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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Get-ExperimentalFeature basic tests - Feature-Disabled" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$skipTest = $EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Contains('ExpTest.FeatureOne')
if ($skipTest) {
Write-Verbose "Test Suite Skipped. The test suite requires the experimental feature 'ExpTest.FeatureOne' to be disabled." -Verbose
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
} else {
Remove-Module -Name ExpTest -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$testModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "assets"
$testModuleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path $testModulePath "ExpTest" "ExpTest.psd1"
$originalModulePath = $env:PSModulePath
$env:PSModulePath = $testModulePath
AfterAll {
if ($skipTest) {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
} else {
$env:PSModulePath = $originalModulePath
It "'Get-ExperimentalFeature' should only return enabled features" {
$EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Count | Should -Be 0
Get-ExperimentalFeature | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "'Get-ExperimentalFeature -ListAvailable' should return all available features from module path" {
$features = Get-ExperimentalFeature "ExpTest*" -ListAvailable
$features | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$features[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureOne"
$features[0].Enabled | Should -Be $false
$features[0].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
$features[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureTwo"
$features[1].Enabled | Should -Be $false
$features[1].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
It "'Get-ExperimentalFeature -ListAvailable' pipeline input" {
$features = "ExpTest.FeatureOne", "ExpTest.FeatureTwo" | Get-ExperimentalFeature -ListAvailable
$features | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$features[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureOne"
$features[0].Enabled | Should -Be $false
$features[0].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
$features[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureTwo"
$features[1].Enabled | Should -Be $false
$features[1].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
Describe "Get-ExperimentalFeature basic tests - Feature-Enabled" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$skipTest = -not $EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Contains('ExpTest.FeatureOne')
if ($skipTest) {
Write-Verbose "Test Suite Skipped. The test suite requires the experimental feature 'ExpTest.FeatureOne' to be enabled." -Verbose
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
} else {
Remove-Module -Name ExpTest -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$testModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "assets"
$testModuleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path $testModulePath "ExpTest" "ExpTest.psd1"
$originalModulePath = $env:PSModulePath
$env:PSModulePath = $testModulePath
AfterAll {
if ($skipTest) {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
} else {
$env:PSModulePath = $originalModulePath
It "'Get-ExperimentalFeature' should return enabled features 'ExpTest.FeatureOne'" {
$EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Count | Should -Be 1
$feature = Get-ExperimentalFeature "ExpTest.FeatureOne"
$feature | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$feature.Enabled | Should -Be $true
$feature.Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
It "'Get-ExperimentalFeature -ListAvailable' should return all available features from module path" {
$features = Get-ExperimentalFeature "ExpTest*" -ListAvailable
$features | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$features[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureOne"
$features[0].Enabled | Should -Be $true
$features[0].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
$features[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureTwo"
$features[1].Enabled | Should -Be $false
$features[1].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
It "'Get-ExperimentalFeature -ListAvailable' pipeline input" {
$features = "ExpTest.FeatureOne", "ExpTest.FeatureTwo" | Get-ExperimentalFeature -ListAvailable
$features | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$features[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureOne"
$features[0].Enabled | Should -Be $true
$features[0].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath
$features[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "ExpTest.FeatureTwo"
$features[1].Enabled | Should -Be $false
$features[1].Source | Should -BeExactly $testModuleManifestPath