Daily-$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME-$env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION-$((get-date).ToString("yyyyMMddhhss"))"
if ($env:APPVEYOR -or $env:TF_BUILD)
# Generate new credential for appveyor (only) remoting tests.
Write-Verbose "Creating account for remoting tests in AppVeyor."
# Password
$randomObj = [System.Random]::new()
$password = ""
1..(Get-Random -Minimum 15 -Maximum 126) | ForEach-Object { $password = $password + [char]$randomObj.next(45,126) }
# Account
$userName = 'appVeyorRemote'
New-LocalUser -username $userName -password $password
Add-UserToGroup -username $userName -groupSid $script:administratorsGroupSID
# Provide credentials globally for remote tests.
$ss = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$appveyorRemoteCredential = [PSCredential]::new("$env:COMPUTERNAME\$userName", $ss)
$appveyorRemoteCredential | Export-Clixml -Path "$env:TEMP\AppVeyorRemoteCred.xml" -Force
# Check that LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy policy is set, since it is needed for remoting
# using above local admin account.
Write-Verbose "Checking for LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy in AppVeyor."
$haveLocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy = $false
$haveLocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy = ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy) -eq 1)
catch { }
if (!$haveLocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy)
Write-Verbose "Setting the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy for remoting tests"
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Value 1
Set-BuildVariable -Name TestPassed -Value False
Start-PSBootstrap -Confirm:$false
# A wrapper to ensure that we upload test results
# and that if we are not able to that it does not fail
# the CI build
function Update-AppVeyorTestResults
[string] $resultsFile
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
$retryCount = 0
$pushedResults = $false
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
$pushedArtifacts = $false
while( (!$pushedResults -or !$pushedResults) -and $retryCount -lt 3)
if($retryCount -gt 0)
Write-Verbose "Retrying updating test artifacts..."
$resolvedResultsPath = (Resolve-Path $resultsFile)
try {
(New-Object 'System.Net.WebClient').UploadFile("https://ci.appveyor.com/api/testresults/nunit/$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", $resolvedResultsPath)
$pushedResults = $true
catch {
Write-Warning "Pushing test result failed..."
try {
Push-AppveyorArtifact $resolvedResultsPath
$pushedArtifacts = $true
catch {
Write-Warning "Pushing test Artifact failed..."
if(!$pushedResults -or !$pushedResults)
Write-Warning "Failed to push all artifacts for $resultsFile"
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
Write-Warning "Not running in appveyor, skipping upload of test results: $resultsFile"
# Implement AppVeyor 'Test_script'
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
function Invoke-AppVeyorTest
[ValidateSet('UnelevatedPesterTests', 'ElevatedPesterTests_xUnit_Packaging')]
[string] $Purpose
# CoreCLR
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
$env:CoreOutput = Split-Path -Parent (Get-PSOutput -Options (Get-PSOptions))
Write-Host -Foreground Green 'Run CoreCLR tests'
$testResultsNonAdminFile = "$pwd\TestsResultsNonAdmin.xml"
$testResultsAdminFile = "$pwd\TestsResultsAdmin.xml"
$SequentialXUnitTestResultsFile = "$pwd\SequentialXUnitTestResults.xml"
$ParallelXUnitTestResultsFile = "$pwd\ParallelXUnitTestResults.xml"
if(!(Test-Path "$env:CoreOutput\pwsh.exe"))
throw "CoreCLR pwsh.exe was not built"
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
# Pester doesn't allow Invoke-Pester -TagAll@('CI', 'RequireAdminOnWindows') currently
# https://github.com/pester/Pester/issues/608
# To work-around it, we exlude all categories, but 'CI' from the list
if (Test-DailyBuild) {
$ExcludeTag = @()
Write-Host -Foreground Green 'Running all CoreCLR tests..'
else {
$ExcludeTag = @('Slow', 'Feature', 'Scenario')
Write-Host -Foreground Green 'Running "CI" CoreCLR tests..'
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
# Get the experimental feature names and the tests associated with them
$ExperimentalFeatureTests = Get-ExperimentalFeatureTests
if ($Purpose -eq 'UnelevatedPesterTests') {
$arguments = @{
Bindir = $env:CoreOutput
OutputFile = $testResultsNonAdminFile
Unelevate = $true
Terse = $true
Tag = @()
ExcludeTag = $ExcludeTag + 'RequireAdminOnWindows'
Start-PSPester @arguments -Title 'Pester Unelevated'
Write-Host -Foreground Green 'Upload CoreCLR Non-Admin test results'
Update-AppVeyorTestResults -resultsFile $testResultsNonAdminFile
# Fail the build, if tests failed
Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $testResultsNonAdminFile
# Run tests with specified experimental features enabled
foreach ($entry in $ExperimentalFeatureTests.GetEnumerator()) {
$featureName = $entry.Key
$testFiles = $entry.Value
$expFeatureTestResultFile = "$pwd\TestsResultsNonAdmin.$featureName.xml"
$arguments['OutputFile'] = $expFeatureTestResultFile
$arguments['ExperimentalFeatureName'] = $featureName
if ($testFiles.Count -eq 0) {
# If an empty array is specified for the feature name, we run all tests with the feature enabled.
# This allows us to prevent regressions to a critical engine experimental feature.
} else {
# If a non-empty string or array is specified for the feature name, we only run those test files.
$arguments['Path'] = $testFiles
Start-PSPester @arguments -Title "Pester Experimental Unelevated - $featureName"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Upload CoreCLR Non-Admin test results for experimental feature '$featureName'"
Update-AppVeyorTestResults -resultsFile $expFeatureTestResultFile
# Fail the build, if tests failed
Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $expFeatureTestResultFile
if ($Purpose -eq 'ElevatedPesterTests_xUnit_Packaging') {
$arguments = @{
Terse = $true
Bindir = $env:CoreOutput
OutputFile = $testResultsAdminFile
Tag = @('RequireAdminOnWindows')
ExcludeTag = $ExcludeTag
Start-PSPester @arguments -Title 'Pester Elevated'
Write-Host -Foreground Green 'Upload CoreCLR Admin test results'
Update-AppVeyorTestResults -resultsFile $testResultsAdminFile
Start-PSxUnit -SequentialTestResultsFile $SequentialXUnitTestResultsFile -ParallelTestResultsFile $ParallelXUnitTestResultsFile
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green 'Uploading PSxUnit test results'
Update-AppVeyorTestResults -resultsFile $SequentialXUnitTestResultsFile
Update-AppVeyorTestResults -resultsFile $ParallelXUnitTestResultsFile
# Fail the build, if tests failed
Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $testResultsAdminFile
) | ForEach-Object {
Test-XUnitTestResults -TestResultsFile $_
# Run tests with specified experimental features enabled
foreach ($entry in $ExperimentalFeatureTests.GetEnumerator()) {
$featureName = $entry.Key
$testFiles = $entry.Value
$expFeatureTestResultFile = "$pwd\TestsResultsAdmin.$featureName.xml"
$arguments['OutputFile'] = $expFeatureTestResultFile
$arguments['ExperimentalFeatureName'] = $featureName
if ($testFiles.Count -eq 0) {
# If an empty array is specified for the feature name, we run all tests with the feature enabled.
# This allows us to prevent regressions to a critical engine experimental feature.
} else {
# If a non-empty string or array is specified for the feature name, we only run those test files.
$arguments['Path'] = $testFiles
Start-PSPester @arguments -Title "Pester Experimental Elevated - $featureName"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Upload CoreCLR Admin test results for experimental feature '$featureName'"
Update-AppVeyorTestResults -resultsFile $expFeatureTestResultFile
# Fail the build, if tests failed
Test-PSPesterResults -TestResultsFile $expFeatureTestResultFile
Set-BuildVariable -Name TestPassed -Value True
#Implement AppVeyor 'after_test' phase
function Invoke-AppVeyorAfterTest
if (Test-DailyBuild)
## Publish code coverage build, tests and OpenCover module to artifacts, so webhook has the information.
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
## Build webhook is called after 'after_test' phase, hence we need to do this here and not in AppveyorFinish.
$codeCoverageOutput = Split-Path -Parent (Get-PSOutput -Options (New-PSOptions -Configuration CodeCoverage))
$codeCoverageArtifacts = Compress-CoverageArtifacts -CodeCoverageOutput $codeCoverageOutput
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green 'Upload CodeCoverage artifacts'
$codeCoverageArtifacts | ForEach-Object {
Push-Artifact -Path $_
# Wrapper to push artifact
function Push-Artifact
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})]
Push-AppveyorArtifact $Path
elseif ($env:TF_BUILD -and $env:BUILD_REASON -ne 'PullRequest') {
Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=artifacts;artifactname=artifacts;]$Path"
function Compress-CoverageArtifacts
param([string] $CodeCoverageOutput)
# Create archive for test content, OpenCover module and CodeCoverage build
$artifacts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$zipTestContentPath = Join-Path $pwd 'tests.zip'
Compress-TestContent -Destination $zipTestContentPath
$null = $artifacts.Add($zipTestContentPath)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$resolvedPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath((Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..\test\tools\OpenCover'))
$zipOpenCoverPath = Join-Path $pwd 'OpenCover.zip'
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($resolvedPath, $zipOpenCoverPath)
$null = $artifacts.Add($zipOpenCoverPath)
$zipCodeCoveragePath = Join-Path $pwd "CodeCoverage.zip"
Write-Verbose "Zipping ${CodeCoverageOutput} into $zipCodeCoveragePath" -verbose
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($CodeCoverageOutput, $zipCodeCoveragePath)
$null = $artifacts.Add($zipCodeCoveragePath)
return $artifacts
function Get-ReleaseTag
$metaDataPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'metadata.json'
$metaData = Get-Content $metaDataPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$releaseTag = $metadata.PreviewReleaseTag
$releaseTag = $releaseTag.split('.')[0..2] -join '.'
$releaseTag = $releaseTag + '.' + $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER
$releaseTag = $releaseTag.split('.')[0..2] -join '.'
$releaseTag = $releaseTag + '.' + $env:BUILD_BUILID
return $releaseTag
# Implements AppVeyor 'on_finish' step
function Invoke-AppveyorFinish
try {
$releaseTag = Get-ReleaseTag
# Build clean before backing to remove files from testing
Start-PSBuild -CrossGen -PSModuleRestore -Configuration 'Release' -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -Clean
# Build packages
$packages = Start-PSPackage -Type msi,nupkg,zip -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -SkipReleaseChecks
$artifacts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($package in $packages) {
if($package -is [string])
$null = $artifacts.Add($package)
elseif($package -is [pscustomobject] -and $package.msi)
$null = $artifacts.Add($package.msi)
$null = $artifacts.Add($package.wixpdb)
$preReleaseVersion = $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME
$previewVersion = $releaseTag.Split('-')
$previewPrefix = $previewVersion[0]
$previewLabel = $previewVersion[1].replace('.','')
$previewLabel= "daily{0}" -f $previewLabel
if ($env:TF_BUILD)
$preReleaseVersion = "$previewPrefix-$previewLabel.$env:BUILD_BUILDID"
$preReleaseVersion = "$previewPrefix-$previewLabel.$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER"
# the packaging tests find the MSI package using env:PSMsiX64Path
$env:PSMsiX64Path = $artifacts | Where-Object { $_.EndsWith(".msi")}
# Install the latest Pester and import it
Install-Module Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
Import-Module Pester -Force
# start the packaging tests and get the results
$packagingTestResult = Invoke-Pester -Script (Join-Path $repoRoot '.\test\packaging\windows\') -PassThru
# fail the CI job if the tests failed, or nothing passed
if($packagingTestResult.FailedCount -ne 0 -or !$packagingTestResult.PassedCount)
throw "Packaging tests failed ($($packagingTestResult.FailedCount) failed/$($packagingTestResult.PassedCount) passed)"
# only publish assembly nuget packages if it is a daily build and tests passed
if((Test-DailyBuild) -and $env:TestPassed -eq 'True')
Publish-NuGetFeed -OutputPath .\nuget-artifacts -ReleaseTag $preReleaseVersion
$nugetArtifacts = Get-ChildItem .\nuget-artifacts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
if (Test-DailyBuild)
# produce win-arm and win-arm64 packages if it is a daily build
Start-PSBuild -Restore -Runtime win-arm -PSModuleRestore -Configuration 'Release' -ReleaseTag $releaseTag
$arm32Package = Start-PSPackage -Type zip -WindowsRuntime win-arm -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -SkipReleaseChecks
Start-PSBuild -Restore -Runtime win-arm64 -PSModuleRestore -Configuration 'Release' -ReleaseTag $releaseTag
$arm64Package = Start-PSPackage -Type zip -WindowsRuntime win-arm64 -ReleaseTag $releaseTag -SkipReleaseChecks
$pushedAllArtifacts = $true
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
$artifacts | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Pushing $_ as Appveyor artifact"
if(Test-Path $_)
Push-Artifact -Path $_
$pushedAllArtifacts = $false
Write-Warning "Artifact $_ does not exist."
if($env:NUGET_KEY -and $env:NUGET_URL -and [system.io.path]::GetExtension($_) -ieq '.nupkg')
Write-Log "pushing $_ to $env:NUGET_URL"
Start-NativeExecution -sb {dotnet nuget push $_ --api-key $env:NUGET_KEY --source "$env:NUGET_URL/api/v2/package"} -IgnoreExitcode
throw "Some artifacts did not exist!"
2017-01-16 22:31:14 +01:00
catch {
Write-Host -Foreground Red $_
Write-Host -Foreground Red $_.ScriptStackTrace
throw $_